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"We don't have time for this!!!" Ado shouts before quickly getting ready to Paint.
Just then, the castle's main gate opened again and a Bomb went flying through, getting stuck in Kabula's Blatzy before blowing it and her up!
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"Wha-!? PB Jr.?! When did you get here?!" Ado shouts before noticing the small army behind him!
"We've had enough of Dedede's greediness" Shouted Lololo and Lalala together!
An Arrival on Popstar! Kirby's first Adventures in Dreamland!
Long before Kirby was the tough Puff we knew him as, Dreamland and planet popstar was protected by two young heroes. a Warrior from the stars with skills of a Sword Master, and their close friend and Ally, a young, but strong Dedede before he took the throne.
Together, they managed to banish the Nightmare Wizard with the aid of the Star Rod from the mystical Fountain of Dreams and were hailed as heroes. But Dedede let the fame go to his head with each new battle that came afterwards, eventually crowning himself as King over Dreamland.
The Sword Wielding Star Warrior had also vanished, fading into legend...
Now, in the current time of this tale, King Dedede, as vile as his behavior was, did protect the land he ruled over, allow for peace to continue thriving over the Green Greens of Dreamland and it's here, we find two semi familiar faces...
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"Alright....little bit of green here...some brown for the trees...." Hummed the voice of the teenage artist Ado, the soon to be world famous painter and older sister to the still very young Adeleine
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"Hm...Maybe a little bit of red for the apple...and some purple for Marx....and-
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linkandorf · 5 years ago
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there is little to no reason these things should hold such a large portion of my heart
and yet
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olaxisap · 2 years ago
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Blatzy Extra Game version of Shotzo. Like Koozer, a replacement for a very common enemy type, though Shotzos and Blatzys being invulnerable to normal damage makes it a bit more interesting, they pivot faster and shoot faster than Shotzos. They also reappeared in Super Star Ultra, their last appearance since.
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alicesoinions · 3 years ago
Every Dizzy turns into a Benny.
Every Shotzo turns into a Blatzy.
Every Cappy turns into a Blopper.
Every Sir Kibble turns into a Boomer.
Every Puffy turns into a Cawcun.
Every Squishy turns into a Flotzo.
Every Booler turns into a Gaspar.
Every Kabu turns into a Grumples.
Every Chuckie turns into a Hurly.
Every Bronto Burt turns into a Koozer.
Every Two Face turns into a Mr. P. Umpkin.
Every Wizzer turns into a Peezer.
Every Mumbies turns into a Skuller.
Every Twizzy turns into a Tookey.
Every Kookler turns into a Whiskers.
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crazy-webadas · 3 years ago
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AAAAAA el primer ataque que recibo en toda mi historia de artfight, te quiero mucho Blatzi.
ahora es hora de la venganza sisi
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sohin-ace · 5 years ago
* Sends some traditional Turkish desserts in your way for the holiday * from me and blatzy Sohin ! Also I sent an ask what it was but Tumblr eat it again 😢
Aah! So much sweetness! Thank you my kind gangster! Gotta love my little Turkish protegees.
I think the ask you're talking about was just answered a minute ago my love.
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Ya’ll sleeping on this
Okay so den of geek blessed us with some images of season 6 and I don't know why but the paladins outfits look a lot like those of the OG paladins, particularly Shiro and Allura....
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I mean seriously...Lances outfit has that similar bandit like look and also the markings on his face as well look a lot like Blatzys
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Pidges armour looks a lot like Trigals armour but instead of green and white its green and green
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then Hunks looks very similar to Grygans with the hat and massive robes
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then theres Allura and her mom
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and of course, as Zarkon was the black paladin, and Keith is away, Shiros outfit looks a lot like Alfor’s
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I mean, as you can see, there not all like 100% similar but the styles of the outfits are just kind of similar. maybe they had to have a new disguise, and Allura just pulled out some of the OG paladins clothes and was like ‘HERE HAVE THESE’ hence why Pidges is very oversized
also who decided to make my boy Lancey Lance that adorable, they need to be arrested
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linkandorf · 4 years ago
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Parasol Blatzy!
