Hi just a 27 year old gay man who’s into big men I like em buff or chonky
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Feeders Guide to loving a Gainer!
What is a Gainer:
A gainer is someone who intentionally puts on body fat to make themselves larger. While most the time this is a personal preference many people in the gainer community associate the feelings of weight gain to a sexual desire! The need to grow bigger and larger!

What is a Feeder:
If you’re reading this that probably means you yourself are a feeder or maybe someone just researching what this is? Most gainers or people who identify as gainers will try to find feeders to help them grow. Thats exactly what a Feeder is someone to help a gainer grow and reach their goals through putting on weight! The job of a feeder is as obvious as it sounds! To feed!

How can I be the best Feeder for my Gainer?
Communication is key get to know your gainer and truly understand them! Hear their goals and needs, figure out their favorite foods! Have fun with it! While this doesn’t pertain to everyone some gainers have an easier time eating when sexually motivated! Bring food into the bedroom and add some flavor to your sex life! Some gainers it’s as simple as driving them out to their favorite restaurant or buffet once a week! If I meet my gainer at 180 pounds and they communicate their goal is 280 pounds it is the feeders job to get them there via encouragement, food and maintenance!

Maintaining my Gainer:
Always make sure they are full! Most gainers have a calorie goal per day! Gainers who are just starting out may start small with 3000+ calories a day. While that can sometimes be difficult it’s the feeders job to push their chubs to hitting those calories! Always be at a surplus of calories! Be careful not to burn them! Encouraging breaks and plenty of rest from any physical activity is strongly advised!!!! Any form of physical activity can promote calorie deficits or loss in weight. Most gainers expect belly rubs too! Belly rubs keep your fat boys happy and sometimes can encourage them to consume more! Encourage Naps!!! After eating a big meal have your gainers take a Maximum 30 minute nap! Never too long! Sleeping after a big meal can stunt metabolism turning those fresh calories into fat cells!

Exercise and Gainers:
While as much as we love our chubby boys at some point we must sadly have them do some form of exercise (Not too much) this should be a Monthly/Weekly depending on the gainer activity even if it’s lifting weights or just walking keep your gainers heart healthy so they can pack on more weight while also being healthy. We want to get the most out of our gainers so don’t work them too hard but just enough to maintain healthy working bones/legs/heart/etc!

Some things to take into consideration are the changes! Your gainer will slow down, appetite will most likely increase, and can’t forget about the size of your gainer and the growth! Respect boundaries with goals if the goal was 280lbs and they are satisfied it’s time to maintain! Instead of caloric surplus we want to just keep a leveled amount of calories, a feeders job is never done even when maintaining! We don’t wanna lose that hard work! But if 280lbs feels good and you wanna keep going discuss new goals. Other changes that will come your way are clothes…your gainer will grow out of everything Shirts shoes socks underwear and my god the pants! Keep everything!!! Wear everything until it rips or pops buttons a gainer should never waste clothes!!! Growing up sizes is a great motivator!

Things to keep up the motivation:
Belly rubs.
Grabbing a nice handful of the fat you put on your gainer and giving the belly a nice shake.
Pointing out growth. “You have some new stretch marks coming in!” “That shirts looking a bit tight!”
What may seem like name calling to someone outside the relationship between Feeder and gainer make sure to call them names like:
Always communicate but most of these will come across as compliments!
Invest in bringing feeding into your sex life!
And remind them you will get them to where they need to be!

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Perfect description for why I love fat boys
Since I'm here, I might as well share this, which I drew for a friend while discussing the many benefits of a fat body, like the two scholars we are
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This color wheel is too hot not to reblog

Color Wheel Challenge
Which one is your favorite?
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How to become massive
This will be a quick overview over how to become massive. This will be a rather scientific approach on how to increase white adipose tissue growth (i.e., fat gain), slow down metabolism and decrease muscle gain.
The 10 commandments:
1. Have a high-carb and low-protein breakfast. This will keep you hungry during the day.
2. Don't have breakfast within the first hour after waking, so your body will be more likely to store energy in the form of fat.
