#fish aquarium near me
ksrglobalaquarium · 9 days
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"Why Aquariums Benefit Your Mood and Health | KSR Global Aquarium'
With KSR Global Aquarium, you can learn how aquariums can help improve your mental health and mood. Fish can reduce stress and improve mental health when kept in a calming environment in the home or office. Here are some reasons why owning an aquarium can be beneficial to your health. Get more details, contact or visit us online today!
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ainawgsd · 1 year
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Love the colors he reflects.
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eatyourdamnpears · 7 months
I’m gonna go see fishies today
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guy who has a ton of fish ocs: Im scared of fish
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databent · 4 months
siiiiighs. curse of everything costs money all the time
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
I wish I was a fucked up sea creature I wish some poor scientist was digging me up from under a rock like yeah by all rights this thing should not be able to function WHAT is going on here
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nice-betta-thailand · 3 months
Best plants for betta fish aquarium
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ujjalshoby · 7 months
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s2vmarinelife-2023 · 10 months
Best Aquarium Filter
Best Aquarium Filter: Enhancing Your Marine Life's Health and Beauty
Ensuring Clean Water for Your Aquatic Friends
Having a thriving aquarium with vibrant marine life requires more than just setting up a tank and adding water. One of the most crucial components for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment is the choice of the best aquarium filter. A high-quality aquarium filter not only keeps the water clean but also ensures the well-being and longevity of your underwater companions.
The Role of Aquarium Filters
Aquarium filters play a pivotal role in maintaining a clean and healthy aquatic environment. They remove impurities, toxins, and debris from the water, imitating the natural filtration processes that occur in oceans and rivers. By keeping the water quality optimal, aquarium filters create a comfortable and thriving habitat for your marine creatures.
Types of Aquarium Filters HOB Filters (Hang-On-Back Filters)
HOB filters are popular among beginners due to their simple installation and maintenance. They hang on the back of the aquarium, drawing water through a mechanical filter to trap debris and particles.
Canister Filters
Canister filters offer superior filtration for larger tanks. They operate by forcing water through various filter media, providing efficient mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration.
Sponge Filters
Sponge filters are gentle and ideal for tanks with fry or small, delicate species. They function through air-driven circulation, promoting biological filtration by cultivating beneficial bacteria.
Undergravel Filters
These filters are placed beneath the substrate, using uplift tubes to create water flow. While they offer biological filtration, they may require regular maintenance to prevent clogging.
Biological Filters
Biological filters are essential for establishing a healthy nitrogen cycle. They consist of porous materials where beneficial bacteria thrive, converting toxic ammonia into less harmful substances.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Aquarium Filter
Tank Size and Volume
The filter's capacity should match the tank's volume to ensure effective filtration. An undersized filter can lead to poor water quality and stressed marine life.
Filtration Mechanisms
Consider a filter that offers mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration for comprehensive water purification. Each mechanism targets different impurities, ensuring a well-balanced ecosystem.
Maintenance and Ease of Use
Regular maintenance is vital for filter longevity. Opt for a filter with accessible parts, easy-to-change media, and clear instructions for hassle-free upkeep.
The Importance of Filtration in Marine Life Health
Nitrogen Cycle and Water Purification
Aquarium filters play a key role in the nitrogen cycle, which converts ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate. This cycle helps maintain safe ammonia levels, preventing harm to your marine inhabitants.
Removal of Debris and Toxins
Filters remove uneaten food, waste, and other debris that can deteriorate water quality. They also eliminate harmful chemicals, such as excess nitrate and phosphate.
Setting Up Your Aquarium Filter
Installation Steps
1. Rinse the filter media to remove excess dust.
2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembly.
3. Place the filter in the designated spot on your aquarium.
Proper Placement
Position the filter where water flow is evenly distributed throughout the tank. Avoid strong currents that may stress your marine life.
Regular Maintenance of Your Aquarium Filter
Cleaning Schedule
Create a cleaning routine that includes rinsing mechanical media and replacing chemical media as needed. Regularly check for clogs and signs of wear.
Replacing Filter Media
Change filter media gradually to avoid disrupting the nitrogen cycle. Monitor water parameters after media changes to ensure stability.
