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officeofcommanderfox · 5 months ago
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Main List | Prompt List | AO3 | Chapter One
TAG LIST Below the Cut:
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tailorvizsla · 2 years ago
Alright, Tailor, Sith Obi-Wan has invaded and demands more attention. After your encounter with him, you are determined to show him how good and loyal you can be. You take on any project you can that might catch his notice, and when an opportunity to transfer to a position in his main division is announced, you eagerly apply. You make it to the interview round where there is a panel of superior officers and Lord Kenobi himself. You're very prepared and ready to show him how qualified you are. Yet, as soon as those golden eyes lock onto yours, your mind is flooded with images of him and you doing every dirty act you can imagine. You try to focus and answer the questions as best as you can, but each time you look at him, a new filthy scenario comes to mind. At least Lord Kenobi looks amused, and you can only wonder what he must think. The interview ends and you're crushed thinking you've blown you're only chance at working more closely with him.
Ugh OKAY look you can’t keep doing this to me my heart CANNOT take this! Here you go!
(the thot inbox is open fyi if y’all want to send some in!)
Your superiors have been raving about your work for weeks now. Reports? 100% accuracy. Your subordinates? All in line, and most of them even give you good reviews. Your inventory? Not a single nutri-cracker unaccounted for. You’ve been receiving so many positive remarks that you feel like you are literally glowing whenever you turn your data pad on. You’ve been sending money back to your elderly parents back home, and they’ve been taking good care of the rest of the family. You…you really do hope to retire soon, and go back to them. You just want to see them again.
You’re at your desk for another day of reading and filing paperwork when your pad buzzes. A frown crosses your face - you’ve silenced non-critical alerts. The only people who should be able to bypass that are much higher than you in the organization. Nervously, you turn it over and check it, hoping your superior won’t catch you reading messages
Your presence is required for an interview in conference room 19-562.1A at 3:00 PM. Do not be late.
You check the sender, but there’s nothing there except an official stamp from the Corps of Logistics. There’s a tap at your door.
“Lieutenant, reading messages? On the job?” your superior asks in a vaguely teasing tone and you put your pad down in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you say, “I got a note saying that I’m scheduled for an interview at 3? Do you know anything about it?” They shake their head and you frown again.
“Who is it from?” they ask, coming around to your side of the desk.
“It’s a generic message,” you say, showing them the message. “But it’s on the executive floor…” They sigh.
“Well, either someone is really happy with you, or they’re really pissed at you.” You nod in response, and turn worried eyes up at your superior.
“If…anything happens…you’ll send my last check to my family, right?” They give you a mirthless smile and nod. “Your service has been exemplary thus far…we should be able to arrange that.”
You know what organization you work for and the dangers it brings. All it takes is one misinterpreted look and you could be thrown in prison. Or worse.
At 2:40 PM, you head out for your meeting. It’s a short elevator ride away, but if you’re late, you might as well shoot yourself and save them the trouble. You step out into the marble-clad atrium and then step through the ostentatious glass doors. A secretary at the desk gives you a look, their eyes sliding from your rank bar to your face.
“May I help you?” they ask, and you feel like you are being judged harshly by this random person. Still, you nod respectfully and give your name and rank. Then you add on, a bit unnecessarily, “I have an appointment, but I am not certain with whom. Only a generic stamp was used.” They look down at the pad and tilt their head. “Go take a seat. You will be seen shortly.” 
You murmur a hasty, polite thank you and sink down into one of the plush velvet chairs. You cross one leg over the other neatly, your hat in your lap, and your eyes focused on the wall in front of you. The entire room is decorated in harsh scarlets, golds, and white marble, and it looks atrocious. You wonder who committed the crime of decorating here. At least the window grants you a view of the beautiful city outside.
You’re being watched, of course, by the secretary and the numerous cameras around the place, undoubtedly looking for something. You keep as calm as you can. At precisely 3, the door opens. The secretary doesn’t look at you as you get to your feet and head in, following the droid. It leads you to yet another room, where the decor is tastefully done in earthy colors. You wait at the door, standing at attention, waiting for the person who had called you - 
“Sweetheart,” comes the familiar purr. Your body jerks in surprise and your pulse skyrockets. “Sir,” the reply falls automatically from your lips.
You can feel as he comes into the room, his electric presence brushing up against the corners of your mind. He sinks down in his chair and crosses one long, lean leg over the other. He rests his chin in his hand as he watches you. Like before, the presence is subtle, golden, as he tastes your mind. Once he’s satisfied, he gestures you forward. You stop just in front of him, hands at your sides as you stand at attention. 
“Your performance has been exemplary this quarter,” he says. “Were you thinking about having my cock, sweetheart? Or are there other reasons?”
You can’t stop yourself from thinking about your family still living in near-poverty back home, and you decide it’s best to be honest. It’s not like he doesn’t already know what you’re thinking.
