#finnick odair headcannon
inkluvs · 7 months
thinking about finnick odair when his hairs just a little bit too long and its in his eyes and hair to push it back every so often. and when hes doing something like cooking he has to tie it back into a pig tail on the top of his head that like bobs up and down as he nods to whatevers playing in the background <3
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anniecrestalover · 7 days
you know how Katniss said Annie would laugh at odd times? Finnick would laugh with her. Not because it’s funny or amusing to him, but Annie’s laughter was quite literally so precious and infectious that he just had to laugh too. And imagine everyone else just joining in because why not?
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Been thinking about the set up of the Quarter Quell in Catching Fire, and something bothered me.
We have been told multiple times that the system to reap tributes isn't fair.
In the Career districts, the tributes are handpicked, chosen by their mentor based on skill and likability. They also tend to choose older tributes, as they have a higher chance of winning.
In the non-Career districts, Tesserae make sure that it is the poorest members of society that end up being reaped the most. More tickets in the bowl in order to gain a year's supply grain and oil is an offer that children like Katniss and Gale simply cannot refuse. And other systems are downright noted to be suspicious, like 11. The district is far too large for the tributes to be reaped from a bowl. Something more sinister might be going on.
These two systems are not iron-clad, however. In District 4, presumably a Career District, Finnick is chosen at the age of 14, which would imply that his teachers wanted to get rid of him or genuinly believed he would be able to win at 14. And in District 12, Prim is reaped, despite her name only being in the bowl once.
Then the Third Quarter Quell rolls around, and suddenly there are many victors reaped that don't agree with the methods of the Capitol, who are angry, who become or are already part of the revolution.
Beetee, Wiress, Finnick, Mags, Peeta, Chaff, Seeder, Gloss, Cashmere, Katniss, the Morphlings, Johanna, Blight, Celia, Woof; all part of the revolution.
Now, we are told that the Careers win it almost every year. We are told that they have the deepest pool of victors.
So why do they send in four people that absolutely do not want to be there?
Finnick, Mags, Gloss an d Cashmere all express discomfort at the idea of being in another games. They all express anger. And Annie was so traumatized by it that she doesn't want to go back ever.
But without Mags volunteering, it'd be Annie and Finnick, Gloss and Cashmere. Two pairs of people who do not under any circumstances want to kill each other.
There must be others, right? From how much prestige the Games have in the Career districts, certainly there are people dreaming of the chance to win it twice?
Or they all find out how life really is after all the trauma they went through and decide not to volunteer. The brainwashing comes off ( like veterans returning from war ).
Still, it is strange that those four get picked in that setup.
And Peeta and Katniss obviously are a part of the rebellion.
But Chaff and Seeder are a part of it too. Strong people from the largest district. As are Beetee and Wiress, perhaps the smartest tributes. Real assets for a revolution. We might need to kill them off....
What I am saying is that, if Snow can help it, he is sending in the people he wants dead the most. We know the Third Quarter Quell is a ploy to hopefully kill Peeta or Haymitch and Katniss, but it might also prove very useful to take out the tributes that are thinking about revolutionizing against the Capitol.
Men and women with a personal grudge against Snow and the willingness and ability to do damage, to make that grudge mean something.
I'm saying the Third Quarter Quell is a way to kill of clever people capable of violence who are revered in their communities, seen as beacons of hope, as leaders. That it is rigged to take out those most likely to revolt against the regime. That it leaves those who are no threat alone to take down those who are.
The Third Quarter Quell is meant to cull the heard. To make sure the revolution dies, to take out the officers, the front men. And the fact that it kills some people uninvolved? ( District 5, District 10, District 8? ). Too bad.
Funnily enough, despite nearly everyone listed dying, Snow accomplishes the opposite. Total war against the districts. He doesn't slow down the revolution: he speeds it up.
But we need to give him credit for having the skill to strike first. To sense the revolution. To try and nip it in the bud.
Shame he was focussed on Katniss and didn't see Coin. His rage killed him, in the end. His hatred, his obsession with Katniss. His blindness to the growing power of District 13.
Of course, it can also be that the Victors from other districts just happen to be those that are still alive.
There are only 74 Hunger Games, with 75 victors. Assuming the first 25 are dead minus Mags and Woof, there are only 50 Games for 20 spots.
But still...
Snow is cunning, and the fact that so many young and dangerous people end up in the Games ( generally tributes are below 40 ) speaks to his desire to get rid of those that do not serve him. This is also evidenced by the fact that Enobaria survives, and is treated well.
Kill disgruntled Careers and other dangerous elements. Kill either Haymitch or Peeta and Katniss. Let Brutus / Enobaria win the Games.
Rig the system. Protect the Capitol. Remain in power.
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mydarllinglover · 9 months
Playing Favourites || Four
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"What? Finnick, we can't go in there!" Cove hissed at the boy, as he waltzed through the apartment, not seeming to care for her concerns. "Finn, no!"
"It'll be fine." He huffed, tilting his head as he looked over at her.
"No, it's against the rules, we'll get in trouble." She pressed.
"We won't, you're with me, rules don't apply to me."
"Well, sorry, pretty boy, but they do to me, I'm about to be put in an arena of death, imagine if I get caught doing something like breaking into the training centre, what would they do to me, then?"
He finally stopped, turning on his heel, as he thought.
"Okay, come on." He grabbed her wrist, walking opposite from the front door, deeper into the apartment, in the direction she had seen Oscar go, "You don't say anything to Lake, okay?"
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"Secret place."
He opened a door, that looked like a bedroom.
"Is this yours?" She asked, when he still pulled her along through it, the bed was still made, and the blinds were open, but with a press of a button, they were being pulled closed.
"Yeah." He answered, pulling her through another door, quickly closing it behind her.
"Oh. Woah..." Cove's mouth hung open, when she stared at a large sized swimming pool, the room was rather dark, with small white lights beating down on the water, it sparkled underneath. She couldn't believe this, why was it connected to his room?
"Managed to pull a few strings, considering I'm here from time to time." He declared, as they both stared at the water.
