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I'm about to head out to go help Joe again but I wanted to share SOMETHING before I went. I WANT you to read the part with stars over and over. HOW CAN YOU NOT!!!? When is the time!? When will you be fed up? When will you matter? A year ago TODAY post down memory lane. 馃憞 I'm a bit harsh sometimes, maybe, I don't know. I speak the truth & it may hurt. I do it out of love!! And I do it because most of my life I didn't listen to those words. Most of my life was miserable. I had tons of pain & surgeries & injuries & weight gain that made me hate any self help advice. You couldn't tell me anything positive & have me believe you. "You don't know me," I thought, how could you give me advice? No one accepts advice until they're ready to hear it. You won't find my words helpful or my struggles inspirational until you've had your fill of your own. You won't take action towards change until you're completely fed up. And I understand. It's hard to do something when your lost. When you have no hope. When you're afraid of never being better. All of those things & so much more are things I have known all too well. How can you take a chance on anything when you feel like that!? 馃専馃専"But I ask, HOW CAN YOU NOT!? There comes a time when you just have to take ACTION instead of over thinking the circumstances & outcomes. Sometimes it takes a leap of Faith & just going for it. Jumping into it without wondering if you'll land on your feet. Can you believe in yourself & something so much in order to be better!? I kinda hope you will. I did & I've come further than I ever thought possible."馃専馃専 #feelshittyorfeelstrong #toughlovemotivator #capable #youareworthit #workout #believe #fitness #living #change #selflove #selfworth #lean #finding_a_better_you_fitness #health #investinyourself #exercise #muscle #love #becomepainfreemovement #letgo #change #fitlife #fearless #workout #happiness #goforit #Faith #healthymovement #coach #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw65EsgDnCi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ft7dm62tkagi
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Not much of a video, because I REALLY didn't want to do my workout today. And I'm still not feeling like my energetic self either. But I am proud that I pushed through. You don't develop strength by giving up, you get it by always giving your all. When hardships come, you don't throw in the towel. When you want to stop, you push harder. Life isn't easy & there are no shortcuts. You either want it or you don't. You can't go half-assed into it & expect to see results. Whether it's working out or eating right, it takes consistency. #consistency #dedication #noshortcuts #cleaneating #pushhardeveryday #strength #giveyourall #results #finding_a_better_you_fitness #makeyourselfproud
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First, FB has been hating me lately. If you have been leaving me any comments on my posts & I have failed to reply, please forgive me!! If you'd like, please send me a personal message & I'll get back to you. I may not tonight as Joe & I are doing what we do every Memorial Day evening, watch the Band Of Brothers series from here on out. It's how we remember the ones who have served in the past & appreciate the ones currently. I wanted to talk about choosing wisely. Tonight my hubby opted for the ice cream sandwich, which I really wanted. While I thought it would be nice, would it be worth it!? Sure it would've tasted like heaven right about now, but I'm sure, afterwards the regret would hit me & I'd hate myself, even if it is an ocassional treat & there's really nothing wrong with it. I won't gain weight from one ice cream sandwich! But since habits are hard to break, I'd like to keep to choosing wisely as often as I can, whenever I can. So, I do a little comparing when I want something. About 170 calories of sugar & fat in this particular ice cream. Any benefits other than tasting great!? Nope! Now my shake, on the other hand, 170 calories add some extra cocoa & iced coffee, you have yourself a delicious, nutritional treat. A no guilt treat. A full of vitamins treat. Full of superfood treat. So much better for you, lasted longer than that ice cream sandwich my husband had too. And that's what I do with all the options out there. I feel better about making the right choices. My body thanks me & my health thanks me. Making better choices doesn't mean not enjoying your choices, but it does mean that I am trying to better my health & life as best as I can. #betterchoices #cleaneating #healthyliving #yum #shake #nutritionalshakes #chocoholic #finding_a_better_you_fitness #bandofbrothers
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Like my video? Bet ya didn't know that I had them kind of powers, sticking to walls while being able to perform my exercises!? 馃槀 Must've recorded sideways yesterday for booty day (hehe). I worked my arms & back today & will get my evening #heartbuttexercises in tonight after I get back home. Hopefully I'm hanging out with my momma today. I almost threw up during my workout. Not because I'm sick, but because I wanted to stop because my muscles burned so bad. The pain of doing anymore reps made me feel nauseous. Your body will fight you A LOT, so will your mind if you allow it to. But your body is far more capable than you think it is. When the cramping starts & your muscles burn, your mind says it's time to quit! That's when changes haopen. By continuing on you're not only changing your body, but your changing your mind, by proving to yourself that it is possible!! Keep going when it feels tough. #feeltheburn #exercise #armday #fitgirls #pushthroughthepain #finding_a_better_you_fitness
