#imabeautifulbutterfly answers
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months ago
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
Awww thanks love. You're all my favorites so I can't exactly choose. Have an amazing week, weekend and month.
Love oo
Tag list below the cut
@firstofficerwiggles @avathebestx
@griffedeloup @itscaptain-sir
@kavecika @kark-trooper-echo
@loyal-soldier-5555 @loth-wolffe
@nanagoswife @nightprompts
@omglisalithium @clonethirstingisreal
@ulchabhangorm @uponrightful @wanderinginksplot-writes @wolffegirlsunite
@wanderinginksplot @wrecking-ball-99
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 5 months ago
Ohhh anon that's so sweet! It was an amazing fic request by @vodika-vibes, and I should write more for it because it was pretty awesome.
Here's the link for the fic
ORI'VOD!!! DID YOU WRITE A FIC WHERE READER WAS A SITH AND OBSESSED/in love WITH CROSSHAIR??? (Or it was a dream?) That thing has been plaguing my dreams, I need reread that, save it in my computer and mobile and ebook. Plz send help?
Also, if it was you, obsessed, like 4 REAL, with the reader perspective (I've dreaming I was rereading the words no the plot/fic, which also but THE WRITING... ).
I want sith Obi Wan treating me like this (lack of self-esteem this week, sorry, will send thirsty thots in saturday to compensate???).
Sorry 😳
Hi there!
That fic wasn't by me, it was actually an event fic written by the lovely @imabeautifulbutterfly .
You might have thought I wrote it because I requested it and I reblogged it, but that piece of genius wasn't born of my brain.
The only sith story I have is with Purge Trooper Cody and an Inquisitor Reader. I should write more though, they can be fun.
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officeofcommanderfox · 3 months ago
7. You're not as bad as everyone saids you are. (Reader saying to Fox)
22. If you're still wondering who left flowers at your desk I think I'm ready to put your mind at ease. (Reader surprising Fox with flowers.)
I’m excited to see how you would maneuver these into the story.
Thank you so so much for your ask @darkangel4121 and please accept my (@firstofficerwiggles) apology for the delay in the response. Life has been rather crazy for me. Big props to my co-author @imabeautifulbutterfly for keeping the ship running. But now without further ado, we give you...
The Commander & The Civvie, Chapter 6
Previous Chapter | Fic Main
Pairing: Commander Fox x female reader
Rating: T
Warnings: flirting, suggestive talk
Prompts: 7. You're not as bad as everyone says you are. (Reader saying to Fox)
22. If you're still wondering who left flowers at your desk I think I'm ready to put your mind at ease. (Reader surprising Fox with flowers.)
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“This is all a big mistake! You dumb clones don’t know who I am, and when you find out, you’ll regret it!” A large man in a cheap suit was making quite the ruckus as Commander Fox marched him down the corridor.
“Get in there and keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you,” Fox snapped as he shoved the criminal into the holding cell. His armor was sporting new blaster marks courtesy of his latest arrest.
“Don’t act so high and mighty, clone boy, my lawyer will have me outta here before breakfast,” the sleazy gangster sneered in Fox’s direction. 
“Another Black Sun lowlife, I presume?” Thorn inquired.
“Yes, and this one is charged with assaulting a Marshall Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, so he will be going away for quite some time,” Fox announced in a voice loud enough to carry back to the man in question.
A string of rather colorful swearing answered in response.
Fox and his men had been rounding up Black Sun members and their known associates for a couple weeks now. He was determined to find the men responsible for making threats on your life. Unfortunately the slimy underworld dirtbags seemed to have a team of slimy underhanded lawyers at their disposal such that Fox felt lucky if he could get them past arraignment. But charges against a GAR officer were now being taken more seriously thanks to a new bill introduced by Senator Amidala. It often meant baiting these criminals into taking a cheap shot at him, but he felt it was worth it when it meant charges that wouldn’t be easily dismissed. 
As your boss made his way back into your shared office space, you couldn’t hold back a sound of worry,
“Oh no! More blaster scarring? I wish you’d stop making yourself a target, Commander.”
“It’s just a scratch, nothing I can’t fix,” he said with a shrug, although secretly he felt a pleasing warmth in his stomach when you fussed over him. 
You were already hurrying over to him with a fresh cup of caf and a med kit. 
Fox chuckled, “No med kit needed, Starlight, this new armor is reinforced.” 
He took off his helmet and took a deep sip of the caf, humming appreciatively as the warm liquid soothed his throat. When he looked back at you, there was a worried frown on your face and you were shuffling from foot to foot. Setting down his cup with a soft sigh, Fox held out his arms and rotated in a slow spin in front of you.
“Go ahead and look, Starlight, no serious damage, I promise you,” he stated.
You carefully inspected him, eyes darting to examine all the sensitive spots between his armor plating. There was a questionable spot on his side, but upon closer inspection. you realized it was just a loose thread from his black under armor shirt. As you heard Fox clear his throat you looked back up at him, meeting his eyes and realized just how close you were standing to him. You could smell his aftershave mixed with the scent of caf. 
“Do I need to take off my armor or maybe strip down for further inspection?” Fox asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking at you, “Tell me, Starlight, is that your plan? To finally see more of me.”
The thought of Fox stripping off his armor in front of you gave you a jolt and you suddenly felt overly warm. You surprised yourself by how much you did want to see him like that, to know exactly how well-built your commander really was. Your surprise must have shown on your face because Fox stepped a bit closer, giving you a sly little smile,
“You can ask if that’s what you want, I’m not shy,” he teased.
“I- I- n-no, I don’t need that, you look great- I mean you look uninjured,” you babbled at him.
Fox laughed as he stepped away and went back to his caf, “Thanks for checking me out.”
“I wasn’t- it wasn’t like that,” you blurt out, face burning with embarrassment
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, Starlight,” he quipped before settling in at his desk.
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You were making your way home still thinking about the Commander and his teasing. He had kept it up most of the day, smirking at you across the office and saying flirtatious little things to get a reaction from you, which he managed to do each time. It made you feel good, yet surprised, 
When did I start wanting him to flirt with me? 
This thought was still running through your head as you arrived at your building. There was a beautiful flower and gift shop on the ground floor, and their colorful display window caught your eye. 
“Show someone you care!” a large banner declared as it hung above several beautiful arrangements. There was one in particular, full of red and white blooms in a silver cup, that you were drawn to.
“You have a unique eye.” 
The voice pulled you from your musings, when you saw the florist, a middle aged man with a warm smile, standing at the entrance. 
“I'm sorry?”
“The arrangements. I arranged these for the boys in red. But it's not selling as well as I’d hoped.” 
“The boys in red?” 
“The Coruscant Guard. I was hoping people would purchase it and send it as a thank you for all the work those clones do. Plus I donate the profits to Dex's diner, where a clone can eat for free.” 
The smile on your lips expanded as you listened to his promotion, “That's such a brilliant idea. I work with them and I can tell you, most people don’t realize how hard and how much they work for all of us.” 
“That they do, but somehow, I don't think you were looking at the flowers with every clone in mind. You had someone specific running through your head, didn't you?”
Blood rushed to your face, as he spoke. You prayed he couldn't tell. 
“Um… yes.” You cleared your throat being as professional as you could, “The Marshall Commander personally saved me from an incident so I was thinking of getting him some flowers. Well maybe not just him.” 
“Why don't you come in and we can arrange something special for your savior,” he teased with a smile. 
Two hours later as you sat on your couch in your pjs, you couldn't help but replay the order you submitted to the helpful florist. Maybe it was a mistake to send the bouquet, after all you did send a rather large bouquet to the Commander… well, your Commander, as the florist kept insisting. You wondered if the card was enough or maybe it was too much. Was it all too much? 
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Fox stood on the main floor of the Senate building with all his officers and prisoners, the air was filled with tension and anxiousness. Everyone was on edge, as they waited for news from the squad sent to investigate Fox’s office. 
“What's going on?” you asked as you finally made your way through the crowd, once you had been redirected from the Guard building entrance. 
“There you are!” Fox exclaimed in relief. 
“Commander, what's going on?”
He held up his finger as he commed Thorn, once he informed Thorn you were safe, he turned his attention back to you. 
“We're dealing with a possible incendiary device.” 
“Oh my gods.” Your hand moved to cover your mouth, as the shock from what Fox said caused you to open wide. “What happened? Did the Black Sun send a threat? Was it a mailed package? Or did someone leave a suspicious looking bag?”
“No. They're too clever for that. They sent flowers.” Fox reported, making the innocent word sound sinister.
“Eep...” a little yip left your lips as you blinked your eyes a few times trying to register what he just said. “Did you say flowers?”
“Hold on,” Fox held up his hand, as Thorn came from the joint corridor between the Guard building and the Senate building, carrying a rather large bouquet of flowers. As you suspected it was the very same bouquet you had sent to the Commander. 
You swallowed slowly, hoping no one was looking at you and noticing the look of horror on your face as it dawned on you that you were the reason for the evacuation. If the ground would open up and swallow you whole in this moment, that would just be fantastic. Or a heart attack, better yet, a heart attack would be better. They could just bury you with the flowers and no one would be wiser.
Come on, heart. Just start attacking.
“All clear, Commander. There were no incendiary devices, it was just–,” Thorn snorted as his mouth shifted fighting the laughter, “Flowers. Ahem! For you.” He passed Fox the bouquet of flowers and the card. 
