But every time I think about not having you in my life I literally break into a million pieces.
Unknown (via surqrised)
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Then he left, and with him he took the sun, the moon, the stars, and anything inside of me that might have been good.
Julie Murphy, Side Effects May Vary (via surqrised)
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I can't sleep because I am thinking about how you are not thinking about me.
-V. J.
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source: themindmenu
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“Deine Nähe würde mir jetzt so gut tun.”
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literally why can’t i have long hair and short hair at the same time
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“As you get older you start doing things in reverse. You start cutting people out from your life. Your Christmas list becomes practically nonexistent. You don’t need to be the first in line for everything. You take less pictures because some memories are best kept in your heart and not your hard drive. And instead of looking for love, you dig for it from within.”
— bookmarks in my life (via c0ntemplations)
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Baymax and Sadness.
commission. April 2016
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I think a tattoo would make me feel better
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abusive parents constantly teach children that the only correct way to deal with adults is to appease them and give them what they want and hope they don’t hurt you, how the hell are we supposed to deal with predators and pedophiles then? Explain this to me, why is it our fault when we can’t say no and can’t fight back when we were already taught that saying no and resisting will only end us in a sea of pain and shame, what was your fucking plan for helping us stay safe?
your plan was to just serve us to predators as helpless as possible and to make sure we blame ourselves for it
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IG: vanjajagnic
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Paw on top
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