“Having your cock would be nice, sir,” you say. “But I also have family back home. My brother…he wants to become an artist.” You cut yourself off from your rambling. Don’t be a distraction. He didn’t ask for you to elaborate. Lord Kenobi hums as he looks at the pad in his hands.
“Truly phenomenal work, sweetheart…perhaps it is time for your reward?” he asks, looking up at you. Pure heat fills you, and he gestures for you to sit down. He levitates another pad to you.
Position: Imperial Administrative Assistant, Level 7 Pay Grade: 7A - SRT5 Hours: Standard Travel: 25% of the month is typical, but may require longer stretches depending on circumstance. Clearance: 8-TN9 or Higher Qualifications: Recommendation from superior. Five years in administrative assistant position, specialization in diplomacy/negotiations… 
You frown in confusion. He watches you intently. The pay increase is mind-boggling.
“I’ve recommended you for a transfer,” he purrs. “Should you accept, you and I will be seeing each other far more frequently.”
You stare down at the pad for a moment, “Lord Kenobi, I am truly honored…however, I do not have these qualifications…and I am afraid I won’t be able to provide the same level of service I am providing in my current position. Will that be a problem?”
He gives you one of those soft, dangerous smiles. “That will be no issue. You will be taught all you need to know.”
At long last, you swallow down your anxiety, and ask, “If I pass the interview…who would I be working with?” He waves your comment off. “Do not concern yourself with that information. Your interview is at 4 PM.” You frown. “Tomorrow?” He gives you an annoyed look.
“Today,” he says curtly, and pure horror fills you.
“What? I haven’t prepared - my resume isn’t updated,” you babble out, “I don’t have recommendations, and I haven’t even had a chance to ask my references for permission to give their information out - sir, I - “ He waves you away. “You’ll be fine. You may go wait in the lobby for the interview.” 
Standing on shaking legs, you get to your feet and scuttle away. The secretary doesn’t give you a second look as you step out into the blazing red and gold hellscape in the lobby. You take a minute to try and center yourself - you’re being tested under pressure, that’s what they’re doing. They want to know you can handle last minute changes. Swallowing, you sit down and try to go over the questions you could still remember from your interview for your current position.
All too soon, you’re called back for the interview, and you step into the same room as before. You can see six much higher ranking individuals at a desk. Lord Kenobi sits at the head of the table, his golden eyes fixed on you. Oh, you’re fucked. So, so fucked. Your mouth is dry as Tattooine right now, and you’re pretty sure you’re shaking in your boots. You sit down at the end of the table by yourself.
The first few questions are standard - name, rank, how long you’ve been working at the Empire, and what your daily routine is like. As the nerves start to wear off, you feel a tiny bit more comfortable, and your death grip on your hat loosens. The Admiral asks your first landmine question, probably designed to test your diplomatic skill.
“Why did you apply for this position?” he asks, his nose curling slightly as he looks down at your profile, “You haven’t the qualifications.”
“I was recommended for this position, sir,” you say calmly. “I am aware I am unqualified, but it is my greatest hope that I can continue learning so that I may perform well, if I am chosen for this role.” 
- warmth engulfs you, and you’re spread out in a nest of soft, silken sheets and pillows. A warm, wet mouth covers yours as a hand squeezes your thigh. As your head falls back, you feel something probing at your folds, something warm and blunt and - 
You swallow and try to push the thought away as the others discuss something between themselves. You try to ignore the heat rising in your belly as another Admiral speaks.
“...and are you aware of what this position will entail, exactly?” she asks, a brow raised at you.
You recite the requirements back at them, and they share a look between themselves. They go back to muttering.
- a gasp falls from your lips as you dig your fingernails into someone’s back. His cock starts to inch inwards, spreading your slick walls open. He’s so, so thick it makes you squirm and whine, forcing you to gasp for air as your poor little pussy strains to take him all in - 
Oh no, not right now. Why is your brain misbehaving? You hope they can’t tell that you’re squirming in your chair as you try to remain calm.
“Lord Kenobi, I do not believe she is fully educated on what this position will entail,” the Admiral says carefully. “I think it would be…ethical…if we reiterate the requirements to her.”
Lord Kenobi gives you a small smirk.
- he finally seats himself all the way inside, drawing a short, soft cry from you. His teeth find your shoulder and he starts to move. As he pumps into your body, your sodden cunt makes the most obscene sounds, wet and loud and messy -
“She knows exactly what she will be doing if she chooses to work under me,” Lord Kenobi says.
With a rush, you realize that’s why he recommended you for this role. Pure heat fills you - this time, it’s all your own, and you gnaw on your lower lip. Boldly, you look him in the eye and ask the most important question you have for him.
“Would I be your slave, sir?” you ask. “Or will I be your equal?”