Troubleshooting Common Filter Issues
Low Flow Rate
Low flow may indicate a clog in the filter media. Clean or replace the media to restore proper water circulation.
Noisy Operation
A noisy filter could result from air trapped in the system. Ensure all connections are secure and the filter is properly primed.
Leakage Problems
Inspect O-rings and seals for damage. Lubricate them with aquarium-safe silicone if necessary.
Enhancing Filtration with Additional Strategies
Live Plants as Natural Filters
Live aquatic plants absorb nutrients that contribute to algae growth, providing a natural form of filtration.
Beneficial Bacteria Boosters
Supplement your filter with beneficial bacteria products to boost biological filtration and maintain water clarity.
Advanced Filtration Techniques for Large Aquariums
Protein Skimmers
Protein skimmers remove organic compounds that contribute to water cloudiness. They are particularly beneficial for saltwater aquariums.
Fluidized Bed Filters
These filters fluidize fine sand or another media to create a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria, enhancing biological filtration.
Conclusion: Investing in the Well-Being of Your Marine Life
Choosing the best aquarium filter is a crucial investment in the health and vibrancy of your marine habitat. Proper filtration ensures clear water, a balanced ecosystem, and happy aquatic inhabitants. By considering factors such as tank size, filtration mechanisms, and maintenance needs, you can create a thriving underwater world for your marine companions.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How often should I clean my aquarium filter?
A: It's recommended to clean the filter media as part of your regular maintenance routine, which is typically every 2-4 weeks.
Q: Can I use multiple types of filters in one aquarium?
A: Yes, combining different filter types can provide enhanced filtration. Just ensure they complement each other without causing excessive water flow.
Q: Do I need a filter for a small aquarium with few fish?
A: Yes, even small aquariums benefit from filtration to maintain water quality and prevent waste buildup.
Q: Are UV sterilizers a replacement for filters?
A: No, UV sterilizers primarily target microorganisms. They can be used alongside filters for comprehensive water treatment.
Q: How do I know if my filter is the right size for my tank?
A: Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines, which often provide recommendations based on tank volume and inhabitants.
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ksrglobalaquarium · 9 days
"Why Aquariums Are Good for Your Health and Mood | KSR Global Aquarium"
Find out how aquariums can benefit your mental health and mood with KSR Global Aquarium. Creating a calming environment in the home or office by watching fish can reduce stress and improve mental health. Here are some reasons why owning an aquarium can be beneficial to your health. Get to know more, contact or visit us online today!
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arodykeism · 1 year
its so cool how lucky i am
#bonk.txt#there are so many things about my life that are completely out of my control#simply because im only 18 so i have no choice but to stick with whatever my mom wants#but also i havent had rude customers at work yet n all my coworkers are so nice n i get paid like two dollars more than minimum wage#in my state so i can just like do shit now ive got money n no bills to deal with yet cause again im just 18#n i can just like do stuff cause there isnt much i want to do n the stuff i do want to do is relatively cheap#im going to the aquarium this week just cause i can the price of admission for the one near me isnt that high#n cause im going by myself i can just take as long as i like looking at stuff n soaking in the atmosphere#like yeah i still cant get a souvenir from the gift shop cause shits still expensive but wow i can just fucking go to the aquarium now#truly i can just do shit now with the limitations of i dont wanna spend more than like 50 dollars per paycheck#cause im saving up to change my name n i wanna be sure i can cover all the expenses but wow i can just do things now#i am probably gonna have to start like buying my own groceries n stuff in like a month or so but for now i dont have to#n can just use like 20 something bucks to go stare at a shark tank for three hours just cause i want to#idk everything kind of like sucks rn n will suck again but also i am just lucky n enjoying the mundane gift of being alive rn#free equivalent of the aquarium is going to the petstore after work n looking at the fishes while i wait for my mom to pick me up#cause i cant drive by myself n will probably not be able to own a car until im like 26 or something#n that is exhilarating in its own way
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s2vmarinelife1 · 1 year
What's The Best Aquarium Filter For My Fish Tank?
When setting up a fish tank, one of the most crucial components you'll need is an aquarium filter. A good filter ensures the water in your tank remains clean and healthy for your fish. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best aquarium filter for your fish tank? In this article, we'll explore different types of aquarium filters and discuss important factors to consider when making your selection.