"And you were keeping this from me? What the hell, Odair?!"
"I'm showing you, aren't I?"
She looked at him for a second, before quickly yanking off her sweater, and he copied, throwing off his shirt.
As she pulled at her trousers, and stepping out of them, Finnick picked her up, bridal style, before throwing her into the pool, like he used to do, when they were kids.
"Finnick!" She screamed, as she splashed into the water.
Cove jumped up, wiping her now wet hair off her face, and out of her eyes, bobbing in the water, as he laughed.
She examined him, through her lashes, he was only in boxer shorts, ready for a swim.
Cove was aware how handsome the boy was, she had always thought so, since they were kids, but she never paid attention it, until now, but as she looked at him, she gulped, under the lights, he was glistening, and toned, and oh so perfect, like some sort of God.
She would've had a chance to be embarrassed by the red in her cheeks, if she wasn't hit with another splash of water, as the boy dived into the pool.
As he popped up, in the water, beside her, pushing his own blond hair out of his face, he splashed her again, with his hand.
"Stop." She chuckled, throwing it back at him.
"Come on, Cove, show me what you got." He told her.
"What do you mean." She asked.
"Well, you wouldn't let us go to the training centre, so let's do it here." Finnick said, as if it were obvious.
"I'm not gonna fight you, Finn."
"Why not?" He splashed her. "We used to train together."
"Yeah, but you're a lot bigger than me, now, and you actually know what you're doing."
"Guess what, Covey, the guys in that arena, are way bigger than you, you're still gonna beat them, and if you can go against me, it'll be a walk in the park, when you come home." He splashed her, once again.
"Stop acting like I'm gonna win." She rolled her eyes.
"You ain't, if you don't do anything about it." Another splash.
"Stop!" She barked, shoving him.
"Make me." He smirked, splashing her once again.
Cove jumped at him, her hands on his shoulders, and his arm instantly came to hold her around the waist, as she tried dunking him under the water, but he ended up throwing her back in the water.
"No fair!" She shouted, when she stood back up.
"You want me to just stand there and let you drown me?"
"Don't work like that, Covey."
"Then teach me, Finn, how am I gonna win this?"
He smiled, as he swam towards her.
They spent hours training together, like they used to, and he taught her maneuverers that would help her in the games, both attack and defence, until they were both too tired to barely move.
Cove and Finnick got out the pool, crashing down on the heated bench, before they could bother to get dressed.
"Y'know, your dad came to see me." Cove said, quietly, as she stared at the water. "When my mother was...."
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes on her.
"Yeah." She whispered. "He uh... they were friends, weren't they, and he told me how he was sorry, and he missed her. And we talked about you." She glanced at him. "He told me how you were getting on, and how he knew how sorry you were, that you were blaming yourself, for both of them. Why didn't you come see me?"
He had been completely thrown off by this question.
"I-.... I',m-" He tried looking for the words, as she continued to look at him, with that sad look on her face that he couldn't stand. "I'm sorry, Cove." His voice cracked, as he spoke. "I didn't think you wanted to see me, after everything that went down, and I didn't know how to talk to you, anymore, after what I did, in the games, I didn't know how to be your friend, anymore, I didn't want you to judge me."
"Finn." She scooted, so she could face him, so she was closer to him. "I missed you, so much, I just wanted you back in my life, you're my favourite person in this life, I know how these games work, I was never upset with anything you did in that arena, I just wanted you to come home. You're my best friend."
His eyes shut tight, as he listened to her.
"Now, I have to fight 23 other people, just to get you back." She chuckled. "I know you're popular, but this is a bit extreme."
"You got this, it'll be fine, and then we can be neighbours again, and rich."
"Yeah, and be broadcasted to the whole of Panem, for the rest of our lives."
"See, it'll be great." He rolled his eyes, but that light was coming back to his eyes.
"Come on, I got my first real day of training tomorrow, and it's late." She tapped his arm, as she stood up from the hot bench, grabbing her clothes to get dressed. "Need my beauty sleep if I wanna flirt my way into winning."
"You don't need it." Finnick said, quietly.
"Huh?" Cove asked, not quite hearing him.
"I said just be yourself." He cleared his throat. "Be yourself, and it'll work."
"Thanks, Finn, and thanks for this." She smiled at him. "Night."
"Yeah, yeah, night, Cove." He watched as she left the pool room, to go off to her own quarters, once again, and he felt that familiar stab in his chest, she was so close, and still so far away, why her? Anybody but her, all he could think about was all the chances he could give her, so that she'd come home, home to him.
"Rise and Shine!" Remus knocked loudly on Cove's bedroom door "Your clothes are in the second draw of the dresser.
Cove threw a pillow over her head, as she groaned into it, loudly.
She'd only managed two hours of sleep, and the only person she could curse, was the blond boy, who had kept her up all night.
"Up! Now!" Remus shouted through the door, louder, when she had felt herself falling back asleep, how did he know?
Cove pulled the covers off of herself, climbing up from the comfortable mattress.
She pulled the outfit from the draw, it was an all black outfit with a greyish blue stripe, as she put it on, she realised how tight fitting it was, interesting.
She moved to the bathroom, to look at herself, her hair was a mess, and she could only blame the fact that she went to bed with wet hair, once again, his fault.
Cove brushed it out, before pressing the button, that whooshed her hair, so it was straight, then she parted it down the middle, then braiding it into two plaits, letting two small strands out, to frame her face.
She licked her lips, before patting her hair, then leaving the bathroom, and then her chambers, heading for the dining table.
"Finally!" Remus stamped his foot, upon seeing her.
"Sorry." Cove bowed her head, as she took her seat beside Lake.
"Long night?" Oscar asked.
"Something like that." She replied.
Everyone but her had missed how Finnick took a sip from his drink, hiding a knowing smirk.
She kicked him, under the table, his smug look was irritating her, but she wasn't really sure why.
"Its your first day of training, today." Oscar started.
"How do we play it?" Lake asked.
"I want you both to downplay it." He replied.