Fox felt his face flush beet red, he didn’t know what joker thought this would be a hilarious prank, but the last thing he needed was 500 pairs of eyes watching him and asking a bunch of questions. He straightened up, turned his head and used his Commander voice. “All right. You heard the man. All clear. What are you waiting for?” He ordered his men back upstairs, and led by example, by moving towards the first lift available. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact he needed to be alone or avoid the curious glances directed toward him and his flowers. 
As everyone began heading towards the elevators, you remained grounded in your spot, blinking back the tears and shock that you were single-handedly responsible for this debacle, not to mention, the embarrassment of the man you admired in front of his men and what felt like at least half the senate. You closed your eyes praying for sweet death. 
“It's all good, mesh'la.” Thorn chuckled, “I think this is yours.” He passed you the invoice. Your eyes drifted to the piece of flimsi, your eyes focusing on that one spot, the one part that shone as bright as the sun, your name, “It was stuck to the bottom of the bouquet. Don't worry I won't say anything.” Thorn continued to chuckle as he left you standing there really hoping you’d die of embarrassment now.
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Fox kept the bouquet on his desk, turning the card in his hand over and over, wondering who in the haran would have sent him flowers.
At first, he imagined it could’ve been Senator Amidala, a sort of, keep-up-the-good-work type of encouragement, or maybe he thought this was just a treat from her, but she had no idea what he was referring to. Then he considered it might have been one of his clone brethren, a vain attempt to try and humiliate him, but they all denied it. Wolffe especially seemed offended at such a childish prank, and Cody wasn't going to let him live it down any time soon. Rex, well he couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes.
He had spent a whole day on this and nothing. Not one clue. The card itself held a rather cryptic, albeit bemusing, message. There was no name of the flower shop either on the card nor the flowers themselves, and there had been no record of the delivery, which had led to his original assumption that these flowers were ill-intended. 
“Ahem! Commander” your voice was barely above a whisper, so it was no wonder that Fox didn't react right away. “Commander.” Your voice rang through a little louder this time.
Fox shifted his eyes away from the flowers and focused on you, 
“Oh, Starlight. Sorry. This day has been weird, and my mind is all over the place.” 
He cleared his throat and put the card down, giving you his undivided attention, “Anyway, what can I do for you?” 
You stepped in, closing the door behind you, as you began fidgeting with the hem of your top, “Um, I need to tell you something.”
You took in a deep breath, closing your eyes briefly wondering if telling him the truth was the right thing to do. Obviously, it was. After the mess you caused this morning, not to mention his own embarrassment, he had a right… no, he deserved to know the truth. 
“Commander, if you're still wondering who left flowers at your desk, I think I'm ready to put your mind at ease.” 
“Sorry, ready to put my mind at ease?”
You nodded, trying to avoid looking into his warm, tender eyes, “Please don't be upset. But it was me.” 
Fox's eyes widened, “You?” 
“You're not as bad as everyone says you are.” 
His eyes went from his Starlight to the card he received with the flowers. There was the message just as she had quoted, word for word. 
A million questions ran through his mind, and yet rather than asking a thing, he started laughing. He laughed so hard tears came to his eyes and his cheeks ached. It was the most enthusiastic laugh you’d heard in a long time, and it was certainly the happiest you’d ever seen your Commander. He held his forehead as his elbow rested on the desk while he shook his head. 
“Starlight, only you could cause an incident on such a colossal scale.”
“I'm sorry. I never imagined–,” 
“Did you mean it?” He cut you off. 
“Did you mean what you wrote?” 
“Every word.” 
He nodded as he stood walking over to you, gently cupping your cheek, “You… you baffle me.” He gently stroked your cheek, the shock and surprise of his actions written all over your face, which only made him smile brighter, “Starlight. Have dinner with me.”
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Send Commander Fox an ask and continue the story!
Tag list 1: @boomtowngirl @becks-things @tailorvizsla @catsnkooks @bitchin-beskar
@acourtofsnakes @grogusmum   @buzzybeebee   @deannie13 @ladykatakuri @noodlesfics   @the-good-shittt @everythingyouwanted @jewfro24 @vaderthepotater @pinkiemme @laichka @myeternalsin @kazthedestroyer @writeforfandoms @trekkingaroundasgard @beskarmermaid @flightlessangelwings @heyitsaloy @pickleprickle @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @cloneloverrrrr @deewithani @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @atlas-likes-writing @mysticalgalaxysalad @tazmbc1
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 29 days ago
There will not be a new chapter of Where's Mommy? today. Sorry, y'all 😮‍💨
I tried really hard to get it done in time, but alas, I could not. I'm hoping to have it done for next Friday, though 🤞🏻
It's been a crazy beginning of the year. I am very busy at work, but it's a very good busy! Because of my hard work last year, I got not one, but two raises! Which calculates out to a 6% increase to my annual salary 🥳
So, now I'm hard at work again to do even better this year! I'm not burnt out or anything like that, but, since I'm doing a lot with documentation and spreadsheets, after 8-9 hours of typing, I really don't want to type when I get home 😅 It's been a bit rough.
I'm also busy in my personal life, with friends, family, and my volunteer work, all good stuff, so I don't get a lot of sit-down-and-write time. There's also this guy that I'm falling for 👀🤫🤭 Honestly, I'm living my best life right now, even with the not great stuff. I'm happy.
In between work and life, I'll still be writing, but you may not see me around here too much. I've even been tossing the idea around of just posting my fic updates on AO3 and not on Tumblr. Don't worry, I'm not leaving Tumblr or deleting my blog. It's just a lot of extra time and energy to cross post. If I do decide on that, I'll make an announcement.
And now, if you've made it all the way down this post, below I have a little snippet from the next chapter as a show of good faith 🥰
Cara stood between Wolffe's knees and slowly swayed back and forth while staring at blankly at the woman. "Why's your hair yellow?"
"Cara!" Wolffe scolded, tapping his left knee into his daughters side. "That's rude." Wolffe looked up at the woman with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry. She's not usually like this."
Lilith chuckled. "It's alright. Actually, it's pretty normal behavior." With a bright smile, Lilith leaned over her knees to look Cara in the eyes. "Why's your hair black?"
Cara grabbed the hem of her shirt and played with it while she thought of an answer, a tell-tale sign that she was embarrassed. "Because of Daddy," she said while pointing behind her.
"Ah," Lilith said knowingly. "Well, my daddy had yellow hair, so I have yellow hair. Just like how you have black hair like your daddy."
Cara stared silently as the wheels turned in her head. "Oh."
Tag List:
@nahoney22 @sunshinesdaydream @padawancat97 @coraex @lickylickylicky @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @moonwrecked @stunkbiggu @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @returnofthepineapple @clonethirstingisreal @dreamie411 @trixie2023 @cw80831 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @arc-trooper-8008 @knightprincess @kell-of-storms @skellymom @grindeeloo @totallyunidentified @ladylucksrogue @tesahuy1629 @tanaka @gjrain20-starwars @nerd-ika @imabeautifulbutterfly @tallrock35 @ivanessame @msmeredithrose @griffedeloup @salaminus @rebell-ious @nursekyra @clones-cyare @roboticsuccubus83 @totally-not-your-babe @rinwritesfics @vithe-potato @haybellewrites @unicorngirl17 @notgonnaedit
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moonstrider9904 · 1 year ago
If you could get to know and/or write with another writer (or more) who would it be?
Hey there! Sorry for taking all day to answer this. You really got me thinking and I didn't want to give an answer halfway just to get it done quickly.
I would first and foremost want to write with my dear friend @photogirl894. As a fellow major fan of The Bad Batch, I think a mutual love for this show and the characters would make way for an awesome story, and plus, the way that she can bring her original characters to life is stunning to me. Y'all should read her works, such as Sun and Rain (Hunter x OC) and Mirrors in the Force (Kanan x OC)
I would also love to get to know @freesia-writes since I know the love for TBB is also mutual. I'm so in love with the way she writes Crosshair particularly.
Another writer I respect greatly is @nahoney22. Not only does Honey capture each bad batcher fantastically well but her personality is top tier and I think everyone should get to know her.
@darthzero22 is very dear to me as well, and we share many fandoms besides Star Wars that we have bonded over the years with. She is a kind, wonderful soul who writes beautifully and I'm honored to know her.
Of course @lizartgurl your writing does not go unnoticed as well!!
And there are so many other writers I'd like to give a shout out to! @eyecandyeoz @eloquentmoon @firstofficerwiggles @arctrooper69 @rowansparrow @arctrooperechy @emperor-palpaminty @dragonrider9905 @angelltheninth @imabeautifulbutterfly @justalittletomato and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!! Y'all are incredible and getting to know any of you / write with you over fandom love would be AWESOME!
Thank you for this ask, Lizart!! I had a lot of fun giving this little shout out :D
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masterjedilenawrites · 2 years ago
The Bad Batch: Most to Least Awkward First Kiss
...because I have a problem answering simple questions and also I miss ranking these boys on silly scales...
1. Tech: He would not have initiated his first kiss. He was still reeling from the realization he actually liked this person, his focus solely on confessing to them and nothing more. When their response is pressing their lips to his? He's stunned. His limbs flail about and he makes a weird noise like he's in pain. His crush pulls away, confused, and he runs off, embarrassed. He would like his next kiss to be thoroughly planned out in advance, please.
