#clove could stab me anytime
theblacktigrr · 11 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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teletubbyinlipstick · 1 month
Kiss Me More, Please.
     Artemis. R.
Guys, idk what to say lmao, I've been obsessed with these men mostly thanks to @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts , the ultimate legend. This one's for the hoes fr
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  It was a balmy Sunday, grey clouds hanging low, creating a dense fog. You had just been transferred from the states to an elite task force in Europe. Delightful. At 24, you had made a name for yourself as a sniper, over 20 kills with 6 badges of honor to show for it it was no wonder you eventually got sent to higher rankings. 
You just didn't realize those rankings would be in a pack with 2 alphas and 2 betas. As an omega, it puts you on edge a bit to share such intimate spaces with alphas. But, being completely honest with yourself, you can't deny they smell heavenly. John Price, the pack alpha, had a woodsy pine, undertones of cigar, and mint made a head spinning concoction, and you embarrassingly whined when scenting him for the first time. 
The other alpha, Simon Riley, was a bit…harder to gauge a reaction. He was never mean, if a bit standoffish, at the dining hall he always made your tray and carried it for you. He held doors open, a protective hand on your back when guiding you places. He smells of cedar and eucalyptus, a faint patchouli pulling through.
God, why did these alphas smell so fucking addicting. 
Kyle Garrick was a sweet beta, with kind eyes, strong wide shoulders, and, in your professional opinion, one of the finest asses known to man. He was so sweet and open, he helped you put up tapestries in your room (with explicit permission as invading an omegas den could end badly) , always gave you extra snacks during training, Kyle was a true man through and through. He smelled of vetiver and amber noir. When you shoved your nose into his neck to get more, you picked up a tang…citrus.
 It wasn't your fault you usually ended up having to change your panties after hanging with him. 
Johnny MacTavish was the last one you met, a strong level-headed beta with a feisty sense of humor and a very good shoulder to cry on. He might've been the last to meet you but certainly the one you bonded to the quickest. He liked to sling you over his shoulder and take off through the training post your delighted giggles chiming through the wind. He was your go-to movie cuddle buddy, and he always had an open space on his lap for you. He smelled so fucking divine bonsai, cloves and an allspice lavender, anytime youre within his vicinity it usually ends with you in his lap, drunk of his scent and purring loudly. The smell of lilies, cinnamon, and chamomile wafted from you; it was soothing and the answering rumble from the alphas chest had your omega preening.  
It's hard not to crush on him. 
It's been almost 2 and a half months since you arrived. Tf141 made it very clear their intentions on you by week 3, declaring they wanted you as their pack omega. They wanted to spoil you, protect you, and provide for you. The sudden declaration was sprang up by Johnny over a random breakfast at the table. You had gazed wide-eyed at all of them, almost like a deer in headlights. 
“I...um…I need to think about it…” Truthfully, you really didn't. You knew you wanted them. All of them. It was nerve-wracking you were younger, a bit more inexperienced in life and romance. What if they ended up hating you? Or being annoyed at your unknowing? What if you gave them your heart so beautifully beating, and they gave it right back, stabbed through with 4 shiny knives. 
You're unsure if you could live with that. 
So going on week 6 of being on task force, week 3 of confession, you have yet to give them an answer. It was crude of you, you knew it. But it was hard to form the words, hard to speak when your heart swelled to your throat and lodged itself there. Leaving you breathless and fumbling; spewing out nonsense in hopes of adoration. 
Right now was one of those moments you were sitting across from Price, fiddling with your fingers as you both gazed at each other in silence. You knew why you were called in here. You knew they wanted-deserved- an answer. 
"Come here, y/n." Your breath hitched, oh god, his voice. Deep, barretoned words woven with an authoritative spike. You felt too hot, too seen under his intense gaze. Swallowing the lump forming, you gathered what small ounces of courage you could. Straightening your spine under the alpha's eyes. 
  "No." It came out more steady than you expected, and if the raised eyebrow of John was anything to go by, he wasn't expecting the answer. It emboldened you, made you feel taller, bigger than the man in front of you almost. 
  "No. You come to me…please” And oh boy, did he take it as the invitation it was, eyes twinkling in amusement, something darker brewing in them. He pushed himself up from the chair, walking round the desk to stand directly in front of you. Your head tilted back to stare up at him, mouth parted as the courage left you in a swoop. 
John's hand grazed across your jaw, thumb trailing down your throat before cupping your cheek. It was nerve-wracking, being in the presence of a God with nothing but mortal thoughts to shield you. 