"What?" Cove frowned. "So they can think we're weak?"
"Well... sorta." He shook his head slightly. "Show off but, but not too much, you want them all to think you're skilled, easily an threat, but you don't want to give them the whole playbook, y'know what I mean?"
"So in case we end up trapped, they won't know everything we can do." Lake continued.
"Exactly." Oscar snapped his fingers. "Cove, remember what we talked about?"
"Yeah, yeah, flirt my way out of death." She looked at her glass of water, with boredom, she didn't care for the plan.
"Look, you're gonna have to understand that who you are in the arena, is just a character, so you play whatever game it is, to get out of this one, that's what you should care about."
"Fine." Cove folded her arms across her chest.
"'Sides, you should be used to playing a character, no one usually smiles and befriends everyone in the town, after watching their mother and brother die, no one except someone who knows how their real feelings can get them killed, as well. Least your brother wasn't so stubborn."
Cove locked eyes on Oscar, as the rest of the table sat in an uncomfortable silence.
"Fuck you." The words felt like venom as they tumbled out of her mouth.
"Save that anger for the arena." He waved her away, taking a sip from his own cup.
Cove stood from her chair, hands slapped on the table as she tried to contain her emotions.
"Cove." Finnick stood as well, going to follow as she headed in the direction of the elevators.
She put her hand up, behind her back, as she continued her march.
"Cove, wait." Finnick didn't listen, as he continued to chase after her.
She almost punched the button of the elevator, as she was willing it to close on the apartment, but alas, he had managed to get in.
"Cove, he's just trying to get you mad." Finnick told her.
"Well, you can tell him he succeeded." She turned away from the boy, covering her face.
But he had stepped in front of her, holding her wrists, as he pulled them away, so he could see her.
"He's trying to get you mad, so you're a better fighter. That anger you feel, direct it at them, the other tributes, it's their fault that you're here, they're your enemies."
"Finn..." Her voice cracked as she said his name, that fire in her eyes had burnt out, already.
"I'll walk you to the training room." He said, pressing the button for the floor. "I agree, by the way. It'll be a good idea to join the career pack."
"Finnick..." She tried, but once again, he wasn't gonna let her turn her pain into sadness, he wasn't gonna let her talk it out, he needed her to stay mad, even though he wanted to talk her down, he knew it was for the best if she kept it bottled up, until eventually she exploded.
"They're strong, if you can get in with them, it'll be good for you, just think of it as less work, but it doesn't mean you can let your guard down, and by the way it's going, you'll get sponsors, a lot of them, hopefully their mentors will have a good mind to let them know that."
"What if they just turn on me, the second I let my guard down."
"Then don't." He looked at her. "One eye open, at all times, Covey."
Once the doors opened, Finnick put an arm over Cove's shoulders, one hand in his trouser pocket, as they walked into the training room.
There was already other tributes huddled in a group, and their focus zeroed in on the pair, instantly.
"Give 'em hell." Finnick whispered to the girl, before leaving her side, his fingertips the last to touch her own, before he was back in the elevator.
A worker had come up from behind Cove, pinning the number 4, to her back.
She noticed how the other tributes had their own district numbers on their own.
Moments later, Lake had come down the elevator, joining her.
"Woah." He sighed, as he looked around the room.
"Feels like I'm right back in school." Cove muttered.
"Come on, let's make friends." He patted her back, walking towards the other tributes.
A woman named Atala had explained the rules to the group and how they were allowed to move around the room, freely, something rare for tributes to be given, freedom.
"I guess I'm gonna learn about the environment." Lake tells Cove, once they're released.
Being from the fishing district, there wasn't much that the two didn't know.
"I'll try out the knives, wonder how much different they are to a spear." Cove thought out loud.
"Good luck." He nudged his chin behind her, as he low-fived the girl, heading for his station of choice.
She looked behind her, seeing the Careers looking at her, as they whispered to each other.
Cove offered them a kind smile, before making her way to the knives, daggers and swords. She could play nice, if Oscar and Finnick really wanted her to.
Cove had spent the hours leading up to lunch, messing around with the different type of weapons, becoming familiar with them, she had found that she liked the swords a lot, it reminded her of training back at home, when her and Finnick used to practise together, but the small knives were a lot more useful, and discreet, a lot of damage can be done, with an concealed weapon.
Every now and then, she looked up to the top of the room, where the Game makers had gathered, to watch the tributes, make notes of them.
Every time she had caught the eye of one, she showed off a small smile, before looking away bashfully, at being "caught."
"Hello, my dear Cove." Lake joined her, as they walked into the cafeteria room.
"Lake." She replied.
"4, over here!" The boy from 1 called the two over, before they could locate a table to look at.
"Time to put the plan in place." Lake smirked at her.
"It's been in place since I left that elevator." Cove shared, as they walked towards the "Careers table" Sitting down among the bloodthirsty children.
"I'm Jasper, this is Dior." The district 1 boy introduced himself, and his partner.
Both were stunningly beautiful, and looked well groomed.
Jasper had brown hair, that slightly curled at the end, it was short, but the top was cut just above his eyes, his brown eyes were alluring as he looked at the girl from 4, wetting his lips with his tongue, as he took her in.
Dior had a sour look on her face, though Cove could tell she was trying to cover it up, to come across as friendly, and welcoming, too bad she was doing a bad job of it, and the little bows in her pigtails weren't helping, either.
“And I'm Vita." The girl from District 2 spoke up. "Here we have Steel."
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Cove, and this is my partner, Lake." Cove smiled at the 4 of them, graciously, as her and Lake sat down.
"Hi." He nodded.
"S'up." Steel spoke, his arms folded across his chest as his eyes flickered between the two.
His hair was darker than Jaspers, longer too, it was shaggy looking, as though he had just woke up, but it looked good, and he didn't look as friendly as the district 1 boy. But Cove didn't mind the way he looked, either. He was also tall, probably the tallest in the whole group, but he didn’t lack muscle, she’d seen how he worked on the activities, how his arms bulged as he messed around with Jasper, he would definitely come in handy, in the arena, Cove thought.