2. Echo: He would've gone in for the kiss himself, but also would've been sweating profusely. Little did his crush know that he'd been spending the past hour psyching himself up for it. It's only a peck that he gives, simple and harmless, and it's definitely not as bad as he thought. He doesn't know what to say afterward, the only thing he can think of is an awkward thank you. He reflects on the moment for literal weeks.
3. Crosshair: Feels more confident than the others, but it's not entirely warranted. He doesn't know what he's doing and he only realizes this once he's millimeters away from their face. It's a sloppy kiss, more wet than he expected, and with teeth clacking clumsily, but it's not the worst he could've done. He saves it at the end by booping their nose and giving them a cute nickname. He definitely plans to practice more for his next kiss.
4. Hunter: Also wouldn't have initiated his first kiss, but doesn't flail about like a fish. He's very quick to adapt. He only tenses in surprise for a second before softening up and leaning into the kiss. He lets his crush lead the way, mimicking their movements and creating an unexpectedly pleasant moment. He does stand slack-jawed for a bit afterward, his senses are tingling like crazy and brain will not function and form proper words.
5. Wrecker: Even though he has no experience with his first kiss, this guy can turn any potentially-awkward moment into something fun and special. As soon as the time feels right, he goes for it, and with the biggest grin on his face no less. He holds his person tenderly and tries out a few different kinds of kisses - soft, hard, fast, slow - until he finds one they both like so he knows what to do next time.
Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear
+Bad Batch Tag: @marvel-starwars-nerd, @pandora-the-halfling, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @bowtiesandsandshoes, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbetired, @thatmultifandomdumbass, @sarahtanmarvel, @call-me-a-fool, @lackofhonor, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @kaijusplotch, @salaminus, @arctrooper69, @katzs-current-obsession, @rebel-finn, @not-a-big-slay, @writing-positivelyexisting, @nekotaetae, @the-mom-friend-dot-com, @pickle-rick-y, @flowered-bicycles, @lucyysthings
(Join my tag list here)
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griffedeloup · 10 months ago
Thank you for tagging me @dystopicjumpsuit and @sunshinesdaydream , I will answer to that with pleasure ❤️
I wanted to finish the episodes before writting here.
I do not have the habit to make posts and talk about myself, because english is not my first langage, I mostly reblogs and comments the work of other, but this is the occasion to do otherwise.
I'm grateful for this serie, I love all the batchers so much, and there is so many reasons to do so, I could not list them but I think about them everyday since I got into the fandom, I feel like they're with me constantly and I'm happy for it ❤️
But also because I could enter a fandom and met formidable people, I love you all, I so happy to know you 💕
It's been one year and a half since I jumped into the fandom, and I first discovered the good headcanons of @zoeykallus , thank you again for making me dream with your writtings, they are absolutely delightful ❤️
Then I read the gorgeous works of @freesia-writes and @nahoney22 who became my firsts mutu on tumblr, I became less shy thanks to you, thank you again, I love you 💕
I could also know @the-rain-on-kamino , whom I love so much the work that I have her books, I'm so happy to read your next stories 😁
I'm also thinking about @dumfanting , @the-bad-batch-baroness , @clonethirstingisreal , @totallyunidentified , @arctrooper69
@imabeautifulbutterfly , @photogirl894 , @jedi-hawkins , and many more that I forgott (sorry for that).
I'm so grateful to know you, to learn from you, to exchange with you, laugh and cry with you ❤️❤️❤️
I know this isn't the end, it's not because the show is ending that the fandom will stop to exist, there will still be people to talk to, I will still be there to read your posts, your fics, sharing them, cherishing every interactions I had and will have with you, as I will cherish this show 😁
How about you? What are you guys grateful for? Reblog and share what TBB meant to you!
Before TBB Ends...Regardless of HOW it Ends...I've Got to Say Something...
In 2021, TBB was released, and over the last few years, it's grown to mean a lot to me. Not just the stories, the storytelling, the characters whom we've fallen in love with and hope to see more of someday, whose stories we've learned important lessons from, but how it profoundly affected my life.
And it is something I am incredibly grateful for.
Regardless of how the show ends, if it's something I'm going to love or be totally heartbroken over and hate, I'm so glad it happened and went on this journey.
For one, it gave me the plug to start writing. Writing was always a dream of mine but it wasn't until I discovered fanfiction, because of TBB, that I actually realized it. I had this idea of writing and thought I'd never really be able to accomplish that. The show enabled me to move past that and I've been able to be enflamed by my love for writing. It brings me so much happiness. No other show pushed me to write like this one.
Secondly, my writing has allowed me to touch and interact with people. I can't tell you how much it means to me and how thrilled I am to hear and learn my work has touched you in some way. I'm humbled by your words and taking the time to actually read and appreciate what I've written.
Thirdly, I've gone on so many adventures, crazy amazing adventures because of what other brilliant minds I met through the show have written. There are SO many great stories that just hit me so.....I was touched by your stories that you wouldn't have written if you hadn't watched the show!
Lastly, but CERTAINLY not the least, I have made SO many friends and writing buddies because of this show. It has connected me to so many cool people that I otherwise may never have found. I've grown really close with some of you, while others, though we may not be friends per say, I hope we can someday. In the meantime, I will admire your work from here. You guys mean so much to me and I can't even begin to express how wonderful it's been getting to know you over the past few years. The fun experiences we've shared, the theories, the stories, all of it. I am not putting this as well as it was in my head so please forgive that.
This includes but isn't limited to: @eclec-tech @photogirl894 @apocalyp-tech-a @lizartgurl @jedipoodoo @arctrooper69 @carolinetano7567 @trapezequeen @ghostofskywalker @masterjedilenaaa @ladysongmaster @moonstrider9904 @klmwrites @techs-stitches @ovaa-bi-bia @frostycatblr-fandom-files @imabeautifulbutterfly @sverdgeir @oceansssblue @marvel-starwarsfangirl @jedi-hawkins
How about you? What are you guys grateful for? Reblog and share what TBB meant to you!
Copy and paste the red as your header and let's see how many people we can get so share their stories!
I will end with no other quote than this!
"With love comes loss; it's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it's all worth it. There's no greater gift than love."
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 1 year ago
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back :) Now let the hugging begin! 💜
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@justanothersadperson93 thank you for the hug, and I'm sending one back.
Sending an emergency hug to everyone, including:
@avathebestx@boomtowngirl @carodealmeida@crosshair-is-the-superior-clone@cousinwingding97 @ciramaris@dindjarindiaries@damn-stark@darkangel4121 @discofern @dragonrider9905 @emperor-palpaminty @eclec-tech @firstofficerwiggles @get-wr3ckered @hello-th3r3 @howthekriffdidigethere @jenstar1992-2 @jedipoodoo @kick-girl @kate-komics @kavecika @knightprincess @kurrpip @lizclimo @loth-wolffe @ladykatakuri @masterjedilenaaa @monako-jinn-stories @mandolin22 @moonstrider9904 @nanagoswife @shukruut @shadowsstorystuff @shadowycoffeeperfection @salamanderz13 @theonewhowandered01 @tortor-mcgee @ulchabhangorm @uponrightful @wolffegirlsunite @wanderinginksplot
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vodika-vibes · 10 months ago
Heyy can you please please please
Do a ,, Ideal types of Wolffe, Rex, Jesse etc…“
Someone already did a bad Batch version but no one did a version of our other husbands that would be so nice
Ideal Types
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader
Warnings: Uh...this is actually pretty angsty. Sorry.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @stupendoussludgezinerebel-blog
A/N: I wasn't sure how many you wanted, so I went with four. I added Fox because I love him, lol. Also, this might not be, exactly, what you wanted. But I was feeling poetic this morning, and then angst monster smacked me with a baseball bat and yeah. I hope you like it!
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Captain Rex x Reader - A pillar. Someone who supports him through everything.
You smile at Rex, soft and warm and gentle as he rests his head on your lap. He’s more asleep than awake at this point, and you lightly trail the pads of your fingers over his short hair, careful to not wake him.
He’s so tired, your perfect Rex. Your handsome Captain.
But here, in the safety of your apartment, enveloped in your soft arms and soft scent, the stress lines on his face ease away, making him look his physical age, rather than much older.
He turns in his slumber, his face pressing against your stomach and his arms slide securely around your waist, clinging to you like a child would cling to a treasured blanket, and your smile softens.
He works so hard, your Rex. Has so much stress and responsibility laid upon his broad and strong shoulders. As if he's stuck bearing the weight of the galaxy.
But, right here, right now, you can bear that weight for him.
"Rest, my love." You whisper, your voice soft enough that he doesn't stir, "I have the watch."
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Commander Wolffe x Reader - A lighthouse, someone who is able to light his way home, even in the darkest of times.
"You're tense, Wolffe." Your voice is soft as you slide your hands over his shoulders to wrap him in a hug from behind. "Is everything alright?"
His smile is wry and slightly bitter, and you have your answer.
No. He's not alright. He's not been alright since the day he lost most of his battalion. Since the day his beautiful red armor bled all the color out and turned into the solemn grey of mourning.
It's a wound that still bleeds, you know.
You press a feather light kiss against the back of his neck and tighten your arms around him. You won't pressure him, you won't ask him questions.
For all that the curiosity burns, your love for him burns brighter. And so you hold him, and offer him your unyielding support.
He's lost in a maelstrom of grief and pain. A storm of sorrow buffets him from every angle. And there are no words that can ease his suffering.