The others exchange a look as Lord Kenobi gives you a long look. You’re not going to be a toy to be tossed aside once he’s bored. If he really wants you in his bed, if he truly wishes to have you, he will have to be prepared to have all of you. And if he’s not prepared to give you that, you’re not sure you can fulfill that role in his life. Sith Lord or not, you will be treated with respect, and you will not settle for anything less. He smirks at you.
“You can never be my equal,” he says, and you know that’s true. You’re not a Sith lady, and you don’t have the same desire for conquest that he does. “But…you will never be a toy. You will be mine - body, mind, and soul. You will sit by my side, and only mine.”
“Does that go both ways, sir?” you dare to ask.
He laughs. 
“Come here, sweetheart,” he says, and you obey. You hope the Admirals can’t see the shaking of your legs, or how drenched the back of your pants are. Lord Kenobi pats his knee and you sink down, embarrassed of the wet spot you will undoubtedly leave on his linen pants. He tilts your face up to his and stares deeply into your eyes.
“You will serve me well,” he says.
“I’ll send the transfer orders,” one of the Admirals says. “You have chosen well, Lord Kenobi.”
“You may leave,” Lord Kenobi says to the Admirals. “I require privacy with my new assistant.”
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tailorvizsla · 8 days ago
Omg yes!!!
You know what? Let's make Messy Dieter Friday a thing. I've been kinda down lately (work crap) and I need more fun in my life. Send me your messy daydreams/thots about the Pedro man of your choice. Anons are on, so confess whatever you like
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Tagging a few people to get the word out: @mysticalgalaxysalad @bitchin-beskar @grogusmum @tailorvizsla @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @saradika @oonajaeadira @insomniamamma
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years ago
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
hello lovely 🤗🌸💫
I hope you are doing well & having a great week so far 💕 what are some things that make you happy too ? xo
5 things that make me happy:
- going for tea & cake with my best friends 🍰
- being with my boyfriend, no matter what we are doing 🥰
- hanging out & going for pizza with my bro, laughing & joking around with him in the car while we listen to music 🍕
- going with my dad for our weekly lunch or dinner outings, started a new routine where we pick a new place each time to go to 🍝
- talking to my mom everyday & doing the puzzles in the paper with her during coffee times 🌸
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happypedrohours · 2 months ago
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Hi, Pedro enthusiasts and Happy New Year!!!! Do you remember the great fun we had last summer with our Happy Pedro Hours??? If you weren't around back then or, like me, have the memory of a golfish, this link will take you to all the activities we did back in June.
Sara and I are coming back to you with a bright new PINK edition that we'd like to have around Valentine's Day and the activities would be themed around it. Just like last time, there will be a creative challenge, drinks (cocktail and mocktail options, we love everyone) and yummy dishes to share, lots of games to hang out together and learn more about other people in the Pedro Pascal fandom.
We hope you're interested and we'd like to pick your brain about which date would work best for you so if you could take the time to vote in the poll below and then reblog to spread the word (and the love). You can use the hashtags #happypedrohours and #happy pedro hours. Don't hesitate to react to let us know if you're interested in participating and follow the blog if you aren't already!
We can't wait to have more fun with you all!!!
Hi, everyone! You're being tagged because you took part in the previous Happy Pedro Hours weekend back in June. Please let us know which date would work best for you for the next event (and it you don't want to play anymore, reach out to us and we'll take you off the list xx)
@shchristine @trulybetty @bigtiddythanos @lady-bess @baronessvonglitter
@prettyinpunk85 @zaddymandalorian @sp00kymulderr @papipascaaaal @bitchwitch1981
@neverwheremoonchild @pedroswife69 @jensensational71 @romanarose @movievillainess721
@firstofficerwiggles @tightjeansjavi @rulexofxnines @scp116 @rivnedell
@laramc-02 @joelalorian @spacesistersimp @asobeeee @lowlights
@tinytinymenace @evolnoomym @beefrobeefcal @always-andromeda @penvisions
@nerdieforpedro @mayweneverrunout @perotovar @paradiselady19 @inept-the-magnificent
@cindylyns @tupelomiss @tumblogbykarapaloma @the-mandawhor1an @kontofikcyjne
@morallyinept @vabeachazn @justerinthingz @perfectly-imperfect-me23 @kteague
@just-mj-or-not @604to647 @reddedmiller @ezrasbirdie-main @milla-frenchy
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grogusmum · 18 days ago
Since it seemed like we all had a good time with my conversation heart game last year, I am dusting off my little wings and my bow and quiver!
And I am not working at the moment, I thought I'd add a little more spice to the pot.
How about I make a mini moodboard for you!?
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If you don't remember or you weren't in my little acre of Pedroville in the Greater Tumblrtown Area last year, here's how it works:
I have a very special bag of Conversation Heart! Instead of Be Mine and luv u 4 eva, they say things like I'd fly over the andies 4 u and Be My KitKat
Since Cupid is blind, so I'll dig into my bag without looking, and pull one out for you, whichever Pedro Boy the little saying is by will be your Valentine!
