umbraticstickerz · 1 year
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My hands hurt bro 😭😭😭
LookieKeeper Wally- broxen_the_ignited_fox (Tiktok)
Cupcakes Wally- amothwithaneyepatch (TikTok)
Firebar Wally- MariMi76242348 (Twitter)
Anxiety Wally- alexfroppy (Discord)
HG Wally- r1zart_ (Twitter)
Greyscale Wally- @sweetest-honeybee (Tumblr)
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rungian · 17 days
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Tornado work challenge [impossible]
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szklany-kot · 2 years
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Trepan your friends/ crude skull
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The tomes containing my mix tapes are so fire the pages be smokin'
I told the dwarves my shit is fire and they threw it in the lake. I let the hate roll off me like droplets though.
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Who's the Best Mentor for Ivo Hugh?
Seeing as I just finished my ERS 'Ivo Hugh the Young Engine' fic, I think it's about time I ask the serious question of who exactly would be the best mentor for Ivo Hugh.
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This will focus only on the Skarloey Railway engines - I am not going to consider the mainline engines because I both don't have the patience or the mental strength to try and figure out just how bad that would go. I will also only be considering Railway Series characters; I don't think Mighty Mac would even have a chance! Please note that this is all entirely my opinion, and while you are free to add your own suggestions, please do not hate me for favouring one character over another.
Initially, I thought Skarloey would be an ideal candidate. He's got a wealth of experience, and he acts like the stern, elder leader of the fleet. He also knows how to handle wayward engines, as seen in 'Gallant Old Engine' when he teaches Duncan a lesson.
However, Skarloey has had no actual experience teaching a new engine. Rusty arrived before Skarloey returned, so Skarloey had no hand in their education. In fact, every engine prior to Ivo Hugh has already been taught in some capacity how to do the basics of handling trucks and coaches and listening to their driver, if not much more. Ivo Hugh very much hasn't. Furthermore, Skarloey has a temper that would severely limit his ability to mentor. His role in the series - if you look close enough - is often just scolding the others. He scolds Nancy for cleaning him, Duncan for stopping with his passengers on the viaduct, Sir Handel a number of times, the coaches for being difficult - the list goes on!
And that's before mentioning young Skarloey! Skarloey has blown smoke at his manager and insulted Rheneas and bounced his manager into a bush - and that was before the railway even opened! As a mentor, Skarloey just doesn't sit right with me. Skarloey certainly has his part to play - but he's just not quite right.
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So, if Skarloey isn't ideal, how about Rheneas? He's very similar to Skarloey, only not quite as stern and certainly a lot more mature from the get-go. He's persistent, as seen by his determination in Speedkiller. He quite literally is the 'Gallant Old Engine' who is very much a hero of the railway! So far, a much better fit.
Unfortunately, much like Skarloey, Rheneas has also never taught a brand-new engine before. Rheneas arrived back from his overhaul after Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Rusty and Duncan had all settled into life on the SKR - Rheneas himself just slotted into his spot. We also don't see much of Rheneas in the series at all. For an engine with a book named after him, he doesn't do an awful lot in said book. He appears in one of the four stories, and that's mostly told in flashback!
And that particular story also points to my one major concern about Rheneas: he pushes himself too far. Rheneas jams his cylinder trying to take on the work of two engines. Rheneas takes on a herculean effort to try and keep the railway running, but doesn't seem to have the ability to stop pushing himself. It is strongly implied that his breakdown in 'Gallant Old Engine' was not a one-off event. My worry is that he'll manage to teach that sort of mentality to Ivo Hugh. It's unlikely - but not impossible. Add this to the fact that he's never taught an engine before, and while he's definitely a better choice than Skarloey, he is not the best candidate to mentor Ivo Hugh.
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Sir Handel:
No. Just no. Sir Handel has insulted the coaches, damaged himself, purposefully derailed himself, knocked his firebars loose, gotten into a fight with a steamroller and insulted Skarloey - just to name a few incidents!
Sir Handel hasn't shown many signs of maturing by the time Ivo Hugh was built either, seeing as that firebar story comes from the same book Ivo Hugh was introduced in. Sir Handel is probably the second worst candidate on the entire railway.
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Peter Sam:
Now, Peter Sam is an interesting choice. He's by no means the same engine he was when he started on the SKR, and he may have had a hand in teaching Rusty - though that's unlikely, seeing as Rusty just sort of arrives and knows what to do - but he has also shown that he may not be the right candidate.