  "The last time I was told no, I tore the man's throat out where he stood." A gasp left you, tensing just slightly under his palm. Was it a threat? Was it even true?? Maybe you read the room wrong. Maybe he was sizing you up. It's not like you had to wonder long. He tutted, pulling you from your thoughts as his other hand swept stray hair from your face. 
  "I find you enrapturing, Y/N we all do. You have bewitched us. And I would let you say anything to me. Anything. And now I'm asking you to please say how you feel. You know we want you, we see you as our omega. But we want you to want us. Do you?” You didn't know what to say, speechless in the hands of a prophet. The way he spoke was hypnotizing, and you leaned into his touch, hands grazing up his muscular chest until you cupped his jaw on both sides. Tugging him down, and my my my did he bend to your whims. Noses bumped together, breaths mingling, and you looked into his eyes. 
  "I-I…want you guys too. I want to be the pack omega” A stuttered breath in from the alpha in front of you had that flame of courage coming back full force. You gripped him harder, tilting your child up.
“Kiss me, please." A huff of air, and he was on you, kissing you so sensually, so sweetly you wondered if you would drown in its bliss. It was as cliche as every romance book ever said, wanton and needy with touch of his lips on yours. And God wasn't it unfair? To have euphoria in human form, holding you, kissing you like you hung the stars. 
And when he finally pulled back, both of you panting, foreheads pressing against each other. You only had one thought. 
  "Kiss me more, please." 
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aster-aspera · 4 years
One love, one house
CW: food mention, loads of fluff
Relationships: romantic DLAMP
Chapter title is from sweater weather by the neighbourhood
read on ao3
Masterlist for my superhero AU
Patton loved his roommate, he really did, but he was just a little eccentric. Patton could deal with the sneaking in at hellish hours in the early morning, and the mud he tracked into the appartement and the faint smell of antiseptic and blood that was always present in their bathroom.
He could even deal with his roommate occasionally forgetting his tasks or even disappearing for days on end.
But this was just unacceptable. Patton stood in front of a near empty fridge, only a refrigerated tupperware full of noodles and a jar of pickles left.
“Virgil?” He called.
His roommate looked up at him from under his messy bangs, dark circles that seemed to take up half of his face under his eyes. He really should stop sneaking out at night. Patton had hoped he would have gotten more sleep during the holidays, but it seemed his roommate was determined to work himself into an early grave.
“What have you been eating?” He asked, pointing to the fridge.
Virgil gaped at him for a moment as the question made its way into his sleep deprived brain.
“Uhm, noodles?” He said, sounding unsure of himself.
“Just noodles?”
“And pickles, I guess.”
“During the holiday season?”
Patton sighed. Virgil just continued staring at him, seemingly unaware of why Patton was so upset.
“You did eat something other than noodles on Christmas, right?” He asked, his voice edging on desperation.
“I dunno, when was Christmas?”
Patton snapped.
“Nope, this is unacceptable. I don’t care if you celebrate or not, but you should at least eat something.”
“I ate.” Virgil grumbled.
“Noodles!” Patton interjected.
“And it’s not like I had a lot of time on my hands to cook an elaborate meal.”
“One, it’s not that hard to throw some vegetables into a wok and two, what are you even doing during the holidays, it’s not like we have classes.”
Virgil looked down.
“Studying.” He mumbled.
“More like studying , with the way you look.”
“I don’t look that bad.”
“You look like a corpse, a cute corpse, but still a corpse.”
Virgil flushed and Patton had to fight not to coo. He was just so cute.
“Whatever, are you free tonight?” He continued.
“Uhh, sure? I have something at 11 though.”
“That’s fine, I’m cooking you dinner tonight and we’re going to have a little holiday celebration.”
“Patton, I don’t really celebrate Christmas.”
“It’s not about Christmas. I just want to have a nice night with my friend and while I’m at it, I want to make sure you’re eating something for once.”
“Ok, fine. We’ll have a holiday celebration.” Virgil groaned, but he didn’t seem totally against the idea.
Patton cheered.
“Okay, I’m going to pop over to the store first. We’ll need ingredients.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to bother yourself too much.”
“Nonsense, I love cooking for others. Also, we’re all out of food except noodles, so I’d have to go shopping anyways.”
Virgil had the decency to look mildly guilty at that.
Virgil accompanied him to the store. Which, unlike Patton had expected, did not speed up the shopping process, but only slowed them down as they fooled around.