So here's what you do:
Come into my asks with a heart, your favorite color, and a prompt from this list.
Here's what I'll do:
I'll take your Valentine, your favorite color and your prompt and make a little Valentine's moodboard.
You can sending them now through the 14th, but I will post answers on Valentine's Day.
This is not a tag game. Anyone and everyone can play! You don't need to be a moot or follow me. You just have to love our Pedro!! 💚
Please feel free to reblog this post so more people can play!
No pressure tags just to get the ball rolling: @oonajaeadira @writeforfandoms @insomniamamma @honestly-shite @chaoticgeminate @pagannightwitch @max--phillips @katareyoudrilling @mandoblowmybackout @morallyinept @firstofficerwiggles @littledragonlady @littlemissskuld @littlemisspascal @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist @fromthedeskoftheraven @lellowberry @ladamedusoif @perotovar @the-blind-assassin-12 @trulybetty @prolix-yuy @practicalghost @dawn-petrichor-world @quicax3 @wannab-urs @ezras-channel-rat @moonlitbirdie @goodwithcheese @kteague @mothandpidgeon @nissaimmortal @juletheghoul @firstofficerwiggles @inept-the-magnificent @simpingcowboy @beskarprincessjenny @readingiskeepingmegoing @avastrasposts @haylzcyon
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firstofficerwiggles · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag @flightlessangelwings !!
This comes from another Sith Obi-Wan Ask that has turned into a whole fic because I cannot control myself when it comes to him.
He kisses you with such intensity it's as if you're being kissed for the first time, finally understanding how kissing was meant to be.
No pressure tags: @imabeautifulbutterfly @ladykatakuri @saraicus @2clones-1kamino or anyone else who wants to share a line from their WIP!!
Last line tag game!
Tagged by the lovely @wildemaven thanks for the tag 💖💖
From my Javi fic that’s posting on Monday and I’m so excited to share it!
“I never wanted you to get hurt,” he continued, looking back up at you with tears in his eyes, “All I want to do is protect you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
No pressure tags @firstofficerwiggles @rae-gar-targaryen @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @moonknightly @the-scandalorian and whoever else wants to do it!
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tailorvizsla · 2 years ago
I'm not going to give this a huge build-up, so just imagine being Sith Obi-Wan's pregnant assistant. You're tired and fed up with him, it's all his fault you're so uncomfortable, and so you're being a brat. He tells you to get in his office right now, because he's going to make sure you remember how to be his good girl by cockwarming him.
Warnings: cockwarming, pregnancy, PIV sex, and a hint of plot at the end.
You wipe the bead of sweat off your forehead and rub your swollen belly. The baby is being irritable today, and you wonder if he gets that from his father. Why is it this damn hot in such a frigid room? You fan yourself with the stack of paper, ignoring the side-eye that action gets you. Your belly is so big that you cannot comfortably wear the maternity uniform, so you’ve been granted permission to wear a wrap dress in the same color as the regular uniform. You do have to wear your jacket, but you can leave it open. You’re beyond happy to be pregnant by Lord Kenobi, but did he really need to put this big of a baby inside you?
The bigger your belly gets, the more possessive he gets. You would not tolerate this from anyone else, but you know he does what he does for a reason. There have been several attempts on your position in the past months, and even a handful of attempts on your life. He cares about you in his own way, and he does not want you or the baby to be hurt. But you’ve been cooped up all week, and you desperately want to leave your room. Gnawing on your lip, you decide that you’re going to go down to the atrium to see some of the indoor greenery, at least. The market is a no-go - you at least won’t put yourself in complete danger today.
Wrapping yourself in an old cloak, you pull the hood up and sneak downstairs for a few minutes in the fresh greenery. To your immense surprise, you make it. No one stops you. In fact, you’re wondering if you’re actually invisible as you step into the beautifully curated indoor garden. You spend way too long, just basking under one of the trees, your hand on your belly as you melt into the beauty of nature. Sure, it’s not the same as being outside, but this is as close as you can get. For several hours, you relax in the dappled sunlight, and you even manage a short nap between chapters in your book. At long last, it gets close to the end of the day, and you know you need to get home before Lord Kenobi revokes your elevator privileges.
You don’t make it off the elevator before your pad buzzes.
My office. Now.
Fuck. He knows. It had been too easy to get past the guards. Even now, you wonder which of the Inquisitors he sent to watch after you. Sighing, you turn on your heel and head to his office. You just let yourself in and wait at the door. He looks up at you, his face neutral. You can feel his anger simmering just outside of reach. He’s careful to not direct it at you, but he’s not trying to hide it.
“Where were you earlier?” he asks calmly.
