#fire’s writings and drabbles
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firedrakegirl · 2 days ago
Requiem for a Ghost chapter two
Simon had been pulling away from me, wearing the mask instead of just the balaclava more and more, not even taking the balaclava off to sleep. He stopped sleeping in the bed with me, choosing instead to sleep on the couch or in the guest room. Anytime someone asked, I just shrugged and replied that he’d been a soldier, letting them draw their own conclusions about PTSD. The truth was between him and I alone.
After a couple weeks, it got to the point where we weren’t even eating together. That was my breaking point. “Si- Ghost, can I talk to you?” I asked one evening. I reverted to his code name since he was pulling away from me so much. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
He grunted and looked up at me. I could see the dark circles under his eyes, and it made my heart ache for him. “What is it?”
I sat on the floor on the other side of the room, giving him plenty of space. “You’re not happy here anymore. Not since we found out that you’re from a game.” I said quietly, meeting his eyes. “You’re pulling away from me.”
“I-” He hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah.”
“That’s fine. You didn’t actually chose me or this or anything.” I said understandingly, trying to blink the tears from my eyes. I wasn’t trying to guilt him.
“I’m sorry Fire.”
“No, it’s not you. I... I am giving you permission to go. I’d rather you’re happy and not with me, then with me and miserable.”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, his hand twitching like he wanted to reach out.
“Ghost, it’s fine. I love you enough to want the best for you, even if that’s not me.” I assured him. “So go. Figure out who you are now, what you want from this new world. I can... I’ll go stay with my parents and you can keep this place.”
“I won’t do that to you, fireb- Fire. I know how excited you were to have your own place.” He shook his head. “I’ll just go. Drive for a while.”
“Are you sure sweet-.. Are you sure?” I asked. “I can absolutely move back with them for a while. If you end up wanting to move, we can sell the house and split the profits and whatnot. You should have somewhere to consider home.”
“You are someone special, Fire.” He chuckled softly.
“Look, I lo- care about you, whether we’re dating or not.” I caught myself from saying love. I did love him, deeply, but I was trying to avoid putting pressure on him. “And I only want the best for you. So, yeah.”
“And you have a self sacrificing streak, so you’re willing to put yourself back into a position that isn’t good for you to give me a place without you.” He pointed out.
“You deserve a place to yourself. If you can’t get that while I’m here, it just makes more sense for me to remove myself from the equation. You’re not going to want to meet up with anyone from your military time here, since that’s not... since the memories are... I don’t know. Planted? Confused? It’s a weirdass situation.” I shrugged. “I just want you to be okay.”
“Thank you, genuinely.” He nodded at me. “But I’m going to pack and leave.”
“Want me to help?”
He stood then, and headed for what had once been our bedroom. I stood and looked after him, then headed for the kitchen. I packed up our biggest lunchbox full of foods that he could eat while he traveled.
When he left the bedroom, I wordlessly handed him the lunchbox. He pressed his masked forehead to mine for a moment, then left without another word.
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laseracronym · 2 months ago
Hungover (Aizawa/Fem!Reader, NSFW)
Summary: You wake up in bed with Aizawa after a drunken one-night stand. (Aizawa/Fem!Reader)
(Content: Smut, references to drunk sex.)
Your head is pounding when you wake up, but the room is blessedly dark. You groan softly, going to move but pausing when you feel the weight of a strong arm draped over you. Opening your eyes, you find yourself peering into the sleeping face of your coworker, Aizawa.
You blink, sluggish and bleary, studying his surprisingly peaceful expression as you sort through your muddy memories of the night before. Your eyes drift down to his mouth and you're struck, suddenly and vividly, by the memory of that mouth between your legs as he drunkenly, sloppily, ravenously ate you out with an enthusiasm that you rarely saw the man show anything.
"Holy fuck..." you breathe, reaching up to rub your forehead as your memories solidify even further, and you become aware of the delicious soreness in your body. A couple lingering licks of arousal stir low in your belly at the images and phantom sensations flashing through your mind's eye, though you're much too hungover for it to build into anything substantial.
"Mm..." you hear Aizawa grumble softly as he stirs, his arm unconsciously tightening around your middle as those dark eyes blink awake. It takes a moment before his eyes focus in on you and he pauses, looking at you with an almost confused squint like he didn't know why you were there. A mirror of the expression you wore just moments before. You see the moment he remembers, the slight, nearly concealed intake of breath, the faintest blush on his face that was only visible because you were so close to him, "oh."
It takes a lot to ruffle the stoic underground hero, but yeah, this would do it.
"Morning..." you say softly, because you don't know what else to say.
"...morning," he returns stiffly, it looks like he doesn't know what to say either. He's studying your face intently, his eyes searching yours. Idly, you remember the molten heat his eyes carried the night before as he held you close and fucked you, gazing down at you as if you were the most erotic, heavenly being he'd ever laid eyes upon.
He shifts, his arm loosening around you. He's pulling away but you can't allow it, your hand catches his wrist to keep it in place. He stops, and there's a moment of hesitation before he allows you to wrap his arm around you again. You feel his body relax against the mattress again, his head right in front of yours.
You look at him, your hand drifting up his arm. "...I'm still sleepy," you tell him as you wrap your arm around him, wriggling just a bit closer until your noses are nearly touching.
Something in Aizawa's gaze softens and he holds you closer, "right..."
You close your eyes and the two of you slowly begin to drift back to sleep. You'll figure out what to say once the hangover wears off.
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castieltrash1 · 7 months ago
Can I request Jon Snow x Lady!Reader. Arranged marriage that becomes real love?
this is so sweet ty for the req :')
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jon snow x afab!reader; arranged marriage, slow burn, vague mentions of sex, mutual pining-ish i think
when you’re finally brought to the godswood, gaze averted and flecks of snow glinting between strands of hair, jon finds himself relieved. he’d known his duties from a young age so when the time to wed arrived -- a wife already chosen on his behalf -- he didn’t fight it. he tried not to imagine your appearance, but it proved difficult, and many late nights at winterfell were spent concocting an image of you in his head. not nearly as beautiful or rich as robb’s future wife, surely, but you’d be worthy of a stark bastard at least… right?
it’s odd. you’re different, but somehow more beautiful. jon can’t really explain it and he doesn’t try, not wanting to offend you. the first night is painfully awkward regardless, and he’s relieved when you both agree to take it slow for now. everything happens eventually, of course, but your patience pays off. jon considers himself lucky -- he could’ve been stuck with anyone for the rest of his life, but he had you; you, with your kind words and pretty face, practically handed to him on a silver platter. he kept waiting for you to act monstrous, assuming your beauty had to be compounded by something, anything, but it’s not. your marriage isn’t perfect, but jon enjoys figuring things out with you by his side. he likes being a united front with someone. he likes the warmth you leave on the other half of the bed, sheets smelling like the oil from your baths. he enjoys keeping you happy, noticeably fulfilled when he’s seen as a good husband and dutiful partner.
the more you go through together, the deeper jon’s feelings grow. he knows it’s happening, despite his initial attempts to ignore it. you have a lifetime together ahead of you - there’s no need for him to rush things. but the affection gnaws at him, and he can’t deny himself any longer. he loves you. by the old gods and the new, he really, truly, loves you. he hadn’t expected it, thinking any romantic dedication to you would take years to build -- if it ever even came to fruition -- but now it’s here and he almost isn’t sure what to do.
it’s been on the tip of his tongue all day. he’d nearly said it in bed the night before, limbs tangled in sheets as he stared down at you, but the words were caught in his throat. now, every time he speaks to you, the declaration begs for release, desperate for you to know the depth of his feelings. three more opportunities arise before midday, but he lasts until after dinner, when he finds you overlooking the courtyard below and feels his heart skip a beat. you turn to face him and, somehow, his gentle expression tells you everything.
