#fire emblem theee houses
fulgurbugs · 9 months
I've recently fallen absolutely head over heels for Hubert during my current run of FE:3H, so maybe his Hopes design? I think the hairstyle really suits him. (I love your art, btw. Followed for the OP whiteboard, stayed cause I love your style :3)
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Hot Take, Fire Emblem: Three Houses would have been so much more interesting if Edelgard, rightfully suspicious of the validity of the information she was given about Rhea (considering that info was given to her by her captors and torturers) instead decides to side with the person who she knows her captors hate.
She creeps down the marble steps as people begin turning in for the night, sleepless and nerves buzzing, though she'll never show it. When she requests an audience with Rhea, she only has to mention Nemesis for Rhea to pull her to more private chambers, a fancy little tea room that she's positive Hubert is monitoring.
They talk.
Edelgard doesn't play her whole hand. She doesn't trust Rhea yet. But she mentions "the true history" past down to her, asking for clarifications, and slowly working her way to the coup, to TWSITD.
But really, if she had known the whole time that Rhea had lost her family to a mass slaughter too, it would have been a lot easier to get her on her side. Rhea is nothing if not incredibly sentimental.
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possessedscholar · 1 month
Nobody ever expects Canon Fire Emblem Dubstep.
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violasgamingpalace · 1 year
The reason we never see Count Vestra is because Hubert wants to make sure the player never releases he doesn't naturally have black hair. He's so sure his dye job looks natural that as long as we don't see anyone related to him no one would know he's blond.
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emotiandon · 1 year
Time for the backstory boys @fe-oc-week and no drawings sry also it’s edgy
Twins’s personal skill
Kosuke- Sunshine support- Allies will get all stats raised depending on their support
Kaguya- Moon mist- Hp is healed amount varies depending on supports
Twin minds- everything is increasing by 2 each turn on and off field.
Kosuke- Crest of Yang- If anywhere near the crest of Yin all stats are raised but hp is being drained and gambits is boosted
Kaguya- Crest of Yin- Anywhere near the Crest of Yang all stats are lowered but hp is getting healed and gambits are boosted
Basically before the twins were born, it was a abusive and toxic environment as the House of Kamiyama were those snobby nobles that only care abt crests. Because of that the twin’s parents had planned to run away once the twins were born. So on the 1160 31st of the Eternal moon and the 1st of the Guardian moon, the parents quickly left after the birth leaving the twins with their grandparents, the worst mistake ever made. The Hous of Kamiyama were a famous court family and they were very involved in the political side of things. Because of the the twins spent majority of their childhood with the other nobles of Black eagles.
And than on the 1170, when they were just 10, Kaguya von Kamiyama was unwillingly taken away to be “trained” be her grandparents, far away from her brother. The truth was that Kaguya was sent to those who slither in the dark, to be experimented on, to become a war machine, their experiments changed her physically and mentally. Her crest was once identical to Kouske’s both having the crest of Yang but than veryhting was flipped her crest, her moles everything. Her eyes turned from the violet to a bright jarring yellow and slowly her hair was turning white. Because of the experiments her new crest had downsides, it often gave her more disadvantages than advantages. Though Crowbar’s magic was incredible she mastered it all quickly, as she was taught how to cast reason and faith magic before, but dark was new. But Crowbar had difficulty adapting to the new magic, to her new body, to the new everything, Kaguya was scrapped and was replaced with a new von Kamiyama, Crowbar though this was nothing Kaguya wanted. The mages never called her by her real name, they always call her Crowbar, because of this she only thought important people for her would get to know her real name. Her mental state was a mess too, as she was quite only doing what people, told her too and overall had a fucked up mental state. All of the experiments made her hate her grandparents, Nobels, crests and those who slither in the dark.