He's naive for one thing - Henry managed to trick Peter Sam into panicking about being late, causing Peter Sam to forget the refreshment lady; which suggests that he can also be forgetful. He's also shown to be cheeky in 'You Can't Win!' and both over-confident and stubborn in 'Peter Sam's Prickly Problem'. Now, none of this is to the detriment of Peter Sam, just as none of this is to the detriment of any of the characters - but it's also not the best base for a mentor.
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I wouldn't say he's a bad choice - Peter Sam is a good candidate. He may be stubborn, but he's also persistent and determined, as well as kind and polite. But I think there are better candidates, and he has no experience with teaching other engines.
Rusty also shows a lot of the strengths that Peter Sam, Skarloey and Rheneas show - Rusty's intelligent, hard-working, kind and level-headed, going as far as to warn Duncan about some bad track in 'Rock 'n' Roll'. However, it's that same story that might just be Rusty's undoing.
Rusty leaves Duncan to find his own coaches - furthering Duncan's animosity towards Rusty and making him late, and then Rusty refuses to go to Duncan's aid until Skarloey scolds him. While this may be a biproduct of Rusty's young age, the fact we don't see much of the little diesel in the series either before or after this really doesn't help us get an idea of their character. It's the same issue that I have with Rheneas: we just don't know enough about them to make a judgement.
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And one final thought: Rusty grumbles about Fred not doing his job in 'Speedkiller'; and Fred is the other track maintenance diesel on the railway. When Fred arrived, Rusty was most likely the engine who taught him how things worked... and didn't manage to succeed.
Duncan matures a lot over the series. When introduced, he's rude, loud, brash, dismissive - the list goes on. However, by the time we reach 'Pop-Special', he's changed drastically. Duncan is a very different engine in this story, going out of his way to help the scouts during the hot weather. He's grown a substantial amount!
However, I wouldn't say he's changed entirely. He is seen being abrasive and brash as late as 'Bulldog', arguing with Peter Sam over his interpretation of a 'Duke'. His change may also have been spurred on more by vaguely disguised threats than anything, seeing his reaction to Culdee's story in 'Bad Lookout':
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Duncan is not the worst candidate for a mentor figure for Ivo Hugh - however he is quite low on the list, as his bad language, biting remarks and abrasive personality would not make for the most ideal learning environment.
Look, we know nothing about Fred. He does not appear in any illustrations, have any speaking roles or even have an effect on the series. All we do know about him is that he shirks off his job as the weedkilling engine and Rusty is forced to do it. So I'd say based on this single incident, Fred is the worst candidate for a mentor for Ivo Hugh.
And after all of them, there is only one left. Duke. Now, old Granpuff does have his faults - but he also is the only one of this entire group to have experience teaching engines. He raised Peter Sam (Stuart) and Sir Handel (Falcon) on his own - and by all accounts, while they were on the MSR they were really useful, polite, friendly and helpful. It isn't until their stint at the Aluminium Works that they gain their current personalities.
So, Duke has the experience - which suggests that he probably has a decent temperament for teaching and a wealth of knowledge to pass down, all tested on previous students. He's also surprisingly relaxed about his role. In 'You Can't Win!', Duke actively plans and takes part in a prank against Stuart as retaliation for rude comments. His ability to roll with the punches and also have fun is extremely useful in a teaching environment.
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Duke also has the same determination and drive as Rheneas, handling his entire railway alone successfully for generations. Unlike Rheneas however, Duke doesn't drive himself to failure.
Duke also has the instincts. In 'Bulldog', Duke double-heads a train with Falcon - who spends the entire journey belittling and taunting the old engine. However, when Falcon derails and dangles over a cliff, Duke does not hesitate for even a moment, going into parental instinct instantly and not stopping until Falcon is safe, going so far as to bark orders at his crew and the passengers. This is an actual human reaction too, known as maternal instinct - this is an instantaneous reaction a mother will have if their child is in danger.
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He acts more like Stanley is a problem than an opportunity, which could be due to Stanley's attitude or Duke's stubbornness - either way, the depiction of Stanley in 'Granpuff' is both very disturbing and very open-ended. Was Stanley that bad? Was Duke negligent? Was it actually the fault of management, and Duke is desperately trying to ensure that Stuart and Falcon don't go the same way? If it is the last one, then that's another positive for Duke as a mentor. Otherwise, not such a great sign. Duke can also be a bit... boring. He drones on about 'His Grace' so often that Stuart and Falcon get sick of it. Duke is also remarkably stubborn, being unable to deviate from his own beliefs in several cases. He also has a temper of his own, snapping back at Stuart and Falcon several times - though this was after considerably more provocation than Skarloey.