“I went down to the atrium,” you say quietly. “I’ve been cooped up for a month…I just wanted some sunlight…”
His eyes narrow a bit. He taps his finger on the desk as you stand there, waiting in miserable silence for him to sentence you to something horrible. Like confinement to your room for the rest of your pregnancy or something like that. He sighs.
“You have never defied me in such a way before,” he says, leaning back in his big, comfy chair. Sometimes, when he goes away for long periods, you borrow his office, and just curl up in that big chair. You nod in agreement. There’s no point in trying to explain or anything - he already knows. “You know what happens when someone disobeys me, don’t you, sweetheart?”
You nod. Punishment, though you aren’t sure what he’s going to do with you. Fire you? His brow goes up. 
“Fortunately for you, I will not be firing you,” he says. “However, I hope your punishment will be enough to deter further mischief.” He gestures you over to him and you obediently step in front of him, resting your belly on the desk. “Turn around,” he remarks mildly. “And take your clothes off.”
You frown, but you obey in silence, neatly folding the articles up and stacking them on his desk. You hear the whisper of fabric against skin and the sound of him moving around a bit. You wonder if he’s going to spank you, but that’s not his thing, usually. The most he will do to you is a bit of choking, and he rarely leaves marks on your body…unless they’re bite marks where others can see them.
Immediate warmth tingles through you as he kisses your mind with his. You can feel his arousal starting to creep in, starting at your toes, and inching its way up. Within moments, you’re squirming slightly, your cunt dripping and aching for his cock. 
“Here is how we will resolve your disobedience, sweetheart,” he says in a gentle voice, one that makes your mouth go dry. 
That tone is never good. You nervously peek over your shoulder at him. His pants are down around his knees, and his cock is straining up toward his belly button. Your mouth waters at the sight, but you know you’re not going to get to suck his cock today. Or probably for a couple days.
“You are going to split that pretty pussy open on my cock,” he says, and you start moving before he has to tell you to do so. 
Carefully, with his assistance, you climb onto the seat, your knees on either side of his thighs. His hands are firm - but gentle - as they guide you, offering his strength to keep you from falling or hurting yourself. You use the edge of the desk for leverage as you position yourself atop his stiff cock. He spits on his fingers and moistens the head for you, but you probably won’t need it today. Not with how drenched you are.
“Slowly,” he murmurs, as the blunt head bumps against your entrance. “Very slowly, sweetheart. I want you to feel it all.”
You close your eyes and obediently start to lower yourself onto his shaft. With the exception of a few long trips, there hasn’t been a day where you haven’t been wrapped around his cock in some fashion. Despite this, you still need to work carefully, especially now that you’re carrying his child. Pregnancy has made your entire body sensitive. It’s good in some places, awful in others. 
Lord Kenobi has both hands on your asscheeks, spreading you wide open so he can see your pussy lips stretch around his cock. A whine escapes you as it starts getting uncomfortable, but he doesn’t respond, save to squeeze your ass to encourage you to keep going. He’s heavy and thick inside you, spreading your inner walls wide open. A drop of sweat rolls down your forehead as you finally take him all the way inside. Your cunt is throbbing, and your breath is coming in sharp gasps from the sheer exertion. As you try to adjust, his hand stills you.
“Now,” he says in the same steady voice. “You are going to sit here on my cock and think about what it means to be obedient, sweetheart.”
A whimper escapes you.
“Yes, my Lord,” you whisper.
Silently, you sit there, desperate for friction to alleviate the throbbing inside you, but you don’t dare move, even as Lord Kenobi works on his data pad. Your entire body is covered in a fine layer of sweat. He even makes a couple calls with you wrapped around him. He doesn’t even seem affected by this. He’s so thick you can’t quite get comfortable, especially with a huge pregnant belly on you. You glance at the clock and realize you’ve only been here for twenty minutes and you’re already shaking. Your legs are starting to cramp. You can’t stop squeezing around him, but it simply isn’t enough to get you off.
You grit your jaw. You got yourself into this mess, and you will take whatever he dishes out without complaint. You miss the raised eyebrow he gives you as you try to focus on something. Anything but the aching stretch of his cock inside you. The cramping in your legs starts to grow more annoying, but you push it away, trying to endure your punishment. He’ll be very disappointed if you try to weasel your way out of it. You let yourself think about work, and the reports you had written earlier, and the many, many other things demanding your attention. 
You know your thoughts have drifted too far from the throbbing arousal between your legs when Lord Kenobi reaches up and tweaks your nipple to redirect your attention. You curse and jump in surprise. Unfortunately, that sends a bolt of pain shooting up from your calf as it cramps and protests the sudden movement. You don’t even have time to whimper before Lord Kenobi is lifting you off his cock. He’s strong - almost impossibly strong - as he maneuvers you onto the desk.
His fingers fall to your calf, where the muscle burns in agony. Tears fill your eyes - it hurts.