Though, she had found herself comparing the two boys to her mentor, to her oldest friend, and for some reason, neither could even compare to the way he looked, there seemed to be beautiful, and then above that was Finnick Odair.
Cove slightly shook her head of the thought, tuning back into the conversation they were all having.
"So, fishy, what are you good at?" Dior asked her.
"Oh, uhm, I like to sing." Cove answered, picking at her finger nails. "And I'm not a bad cook, either."
The group around her snickered to themselves, exchanging looks as Lake looked at her unimpressed.
"They meant skills, dumbass." Lake muttered to her.
"Oh!" She looked at him. "I'd like to change my answer."
"Go ahead, Songbird." Steel gave her a lazy smile, his fist supporting his cheek.
Cove felt her own cheeks heat up, at his nick name, as she thought about her answer.
"So, you know I'm, we" She pointed at Lake. "We are from the fishing district, obviously, not good enough as the 4 of you, but I would say that we're third best in all of Panem, 3 obviously being 4th, that's besides the point, I swim almost every day, I have great stamina, I'm a quick learner, at like... anything, and I have a great smile." She proved her point, showing off her pearly white teeth.
"Oh, and the capital love her, so far." Lake commented.
"Why do you say that District 3 is the 4th best district?" Vita asked.
"Well, y'know, they're techy, and from what I've seen in the games, apart from physicality, they're strong contenders from their brains, they know how to make stuff, that could be useful, considering we don't know what kind of elements we'll be dealing with. And on the other hand, they're not that great at combat, so if need be, just a simple." Cove made a motion with her hand, in front of her neck, motioning to kill them off.
"Hmmm." Jasper hummed in thought, sharing a look with Dior.
"Interesting." Steel had shown off his own teeth, as he grinned at her, biting into some bread, she noticed it was her own districts, the green fish shape wasn't exactly hard to miss.
"I guess we could think about allying with 3." Jasper nodded, not bothering to wait for the approval of the two girls.
Cove discreetly looked at Lake, who was looking back at her, she had the two boys right in the palm of her hand, just like Oscar wanted, and she’d barely done anything.
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theblacktigrr · 11 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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pixiexdusts-world · 1 year
Incorrect quotes
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -
Social Media
Nothing yet
Random texts
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
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murdrdocs · 10 months
finnick's world !
☼ fluff ☽ smut (17+) ☁︎ suggestive (17+) ϟ dark content (18+) full masterlist
note: fem! and gn! labels are given based on the use of pronouns and anatomy; fem! fics use 'she/her' or labels such as 'girl' as well as explicit afab anatomy, GN! has no use of gendered pronouns or labels and anatomy is ambigious
classic morning domesticity with finnick ☼ GN!
your finnick isn't the capitol's finnick ☽ GN!
finnick values his partner over everything ☼ GN!
finnick accidentally goes overboard for your birthday ☼ GN!
finnick has a praise kink ☽ GN!
finnick is a malewife ☼ GN!
finnick odair is a munch ☽ fem!
at a capitol party, finnick uses his fingers to silent you ☽ fem!
finnick siren AU ϟ GN!
finnick's love languages ☼ GN!
finnick hcs w a vigilante reader GN!
after an injury, finnick forces you to take it easy ☼ GN!
walking in on finnick masturbating ☽ GN!
overstimulating finnick ☽ GN!
being that couple with finnick ☼ GN!
slow summer days with finnick ☼ fem!
more summer days with finnick ☼ fem!
morning shower sex with finnick ☽ fem!
after a rough day in the capitol, you comfort finnick ☼ GN!
beach days with young!finnick and mags ☼ fem!
giggly makeout sessions with finnick ☼ GN!
after becoming a victor, your best friend, finnick, takes your virginity ☽ fem!
telling finnick you're pregnant ☼ fem!
"i won't bite, unless you're into that sort of thing" with finnick ☁︎ GN!
"i shouldn't allow myself to get this close to you" with finnick ☼ GN!
dad!finnick headcannons ☼ fem!
dad!finnick and your son have an arts and crafts day ☼ fem!
angry makeout sessions with finnick ☁︎ GN!
NSFW alphabet with finnick ☽ fem!
(kinktober) filming sex with finnick ☽ fem!
finnick talks you through it ☽ fem!
brief peacefulness on the beach during the 2nd quarter quell ☼ GN!
finnick has a puppy crush on you ☼ GN!
finnick and johanna sharing you ☽ fem!
finnick's babysitters hc
more finnick's babysitters hcs
finnick is an otter lover ☼ GN!
finnick likes to make sure you're watching ☼ GN!
finnick post argument hc
finnick and 'touch tank' ☁︎ fem!
finnick fucking your face ☽ fem!
pegging finnick ☽ fem!
young!dad finnick on christmas ☼
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heliads · 1 year
If possible could I request dating headcannons with Finnick Odair? Please and thank u so much 🙏🙏
man thank you for requesting headcanons
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Finnick Odair never planned on falling in love 
It would never be in the cards for him, or so he supposed 
The two of you didn’t even start dating for love, more as a publicity stunt to keep you safe 
Here was Finnick, the shiny, new, perfectly packaged Victor no one saw coming, and here you were, everyone’s favorite from last year 
Getting with you was his best means of protection from late nights with Capitol dwellers who leer at him wherever he goes
Finnick has always been a particularly beautiful liar, and the Capitol romantics just ate up the idea that their beloved District Four Victors would end up together
He messed up, though, he fell in love when he wasn’t supposed to
Maybe he was just too good at playing the game, maybe that was why Finnick stopped caring when the cameras were on and off and started just loving you every moment of every day 
You had a way of looking at him that Finnick hadn’t experienced in a long time, like you were seeing past the skin and bone to whoever was made up of his heart and mind
He sits with you by the water, watches the sun set, and thinks maybe it wouldn’t be the worst to live the rest of his life with someone after all
No one bats an eye when you move into his house, when Finnick slips and refers to himself by your last name instead of his, when the only thing either of you fear is the other being taken from you
Finnick fears weakness, he fears dependency, but he never feels anything but strong when he’s with you 
After a while, he asks you to give up the ruse and love him for real 
You could never say anything but yes :))
hunger games tag list: @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope
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thedelicatearcher · 4 months
Sick Finnick headcannon?