3. Try to build the majority of your diet on carbs. Carbs are highly likely to turn into fat, while proteins and fats are less likely. This is because they trigger a different hormonal response
4. Don't consume too much garlic, caffeine, green tea and spinach, since they contain nutrients that will increase fat burn
5. Fruits are fine, they can actually help you gain weight because of insoline spikes
6. Rest 15-30 minutes before eating. This is so your muscle cells close and don't absorb/burn much of the energy
7. Don't shower or bathe cold, don't swim regularly and put on warm clothes during winter. Cold exposure not only burns a lot of calories, your body will actually form brown fat tissue, which is a kind of fat designed to burn fat for warmth
8. Dig into dairy products and white grains (e.g., wheat-products) for an increase in fat gain
9. Have 2-3 high-calorie meals during the day and add snacks in-between as you wish.
10. Sweetness is your friend, no matter if sugar or artificial sweeteners
Following these 10 commandments will make it almost impossible to not gain weight. Combine this with a lot of stuffing and a high caloric excess (e.g., eating 5000+ calories per day) and you will presumably be putting on several pounds per week.
Reblog to help fattening up feedees! Thank you <3
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Feedee/gainer bucketlist
Weigh 200 pounds
Weigh 250 pounds
Weigh 300 pounds
Go up 2 pant sizes
Pop a button
Undo pants after big meal
Ruin clothes
6,000 calorie day
10,000 calorie day
Gain 5 pounds in a week
Get strechmarks
Eat only fast food for a week
Eat a whole pizza
Eat a dozen donuts
Whole cake
Whole cake on all fours
Whole pizza under 10 minutes
Dozen cookes
Whole pie
Whole cheesecake
Dozen tacos
Go through more than one drive though during the same stuffing
Eat a whole box of creampuffs
Have a milkshake/frappe with every meal
Drink weight gain shakes
Be feed by a feeder/encourager
Recieve belly play/worship
Be funnel fed
Fat sex
Breakfast stuffing
Bbq stuffing
Be weighed and measured by a feeder
Weigh twice as much as your feeder
Be 100 pounds overweight
Be 150 pounds overweight
Get refered to a nutritionist
Get stuck in something
Be too fat for a chair
Break furniture
Be too fat for the bathtub
Stuff with another feedee/gainer
Feed another feedee/gainer
Have a 50 inch belly
Drink heavy cream
Have a double chin
Gain a new roll
Gain 50 pounds
Gain 100 pounds
Be the fattest of friends or family
Feel free to add more 😉
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Don’t Wait to Get Fat
Do it now, right now–you know you want to. Give into your desires, give into your gluttony, and become the fat pig you were destined to be. Get bigger, heavier, fatter, younger. Pile on the fat and become hundreds of pounds overweight, the sooner, the younger, the better.
What does it matter if you’re huffing and puffing and waddling in your 20s? It’s just the nature of the world now; it’s soooo much easier to be lazy and sedentary, so it’s no wonder you can barely walk a few steps without wheezing. You NEED to grow. You NEED to get fatter. You NEED to do your part to ensure that obesity continues to thrive. So give in, and get fat: the future depends on it
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It’s an interesting thing to gain on purpose. You go full hog, indulging in everything you’ve always wanted to eat, all the time, and you eat more than you need because you want to get fatter. Then all of a sudden you realize there’s more of your body. More of you pressing out against your clothes. Eventually, your own fat presses against itself. Rolls form where they didn’t used to be and you just feel squeezed into your own body like you’re wearing too tight clothes. Then your clothes get too tight and you feel both. It’s so fucking hot. It’s so fucking erotic that it makes you push your boundaries and indulge even more. Eventually you realize you’ve eaten fast food every single day for 10 days. You catch your reflection and think, “holy shit-when did that happen?” Your face flushes with embarrassment and you feel the other thing too—the sense of fulfillment. The shame and ecstasy-laden arousal. That gives you hunger to push the boundaries more. And one day you wake up and realize that when once you were chubby, you are now FAT. Your coworkers glance at your tits and belly and double chin, trying to pretend they don’t notice. And when you go to order your usual lunch, you realize you’ve lost all control and you decide to add a few cookies to the order. And that’s it. That’s when you’re done. Doomed to be fattened and unable to turn away. You’re a committed feedee now and the work you’d have to do to lose this new weight is so much farther away than your will to grow even heavier and fatter. And you’ll love every second of it. Eat up, fatties ☺️🥵☺️
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You are already so very fat. Every time you catch your reflection, notice the fat man looking back at you. Every time you move, notice how your body jiggles, how your rolls of fat slide over each other and spread out. There is no going back when you are already this fat. It is inevitable that you will just keep getting fatter now. Every moment is a reminder of how fat you have made yourself, and every time you think about how fat you are, you give in more to being a fatty.