“Okay, okay. Let's get this done quickly, thyme is money.” Patton said, waggling his eyebrows at Virgil.
“What the hell am I doughing here.” Virgil groaned.
Patton gasped. “You made a pun!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah well, don’t expect too many of those. I wouldn’t want to oatverdo it.”
Patton gasped in delight.
“The s’more puns you make, the s’more i love you.” He proclaimed and Virgil blushed beet red.
Patton giggled as he looked at Virgil having fun. His roommate was usually a lot more reserved and morose. He had no idea what had happened that had put Virgil in such high spirits, but whatever it was, Patton was grateful. The smile that graced Virgil’s face was the most breathtaking thing he had seen all week.
Patton looked away, aware he had been staring just a little too long.
The meal was delicious, if he said so himself, and Virgil seemed to agree. He lounged back in his chair languidly, sleepy from the good food. He looked better than Patton had seen him all month. The colour had returned to his cheeks again and his eyes sparkled.
Patton silently congratulated himself on a job well done.
“That was great, Pat. Seriously.”
“I’m humbled by your compliments.”
Virgil smiled.
“Where did you even learn how to cook like this?”
“My moms taught me. They made sure to teach me all the basic survival skills like cooking, laundry and how to snare and skin rabbits.”
“Snare rabbits?” Virgil laughed.
“I lived in a forest, I had to be able to take care of myself. They taught me all kinds of other cool survival stuff too.”
“Nice, my mom barely taught me how to turn on a stove.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Virgil waved him away. “My parents just had other priorities in my upbringing. Maybe you could teach me to cook something other than pasta?”
“I’d love to.” Getting to cook and spend more time with Virgil? It sounded like heaven to Patton.
Virgil looked at the clock and suddenly shot up.
“Shit, I have to go. I’m sorry. Thanks for the food, Patton.”
“It’s fine. Anytime.” Patton watched him leave with an empty feeling in his stomach.
He didn’t mind his roommate’s odd habits, but sometimes he wished he didn’t always run off.
Patton had to be honest, when Virgil had first told him about his boyfriends, he had been quite shocked.
Not because of the boyfriends, plural. Patton was pretty sure he was polyamorous himself.
No, it was the fact that quiet, shy, reserved Virgil, the guy who Patton had never seen interact with anyone except Patton, had somehow gotten himself not one, but two boyfriends.
And yeah, maybe he did feel a sharp stab of jealousy when Virgil first told him. He wondered how his boyfriends had gotten him to realize they wanted to date him. Patton had been trying to make his feelings clear for months now and was almost convinced Virgil was aromantic.
They must have yelled something along the lines of “We have romantic feelings for you” to get through that thick skull of his.
Patton didn’t resent Virgil for dating them, he was happy for him. Virgil really needed something good in his life.
And now, here he was, cooking up an elaborate meal for Virgil’s boyfriends.
When Virgil had told him about his boyfriends and the fact that they had been going steady for a while, Patton had insisted they come over for dinner sometime.
“I have to make sure they’re not going to break my best friend’s heart.” He had argued.
Virgil had complained at that, but his boyfriends had agreed and a date had been fixed.
Patton had maybe gone a little overboard with the meal. Two curries stewed on the stove and he was just about to throw the homemade falafel into the pan. In the oven, naans he had made from scratch were baking.
He hoped they liked Indian.
Virgil let his boyfriends into the appartement and wow, they were hot.
One of them, the shorter of the two, beamed at him, his smile perfectly blinding, and walked over to him.
“Hello, you must be the charming Patton I’ve heard so much about.” He said with a theatrical bow.
The taller one walked over to them with a more reserved smile.
“I’m Logan and this character here is Roman. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Virgil has told us a lot about you.” He stuck out his hand.
“Really, he has?” Patton felt a warm glow at that knowledge.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you too.” He continued.
“So you’re the one who’s been keeping our Virgil alive?” Roman asked him.
“What?” Patton asked.
“V has a lot of skills, basic self care isn’t one of them.” Roman clarified.
“We’re happy he has such a good friend.” Logan added.
“Well, I’m happy to take care of him. But, yeah, self care isn’t one of his skills.”
“As much as I appreciate you guys bonding, I can take care of myself.” Virgil interjected.
“Debatable.” Logan said.
Roman seemed to have noticed the food bubbling on the stove by now.
“Ooh, indian.” He exclaimed.
“It smells good.” Logan complimented.
“Well, it’s nearly done, so get seated and I’ll bring the food over.”