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Another late workout. And of course, it requires a little liquid gold energy drink with a few strawberries to make it a bit more, well, pretty. The family had cheeseburgers & corn on the cob, but I didn't want anything that heavy for supper so I ate cod, veggies & a baked potato. Now that I got my workout out of the way, I get to sit down & have my daily nutritional shake & wait for the Yankees to come on. I may get my evening fasciablasting session in after a little while as I do need to work my calves, feet & my arms. But for now, I'm gonna enjoy this shake & read my PD. I strengthened my body today now my mind & my heart. If it's at all possible to change your perception about your life, would you change it!? If you could do anything to be happy & healthy, wouldn't you try everything!? I know my own happiness along with my health are priceless!! Do you feel the same!? I hope so. And if you're ready, I'm waiting on ya, so go ahead & contact me for my next fit group. Registration has begun. #finding_a_better_you_fitness #priceless #workout #health #happy #pd #exercise #getfit #fitmoms #cleaneating #healthyliving #youareworthit #investinyourhealth #energy #nutritionalshakes
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I spent the afternoon working in the garden then fighting nausea. My allergies cause me to get that way sometimes but so does fresh cut grass with wild onions in it. I'm allergic to onions so I wasn't feeling so hot while outdoors. I made some delicious homemade soup. Homemade chicken broth (frozen), blackened chicken breast (sliced), carrots & spinach to help settle my tummy. A late workout calls for a little liquid gold to get me in the mood. You don't always want to work out. Time will always be against you it seems. This is a choice. Do you want to be healthy!? Do you want to be productive with less stress!? Do you want to add years to your life!? Then you have to choose health. You have to choose happiness. I wasn't happy about doing an evening workout, but I knew I'd feel better....finished just in time for the storm. #choosehealth #choosehappiness #workout #exercise #energydrink #stressfreeliving #keepmoving #fitlife #beproductive #lean #muscle #momswholift #tats #piercings #momsoverfourty #fitmomsoverfourty #finding_a_better_you_fitness #cleaneating #healthyliving
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How did you wake up today!? Good mood? Bad mood? Aching? Tired? Stressed? Did someone say something almost immediately to change how good you felt upon waking up? I know, I know. I used to be every one of these things every single morning. And I used to allow it to ruin my entire day, every day. Can you imagine living like that all the time!? It's miserable & honestly, I thought why in the hell do I bother waking up!? But there is a better way. You can choose to allow everything difficult to effect your emotions & your life or you can choose to learn to "flip that switch" & become a happier person. Who's life may not be perfect but will definitely feel like it is because you've chosen happiness. You can let it effect you or change you. You decide how happy or how miserable you want to be. Let's get happy!! #celebratelife #timeflies #time #thankful #happiness #change #choices #fliptheswitch #breathe #letitgo #finding_a_better_you_fitness #decide #youdecide #life
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It sure does feel great to get my weight workout in. I did 30 minute cardio sessions for 3 days because of the festival & being strapped for time. I went ahead & lightened up on the weights just because it has been a few days. You never want to risk injury. Even though I killed those one-handed renegade rows, it was hard to push through after cardio, not eating right, not enough sleep & way too many adult beverages for the past four days. Time to reset!! So hey, did I mention that I'm going to try to lose 10 lbs without losing my booty gains (yikes 馃槵)!!? Who wants to join me!? It's a different kind of program, exercise optional. Say what!! PERFECT for those: Who hate or can't exercise. Tried everything but got discouraged. Completely overwhelmed. Who binge or just can't give up food. And No starving involved! If you're ready to make changes WITHOUT exercising, because exercising is optional, let's get you signed up & do it together. Just give me a shout out, cause I'm looking for those lucky few to join me in this challenge who need to lose weight but just can't get motivated to. Are you ready!? #flexible #flexibleeating #noexercising #mindset #learntoeatright #fooddoesntcontrolyou #workout #weights #strength #lean #nutrition #shakes #exerciseisoptional #woohoo #timetoreset #onehandedrenegaderows #boom #nutrition #finding_a_better_you_fitness #motivation聽