“i love you.”
+ after he says it for the first time, it takes him a while to work up the courage again, even if you happily return the sentiment. it felt like a reward and he doesn’t want to spoil it. the words aren’t careless to him and he wants them to mean something, not be taken for granted. soon enough, you’ll hear it five times a day, gruffly murmured in every free moment alone. and, despite its newfound frequency, it only seems to be more genuine each time.
game of thrones weekend (reqs open!)
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 year ago
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♡ chronicle #4 : welcome back ♡
wc : 5338
somehow, you've gotten used to living without your dragon man.
it shouldn't have been that hard to began with, you reason. since you'd only been living with him for a couple of weeks. you'd spent your whole life without this rude, bratty, infuriatingly handsome dragon guy. it really shouldn't have been hard.
you wake up to get ready for work feeling more tired than usual. this had been the case for the last two weeks now. you're lost at work, you've been really close to coming late more than once. you're coworker sachi has also asked if you were sick at least 5 times in one week, so you assume you don't exactly look your best right now.
you grab some leftovers from the fridge, hastily throwing them in the microwave to check up on your coffee. when you're done eating with the only background noise being the tv playing some game show reruns, you put your plate in the sink and remember a little too late that no one's there to clean them up for you anymore. you feel stupid, staring at the dishes like they'll suddenly wash themselves.
you'll wash them when you get back.
work goes by in a blur. you hardly remember what you did, who you'd talked to or what you had for lunch. the trip back home feels unfamiliar, like someone else was controlling your body for you. you don't mind as long as you can go home and sleep.
when you walk through your door, you check your couch reflexively, even though you've reminded yourself multiple times no one would be waiting there for you. the tv's turned off like it was when you'd left, there's nothing cooking on the stove, and there's no one on your couch.
despite reminding yourself.
you really need some sleep.
you order take out and eat while watching your favorite show for the 5000th time. it feels boring instead of comforting like it usually is, so you end up skipping a bunch of episodes straight to your favorite.
sometimes, you feel like it was all one big dream. falling in love with a dragon only for him to leave you seemed like something you could really only see in your own fantasy. but you know it isn't, because if it were you'd be able to forget about it. about him. but you can't.
it isn't painful, it doesn't feel like your heart is about to burst. it just feels so lonely. you feel like a part of you is missing, like a piece of your heart was filled to the brim with warmth only for that part to be taken away from you and leaving you cold and hollow. you don't like feeling like this. you shouldn't feel like this over someone you'd technically just met.
but it wasn't like that with him, it didn't feel like you'd just met. despite only living with him for a few weeks, you felt like you'd known him all your life. it was like you were catching up with an old friend the more you spoke to him. everything in you felt good with him. everything felt so right with him.
before you know it there are tears clouding your vision, you will yourself not to let them overflow. you hadn't cried since the day he left, you'd been distracting yourself with work not to. your favorite part of the episode comes up yet all you can do is focus on not bursting into tears. you can't go to bed feeling like shit since you've got work tomorrow. you decide to head to bed early tonight.
you'd like to think you can fool yourself into believing you've gotten used to living without katsuki. but unfortunately, you have to admit you aren't that good at lying to yourself when the first teardrop hits your pillow.
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katsuki feels incredibly wrong.
it's way past the time he's usually asleep, but despite tossing and turning he can't keep his eyes shut because every time he does he sees you.
you, with your stupid bright smile. you with your stupid puffed out cheeks and pout when you'd caught him nabbing your food too late. you with your bright eyes when you come back from work to see he's made your favorite.
and you, with your glossy wet eyes when he told you he was leaving.
he really needs some fuckin' sleep.
for the last two weeks, he's been telling himself that this was better for you—for you both. he knows he could never truly be good for you. no matter how well he'd learn to cook your favorite meal. no matter how many movies and tv shows you watch together. no matter how good it feels to be with you, you'll always be a human and he, a dragon.
you're different beings made for different lives. he wasn't raised for battle, but it is a primary part of the dragon code, especially in his faction. survival of the fittest and whatnot. you were made for office jobs and midnight take out and romance movies, not for anything he was.
his friends were more than happy to see he'd finally come back home. they had basically choke-slammed him to the ground to hug him, and he can't deny he felt really a little bit happy to see them again.
he'd expected his mom to nag his ear off like she usually does but he was more than shocked to feel her wrap her arms around him tightly. she had told him she was happy to see he hadn't caused any trouble for himself and he could hear the quiver in her voice and feel the slight shakiness in her tightly strung limbs. he hadn't said anything and simply quietly held her back. his father had joined the group hug soon after and katsuki closed his eyes, indulging in the warmth of his parents' love.
this is good. this feels nice. this is where he's supposed to be.
it felt nice at the time, he recalls. but it didn't feel right.
for the last two weeks, he's been trying to tell himself that despite how much he aches, how much he yearns for you, you aren't made for him.
unfortunately, besides admitedly being a horrible liar, katsuki will forever be a selfish dragon. he only focuses on what he wants, and he wants you more than anything. he needs you more than anything.
" fuck this.." he mutters, throwing and arm over his eyes. he starts absentmindedly rubbing at his hair, like you used to. but it doesn't feel as comforting, so he huffs again.
he'd been told he unfortunately couldn't do anything about the tournament, but on a better note the guy he faced off again would be disqualified from participating since he did end up getting something from a witch, like katsuki thought. kirishima had wrapped an arm around his shoulder and told him it was a good thing. but to be honest, katsuki had almost fully forgotten about that shitty tournament. his father told him there would always be a next one. the next one in ten years. the thought of not seeing you in that time crosses his mind at makes him feel like he swallowed something sour. there's a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought but he can do nothing but try to ignore it.
just as he's about to turn to the other side of his bed a knock his door startles him. his mom walks in shortly after, opening the door halfway before walking in when she sees him awake.
" i didn't say you could come in." he grumbles half heartedly, sleep riddled voice slightly groggy. mitsuki simply sits on his bed near him, patting at his leg over the covers.
"m'not allowed to check up on my runaway son ? don't want you to leave again." she jests. katsuki knows she's joking, but he still feels a pang of guilt in his chest. he grumbles something unintelligible in response.
no words are exchanged for a moment, then mitsuki pats her son's leg a little harder, he snarls at her but she simply smiles at him.
"what do you say we go get some air ?"
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the night air feels good.
soaring through the sky feels comforting. feeling the way the wind rushes through his scales feels almost therapeutic to him. it can be thrilling to soar through the air the same way it can also be calming. it provides him serenity he can't quite put into words.
katsuki finds himself wishing he could fly like this with you like when he brought you back home from work. he remembers how you'd screamed your lungs out, clutched onto him so tightly and when you'd landed back home with wobbly legs and messy..everything, you'd proclaimed it was the first and last time you'd ever go for a dragon ride. he remembers how hard he laughed and he chuffs to himself unconsciously at the memory.
flying around when he was irritated or stressed wasn't uncommon for him but he only remembers a handful of times he'd went flying with his mother. other than the times he was younger and still learning how to get the hang of it. he has to admit that that feels good, too.
they decide to rest on a nearby mountain they saw in the horizon. as soon as they land katsuki changes back into his human form, stretching as he let's out a yawn. the only remaining traces of his dragon form being his red horns and scaley tail accompanied by large red wings. he hears his mom flap her wings behind him as she also let's out a little yawn of her own. she sits down onto the gravely bottom and katsuki raises a brow before taking a spot next to her.
it's quiet as they both silently stare at the moon. it's a little chilly out but katsuki doesn't mind much.
