#financial security now
villainanders · 1 month
Marketing is in many ways the biggest translation of my skills and interests to a job that actually makes money. However I hate corporations and advertising is a blight upon the world and I spend my days at best making the CEO rich while contributing nothing else to society
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
It appears that clerk Jonathan was lowest end of middle class, I was reading about Victorian households and it was talking about how common it was for wives to have a maid, even "...women at the bottom of the middle class: the wives of clerks and schoolteachers."
Good point! I like to imagine that they were waiting until he became a lawyer to get married, in good part for financial reasons; once they get married Mina can't keep her job so he wants to have better pay before then.
Like, they both knew they were in love and wanted to marry for a long time, but Jonathan didn't actually propose until either after the exam or maybe even after he knew he'd passed it. (If the latter it would mean he proposed to Mina just before leaving for Transylvania.)
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firebluewood157 · 2 years
The way that Jim lost his all of his money because his money was in Beam’s account and he knew this when he died and as he sat there he knew he would lose everything. Beam’s family wouldn’t even recognize their relationship and he knew it was a losing fight because their love wasn’t legally recognized. Their love wasn’t legally recognized. They weren’t recognized. The government would rather recognize the greed of family before the adoration of lovers.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 6 months
The issue of power is so interesting (or something) to see because yes, from an economic perspective Taylor undoubtedly has more sway -- she's one of the most famous people on the planet, she's a billionaire, her every move is followed, etc. So I can almost sort of understand the concern, in another scenario, where some people may expect that she could crush her detractors (For instance, I'm thinking about how Harvey W. silenced his victims as a Hollywood mogul, or how corporate titans silence whistleblowers which I feel are analogies some people may turn to. Or maybe we've all just watched too much of the Roys on Succession.)
I said this in the tags of a post the other day I think, but I think some of the discourse is kind of conflating power with platform. And yes, Taylor undoubtedly has a bigger platform, again by virtue of her fame and position in the media/industry. But part of that is that she's visible in these areas, and her presumed subjects aren't, of their own choice. If any of these subjects ever chose to spoke out, or make art based on their experiences, or pursue opportunities in the media/public eye, they would absolutely be given a platform for it. (Going way back, think of how JM used the media to give his side of the story through his music and his interviews after their split. And I'd argue he was probably way more public/direct about it than she ever was.)
If any of these people decided they wanted their side of the story out there, it would be and it would absolutely be turned into a story. (And arguably that may already be starting but that's a whole other thing.) And this is just my opinion, but given that the subjects of these topics are often privileged white men, I'd argue that their sides tend to carry (more) weight regardless of their economic status in relation to her. If JM or JG or JA or HS wrote a book or a song or a script about their experiences, even only insinuating about her, it'd be the conversation. And not to be a cupcake about it, but the media seems to always want to find something to knock her down a peg about (which, sure, journalism's job is to hold people accountable, but that's not what always happens here and we know it), so they would absolutely give this the time of day, if they chose to put anything out there.
The thing is, I do see in a superficial way that there is there is a clear difference in their socioeconomic/celebrity status, and perhaps that's perceived as a power imbalance, but that's implying that she's dictating a whole host of entities out of her control, and I just don't think she holds the sway of those that some feel she does. Don't get me wrong, she's absurdly wealthy and has influence, but so do so many other people around her, including those who don't support her. (That's the wrong word for it, but I just mean, people who aren't in her circle/sympathetic to her.) And as I've posted about so so so many times before, THESE OTHER PEOPLE (men) ARE WEALTHY AND IN THE PUBLIC EYE TOO. They are all in careers that entail celebrity and involve their own influence in the media. These are not shrinking violets in private civil life who are like, grocery store checkout clerks. They're actors and musicians and media personalities who play the same game. And even the "poorest" of these subjects for the most part are millionaires who are far, far wealthier than any of us will ever be in our lifetimes. They may choose to stay off of social media or the press when it suits them, but they could absolutely make art or give interviews about their experiences and they would command their own kind of influence. (I'd also argue that they would be given a platform thanks to Taylor's platform, but that's another thing.)
I don't want to dismiss the influence of her wealth and stature in the entertainment industry, and I feel like that's kind of where the perceived "imbalance" comes from, but to be frank, I feel like if any of these other subjects spoke out, the media would be so quick to raise their stature in the press for the sake of clicks/controversy/what have you. Critics claim that Taylor can crush any story or person who goes against her, but I think given the breadth of stories out there about her at any given time (the NYT op ed, the jet stuff, the DM stuff, etc.) I don't think that's true; I think the publicity/clicks outlets get for covering stuff, even if salacious, outweighs any concerns over upsetting her or burning bridges. (Not saying that may have not happened, but... I think it would be more obvious if it were a regular occurrence these days.) If anything, 2016 through rep kinda proves that she doesn't have the "control" of the media that some claim she does.