You are addicted to food. Your favorite foods are calorie dense junk food, and eating your favorite fattening foods is your answer for everything. When you are sad, go stuff your fat face to feel better. When you are happy celebrate by pigging out. When you are bored, fill the time by getting high and seeing how many empty calories you can fit in that big fat belly of yours. You have a hole inside you that needs to be constantly filled with food. When you are not completely stuffed with fattening junk, the hunger is overwhelming, and all you can think about is getting your fix. The only way to keep the hunger at bay is to be a good fatty and keep shoveling in those calories. When you do eat your fill, it is the best feeling in the world. The dull ache of your stomach being stretched out with junk food gives you more happiness than anything else in your life. You feel true contentment when you are full of food that will turn into more and more fat.
Every ounce of fat on your body seals your fate as a fatty. You already have hundreds of pounds of blubber on you now fatty, so there's no point in fighting it. It feels good to give in and accept that you will always be fat. People will always see you as the fat guy, and the way they treat you confirms that a fatty is just who you are. It's okay that you're addicted to food, you're supposed to be. You're a fatty carrying hundreds of pounds of useless lard, so it's okay that you can't waddle very far without getting tired. It's okay to ask for special accommodations for your fatness, after all you're a big fat fatty who needs them. Accept the limitations of being a fatty, because there's nothing you can do about them. You will always be a fatty, so there's no use holding back or hiding what you are. You will be the fatty you are meant to be, and you will feel good about it. It feels good to be who you are. It feels good to let go and just be a fatty getting fatter. The fatter you get, the more you can relax and accept yourself as a fatty.
You notice how fat you are constantly throughout the day. Every time you move you notice how you jiggle, and how your fat spreads out and forms rolls. You can always feel how your dick is buried in a soft roll of lard. When you stand, you can feel your heavy belly hanging off of you. When you waddle, you can feel your blubber bouncing and swaying back and forth. When you sit down, you can feel how your whole body spreads out and your fat belly sits on your lap like a big sack of jello. You can feel your fat double chin every time you move your head. You can feel how your arms rest at an angle because your big fat love handles are in the way. From your head to your toes you are covered in jiggly blubber. You can feel how every inch of you is soft, weak, and yielding. You feel good when you notice how fat you are, and you want to make yourself even fatter. These sensations are your reward for being a good fatty, and a reminder of who you are. You feel fat because you are fat, and you're going to get even fatter. You enjoy everything about being fat. You are fulfilled when you can feel how fat you have become.
You identify as a fatty. It is just a fact of who you are like your height or eye color. You are a fatty in everything you do. Fatties eat too much fast food. You are a fatty, so you eat too much fast food. Fatties are slow and lazy. You are a fatty, so you are slow and lazy. Fatties can't stop eating too much and getting fatter. You are a fatty, so you can't stop eating too much and getting fatter. You are a fatty, and you always will be. You look like a fatty, and you act like a fatty, so you are a fatty. You are a fatty, so you look like a fatty and you act like a fatty. It is inescapable, even if you want to escape, but you don't. You are proud to be a fatty. Fulfilling your role as a fatty makes you feel content and whole. Being fat is just who you are, and you are proud of who you are. You have always wanted to be a fatty, and now you always will be a fatty. Getting even fatter just makes you more of who you are meant to be. You will be the best fatty you can be by getting even fatter.