"so," mitsuki sighs, taking a large gulp of the fresh air " you gonna tell me what happened when you went on your little expedition?" she bumps her shoulder with his playfully, katsuki growls but doesn't snap back like he usually would.
he simply shrugs "it wasn't an expedition." he gulps, it feels like a knot grows in his throat. "it wasn't anything." he doesn't notice the way his hands are tightened into fists, but his mother does.
"that so ?" she utters. she speaks in a nurturing way. that soft tone that only a mother could use for her child. it upset him even more as the knot in his throat tightens.
"i.." katsuki starts "i was around a lot of humans.." he admits. his mother hums in response, urging him to continue. "saw a lot of things, tried a lot of human stuff."
"human stuff ?"
"human foods and desserts and stuff. and movies. they're people moving around acting inside a big box that they call a tv." he tries his best to explain it in the simplest way considering it took him a while to grasp the concept of electronics himself. he can tell his mother doesn't really understand, but he's thankful she simply nods and let's him continue.
"it wasn't too bad." he concedes. " i didn't wanna kill too many of them." he jokes, his mother chuckles in response.
"anything else happen ?" she asks with a smile. katsuki can already tell shes's onto him. screw this mother's intuition shit.
he opens and closes his mouth a few times, nothing he wants to say seems to come out right.
"ma.." he starts, she hums " when you--how did it feel for you when you fell in love with pops ?"
her eyes widen at his question. she sits and thinks about it for a minute, then a smile grows on her face. " it's not something i can really explain. i just knew it when i saw him, i knew he was meant to be mine."
"even though he's a human..?" he mumbles quietly. his mother doesn't seem fazed, her dazed smile remains.
"yeah." she answers simply.
"it didn't bother you ?"
"nope." she immediatly answers, popping the p.
"it wasn't weird ?"
" it took a little gettin' used to." she hums "we're completely different after all. his family wasn't exactly on board with it. but they didn't say anythin' when i showed 'em my dragon form, i think they were just really amazed." she laughs at her own joke and katsuki fights an eyeroll.
"how'd you do it then ? how'd you..get used to it ?" he asks almost urgently.
her smile hasn't faltered since the beginning of the conversation. it seems to have gotten even wider and even brighter. " i didn't do anything. i loved your father, i still do." she sighs dreamily " when i was around him i didn't worry about anything. i didn't worry about what others thought to begin with, but i didn't worry about that. i wasn't scared of the future or anything."
"there was nothing for me to be worried about when i was around him. it always just felt like things would work out. we made each other happy, and when i was around him it all felt so.." she can't seem to find the right word to use but katsuki finds one for her immediatly.
"right ?" he finishes.
"yeah" she smiles, eyes softening as she looks at her son "yeah, it felt really right."
for the last two weeks, katsuki's been trying to deceive himself. by now he knows it isn't working. at all. he'd been trying to keep his mind quiet. he's been spending time with his friends and it's been nice. but there's clearly something missing. something he knows that his parents or his friends can fill, despite them caring so much for him. and he feels bad because he cares, he really does. but there's something he needs.
you're the one he needs.
"i think.." katsuki jumps a little when his mom speaks up again "i think there's somewhere you need to be, isn't there ?" she asks, though that knowing look she gives him clearly says she already knows the answer.
katsuki bites his lip, looking down towards the ground below. he can't see the bottom.
"i'm scared, ma.." he admits, meekly. mitsuki's heart squeezes at her little boy's heart showing in his eyes, scared of the unknown despite trying his best to convince himself he isn't.
his mother places her hand ontop of his and squeezes " i know, i know you are.." she comforts.
"w-what if it's too late and i messed shit up ?" she shakes her head, shushing him.
"you didn't, i know you didn't." she speaks carefully "if that person is the right one for you, then there's absolutely no way you have." she pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back tightly. no more words are exchanged as katsuki and his mother sit there. she pulls away and presses her forehead to his.
"you get goin' now, okay ?" she feels him nod after a moment and her smiles grows wider. she ruffles her son's hair and he grumbles, pushing at her arm and he fights off a smile.
he's sure, he knows what he needs to do now.
he gets up with vigor and stretches out his limbs and his wings as they flex and expand on his back. before he takes off though, he hears his mom call for him. he turns to look at her proud smiling face.
"you'd better come and visit !" she grinned, sharp fangs on display. katsuki smiles back at that, sharp grin rivaling hers.
" obviously !" he affirms, before taking off.
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you wake up like you'd had the best sleep in your life. probably because you cried yourself to sleep.
you're awake an hour earlier than you usually are and you can't seem to get back to sleep. so bitterly, you decide to just get up and start your day an hour early.
you're definitely not getting ready for work at this hour, so your hello- kitty jammies are staying on. you remember you have a half eaten tub of vanilla-caramel-brownie ice cream in the freezer and it makes you a little happier. you walk over to your fridge with a little skip in your step.
when you sit down on your couch and turn your tv on you can already see the sun rising from your balcony. and it makes you dread having to go to work in an hour and a few minutes, you do your best to ignore it and watch a rerun of some old drama tv show you found.
you take your first bite and hum to yourself happily. the ice cream melts on your tongue and the flavours burst onto your tastes buds. if you could you'd eat ice cream every single day.
but katsuki would scold you for it.
it feels a little harder to swallow down your next bite.
the female and male lead on the show are arguing about something. the man says he only has eyes for the lady. he says that it's always been her, that if he were reborn in another life, in another country, he would still always find his way back to her.
you quietly keep watching, taking smaller and smaller scoops of ice cream. the lady is doubtful, she asks the male how she knows he won't break her heart. he responds that she only needs to trust him, that she needs trust herself.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?" he asks.
"it's telling me.." there's a dramatic pause " that i love you..!" she declares.
the two share a hug and an old ending song plays, you can hear an audience clapping like you sometimes do in old sitcoms. you really wish you could go back to sleep when you check your phone and see that only twenty minutes have passed. you wonder if you can call in sick as you play around with your ice cream, but you draw the line at that. that'd be too childish and you're too grown to be faking sick just because you got your heart broken.
you switch through a couple of channels before you land on an animal documentary. it's about red panda's and red panda's are adorable, so you shuffle on your couch to get comfortable and scoop up another big bite of ice cream.
the moment you bring your spoon to your lips though, you suddenly feel a big gust of wind. accompanied by a loud crash. and a giant hole through your fucking wall.
your spoon stays frozen against your lips, it's cold but you can barely feel it. slowly, you turn to look at something coming out of the cloud of smoke caused by the debris.
or no, it's a someone. you can see them stand up straighter as huge wings stretch on their back along with huge pointy horns and—actually maybe it is a something after all.
except you squint and you realise that it isn't a something.
it's katsuki.
it's katsuki and he's looking at you, bright red eyes focused solely on yours. he's here, he's here with you.
and he's once again blasted a hole through your wall.
you almost want to laugh, but you're afraid if you do you'll start crying. so you simply stare at him. he takes a deep breath and opens his mouth
“hi..” he exhales.
he’s heaving, taking in the force at which your wall was blasted into pieces one could assume it was probably because he was flying really fast, and he was. but this wasn’t really going all out for him. frankly, katsuki bakugou is heaving because he’s so incredibly nervous.
