#we both just want to be more financially secure and established
gwendolinechristie · 4 days
I wuold liek to get married someday 👉👈
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zoozvie · 1 month
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♡ Levi/gn.Reader ♡ ao3 link ♡
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You cheerfully hummed as you walked around your apartment, keeping busy with cleaning up and organizing the kitchen. It was a pretty lazy day for you two, accomplishing mundane chores that weren’t very important.
“Are you ever going to stop singing that creepy song?” Levi’s flat voice sounded from his chair in the sitting room. He had a book in his lap, but instead, he’d been watching you for the last few minutes with his perfect view into the kitchen.
“It may be weird, but it’s catchy.” You shifted to your other foot, flowing to non-existent music.
“You’re weird.”
Without looking at him, you waved him off, “Whatever.”
More humming filled the air. Harpy hare, where have you buried all your children? You looked over your shoulder discreetly at your boyfriend. Tell me so, I say. 
Your hands wrung a dish towel over and over between them, awkwardly leaning your hip against the cabinets. “So what did we say we’d do regarding marriage?”
Levi paused before he could take a sip of his tea. “Why are you thinking about that?”
“Nothing, no reason. I just wanted to remember what the plan was.”
Levi sighed, sitting back against his seat and placing his tea and book aside. “Well, we both said we’d sign the papers if it made sense legally and financially. And then later on, when we felt secure and ready, we could get ‘emotionally’ married and have a ceremony with a few friends.” His attention was trained on your face, which was purposely facing elsewhere. “Is that right?”
Your head bobbed in agreement, “Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. So we’re just kind of waiting, right?” At his furrowed brows, you continued, “We established from the beginning that we weren’t really into casual dating and wasting our time. Both of us want life partners and to take things seriously.” He nodded. “So we’re just kind of waiting for the benefits to outweigh the potential drawbacks to actually get married, legally and everything…”
“Do you not want that?”
“No, well, I do. It’s just…” you sighed, setting down the towel. Your behavior strongly showcased your anxiety, and Levi reflexively reached out his hand to you, gathering your attention with a small ‘Come here.’
His calm energy pulled you in without a choice. Your hand slid into his, standing before his chair as his thumb stroked your knuckles.
“I guess we won’t have those exciting proposals where it’s a big surprise.” Levi tilts his head to the side curiously when your eyes only look at your hands. 
“Do you want to be surprised with a proposal?”
“No! I mean, the culture around someone begging for their partner to propose and then being disappointed when it isn’t how they wanted or when they wanted it is terrible and unfair to have that job be put on one person in a relationship. It is better when it’s collaborated and communicated.” Your lips pout a bit when you finally look up at him. “Also, I don’t expect you to propose. I could propose to you.”
“I know, dear,” he blew air through his nose in amusement, “We’re equally responsible for each other.”
“Exactly.” Embarrassment fills you once again as you lay it out for him. “But I guess there are appealing parts of a traditional relationship. At least the surprise and excitement of it all. And since we decided from the beginning that we’re in it for the long run, engagement isn’t really anything new or different that needs to be…” 
Levi gently cuts you off: “You can still care about getting engaged. It’s still a title we can decide has importance—as long as, you know, we are the ones who decide that it matters.” His other hand smooths up your arm to pull your shoulder towards him. Always so gentle and kind with you. You end up arranging to sit on the meat of his thigh, on his good leg. He never voiced any bother regarding your proximity.
You bend down to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him close. “I think I’m just tired of calling you my ‘boyfriend’ all the time.” Your voice muffles a bit in his shoulder. “We’re getting old, I feel so juvenile talking like that.”
His smile is beautiful when you lean back to look at him. “Yeah? Look at me; I use a cane. How do you think I feel when everyone assumes my partner is half my age?” You chuckle in amusement along with him. Thankful that he’s gotten over, or gotten better at joking about his physical disabilities and appearance.
“Just call me your fiancé.” He shrugged as if it was the most easy thing in the world.