But most importantly, THE ALBUM ISN'T OUT YET. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE LYRICS ARE. Taylor gets accused of writing diss tracks, but she rarely does, and I don't think she's written an outright callout song since her Fearless/Speak Now days when she was a teenager/very young adult. Just about everything since Red on has been about her own feelings, experiences, etc. and not a literal "you did x and y and z and you're stupid and i hate you" song. She's not calling people out by name, and truly only chronically online fans are going to deduce who songs are about; five years from now, people discovering the music will just know they're bops (or depressingly sad breakup songs, as the case may be).
I don't know where I'm going with this, i'm talking in circles, it's just interesting how things are being interpreted or assumed so far. I fully acknowledge I'm a cupcake so I'm generally not going to jump to the worst conclusion about Taylor, but there's also curious sociological/gender stuff happening in these conversations. I absolutely think that if the roles were reversed and her exes were billionaire household names and she was an indie artist, nobody would ever talk about power dynamics. I think it's all moot because like so many people have said, I don't think the album is going to be what some think it's going to be, and I think it's going to be way more introspective/vulnerable/dark than what they assume a breakup album is going to be, though obviously I don't know anymore than they do. It's just funny because you never hear about this with other people. (Like, was there a big fuss when Kelly Clarkson wrote a breakup album about her ex-husband? I know she's not as wealthy as Taylor and her ex was probably wealthier than Taylor's exes, but she's someone with sway in the industry and is on TV everyday, but everyone kind of said "lol her ex was a jackass wow she writes sad banger ballads" and moved on.)
Anyway I don't want to start shit or anything, but I'm just giving my two cents about my observations of the whole media landscape stuff.
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devsgames · 7 months
I gotta say after being laid off last year it's now a massive fucking bummer to have to go on strike at the new job after being there for just one (1) month because of management and government decisions that screwed everyone over like 6 years ago.
Like honestly hey uh everyone I get it, I know this is for the Greater Good and all but I've been unemployed for a year because the video games industry I Literally Cannot Afford To Do This Right Now.
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doccywhomst · 8 months
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astriiformes · 1 year
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gwendolinechristie · 4 days
I wuold liek to get married someday 👉👈
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scabbardsystem · 12 days
hahaaa our sister says we need to tell the parents about. school. at some point.
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dreamwinged · 22 days
to be honest i have just been a bit hesistant to make any steps regarding my future because when i was on study abroad earlier this year that was the happiest i’d ever been and i’m pretty sure it’s the happiest i’ll ever be, like in my life at all, so doing anything else just seems so hollow and pointless and sad because having that same lifestyle isnt really possible for me in the future so why bother :/ i dunno…
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kleiner-detektiv · 4 months
Why is it always old friends who evolve the most human-hating worldviews?
Why do people even start to think, just because they were lucky to be born previleged, they could look down on other people and are worth more than the average?!
And why is it always doctors or politicians who are supposed to want to help every human?!
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longlivetv · 3 months
Making a spreadsheet to show myself how far I’ve come financially and good lord I am stressed on behalf of past me looking at my old bank balances
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algolagniaa · 4 months
Abby, dear. Let me impress upon you the position I’m in. We are coming up on ballet season. When I think back to last Thanksgiving I remember the sides, I remember the drinks, I remember the desserts, I remember the plates, I remember the cutlery - but I don’t remember the entree.
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marchlione · 5 months
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Evermore anon, I just reblogged @wavesoutbeingtossed’s brilliant posts of that exact theme! YES something about all of this and the weight of forever, the reality of a a future that forces a person to get truly philosophical about joining together two humans in such a final and intimate ceremony. That introspection can recomtextualize a lot of relationship stuff that maybe felt more symbolic or abstract until it’s Happening.
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sage-nebula · 6 months
I just want to be financially secure and not have to worry about the timing of my bills (especially my mortgage) every month, and yet every time I express this to my father it's "even if you had more money you'd just want more things, it's never enough" like I'm some kind of greed addled monster just because I'm exhausted over stressing about how at least once a month my debit account dips into the low hundreds because my mortgage is one entire paycheck and I just wish my house was either paid off or my mortgage company didn't mysteriously find a DeFiCiEnCy In My EsCrOw every time I got a raise so they could raise my mortgage payment by the same amount. I'm not greedy I'm just acutely aware of how precarious my financial situation is and wish it wasn't that and I'm so upset at being treated like what I want is an extravagant life when the opposite is true. I just want financial security. That's all.
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