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Understanding Aquarium Filtration
Before diving into the specifics, it's essential to understand the purpose of aquarium filtration. Filtration plays a vital role in maintaining water quality by removing waste, chemicals, and excess nutrients from the tank. It helps to create a stable and balanced environment for your fish, promoting their overall health and well-being.
Importance of Choosing the Right Aquarium Filter
Selecting the right aquarium filter is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures the removal of harmful substances that can harm your fish. Secondly, it helps maintain water clarity, preventing the build-up of debris and algae. Lastly, a proper filter supports the nitrogen cycle in the tank, where beneficial bacteria break down toxic ammonia into less harmful substances.
Types of Aquarium Filters
Undergravel Filters
Undergravel filters are placed beneath the gravel substrate in your tank. They work by pulling water through the gravel, where beneficial bacteria colonize and break down waste products. Undergravel filters are affordable and efficient for small tanks but may not be suitable for heavily stocked aquariums.
Canister Filters
Canister filters are external filters that provide excellent mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration. They consist of a canister filled with filter media and a water pump to circulate water. Canister filters are known for their high filtration capacity and are ideal for larger tanks with a significant fish population.
Hang-On-Back (HOB) Filters
HOB filters are easy to install and are suitable for both small and large aquariums. These filters hang on the back of the tank and draw water through a cartridge or filter media, providing mechanical and biological filtration. HOB filters are compact, affordable, and offer efficient water circulation.
Sponge Filters
Sponge filters are air-driven filters that use a sponge as the primary filtration media. They provide gentle filtration and are suitable for breeding tanks or tanks with delicate fish species. Sponge filters are affordable, easy to maintain, and provide a surface for beneficial bacteria to thrive.
Internal Filters
Internal filters are compact filters that are fully submerged in the aquarium. They offer mechanical and biological filtration and are suitable for smaller tanks or as supplemental filtration in larger setups. Internal filters are easy to install, affordable, and provide adequate water circulation.
Wet/Dry Filters
Wet/Dry filters, also known as trickle filters, offer excellent biological filtration by exposing the water to the air. They consist of a chamber filled with filter media and a drip tray where water trickles down. Wet/Dry filters are ideal for larger tanks with a high bio-load, as they provide ample oxygenation and support beneficial bacteria growth.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Aquarium Filter
When selecting the best aquarium filter for your fish tank, keep the following factors in mind:
Tank Size and Capacity: Consider the size and capacity of your tank, as different filters are designed for specific volumes of water.
Filtration Capacity: Evaluate the filtration capacity of the filter, ensuring it can handle the waste produced by your fish.
Maintenance Requirements: Assess the maintenance needs of the filter, including cleaning and replacement of filter media.
Noise Level: Consider the noise level of the filter, especially if you have the tank in a quiet environment.
Cost: Determine your budget and find a filter that offers the best value for your money.
Making the Best Choice for Your Fish Tank
To choose the best aquarium filter for your fish tank, consider the factors mentioned above and match them to your specific requirements. It's important to find a filter that suits your tank size, filtration needs, and budget. Consult with knowledgeable aquarium experts or do thorough research before making a final decision.
Selecting the right aquarium filter is crucial for maintaining a healthy and thriving fish tank. By understanding the different types of filters available and considering factors such as tank size, filtration capacity, and maintenance requirements, you can make an informed decision. Remember to prioritize the well-being of your fish when choosing the best aquarium filter for fish tank.
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temiizpalace · 3 months
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SUMMARY: taking your mer-boyfriend on an aquarium date, only to find out he’s jealous.. of a fish.
CHARACTERS: octavinelle
GENRE: fluff, crackfic(?)
WARNINGS: feeling unable to breathe in jade’s part, but nothing dire or life threatening
reader is g/n, if you squint reader is yuu in floyd’s
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“azul, look!”
you enthusiastically pointed to a school of beautiful fish swimming by, their scales glowing in the soft light shined into the tank. azul was expressionless watching all the fishes swim by, not understanding your amazement by them.