you'd also like this!!
sick finnick odair headcanons
warning: puking and implied diarrhea from food poisoning
finnick is a drama king when he feels sick. as i said in my other post, he absolutely loves being taken care of and will use the last bit of energy left in his body to demand attention from you
when he has the flu, he wraps himself in a blanket cocoon, begging you to join him and cuddle. he whines whenever a loud, painful sneeze comes out of him and makes his chest hurt.
after cuddling with him for hours and letting him bury his pink, coughy face in your chest, he eventually falls asleep, lovingly suffocating you with his weight on top of you. slowly, you try to slip out of his embrace so he can keep resting and you can go on with your day, placing a pillow in his arms so he doesn't notice the sudden change.
half an hour later, he finds you in the kitchen. he felt your absence and abandoned the bed, wrapped in tons of blankets, to look for you. a grumpy expression is on his face as he groggily demands that you go back to bed and hold him some more, stating that it's his right as a sick person to be cuddled until your arm is numb.
he says sorry every time after he coughs loudly, not wanting to annoy you with the so-recurring noise. you have to reassure him that he is not bothering you, and prepare him a warm tea to help his sore throat.
when his temperature starts rising, he freaks out. his paranoid self rambles about how he's going to die and insists that you should take him to the hospital before it's too late.
he loves playing with your hair when he feels tired and drowsy from all the medication.
he's not afraid of needles; in fact, he will be the one to ask for them if one is needed. he hates feeling sick and likes quick and effective solutions.
when he has a stomachache, he is in bed, twisting and turning like a worm. he rarely gets food poisoning. however, when a fish is not cooked enough, it gets bad for him.
he likes to talk to you from the bathroom. he gets bored so he will ask you to hang around the door and talk to him, trying to distract him from his pain.
when he inevitably ends up puking, you hold him and softly rub his back, whispering "it's okay, baby. let it out" as you try not to vomit too.
after he's done, you help him clean his face and guide him gently as he brushes his teeth. then you take him to bed, where he just feels too shaky and weak to speak.
whenever he has a headache, it is different; he gets completely thrown off by them and has to lie down. there are no whines nor playful demands.
he just wishes for you to give him an aspirin, place a cold, wet rag on his forehead, and turn off the lights.
if his headache it's manageable, he will ask you to hold him in bed. if he feels worse than usual headaches, the most he will ask of you is to hold his hand as he lies still, trying to endure the pain.
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mrsnancywheeler · 9 months
finnick odair x golden retriever!reader headcannons
based off this request
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finnick would be drawn to them because of the pure sunshine energy you radiated
at the markets engaging in more the polite conversation with everyone, remembering details you'd once been told to ask upon again
finnick was caught off guard when you officially met and you didn't once play into the stereotypes the capitol had bestowed upon him
you were eager to share your happiness in life with him, small gifts, laughter, endless optimism about everyone in the world
it was easy, you were so communicative about your feelings and understanding of his, it made him feel endlessly guilty whenever he was irritable
"I don't know what I did to make you upset with me, Finn, I'm sorry. But I can't do anything unless we talk about it, but if you want to be alone right now that's okay too."
finnick was never really mad at you though, it was endless frustration at the capitol, at snow for what he was putting him through
even though you were so communicative he felt like he couldn't share those parts of himself with you, in fear of shattering your sunny worldview
and then there was how gullible you were
some people in the market would try to overcharge you or mess with you which he would absolutely not allow, he'd try and explain how you couldn't trust everyone
"honey, not everyone has the best intentions, you have to look out for yourself"
"that seems like a dreary way to live." you'd shrug with a smile, "besides, I've got you."
and you were right, finnick would confront them instead of you
you were eager to do anything you could for him, pestering people to figure out his favorite treats so you could make them even if it ended disastrously difficult, running your finger through his hair to calm him down, massaging his shoulders
when finnick struggled you were his light, like that from the lighthouse guiding him home through the rough waters
finnick would never get tired of the look of pure joy when he'd do anything for you, the way you'd jump into his arms ecstatic when he'd bring you home something
and finnick could listen to your ramblings endlessly, heaven to his ears and your touch so calming
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 months
I don’t know about you…
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But I’m feeling 22! In honor of my 22nd birthday, I thought I’d host a little celebration that we can think of as a little birthday party! And because it’s my Taylor Swift birthday, it is of course eras themed. To play, just send me the name of the album and any other information I’d need from the description of the game/prompt and I’ll do my best to answer in a timely manner <3 This runs from today (July 20) to my birthday (August 1), and please feel free to send as many asks as you’d like, as long as there’s only one era per ask <3
debut (our song in the slam of screen doors): send me a character, a situation, a vibe, an aesthetic, and i’ll make a little 5 song playlist for you
speak now (stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love): send in a love note! for me, or yourself, or anyone else on here - just spread some love and appreciation
fearless (take me somewhere we can be alone): send me a character and i’ll give you a few random headcannons, or send me your headcannons for them and we can chat <3
red (i’m feeling 22): send me 1-3 characters from the list below and a theme for a birthday party, and i’ll tell you who I’d invite and who i wouldn’t
1989 (got lovesick all over my bed): send me a little description of yourself and a character category from the list, and i’ll give you a ship
reputation (sirens to the beat of my heart): send me any three characters for a game of fmk!
lover (at every table, i’ll save you a seat): send me 3-5 characters from the list below, whether they’re from the same fandom or not, and i’ll tell you how i’d arrange them at a table at a dinner party
folklore (loosing on card game bets with Dalí): send me any sort of game (would you rather, this or that, etc) and we’ll play it!
