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datpoliticsmusic · 6 months ago
Mazza Vision ' "Ohm Spectrum" first album out now on @subrosalabel
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mythologicafolk · 11 months ago
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French band Hrafngrímr (meaning "the one who wears a crow-shaped mask") released their first album, titled Niflheims Auga, featuring 9 tracks of Nordic Folk music. The project started by former Skáld member, Mattjö Hussy, put out a well-produced opus as their debut.
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kstarvibes · 2 years ago
LE SSERAFIM's Captivating Music Video: "Eve, Psyche, and the Bluebeard's Wife"
Welcome to our comprehensive article on the mesmerizing music video of LE SSERAFIM’s latest single, "Eve, Psyche, and the Bluebeard’s Wife." As a proficient SEO and high-end copywriter, we aim to provide you with an engaging and informative piece that will help you outrank other websites on the same keywords. Let’s dive into the captivating world of LE SSERAFIM and explore the various elements…
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brookeem101 · 2 years ago
"FIRST" ALBUM COVERAGE: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IghFtL-xZd0
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palesw0rdsman · 9 months ago
#90sblackmetal #studioalbum #firstalbums #blackmetalalbums #darkthrone #SoulsideJourney #bm
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singeratlarge · 1 year ago
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SUNDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO: DOOR IN THE WATER—A Micro-Documentary: This is the LP that put me on the map; my first full-length album—then described as “a New Wave concept album” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmc4JMziLrI  Topically, it was inspired by a San Francisco fellowship of friends. The LP was loosely formatted after “concept albums” like PET SOUNDS (Beach Boys), LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY (Genesis), and the PRESERVATION ACT series by The Kinks. It was started in San Francisco and finished in the hilly, hipster city of Knoxville TN at a studio that The Jacksons used for a rehearsal space (they let me use their Yamaha DX7 keyboards). 
The LP was released in 1985, but the record label I was signed to did near-to-nothing to promote it nor did they provide tour support. On the plus side, who knew this record would reach people across the oceans and “open doors” I couldn’t foresee? For that I am grateful. In 2010 the album was remastered by Scott Francis, and we added bonus material to the download version (such as a cover of “Spirit” by The Waterboys) + live takes of my band October w/Ron Davis, Chris Haggerty, Bridget Purifoy, Anna Valdez, and Victor Valverde. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmc4JMziLrI
#LP #waterboys #spirit #newwaverock #conceptalbum #SanFrancisco #poprock #friends #BeachBoys #PetSounds #Genesis #TheKinks #ChristianRock #KnoxvilleTN #TheJacksons #YamahaDX7 #RonDavis #ChristopherHaggerty #BridgetPurifoy #AnnaValdez #VictorValverde #CCM #firstalbum #fellowship #LambLiesDownBroadway #PreservationAct #johnnyjblair #singersongwriter #singeratlarge
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prettydirtyband · 1 year ago
:) it's happening!!!
Get ready milky way !!!
Pretty Dirty
Is set to be released
January 2024
Actual date will be announced
This week !!
#prettyisagenre #prettydirtyband #prettydirtympls #prettydirty #mplsmusic #minneapolis #stpaulmusic #electronicmusic #electronicdancemusic #newmusic #newband #OEM#newmusicminneapolis #newsong #newalbum
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indigo-girls-fan-talk · 2 years ago
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#tbt to 1989 and this trio of rare photos that originally appeared in a Japanese music magazine! Amy and Emily haven’t toured Japan—yet—but Epic released their CDs there and they got some press there. #IndigoGirls #AmyRay #emilysaliers #japanesepress #singersongwriters #indiemusicians #womeninrock #folkrock #altrock #collegeradio ##georgiamusicians #duo #EpicRecords #pressphotos #firstalbum #GOAT #bestof1989
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robertbroganmusic · 2 years ago
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(via One) Thanks for listening! Follow me wherever you stream music Or checkout the nft project on Opensea
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Happy 38th anniversary!  
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melobeam · 4 years ago
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hbamrecords · 4 years ago
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Beauty for Ashes • Beauty in The Struggle “I took that rose 🌹 that grew from concrete and burned it🔥.. I unlearned and relearned everything I ever knew to get to the main source of who I really am! They put us in POVERTY but we flippin da switch to “ownership and properties!!” #ImTheNewRose BEAUTY IN THE STRUGGLE [Album] out now! 🥀 https://ffm.to/bitsalbum or DETROITYB.com 📌 #new #album #beautyinthestruggle #rosethatgrew #ashes #love #poverty #growth #dope #music #download #stream #everyhwere #firstalbum #reach #explore #detroityb #hustlebyanymeans #records #HBAM @hbamrecords (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkX-F1Fl3V/?igshid=1u3d3cjj8jo9g
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brookeem101 · 2 years ago
Coverage of my "FIRST" ALBUM tomorrow 15 APR 202
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singeratlarge · 1 year ago
SUNDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO: DOOR IN THE WATER album promotional video: This is the LP that put me on the map; my first full-length album—then described as “a New Wave concept album”  https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/album/door-in-the-water-25th-anniversary-expanded-edition Topically, it was inspired by a San Francisco fellowship of friends. The LP was loosely formatted after “concept albums” like PET SOUNDS (Beach Boys), LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY (Genesis), and the PRESERVATION ACT series by The Kinks. It was started in San Francisco and finished in the hilly, hipster city of Knoxville TN at a studio that The Jacksons used for a rehearsal space (they let me use their Yamaha DX7 keyboards).
The LP was released in 1985, but the record label I was signed to did near-to-nothing to promote it nor did they provide tour support. On the plus side, who knew this record would reach people across the oceans and “open doors” I couldn’t foresee? For that I am grateful. In 2010 the album was remastered by Scott Francis, and we added bonus material to the download version + live takes of my band October w/Ron Davis, Chris Haggerty, Bridget Purifoy, Anna Valdez, and Victor Valverde. https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/album/door-in-the-water-25th-anniversary-expanded-edition
#LP #newwaverock #conceptalbum #SanFrancisco #poprock #friends #BeachBoys #PetSounds #Genesis #TheKinks #ChristianRock #KnoxvilleTN #TheJacksons #YamahaDX7 #RonDavis #ChristopherHaggerty #BridgetPurifoy #AnnaValdez #VictorValverde #CCM #firstalbum #fellowship #LambLiesDownBroadway #PreservationAct #johnnyjblair #singersongwriter #singeratlarge
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laughingsadge · 4 years ago
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So anyways, I dropped an albumn of some quick covers and it is now available on spotify! I AM BESIDE MYSELF with all of the love and support I've received since releasing this thing, next up is getting out physical copies to anyone whos interested. THANK YOU i love ya'll 💕 . #firstalbum #albumrelease #michellemoran #prettyvile #independentartist #folk #acousticcover #steeldrivers #devilmakesthree #coldbeer #billystrings #dustinabaggie #steveearle #docwatson #spotify #newrelease #acompliationofunoriginalcontent (at Downtown Peterborough) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI_HLGgBbXO/?igshid=aj14h85natk2
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rafaandrecords · 5 years ago
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July 27, 1983 – Madonna’s first studio album is released on Sire Records. The 8-track LP will then be re-released internationally in 1985 as “Madonna – The First Album”, using a different cover shot. Out of the 5 singles taken from the original album, which one is your favorite: Everybody, Burning Up, Holiday, Lucky Star or Bordeline? . . . #firstalbum #madonnastory (en Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMRTlqIxyf/?igshid=kt10azbt205a
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