“h-hi..” you utter back, wide eyed. katsuki zones in on something on your face and furrows his brows.
“you’re eating that cold shit that early in the morning ? you’ll get sick.” he chides. this time you do laugh, because he’s so insanely ridiculous, how could you not.
“yeah well, no one was here to stop me so..” he knows the other meaning to your joke very well and his heart hurts at the sadness in your eyes when you fully realize he’s actually here.
“why did you—i thought you had to go home ?” you stutter. he takes a hesitant step towards your couch, towards you. his hand twitches, wanting to reach out to you, to touch you, but he holds back for now.
“yeah i did.” he nods “so here i am.”
your heart feels like it’s beating while being held down under a huge weight. you want to do so many things. you want to cry, ask him so many questions and kiss his mouth off but you can only bring yourself to ask “why ?”
katsuki frowns at the way your bottom lip wobbles and he immediately decides he can’t have that. he walks up to you and grabs your hand to pull you towards him, you stand up with a squeal as he pulls you into him. you’re ice cream long forgotten as neither of you notice the tub hitting the floor.
right now you’re only focused on him and he on you.
“i-i tried to tell myself that i didn’t need you at first, that it was better if i didn’t. we both know we’re—more than completely different,” he chuckles humorlessly. “tried telling myself that i didn’t need you because i didn’t need you my entire life, so why should meeting you, a human, change anything ?”
"but then—i don’t know, i realized that i’d spent so much time with you and your normal human life. with your weird habits and routines and your cheesy animal love stories. and then suddenly i just—" he stops himself mid rambling, he’s still heaving and he can’t seem to calm down. until you reach up and place your hand in his hair.
in seconds it’s feels like he can breathe again. your hands in his hair feel like taking a flight in the dead of night. your entire being is like the way it feels when the wind rushes through his scales.
he needs you, he needs you, he needs you, he needs you and he needs you so bad.
he plops his head against your shoulder and you hear the purring sound from when you’d first pet him in your office building. when you didn’t really know why you did, and that it just felt right to.
“suddenly i realized that i couldn’t be without you. i couldn’t see myself without you and your stupid smug face whenever you’re being a smart ass. without you and your weird taste in movies and your hands in my hair and your smile and—" he cuts himself off again. seemingly realizing he’d said too much. you don’t want to embarrass him too much too soon so you hold back the giggle bubbling up in your throat.
“i thought you liked my taste in movies.” you joke, playing with the hair on his nape. you feel him huff a chuckle against your shoulder.
“never said i didn’t like it. said it’s weird.”
“is there really a difference?” you snort.
“hell yeah there is,” he retorts “ya go from watchin’ that weird demon cat on your phone to watching the conjuring in the same breath.”
“ that just means i'm open to a lot of genres, it’s a good thing !” he snorts then grumbles some kind of agreement under his breath “and don’t you insult hello kitty like that ! she’s done nothing to be classified as a ‘demon cat’.”
“ it’s fuckin’ weird. why doesn’t it have a mouth ? and why are it’s black beady eyes starin’ into my fuckin’ soul ?”
“ quit calling her 'it' ? and she’s adorable !”
“she’s freaky is what she is.” you groan.
"you're insufferable. so incredibly annoying." you grumble in defeat. he lifts his head up to look at you then, his award winning cheese on display with a tiny fang poking out.
"yeah, maybe..but you missed me." he counters. you huff, but you really can't lie "yeah, yeah i did" you say. it comes out sadder than you'd wanted it to, and he seems to notice it. his eyebrows furrow and the remorseful look on his face makes your heart burn. your expression mirrors his as you speak.
"i really did miss you, katsuki. i really did." you whisper sorrowfully. you feel him wipe the tears you didn't even know where about to spill from the corner of your eyes. he grabs your cheeks in both of his large hands and wipes at your eyes, then rubs at your cheeks softly. his eyes burn with unspoken words and feelings and you don't need to hear him say anything to understand. you understand him better than anyone. human or dragon.
and that's all you need.
"i know." he leans in until you're inches away and your eyes flutter closed when he nuzzles his nose against your tenderly. he places his forehead against yours in a way you can only describe as loving. "i know." he whispers again.
"but i won't leave again. i promise." he vows, rubbing his nose against your cheek. the gesture feels very animal like and you giggle a little. he huffs against your cheek in amusement. "you're mine, you've always been. i know that—i'm sure of it now." he corrects "so i'm not goin' anywhere." he's so close. just like that night.
you want to let go, want to give yourself to him and trust him but there's something holding you back. katsuki can tell you're doubtful. he nudges his head against your softly, "talk to me." he urges.
"i just..i'm scared.." you admit "what if things don't work out ? i really, really like you katsuki." your voice trembles and your bottom lip wobbles the slightest bit "i don't want you to go away again.." he shakes his head adamntly, his hair tickles against your forehead. he breathes a sigh and pulls back just enough to look you in the eyes properly.
"i don't know how the future will turn out, or what's gonna happen." he knocks his forehead against yours again "but that doesn't scare me. mostly cus i'm not scared of anything," you roll your eyes but you can't help the chuckle that rips out of you. he smiles, obviously proud of his joke.
"but also because i know you're it for me. no matter what happens, i trust that i'll always come back to you." he seems to realize he's been awfully out of character. a cute blush grows on his face but that doesn't deter him in the slightest, as his eyes stay fixed on you. it makes chills run down your spine.
"you..were made for me. that's all i need." he closes his eyes, embarrasment catching up to him. you smile at how adorable your cranky dragon man could be when he wanted to be.
that's all he needs. you're all he needs. the thought fills your body with so much warmth and love.
you bring your hands up to his cheeks. he opens his eyes. looking down at you with half lidded eyes and so much affection it makes you giddy.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?"
you smile up at him, a watery giggle slips past your lips.
" i love you."
you trust yourself. you trust katsuki. you trust your love for him.
his eyes widen. and suddenly he's leaning down and all he gives you as a warning is a breathy whisper of your name. you don't think twice when you nod your head fervently and then he's closing the distance and kissing you.
in a second it's like you feel whole. it's like he breathes life into you with the kiss he presses onto your lips. and the next one, and the one after that.
he pulls back to catch his breath for no less than three seconds before he's stealing yours away again. but you don't mind in the slightest. you'd give all of yourself up willingly to him. you wish you could stay close with him, holding onto him like this forever.
but then there's a sudden sharp pain in your lip.
"ouch !" you yelp. katsuki immediatly pulls back, eyes racking over your face until he notices red on your lip. you lick at your bottom lip and taste blood. you look up at him, a mix of amusement and suprise on your features. after a second, you let out a chuckle.
"guess you missed me lots, huh ?" you laugh some more when he growls at you. trying his best to seem somewhat intimidating despite the state he's in. he's breathing heavy and he's sweating a little bit, cheeks fully red.
"b-be quiet, human." he leans down and licks the blood off your lip. it flusters you despite him meaning it innocently, dragons are way more direct when it comes to physical affection, it seemed. "i'll roast you alive."
"no you won't, liar." you answer arrogantly. you bring your arms to rest around his neck, your hands play around with the hair on his nape. "you like me too much."
"you're gettin' real cocky, aren't ya ?"
"am i wrong ?" you counter. he narrows his eyes at your challenge but lowers his head in defeat soon after. he shakes his head with a chuckle. "no, guess you're not." he concedes.