“You guys are in for a treat. Pat’s the best cook I know.” Virgil informed them.
Patton blushed at the high praise.
“I must say I’m intrigued.” Logan said, while taking a seat at the table.
Patton turned off the stove and added a few leaves of coriander before carrying the dishes over to the table.
“Do you need a hand? It looks like a lot.” Roman offered.
Finally, with Roman’s help, the table was set and they all dug in, dipping their naans into the curries Patton had made.
Roman moaned theatrically.
“God, this is just heavenly.” He praised.
“It’s great Patton.” Virgil offered.
“Yes, it is quite splendid. What spices did you use?” Logan asked him.
“Well, this one has chilli powder...”
“I can taste that.” Virgil grumbled.
“Turmeric, cumin and coriander and the other one has bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and more chilli powder.”
“That’s a lot of spices.” Roman said.
“That’s the secret to Indian cooking, the things they can do with spices is just magical.” Patton replied.
They talked more.
Logan told him he was studying theoretical physics at the university where Virgil also studied.
“Wow, theoretical physics. Isn’t that like black holes and stuff?” Patton asked, intrigued.
“Oh boy, don’t get him started.” Virgil muttered.
Logan paid him no mind.
“That’s one aspect but it’s also so much more. It touches on all aspects of our lives.” With that Logan launched into an impassioned speech about all the things theoretical physics touched on and the different aspects of it.
Patton didn’t understand everything he was going on about, physics hadn’t been his best subject in school, but he enjoyed listening to Logan all the same. He had a way of speaking that drew you in. It was clear he really enjoyed the subject he was studying. Patton felt like he could listen to Logan for hours on end. A glance at the others told him they felt the same way, both of them staring at him with fond expressions.
“I apologise. I was rambling again, I have been told I have a tendency to do that.” Logan cut himself off.
“What? There’s nothing to apologize for, it was really fascinating.”
Logan smiled softly but didn’t go on. An awkward silence fell over the table.
“So!” Patton piped up brightly. “What do you do, Roman?”
“I’m studying to become a nurse actually.”
“Really? cool!”
They chatted about all kinds of things. Roman complained about the amount of things he had to learn. Logan told him it was nothing compared to what he had to study. Virgil lamented about annoying professors. And Patton listened, feeling a little like an intruder but a part of it all the same.
They complemented each other perfectly. Patton had no idea how they had met or what made them such a good team, but it must be something wonderful indeed.
In that moment, Patton wished so fervently he could be a part of it. He barely knew Logan and Roman and yet he could feel himself falling for them even now.
They didn’t seem to mind him being there, roping him into the conversation easily.
Logan smiled at him from across the table and Roman slung an arm over his shoulder, laughing at one of his puns.
Virgil was just getting up to refill the water jug, when an alert on his phone went off. All three of them jumped up.
“We have to leave.” Logan said, looking at his phone.
“Shit, I’m so sorry Patton.” Virgil repeated for what seemed like the thousandth time. It felt like whenever Patton was finally making progress in his relationship, something interrupted.
He didn’t mind the weird habits, he just wished he would let him in on his secrets. Hadn’t he proved his trustworthiness to Virgil?
They left him with the dishes and an empty feeling in his chest.
Roman, Virgil and Logan sat at the dinner table while Patton busied himself in the kitchen, finding comfort in the familiar routine of cooking. A tense silence filled the usually cozy apartment.
“How long have you known?” Logan asked finally.
Patton looked at Virgil when he answered.
“Probably since the first month.”
Virgil stammered. “I thought…”
“You thought what Virgil? That I didn’t notice you sneaking in at five in the morning? That I didn’t notice that whenever you ran off during dinner, Storm was suddenly on the news? That I didn't notice all the cuts and bruises you collected? You thought, what? That I was stupid? Blind? Deaf?” He knew he was being unfair, the others looked tired and miserable and guilty. But all his frustration at being left in the dark for years was bubbling over.
He was so tired of being treated as stupid, of being left behind when the others had to attend to hero bussiness. He was tired of lying awake worrying about them.
Patton returned to chopping the leeks with more force than absolutely necessary.
“We wanted to protect you.” Logan said, guilt colouring his voice.
“I don’t need your protection. I think you saw that tonight.”
“Yes, we were wrong. I realize that now. We apologize”
“I don’t.” Virgil said.
Patton stared at him. “What?”