And so you offer the only thing you can. Your silent support and your undying love. You'll be here to light his way back to shore, always. Forever.
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ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader - A sanctuary, someone where he's allowed to break and shatter, without fear of any consequences.
He's shaking.
Jesse's arms are firm around your, his face pressed against your neck as he lays on top of you...and he's shaking.
Trembling, really. Like a tooka kitten.
Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders and you turn your head to kiss the side of his head. You knew, of course, that this deployment was...bad.
But until this very moment, you had no idea how bad.
You won't ask, though you know he'll tell you if you did.
Even though your heart breaks when you feel his tears against your bare shoulder. And then it shatters when a sob rips from your Jesse's throat.
Even then, you still won't ask. You are his sanctuary, his safe place where he can be just a man, and not the strong soldier that he has to be every other day.
And when he, brokenly, whispers that he's applying for ARC, you just tighten your arms around him.
And you know, know, that this story ends in tragedy. But you'll continue being his safe place until it's not needed anymore.
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Commander Fox x Reader - A bulwark, a barrier between him and the rest of the galaxy. Someplace where he can feel safe.
Fox sighs, low and quiet as he looks up at you. He has dark circles under his eyes, he hasn't been sleeping again. But that's nothing compared to the angry bruises that you're treating for him.
"I'm sorry," he breathes out, "For being such a burden."
You smile at him, warm and loving, "You could never."
Something like distress slides across his face, "Cyare, I-"
"Shh," You soothe him with a gentle touch of your hand against his cheek, "Whatever it is, darling, it will hold. At least for now."
The distress remains, though it fades as you lovingly apply bacta to another bruise.
He suffers, your Fox. You see it more and more clearly with every passing day. He's losing time, he has growing blank spots in his memory...and it terrifies him.
It terrifies you too.
How long before he's not him anymore? Until he no longer looks at you with love and adoration, but with blank disregard.
You shove the thought to the side firmly. Right here, right now you have your Fox. And you will shield him from the rest of the galaxy, for as long as you can.
That's all you can do for him.
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nanagoswife · 3 years ago
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Chapter One
Summary: You are a high school teacher but things turn upside down when your best friend tells you there’s a detective pulling teachers aside to question them.
W/C: 1.8k
Warnings: mention of crime?, not much
A/N: FINALLY!!! My brain has allowed me to think of a Benoit fic! I hope you all like it and Thank you to @imabeautifulbutterfly for the title😊
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“Why the hell is there a P.I. here?”
You whip your head up to look at your friend and colleague. The question took you by surprise as you organized a few papers.
“What do you mean? Since when do we need a private investigator at a high school?”
He shrugs as he leans against one of the desks in your classroom. It’s the lunch break so your friend, Raymond, has made his usual stop in your room. It’s not that you don’t leave your room at lunch, but you just like to relax in the quiet before venturing into the chaos of teens in the hallways.
“I heard, and you didn’t hear this from me, but there was apparently some sort of crime committed.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s obvious,” you mutter as you turn back to the papers.
Raymond pretends that he didn’t hear you and continues, “Unfortunately I haven’t been able to figure out who is suspected and for what.”
You pushed out a light laugh as he slouched in disappointment. Raymond had always been big on gossip. He was always the one finding out which of your colleagues were secretly seeing each other, if any of them had any arguments. He was the one who found out any and all of the dirt going around between your colleagues. Even stuff outside of your personal workplace managed to find you due to him. It helped that his boyfriend, well fiancé now, had a knack for being apart of the drama. That meant that you heard things about people you were sure you’d never meet. Especially since many of those people work at a modelling company.
In response to your reaction, he rolled his eyes. “Come on. You’re not one bit interested in what’s going on? This P.I., or detective, as I’ve heard him introduce himself, has been pulling aside a lot of the staff here.”
That makes you pause. “All of them?” you ask, hoping the answer would be no. Because, if this detective is pulling all teachers aside, this must mean something more serious than you thought had happened. A something that you, you might add, are not one ounce educated about.
So, when Raymond slowly nods, crossing his arms across his chest, panic starts to fill you. It wasn’t as if you had done something, but the thought that something this serious happened in a setting such as this concerns you.
“Hey, don’t worry,” Raymond says quickly as he notices your pause, “I’m sure it’s nothing. I do have to say, though, this man is easy on the eyes.”
You chuckle. “You gonna try and flirt your way out of questioning?” you say teasingly, causing a laugh to pour out from your friend.
“Never know,” he started with a sly smirk, “it wouldn’t be hard to charm someone as good looking as him.”
Exaggeratedly gasping, you dramatically bring a hand over your heart as you say, “Oh, but you’re engaged to Sam!”
He rolls his eyes with a light chuckle as he stands. You smile a little, glad to have made the conversation a little lighter.
“Now, let’s get your ass out of this room. Maybe I can show you what I was talking about if we see him.”
You didn’t see whoever this detective was when you went on your walk with Raymond. Mind you, you weren’t necessarily surprised. It was lunch time. The kids were all out and, if he hadn’t decided to call it a day, would be most likely having his own lunch.
For you and Raymond, you made your way outside. It was almost like a ritual. Every day he’d come into your room, chat for a bit, then the two of you would do a few laps around the school as you both ate and talked. There was the odd time where you’d actually use the staff room to eat, but it wasn’t often.
Unlike Raymond, you didn’t enjoy a lot of drama. And the staff room at lunch was a hotbed for it. So, the two of you vacated outside to where a few students decided to take residence as well. If there was any drama there, it wouldn’t concern you in any way.
The only sign you had of the detective was the fact that there was a police cruiser parked out front. It made sense. If he were a P.I., a school would need an officer partnered with him. Specifically the liaison. Yet, if he were a proper detective, that could mean it’s his cruiser.
Well, you tried not to think about it much. You were on break at the time and it was much needed for your next class. It was going to be a topic that would raise many questions and make many opinions be heard. Well, if they took to it.
If anyone had told you that your most popular class would be genocide studies, you would’ve told them that they were insane. Genocide wasn’t something discussed in detail with high schoolers. Well, more like you thought that they’d never be interested.
Oh, how wrong you were.
So, as you let the students packed into your room talk, you write the topic in the board. As they notice what you are writing, a few groan while others quiet down in interest.
When you turn back, you already see a hand raised.
“Yes, Trevor?”
“What does a dress code have to do with genocides? We’ve been talking about how genocides usually happen due to religious differences and ethnicities, not because of what they wear.”
Genuine interest is laced into the boy’s tone. You know he isn’t the only one confused, but there’s more than one reason why you’re bringing this up.
You nod your head a little, leaning against the board that’s not written on.
“You have a point. Though, that’s not really what this is about. One question I’d like to ask: what did Nazi Germany make the Jewish, opposed politicians, those apart of the LGBTQ community, and so many more do to identify what they were?”
A few of your students lowered their heads as they knew what you meant. They were a smart group, empathetic. Which was a good thing considering the class.
You let the question hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “You see, it’s not necessarily clothing that causes a genocides start to oppression, but a certain dress code gets put in place once that target group is named. The holocaust? The Star of David for anyone Jewish. The LGBTQ? The pink triangle. If they were caught without it? Punishment.”
Pausing for a moment, you see a few nodding their heads. Some are looking at the ground, almost in shame. Others still look slightly confused while others are starting to piece together why this topic is being brought up.
“Now,” you begin again, stepping away from the board to walk through the rows of students, “although it isn’t dealt with in the same way as the holocaust, what happens when you break the dress code in the school?”
A few mutter the answer at the same time some just outright say it. “We get punished.”
Once again, you nod, stopping with your back to the always open door.
“Right. Though it’s not totally a punishment right away for you, but a warning to begin with, but it’s a way to help you somewhat understand.” A few nods. “And, what I would like to bring our attention to comes from a country that many of you wouldn’t think to have a genocide in their past, and least of all that they’re still having a problem with it.” A pause to see if anyone guesses it.
Instead of telling them, you go back to the whiteboard and write it down.
A nearly shocked gasp draws your attention to your students as one asks, “Canada?” with a disbelieving tone.
You nod. “You see, what I want to talk about is how it doesn’t matter how you dress that causes genocides to happen. Yes, maybe your specific religion or beliefs brings certain clothing along with it, but the way someone dresses is usually determined in the symbolization stage. When…”
The sudden sight at your door made you trail off in the middle of your lecture. A few confused students looked over as well, curious to what stopped the flow of information coming from you.
That reason was the principal, along with someone unfamiliar, who were standing just inside the threshold of your room. You didn’t know how long they had been there, and usually you’d continue on but you know what this is going to be about.
Not only that, but the unfamiliar man, dressed in a grey suit and tie that made his blue eyes stand out even across the room. His eyes, the ones that belonged to the man you assumed was who Raymond had been talking about earlier, were what caused you to pause.
Damn you Raymond.
“Hi,” you say as brightly as you can (and without trying to give away that you already know why they’re here), “are you needing me to step out for a moment?”
You ask it to the principal rather than the man at her side. Even still, the man is the one who answers.
“Please,” he said quickly, taking a step forward with a raised hand, “don’t let us interrupt.”
The southern accent takes you back a bit. Though you weren’t expecting it, it certainly suits him. It adds to the charm that the man just simply radiates. You find yourself wishing that you could hear it more, but quickly push it aside.