“I can’t just—Levi, people will ask questions—”
“So what? What do they know about our relationship anyway?” He frowned. Still as cute as ever. “Tell them we’re saving up because I only want to get married once, so it should be a nice gathering ‘cause I know you want that.” Your fingers interlaced with his. “So we don’t know when to have our wedding, but people can be engaged for years without knowing that.”
You hum, “My coworker has been engaged for seven years, has been since she had a kid, but doesn’t have a date for a wedding because, yeah, they want to have proper funds for their house and her daughter’s needs.”
“Right, there’s nothing wrong with that. And I’m sure you’ll get all that surprising proposal excitement from everybody when you start calling me your fiancé.” He paused to study your face closer. “I’ll get you a ring, so don’t worry about that.” 
You pull back, “What? No, you have to do that. It’s the whole point of saving money.”
“I never said it would be expensive. You know I don’t care about that, and I’m glad you value sentimental shit more than money.” You scoff, ‘duh,’ but you are smiling on the inside at his thoughtfulness.
He pulls you back closer to his chest, although with you on his lap, his face rests in the crook of your neck. Like he immediately needed to fix the wrong of separation you created. “Our anniversary is next month. That’ll give us enough time to get whatever symbol of engagement we want,” his injured hand on your back carded through your hair. “Whatever you want.”
Your smile couldn’t help but show with his words. You pressed your face into his hair, trying to get impossibly closer. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Both of you slumped together, backs bound to ache after slouching for so long. But this space was yours, this time was yours, this home was yours. Partners in every way.
You were his, and Levi was yours.
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dividers by saradika-graphics
Self indulgent because this is my exact situation? Yeah.
Harpy Hare has been in my head all week, lol. I wish I could have finished this earlier to kind of fit in with the Levimonth24 post-war marriage day, but oh well.
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saintsenara · 5 months
hi!! for a black family inspired ship ask, i'd love to hear what you think of lucretia/ignatius prewett and dorea/charlus potter
and to keep the silly vibes of the game, alphard/voldemort, walburga/abraxas malfoy, pollux/augusta longbottom, arcturus/horace slughorn
thank you very much for the ask, anon! and for providing me with some ships which require me to do some research!
lucretia black/ignatius prewett dorea black/charlus potter
while i understand the impulse to turn these unions between the blacks and two families who will - in the latter half of the twentieth century, at least - become the biggest blood-traitors going into sexy tales of forbidden love, i suspect that both of these were actually pretty unscandalous matches.
it's very striking in canon that even characters like the weasleys who stridently disavow the more unpleasant bits of blood- and magic-supremacy are susceptible to prejudices against those who aren't pureblood. muriel prewett's disdain for kendra dumbledore connects to her being muggleborn [and she also refers to hermione as "the muggleborn" when she first meets her - it's more polite than "the mudblood", obviously, but it's not great...]. molly weasley is instinctively uncomfortable with many non-magical things [medical treatments, modes of travel] - to an extent that means we have to assume that she doesn't venture into the muggle world without arthur. ron finds harry and hermione's lack of knowledge about the wizarding world vaguely amusing. the whole family - like most of the series' good guys - treat muggles in a way which is paternalistic at best [fudge's condescension towards the muggle prime minister - a man who, in 1996, was working to broker a peace deal in a decades-long sectarian conflict in his own country, and who might have been able to offer some helpful tips in that regard - is a case in point].
all of which is to say, the prewetts and the potters - no matter their more liberal political views - were not still pureblood in the 1930s and 1940s by accident. i'm sure that both dorea and lucretia's marriages were regarded as perfectly sensible ones, to men who came from families which were a little bit odd, but who were otherwise entirely tolerable choices.