"you guess ?" you tease.
"don't push your luck, loser." he nips at your nose, and you giggle. he snarls at you when you tug at his horn, but he can't hide the smile on his face.
"i—uh." he looks away, off to the side towards your tv "love. you. too..or whatever you humans say.." he confesses shyly. too much direct eye contact for one day, it seems. you giggle, then lean in and press a sweet kiss to his lips. it takes him a second before he eases into it. slowly, just as passionately as the first time, but you both know there's no rush to let each other know how you feel. you've got all the time in the world together.
"i'm glad.." you say once you pull away. "so, can i assume that means you're back now?" you joke.
"i told you i'm not goin' nowhere. you're mine." he asserts " i'm back." he states with a fanged grin.
you smile wider at his words. you're smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt but you really don't mind "welcome back." you answer lovingly.
this feels right. this feels like where you both belong. he's back.
back where he belongs.
you pat his nape "to make yourself back at home, you can make me breakfast !" you chirp. "you owe me at least twenty five homemade dinners too, so you'd better get to work." you laugh out loud when he pokes at your side with one hand, with the one on your face squeezing your cheeks out.
"cheeky brat, already puttin' me to work, hah ?!" he grins "i guess i do owe you dinner though, but definitely not fuckin' twenty five of 'em !" you both laugh at each other some more and you wish all of your days with him here could feel like this. but even if they don't, you're not worried. as long as you're together, you know everything will be okay. you trust that with all your heart.
"katsuki ?" you start after a moment. he hums in response, urging you to continue while he nibbles and presses smooches on your shoulder. you smile, you're so incredibly happy.
"fix up my damn wall, would you ?"
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and here it is yall, the final chapter ! thank you all sooooo much for the overwhelming amount of love for this silly lil series. i couldn't be happier that you guys liked this fic just as much as i did writing it ! and i hope this ending makes yall happy (cuz some of yall were losin it last chap LOLOLOL) take this super fluffy ending as an apology for that then !! much luvv <333
taglist ! : @sikuthealien @rosemarygalaxy @guccirosegold @queenpiranhadon @k0z3me @katsuisbaby @lovra974 @katsus-mistress @briokayama @sixxze @lupikekee @nymphsdomain @berryvioo @roboticsuccubus83 @yao-ai @haruesme @omayrac @raatass @touyasprettydoll
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therogueflame · 2 days ago
I have a silly request for whoever targaryen you feel like writing! it can even be a small drabble, of targ trying to ignore their feelings for servant reader and one day they go to pass message to them while they're on the dragonpit and their dragon is very aware of their feelings and kinda just wants affection from reader and are very instent on it? sorry for bad english or bad explanation!
hi anon i am fighting my sleep meds writing this so pls excuse me and my silliness
The Ill Tempered
✨ My Masterlist ✨
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❄️ My ASOIAF/GOT/HOTD Discord Server 🔥
WC: ~1k.
Summary: You climbed into the dragonmont by yourself. What greets you surprises everyone.
Warnings: None, pure fluff really.
Jacaerys Velaryon x Servant!Reader
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You should not be here. The heat clings to your skin, rising from the black stone in shimmering waves, the wind carrying the sharp scent of ash and something older, deeper. The Dragonmont is no place for servants, and certainly not when a dragon is being readied for flight. But the message in your hand is marked urgent, and you were told to deliver it to Prince Jacaerys directly, and to no one else.
You spot him ahead, standing just beyond the mouth of the cavern with his gloves tucked beneath one arm and a strap of Vermax’s saddle in his hand. His curls are windswept and damp from the climb, his expression focused until he hears your steps. He turns quickly, brow furrowing.
“My prince,” you say, keeping your tone steady despite the steep path behind you. “Forgive the interruption. The maester said it could not wait.”
He looks surprised to see you, not displeased, only puzzled. “You climbed all this way alone?”
“I was told to place it in your hands.” You step forward and offer the folded parchment.
Before he can take it, Vermax lifts his head. The dragon rises slowly, eyes locked on you. For a moment, he only watches. Then he begins to move.
You stay where you are, though every part of you tells you to step back. The dragon’s breath fogs in the air between you. He approaches with purpose and a kind of confidence that leaves no room for questioning. Jacaerys does not speak. He watches as Vermax reaches you, presses his snout against your shoulder, then nudges again, more firmly this time.
Your hand lifts without thinking. Fingertips brush warm scale. Vermax exhales, heavy and content.
Behind him, the prince’s voice is quiet. “I have never seen him do that.”
You do not move your hand. “He seems friendly.”
“He usually is not.”
The dragon leans into your touch again, a low, pleased sound rumbling deep in his chest.
“I came only to deliver a message,” you say, voice low now, careful not to disturb whatever this is.
“And you’ve been adopted,” Jacaerys replies, stepping forward at last. He takes the parchment from your hand, though his gaze remains on the dragon, who now shifts behind you, curling until the heat of his body rests just near your side. “He doesn’t act like this with others.”
“Not even with you, my prince?”
“On good days.” His lips twitch slightly, not quite a smile, but close. “And never like this.”
You glance down as Vermax’s tail coils lazily across the stone, brushing just past your boot. “He must be in a rare mood.”
“Perhaps,” is all the prince says.
You scratch gently beneath Vermax’s jaw and feel the dragon press into it, fully content. The parchment remains unopened in the prince’s hand. The wind shifts again, carrying the smell of salt and smoke from the cliffs below.
“He likes you,” Jacaerys says after a moment, almost to himself.
“I noticed.”
“He will be impossible after this.”
“I am flattered.”
“You should be,” he says, glancing at you sidelong. “He only likes me most of the time.”
You do not answer that. You look at the dragon instead, then at the sky. The saddle is ready. The air is still. But Jacaerys does not move to mount, and Vermax does not make space for you to go.
The prince glances down at the letter in his hand, then folds it once more without opening it.
“Who can know the heart of a dragon,” he says, more gently this time.
You keep your hand resting against Vermax’s warm, living skin. You do not speak. Neither does he.
The message has been delivered. The prince remains on the ground. And the dragon, pleased with himself, settles in for a stay.
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haydenthewitch · 1 month ago
okay so. can you imagine
the 118 gets called to a spirtual spot due to some cristal-ball mayhap (it was left in line of direct sunlight and it set a bunch of curtains on fire.) Luckly no one was hurt, and the sprinkler system is up to date, so the shop doesn't even have major fire damage to it either. While there, tho, Buck ends up in the possession of a rabit's foot. And suddenly he's having a streak of AMZAING INCREDIBLE LUCK.
"It's not a thing!" eddie insists.
"You can't argue with facts!" buck tells him. "And the fact is, i've been having a statistical improbible bought of luck today, AFTER i got the rabbit's foot. Should i go to vegas this weekend?"
in a cosmicaly comedic twist of events, their next call is to the office building of a private jet's comapny. and buck pulled some crazy stunt, saved the ceo, and now he's being offered two free round trip tickets to anywhere in the country.
so buck packs a bag for vegas. and he tries to invite maddie, but she's WAY too pregnant for all that. So instead he guilty asks if she'd mind taking chris for the weekend so eddie and him could get away. ("yes, but only if you ask him out at somepoint durring your trip." "MADDIE!" "WHAT? i'm getting impaient, buck.")