Virgil stood up and faced him. “I’m sorry about lying to you, but I won’t apologize for trying to protect you. It’s bad enough these two are out on the streets, I don’t need another untrained civilian risking their life.” Virgil gestured at Roman and Logan, who didn’t look happy about being called untrained.
Patton laughed bitterly. “I’m not untrained, that much should be clear. And what makes you so trained then?”
Virgil sighed.
“When I said my parents had other priorities in my upbringing, I meant it. Instead of learning maths and chemistry, I learnt how to fight, how to take down a grown man, how to disappear into the shadows.”
“Why?” Patton asked, he was aware Virgil hadn’t had the most traditional upbringing, but this wasn’t what he had expected.
“I was to be an assassin, but the company we worked for disbanded and my mom decided to give me a normal life.” He explained coldy, it was clear there was more there, but Patton decided now was not the best time to ask.
They were all tired from the events of the evening and Patton really just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep for another week. All his anger at his friends keeping him in the dark had faded, leaving him with just his exhaustion.
He turned back to the quiche he was making, with store bought dough, his mom would be shocked, and slid it into the oven.
“I’m just happy you guys are alright.” He said, extending an olive branch.
“Well, we were lucky our valiant knight in shining armour came to our rescue.” Roman said, his voice lacking his usual flamboyance.
Patton sat down next to Virgil and laid his head on his shoulder. Virgil wrapped his arm around him.
“You guys are lucky I knew where you were.”
“Yeah, how did you do that? Do you have us micro-chipped or something?” Roman questioned.
Patton just smiled mysteriously.
Patton popped his head into their bedroom, where Janus was talking into a phone. Patton listened for a moment as Janus talked to someone in rapid fire French, sounding mildly irritated.
He noticed Patton standing in the doorway and held up a hand signaling he would be done soon. He rolled his eyes and mouthed “Grandmother” at him.
Patton stifled a giggle. Janus’s grandmother was notoriously difficult.
“Oui, oui mémé, je promets.”
He put down the phone with a sigh.
“Why is she like this?” He sighed in exasperation.
Patton wrapped his arms around Janus’s waist and nuzzled into his neck.
“It’s ��cause she loves you, honeybee.”
“Loves to annoy me, more like. Anyways, did you need something, mon cœur ?”
“Yeah, you said you’d help with dinner?”
“Course, give me a minute, I’m coming.”
“I’ll go peel the potatoes.” Patton bounced down the stairs.
On the couch, Logan and Roman were attempting to watch a period drama, keyword, attempting.
They were currently critiquing the costumes in the show, Roman in particular was raving about corsets on bare skin.
Patton smiled, he loved them both very much, but watching a movie or show with them was nearly impossible. They both had trouble keeping their thoughts to themselves.
“Having fun?” He asked as he pressed a kiss to Roman’s forehead.
“Corsets on bare skin, Patton! What is wrong with them?” Roman flung his hands up, nearly knocking Patton’s glasses off.
“Whoops, sorry.” He apologized.
Patton kissed him again and gave Logan a quick side hug.
“You guys enjoy, I’m going to get started on dinner.”
“I highly doubt I will be able to enjoy it, considering all the mistakes in the writing and costuming.” Logan muttered.
Janus joined him in making dinner and together they worked efficiently. Janus was a great cook and a good help in the kitchen. Together, they managed to make something good without getting in each others’ way too much.
Janus put on an old timey jazz song and as the food sizzled on the stove, they slowed gently in the kitchen.
The door opened and Virgil blew in with a gust of cold air. He groaned as he dropped his bag on the floor.
“Everything all right, mon amour?” Janus questioned.
“Just tired, training was hard today.” Virgil sighed.
“Yeah, I see. Go take a shower.” Janus wrinkled his nose.
Virgil made to kiss Janus but he warded him off.
“Go shower first.” He instructed.
“I want a kiss.” Virgil whined.
“I’ll give you a kiss.” Patton said.
“Don’t enable him.” Janus groaned but he pressed a quick kiss to Virgil’s nose.
Patton drew Virgil in for a soft, gentle one and then pushed him in the direction of the shower.
“Go. Food’s nearly done.”
Right on cue, Roman bounced into the kitchen, Logan trailing behind him.
“Food’s ready?” He asked.
“Not yet. Will you guys set the table?” Patton asked.
As busy clattering filled the kitchen, Patton felt a smile slip onto his lips. Janus noticed and wrapped his arms around him.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispered into his ear.
“Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
“Yeah, we really are.” He sighed.
They smiled as Virgil entered the kitchen and promptly got wrapped up in a hug from Roman.
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