evermore (my picture in your wallet): send me a character, a situation, a vibe, an aesthetic, and i’ll make a little moodboard for you
midnights (stumble down pretend alleyways): send me a character and an au, and i’ll explain how i’d combine them or write a little baby blurb
the tortured poets department (who uses typewriters anyway): send me a title for a fic and a character, and i’ll write either a 5 sentence baby blurb or an explanation of what i’d write for a full length fic
Character/Fandom List
Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon
Ted Lasso
Star Wars
Moon Knight
TASM!Peter Parker
Finnick Odair
Sejanus Plinth
Coriolanus Snow
Tagging a handful of my lovely friends: @onceuponaoneshotfanfic @pedrito-friskito @beybaldes @hopefulromances @veryprairieberry @whimsical-roasting @dameronalone @eyelessfaces @katsu28
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
hi, I really like your letter. One of my favorite authors 🤭Can I request a love letter from Finnick Odair. 🥰🥰I apologize for my English. did you receive a request about headcannons?🙃
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(yes i received your request, also thank u ❤️)
Dear Y/N,
How have your days been? It's been cold lately and I worry about your health and whether you're keeping warm on cold nights. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to warm you up, I wanted so badly to crawl into the warmth and comfort of your arms and feel you here with me. I shudder with pleasure just imagining you by my side.
Unfortunately we both know that's not possible, at least not right now. I'm afraid you're unhappy about our enforced separation, and I get irritated just thinking about how you're handling it, or if you have anyone comforting you besides me. There is no other, is there? There's no one else but me in your life, right?
I think so, you know how I am. You know how I would react in a situation like that and you don't want problems, do you? I hope not, at least. Ah, I miss you so much! You are so important to me and I feel so alone in this hell, I need you with me. When will this torture stop? When will you finally return to my arms?
Tell me, Y/N, when will you finally be mine again? Completely? How we were before we split up. My only motivation is knowing that this will soon be over and we'll be together. Just a little while longer and soon it will be just the two of us again. Just the two of us, doesn't that sound perfect? I love you so much, so much...
I'll be waiting for you, my love, and when we're together again, I won't let you go again. It's a promise.
Missing you and loving you so much,
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anniecrestalover · 6 days
Post MJ Finnick becomes an introvert. After a full decade of being forced to keep his social battery up and talk to people he couldn’t care less about, he’s just tired. His social battery is quite literally in the negatives. The only people Finnick can hold a conversation with for more than ten minutes is Annie, Katniss, and Peeta, occasionally Johanna. Mans just wants his wife and kids and he’s happy. Finnick only goes out when he has to, which honestly, good for him.
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nightmare-niko · 9 months
The Hunger Games masterlist
Coriolanus snow:
Childhoodbestfriend!Coryo headcannons
Welcome Home
Sejanus Plinth:
Bestfriend!sejanus headcannons
Private conversations of betrayal
Lucy Gray Baird:
Childhoodbestfriend! Lucy Gray headcannons
Finnick Odair:
Dating headcannons
Party lights and warm smiles (coming soon)
Peeta Mellark:
Chilhoodbestfriend!Peeta Mellark headcannons
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mydarllinglover · 9 months
Playing Favourites || One
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That dreaded time had come, once again, Reaping Day, for the 69th year in a row.
Cove wasn't worried, she wasn't a career, even if her name managed to be picked, someone would volunteer for her, right? They'd have to.
It wasn't often that District 4 had volunteers, but considering Cove had dropped out the academy, she had high hopes someone was willing to take her spot.
"Where've you been, girl?" Cove's father asked, as she walked through the front door, wringing out her wet hair.
"Decided to take an early morning swim, burn off my nerves." She huffed, making her way towards the bathroom. "Peacemakers are here, by the way."
"Already?" He asked.
"Yeah, Dad, not long now." She sighed
"It won't be the same, it can't." He muttered to himself. "I can't lose her too."
"It won't, there's a 6 in what? 10 thousand?" Cove shrugged, coming up with a random estimate of 12-18 year olds in her district, out of the 100 thousand population. "I'll be fine, I promise. 'Sides, its the last one, then we're free."
She didn't really believe these odds, but she had to keep a front for her father, he had been broken since the incident, that had happened three years ago, where she had lost her brother, and her mother, only a week apart.
She remembered it, well, it wasn't something that was exactly hard to forget, both had happened right in front of her very eyes.
Her brother being brutally massacred, when he had made it so far into his games, all he had to do was beat those four tributes, and he would've been home, but the second he accidently shown vulnerability, he helped that kid, his story was over, just like that, her parents and herself were gathered around the TV as it happened, sobbing and yelling, trying to wake up from the nightmare.
Her mothers pain had turned to anger, she had been petitioning and striking all around the district, for a stop to the games, and on the same day, the following week, her mother was hung, for the whole district to see, as a warning, the games would never end, and rebellions would be diminished.
But it wasn't just her family, that she had lost to the Hunger Games, her friend from school, Finnick Odair, the sensation that he was, had been reaped and won his games, at only fourteen, the youngest ever, he was loved by the Capital, and since winning, and moving to the Victor Village, he had no time for his life from before, no time for her. They had hardly seen each other, his first year, and she couldn't move past the images of him taking those other children's lives' on repeat, in her head.
After her brother, Finnick had taken all measures possible, to avoid the girl, a notable memory, had been a few months after the games, she was working in Shrimps Café, the boy had walked in, and as soon as he layed eyes on her, before either could blink, he was back out the door, she had never seen him in there, since.
She wondered if he felt guilty, since becoming a Mentor, knowing that these people's lives were in his hands, and it was up to him whether they died or became murderers, maybe that's why he had gone out of his way to avoid her, for three whole years, knowing the pain he had caused her and her father, for he had been there too, when her mother was hung, she had spotted him, that day, in the crowd.
Once the seawater had been rinsed out of Cove's hair, she reluctantly got dressed for the Reaping.
She had chosen a pale blue silk dress, that complemented her well, throwing an crocheted off-white sweater over the top.
She did her best to tame her wild blonde curls, but being drenched in saltwater, and bleached from the sun, over the years, hadn't been the best thing for her hair, so she brushed through them with her hands, untangling any knots, letting her hair stay down, to air dry.