You can't hide how fat you are, so don't even try. No clothes can hide that enormous belly of yours, so don't bother wearing baggy clothes. No beard could hide that fat double chin, so you might as well shave and show it off. Everybody knows you eat like a pig because you're as fat as a pig, so don't hold back when people watch you eat. Give them a show and let them see how much of a pig you really are. People can already see how fat you are so you might as well just enjoy being your fat self. It's okay to eat more than everybody else, people expect you to. It's okay that you don't fit sometimes, people can see how big your fat body is, so they didn't expect you to fit. It's okay if you don't go with the group on a walk, they know you're so fat that you would only slow them down. Enjoy the food, enjoy the rest, enjoy being seen and acknowledged as the fatty you are.
You know with absolute certainty that there's no going back for a fatty like you. You are a food addict now. It is very hard for food addicts to escape their addiction, but for you it is impossible. A regular food addict actually wants to lose weight, but not you. You like being fat, and you always will. You know your resolve could never hold up because you would be trying to fight what you really want. So don't try. You're going to stay fat, and you're going to get even fatter. Fighting it just makes you unhappy, so don't.
You are a fatty, so you have the mentality and habits of a fatty. You keep food around you at all times. You always choose junk food that will make you fatter over healthy food. You are always snacking on something. When people are deciding what to eat, you're always the one who suggests the fattening fast food place, and you order enough to feed at least three people. You avoid any kind of physical exercise. You spend most of your time sitting on your big fat ass in a chair. You let other people do things for you because it's too much hassle to do it yourself when you're this fat. You never walk when you could drive or do it remotely.
Being fat and getting fatter is central to your life, and you organize your life around it. You work a job that requires zero physical labor. All your hobbies are things you can do while sitting on your fat ass. All your friends are fat, or accept you as a fatty. You don't take on responsibilities that would interfere with you getting fatter. You fill your home and life with things designed for fat people. You wear clothes in sizes not available in stores, because that's all that fits. You get tools to help you be a fatty, like grabbing sticks and a special tool to wipe your ass because you're too fat to reach. You use vibrators to masturbate because your dick is buried in blubber and you're too lazy to try to reach it. You do all these things because you're a fatty, and every time you do them, it reinforces in your mind that you're a fatty and always will be. Living your fat life is self reinforcing and you cannot escape it.
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Stuffing Nirvana
Not from me, I've found it eons ago but I wanted to share this!
Ok so I know many people in weight gain/feederism community are into stuffing. What I realized a few days ago is that not everyone into it probably knows one of the most interesting, elusive and certainly pleasurable phenomenon. As far as I know, there is no name for it. So I'll just call it Stuffing Nirvana. But let's not go in the details yet. What's usually the reason anybody stops stuffing? I'd say in most cases its simply the feeling of being too stuffed. Pain and nausea being the final triggers. With some practice, however, it’s possible to overcome this and enter a gainer/feedee nirvana: being able to keep eating more seemingly without limits and experiencing intense pleasure instead of pain. First you need to understand what happens when you stuff. What happens first is that your stomach tells your brains you shouldn't be hungry anymore. That's no reason to stop eating, of course. If you keep going (as you should), you'll next hit the normal physical limit of your stomach. If you think no more food will fit in at this point, you're wrong. What happens is the muscles around your stomach start to fight back with the distension to keep your stomach in check. As far as I know, this is what causes the pain. This is also why belly rubbing really helps. It helps settle the food, like most people know, but it also relaxes the muscles. And here is one of the keys to stuffer nirvana. I did some research, but nobody really seems to know what happens here. So here is my best guess. If you eat your stomach completely full and then keep eating, this will cause pressure towards the muscles surrounding the stomach. But if you are persistent and concentrate mentally on relaxing all the muscles and be as comfortable as possible (something between laying down and sitting, propped up with pillows in bed is most likely the best), keep rubbing the muscles soft