#fire burners
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bbqbills2 · 1 year ago
We are specialists in creating stylish and functional patio and indoor-outdoor fire and water features for pools, patios and backyards. Fire feature ideas include fire pits, fire bowls, fire bars, fire tables, fireplaces, chimneys, fire burners, fire pans with lava rock, fire glass and fire rocks. https://bbqbills.com/outdoor-fire-features
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millennium-queen · 2 years ago
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I suddenly want to tell Peeta everything about who he is, and who I am, and how we ended up here. But I don’t know where to start. Worthless. I’m worthless - Mockingjay p.316
Finally finished this piece based originally off a text post by @thesweetnessofspring but it kinda spiralled into its own very big thing oops
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astrumallusion · 11 months ago
haven't updated on projects all semester, but I really like this guy :)
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jellyjynx · 4 months ago
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Day 20: Fire A bit behind, and I think honestly that's okay. I'm really happy with how this turned out :]
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drowzydruzy-art · 1 month ago
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forgive me for doing an incorrectquote joke. i just think this one is kind of correct
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silverware-is-interesting · 9 months ago
i don't really love this but it's fine. might as well share it here
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idk why i did this honestly. i was gonna make it my bg but i don't like it enough to do that for long so here. tumblr can look at this i guess
i was gonna add mephone but. drawing mephone is a struggle for me for some reason. so. only these guys
just the individual hosts under the cut cause i like the drawings :/ and the whole thing. including the mediocre bg
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i'm not the beast at screenshotting things. but. uh. it's fine.
yeag. i'm. kinda tired. been a little unmotivated lately but this was kinda fun (till i got to the background. anyway.)
oh yeah. here's the full thing. i just don't like the rest of it as much
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months ago
Which member of Team Natsu do you think would be the most challenging for a bad guy to hold captive?
The woman who casually rips holes in the fabric of time and space on the daily? The man who can freeze anything he looks at? Or the girl who gets her power by breathing?
(Assuming anti-magic devices aren’t in play)
oooooo Anon you have given me a mental treat with this one XD
Magic suppression is definitely a game changer, though without it (even assuming the mage in question isn't magically drained/exhausted, and possibly kept that way) I think the power of heavy duty materials still go a long way.
That said, my answer would have to be Erza. She's a tank *and* a swiss-army knife. There's no way she can't summon the exact armor or weapon needed for the job... even if the weapon in question is just lock-picks. There's no way to plan for her vulnerabilities without knowing her entire inventory. Now, there might be a way to circumvent this by simply giving her no room to summon anything or available hand to use it, though it's hard to say if Erza would still be able to, say, displace a bunch of chains by summoning armor in-between them and her body. Since she requips directly onto herself anyway, her control is proven to be immaculate. Plus she's just all around scary and badass XD
Next in line of difficulty might actually be Wendy. Her buffs and enchantments can be a game-changer, and as you mentioned, she can pretty much always have access to her element. (Though I do imagine that, say, some dank dungeon wouldn't be that magic-rich sky so I wouldn't really count on that as a big boost.) Although wind itself might not be that effective if any metals are in play. It would mostly be the array of enchantments, whether that means giving herself an inhuman strength boost previously unexpected or enchanting up a debuff on whatever is holding her. (However to this point, baby Wendy as we know her might not be this versatile yet.)
Gray is close in my internal ranking, because he can make anything, but unlike Erza he has to *make* it, and if he doesn't have both hands available, then it might not be as sturdy. Plus there's stuff that won't break from the cold, and would be more durable than ice in a clash. They might have to get a certain type of alloy/material to withstand the flash-freeze, but honestly Gray doesn't have as much raw strength as Erza or Natsu anyway so there's still the breaking issue.
Natsu is definitely a beast of a guy but if he's up against fireproof and highly durable materials then he would be out of luck. (And they might have to be magicked to be fireproof, but I think that's fairly doable.) Once the brute-forcing option fails he's a bit cooked.
Then poor Lucy is really easy if you get her away from her keys. The trick might be if somebody like Virgo or Loke summons themselves to mount a rescue, but that also falls into any Fairy Tail rescue which could apply to all of them. (And I'm assuming that if she's separated from her keys then locating her would be tricky.)
Oh and Happy and Charle would also be really easy to hold captive. Poor little guys.
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boilercity · 11 months ago
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Collection of death animations (ethically sourced)
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jeff-rees-jones · 3 months ago
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December means a real fire, I no longer have garbage, it's just fuel and after Christmas I collect old Christmas trees from friends for even more free fuel...
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rizzless-trans-guy · 12 days ago
Thinking about Transmasc Azula and how he would basically plan out every possible scenario when coming out.
Bug out bag at the ready, burner phone, tazer, etc.
Question. Assuming a modern AU fire family that is wholesome. How would Urzai react?