She then sprayed her mothers perfume along her body, letting the scent bring back warm memories of the woman, she only ever wore it on special occasions, or reaping day.
Cove sat down on her bed, hugging her stuffed shark to her chest, the one she had since she was a child, as she waited for the time to pass.
The 69th Hunger Games, all those children that have died, for something they had no hand in, it made Cove feel sick at the thought, her brother was one of them, and now, another unlucky twenty three, would be joining him and all the others.
When enough time had passed, Cove placed down her stuffed shark, getting up from her bed, and leaving her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
"Dad...It's time." She tried to keep her voice steady, as she leaned against the door frame of their living room, he hadn't moved since she first entered the house. "Daddy, it'll be okay."
"I can't lose you, too." He began to sob. It was the same, every year, since her brothers passing.
Cove holding her father together, as if it were him being sent to his death, each year.
"We're going to be late, it's okay, here, Grap was kind enough to sneak me this." She handed her father a small vile, morphling, she was willing to try anything, to keep her father from causing a scene, or even his death, to this day, they still had eyes on them, after what her mother had done to their reputation. "It'll make you feel better, I promise."
Her fathers red rimmed eyes fell on her, and then her outstretched hand.
He sighed as he took it, unstopping it, and downing the lot.
Cove held her fathers hand tightly, as they walked down to the Square, outside the justice building, together, ignoring the onlookers, and the whispers, from the other residents of district 4.
Cove had worked hard, over the years, to make a name for herself, not the girl who's brother died during the games, or the daughter of the hanged and widowed.
She made friends with every tradesperson in district 4, she took on as much jobs as she could, and even doing volunteer work, for others. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, she sang in the Tavern for the people, she loved singing, and apparently, others liked her voice, too, as she always seemed to have good feedback.
Though, Cove was popular with the community, her father had become a hermit, since the passing, he rarely left the house, he was a shell of the man he once was, no one in their district held any respect for him, especially after what he had let his wife do, and then with how his wife had passed.
Begrudgingly, she kissed her fathers cheek, letting go, and pointing him in the direction of where he should stand, in the crowd, as she lined up behind the other children.
"Name?" One of the registerers asked.
"Cove, Cove Tippet." She answered, holding out her right index finger.
The man took hold of her hand, pricking her finger with the little machine, then placing it down, clocking her into the Panem records, once again.
Once she had been processed, Cove made her way to stand with the other 18 year old girls in her district.
"Feel sorry for everyone else" Tampa Riverbank scoffed, beside Cove. "Only one of us here has to be sacrificed, for us lot to go home safe and never have to worry about this, again."
"Well, may the odds be ever in our favour." Cove put on a posh accent, mocking one of the Capitols many motto's, causing a snicker and scoff's from the girls around her.
"Can you see that one, over in the 16's" Another girl had turned around, to ask the two. "Lil redhead."
They followed where she was nodding at, spotting her.
"That's Annie." Cove replied. "Annie Cresta, I think, she's like two years below us, in school."
"Look at her crying and sobbing." Tampa rolled her eyes. "Like, hello, we all have a chance of dying, or surviving."
"Who's the careers, this year?" Cove asked her.
"Uhm... I'm not actually sure, I haven't heard anything."
"If Tampa's not heard anything, good luck."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She turned on the girl next to her.
"Come on, you know everything that goes on, around here, You're the biggest gossip in the district."
"Shush, here come the victors." The same girl from in front of them, hissed.
All their attention turned to the stage, watching closely as the previous Victors of District 4 walked it
Mags Flanagan was the only female tribute of their district, that was still alive, winning in the 11th games, having the first ever Victory Tour, Adrian Mississippi, he had won a few decades ago, he was a lean balding man, he mostly kept to himself, no one really saw him around the district, Cove could remember her father telling her once, that his games had been before the second quarter-quell and he never truly seemed to come to.
Max Pompano, had been a couple of years after, she'd spoken to him a few times, though he could come off blunt, and a lil strange, he had always been polite. Oscar Shan, who had won a good ten years ago, had been one of Finnick's mentors, along with Mags, she had been grateful to him, for saving her friend, even if their friendship was no more.
Then, Finnick Odair took to the stage. 
Hushes and whispers could be heard all over the square, Cove was pretty sure she had seen someone's mother faint, when he gave a wave to the crowd.
The girls around her giggled and nudged each other, but she had tuned them all out, her face was blank, as she strayed away from him, as he took his seat.
"Now, now, settle down." The Mayor of district 4 called.
The whole of the district faded into silence, as he spoke.
Cove was still in her own world, as he continued his annual speech, about the Hunger Games, the dark times and the importance of the morals Panem now had.
"And now, our escort, all the way from the Capital, Remus Tacita."
A brightly dressed, and eccentric Man walked the stage, he was dressed in all shades of blue, and wore a wig, that looked as though it was supposed to be representing waves, Cove guessed this was him trying to support the district.
"Welcome, Welcome, everyone, to the 69th Annual Hunger Games, as always, it is an huge honour to be here, once again, and may the odds be ever in your favour" Not even a whisper was heard, in the silence that followed.
"Very well then, now is the time to pick one very brave young man and woman, to compete, this year, ladies first, of course."
The man trotted to the large bowl, containing the name of every girl between the ages of 12 and 18 in the district.
Remus dipped his hand in, digging around for a certain piece of paper, before pulling it out, and holding it high for everyone to see.
He then walked back towards the mic.
Tampa yanked a hold of Cove's hand, squeezing it tightly, with her eyes scrunched up shut, as they waited.
"... This years female tribute is.... Cove Tippet."
Cove clapped her hands, not hearing what he had said, until she realised she was the only one.
"Why's everyone looking at me, who was picked?" She asked Tampa, who was staring at her in horror.
"Cove, it was you." The girl from in front, hissed at her.
"What, no." She shook her head.
"Cove? Cove Tippet, come on up here."
She had heard him, now, the other girls moved out of the way, for her, as a peacekeeper marched forward, ready to escort her.