“There, there, sweetheart,” he murmurs. He presses his fingers to the spasming muscle and pushes down, drawing another whimper from you. Then his fingertips turn cold and the pain ebbs away, and you are able to move your foot and ankle without pain.
“You will never hide your pain from me again,” he says quietly, his fingers turning your face up to his. “Are we clear, sweetheart?”
Pregnancy hormones suck, and today, they suck the most. You burst into tears and press your face into your hands. The words come out of your mouth in a torrent. It’s all jumbled and probably none of it makes sense, but you are so disappointed in yourself that you can’t stop apologizing.
“ - didn’t mean to,” you manage to get out around your sobs. “W-was trying to be good and - didn’t want t-to disappoint you - I didn’t follow your or-orders - “
“It’s alright,” he whispers against your lips, as he steps between your legs, his cock nudging you in the thigh. His tongue darts out to lap up one of your tears and you gasp in surprise. Lord Kenobi pulls your hips to the edge of the desk and slowly starts to push back in, drawing a high-pitched whine from you as he seats himself inside you.
“Keep crying for me, sweetheart,” Lord Kenobi whispers against your cheek. “Tell me you’ll be very good for me…tell me you are mine…”
You’re not sure how you manage it, but a couple more tears fall onto your cheeks and you arch your back to lean back a bit. 
“I’ll be very good from now on,” you whisper back to him, your hand tangling in his gorgeous, soft hair. You dare to tug lightly, your cunt shuddering as he groans. His warm, wet tongue licks a fiery hot path along your jaw and cheek as he chases your tears down. “Please, my Lord, I’ll be so, so very good for you. I swear it. I’ll do anything…anything you want…”
His hips are moving steadily now, his cock churning your slick and his precum into you.
“I’m yours,” you gasp as he starts hitting that spot deep inside you. His mouth drops down to your neck, where he nibbles along the hickies he had left there yesterday. Then to your shoulder, and to the top of your engorged breasts. He’s gentle with your nipples - this late in pregnancy, you’re too sensitive to take more than a few gentle kisses. His tongue circles your puffy areola and his lips suck you into his mouth. Then he releases his wet grip with a pop.
“Tell me, sweetheart, what you would do for me,” he groans into your breast. “Would you betray the Emperor?”
Digging your heels into his ass, you groan in delight. It’s fucking treason to have even asked that question, and it would be a death sentence for both of you. But your loyalty is to Lord Kenobi, and no one else.
“Tell me,” you whisper back. “Tell me how you want it done, my Lord…I will end him for you.”
He groans in response, his fingertips digging into your hips. 
“I can bring you his head,” you whisper. “His heart…whatever brings you the most joy, my love.”
You’re so close to orgasm you don’t even realize what you’ve said.
He nips at your nipple a little harder than before, making you squeal. You grasp his hair with both hands and tug, surprising him with your sudden aggression. You cover his mouth with yours and kiss him hard. Lord Kenobi returns it, thrusting harder and harder, filling the office with the sound of his cock pounding into your drenched cunt. You hit the peak a moment later, your sobs of pleasure nearly drowning out his marvelous groan. You lock your ankles around him as he fills you up with pulse after pulse of cum. He stays inside you as he starts licking at the hollow of your throat.
Obediently, you tilt your head back, letting him taste the salt along your pulse. Then he reaches your jaw. His breath is hot and damp against your skin. Reaching up, you smooth down the mess you’ve made of his hair. He catches your hand and kisses your palm.
“It won’t be by your hand,” he murmurs, and you frown at him. Then he presses a kiss to your lips. “Get dressed, sweetheart. You must rest.”
Sudden exhaustion claims you and you realize you’ve exerted yourself far more than you intended. As you reach for the door, he speaks again.
"Obi-Wan," he says, and you frown at him in confusion. "That is my name. You may use my name in private."
He then dismisses you with a wave of his hand.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months ago
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
Awww thanks love. You're all my favorites so I can't exactly choose. Have an amazing week, weekend and month.
Love oo
Tag list below the cut
@firstofficerwiggles @avathebestx
@griffedeloup @itscaptain-sir
@kavecika @kark-trooper-echo
@loyal-soldier-5555 @loth-wolffe
@nanagoswife @nightprompts
@omglisalithium @clonethirstingisreal
@ulchabhangorm @uponrightful @wanderinginksplot-writes @wolffegirlsunite
@wanderinginksplot @wrecking-ball-99
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bitchin-beskar · 15 days ago
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@catsnkooks, @lilhawkeye3, @mysticalgalaxysalad, @firstofficerwiggles, @tailorvizsla, and any other hoes who wish to join in the time for thots!