“mm.” he hums, looking void of any emotion. you had bought tickets to the aquarium to take him on a cute little date together, but he doesn’t seem as nearly excited as you are. “is something wrong?” you ask, your voice laced with concern.
azul’s expression changes, doing his best to reassure you. “n-no! nothing’s wrong at all! i was just.. thinking about something.” he stumbles over his words, his body language telling you he’s trying to hide something. nonetheless, you slowly nod before looking back at the tank with the sea creatures.
in the corner, near the sunken ship prop, you catch a glimpse of a tentacle sticking out from the treasure chest. “did you see that?” you ask azul, narrowing your eyes to catch the cephalopod hidden inside. “see what?” he questions before feeling a grip on his wrist, getting dragged towards the pirate ship.
you stare at the treasure chest before seeing an octopus spring from the inside. admittedly, it was a little disturbing to look at, but beautiful all the same. it’s tentacles swayed in the water, leaving you to watch in awe. “beautiful..” you exclaim as the octopus swims by you both, causing azul to roll his eyes.
“i could’ve shown you this firsthand without some tank..” he mutters, gritting his teeth as the octopus swings by again. “i think we should go.” he grunts, tugging your hand. “what? azul—“ before even getting to finish your sentence, he takes you to the nearby café.
“what’s this about, azul?” you sigh, clearly sensing something wrong. he turns away, afraid to make eye contact with you. “it was nothing.” he shrugs, taking a seat at a nearby table. “it’s obviously something! cmon, what’s bothering you?” you sit down with him, putting his hand gently in yours.
“please? what’s wrong?” being even a little sweet was enough for him to cave in. he’s just a big sucker for you, he can’t help it. “it’s just.. if you wanted to see creatures of the sea.. you could’ve asked me..” he mumbles, his face turning slightly red.
his little remark was all you needed to understand the situation. “azul.. were you jealous of the sea animals?” you chuckle, seeing his eyes widen. “t-that’s ridiculous! me? jealous of a few fish?” you squeeze his hand a little, his breath hitching slightly. he nodded slowly, confirming your suspicions.
you laugh, leaving him to cover his face with his hand. “i’m not going to leave for for a couple of fish, azul!” you smile, kissing the back of his hand. he stutters, unused to this fuzzy feeling. “sorry.. did you still want to look at the other tanks?” he awkwardly suggests, getting up from his seat.
“i’d love to.” you lovingly replied, following him as he led you to the next exhibit.
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“jade, i can’t see the fish..”
you grunt, the only thing in your view being jade’s back. “is that so? what a shame.. they’re so pretty too.” he smiled, but his eyes told a different story. he stared daggers into those fish, causing them to swim away from him.
you groan, trying to push him out of the way. he didn’t budge, not even a little. jade chuckles at your futile attempts, making you frustrated. all you wanted was a nice aquarium date with your boyfriend, but after looking at a couple of fish, he blocked your way!
“aren’t these fish just enchanting?” he states in a mocking tone, causing your eyebrow to raise. “jade, is something bothering you?” he chuckles, turning to face you. “nothing is wrong, my pearl. I’m just enjoying the aquarium like everyone else.”
“something is obviously bothering you!” you protest, crossing your arms angrily. he didn’t even let you LOOK at the fish, so clearly something was wrong. you sighed, massaging your temple. “let’s just go to another exhibit.” you walked to another part of the aquarium, jade following not far behind.
closing in on the tank, you made a run for it. you had to ensure that a certain someone was going to block your vision as soon as you arrived. the creatures inside danced in the water, their fins wavering in mesmerizing ways. in the rocks, you spot an eel hiding off to the side. eels were always fascinating creatures.. trust me, you know.
you stare at the tank, much to your boyfriends dismay. jade stands beside you, his eye twitching as a school of fish swiftly swim by. your eyes lit up at the breathtaking sight, unable to utter the emotions you felt in this moment. “..my pearl, could you please follow me?” he asks, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently.
hearing his voice made you snap out of it, hesitantly nodding as he leads you away. you both walk out of the aquarium, leaving a puzzled expression on your face. “jade, where are we going?” he smiles before turning the corner, presenting a secluded area of the beach. “trust me, my love.” he hums, rummaging through his bag for a special something.
