#burner man
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miserymet · 2 months ago
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Here are the sketches from Wednesday. These came out pretty well, which I’m happy about.
(First sketch on the second pic is @drawingwiffmoochi ‘s oc!)
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monsterboyblood · 9 days ago
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All my RM redesigns so far yay
Some design notes under the cut
Gemini: Pretty basic, changed his palette slightly to make him a bit more icy/crystal looking, semi inspired by his stage, included some references to the star sign symbol.
Nitro: Went off some of his concept art and added some details based off a motorbike racer suit.
Burner: Again, similar, a lot of my designs for this au are to make the characters easier for me to draw whilst staying identifiable, the little metre on his chest is based on an Australian bush fire warning sign.
Centaur: One of the most heavily altered, I based his palette off oxidised Ancient Greek armour and changed his shape a bit to reflect that aesthetic more.
Star: Gave him some shooting star details, not much else except for making his chest armour a little bit smaller.
Pharaoh: Gave him some malachite details.
Shadow: His armour looks the most like clothing out of all the robot masters due to the way Wily’s alterations worked, he only has four fingers on each hand and is the only robot master with visible skin that isn’t a natural colour (not counting characters like Nitro and Guts)
Toad: Probably the most different of all of the designs so far, I have her warm toned colours and bumps on her armour to make her more toad rather than frog like, the eyes on her helmet are actually floodlights.
Top: His pose and proportions are based on a ballet dancer, the panels on his arms are boosters to make him spin faster, his eyes are a spiral instead of a complete oval.
Splash: Mostly just some little alterations to make her a bite more cohesive in my style, her tail ends with a small rudder to help her move faster in the water.
Chill: Honestly I just wanted to incorporate some of the cool stuff from his concept art so I started from there and worked my way out.
Clown: Went with more of a jester vibe for him because it was hard to find proper clown references, tried to go with a cuter sort of look to take away from some of the creepiness he’s associated with.
And finally, Magnet, who had to have his own background because the grey I used for everyone else didn’t work for him and I’m too tired to go back and change it:
I swapped his red for white to give a bit more balance to his red and blue accents, and tried to give him a very professional, put together look with the magnet on his neck mimicking a collar and sort of making him look like he’s wearing a doctor coat or a button up.
Oki that’s most of the stuff I wanted to mention I’m sure I forgot some but ah well thank you for reading my rambling
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popopoyata · 2 months ago
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jellyjynx · 5 months ago
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Day 20: Fire A bit behind, and I think honestly that's okay. I'm really happy with how this turned out :]
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mekkanicalsol · 8 months ago
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freaky propane guy
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wari-os · 1 year ago
just learned the author of one of my favorite mangas, the big o.
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is not ONLY a character designer for pokemon who designed ALL OF THESE
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and not ONLY designed dynamo man and burner man from rockman and bass
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but on top of that. is a full on VTUBER!
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shout out to hitoshi ariga for living the dream.
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cendrilloncd · 1 year ago
oh yeah out of all the robot masters from the classic series these are the best ones btw
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caninediedofcocaine · 9 months ago
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And never will be finished.
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miserymet · 2 months ago
burner man ‼️he's so cool
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Such a good design!
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scottathann · 11 months ago
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The YouTubers don't want you know that MM&B is actually one of the best classic series games and is the better of the 2 snes games between it and 7. It's not really that hard of a hard game either. People who act like it's one of the most unforgiving games in the franchise are just bad at Mega Man games.
Each character has their pros and cons (although Bass is definitely easy mode overall), and you can buy upgrades over time to decrease the difficulty. Even a game over doesn't mean all is lost since you can spend the bolts you got in the level you died in to get upgrades. Playing as Mega Man makes bosses easier to defeat because his shots do more damage and the slide is a great and quick way to dodge attacks, but levels are more difficult because he can't double jump or skip entire sections with giant leaps. Bass can, which is why levels are piss easy when you play as him, but bosses are initially tough because his buster does shit damage until you get an upgrade for it. Bass also has Treble boost which lets him fly over entire screens. And people say this game is brutal?
The level design is actually pretty good I think, more fun than half the games in the classic series and far more stimulating than most X series levels. Bosses actually force you to use your brain, even when you have their weaknesses (excluding a few). For the longest time I thought Astro Man was unreasonable for a starter boss but now that I don't totally suck at Mega Man games it was actually possible for me to beat him buster-only within a few tries, and it was satisfying to learn how.
There's no e-tanks, but you do have:
-An ability to increase how much you gain from health and ammo pickups
-An ability to receive less damage
-An ability to increase damage output when you're low on health (very good against bosses)
-Rush search which digs up ammo and health
Which is quite frankly way more forgiving than Mega Man 1, while still not giving you the ability to bypass challenge with a stock of health refills. I think this is great.
The biggest problem with the game is that the King Mechs are very tedious, and sometimes enemy placement is cheap (which is not unique to this game at all lol).
The soundtrack is one of my favorite game osts, the graphics are in mm8's arstyle which is great cause I love how 8 looks, the special weapons are all pretty useful and fun to mess around with, and the robot master designs are totally sick.
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I don't give a fuck about the gba version btw as there's literally no reason to play that version. If you use that port as a complaint against this game then you're stupid.
Anyway nobody gives a shit probably but I feel like this game has always been kinda overhated, and its difficulty is way overblown. I would choose this game over 1-3, 5-8, 10, all of the gameboy titles including V, X3, and X5-8. I haven't beaten 11 yet and I don't think it's fair to compare the ZX or Legends games here.
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popopoyata · 1 year ago
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megamanbattlebanter · 2 months ago
Burner Man: Oooo, a new playmate? Hope this one can take the heat, heh. Torch Man: You've destroyed your last forest, Burner Man! The power of Torch-Jutsu will defeat you! Burner Man: Yes, yes! Turn up the heat! Gyahahahahaha!
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jellyjynx · 1 year ago
I like drawing sharp teeth, sjshs, don't worry abt it mmmhaha
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Expressions by @/spudinacup
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mekkanicalsol · 1 year ago
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playing around with colors and stuff
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ehlnactila-journal · 2 years ago
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Burner Man!
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fickleportfolio · 5 months ago
I hate my internet connection on the train. Anyway, here’s a late day 10 picture featuring our favourite (maybe) forest hater, Burner Man!
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He lives in a volcano.
Link to the Master Post
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