Despite these flaws, Duke does manage to balance them out far better than the others in a parental aspect. What really sets him apart is that parental instinct - it's a real game-changer, and he's one of only two engines in the entire series to be explicitly shown as having it. The other is Edward, who put himself in massive danger to save a runaway James, but even then, it's not quite the same. Edward's said to be the only other engine in the yard, and James is in nowhere near as much danger as Falcon was. Falcon is in perhaps the most danger any engine has ever been in the entire railway series in this moment:
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Based on all this, I think Duke is the best choice to be the primary mentor for Ivo Hugh. There is just more instances of him being a proper mentor in the series, which makes it easier to spot how good he is at this role. Were we to see Rusty's early days, or even that Ivo Hugh book we all wanted, we'd probably have a much better idea of who is the actual best candidate. As it is, I stand by my choice of Duke, with Rheneas, Peter Sam, Rusty and Skarloey also having a large influence. After all, it takes a village to raise a child and a railway to raise an engine!
As usual, none of these images belong to me, and are the property of their respective owners.
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liamthemarowak · 1 year
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This is The fifth pic of the Mario movie prequel series. It was an exciting night at the pokemon obstacle course, and Meowscarada is hoping to win this pokemon warrior contest. "Ok, I need to win this, and I will never let any of my fans down!" Meowscarada said as she begins to complete the course. The fans are cheering for meowscarada as she tries her best. But, that one obstacle course that she struggles the most is the icy platforms because she could be worried if could fall off. "Woah, I better be careful and not to fall off!" meowscarada said as she tries not to fall off, but she did fall off and went into the water. "Oh dear, now that cost her a time loss to beat the time!" The commentator said. "Aw great, Now I need to be more faster, I got to beat that time!" meowscarada said as she swims to the ladder and climbs up. She has reached the goal, but she did not beat that time record. "Oh! She was too late to beat that record!" The commentator said. Just then, quaquaval appeared, and he was so pleased that Meowscarada didn't beat his record. "Nice try to beat my record! Better luck next time!" Quaquaval said. "I really need to train even more if I want to beat his time record, and I don't get knocked out of the tournament!" Meowscarada said. The next day, Meowscarada did her training run, when all of a sudden, when went to fast that she warped! "What's happening?! I'm going too fast that I'm going to warp somewhere!" Meowscarada said as she warped like the delorean from back to the future! Then, she warped to the castle, and she was so amazed about the look of it! "Wow, Maybe someone can help me train to win the pokemon warrior contest!" Meowscarada said as she went to the castle's entrance and knocks on the door. The door opened, and there was princess peach, looking at Meowscarada. Hey there Cute cat, How can I help you?" Peach asked. "Wait, you're peach, the one that got captured by that dragon creature." Meowscarada said. "Wait, you do know about me, and how I was got captured by bowser! But this time, Bowser wants to rule the mushroom kingdom soon, and one of the toads predicted it!" Peach said. "That's terrible, and even scary! So, do you have an obstacle course I can practice on? Because I need to beat Quaquaval's time, and get the trophy!" Meowscarada said. "Sure, But I'm saving it for the ultimate hero who can save the mushroom kingdom, so follow me." Peach said as Meowscarada followed peach to the obstacle course. At the obstacle course, Meowscarada can see loads of obstacles, and she was so amazed about it! "Wow, that's a good obstacle course you got there!" Meowscarada said. "Thanks, now let's being your training to win the pokemon warrior contest!" Peach said as Meowscarada gets ready to go through the course. Meowscarada tries to dodge the firebar, but it hit her, causing a time loss. Next, she would be able to dodge the bullet bills, but one bullet bill got her and she was zooming across the obstacle course. "Ugh, this cat needs to learn more." Peach said. On the final part, Meowscarada needs to make the jump, and she successfully made that jump, but the donut block let her go straight down. Meowscarada went back up, and needed to try again. "Well, Looks Like I need to try this again, but to be more better." Meowscarada said as she tries to do it again. She dodges the firebar, jumped on the bullet bills and even avoided the donut block. She reached the finish by attacking the wooden bowser figure by using her grass type moves. Meowscarada has now finished the obstacle course, and she was pleased about it! "Wow, you really did your training there Meowscarada! Now good luck winning the Pokemon warrior contest!" Peach said. "Thanks, Now I could fast warp back and beat quaquaval's time!" Meowscarada said as she uses her fast warp back. "Well, looks like I'm gonna set all of this back up and wait for the ultimate hero!" Peach said as she resets the obstacle course. This night, Meowscarada meet quaquaval, she was ready to beat his time. "So, are you ready to beat my time? Or are you going to lost this tournament?" quaquaval said. "Well, wait and see what I can do!" Meowscarada said. At the pokemon warrior contest, Meowscarada is prepared with a lot of training from peach. "Welcome back to the new round of the pokemon warrior contest! Our contestant Meowscarada is going to do this, but will she be able to win the contest, or get kicked out?" The commentator said. Meowscarada goes forward and tries her best by dodging and jumping, but she was so speedy there! "Woah, she sure has a lot of speed to beat that record!" The commentator said. Then Meowscarada finished the course and beaten the record! "She had broken the record, she is now the champion of the pokemon warrior contest! quaquaval was very shocked on Meowscarada has beaten his time. "H-how did you manage to beat my time?" quaquaval asked. "Well, I was trained by that princess of the castle, and she took me to her obstacle course and I trained there very well." Meowscarada said as she hold's her trophy up in the air. "Well, I'm gonna beat you next time!" quaquaval said as he looks at Meowscarada with his arms folded. Confetti went down to the ground for Meowscarada's victory.