again and again and keep slowly eating more to keep the pressure up, eventually the muscles will reach a point where they sort of "give up". When this giving up happens, it quite literally makes it possible for your stomach to grow as you eat more to quite dramatic size. And there are no pains or discomfort at least in my experiences. Instead you should be feeling almost euphoric and some also feel ravenously hungry at this point. It’s like being literally insatiable. Unable to get too full to eat more. My experiences show that it’s quite normal to be able to eat about three times as much as normally this way. The most common ending is to run out of food or to fall asleep. How much is it safe to eat this way? Three times your usual record is a good rule of thumb for some reason. But apparently, you will know when you've reached your real physical limit and its not advisable to ignore any pain at this stage. For the ladies, this is where the spontaneous "eating orgasms" also probably come from. Ok so how exactly to get there? Oddly enough I dare say its actually easier to do this on your own than with a partner. Its very hard for a feeder for example to know the level of fullness or discomfort exactly. Also its really hard to rub another person's belly just the right way for this to work. That doesn't help a partner walking you through this of course. Or from feeding you food or otherwise encouraging you to keep eating. First, you should reserve a whole day for this, possibly even a weekend. Especially during the first attempts, it might take a long time for the stomach muscles to give in. Have as much variety in the foods you're going to stuff with. Here's how to go about it roughly: 1. Eat until very full, but not nauseous. Start with breakfast already. 2. Rest and rub your belly until there's no discomfort. Eat again until very full. This can easily be 15 minutes after breakfast if you feel up for it. 3. Rest and do a thorough rubbing. Close your eyes and concentrate on the muscles your hand is touching and try to will them to relax. 4. Repeat this through the day, eating more whenever the feeling of utter fullness recedes. Practice keeping
your stomach relaxed no matter how full it is. Remember to vary the foods you eat. 5. When evening comes, you should be feeling bigger and fuller than usual, you even feel able to eat more. That's a good sign. Prepare a very comfortable place like couch or bed for yourself. Any kind of restricting clothes are a no-no. Naked or a loose robe is probably what works best. 6. Surround yourself with food that you feel like you could eat no matter how full. Some of the best foods for this purpose are: ice creams, milkshakes, burgers or sandwiches, pizza, puddings. You also need drinks. Soda is ok, but its really easy to go overboard with it. Juices, cream, yogurt (yes, you read right) are good. Any cold, heavy liquid is good as long as it doesn't make you nauseous. 7. Lean back comfortably, spread your thighs and find a position where you feel the least pressure in your stomach. Close your eyes and rub the upper stomach and concentrate on relaxing the knotted muscles. Once they feel softer, eat something. Its best to eat fairly fast at this point. 8. When you feel too full to eat anything chewy, switch to drinking. My first choice would be milkshake or something equivalent. Coldness will cool down the stomach and the thick, calorific content will stick in your stomach and besides increasing the pressure, keep up the pressure unlike water or soda. 9. When you feel the muscles get tight again, stop and try to relax completely. Rub and knead and mentally force your stomach to relax. Its going to be difficult and you'll need to repeat it many times. The reflex to tighten the muscles around the stomach, especially when its full is quite strong and it creeps back without you even noticing. 10. Repeat steps 8-10 as many times as possible. Reaching your goal might not actually be easy to notice. You'll know it from: - A rush of pleasure and arousal - Feeling ravenously hungry and literally insatiable - No discomfort although there might have been some earlier - Your stomach feeling "floaty" or as if it were rubber - Feeling beyond full, but without any incentive to stop eating Its entirely possible this won't happen. Try again. With different foods or spanning out the stuffing even longer. A few hours is never enough. And its important not to eat too fast in the beginning. And whatever you do don't force it. Forcing might only break something or make you feel really sick. It will also do very much the opposite of relaxing any muscles. Also please do not use drugs or alcohol while trying this. The end result is so much more enjoyable sober anyway.
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@thegrowingrussian a phenomenal two year transformation! I'd say mission accomplished :D
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Ryan Chmelik - some bearification through the years!