"Go, Cove" Tampa shoved her forward, into the path up to the stage.
She struggled to find her footing, as he legs visibly shook.
"Come on, we don't have all day." Remus encouraged her forward.
Cove's face had paled incredibly, some wondered if she was going to throw up, or pass out.
With everyone's eyes on her, and the Camera's pointed in her direction, broadcasting all over Panem.
She walked forward, much like a deer, learning how to walk for the very first time.
Cove stared at the stage, as she got closer, it was the last place her mother had stood, alive. And it was where her brother had also been sentenced to his death.
She wondered what thoughts were going through her fathers mind, right now.
As she stood in front of the stage, frozen, not being able to get any closer, Remus let out a bored sigh, to the people, jogging down the stairs, taking a hold of Cove's arm, as if he was helping her, but she could feel the force of him dragging her onto the stage.
"You know what I have just realised." Remus spoke into the mic, as she stood beside him, looking shell-shocked. "Your brother competed, a few years ago, didn't he?" The man grinned.
Cove's head slowly turned to look at him, her mouth was slightly opened.
"Well, let's hope you have some more luck." He laughed. "Right then, moving on, now, time to pick our male tribute." He left Cove's side to go to the other glass bowl, picking out another name, her ally, or her competition. "Lake Osborne!"
Another 18 year old.
She knew him, and they barely interacted with each other, but when they had, it wasn't always pleasant.
Lake fist bumped the air as he grinned widely, practically skipping onto the stage, the polar opposite of Cove.
The mayor took the spot of Remus, as he said aloud the Treaty or Treason, to the district.
"Your tributes of District 4, Lake Osborne and Cove Tippet, you may shake hands." Remus cheered, as he went back to the mic.
Cove still hadn't moved, her eyes hadn't strayed from her father, in the crowd, until she felt the boy grab her hand, yanking it towards his mouth, as he kissed the back of it.
"Get a hold of yourself." He muttered in disgust, as she blinked at him.
They were then ushered inside the Justice building, one of the fanciest places in the whole of the district, where they would get an hour to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Apart from her father, Cove would be rather surprised if she had any other visitors, and she was only allowed 5 minutes with her only other living parent.
But as time kept ticking on, not a single soul had shown up, not until there was only ten minutes left.
"Manta?" Cove stood up, spotting the owner of shrimps Café, and the tavern, a middle aged woman who she had grown to love a lot. "What are you doing here? Where's my father?"
"Honey." She sighed, taking a seat, urging the girl to, as well. "We tried talking him into coming here, we did, but he couldn't, the poor fella couldn't even speak, it's just too much for him, right now."
"What?" her brows furrowed, as her lip started to pout. "He's not coming? He won't come say goodbye to me?"
"He wants to." Manta brought her into a tight hug, cradling the girl. "I know he does, but he's scared it will be his final goodbye."
"It will." Cove sobbed.
"No! Don't you say that." Manta pulled her off, glaring at her. "You still owe me shows and shifts, don't you dare say that, you're coming back home, even if I gotta drag you back here."
"I-I can't survive this, look at me! I'm not a fighter, or a survivalist."
"Look at what you already have survived, my dear, you are a fighter, and you can survive, you will survive. And whilst you're at it, make amends with that lover of yours, when you're both trapped up in the capital."
"Who? What lover?" Cove shook her head.
"The blond boy, Mr Odair, don't think I don't know about your two's history." The older woman rolled her eyes. "I see everything that goes on around here."
"We're not even friends."
"Well, its universal knowledge about how well he's loved. He's your key to winning, so do whatever you gotta, to win him back over, you got it?"
"Time's up." A peacemaker called through the door.
"You get your ass back here, girl." Manta told her, placing something in her hand, as she was escorted out of the fancy room.
"Look after my father, please, Manta!" Cove called after her. "Please!"
Once the door had closed, again, and she had only 5 minutes left, Cove sat back down with a heavy heart.
She opened her palm, where Manta had placed something in it, inside her hand, was a small seashell, attached to some tight elastic rope, aside it sat a small note.
For when you're missing home, give it a lil listen- Ma
Cove brought the shell to her ear, hearing the sounds of waves, and the wind, the noises that would always remind her of her district.
That must be her token, that every tribute is allowed to bring with them.
She quickly put it on over her head.
And then she was being transported to the awaiting train to the Capitol.
Where her and Lake was made to stand in the doorway, letting the cameras get a good look of their new tributes of District 4.
"Smile." She felt a pinch in her back, as Lake muttered to her, with the side of his mouth.
Cove listened, smiling for the cameras, waving excitedly, as she bid them goodbye.
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Stories I have written, characters I will write for. If you think the names are cringy you try naming stuff. It’s hard.
Prompts list
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Drive In🔥
Road Trip
Pizza girl
Eddie Munson
The Death of You
Jonathan Byers
Jump, Then Fall
Vampire Diaries
Kol Mikaelsons
*Hello Darling🔥
Elijah Mikaelson
*Till Death do us Part
Stefan Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Missing You
Dean Winchester
Various and Sundry Villains
Jack Kline
Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Pendragon
The Irregulars
You shouldn’t easdrop
I care for you
Big Time Rush
Kendall Knight
One Good Love Song
Once Upon a Time
Jefferson Hatter
True Loves Kiss
The X-men
Peter Maximoff
New in Town
Haunted House
Alex Summers
Le t’s Talk about Cuba🔥
Scott Summers
Charles Xavier
Eric Lensher
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Yes they are all bad puns, no I will not be taking constructive criticism right now, only more ideas.
Oh dear
Oh dair he is
The Finnick games
Star Wars
Filthy Headcannons🔥
Part one
Part two
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Din Djarin
This is that Way
Anakin Skywalker
Any of the hot ones. I’m not gonna type all of their names out if I don’t even have any stories for them yet.
The Flash
Julian Alberts
The office jerk
The Chronicles of Narnia
Peter Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Vox Machina
Percy De Rolo
Cowboy like me pt1
Cowboy like me pt 2
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