Before you could get too caught up with studying this man, cursing that Raymond was right, you turned back to your students. A few had mischievous glints to their eyes, some looking simply amused as they turn back to you. Overall, though, every single one of them sent a silent message that they caught onto something. A something you would of preferred to be the fact that you were about to be questioned by some sort of law enforcement and not the fact that you really do find him attractive.
It didn’t help when you saw the man’s own amusement making his eyes almost twinkle. There was something else, but you couldn’t quite place what it was.
A chuckle from a few of your students drew your attention away. Their teasing looks only increased as even more caught on.
Why did you have to teach teenagers?
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@thereluctantherosrose @imabeautifulbutterfly @where-fantasy-meets-reality @binanas @stardancerluv @laazulli
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masterjedilenawrites · 2 years ago
How would the Ghost crew (+ Kallus) react if their s/o asked the “would you still love me if I was a worm” question?
Btw, I think Maul is better with the double bladed lightsaber + the dark side of the force (he doesn’t need a spin feature built in on his lightsaber)
But I think the Inquisitor is sexier (I have a massive thing for Jason Isaacs)
Also the TIE fight pilots name is Baron Valen Rudor (I think Charlemagne fits him better tho)
Oh gosh, am I qualified to do headcanons after only watching a few episodes? 😅 Let's give it a shot...
Kanan: Would give this question genuine, serious thought. Would he? Could he? What if he did? What if he didn't? He will toil over all the possibilities and never come up with a satisfying answer.
Hera: Would blink a few times, staring, silent, and then go back to what she was doing without a word. If you press for an answer, you'll only get more errands piled onto your plate for the day.
Zeb: Of course he would... not. If you're a worm, you're no longer you, and it's as simple as that. He won't argue, but if you start pouting he'll find ways to cheer you up (that don't have to do with worms).  
Sabine: Rolls her eyes at the question, but can't help herself from debating the topic with you. Whatever reason you give, one way or the other, she'll find a way to counter it with a different point.
Ezra: Only if you were a cute worm. Laughs at whatever reaction that answer gives, and will find any opportunity to continue teasing you about it. Heck, your new pet name may just be worm now...
Kallus: Sure, he says with a shrug. He knows better than to say no and upset you. He knows you're just having fun, but he's also not risking being sent to sleep on the couch for the night.
Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear
+Rebels tag?? Do I need to add that now?
(Join my tag list here)
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year ago
This is such a fun idea! Thank you for tagging me, @imabeautifulbutterfly, and sorry for the late reblog. Also, I'm sorry for the weird spacing. My computer freaks out when I try to fix it.
How many works do you have on AO3? - 41!
What's your total AO3 word count? - 1.2 million at the moment
What fandoms do you write for? - Actively? Star Wars, Arcane, and a few random ones as they catch my interest. I'm trying to get better about writing short bursts of fun ideas instead of getting bogged down in 100k novels.
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Fluffy Trooper One-Shots (collection of all of my one-shots posted here), 2. Gar Cabur, 3. Good Intentions (Arcane NSFW fic), 4. Nobody Listens to Kix, and 5. Spicy Star Wars One-Shots (collection of NSFW one-shots originally posted on my mature sideblog)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try really hard to! If I'm not busy, I prefer to be writing since I'm so far behind, but I'm trying to be better at answering comments. Especially the ones with a question or that point out specific parts of the fic!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really do angst, tbh. I think life is frustrating and a little sad, and I don't like my fics to be that way.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? As you can guess from the previous question, most of them! I really like happy endings. With me, if there's angst or sadness, it's not the ending yet.
Do you get hate on fics? Some of them! I wrote a novel-length Game of Thrones fic because I was so upset by the show's ending. Some people really didn't like the choices I made. But others did, and they're the ones my story was aimed at.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do! I wanted to see if I could, since I'm on the asexual spectrum. I'm not sure how to answer what kind, but in general, I write male characters and female readers. I'm thinking about branching out into same-sex relationships, but I don't know if I have the skill level to present things in the right way without coming off awkward or cringy.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I do not write crossovers. The closest I've ever come was a Deadpool fic I wrote. The Avengers made an appearance, but that's all loosely set in the same universe, so...
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! I probably should keep a better eye on things, but I hope someone would tell me if they found my stories posted by someone else.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I'm aware of. And I hope I would be aware! I think translation is so complex and cool that I would be super interested in the process.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I have not. I come off a little unapproachable (definitely not on purpose). Also, my writing schedule is erratic. I think I would drive someone insane.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones. I'm a sucker for a reverse Beauty and the Beast situation, especially when it's focused on a hardworking but slightly plain girl. I relate a little too strongly!
What's the WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I wrote a smutty Jareth x reader fic based on Labyrinth (1986) that I love. It has super strong fae vibes and I have a loose idea of the plot for more chapters, but I don't know if I can keep up that specific kind of creativity long enough to finish the story as I see it.
What are your writing strengths? I've been complimented on my characterization! If I want a character to have a certain type of interaction, I have to get them to a place where they could realistically have that interaction. Otherwise, I think OOC can be really distracting.
What are your writing weaknesses? Endings. Utterly, unavoidably endings. I'm terrible at them!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I like it if you can tell from context clues what the words mean. If it's a dialogue-heavy scene in another language, I get frustrated scrolling to the bottom over and over to figure out what's happening. And if the translations are in parentheses, it can be distracting. I prefer to write endearments and easy to understand phrases in other languages, or make the reader character's confusion part of the plot.
First fandom you wrote for? Yikes. In high school, I wrote a fic based on a very formulaic romance series (the Dark series by Christine Feehan). My OC didn't fall into the typical pattern for female characters because I wanted to explore what would happen with the rest of the story as a result.
Favorite fic you've ever written? This hurts! I would have to say either Gar Cabur or Nobody Listens to Kix. NLtK was so fun and easy to write that I still think about adding to the story. And Gar Cabur was such a surprise since I knew nothing about Alpha-17, but then I couldn't get enough of him!
Tagging some people I know as being talented writers, but there is absolutely no pressure! @leotatombs @just-some-girl-92 @kimageddon
If you write and want to consider this your tag, please do! I love to hear about the thoughts that people have about their own work.
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
23 public but I’ve archived 26 so total of 49!
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars! Specifically the clone wars and bad batch eras
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Bleed the Same (M)
Evenly Trimmed (E)
Phonetic Convergence (T)
Two Years to the Day (T)
Getting Some in the Gunship (E)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love gushing with people who are excited about the same things that I am. Also to give my thanks for taking the time to read my works.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess the only one that followed canon where Wolffe makes it to where Rex and Ahsoka can’t have contact
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except the above mentioned
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I’m aware of! I do have a secret hater from afar though hehe
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!! And I’m not sure lol. The nothing-is-left-to-the-imagination kind? Copious use of the words cock and cunt? What do you want me to say?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also not that I’m aware of! ALSO ALSO! I just want to take this opportunity to say that fics that share ideas or tropes don’t count as plagiarism. Unless it’s a word for word verbatim copy, please touch grass.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It was such a good experience and I highly recommend!!
Sheevy SithDonald’s (E)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Rexsoka!! 💙🧡
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of the other longfic ideas I have lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess writing the thoughts of all characters present? Third person omniscient I believe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing action scenes. Actually, anything that’s not romance or smut, I’m staring into the void of the google doc
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In a fictional language? Sparse use of Mando’a can be fun! I’ve not yet attempted an irl language other than English
19. First fandom you wrote for?
…One Direction… please don’t look at me I do not wish to be perceived
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Evenly Trimmed (E)
Thank you @sleepingbeauty21 for tagging me! This one was really fun!!
No pressure tags @whyamismall / @maxrebofeetpics / @melting-houses-of-gold / @taylorswiftscar / @lamaenthel and whoever else wants to!
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ladykatakuri · 2 years ago
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
Several of the Clones at 79s
TW: None, lill mention of virginity or loss of it, some drinking
W.C: 1501
Summary: A night out usually means drinks, dancing, flirting and just a relaxing time. In one booth, the guys play a little game...
A/N: First of all a big thanks to @imabeautifulbutterfly for doing the beta work on this one and inspiring me and helping me when I write. You are a rock ( even when sometimes I wanna shake you like a snowglobe! ) XO
This is just one of those things that pops up in your mind and you just have to write it. I hope you like it and as always, likes, comments and reblogs are always much appreciated 💖
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It has been a normal night at the bar and all the guys were just having a drink and some fun. Some ventured to the dancefloor, joining all the others who were having fun together, solo or some in small groups as they swayed and danced across the floor. Spread out over the booths several groups were chatting with each other, some dancers were trying to attract their attention while others were just sitting and enjoying the view.
In one particular booth there was a discussion ongoing between several men of different battalions.
"Right, so what do you guys think?" Jesse looked around at the men gathered in and around the booth they were occupying. Taking a swig of his drink he pointed at one of the guys. "Come on, tell me what you think."
With his silver hair and serieus expression, Sinker was not the first people would think of when answering a question as the one Jesse posed, but here he was, grinning while putting down his now empty glass. "General Kenobi is no virgin. Have you seen that man? People meet him and swarm around him, begging for his attention. Maker, even some of the men are looking at him with lust."