I personally have a long ass weekend, so from now till Monday the 17th, send in whatever thots you've been cooking in your lil hoe brains to my inbox to share with the world!!!!
not that I'm opposed to getting thots any other time, god only knows how horny of a bitch I am, but it's the principle of the thing
I know I've been AWOL for quite some time, so PLEASE bombard me with whatever nasty thots/prompts/ideas/hc's/desires you have! Any character I have listed on my masterlist is fair game, but also... I am always looking for new hyperfixations 👀
So don't be afraid! anon or not, share however many thots your hoe hearts desire!!
p.s. to my anons! if you want, feel free to use an emoji to designate yourself from the others 😊
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years ago
you are lovely & wonderful also ! have a great week ! 💕🌸🌼💫 xo
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happypedrohours · 8 months ago
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Here you will find the masterpost of people taking part in Happy Pedro Hours on June 21st-22nd to:
-play Never Have I Ever through asks
-send them fun/silly asks to get to know one another
-play Most likely to through asks
Please be mindful in what you send and we do encourage you to reach out to people you may not know or not know very well as this is also an event to get to know others in the fandom!
Find all the other activities on this Masterpost
(if you no longer wish to take part in the event, reach out to us at @i-own-loki or @msjarvis and we'll take off you the list asap)
@shchristine @trulybetty @bigtiddythanos @lady-bess @baronessvonglitter
@prettyinpunk85 @zaddymandalorian @sp00kymulderr @papipascaaaal @bitchwitch1981
@neverwheremoonchild @pedroswife69 @jensensational71 @romanarose @movievillainess721
@firstofficerwiggles @tightjeansjavi @rulexofxnines @scp116 @rivnedell
@laramc-02 @joelalorian @spacesistersimp @asobeeee @lowlights
@tinytinymenace @evolnoomym @beefrobeefcal @always-andromeda @penvisions
@nerdieforpedro @mayweneverrunout @perotovar @paradiselady19 @inept-the-magnificent
@cindylyns @tupelomiss @the-mandawhor1an @kontofikcyjne
@morallyinept @vabeachazn @justerinthingz @perfectly-imperfect-me23 @kteague
@just-mj-or-not @604to647 @reddedmiller @ezrasbirdie-main @milla-frenchy
@khindahra @jennaispunk @kammerstx @decadentclamturtlepasta @halfpastgrace
@hellfire-state-of-mind @mermaidgirl30 @swiftispunk @sapphichotmess @toomanytookas
@thischarmingmandalorian @kilamonster @mothandpidgeon @fhatbhabiee @spookyxsam
@iamskyereads @vivian-pascal @ak-vintage @amanitacowboy @juletheghoul-main
@prolix-yuy @janaispunk @sin-djarin @jessthebaker @loustan90
@studioghibelli @tuquoquebrute @avastrasposts @joelmillerisapunk @rhoorl
@survivingandenduring @barzalmatty @syd-djarin @quinnnfabrgay @whocaresstillthelouvre
@yorksgirl @maggiemayhemnj @i-own-loki @msjarvis @pilotispunk
@theoraekenslover @joelslegalwhre @marcus-is-my-muse @pedrosarmsling @katiexpunk
@sweetperfectioncloud @bubble-pop-eclectic @kedsandtubesocks @emmdog2999 @theanothersherlockian
@evelindearest @5oh5 @chronically-ghosted @shooting-hearts @thesluttylittleknee
@snoret @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @atticrissfinch @pascalispretty @cxrsed-angel
@fuckyeahdindjarin @lightsandliterature @cillianmurphysteacup @pilotispunk @kadifromtheblock @grogusmum
@josephquinnswhore @indiegirlunited @catgrouch @djarins-wife
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grogusmum · 13 days ago
Thanks for playing again!💚
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Welp, another Valentine's come and gone. Of course, some celebrate throughout the weekend. Which is delightful! Go forth and Valentine!
And if your moodboard has inspired some kind of image or fic of some kind, please tag me!!
Regardless of whether you played or not. My wish for everyone is that they get to spend Valentine's Day and a weekend filled with love.
And I mean any and all the kinds of love out there to be experienced. That you were able to give it and receive it.
And if you are not feeling loved, know that YOU ARE LOVEABLE.
@holacia3 @ericamarie093 @againstacecilia @menacetosauceiety @just-here-for-the-moment @fromthedeskoftheraven @cowgirlkatebishop @perotovar @ohlookitspaperpixel @sp00kymulderr @whataenginerd @joelalorian @the-blind-assassin-12 @jennaispunk @ishabull @quicax3 @nissaimmortal @guiltyasdave @littlemissskuld @firstofficerwiggles @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist @all-the-things-2020 @magpie-to-the-morning @agirllovespancakes @insomniamamma @oonajaeadira @writeforfandoms
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years ago
Pre-TLOU Writers Archive
A resource for finding pre-TLOU Pedro Pascal characters fics
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Part 1: A to H
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misogirl828 · 2 months ago
This little love letter to some of my favorite writers has been bubbling in my mind for a while.