[not least because we know the potters weren't poor, even before they earned all that sleakeazy's money, and i think we can also assume the prewetts were also well-off - muriel's entire vibe is giving aunt march sitting on her enormous pot of money while her relatives wait for her to die, and i quite like the idea of molly having gone down a lot in terms of financial security by marrying arthur.]
the other pairings, though...
alphard black/lord voldemort
yeah, i'll back this.
alphard being unmarried, while both his siblings are, is very much giving "confirmed bachelor".
and one of the rules of being a confirmed bachelor in a society with slightly... victorian morals is that you keep your mouth shut about who you meet while cruising in knockturn alley's more sinister establishments.
especially when he's a man who'd kill you if he thought you were yapping about his extracurricular activities...
walburga black/abraxas malfoy
listen, you just know walburga was a bonafide baddie in her day. i bet all the boys were lining up to enter a semi-arranged marriage couched in stifling gender conventions with her.
abraxas fumbled her, i fear, by spending more time on his hair than she did on hers. she wanted to feel the uptown girl fantasy - and he was not making the effort.
pollux black/augusta longbottom
flopping, i fear. despite being an extremely mid-tier specimen, pollux considered himself the sort of man who could attract the sort of woman who'd want to start a tradwife tiktok account and let him control her financially.
augusta, in contrast, was of the opinion that a man who wanted fresh bread baked for him every morning could do that himself.
arcturus black/horace slughorn
canon. i won't explain why.
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mariacallous · 9 months
While the failure to break through Russia’s fortified defensive lines on the southern axis this summer has been disappointing for Kyiv, the news on the diplomatic and political front is far more alarming.
Speaking about the progress of Ukraine’s counteroffensive in early December, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told The Associated Press: “We wanted faster results. From that perspective, unfortunately, we did not achieve the desired results. And this is a fact.”
While Ukraine has achieved some limited successes this year, with results in the Black Sea in the summer and a Kherson-region bridgehead firmly established east of the Dnipro River in the fall, the lack of significant territorial gains is a bitter pill to swallow for Kyiv.
But despite these setbacks, with the final taboos overcome regarding providing the heavy weaponry and long-range missile capabilities needed to win this war, the trajectory of the conflict was still arguably trending in Ukraine’s favor, according to many Western military experts, just as long as the coalition of democratic nation states maintaining Ukraine’s wartime economy held strong and the arms transfers kept arriving.
Winter’s developments, however, paint a far worse picture. Given the immense risks ahead, it is imperative that Kyiv starts preparing now for a future in which that coalition has fragmented.
In Europe, election victories for allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Slovakia’s Robert Fico and the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders have potentially added further blocks on European Union financial and military aid packages. Hungary’s Viktor Orban now has more leverage in his attempts to disrupt the bloc’s Ukraine policy, including holding up a new round of sanctions on Russia and a proposed 50 billion euro ($54.9 billion) aid package, even if his opposition to the EU opening accession talks for Ukraine has been successfully navigated by the bloc.
Orban was previously isolated inside the EU, which overtook the United States as the largest overall donor of aid to Ukraine over the summer. If Wilders manages to form a governing coalition and become prime minister, it could not only imperil the planned transfer of Dutch F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but also become a major threat to future EU aid packages going forward.
Winter has also seen a truck driver protest in Poland and Slovakia, which have been blocking Ukrainian border crossings in a dispute over EU permits for Ukrainian shipping companies, which has in turn impacted the flow of volunteer military aid coming into Ukraine.
While Kyiv will be disappointed by these events, they are not insurmountable. Support for Ukraine remains high in Brussels, and Orban has proved himself capable of relenting on similar packages in the past, leveraging Hungary’s veto in exchange for EU concessions toward Budapest. Individually, member states such as Germany and the Baltic nations also continue to send substantial military aid to Kyiv outside of the structures of the European Union.
The news from the United States, however, is far more bleak. Speaking to reporters on Dec. 4, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan laid out in stark terms that the funds allocated by the government for Ukraine were spent, warning that if Congress did not pass further funding bills, it would impact Ukraine’s ability to defend itself.
“Each week that passes, our ability to fully fund what we feel is necessary to give Ukraine the tools and capacities it needs to both defend its territory and continue to make advances, that gets harder and harder,” Sullivan said.