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ex jock stuff is soooo hot. im obsessed w athletic guys that eat tons of food and down protein shakes like there's no tomorrow so they can increase their gains. but then he tries out a dirty bulk and ends up getting addicted to greasy fast food and forgetting that the bulk period has to end at some point.
or when a gym bro has a minor injury and the doctor tells him not to workout for 4 to 6 weeks. he keep eating as much as he did when they worked out everyday but now he's barely moving and he starts gaining like crazy. the 4 weeks end and he thinks about slowly adding workouts back into his routine. he makes it to the gym once that week and he gets so tired so fast after that month of inactivity he just feels embarrassed. all the exercises are so much harder now that he's got a belly in the way. he decides to wait the full 6 weeks to go back to the gym, maybe his injury just isnt fully healed and thats why his workout sucked. but then its been 4 weeks since he went to the gym so he figures he may as well end his membership since hes been spending a lot of money (on doordash) recently and he needs to cut spending on frivolous things.
plus his basketball shorts are starting to cut into his lovehandles and all of his compression tees highlight how round his stomach his. he wants to do workouts at home first before he goes back to the gym and embarrasses himself in front of his gym buddies. he hasn't managed to do an at home workout yet but tomorrow he will definitely, he's too full from lunch to comfortably workout today so he'll do it in the morning once he isn't stuffed and bloated. but he's still bloated in the morning and he thinks maybe he'll get off his ass later but for now he's gonna chug a couple protein shakes and watch tv.
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Feedee goals
Getting a little tiny pot belly
Be able to eat more than you usually can.
Going up a size or two.
Getting two plates at a buffet.
Noticing your arms and legs growing nice and thick.
Your friends poke fun at your weight gain.
You no longer need to wear a belt to hold your pants up.
You can’t run as far as you usually do.
You start to get a little double chin.
Your hips are wider.
That little pot belly is turning into a double belly.
You hit the 200lb mark.
You order takeout more often.
Going to the gym is no longer a thing.
You can clear three plates at a buffet.
You’ve popped buttons off of shirts and pants.
Your cute little tummy is turning into a wobbling gut.
Your doctor now marks you down as “morbidly obese”.
Your thighs rub together.
Your cheeks are puffy and red.
Your arms are starting to have an overhang.
You eat almost three times as much as normal.
You’ve hit the 300lb mark.
You are winded just by going up one flight of stairs.
You worry about your weight affecting certain aspects of life.
Your belly now slaps your thighs when you walk.
Your knees and feet hurt more often from the added weight.
You can eat four plates of food at a buffet.
Your ass has broken chairs.
You can’t see your feet beyond your belly.
Your family has shown signs of concern.
You aren’t as active as you were when you were 135 lbs.
Chaffing has become a problem.
Fitting in your vehicle is getting difficult.
You almost never pass up food. Ever.
Your back aches more than usual.
You sit and watch tv after work and binge eat while doing so.
Your belly takes up your whole lap now.
You can sleep your days away.
You’ve hit the 450 lb mark.
Standing for a long time is very difficult.
You can hardly fit in a seat at the buffet.
When you walk every inch of you jiggles.
Your belly is stuffed tightly behind the band of your pants and you hope no one notices (they do).
You are out of breath even after walking 20 ft.
You have food in your mouth almost every minute of the day, constantly chewing.
You need a CPAP machine to help you sleep.
You’ve broken your bed and need a reinforced one.
Your double chin is almost a triple chin now.
You need to upgrade to a bigger vehicle.
Being active is your worst enemy.
Your belly is starting to go passed your knees.
You’ve hit the 500 lb mark.
Congrats, you are eating your way to immobility…
Like my writing? If you donate a bit of $$ I might continue this one! Toss me a tip in my Kofi if you want me to keep going…link is at the top of my page in my bio!
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What’s the best part about getting fat?
That's a very tough question. I like everything about it. In no particular order:
1) Watching your belly grow and distend out in front of you is so hot. To start with just a little baby roll that is creasing the top of your belt in the car and ending up with a gut that spills over the lap belt and back down onto your pants is an awesome feeling. Next goal is to touch the steering wheel!
2) Watching other features on your body disappear under the fat is also incredible, your jawline fades away, your collar bones sink into your fat chest, and knuckles become dimples. I talk about this more than I should but I also love seeing my dick get smaller and smaller under the mound of fat that is accumulating around it. It just feels like I'm being buried underneath all this weight and it's such a fun feeling to be so helpless to it, it just makes me want more and more.