A few years back I stumbled onto Tumblr and onto some writers whose writings I really enjoyed. Some have become friends though the years.
I used to voraciously read and reblog. Then health issues and family issues have caused me to step away from being online. I’ve tried to come back several times, but it’s been a struggle. I love to read, but that has been difficult to do with brain fog, fatigue and inability to focus. I’ll leave it at that.
It makes me sad to see that it seems that lately some of the writers I follow have been getting very little interaction on the stories they’ve written. Some have decided to stop writing.
I wanted to let you know that your stories impacted me. That they live in me. That I wonder about the characters you wrote. What happened to them? Where will they go next? What will they discover now?
@wild-karrde …One Step at a Time lives in my heart. Chuckles and Arni and Nita are precious to me. The image of the pale pink petals caught in the breeze when Order 66 came over the comm, that juxtaposition of peaceful beauty and the horrific . I loved how Chuckles, Arni and Nita became a family, the Ayyshu family. Nita always snacking and Arni drawing and making notes with Chuckles watching over them. There are so many chapters I haven’t read yet that look forward to reading when I can.
And while watching the series finale of The Bad Batch I found myself often thinking of the redemption arc you wrote for Crosshair in Shadows and Shades. I love the complexity of Iden and her sister, the journey they take and the journey Iden and Crosshair take to become a couple and then, more. It was painful and beautiful.
@teletraan-meets-jarvis …I wonder about Wolffe and Issa in Pieces. I love getting to read about the 104th with Master Plo, Wolffe and the Pack. I just started reading the series when I left Tumblr and I look forward to reading more when I can. Also, the Command Chat between Wolffe, Cody, Bly, Fox and Ponds is so damn funny, I can’t wait to read more of that too!
@twistedstitcher27 …of the many stories you’ve written that I often think about, Call Me Home is one I think of most frequently. I just love Sinda and her home world and traditions that you created. Your writing makes that place come alive. I want to walk there, be there. And I LOVE how you write Rex. Whether with Sinda or with Shepard in your MassEffect crossover Clone Effect.
@kaminocasey …Gregor and Cassia from your Bonsoir series live in my heart. I love the two of them together and I want to shop at The Spine and pet Wedge. So many stories I need to catch up on! And The Cottage series with Rebels Rex? OMG yes! I also often wonder what happened in Do You Hear the People Sing. The last part of the series I read it ended with bomb going off and someone with a red lightsaber….
@sleepingsun501 …you had just started writing the series Sweet True Lies with Fox and Keeda Ionza when I left Tumblr. I loved getting to read about Fox and two people from different worlds meeting and falling in love.
@the-rain-on-kamino …Make You Feel My Love with Echo. Their sensual exploration and the rediscovery of his sensuality and desire. This beautiful fic is only one of many that you have written that live in my heart.
@eyecandyeoz …Beltalowda! I love and often think about Paradigm Shift, your Expanse/Bad Batch crossover. I wonder what Emalia is doing and so love how you’ve beautifully combined these two worlds in your stories.
@firstofficerwiggles …I often think about a stand alone fic you wrote from a request about Plo Koon and his beautiful interactions with a senators assistant who is feeling insecure about herself. It’s such a beautiful and positive story and I often re-read it when I’m feeling really down on myself.
@kimageddon …Sins of the Father, a modern crime AU with Maul and Zaiya. I just started reading this series and love the world you created and how you write the characters that fit this AU world so beautifully, such as Qui-Gon Jinn as a tea drinking former professor that wears a brown poncho.
@seriowan …Red Ghost. The way you describe The Mandalorian. The strength, the menace, and then the desire. Damn. whew.
@galacticgraffiti …I love your OC Kyreya and had just started reading your stories about them when I left. A Nautolan mercenary that’s a bouncer at 79s. You have put so much love into Eya and their story and I can’t wait to get back to reading the rest of your stories about them.
@thefact0rygirl …your delicious Wrecker fic Filled introduced me to fanfic and brought me to Tumblr. Still one of my favorite fics that lives in my brain and horny heart. Thank you for opening the door and showing me the light.
There is so much more I want to say about each story I mentioned and every writer I mentioned. I’ve only got so much energy and focus at a time, so I’m just doing the best I can in the moment.
I know there are fics and writers that need to be on this list that I just can’t think of right now in this moment. I’m sorry for that. Maybe I’ll make a part two to this.
I guess what I really want to say (again) is thank you. Thank you for writing. Thank you for sharing. I know I am not alone in enjoying your stories, that I am not alone in having your stories live in my mind and my heart.
I hope you are well and that you continue to write and share. I wish you Happy Holidays, however you celebrate them and I celebrate you.
With much love,
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officeofcommanderfox · 5 months ago
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Announcement Two
Celebration Event Prompt List Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
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