The men all burst out laughing at that last part, some barely managing to hold in the drink they just had while others apparently managed to snort out the liquid through their nostrils. Loudly coughing, Dogma wipes away a stray tear rolling from his eye as Boil slaps him on the back. “True! It does not matter what gender or non gender or what race, they all seem to swarm around him like flies on sweet Jogan juice.” None of the men are surprised anymore that even the one who seems to be the more strict among them chimes in with a remark here and there. Dogma is quickly slapped on the back again by Boil as they all laugh.
“Right, here is one for ya…… General Luminara.” For a moment the booth falls silent as Fives has decided to throw in a new name to consider. 
All the men take a moment to consider their answers, if they even had one.
“Not one.” Short and to the point, Comet answers and holds up his beer in salute before taking a swig.
Hold on….. She is the one that is fully  robed all the time , right? I mean…. There is that one that sometimes is not in you know? Jedi robes?”
Most of the men nod in agreement to that as they either take a sip of their drinks or seem to contemplate the next candidate for the yes or no game they are playing.
“Wait… He does not have to answer why?” The question comes from the only medic in the booth and they all seem to raise their eyebrows as they look at Comet.
“Well…” For a moment he seems lost in his answer, unsure of how to word it. When he answers the tips of his ears seem to turn a little darker and he quickly takes another sip of his drink once he is done. “The General is hot, just look at her! I mean… Yeah… Just, you know, she is hot.”
Some can not help but tease him for a moment as he almost seems to try and drown in his glass, while the rest just chuckle or laugh at his answer.
Kix, knowing he threw Comet under the speeder cab with his last remark decides that enough is enough and adds a new name to the mix that has everyone stumped.
“General Yoda.”
None of them seem to be able to even answer this one and Kix quickly hides his grin behind his hand as he forces out a small burp. Reaching for his glass, he looks around the booth and the stupefied men, still trying to gather some coherent thoughts.
“How in the karking hells did you even come up with that one?!” Tup blurts out the question first and just stares at the medic of his group.
“That is not part of the game Tup.” Kix grins and winks as he orders another round of drinks for the booth.”But, seeing as how you were quick to question me, how about you answer this one?”
Tup just stares at his brother, who now has a wide grin on his face while enjoying both his drink and the stupefied look on his brother's face.
Not wanting to let Kix think he got the better of him, Tup takes a deep breath and answers, much to Kix`s surprise with solid logic. “Well, he is old and I mean really old right? We don't know how old he was when he became a Jedi, so I am saying not one. Don't even know how many of his species there are or even what kind of species he is! I'm pretty sure that that old geezer did the deed to ensure survival of the species.”
For a moment, the entire booth has fallen silent. They all just look at Tup when all of a sudden, Waxer slaps him on the back with a loud laughter. “Now that is how you answer the difficult ones! Good job vod!”
Looking at the chrono, Sinker motions at the men in the booth, “Time for a last drink guys, the commanders will have a fit if we show up after curfew and you know what that means.”
All the men mutter and order a last round of drinks, knowing full well that anyone caught coming in too late would be put on refresher duty or perhaps even worse. None of them were too keen on finding out what kind of punishment their commanding officers would come up with next.
“Right, here`s two for ya to think about then. Generals Fisto and Billaba.” Again, Fives has come up with two names that have the men thinking for a moment.
Waxer, who had been one of the least vocal in his opinions, looks around to see if any of them will answer. When none seems to have an answer yet, he speaks.  
“General Billaba is still a virgin.”
Several voices rise to disagree when he holds up a hand to explain.
“She is seriously beautiful, really, she is. But, you know that Jedi are kids when they join the Jedi right? You know who her master was? You seriously think that man would allow anyone to come close to her and let her have some fun? Hence, virgin.”
Though most seem to agree with his logical explanation, some still want to disagree with him, but it is Jesse that stops them from even beginning the argument.
“General Fisto is most definitely not a virgin anymore.” Grinning, he looks around to see if any of his brothers will bother to disagree or ask why, but he is met with raised brows and an eye roll from Fives, as if it is obvious to everyone that this was the only correct answer.
“You didn't ask, but I am still going to explain why. The tentacles! They all want the tentacles.”
Nobody even dares to speak up after that statement and all seem too occupied with their drinks to even look at Fives who still grins as he looks around.
“To top this evening of fun and games off, I will now present you all with the final name in our little game. Please focus, gentlemen and gather your thoughts as you contemplate your answers!” Had they all taken a good look at Dogma, as he stood up, finished his drink and then decided to utter the last name, they would have seen the glimmer of serious mischief in his eyes.
Several men, who had just taken the last bit of their drinks, could not help but cough and spit out their drinks. Others who were lucky enough to have already finished their drinks just looked at Dogma, mouths agape.
“Nope, not going there. What the kriff?! Are you crazy? What in the Sith Hells! Has your brain gone lame?” Just some of the things that were uttered by the men quickly standing up and moving to leave the bar, but to Dogma it was a plan well executed. Now, he had his brothers in different states of readiness to leave the bar, without having to drag and nag them about the time and how long it would take them to get back to the barracks.
Coming up from behind him, Kix taps Dogma on the shoulder. “Well played brother. At Least you can be sure none of us will be back late. You do know they will make sure to get back at you for this though, right? That last one will be causing some nightmares for sure.”
Dogma smiles and nods at Kix as they both leave the bar. Next time, he knows he will have to suffer the consequences, but it was well worth it.
@imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories @middimidoris @wild-karrde
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jenstar1992-2 · 4 years ago
A Love Destined
Pairing: Rex x Jedi! Reader
Warnings: Guilt/ self-blame, mentions of death and loss, gets a bit angsty (I feel like that’s going to be a running theme here), Rex gets a little jelly 😋
Word Count: 4,794
Taglist: @loverofclones / @sgarrett49 / @neekid / @lightning-wolffe / @delectablyvaliantmentality / @helengratice / @lafy-taffy / @nagasamii / @blank-bakabane / @buffnatalieportman / @xmersia / @imabeautifulbutterfly / @justanothersadperson93 / @mandosgurl / @zcbrak​​
*If you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know*
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Chapter 7
 It had been weeks since Rex and Cody departed for their inspections. You weren’t too worried, however, as they would check in regularly, informing you of their progress, and as far as you could tell things were going smoothly and they would be returning soon. During their last check-in, Cody had said they were headed to their final outpost in the Rishi system.
However, it had been hours since you’d heard anything from the two. They missed their last scheduled check-in, and you were starting to get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, which you couldn’t distinguish as a true feeling, or one simply caused by your own paranoia. You hoped it was the latter.
“Are you okay, you seem troubled”, Anakin asked, coming to stand beside you as you stared at the holo-projector, deep in thought.
You sighed and turned to him. “No, I’m not okay, they should’ve checked in with us hours ago, Anakin”, you replied, your eyebrows knitted in worry.
“I’m sure they’re fine (Y/N), besides, Obi Wan said the outpost is still transmitting. If something were wrong, they’d let us know. They probably just skipped check-in because they want to get it done with and get back, they have been away a while now”, he said, clearly trying to ease your worry, and failing at it.
You gave him a look that said as much. “Seriously, do you even believe that”, you asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. “Have you ever known Rex to forgo protocol?”
He shrugged at this. “Normally I’d say ‘no’, but he’s been doing a lot of things that I’d deem uncharacteristic of him lately, or should I say, ever since you came along”, he said, grinning at you.
You gave him a confused and slightly offended look. “Just what is that supposed to mean, are you saying I’m a bad influence?”
“No, I’m not saying that, simply making an observation, that’s all.”
You were about to demand a better answer than that, but before you could get the words out a voice rang out through the bridge.
“The Rishi base has stopped transmitting”, the voice called out.
You then looked back to Anakin, giving him an expression, he had soon become familiar with, being as you’d proven him wrong on quite a few occasions, both current and in your shared past.
“Okay, so maybe your worry wasn’t misplaced after all”, he said.
“You think”, you asked sarcastically before letting out a loud sigh. “Just, get our guys back, Skywalker.”
He gave you a quick two fingered salute. “Yes Ma’am”, he said with a bit more sarcasm than you would’ve liked, before walking off to make the preparations for the rescue team’s departure.
You brought your hand up, placing your thumb and middle fingers to your temples. He really knew how to frustrate you sometimes.
A while later, you got word of their return, the rescue mission had been a success, but you were also informed that not all troopers that had been stationed at the outpost had made it out with their lives, in fact, there were only two survivors, not including your captain and commander. While this news brought sadness to your heart, you were also glad that your men were safe, and that there had been any survivors at all, it could’ve been a lot worse.
Soon after being given this report, you made your way to the hangar, where you knew your men would be, where he would be. Although you were told he had made it out alright and didn’t seem to be injured in any way, you still wanted to see for yourself, it was the only way your mind would be at ease.
As you entered the hangar, your eyes caught sight of them right away. You saw Rex and Cody speaking with a group of troopers, two of which were receiving metals, must’ve been the survivors of the outpost. You were glad they were getting the recognition they deserved, surviving a droid ambush was no easy feat, and being the ones to survive while so many of their brothers didn’t, that’s even harder. You felt for them, you really did, you could only hope things would get a little better for them, although you could never be too hopeful seeing as you were in the middle of a war, and in war nothing is certain.
You came within ear shot right as the two men saluted their superiors and turned on their heels, marching off to take their places alongside the other troopers in line.
“Cutting it a bit close there, don’t you think”, you shouted, directing your words to the two men in charge.
“General”, both men addressed you, standing at attention, before saluting, prompting the troopers lined up beside them to do the same.
