#firework and pets
geezerwench · 17 days
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Make a difference instead of noise.
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liberate-te · 1 year
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The truth about fireworks
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
As the nightly onslaught of Fireworks explosions increases.
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Please think of others...
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bebx · 6 months
people need to be more considerate towards animals, especially strays, during new year. because fireworks nonstop until 1 am is actually insane. please fucking think about animals. I promise you, your 2024 and your life will be shit if you start new year by harming animals.
there are reports of animals, especially strays, dying from heart attack as a result of fireworks every fucking year. when will we fucking learn?
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twixfamily · 2 years
there’s something so beautiful about the bondman mask falling from twilights face seconds before he realizes that he was playing anya’s father for the entire game
it’s about the symbolism. it’s about twilight coming to the realization that anya sees him as a dad and not just her guardian. it’s about anya knowing he’s a spy from the second they meet and loving him not in spite of it but because of it. it’s about a man who abandoned his identity when he lost his family and a little girl who had neither until he took her in. it’s about twilight unknowingly revealing himself as soon as he finds anya, and anya knowing who twilight is beneath the disguise well before the mask falls.
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piplicious · 1 year
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ahaha do you remember that game where. you are emotionally attached to a baby bird and then
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
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Checking FB and saw this from the shelter I got Harry from. I wanted to share. If anyone would be kind enough to transcribe I would be grateful, I don't have the spoons for it rn.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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Callisto passed away today. I went to let them out for the day and found her huddled in a corner with injuries to her head and one side of her face. I thought either she'd hit her head or she was facing an egg issue, but I felt no egg, and I had seen her up and about yesterday without injury. Her body condition was fine. I brought her in to start supportive care, but she was gone within minutes. Stuck around just long enough to say goodbye.
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balkanradfem · 6 months
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shingodzillaa · 1 year
my first new years resolution is to Destroy All Fireworks for my dog because he is simply a dog and therefore cannot have a new years resolution but i got enough of the brain cells for both of us
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fbwzoo · 1 year
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If anyone else is looking to do firework noise exposure ahead of July 4th for the US, or other noisy holidays, this one seems pretty nice! It has a bunch of the whistles, and deeper pops & bangs than the last couple we've used.
Have a picture of Emma sleeping in my lap with no concerns even though we went up in volume a bit today!
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tuttle-did-it · 8 months
I HATE fireworks. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. They're horrible for the environment. They can start fires. A&Es are flooded with people who get hurt trying to set them off. It traumatises people like me who have C-PTSD that is set off by gunfire (thanks to living abroad in America for a few years, thanks America). Babies and the Elderly who struggle with noise are also affected, as are people who have disabilities set off by sound. It traumatises wildlife who cannot understand why there are explosions. It traumatises pets who cannot understand why their person is letting there be any explosions at all.
I HATE FIREWORKS. They absolutely ruin the autumn and Halloween for me, because every year, the stupid arseholes start setting them off every night a week before Halloween, and it continues until at least a week after Guy Fawkes. And then again the week of Christmas/New years.
I HATE FIREWORKS. Light shows are environmentally friendly, cause no disruption to wildlife or pets, are re-usable every year, and don't fucking explode for no reason.
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
It begins...
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Since it’s 4th of July, did you guys use any fireworks?
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A firework- LSB
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maikaartwork · 1 year
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Pets don’t know what is going on when fireworks start going off. They are scared and confused, often going into panic. Please consider foregoing fireworks for your celebrations. For more info visit the PDSA help and advice website
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deadmomjokes · 1 year
Getting this started early this year.
A little PSA for animal owners in places where fireworks are a known occurrence:
Keep your animals indoors during fireworks evenings. I don’t care how well behaved or well adjusted or “chill” your pet is. I don’t care if your fence is escape proof or they’ve never been bothered by it before.
I worked at an animal shelter and in the days around firework holidays we were full to bursting, and it was always the “chill” ones who “never did anything like this before.” Unfortunately, we also heard the same story from the local emergency vets.
Repeated loud explosions and lights and colors in the sky can make even the best-behaved animal lose their mind; they have no framework to process it, and no way to understand what's happening or why or when it's going to stop, or whether it's going to hurt them etc. And even if they were fine with it in past years, formulations for fireworks can change, and maybe this is the year that the pitch is just right (or just wrong), or two go off at the same time and something about it pushes the wrong buttons and suddenly there goes Scruffy over the fence you swore Houdini himself couldn’t escape.
Set them (and you) up for success and safety this fireworks season.
Keep them home, and put them inside. Don’t let them out during fireworks hours. Get all the potty trips in before the sun starts going down.
Make sure they have their collar with tags on, just in case they slip out while someone is coming home or leaving for work.
Cover windows. I saw more than one dog with head injuries from charging at the window during fireworks shows.
Set up a safe zone for them. Offer treats and favorite toys, and consider white noise or soft music to help drown out the sounds. Make it a puppy/kitty spa night with things they enjoy to help counteract the stress of The Unknowable Horrors going on outside.
If you know your animal is reactive to sounds like thunder, loud engines, or gunshots, they will most likely react to fireworks too. Deploy anti-anxiety measures like calming sprays, a Thundershirt, and/or a blanket-covered kennel (if kennel trained).
Also, general tips for making sure your pet gets back to you if they get lost at any time:
If your pet is microchipped, call the company now and make sure your current, correct contact info is registered to the chip. Chips don’t do squat if it doesn’t link back to your information. I can’t tell you how many times we had a microchip show up on the scan, but the people never registered it because they didn’t know that was something they had to do. Check in at least once a year to make sure you’re still in the system!
If you don’t already know where your local animal control takes strays, find out now. (You especially don’t want the added stress of having to find out on or around a holiday while you’re frantically searching the neighborhood and making posters.)
On that note, have your local animal control’s nonemergency number written down or in your contacts somewhere. As soon as you lose a pet, contact them and let them know. Sometimes they will be willing to bring the animal back to your home instead of taking it to the shelter/pound, which could save you the fees.
Keep your animal’s current vaccination and registration tags on their collar at all times. In most places, you will get fined if your pet is found outside your property without them. Some places even have it down as a misdemeanor.
Controversial take: keep their collars on them, even at home. I know a lot of pets prefer to be “naked,” and sometimes it’s annoying to hear the jingling. But pets can be sneaky when they want to make a break for it, and the annoyance is totally worth it if it helps get them back to you, and/or avoids a citation.
Slightly less controversial take: If someone is pet-sitting for you, make sure they keep the collar and tags on at all times no matter what, no excuses. Most home escapes happen on someone else’s watch. Don’t get cited for the sitter’s slip up. Make sure they know it’s a non-negotiable.
Special notice for cat owners: Don’t freak out if your cat doesn’t show up at the shelter right away. Dogs are generally bigger and more noticeable; people report and catch them quicker than cats, because cats are really, really good at hiding and getting away from ‘predators’ (aka, strangers with a catch bag). They have amazing survival instincts, which tell them to hunker down first rather than wander in a panic. They will find a safe place and wait for quite a while, venturing out only to look for food and water. It’s normal for a lost dog to turn up at the shelter within a few days of being lost, but a cat can sometimes take weeks to come out of hiding. If Fluffy isn’t at the pound 2-3 days after you lost her, don’t panic and give up. Keep looking! At least once a week so you don’t miss her! We had a guy come check in every week for a little over 3 months, and actually found his cat. It was found less than a mile and a half from his home, within 3 blocks of where it had escaped from his car. Obviously this isn’t the norm, but it can happen, so please don’t give up hope after just a day or two.
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