While in Kosuke’s side, he was crushed when she was taken away. Because of that incident he vowed to rescue his sister and destroy everyone who tried to take his sister away, who tired to use her and their crest, maybe that’s why he hates Hubert. His grandparents would train him nonstop with the sword giving him too many wounds to mend, too many tears shed. He trained himself to master black magic as Kaguya would often teach him spells and such. Though when everyone would ask where his sister was, he would often cast a gleaming smile that outshone the lies and say things like “She doesn’t like going outside” or “She’s sick so she has to stay home” though his most believable lie was always “As the eldest I have to take care of the political responsibilities like meetings and such while Kaguya takes care of the paper work” is what he told the worried nobles when he was just 10. His smile and lie became his “personality” as he also invented a new Kosuke von Kamiyama, though this was his fault as he didn’t want to bother anyone, if he did house of Kamiyama would be in shambles. Each lie and smile was believed and his personality slowly became louder, happier and more charming, charming many ladies who didn’t know the truth. None of the other Nobel children of the empire knew except Edelgard and Hubert. Somewhere after 1174 as that was when Edelgard was experimented on, Kosuke had met the Princess and her retainer as a meeting. Upon seeing the two, Kosuke had a terrible feeling to them, mainly Hubert. Of course Kosuke couldn’t say anything so he did he usual act which failed to get through them, Edelgard didn’t think too much about it, Hubert on the other hand was irritated by his fake personality. The trio spent more time together, of course it would often just be Edelgard and Ksouke talking and Hubert listening, this was where the hatred for Hubert started as Kosuke thought he was some weird stuck up edgy prick, but he thought of Edelgard as a respectable friend and even had a small crush. Though Edelgard had been told by Kosuke about his sister, while Hubert was somehow gone. Kosuke had told her about how his sister had been taken away since they were 10 to train and he hadn’t seen or heard from her. Edelgard sympathised as this was similar to here though she never told him that.
Also there’s only a relic for Kosuke’s, as Crowbar’s crest is a man made crest so the crest of Yang has a relic called Celestia Twin blades (I can’t name shit okay) also we be sticking with the twin theme *Edit I made it now Called the swords of Apollo and Artemis
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lemon-grey · 8 months
do you ever just. look at Hubert. and then. are emotional about Hubert. sometimes you gotta just lay down on the floor and have feelings about Hubert von fire emblem theee house s
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sid471 · 2 years
So when the Ashen Wolves banner was first announced…
I said “Well ACTUALLY the ideal would be a +10 Yuri but there’s no way that would happen .-.” … Well 😶
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And with the current A Hero Rises event being locked to pre time skip units, along with Yuri being a very popular character and unit… it looks like I’m gonna have a +10! I… Never, EVER expected to get a +1 Yuri let alone a +10 ._. I’m so proud of myself .-. Yuri WILL be my first +10 5 star exclusive unit. And this is all F2P by the way. Like I just- wow. I did that ._.
Also throw a vote or two Yuri’s way if you would be so kind 🙏🏻 #VoteYuri
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oneshotprincess · 4 years
wow seteth really is the Therapist of the bunch huh why is rhea even the leader wow she was just creepy from start to finish
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dream-eating-youkai · 4 years
Lysithea: Man, I'm so young. I hope people don't treat me like a child because of my age. This is a very big deal!
Petra: Am I a joke to you?
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ikaripoid · 4 years
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Au where sylvain owns three cats named felix, yuri, and linhardt and they are all Difficult in their own unique terrible ways i call it my "sylvain is a cat lady" au
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goodluckdetective · 5 years
A mostly non-spoiler summary of my Blue Lions Fire Emblem playthrough so far:
Part 1:
Me: You know, instead of teaching combat skills, maybe we should invest in a school therapist and send some of these kids to them. I think they could really benefit from a mental health professional and-
School: No, more swords.
Part 2:
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lightringstars · 6 years
What I hope for in Three Houses
It to exist mostly. It’s been so long, I hope the direct has a lot of info.
Let everyone marry everyone. I love the newer support mechanics, I love being able to make dumb ships that only I like, let me keep doing that.
The assassin class
Never do the eternal seals again IS, please
Better paired endings than Fates blatantly contradictory ones- A la Awakening/Echoes
That’s pretty much it. I’m indifferent to the avatar/chidren mechanics so I’m fine if they do/don’t return. I’m buying the game on launch regardless, so I’m looking forward to seeing what it has to offer
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses has a fishing minigame!
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Gottta say, I am curious what role Rhea will play in Three Hopes. I’m not done with the demo as of yet (only done the Black Eagles path). But if there are really are just the three routes I’m guessing she’ll be incorporated into one of them rather than having her own route (I’d guess the Blue Lions one since Faerghus has the closest ties to the Church of Seiros).
I hope she will at least be playable, since a playable Rhea was a real missed opportunity in the Silver Snow route in Three Houses.
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whattawiseguy · 3 years
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Purple boi stance
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Caspar Von Bergliez has joined Tumblr!
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Woah this is so cool! Everyone’s here too!
Oh hey there, I’m Caspar. Go ahead and ask or submit anything!!
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