The White House has been trying to pass a $61.4 billion aid package for Ukraine (part of which would go to replenishing U.S. Defense Department stocks), tied together with a package of aid to Israel and Taiwan, which is being blocked by congressional Republicans in a dispute over the Biden administration’s border policies.
Despite a majority of Republicans supporting increased military aid to Ukraine, bills trying to secure further funding have stalled in both the Senate and the House of Representatives since the caucus of far-right, pro-Trump House Republicans ousted Kevin McCarthy as the speaker of the House of Representatives, replacing him with Ukraine military aid opponent Mike Johnson.
After Johnson was elected speaker, he appeared to walk back his opposition to Ukraine funding, in an apparent bid to win over some of his Reaganite skeptics in the Republican Party. However, he has chosen to try to leverage the urgency of the Biden administration’s Ukraine package to advance the Republicans’ anti-immigration platform.
This is no longer isolated to the House, as even pro-Ukraine senators, such as Lindsey Graham, joined Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in blocking the White House’s security package amid chaotic scenes in the Senate. With Senate Republicans falling in line with the legislative agenda of the House’s hard-right “Freedom Caucus” Republican wing, Ukraine will enter the Christmas period under sustained Russian aerial bombardment with depleted air defense ammunition stocks.
The United States is incapable of replenishing those stocks due to the domestic political wrangling of a small band of hard-line, anti-immigration Republican lawmakers, and Ukrainian civilians will likely die as a result of this amoral legislative obstinance. In Kyiv, where I live, the sense that these conservative lawmakers are willing to recklessly endanger Ukrainian lives for selfish political ends is palpable.
The Biden administration has expressed a willingness to compromise in order to try to break the impasse, but there is no certainty in where these negotiations could go. The size of this aid bill is itself a strategic move. The $61.4 billion package dwarfs any of the previous U.S. aid packages to Ukraine (which as of August 2023 totaled more than $77 billion), representing a more “one and done” approach to meeting Ukraine’s military aid needs for the entirety of 2024 and the remainder of President Joe Biden’s term.
If it passes, there will be no further opportunities in the short term for the Make America Great Again caucus to hold Ukrainian aid to ransom.
But the problems don’t stop there. The United States and Europe have both failed to produce enough artillery ammunition to meet Ukraine’s needs, and this shortfall led to South Korea becoming a larger supplier of artillery ammunition in 2023 than all European nations combined. But Korea’s supplies are not limitless, and U.S. and European production is still not at the levels needed to sustain Ukraine going forward. If this shortfall is not addressed, the consequences could be disastrous.
There are more hopeful signs that these problems are well understood, and that the coalition of nations supporting Ukraine remains committed to the cause in the long term. “Wars develop in phases,” said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in a recent interview with the German public broadcaster ARD in early December. “We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times,” he said.
Everything now points to a long war in Ukraine, although none of this should have been unforeseeable for Western policymakers and defense chiefs. Ukraine’s top military c, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, gave a much-publicized interview with the Economist in November, in which he said “just like in the first world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate.”
These comments, however, despite appearing to create the impression of a public rift between Zaluzhny and Zelensky, are not a concession of defeat from the four-star general. Zaluzhny made clear that he is trying to avoid the kind of grinding attritional warfare that favors Russia’s long-term strategy for wearing Ukraine down.
But a long war also heightens one of the biggest threats. Even if the Biden administration manages to get the new aid package over the line, effectively securing Ukraine’s military funding for 2024, the specter of another presidency for Donald Trump still looms large on the horizon. The polling for Biden less than one year away from an election is deeply concerning, and Trump’s prospects for victory need to be taken seriously, even in the face of his growing legal jeopardy.
A second Trump presidency would imperil not just U.S. democracy, but also the entire global world order, and the consequences for Ukraine could be potentially devastating. Trump’s refusal to commit to continuing to support Ukraine should be setting off alarm bells—not just in Kyiv, but across Europe too, where the greatest impacts from this change of policy would be felt.