You stood before the two, crossing your arms over your chest and cocking your hip to the side, before letting out a loud sigh.
“You know I hate that”, you said, this time you directed your words straight at your captain, who then lowered his hand and relaxed his stance.
“Sorry, force of habit”, he said with a grin, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Apologies for our lateness General, we ran into a few unforeseen complications at the Rishi outpost, but rest assured it was handled to the best of our ability”, Cody said, as professional as ever.
You nodded. “I have no doubt of that Commander, and there is no need to apologize. Truth be told, I’m just glad you both made it back in one piece, that’s all I could ask for”, you told him, earning a slightly shocked, if not confused, expression from the man, one that soon faded as Rex gave him a reassuring nod. Clearly, he thought you were being facetious, and needed his brother’s confirmation that you weren’t.
“Thank you General, it’s good to be back”, Rex said, still smiling down at you, but soon that smile turned into a frown as he spoke his next words. “I just wish I could say the same for all the men on that outpost, most of them were already gone by the time we got there.”
“I heard, I’m sorry Rex, I know it’s hard to lose men, it’s not something you ever get used to, but I also heard you two managed to bring back survivors, so it wasn’t all losses, right”, you asked, trying to lighten the mood by looking on the bright side, not that it took away from the hurt of losing several lives, but if you dwelled on the losses instead of celebrating the victories, then there was no hope of recovering.
He gave a light laugh. “I suppose two lives saved is better than none, you’re right, as always”, he said, giving you a grin with those two words.
You shook your head. “I’m not always right, just most of time”, you said, raising a brow and cocking a smile.
He chuckled. “Whatever you say.”
You both fell into a comfortable silence as you stood there, holding each other’s gaze, before the sound of someone clearing their throat drew your attention.
“Speaking of the two survivors, Rex, you should introduce the General, seeing as they’ll be working under you both now”, Cody cut in, seeming a bit uncomfortable being inadvertently involved in the interaction taking place before him.
“You enlisted them into the 501st”, you asked Rex.
“Yes, I hope that’s alright”, he said, looking a bit worried.
“Of course, the more the merrier, and you know you don’t need my permission to bring more troops into our ranks, I trust your judgement Captain, if you think these men belong in our unit then that’s good enough for me”, you told him.
He smiled again. “Thank you General.”
You smiled back and gave a nod in response, then followed him down the line of troops.
As you approached the last two troopers in line, you suddenly felt a familiar energy, then another, both emanating from the two new recruits, it only took you a second to recognize their force signatures, and the moment you did, a bright smile spread over your features and you picked up your pace, practically speed walking the rest of the distance to them.
“Echo, Fives”, you said excitedly, before wrapping an arm around each of their necks and pulling them into a hug, an action that surprised the two, but they returned it, nonetheless, eventually looking to one another over you and sharing a smile.
“It’s good to see you too (Y/N)”, Echo said over your shoulder.
You pulled back to look at the two, keeping your hands on their shoulders for a moment as you continued to smile that same bright smile, before then lowering them back down to your sides.
“I’m surprised you recognize us”, Fives said.
“Of course, I never forget a face”, you said with a grin.
It took a second, but he caught on to your joke and began laughing, and you soon joined in, laughing at your own dumb joke, while Echo just looked confused.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “It was a joke, Echo”, you told the befuddled trooper.
His eyes lit up and his eyebrows raised. “Oh, right… good one General”, he said, a bit embarrassed.
You just shook your head and smiled at him.
“You know these troopers”, Rex asked, finally making his way over and standing beside you.
You nodded in confirmation. “I actually oversaw their final test and graduation my last day on Kamino, well, I guess I should say ‘our’ last day”, you explained, gesturing to the two men, who had straightened their posture upon Rex’s arrival. “I shipped out with them, but we went our separate ways once we reached Coruscant. However, it seems that wasn’t meant to be the last I saw of these two… thankfully.” You smiled widely as you added that last word, prompting them to look back to you and smile in return.
“Huh, is that so”, Rex said, then letting out a light chuckle. “Well, I guess this army is smaller than I thought. Tell me General, is there anyone you don’t know?”
You gave him a cocky expression as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Tons, but I’m working on it”, you said jokingly, causing Rex to let out a genuine laugh while shaking his head.
“You gonna befriend the entire galaxy (Y/N)”, he asked, his laughter dying to a small chuckle.
“Not the entire galaxy, but I do seem to make friends pretty easily”, you admitted. “Just lucky I guess.”
“Luck has nothing to do with it, it’s your approachability, you’re very easy to talk to, and I think that’s what attracts people”, Fives interjected. You looked to him, slightly surprised at the comment, but appreciating it all the same. You offered him a warm smile, which he returned.
“It’s also your genuine sense of kindness, you really care about others, and it shows”, Echo added shyly.
You looked between them before placing your hand to your chest in an exaggerated expression of bashfulness.
“Boys please, you’re gonna make me blush”, you said jokingly, although it wasn’t too far from the truth, their sweet comments did bring a warmness to your heart, not that you would fully admit that, especially with Rex standing right beside you, who seemed a bit more tense than he was a minute ago.
“That was the plan”, Fives said, his voice filled with a cockiness you hadn’t expected, and caused you to give him a shocked look, before letting out a small involuntary giggle. You felt ridiculous for a second, very rarely in your life do you ever giggle, and somehow this trooper brought it out of you so effortlessly. He was smooth, you’d give him that. It reminded you of a lot of your encounter with his brother back on Kamino, maybe that’s where he learned it.
You noticed Rex suddenly tense up beside you, which caused you to look to him, seeing his gaze fixed on the previously mentioned trooper, a firm expression taking over his features, almost as if he were telling Fives to watch himself, and when you looked back to the two they had both taken the hint and stood at attention, staring straight ahead to avoid his warning gaze.
Feeling the sudden tension in the air you cleared your throat.
“Well, it really is good seeing you both again, and I look forward to working with you, I’m sure you will be great assets to this team”, you told them, trying to calm at least some of that tension.
“Thank you General”, they said in unison, entering back into formal soldier mode, not that you could blame them.
Rex seemed to relax a bit after this and took his eyes from the troopers to look at you.
“Well, since you seem to have a repour with these troopers, would you like to show them around, Cody and I still have to give our official report to the generals. In fact, you’d be doing me a favor, you know how impatient General Skywalker can be”, he said with a small grin.
You chuckled. “Oh, I know all too well. I’d love to, anything to help my favorite captain”, you said, giving him a smile.
His eyes widened a bit before he quickly returned the smile, and you felt the lingering tension fade. It was odd, if you didn’t know any better, you’d say the tense atmosphere was formed by Rex being… jealous. However, you pushed this thought out of your mind as soon as it entered because that was ridiculous, what would Rex be jealous about? It was an absurd notion.
You quickly recovered from your internal rambling as Rex spoke again.
“I’ll leave you to it then”, he said, then turning to the two troopers who were still standing at attention, not daring to move after his warning glare. “At ease men. The general is going to show you around, try to stay focused”, he told them, directing that last bit at Fives in particular, causing the trooper to look away slightly, out of embarrassment or shame you couldn’t really tell. You made a mental note to talk with him later, if for no other reason than to reassure him that he didn’t majorly cross a line, but to be more wary about who he said what around.
Rex than gave you a single nod before turning and making his way back to Cody, the two then leaving the hangar.
Once they were out of sight you turned back to Echo and Fives, a bright smile re-adorning your face.
“Shall we?”
Your tour wasn’t too extensive, only showing them the areas you thought would be helpful to know, the one’s that they would soon become familiar with throughout their everyday activities. You felt that any more than that was really unnecessary, hell, there were parts of this ship even you hadn’t ventured to yet, but right now wasn’t exactly the time for any kind of adventure, right now what these men needed more than anything was a good night’s rest, they’d been through a lot in a short amount of time. This is why you decided to end your excursion by escorting them to the ship’s barracks.
As you walked through the various passageways, you listened to Fives ramble on about how he was looking forward to finally getting out into the thick of it and being able to do his part to help in the fight. While his enthusiasm was commendable, you couldn’t help but feel a bit sad, you weren’t sure if it was because this young man, who still had his whole life before him, was so eager to run into battle, where he could very easily lose his life in the blink of an eye, or if it was because you knew he probably only felt that way because that was all he’d ever known. These men didn’t get to choose how their lives were spent, all they were taught were the ways of war and how to fight, this is what they were raised on, all they thought the galaxy had in store for them, and it made you so incredibly sad. You couldn’t express this though, not yet, not until this war was won, because at the end of the day, the Republic did need these soldiers, you all wouldn’t stand a chance without them, so you’d keep your mouth shut for the time being and just be there for them any way you could, and try in your own way to ease the stresses of war, even if it was just lending an ear, or being a shoulder to cry on, you’d be that for any one of them in a heartbeat.
As Fives continued his little excited rant, you chanced a glance at Echo, who had been particularly quiet throughout the majority of this trek. He noticed you staring with a slightly worried expression and gave you a reassuring smile, which didn’t do as intended, seeing as you weren’t very reassured, but you returned the gesture all the same.
Before you had left the hangar, you’d showed the two around and introduced them to a couple of the guys. Fives had got talking to one of the pilots about something or another, you hadn’t much been paying attention, your focus being drawn to his squad mate, who had moved to sit on a nearby crate, looking rather somber all of a sudden.
You made your way over to him, giving him a warm smile when he glanced up at you.