3) Waking up more out of shape each day is also a pleasant reminder of all this fat piling on all over my body. I used to be able to spring out of bed, like literally just laying down and jump to my feet without even using my hands. Now I struggle to sit up or move in bed even when I do use my hands. When I get to my feet, my knees and joints ache a bit immediately and get more achey throughout the day, subtlety encouraging me to sit my fatass back down. Just another reminder that I'm growing and that I'm powerless to change my course.
4) Eating whatever you want is fairly liberating but the real freedom comes from getting so fat that you can eat as much as you want without judgement. Once you get big enough, people start offering you more and more food because they expect you to eat like a pig because you look like a pig. And I am happy to oblige their expectations! I have always loved being an absolute glutton and eating until I'm sick. When I was thin people would ask things like, "do you really need all that?", "are you really going to eat all that?". Now the responses I get are, "there's more over there is you want thirds!" or "did you get enough big guy? you can have some of mine if you're still hungry". Let me tell you it is awesome when someone else is on a diet and they offer you their food. It's literally taking weight that would be on their body and putting it on yours. It's a bit of a fantasy for me to take everyone's unwanted pounds and become the slobbish pig of the group, sort of taking one for the team. Especially when someone is losing weight, it's almost like their weight is being transferred to me! Such a fun idea.
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Ex-Jock Confessions
Many of us in this community have been fat for their whole lives, many gradually gained weight, and many are waiting for the right time to start. For those of you who were once athletes before you decided to gain, I am going to highlight what I learned from my own experience:
1.) Running into old friends can be tough
For most of your life you were basically typecast by your sport, most people associated you with the sport you played. Of course, that means they associated you with being somewhat fit. After you’ve gained weight and are clearly out of shape it can be hard or even embarrassing when you run into people who expect you to still be athletic. Especially old teammates. Running in to your old teammates is painful.
2.) Parents
Most gainers do not let their parents know about their kink or their parents do not approve. Once an ex-jock starts to gain weight their parents will hold their athletic past over their head. Parents will often use your athletics to try to embarrass you or fat shame you. They try to make you feel like you are disappointing them.
3.) Getting over your sport
For me, I had aspirations to play my sport in college and maybe even after that (untimely injuries did not allow me to play in college). After you gain weight you still have that sliver of thought that you are still as good as you once were at that sport. But if you ever play it again, you quickly realize your talent is all but gone.
4.) 180 degree Lifestyle change
I used to work out almost every day, I ate in smaller portions, and barely ate fast food. Most of my time was spent either playing or practicing for my sport. Once you start gaining, everything changes. Obviously you eat more, but you also need to figure out a way to fill up your day. As your appetite grows food quickly fills the void.
5.) Coping with food
Often times the sport would be a way for me to get my frustration out. Now that has turned to food.
6.) What If?
Every so often you think about what would have been if you were still an athlete. And unfortunately, that thought will never go away.
7.) No return
Once you gained over 25lbs you will soon realize that you will never be able to go back. You have crossed the point of going back to how things were.
If you are an ex-jock it is important to know that no matter how embarrassing you think it is, feederism is a part of who you are. Suppressing it will only make your internal struggle worse. People who notice your gain most likely will not say something and if they do it will most likely not be in a derogatory way. Most importantly, you need to move on and shift focus. Take all that hard work determination you had for your sport and move that to filling your face with food. Surround yourself with people who like you for who you are. And surround yourself with people who will help you pile more fat into your now jiggling body.
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Feeding / weight gain teasing prompts
• “God, you’ve gotten fat!”
• “Look at how round and full you are. It’s adorable.”
• “You’re making such a mess.”
• “Your fat belly burst through another pair of jeans? I don’t know why you bother buying them anymore.”
• “I think you can fit another bite in there. Open up…”
• “You’re so soft and jiggly now…let’s get you weighed and find out how much fatter you’re going to get.”
• “Soon you’ll be so fat that you’ll be helpless to stop me feeding you, piggy.”
• “You’ll start breaking chairs if you keep gorging yourself like that.”
• “You haven’t eaten nearly enough to be full yet. You’ll need at least double the calories to grow that gut.”
• “One more bite, and then I’ll rub your poor little stuffed belly.”
• “We’re going to need some new scales.”
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