he pulls out a bottle and hands it to you. “i haven’t seen you drink any water all day,” he sighs, shaking his head disapprovingly. “please, drink up.” you smelt something fishy, and it wasn’t the ocean. nonetheless, he was right. maybe he was being a kind boyfriend and was just looking out for you. you took a couple sips of the water inside the bottle, feeling refreshed right after.
you noticed jade putting his bag aside on a nearby rock before removing his jacket. immediately, you knew what this meant. suddenly, the ability to breathe became difficult. your throat felt like it was drying up and your lungs were caving in.
he came over to you, held you close, and jumped into the water with you in his arms. you gasped for air, feeling relieved as your lungs began to function properly. “JADE.” you angrily yell, “I COULD HAVE CHOKED!” he caresses your face before cupping your cheeks. “i apologize, my love. i forgot to account the side effects of the potion.”
“why did you..?” you look around to see yourself surrounded by a coral reef, fish swimming right past you. “i believe you should’ve seen this firsthand, without some glass in the way.” he chuckles, leaving you starstruck. “that eel was quite distracting from the fish.. truly taking away from the experience.” he pouts, making you think.
“were you jealous of an eel?” you ask. “quite. it truly hurt my feelings to see my pearl allured to another.” he sniffles, wiping away his “tears.” you can’t help but laugh a little, seeing as he did something so immature. “then we should make the most of this.” you take his hand and pull him towards another part of the reef.
“if you insist. please, do be gentle with me.”
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“i’m waaayyy cooler than those fish.”
floyd pouts, glaring at any creature that dares to swim by you. he draped himself over you, keeping stuck in place. you try your best to annoying your clingy and clearly jealous boyfriend to enjoy the sights of the sea, but he just won’t shut up.
“psst.. shrimpyyy.” floyd whines, poking your shoulder. you groan before responding agitatedly, tired of the constant complaining as if he was a little kid. “what is it?” “why aren’t ya looking at me..” your eyebrow twitches as he asks, your knuckles turning white as you clenched your hand into a fist.
normally things like this wouldn’t be too annoying, but you spent good money on these tickets so his ass better enjoy this. “because I’m looking at the fish..” you retort, taking deep breaths in and out to control your temper. he scoffs, suddenly going quiet.
though the silence worries you, your attention gets averted to the glimmering school of fish passing by, entrancing you to stay for longer. an abrupt tap on your shoulder startles you and breaks your focus. “which ones your favorite?” floyd calmly asked, tilting his head.
while floyd does go through his mood swings, it surprised you to see him so suddenly calm. “probably that one near the edge. it’s just oddly alluring, yknow?” he nods and walks off, further confusing you with the sudden switch in behavior. he goes behind a staff only door alarming you and causing you to pick up the pace.
“FLOYD! YOU CAN’T GO BACK THERE!” you yelled out to him, but he chose to ignore you. the yelling of the staff can be heard from behind the door, making you nervous to know what was going on. just then, there was a sudden splash in the tank, catching the attention of many nearby visitors.
your face fills with terror at the sight. your boyfriend is in his eel form, in the tank, for the public to see, while chasing the fish you said you liked. his laughing was as loud as ever, scaring little kids who wanted to see fish swim by. “great seven..” you muttered under your breath.
while you are happy to see him happy, you wished he was happy doing something else. floyd grabs the fish and squeezes it tightly. he giggles as he glared at it with sadistic eyes. “looks like i won, fishyyy! shrimpy’s affection is mine!” after awhile, he grows bored and unhands the poor fish. he climbs out of the tank and makes himself mildly presentable.
you waited outside as the staff kicked him out escorted him outside. “shrimpy! there you are! did you see my fight?” he smiles, pulling you into his arms and squeezing you tightly. “i did..” you sigh, remembering the look of the poor children around you who just wanted to go to the aquarium. “you can’t just do that though! we’re lucky they didn’t press charges!”
floyd shrugs before placing a kiss atop of your forehead. “you won’t leave me, right?” he asks, his tone doing a complete 180. your expression softens, kissing him on the cheek in return. “of course not. you just piss me off sometimes.” you joke, but it’s true. you wouldn’t leave him for the world.
he’s just happy to be part of your world..