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Positivity & how you think are the keys to success, weight loss & happiness. If you're always thinking about failing, saying it's too hard, knowing you're going to mess up AGAIN, you will. But if you can learn little daily tricks to "flip the switch" in order to see those changes, you'll FINALLY see the results that you've been looking for, the success that you've always wanted, that happiness that you've heard about but never knew could be yours. Change your mindset & finally have the life that you've always wanted. #mindset #fliptheswitch #positivity #happiness #success #weightloss #changestartswithyou #finding_a_better_you_fitness #whatyoutellyourselfyoullbelieve
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I got about a mile walk in my sweat suit just to heat my sore muscles up. I really didn't feel like I got a good sweat going because my head wasn't sweating but when I walked back inside the sweat was dripping out of the arms from my suit. But my feet & calves were still pretty tight so I kept the suit on while I did my workout so I wouldn't fall because I couldn't feel my feet. That's how I broke my tailbone last summer. I definitely got loosened up after a few minutes & completed 45 minutes of my workout then 30 minutes of my blasting session done. I really didn't want to do either today. Just wasn't feeling it, but as I walked outside here to allow my hair to air dry outside, I really felt accomplished & proud of myself. It's not easy to always do things that you know should be done, especially for yourself. You have to always keep your reasons why fresh within your mind. You have to keep reminding yourself of why it's worth it. Hard work does pay off. #hardworkpaysoff #dontgiveup #mindset #exercise #thinkyourselfthin #fitgirls #proud #accomplished #worthit #finding_a_better_you_fitness #swagbag #fasciablaster #selfcare
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I was NEVER the type to think positive. Even as a child I was afraid of pretty much everything. My parents told me that I couldn't because I was too young or too old kept me in a state of fear & I never tried. It's not their fault either, they did what they thought would protect their youngest girl. I never heard anyone tell me that anything was possible as a child either. That with work & dedication, your dreams can come true. You see it on t.v. or read about it in books, but that's not real life. Quite honestly, if you don't believe that anything is possible, whether or not that you can lose weight, whether or not you can have a successful online business, whether or not you can be happy, then you're limiting yourself & your life. Just as I was at one time. There is far too much available to us to not try to have everything that we want. It will take work, it will take changes, it will take time, but isn't it worth it!? If you're questioning things in your life or your health, then I think that you already know the answer. It's time to start believing in yourself. It's time to change. It's time for more. Let me help you get there. #health #happiness #dreams #possibilities #yesyoucan #mindovermatter #believe #getitdone #mindset #exercise #success #mondaymotivation #finding_a_better_you_fitness
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TGIF!! My body has definitely seen many, many changes. I was 140 lbs in the image to the right, it was about a week into coaching last summer. I had already been successful with losing most of my weight, but I kinda hit a plateau. Where things just tapered off. I would lose weight, but I hadn't seen the wanted curves, toning, shredding or building. Sometimes, a lot of times, you need to change things up, otherwise your body gets used to what your doing & you'll get stuck. After stating up as a coach, I had over $6000 worth of workouts, meal plans & all the assistance that I needed to become successful, right at my fingertips, here at home, where I am needed. All for a minimal price. I completed my first program, which is my by far favorite program til this day. I had lost 8 lbs & 15 inches off of my body back then. I was excited!! I have gone down to 123 lbs in between, where I just felt "skinny." Not my thang 馃槣. So, I switched it up again, ate more, lifted heavier & I can now say that I feel AMAZING right back at 140 lbs!! These programs are made to challenge you, to change you, but it won't work unless you do. If you're having issues with figuring out why you can't stick to a program, why you can't lose weight, or just hate exercising in general, then my Think Yourself Thin (getting your mind right) will be starting soon, let's get ya signed up & healthier for summer. #thinkthin #mindset #becomehealthy #health #progress #transformation #exercise #fitlife #weightloss #gains #lean #believe #success #finding_a_better_you_fitness #value #TGIF