Trump’s first impeachment was over his attempt to extort Ukraine to search for compromising material that he could use against Biden in the 2020 election, and there is no reason to believe that Trump has moved on from this. Many in Washington expect that a second Trump presidency will be marked by his desire for revenge against anyone that stood in his way. As the U.S. analyst and author Michael Weiss told me, “Trump’s first impeachment was over Ukraine, and he sees it as an abscess to be lanced. … A Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for Ukraine.”
There are also signs that the Russians are acutely aware of this, and that their strategy in the short-to-medium term is simply to hold out in Ukraine long enough for a Trump presidency to pull the plug on the vital military aid keeping the Ukrainians in the fight. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu recently remarked that the Russians expect the war to last beyond 2025, and in an address to his own propaganda think tank, Putin said that Ukraine would have a “week to live” if Western arms supplies were halted.
Ukraine cannot plan for a war that may extend beyond 2025 without preparing for a potential Trump presidency and all that would entail. The Ukrainian government must prepare for every eventuality, including a White House that is actively hostile toward Kyiv. To his credit, Zelensky appears to have acknowledged this possibility, going as far as inviting Trump to visit Kyiv.
Putin has made it perfectly clear that he sees his war in Ukraine as being part of a wider war that he is waging against the entire West. Western policymakers to take him at his word on this. Putin and his regime have been waging a hybrid war against the West for many years, and he considers his support for European extremists such as Fico, Wilders and France’s Marine Le Pen to be part of that war and part of undermining the Western liberal democratic institutions, such as the EU and NATO, that stand in opposition to Putin’s tyranny.
But there is no single individual on the planet more important to Putin’s global war agenda than his pet authoritarian in Mar-a-Lago.
Moscow’s goals in Ukraine remain unchanged; the Putin regime still maintains maximalist aims in Ukraine and is in this war for the long haul, with the total subjugation of Kyiv as its goal. Putin made his position very clear during his annual news conference. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has also been explicit about this, and Europe should take the ongoing threat that a Trump administration poses to Ukraine seriously. There may well be a potential future in which Europe is forced to carry the burden of Ukraine’s war without its North American ally at the helm of the coalition, or even at the head of the collective defense strategy at the heart of European foreign policy.
Looking forward to 2024, there remains no path to peace in Ukraine without a Russian defeat. Looking beyond 2025, the future of Ukraine as a free and democratic nation-state, and potentially the entire security of Europe, hang in the balance.
This is why Europe, in particular, cannot afford to be complacent in the face of the rising threat of a Trump presidency. Opening EU accession talks for Ukraine is a good start, but until the bloc can match or outperform Russia’s current levels of ammunition production, the tide will start to turn against Ukraine if U.S. leadership on this war continues to falter. The truth is that U.S. leadership on this and on any other pressing international issue cannot be guaranteed.
For Ukraine to stand a chance of victory, its allies must begin preparing for catastrophe now.
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May 3, 2023
MAY 4, 2023
“No one should assume that the Fed can really protect the economy and the financial system and our reputation globally from the damage that [a U.S. default] might inflict,” Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said today. “We shouldn’t even be talking about a world in which the U.S. doesn’t pay its bills. It just shouldn’t be a thing,” he added. Powell commented on the debt ceiling crisis when he was in front of the press to announce an interest rate hike of a quarter of a percentage point intended to reduce inflation further. Interest rate hikes make it more expensive to borrow money, which should cool the economy. At the same time, more expensive borrowing upsets the stock market, which tends to fall after a rate hike, as it did today. Interestingly, while Republicans are blaming Democrats for creating inflation by pumping too much money into the economy through social welfare programs, The Wall Street Journal yesterday embraced the argument that a key factor in inflation has been price gouging by corporations. A piece by Paul Hannon noted that businesses are boosting their profit margins, confident that consumers will blame supply chain issues and higher energy prices rather than the companies padding their profits. Oil giant Shell just announced almost $9.6 billion in profits in the first three months of 2023. But Powell’s management of inflation is a smaller story right now than the debt ceiling. Today, the White House Council of Economic