“May I join you”, you asked politely.
He smiled and nodded, scooting over to make more room, and you took your place on the crate.
“Wanna talk about it”, you asked after a brief moment of silence.
He turned his head to look you in the eye and, seeing that you were being genuine, had decided to open up to you.
“It’s just… we knew none of this would be easy, knew we’d lose some of our fellow soldiers, our brothers, but it’s different going from simply knowing something, to actually experiencing it”, he said as he struggled to keep direct eye contact, the weight of his words getting harder to bear as he went on. “At the time it was easy to just keep going, we didn’t really have a choice, it was either keep moving or die, there wasn’t any time to fully process what was happening, what we had lost.”
You nodded, knowing exactly the feeling he was describing.
“Adrenalin is a hell of a thing”, you told him.
“Yeah, it is”, he agreed. “It didn’t feel real in the moment, but now that things have calmed, and I can really think…”
You could tell it was getting harder for him to keep his composure as he let the words die on his tongue and looked to the ground before him. You felt his sadness, his sense of loss, and his guilt. This prompted you to lay a comforting hand over his where it rested a little above his knee, the contact only shaking him for a second before he welcomed it, relaxing slightly.
“You did all you could, and their deaths are not on you, the only ones to blame here are the Separatists”, you told him, your features scrunching up a bit as you spoke the words, hoping he’d believe them, because it was true after all, realistically, there was nothing else he could’ve done, but you still weren’t sure he’d see it that way, just as you hadn’t when you’d gone through the same thing, you still didn’t if you were being honest with yourself.
“I know you’re right, but I can’t help feeling some amount of responsibility”, he said, keeping his gaze down.
You looked down as well, falling silent for another moment before finally responding in a low voice.
“I understand”, you said, letting out a heavy sigh before continuing. “While adrenalin is a hell of a thing, survivors’ guilt is more so, trust me, I know.”
He looked to you then. “You’ve lost someone”, he said, it wasn’t a question.
You nodded. “My last unit, right before I was assigned to the 501st, they were sent to Ryloth on a relief mission, it was their first mission without me”, you explained, suddenly finding yourself fighting back tears, and you wondered if this was ever going to get easier. “I should’ve been there, but I wasn’t… they were overrun, and just like that, my master, my men, they were gone. I lost the only family I’ve ever known, because I wasn’t there. I’d promised them I’d always be there to defend them, just like they did for me, and I broke that promise. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that.”
Echo stared at you for a long moment, a look of sympathy in his eyes.
“But it wasn’t your fault, the council made you switch units, and even if you were there, the outcome still could’ve ended up the same, only you would’ve died with them”, he finally said.
“You’re right, and deep down I know all of that to be true, but that never seems to quell the feeling of guilt. In fact, sometimes I wish that had been the outcome, because why should I get a pass”, you said somberly.
Before he could think twice on his actions, Echo placed his other hand over yours, effectively sandwiching your hand between his before giving it a light squeeze.
“Please don’t say that (Y/N), you dying is not something I want to think about” he said, his words causing you to look back at him, and you saw the genuine sadness held in his gaze. “Please stop blaming yourself. It… wasn’t… your… fault”, he said, emphasizing each word in the hopes it might help to convince you they were true.
“And what happened on that outpost wasn’t yours either”, you told him. “I guess we both have to learn to forgive ourselves.”
He looked down to where he still held your hand and nodded before looking you in the eye once more.
“I guess so”, he said.
“It’s not going to be easy, and it might take some time”, you told him, prompting another nod of agreement from him, “but until then…”, you began, placing your free hand atop his and making sure to look him dead in the eye before speaking your next words. “I forgive you Echo.”
He gave you a sad smile before turning it into one of kindness and reassurance.
“And I forgive you (Y/N)”, he said.
You both stayed like that for a short time, providing each other a silent comfort, before Fives finally decided to rejoin you, walking over and standing before the two of you.
“Am I interrupting”, he asked, causing the both of you look to him before releasing each other’s hands and returning them to your laps.
“No, we were just talking”, you informed him with a smile.
“Talking huh”, he asked rhetorically. “Well, you better not let the captain see you ‘talking’ to (Y/N) too much Echo, he doesn’t seem to like it when she gets attention from others.”
“We really were just talking Fives”, Echo told his brother, and you noticed a slight blush rise on his cheeks, he was embarrassed, why you didn’t know, but you decided to step in to save him from any further harassing from his batch mate.
“He’s right. We both just needed someone to lend an ear for minute, that’s all”, you assured the man standing before you.
Fives nodded, seeming to take you at your word, but then crossed his arms and looked to his brother.
“Still, I’d be careful if I were you, I don’t think Rex likes sharing”, he said, directing the words to Echo.
You shook your head. “Rex needs to understand that he’s not the only person in my life, he can’t demand my undivided friendship, and I’ll tell him as much if I have to”, you said, crossing your arms.
“Yeah, I don’t think it’s sharing your friendship he’s concerned with”, Fives said, giving you a grin.
You became instantly confused, what was he getting at?
“What do you mean”, you asked him.
He shook his head dismissively. “Nothing, forget I said anything. So, where to next”, he asked enthusiastically.
His comment lingered in your thoughts for a good while after that, but you eventually decided to let it go, dwelling on it would only confuse you more, so you let it drop and instead focused your energy on finishing your little tour of the ship.
You would be approaching the barracks soon, and you weren’t about to leave without making sure your friend was alright and wouldn’t be up half the night internally chastising himself for things out of his control.
You fell back a bit, until you were walking beside Echo before looking to him.
“Hey, you okay”, you asked.
He smiled at you. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure, because I can’t leave you if I’m not absolutely sure.”
He laughed, a genuine laugh, not one that was forced for your benefit, and you knew then that he was being honest with you.
“I’m sure, thank you though, it’s nice to know I have someone who really cares”, he said.
You lightly bumped your arm against his as you walked.
“Of course I care, I’ll always care”, you told him.
His smile grew at your words. “Thanks (Y/N)”, he said, and you nodded in response.
Soon enough you were standing at the entrance to the troopers’ barracks.
“Well, here you are boys, home sweet home, at least for now”, you said.
Fives turned to you and shot a smile your way.
“Thanks for the tour (Y/N), it’s been a pleasure, as always”, he said before taking your hand in his and placing a chaste kiss to your knuckles, taking you by surprise, but you just laughed it off.
“Wasn’t it him who told me to watch how I acted with you”, Echo asked you.
“Yep”, you answered simply. “Guess it’s a do as I say, not as I do scenario.”
Fives just shrugged his shoulders before releasing your hand.
“Okay Casanova, go get some sleep, you both have a big day ahead, don’t want to be slacking on your first day now do you”, you asked, shaking your head and giving him an amused look.
“No Ma’am wouldn’t want that, c’mon Echo”, Fives said, gesturing for his brother to follow him into the barracks. “Night (Y/N).”
“Goodnight”, you said through a chuckle.
Fives entered the barracks with Echo close behind, but before he could get very far you stopped him.
“Hey Echo”, you said, trying to keep your voice low enough as to not wake the troopers already sleeping within the room.
He turned back to you, looking on expectantly.
“I just wanted to say thanks, for being there for me, I… I really appreciate it”, you told him.
He offered you another smile. “Any time, and thank you for being there for me too, it helps”, he said.
“I’ll always be here for you Echo, no matter what it is, you can always come to me.”
He nodded. “Thanks, I’ll remember that, as long as you remember to do the same with me”, he said.
You laughed. “Alright, it’s a deal”, you said.
You then closed the space between you and pulled him into a hug, one which he returned without hesitation.
“You’re gonna be okay”, you said over his shoulder.
“You too”, he responded.
You then released one another, and you began backing away slowly.
“Goodnight”, you said in a low voice.
“Goodnight”, he replied.
You turned and made your way down the corridor, heading for your private quarters, realizing then that they weren’t the only ones that needed their sleep, you were wiped and hadn’t realized until now how taxing this day had been on your nerves, but now that your men were back, including your old friends, you could rest a little easier. You were sure Anakin would want to brief you on the full extent of the inspection gone awry, but you’d deal with that tomorrow, right now you were going to get some rest.
With all this running through your mind, you didn’t notice how Echo’s eyes never left you as you made your way down the corridor, only moving to enter the barracks once you’d rounded the corner and left his line of sight, the soft smile never leaving his lips.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 years ago
To Celebrate reaching 125 FOLLOWERS!!!! I’m doing a get to know the author question and answer session. I’ll reblog this everyday for a week starting today. For any who wish to ask me questions. Thank you all for being so amazing and liking what I put out there. LOVE OO.
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send an ask: get to know your author
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
4) favorite character you’ve written
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
8) favorite genre to write
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
12) your weaknesses as an author
13) your strengths as an author
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
15) why did you start writing?
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
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loth-wolffe · 4 years ago
beautiful person award!!! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💕
ahhhh!!! @imabeautifulbutterfly @namesmox and @monako-jinn-stories also sent this to me but im gonna answer just this one to not spam anyone heh.
but first of all I wanna say yOu guys are beautiful as well!! you are wonderful in every possible way and I'm so happy I got to know people as kind as you. i love u so so much and it's always a joy to hear from you and to see you in my notifs.
sending many mwahs your way<3
and !! thank you so much for sending these, you are the loveliest people in this planet i swear and anyone is lucky to meet you guys. love u ✨
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