So he manges to convince eddie to get on the plane with him, and watch him gamble the weekend away ("for sceince, eddie. to prove that i actualy do have a bunch of luck!") and for the first day they have a BUNCH of fun. Buck doesn't actualy gamble more than $50 at any table or slot, Becuse he's not stupid and he knows how these things work. He does lose close to $200, But he wins it all back (And then some!)
"See, eddie! i'm winning even when the machines are rigged! that has to be luck!! i made a net profit in vegas! it has to be lucky!!"
so anyways, they go back to their fancy hotel room (paid in full by the time of their arvial thank's to buck's INCREDIBLE save at the fancy privte jet company) they are wiped out, and they plan to both take a good nap when...
"Oh." Buck says. "There's only one bed."
"So?" eddie says. "That thing looks like a hiwaian king +!! there is plenty of room for the both of us, buck."
(Is this part of the rabbit foot's luck?)
so they climb into bed together (climb into bed! together!!!) and take a nap.
By six pm they are back out on the town, and boy is vegas after 6 pm WAYYY diffrebt than vegas in the full sunlight. They go out to this SUPER COOL (most likely tourist trap) resturant on the vegas strip, and the bill has to be MIGHTY but buck doesn't get to see the number before eddie snatches it up to pay.
("eds, let me pay. vegas was my idea, come on." "Buck, no. i've got some fun money stashed away. plus, you got us private flights and a room for free with your herotics. i'm paying tonight." buck is blushing so much he can't come up with a proper counter argument.)
Buck sees a poker lounge, and he insists that they go in. Thay have fun, and by the time buck has played two games of poker, they are both plesantly buzzed and gigling up a storm. eddie, of course, didn't play. he much prefers watching buck play, watching him work his charm and read pepole like open books. His boy is sooo good at that, fuck.
and then. someone is talking to buck. pepole have been talking to buck all night, and it felt. fine, normal, okay, fun even. this chick... does not feel like any of those. good lord. she's fucking flirting with buck right in front of eddie's goddamn salad. he instantly gets hot under his collar.
and it's kinda petulant, more than it's anger. anger is too scary of a word... he doesn't feel anger, not his hands curling into fists or hot short clipped thoughts. Yes, it does feel petculant, like a child who doesn't like to share. Couldn't this lady see that buck was clearly his?? couldn't she see how eddie felt too, how eddie was, quite simmalarly, clearly buck's? they were practicaly married, couldn't she see the wedding band mark branded into his soul??
fuck. maybe eddie was drunker than he thought.
buck is taken aback when eddie leans over to him, and says right into his ear. "You know, there is one more vegas thing to try."
"What's that?" He asks, trying to pointidly ignore amy (the lady who was clearly flirting with buck even though he only wabted eddie) and her attempt to lean closed to hear this cobversation.
"Vegas wedding. you and what's her face could totaly go get married right now, if you wanted." eddie says and... oh my god. eddie is jellous.
"Nah," buck says. trying to remain casual about the whole thing. "I'd rather get married to you. Make this whole 'necular fam' thing we got going on in Cali' offical."
and eddie... fucking glows at that.
"Hey!" the dealer snaps. "Do you want to be delt in for the next hand or not?"
"No." eddie tells him. "We've got a wedding to plan."
when they show up to their next sceduled 24 hr shift, they can't stop looking at each other and giggling. hen and chim clock the energy hard, but they decide to ignore it for the first half of the shift. that is until...
"How did vegas go? any elvis weddings?" ravi asks.
Buck freezes in place, but eddie doesn't even look up from his phone as he says: "Oh, elvis wasn't there."
Hen IMMEDATLY sits straight up on the couch. "Who Got Married????" She asks, a hint of urgent hilarity on her voice. Buck puts his head in his hands, blushing wildly becuse. good god, he's never going to live this down. "Buck!! WHO GOT MARRIED??"
"Yeah, Buck! who got married??" eddie says, mocking hen but ALSO teasing buck. The little shit. So, to get back at him.
"You know, you aren't being a very good husband right now, eddie buckly-diaz."
10 long seconds of silence, and then all HELL breaks loose in the firehouse. but you know what? it was fucking worth it to see eddie blush all pretty like that.
("Did you tell maddie yet?" Chim asks immedatly, and buck swears. "no, fuck, i havent." chim just grimaces, and says "that is NOT a secret i'm keeping from my wife. you better text her now if you want her to hear it from you." Buck groans, becuse fuck. chim is so right. this leads to:
Buck: eddie and i got married in vegas
maddie: what
maddie: the
maddie: fuck
maddie: this is NOT WHAT I MENT when i said you should ask him out, evan buckley.
buck: it's buckely-diaz actualy
buck: and it's still unclear if we're together
maddie: buck. EXPLAIN
Buck: Oh my god what's that sound it's the bell haha gtg maddie ily
maddie: I HATE YOU )
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jordanstrophe · 1 year ago
CW: Kidnapped, restrained, gasoline, threat of immolating, ransom
The scent of gasoline was overwhelming.
"You don't- You don't have to do th-this," Whumpee choked. They were forced to their knees, hands bound to a latch on the floor. Their heart pounded, not able to see what whumper was doing behind them.
"Now now, let's not be that way." Whumper poured liquid over whumpee's head as they practically shouted as the cold ran down their spine. They had to hold their breath as the smell of gas and oil was suffocating.
"I know you don't deserve this." Whumper said, pouring out the last drop. "But if your caretaker brings me what I've asked for, you'll be just fine. You'll go free, and after a shower and change of clothes, this will alllll be over." They carelessly tossed the can to the side as whumpee flinched at the noise.
"All of th- this.... F-fo-for wh- a -at" Whumpee choked out their own words.
"Hey hey hey, don't pass out on me. Shhhh, deep breaths. I want you awake when caretaker comes. It helps with the persuasion, especially if you're crying and all." They pinched at a strand of whumpee's hair and felt gasoline seep between their fingers.
They sat next to them and cupped their jaw, making them face the door. Whumpee's heart nearly stopped beating when they heard a gentle *flick* of a lighter being ignited overhead.
"They'll be here any second now." Whumper whispered in their ear.
"Let's hope for your sake that's the case, anyway."
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riza-jes · 6 months ago
Luffy’s Parental figure — ACE!
Who raised Luffy and co-parented him with Sabo.
He's the guy who actually did the teenage boom and baby Luffy. Who was really the only one to be an adult to his brother for seven years. Who raised this little bugger and was there for him through hard training and after hard illnesses as well.
Ace who's an explosive head in his own right, but still cool-headed in the most precise moments of danger.
Who knows how to make chicken soup and other kinds of soups from nutritious foods because Luffy couldn't chew and swallow like normal when he was sick.
Who in the field knows how to pick out what's edible, what's poison and what's medicine, because you learn that quickly in the jungle.
Who really with bare hands will be able to build a place for a night's lodging, to make food or water and to make a trap for safety or for fresh game.
He's a man who smiles at his little bro when he's in sight and who really shows a lot of affection and attitude through touch, because Luffy always needed physical affirmation of love and gosh that kid was very touchy-feely baby.
His life centered around his little brother, who needed to be raised, preserved, and made strong.
Teenage angst and mood swings had passed him by(so nothing unusual), because Ace was already an emotional wreck, but having Luffy around was actually a good catalyzer.
Also life amidst the trash and scum had taught him very well what to avoid, i.e. roughhousing, rapes, murders, overdose deaths, the horrors that slums can hold, especially the nooks and crannies where Ace and Sabo used to sneak around.