Its Blatzy! But with a Parasol! Shotzos and Blatzos can be found suspended in the air, attached to a Parasol in certain areas. They shoot directly downwards, which shoots them upwards! Staying in the air indefinitely. Nature is beautiful.
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No kidding, at least now we can bre-"
*BOOM!* Suddenly, the sounds of a cannon went off as the trio was blown back by a what resembled a large blimp with a Blatzy attached to it!
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"Urgh...Cheap Shot..."
An Arrival on Popstar! Kirby's first Adventures in Dreamland!
Long before Kirby was the tough Puff we knew him as, Dreamland and planet popstar was protected by two young heroes. a Warrior from the stars with skills of a Sword Master, and their close friend and Ally, a young, but strong Dedede before he took the throne.
Together, they managed to banish the Nightmare Wizard with the aid of the Star Rod from the mystical Fountain of Dreams and were hailed as heroes. But Dedede let the fame go to his head with each new battle that came afterwards, eventually crowning himself as King over Dreamland.
The Sword Wielding Star Warrior had also vanished, fading into legend...
Now, in the current time of this tale, King Dedede, as vile as his behavior was, did protect the land he ruled over, allow for peace to continue thriving over the Green Greens of Dreamland and it's here, we find two semi familiar faces...
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"Alright....little bit of green here...some brown for the trees...." Hummed the voice of the teenage artist Ado, the soon to be world famous painter and older sister to the still very young Adeleine
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"Hm...Maybe a little bit of red for the apple...and some purple for Marx....and-
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linkandorf · 4 years ago
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In the Extra Game of Kirby’s Dream Land, Shotzo gets replaced with a longer cannon! Blatzy is a fun name, and I’ve always liked Shotzo and Blatzy as a duo, For whatever reason. They’re just cannons but you know. They enrich my life.
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linkandorf · 8 years ago
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Parasol Blatzy!
Another forgotten character from Kirby’s Dream Land! Parasol Blatzy replaces the Parasol Shotzos in the Extra Mode of KDL. Parasol Blatzy acts just about the same as the Shotzos, floating in the air and shooting downwards, keeping itself in the air. I believe only one Parasol Blatzy appears in the game, but that might be wrong.
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linkandorf · 5 years ago
Ok cool. So I'm guessing the guy at the top is Simpleflips? Who's the creature next to Pokey and Togekuki? The smiling fire with tied up rope is Pyrope? I assume he is an OC? Is that the Golden Lobster's claw at the top? Who's the little blue guy under Noddy? Are those all supposed to be Dittos drawn together there next to the purple Yoshi? Why did you draw Shotzo and Blatzey with bodies? Who's that bkue creature above them? Who are the 4 blue/green slike creatures around Gooigi? Lol sorry, thnx
That is Simpleflips (a Twitch streamer I like), Pointey, from Yoshi’s Island DS is the creature next to Pokey and Togekuki (I like drawing those 3 together a lot), Pyrope is actually an enemy from Undertale! That IS Heavy Lobster’s claw, which I drew to put the Paint Slime there (because we were drawing slimes), the blue guy under Noddy is a Slime from Dragon Quest, the Dittos are in the shape of a hydraulic press becaaaaaaaause why not? The Shotzo and Blatzy drawings are gijinkas I made! The creature above them is Ocophora, which IS an OC of mine. (Ocophora has been on my blog before!) The two slimes directly above Gooigi are slimes that I just designed for fun during that Drawpile, to the right of them is a ChuChu from Wind Waker, and then below that is a Slime from Minecraft. Unless youre referring to the slime above the Wind Waker ChuChu, in which case thats a different ChuChu design from Majora’s Mask.
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