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A/N: we’ve seen leona getting jealous of cats but i wanted octavinelle jealous of fish
date published: 3/26/24
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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stevieschrodinger · 12 days
Part one
Steve’s alone with fish guy, and it’s the perfect time to make his second attempt. For the first time Steve figures the guy must finally be relaxing, if only a tiny bit. The frozen peas were a massive hit, and maybe that’s helping. Being hungry like that must be really shitty, especially if it’s for a long time, like Steve suspects from the look of fish guy.
Maybe fish guy is starting to realize that this isn’t the labs under Starcourt any more. That Steve and his friends aren’t here to hurt fish guy.
Steve flicks another pea off into the water as he drinks his coffee; fish guy retrieves it in a flash, his eel like black tail easy to spot in the water, quickly coming back for more.
The kids keep calling him a merman - but he doesn't look like any cartoon or kids picture Steve's ever seen. His tail is too flat, for one, definitely more like an eel, plus there's no fins that Steve can see.
Steve offers him a handful of peas, carefully cupping them until fish guy has his hands cupped underneath, ready for them to be tipped in. They don’t touch, and Steve vaguely wonders if the guy will feel cold from the water. The skin of his fingers isn’t pruned like a regular persons would be, which makes sense since he’s a fish guy. Maybe he’ll feel clammy, or rubbery. Or scaly. Steve van very vaguely remember petting a stingray in a low tank at the aquarium once, surrounded by other kids. Might have been a field trip or something, but he can remember how surprised he was by the feeling of the mottled brown skin. Super rough, like sandpaper. Fish guy doesn’t look like he’ll feel like that either, though.
Fish guy eats his handful of peas and then looks back to Steve expectantly; or at least, that’s what he’d call it on a human person. It must be the same sort of thing though, right? The top half, at least, is built the same, right?
Steve’s down to his last handful of frozen peas; he’s already called Robin, she’s going to pick up a bunch of groceries of the green variety on her way over after her shift later. Also a few other bits, like carrots and bell peppers, to see if fish guy will try them.
Steve holds up a single pea between his thumb and pointer finger. Fish guy’s eyes track it from where he floats, a foot away from the ledge. Steve taps his chest, “Steve,” and then he points to fish guy.
Like last night, he comes a little closer, lifting out of the waster a little and then, cautiously points at Steve, he makes a noise that...kind of...sounds like ‘Steve’. His voice is raspy, and the word is kind of mangled, more of a sad ‘Steee,’ but near enough. It looks like he’s really trying, brow furrowed with concentration.
It’s not what Steve wanted, but Steve gives him the pea.
It’s overcast today, same as yesterday, and the day before. Blowy and cold. Steve doesn’t want to stay out here much longer, so he dumps the remaining peas into the water and then gets up and heads inside to wait for Robin.
Steve’s nearly at the door when he hears a splash and then a mournful, “Steeeeeeeeee.” and immediately regrets all of his life choices.
He sighs, and goes back to the pool, “yeah?”
Fish guy tilts his head, frowning, and then lifts his had out of the water, pointer finger and thumb a smidge apart...just like he’s holding an imaginary pea.
Well. Communication is definitely something they will be able to work on then. But Steve flaps the bag, showing the picture of the peas on the front, and the face that it’s very clearly empty, “all gone. Finished,” Steve makes a cutting motion in the air with the side of his hand, to indicate they’re done.
“Inied,” the fish guy manages cautiously.
“Yeah, finished.”
The fish guy watches him for a second, and then dips back down under the water, off too huddle in the bottom corner of the pool.
Steve wonders vaguely if he’s still hungry, but hopefully it won’t be that much longer before Robin gets here.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who really, genuinely likes celery.”
“Me neither, it’s like peppery water.”
“With hair in.”
Fish guy though, very clearly, likes the celery. He didn’t quibble over the cucumber either, that disappeared very quickly. He was cautious about the carrots, but with a little encouragement, and a lot of sniffing, he ate the bottom half of one, not seeming to like it so much at the thicker end.
Steve hands him an entire bell pepper, watches as fish guy takes a bite. He seems to like it, but then pulls a face, scraping desperately at the seeds on his tongue and spitting the whole mess out into the water. Steve can’t help laughing. Fish guy looks affronted. The look of genuine distaste and irritation on his face is very human and also hilariously funny.
