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So we built a sink!!! All we needed was a little vision, and some repurposed wood! The 4 x 4 posts came with us from our Bayshore house, they were holding up our apple trees once upon a time. The wood on the front and on the shelf on the bottom came out of a house our friend grew up in and its about 200 years old! That makes this sink super extra special!! All the other wood that was used was scraps of 2x12, 2 x6, and 2x4 from our current dome build m and the sink was purchased from Facebook marketplace! The only thing new is the faucet! 🙂 Hopefully by the end of today we’ll have it in and we might even have some running hot and cold water if all goes well, fingers crossed! #building #fromscratch #diy #repurposed #repurpose #rusticsink #rusticvanity #budgetfriendly #budgetfriendlydecor #offgridliving #indoorplumbing #runningwater #hotwater #fingerscrossed #fingerscrossed🤞 #custom (at The Adirondacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clt_OS8Of3i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jammielambie · 3 months
Fingerscrossed I wake up to the richonne fandom happily posting about our ship.🤞 ☺️🤞
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POV: when you treat yourself to a beautiful piece of jewelry but the box arrives half-destroyed and wrapped in a USPS “we’re sorry about this” bag 😱 I’ll post an unboxing ASAP…we have to find out if there’s anything inside this box!! 😬🙈🤞 #fingerscrossed #vintagejewelry #jewelryloverproblems #uspswoes #diamondsinthelibrary https://instagr.am/reel/CtHHEoGAM7n/
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fake-balenci · 4 months
hopefully they love me #fingerscrossed 🤞🤞
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covenscribe · 2 years
Fingerscrossed the doc appointment goes well and my drains get taken out today 🤞🤞
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thedurantrant · 2 years
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Cabot, our adorably sweet and beloved Nova Scotian Duck Tolling Retriever, is unfortunately, not doing all that well. He has lost the ability to move his back legs and his diagnosis appears to be “Intervertebral Disk Disease” (IVDD). A CT scan will better help conclude this and this will hopefully lead to possible treatments. With that said, regrettably, the odds are not looking all that promising for our special little guy. But we still have our fingers & paws crossed for a paws-itive outcome 🤞🐾 🐶 ❤️#ThatFace #Sweet #Adorable #Cabot #Durant #Dogs #OurPuppy #NSDTR #Ruff #Life #IVDD #FingersCrossed #PawsCrossed #OurSpecialLittleGuy #Heartbroken #Hopeful #Realistic #YYC #VCA #eijtb (at VCA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9jhD8v31F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Astro-<b>Numerologist</b> Sanjay B Jumaani
In 2020 (4), the 13th (4) IPL is being held which will have 53 (8) days of action. #FingersCrossed🤐🤞 #Numerology ... from Google Alert - Numerology https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.facebook.com/sanjaybjumaani333/photos/a.127026540745832/3345238378924616/%3Ftype%3D3&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjcwZDI0MTZhMWNlZTk0ODI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNFULF3e3ww2QaBg-wU7AZDkWO55nw via IFTTT
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@RedweldStables: Best of luck to Paisley Park and team @ELavelleracing tomorrow. Glad to have been chosen to build the home of champions. 🤞🐎🥇 #CheltenhamFestival #CheltenhamFestival2019 #PaisleyPark #RedweldStables #FingersCrossed https://t.co/JnMh5nl8Hx
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genba · 7 years
Im going on a much needed holiday today but its on a gigantic boat so heres to not falling overboard 🤞🤞🤞 . . . . . . . . #art #artist #sketch #sketches #sketchbook #canson #perth #australia #PerthArtist #artwork #traditionalart #instaart #artoninstagram #illustration #monster #permanentmarker #sharpie #ahhh #boat #holiday #fingerscrossed
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geezerwench · 3 years
Oh, my goodness! We have a cantaloupe sighting!
First time I've ever tried to grow one.
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Richie is working hard to get our septic connection to the house! A functional toilet is in our near future!! Fingers crossed 🤞#septic #toilet #offgid #sustainableliving #selfsufficientliving #diy #kubota #fingerscrossed #concretehouse #concretehomes #domehome (at The Adirondacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckv-8-4uJnD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The glue is drying on Flynn's blastia. I still need to add the attachment to the back, and I'm really hoping that E6000 is strong enough to hold it all together, but so far so good! #fingerscrossed🤞 #cosplay #cosplaywip #flynnscifo #tovcosplay #resin #worblasblackart #laserengraving https://www.instagram.com/p/CLXyu3xjmRH/?igshid=es4g8l0t9ief
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expatmichael · 3 years
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I am so excited! I can hardly believe that it’s over in just a few hours. There is not one day in the past 4 years that I didn’t wish he wasn’t the President. My feelings for him almost seemed irrational at times. Because I despised him with every fiber of my being. Thank God that America can turn the page. Even if Biden does absolutely nothing at least he won’t be a crass, narcissistic, hateful ignoramus. I want to believe that Biden is actually going to try and help people not just line his pockets and those of his cronies. He’s nowhere near perfect but at least he won’t be kissing Putin’s ass. Furthermore, At least he won’t be insulting women and picking fights on Twitter. Thank you Georgia for helping make this transition even more effective. #bliss #sohappy #fingerscrossed🤞 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPe2PkDl4Zrk2cPd4W6zOzaMAl84M89ebOw440/?igshid=nzy0r4k5o60j
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mbzmetalsmith · 4 years
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How’s everyone doing out there? What a terrible stressful week! While writing this the #eyesoftheworld ARE WATCHING the US election results (and impending tantrums). Meanwhile, here at casa BZ we have been completely sidelined and distracted by a very frightening #caninehealth scare.... our little #chihuahuamix Piepie was rushed to the #veterinaryhospital on Monday in critical condition... what started a week before as a probable muscle strain transformed on Sunday night into obviously something much more serious. Long story short, she was diagnosed with idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia- and has been being treated with blood transfusions /medications in hospital for the past two days. She’s doing much better now, but not out of the woods yet- however we are hoping to be able to bring her home Friday morning. #fingerscrossed🤞 It all happened super fast, we are thankful that we have access to excellent #veterinarymedicine @vcavalleytucson . HUG YOUR DOGGOS! updates to follow (at Tucson, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHN8mB7B9Mu/?igshid=19vfezkmgvymd
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Who here likes Baklava? It’s my first time making it. Fingers crossed it turns out! #baklava #baking #selftaughtbaker #recipetesting #fingerscrossed🤞 #bakinglove #bakingblog #food (at Barrie, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSwe4XsU_3/?igshid=ar7m4li4nfnu
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don't think Cleveland Clinic left any blood for me....I hope I get a kidney in return. ♥️🤞😷 #kidneytransplant #fingerscrossed🤞 (at Cleveland Clinic Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpIlXZlUf-WNBM_JZh8VpXk6W1O3AtLKMzfns0/?igshid=cp0d60ysy50n
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