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So many people have issues regarding weightloss & food. So many can't or won't exercise. So many lose weight only to regain it right back. Why!? Could it be your mindset!? Without the proper mindset, you will not be successful. If you want to lose weight (happily) so you can keep it off for good, how about trying this new program!? Are you one or more of the following? Battling emotional eating. Feel frustrated that "diets" limit your food intake Overwhelmed with all the weight-loss products & just can't take it all in. Struggle with junk-food cravings. Tried every "diet" & have not been successful in the past. Can't exercise for health reasons or just dread it. Let's simplify things & change how you feel towards food, weightloss & exercise. Message me to get started. $20 off & $10 cash back to the next 3 people who are ready for changes. #combatfoodissues #cravings #controlcravings #notadiet #foodasfuel #lovefood #mindset #lovehaterelationship #stopbinging #getcontrol #emotionaleating #keepitsimple #weightloss #selflove #selfworth #lean #finding_a_better_you_fitness #investinyourself #becomepainfreemovement #change #ifnotnowwhen #getfitwithchristy #fitlife #happiness #gettingfitwithfascia #healthymovement #toughlovemotivator #coach
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It has been a cool morning here, but that natural vitamin D sure did feel good on our skin. Daisy kept me company as I sipped on my morning coffee, took in the pollen infused fresh air & got my morning devotional in. Each day I make sure to practice self improvement of many kinds. I make sure to love our Lord (devotions & praying), love my body & health (exercise & self care), love my mind & heart (personal development & devotionals) & my improve my life (my at home business). I also practice to be more kind where stress may make me moody by just breathing before responding. Because there's always a cause/effect after every incident. However I respond to stress or situation will either cause me to respond positive or negative & therefore will effect the rest of my day & most likely others. Life can be so much easier for us all if we just took the steps to learn how. It isn't difficult, but it does take time. Time that you have to feel is worth losing in order to become better. I don't mind not watching my favorite show (which is minimal these days) & replacing it with a good book or exercise. It's so much more rewarding when you improve your life instead of waste it, so spend your time wisely. #spendyourtimewisely #God #Jesus #breathe #letgo #personaldevopement #Faith #selfimprovement #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself #youareworthit #pets #finding_a_better_you_fitness #naturalvitaminD #dogs #qualitytime #exercise #improveyourlife #coachlife #bossbabes #dailydevotion #read #simplify #Chihuahua
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Thanks to those who responded to my post last week about what your current issues are regarding weightloss & food. Another AMAZING program has launched that will change the way you THINK about food & the entire weightloss process. If you follow any of these categories, then this program is for you. Do you want to lose weight (happily) so you can keep it off for good!? Are you one or more of the following? 馃尲Battling emotional eating. 馃尲Feel frustrated that "diets" limit your food intake 馃尲Overwhelmed with all the weight-loss products & just can't take it all in. 馃尲Struggle with junk-food cravings. 馃尲Tried every "diet" & have not been successful in the past. 馃尲Can't exercise for health reasons or just dread it. Then this new program will teach you how to combat all of these areas & more. Food does NOT have to be the enemy. Weightloss does NOT have to be difficult. Get control over your mind & become successful with your weightloss journey. #combatfoodissues #cravings #controlcravings #notadiet #foodasfuel #lovefood #mindset #lovehaterelationship #stopbinging #getcontrol聽 #emotionaleating #keepitsimple #weightloss #selflove #selfworth #lean #finding_a_better_you_fitness #investinyourself #becomepainfreemovement #change #ifnotnowwhen #getfitwithchristy聽#fitlife #happiness #gettingfitwithfascia #healthymovement #toughlovemotivator #coach
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Boy was I hurting today. That migraine took it's toll on my neck. I had signs for at least a week that one was coming on but I just pushed them aside. I get really tense in my neck & shoulders & my left eyebrow tends to lift in an aggregating way. I usually blast my head, neck & shoulders beginning with my first signs & take a natural anxiety supplement. I could barely move my neck this morning & to top it all, my back is achy as well. So that's why I'm wearing my back brace in the video. I knew the exercises would relax my tense muscles but I couldn't risk injury either. I went slow today but still got my sweat on. A few years ago I would've allowed my pain to keep me in bed or vegging out in my recliner, but I've learned that movement, no matter how small, no matter how slow, is better than none. Working out not only enhances my body, it changes my mind & my LIFE. So how can it be wrong!? #change #selflove #selfworth #lean #finding_a_better_you_fitness #investinyourself #smallactionshugeoutcomes #exercise #pain #becomepainfreemovement #ifnotnowwhen #muscle #getfitwithchristy聽#fitlife #workout #happiness #gettingfitwithfascia #healthymovement #weights #toughlovemotivator #coach #createyourhappiness #fitness #weightloss
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