“Oh Steve, I think you offended him,” Steve wipes the tears away to see that Robin is right, and fish guy has gone to huddle in the far corner of the pool, only his eyes peeking out. That’s got to suck, having no where to go. No where to hide; no privacy at all.
“This has got to suck for him; he’s stuck in an empty box,” Steve tries to imagine living his entire existence in a completely empty room; he can’t, not really.
“Well what can we even do with him? He seems to be freshwater, so the oceans are out. Even if we let him go in a lake, we don’t know what he understands about people, if he got caught…” she trails off. Steve doesn’t need any help imagining what could happen.
“I don’t know but...we need a plan...and he needs something to do.”
“What like, enrichment for his enclosure?”
It’s the first sunny day for a while. Steve had been getting resentful about it but a bit of warm sunshine is starting to make up for it already.
Steve looks uncertainly down at the bucket of dollar store toys he’s paid for. Doesn’t matter that the kids picked them all out, apparently Steve is still the money in this operation.
Plus gas; they had to travel further since the mall is now a fenced off ruin.
All the kids are on their knees at one end of the pool; all of them holding something. There’s a slinky (he can play with it along the edge), a Rubik’s cube (water proof, and we might be able to figure out if he can see color), a bucket, a plastic dog bowl (it’ll float, you can fill it with peas), a rubber duck, and a ball.
Fish guy, on the other hand, had retreated to the furthest corner he could, curled up into a ball, and stayed there.
Steve’s starting to suspect that the noise of the kids constant chatter and bickering is actually a bit too much for fish guy to handle, from the way he either hides or watches them wearily from the other end of the pool. If they move, he moves.
“Maybe if we spread out, then one of use will be close enough because he won’t have anywhere to go-”
“Absolutely not,” Steve tells Dustin, “that’s cruel, if he’s hiding it’s for a reason. Just let the stuff be and he will deal with it when he’s ready.”
He gets a little bit of whining from them, mostly Will and Dustin, if he’s honest, all the other kids seem to be really understanding.
The ball and the bucket they let go to float around in the water, and the kids soon loose interest and head off to cause trouble elsewhere.
Steve desperately wants to dip his feet in the pool, same as he would on any other day, but since there’s someone living in it, it feels kind of rude. Like he’d be knowingly walking mud into someone's house, or something.
Steve kneels at the same end of the pool the kids were at, he doesn’t want to startle fish guy by appearing right above him. If he comes to Steve or not should be his choice, but Steve has two bunches of celery and a dog food bowl filled to the brim with frozen peas, so he thinks his chances are pretty good right now.
He’s right, fish guy does come over, but his whole face is scrunched up and he misses the celery on the first try; it takes Steve an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure it out, even with the guy eating with his eyes pretty much closed.
It’s the first fully sunny day they’ve had, and the guy had been in a shitty artificially lit lab, and before that, presumably the Upside Down for his whole life.
It’s fucking bright out here.
And even as he takes his sunglasses off, Steve has no idea how to communicate this with fish guy.
Steve has the bowl of peas for leverage, but still. He shows them to fish guy, who, squinting, does come closer. And then Steve hands over the glasses. Fish guy, face all scrunched up, tilts his head, looking at them.
Steve takes them back, put them on, takes the off, and offers them again. Ever so carefully and slowly, fish guy takes the glasses. Steve knows fish guy is at least kind of smart; he’s confident he will figure this out. He’s proved correct pretty fast when fish guy holds them up so he can blink up through the lenses.
And then he...very carefully, almost comically carefully, slides them on.
He grins up at Steve, and Steve floats the dog bowl in the water, giving it a nudge.
Fish guy looks delighted.
Part Three
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cosmiccoral · 2 years
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moaquatics · 3 months
Varieties of Flowerhorn for Sale Online
Presently, online stores have a great selection of flowerhornfor saleto choose from. They have a large selection of saltwater and freshwater flowerhornand other aquarium goods.Flowerhorns' highly gregarious personality makes them the ideal "pet" fish! Because they have been specially designed to react to people, flowerhorn cichlids may sometimes even raise their nuchal hump out of the water to be handled. For More Details Please Visit - https://moaquatics.blogspot.com/2024/04/varieties-of-flowerhorn-for-sale-online.html
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