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
The Super Mario movie belongs to Nintendo, Universal and illumination
Super Mario Belongs to Nintendo
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gatethecat · 2 years
GME9 Update
I have added an option on the firebar object to make double sized firebars.
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To make them appear, just apply these settings on the variables:
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firebarzzz · 1 year
Robert Guillaume (born Robert Peter Williams) - (1927 – 2017) #Cinema 🎬🎥
If you like the post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or a ❤️.  This is always good for motivation and for the survival of the site.  Sincerely & Respectfully Firebar💤 Robert Guillaume (born Robert Peter Williams; November 30, 1927 – October 24, 2017) was an American actor and singer, known for his role as Benson DuBois in the ABC television series Soap and its spin-off Benson, as well as for…
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antmutemorgan · 2 years
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Let’s have fun tonight 🙌. Music makes the world go round’ 🌎 🎵 Clips from: @agonajdini [“Dancing grandma”] @iamyasin38 [“fat man dancing, belly jiggling”] @gertrudywitdabooty [“black new funny dance grandmother costume”]. @pacificnorthjess [“grabs foot/feet while hilarious laughing; open mouth—from a musical audio”] . [Spicy lyrics poem/poetry 🌶] A pitbull could shake, but it can’t shake like this! Betty Crocker could bake, but she can’t bake like this! Domesticated with him, but with me she’s wild, turned on like a foot fetish when the feets is out. #funlyrics #nycmusic #firebars #openmics
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linkandorf · 4 years
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there is little to no reason these things should hold such a large portion of my heart
and yet
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djfadeinthemix · 5 years
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#FridayNightLIVE with #DjFade at @lumberbaronsbrew @stables_firebar #FireBar #BayCity #TONIGHT! Special guest @djsweetnlow76 joins me #inthemix! #LiveBand in #TheStables and #karaoke in the pub! On #MidlandStreet! #ladiesnight #girlsnight #tgif #dj #pioneerdj (at Lumber Barons and Stables) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7J4t-3J-NV/?igshid=w4hv8tclsca2
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ccdailydeal · 6 years
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Today's Cape Cod Daily Deal is $40 towards food at Ember Coal Fired Pizza and Wings in Harwich, for only $20 #capecod #ccdailydeal #ember #pizza #wings #harwich #coalfiredpizza #firebar #cookiepizza
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No reason. *lights cigarette*
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samajestelintrus · 4 years
S/O To My Son @StartSwitch #TheGamer A #Crazy #SpeedRun #Level in #SuperMarioMaker2 with #Firebars everywhere! Actually, it's #Easier than it #Look. I decided to #Post this because i want to #Support my #Son. The level is called: Fire Dash&Jump ! 20s Gameplay: @startswitch The Code: K23-WJH-9WF Difficulty: Medium Please Go #Follow Him On www.youtube.com/StartSwitch Asap #Tks https://www.instagram.com/p/B_BCcpDgR52/?igshid=9h4o8c8r29v1
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theartistjdavis · 4 years
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Download my new mixtape "Righteous Endeavor" for FREE from mixtape factory 💪💪💪 Link: https://www.mixtapefactory.com/Righteous-Endeavor.html #newmixtape #freemusic #freedownload #artistsofinstagram #hiphopmusic #hiphopculture #nationwide #global #firebars #classics #comments #feedback #instagrampage #instagram #nationwide #headphones🎧 #musicallyfans #musicfans https://www.instagram.com/p/CKq8xpHBAR2/?igshid=1qz5twhr1s1bb
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cannabarbie · 7 years
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breakfast of champions 🍫🔥
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