#He has Luna in preparation for Lethality lol
sid471 · 2 years
So when the Ashen Wolves banner was first announced…
I said “Well ACTUALLY the ideal would be a +10 Yuri but there’s no way that would happen .-.” … Well 😶
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And with the current A Hero Rises event being locked to pre time skip units, along with Yuri being a very popular character and unit… it looks like I’m gonna have a +10! I… Never, EVER expected to get a +1 Yuri let alone a +10 ._. I’m so proud of myself .-. Yuri WILL be my first +10 5 star exclusive unit. And this is all F2P by the way. Like I just- wow. I did that ._.
Also throw a vote or two Yuri’s way if you would be so kind 🙏🏻 #VoteYuri
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