How would Zuko react?
oh man, personally I don't think I'll ever be able to view ozai as a good person, so like fire family as wholesome to me is still kind of not great. but obviously not as bad as canon.
first I think he would tell zuko, totally not because he trusts him more ofc, but because he has blackmail on dear ol zuzu to make sure he doesnt snitch if he doesn't take it well.
zuko wouldn't even learn about the blackmail cuz he would be pretty accepting right off the bat. like to him this would be one of the few times his sibling is actually opening up to him instead of just messing with him like usual. so he would think of it like a secret mission to help his brother get guy stuff, que a blue spirit type montage. he'd probably even see if he could get black market testosterone or something crazy like that before zoryn put a stop to it lol.
I think that zuko, seeing his brother seemingly trust him with something serious would start to open up more as well about his own issues. which initially zoryn would be like why are u talking to me 😐 but eventually they would become closer.
which is ofc all a part of zoryns plan, after all their parents would be more likely to agree to his transition if zuko was backing him up! well okay only ursa, but still. and if things went totally wrong, he could probably now manipulate zuko into running away with him/get him kicked out as well. if he's gonna be worried about potential homelessness then it'll be better to be accompanied.
but that's like last case scenario cuz hes been squirreling money away for a while now, plus it's always possible to play on zukos friends sympathy and stay with them. not his friends because they're too dignified to take in some street urchin.
now as for urzai. in my mind a more wholesome modern au ozai would be a horrific combo of toxic sports dad and pta mom. like yknow he has 2 kids and wants them both to be super good at sports, enrolls them both in a bunch of different sports when they're super little etc. but hes seriously pissed that his firstborn son shows more talent on a theater stage than for any type of sport that isn't badminton. ozai fucking hates badminton, he thinks it's just lame tennis. (badminton would be modern au dao swords for zuko.)
but his daughter is crazy good at all these sports so hes very happy about that at least and puts all his pressure on her while ursa dotes on zuko and shares his passion for theater.
he would also be on the pta solely to petition for more funding for the schools sports teams lol
so less toxic than canon but still that obvious favoritism from each parent leading to a divide between the siblings.
as for how they take it. ozai is very much a "LGBTQ is a bunch of hooey" type guy, but also he is not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. hes finally getting his perfect sport loving son! so his reaction is to immediately try and get him on hormones and pull him out of school for like a couple months till he "looks more manly" in ozais words. that way they can pretend that zoryn is just a cousin or something (theyd say azula went to a different private school in like Sweden or something) that way no one knows about the trans thing since ozai wouldn't like that associated with him. and ofc get him onto all of the mens sports teams because that is the most important thing to ozai.
ursa is overall more progressive but she takes it less well in zoryns eyes. like shes trying to talk both ozai and zoryn down from "going too fast" cuz shes one of those people who isnt properly transphobic but the idea of their little girl becoming a hairy guy is like. really jarring yknow. this ofc makes zoryns mommy issues worse and makes him even more attached to ozai. which is bad.
so overall theyd take it fine, but it would be pretty bad for zoryn in a way to become even more attached to such a toxic parent.
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scootersscooter · 1 year ago
Me personally, I believe that Jackson should have all the fun fire elemental powers while Holt just gets the hair. As a treat.
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melonyya · 1 month ago
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From a couple months ago cuz I haven't drawn anything lately
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securitywaiter · 1 year ago
ok ok since you have the ness afton au,,,, i have a Theory ( forgive me if its not coherent its currently 2 am rn ) BUT all the aftons are basically associated with rabbits, right? and theres a theory that mike’s remnant is inside glamrock freddy in security breach, and ive seen people ship glamrock freddy and glamrock bonnie ,,,, what im sayin is what if ness ‘s remnant is in glamrock bonnie and thats how they find each other 30 years later? 👀
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liminalhymnal · 1 month ago
Remember proper lab safety: Stick your dick in the flames of the bunsen burner until the tip turns red. That's how you know it is sterilized of bacteria.
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daily-imbibitorlunae · 2 years ago
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drawing imbibitor lunae everyday part 10:
*imbibitor lunae posing sexily while watching blade forge weapons in his workshop*
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s1arrite · 7 months ago
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Welcome to my blog!
I'm here to post art and generally have fun.
or something. i SUCK at intros.
I'm in a bunch of fandoms, so here's a few:
Rain World
Wings of Fire [I've read all the books]
Warrior Cats [I still need to catch up..]
Steven Universe
Cookie Run
Object Shows
Dandy’s World
Which object shows, exactly?
hfjONE [current fav]
Animatic Battle
Do you take art requests?
Yes! Absolutely.
What are your pronouns?
Anything's fine, I don't really care. I have my own card, too.
DNI criteria?
The basics, y'know.
Generally, I'd say that wraps up my intro. Thanks for reading.
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