According to one particular scene that Luffy had somehow stumbled upon (and he had witnessed the brutality and the corpses privately, but he had never seen the bodies of dead children and girls before )
Luffy had hysteria so intense that he passed out.
After that accident Ace and Sabo decided only to walk in the more lighted and more open area if necessity would lead them to the slums.
In general, Ace isn't used to violence and direct threats, although in some cases Ace remains painfully innocent and naive, especially when it comes to himself. ( unless it involves Roger, the Pirate King )
Because of the fact that Thatch almost cut to pieces a lost in life and specifically in that bar amigo who ran into Portgas and began, in Thatch's opinion, to spread his hands.
And if Ace at first reacted friendly enough on approaching of the future corpse by thinking that maybe it was one of his brothers or inhabitants of the protected area, but when the man had crossed the line with a couple of words, he was carefully folded in unconsciousness by the bar wall.
Honestly, I just want more and more of Ace's side as the man who raised a hyperactive ball of joy. And specifically the aspect of home life, which most often of course manifested itself during meals.
For example, some dishes that for example made pirates complain due to scarcity or flavor (e.g. tomato soup/onion soup, any other specific fruit/vegetable) or the beverage (compote/juice/tea of unfamiliar pickings, etc.) of specific fruits or vegetables to be consumed based on shipboard life.
So imagine the surprise of the Marco when most of the pirates booed about the nastiness of the same grated drink with greens (or search for what foods should be consumed when living on the sea and when living in the jungle) and Ace was the most calm and even nostalgic.
Because he'd made a similar thing for his little brother himself.
Part 1
Part 2
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littlexdeaths · 7 months ago
beefy firefighter eddie who shows up at your apartment complex for the 3rd time that week.
only the first two were all because your cat “accidentally” got itself stuck in a tree. but this time you had a small mishap when your kitchen hand towel caught on fire while you were making dinner.
while it’s a complete accident this time (and thankfully not much damage was done) eddie can’t help but tease you a little bit.
“you know… if you wanted to see me so bad, darlin’, you don’t have to go starting fires.”
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adsosfraser · 15 days ago
Hello!! 👹👹👹
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss
enjoy catching fire divergence with our everlark babies <3 👹
"I don't know quite what to make of it. I also become a little fixated on his eyelashes, which ordinarily you don't notice much because they're so blond. But up close, in the sunlight slanting in from the window, they're a light golden color and so long I don't see how they keep from getting all tangled up when he blinks." I find my own eyelashes nearly tangled up with his. I'm so caught up in tracing the curve of the light dazzling through the infinitesimal strands that I don't notice our noses are nearly touching until I feel the bridge of his press up against me. Peeta stops shading a blossom and looks into my eyes so suddenly I almost jolt out of my skin. But I hold firm in where I'm sat, curious to see him and feel him again this close. His eyes are as perfect and crisply clear as those late spring days, unburdened by the typical grey rain clouds that come with the occasional spring showers. He's about to say something when I push myself forward, greedy and impulsive in my pursuit. Our nest up in my room is cozy and snug, like our cave that shielded us from the outside world of impending death. I press my lips against his, reaching my hand to the nape of his neck for something to hold. I feel safe and warm, like Peeta is his own personal sun and his lips are spreading life into mine. When I feel that thing again, that want for more, I pull back, my cheeks burning with embarrassment at my selfish act. The sleep syrup has long passed through my system. My actions are from a mind not imbued with sedatives and the like. Peeta looks as if he's trying to contain his confusion, joy, and dismay all at once. He licks his lips, flicking his gaze down to my own before staring back up at me. "You know, that's the first time we've ever kissed without cameras zeroed in on our every move." He's allowing me an out, a way to explain myself or brush the kiss off entirely with a quip. I squeeze his hand in mine, bringing it up to brush a kiss against it. I offer a small smile, uncertain still. ""Yeah." I agree. "Our whole relationship has been tainted by he Games. Normal was never a part of it. "Nice for a change.""
this was such a quick turn around I'm so proud of myself like I really wrote this within minutes of getting the ask 🐿️
thanks for sending in the prompt @atelierlili 🩷
from this ask game
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sad-girl-hours23 · 2 months ago
Fire Engine Red
@118dailydrabble Day 55: Mayday
Pairing: bucktommy; Characters: Evan Buckley, Chimney Han, Hen Wilson
Hen and Chimney startle awake, their bunks on either side of Buck’s.
Buck frowns in his sleep and mumbles “fire engine.”
Hen says, “do you think he’s having a nightmare about being crushed by the engine?” 
Buck’s hand curls into a fist as he says “crimson.”
Chimney blanches. “Crimson? Like…blood?”
Hen shakes Buck’s shoulder. “Buck, wake up.”
Buck’s eyes blink open. “Wha—”
“Bad dream?”
“The worst. Tommy hired a wedding planner and they rejected all of my ideas. They suggested crimson instead of fire engine red.”
Chimney groans. “Un—fucking—believable.”
“I know!”
“But you were saying mayday mayday.”
“Oh yeah, when I was on the phone with Tommy.” 
“Seriously, Buck?”
“It was a wedding emergency, Hen.”
Also on AO3
You can read the rest here
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firedrakegirl · 15 days ago
Soap reverse isekai fic
I snuggled happily into his arms, warm and content and not quite ready to fully wake up yet. He nuzzled into the back of my neck, arms curled around me just so. There was such a sense of peace, comfort, and love that I nearly drifted off to sleep again.
Then my eyes flew open. I felt him tense too. His arms around me loosened, and I rolled over to face him. I met his blue eyes, which were just as confused as mine. “Soap? Johnny?” I muttered softly.
“I remember... I’ve never met you before, and yet I’ve known you for years.” His Scottish accent thick with sleep and confusion.
“Same. I don’t understand.” I said softly, though I made no move to get away from him. “I made a wish on a shooting star yesterday, but... That’s not real. A wish upon a star is for stories, not reality.”
“I wished upon a star too.” He admitted softly. “I love- loved my job, but I wanted a chance to experience the other parts of life and I didn’t think...” He touched his head where he’d been shot in the game.
“The mystery scar.” I shook my head, covering his hand with my own. “Does that mean that we both wished hard enough to... change the world?”
“Guess so, mo chridhe.” He sighed then pressed his forehead against mine. “I still love you, no matter what. This does not change that. I know what’s goin’ through your head.”
“I know. I’ve also got those memories of our first meeting and falling in love. even while you were still in the military. I love you too, even if you’re just a game character.” I teased and kissed his nose.
“Och, c’mere and give me a real kiss.” He laughed, pulling me closer. His kiss was gentle and sweet and full of adoration and love. When we broke apart, he curled his lips into that grin that just promised mischief. “So if I’m a video game character, wanna play with my joystick?”
“Johnny!!” I smacked him in the face with a pillow as I blushed brightly. “You dork!”
“Your dork though.” He grabbed the pillow away from me and tossed it aside before tackling me back into the bed, both of us laughing. He decided to just flop on top of me, pinning me down and resting his head over my heart.
I let out an oof, but wrapped my arms around him and gently scraped my nails across his scalp. “Mine, no matter what. I love you. In this world and every other.”
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kittenshift-17 · 8 days ago
"Thank you, I really hate it" for Zutara?
"Your crown, Fire Lord Zuko," Katara announced with a flourish as she stepped back after carefully fastening the fire crown into Zuko's hair, letting him see the final effect in the mirror.
"Thank you," Zuko said dryly after examining the headpiece. "I hate it."
Katara giggled, shaking her head and swatting at his arm.
"You only have to wear it for the length of the meeting with the senators," she reminded him. "And I promise I'll help you take it off later."
Zuko met her gaze in the mirror, heat in his gold eyes.
"Just the crown?" he teased, smirking.
Katara pressed her lips together, trying to stifle her smile and failing miserably.
"I could also be persuaded to help you out of your royal robes," she offered imperiously, and she squealed when Zuko lunged for her, intent on helping her out of her own royal robe before they could bother about the senator meeting.
"Zuko!" Katara gasped when he caught her with ease, reeling her in until he had her caged in his arms and could kiss her soundly.
"Katara," he teased in the same voice before claiming her lips for a searing kiss.
"We're going to be late," Katara managed to get out between breathless kisses.
"Mmm," Zuko hummed in agreement, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and claiming it all over again. "I'm the Fire Lord. A Fire Lord is never late. Everyone else is simply early."
"So arrogant," Katara chided before he kissed her breathless all over again, his hands sliding up the backs of her thighs and taking her royal dress with them.
They were definitely late to the meeting. Again.
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castieltrash1 · 8 months ago
hiii since you're taking got requests and i saw sandor is one of your faves: there's this post that's like "submissive like a guard dog is submissive" (i hope this makes sense even if you don't know what i'm talking about) and it always makes me think of him bc he's. you know. the hound. so what i'm saying is anything sandor-related with a dom reader would be very appreciated since i've never really seen anyone write him like this before :] if that's not your thing, that's totally fine though !
oh dw anon u came to the right place <3
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sandor clegane x gn!reader; smut, dom/sub dynamics, dog motif, the hound is ur beaten and battered guard dog <3 mentions of violence, strong language, etc.
it doesn’t matter how you meet. maybe he serves your family. maybe he’s kidnapped you. maybe you’re just some lowborn whore whose face he pushes into the mattress to avoid looking at when he’s fucking out his anger. at some point, regardless of the roots of your relationship, the hound begins to heel. it’s not always obvious -- especially if you’re not some little lady/lord he’d be beheaded for lifting a finger to -- but it’s there. he’s already spent most of his life like this, and being with you is no different. you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
once he (somewhat) lets you in, the dynamic shifts. you’re not just his liege, his captive, the prettiest face at littlefinger’s silk street brothel -- you’re his. and that makes him yours, he thinks. it means taking care of you, giving you as much comfort and safety that he can offer in this hellish life. it’s the least you deserve for picking him, since now he’ll never let you leave. you’ve resigned yourself to a cruel, cold, and crass beast; who cares if he has to behead a man or two to keep you fed or hold an entire inn hostage just so you can sleep on a featherbed for the night? he’ll never say please or thank you, but he’ll always stand in front of you. he’ll always lean against the door in case someone tries to break in.
he’s not gentle. he’ll growl when you tug his hair, a makeshift collar threaded between your fingers, urging him between your legs or bringing him back up to your mouth. he’ll bark about breaking you in, splitting you in half, vulgar words foaming at his mouth the longer it goes on. and when you lock eyes with him, he’ll always crumble under the weight of your gaze, lowering his head in some twisted form of obedience. he’ll eat out of your palm and you’ll know there are mutts in volantis better fed than him.
you could hear the resulting sigh from a mile away, the sound of his armor clanking as he heeds your call. when your eyes lock on his figure, he rolls his shoulders back, masking the way he bows his head as if it were nothing more than loosening a crick in his neck. it’s hard to tell when he’s blushing, but you swear there’s a hint of flush blooming down his neck. you think if you asked him to kneel right now, he might even do it.
“i’m hungry,” you say instead, making your way toward him with a small, knowing smile. “let’s go eat.”
+ you’d be better off never mentioning it, but the similarities between sandor and your average dog aren’t too far off. he sleeps like one, always either curled into a ball or sprawled halfway out of bed; huffing and kicking with night terrors. he slurps out of bowls and licks his plates clean. he’s good at sniffing out enemies, even better at finding their scent on you, teeth bared as he asks where you’ve been and who with. he loves being pet and, if you catch him in a good mood, he'll sometimes nuzzle against your hand. and when he’s got you on all fours, clawing at the sheets or floor while you scream his name, it’s not hard to see he's always been more animal than man.
game of thrones weekend (reqs open!)
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clonemando · 4 months ago
Fluffcember: Day 1- Roasted Marshmallows
Original Post here
Fandom: Star Wars- The Clone Wars Rating: T Pairing: None Tags: Palpatine dies, Vehicle fire, Thorn needs a nap
Thorn was frozen in shock, staring at the flaming vehicle in front of him and Fox while his partner searched frantically through his armor for something, although Thorn couldn't imagine what could help this situation.
Making a noise of success, Fox pulled out a little plastic bag and picked up a long metal rod off the ground stuffing something white to the end and that was when Thorn realized what was happening.
"Fox! The Chancellor is dead! Is now really the time for roasting marshmallows?" He snapped and Fox grinned offering him another rod.
"It's the best time, obviously."
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thedemises · 1 year ago
. . .  OH, BARTENDER! featuring “fire fist” portgas d. ace!
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contains! . . .  lowercase writing, kinda awful imagine but whatever, mentions of bursting into flames (in literal sense), ace might as well be implied to have darker skin (considering he does not wear a shirt and shamelessly let's his pecs be out and about to the world— being a pirate and sailing through the sea and always being out in the sun and all), ace flirting gets backfired, male! reader who's also a flirty bastard?? 👀 (/lh), gay homosexual gay gay homosexual homos gay gay homo homoerotic, mlm, brief close proximity, idk how to flirt 😭😭 (*has read "How To Flirt 101"* *is aroace but who cares*), also the ending is shit bc idk how to end things 😭😭😭 notes! . . .  i thought about this randomly at March 13, 2024 at 12:15 AM and quickly wrote this imagine about ace cuz yeah- idk why my brain randomly thought of ace while I was writing the flaws of all 72 OCs I have (SHEESH THATS A HUGE NUMBER—) but i think this actually turned out good for once! flustered mess ace and bartender male! reader >:]]]
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imagine portgas d. ace—fire fist ace— who is flirty, teasing, and attractive enough for the ladies to fawn over his looks, wearing that cheeky grin, and laughing like a carefree man—be reduced to a flustered and sputtering mess when you smoothly flirt back with him so unexpectedly during one night together at a bar. his freckled cheeks flushing a dark color than his skin as his previously smug grin shifts into a more crooked smile when you comment on the cute freckles the scatters over his cheeks—which increased the amount of crinkles under his eyes with how his awkward grin was widening by the second.
portgas d. ace who knows he (probably) shouldn't be feeling like this for some bartender guy he just met recently—but, your attractiveness and charming, carefully picked words lures him in and he can't get enough of your nice seductive voice as you speak in such suave and slick lines that he's afraid he'll literally burst into flames with how warm his face was getting.
however, sweat is already dripping off his naked broad chest and freckled shoulders while he tried to play it off by saying the air's just getting warmer—like his temperature isn't already hotter than the average person, thanks to his devil fruit—but you know.
you can't help it when he's suddenly shits from the suave and try-hard cute guy trying to flirt his way into getting a free drink into a shy cute boy who can't keep proper eye contact to the man behind the counter; simply because when he gets flirted back by the said bartender with proximity a bit closer than normal and hushed whispering to his ear laced with a smooth and flirtatious tone, he almost knocks himself off his chair.
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own.  ━━ word count: 309.
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