Advisers explained three different scenarios. If the debt ceiling crisis runs right up to the edge of default and is resolved before that default, unemployment would rise by 0.1% and 200,000 jobs would be at risk. A default lasting less than a week would cost 500,000 jobs, creating a 0.3% rise in unemployment. And if the U.S. goes into a longer default, the Council of Economic Advisers says, 8.3 million people will lose their jobs and the stock market will fall by 45%. In every case, economic growth will turn negative. The White House yesterday released a fact sheet outlining the cuts Republicans are demanding before they will agree to raise the debt ceiling. In addition to costing jobs and throwing the nation into a recession, their demands will cut nearly 7,500 rail inspection days, shut down at least 375 air traffic control towers, and cut $5.2 billion from highway infrastructure projects. The cuts will eliminate nearly 200,000 child care slots, cut 1.7 million people from food security programs, and remove rental assistance from nearly 600,000 families. In short, the Republicans’ demands are a way to force the country to accept their vision of the country, one that relies on the markets and private enterprise and slashes government action to provide a basic social safety net, promote infrastructure, regulate business, and protect civil rights. So far, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has stayed out of the fight over raising the debt ceiling, both because he was out of the Senate recovering from a fall, and because he has apparently wanted to let House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) deal with the far-right extremists in the conference while appearing to give establishment Republicans plausible deniability from the extremists’ demands. But Biden is trying to pull McConnell into the negotiations to emphasize that the fight over the debt ceiling is not about him and McCarthy, but a struggle that involves the whole government. While McConnell seems to be trying to hold Senate Republicans apart from the House extremists, a story that has fallen under the radar is that Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the man responsible for the fundraising to get Republicans elected to the U.S. Senate, has endorsed Donald Trump. Daines is in close touch both with Trump and with the wealthiest Republican donors. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) made it clear to Jonathan Swan and Carl Hulse of The New York Times that all the Republicans care about is winning back the majority. “I really don't care what the tactics are,“ he said. Not caring about tactics so long as you are in power might well be a problem for another Republican, former Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker. Senior political reporter for The Daily Beast Roger Sollenberger dropped a story tonight alleging that Walker solicited hundreds of thousands of dollars from a billionaire industrialist who believed he was donating to Walker’s Senate campaign, only to have Walker take the money personally. If this story pans out, it suggests Walker will be in legal trouble for election finance issues.
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Tagged by: @countlessrealities (thank you 💜)
Tagging: @just--a--jinx @arcanescion @independentzaun @gauntlets-shot @saviourofzaun @bioniczaunites @misstantabismuses @perfect-fourth @crowtongued @saviourofzaun and anyone else who wants to do it!
To be honest, I don't really have OTPs ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
I'm very fond of writing Timebomb (Ekko x Jinx) at the moment, and I enjoyed writing ViCait stuff. I'll also allude to Scar x Zihnah on here (Zihnah being the OC I established to be the mother of Scar's daughter that we see he canonically has.)
But I'm more interested in writing style compatibility with rp partners, plot development, and assessing character chemistry on an individual basis, than on pursuing specific ships.
If someone I really vibed the writing style of approached me with an interesting enough idea, even if it was a ship I hadn't considered writing before, I'd give it a go (which is how I ended up with moon/toffee, silco/lachlan and darkling/nikolai rp threads lmao)
That depends on two core factors.
One - how old is the younger character? Are they in their thirties (aka an established, financially independent adult with a good amount of life experience under their belt), or are they eighteen/nineteen (aka barely legal, still learning how to be an adult, likely with not much life experience and likely not financially secure.)
Two - Is it supposed to be written as a wholesome equal partnership, or an exploration of toxic/controlling power dynamics?
I'm not going to be comfortable writing a 19 year old character in a relationship with a 30+ year old character unless my partner agrees that it is supposed to be uncomfortable, and unhealthy, and we are exploring a plot with dark themes. There is an inherent power imbalance for that kind of age difference and that needs to be acknowledged. But I wouldn't bat an eyelid at writing a 35 year old character with a 46 year old character, because both characters have plenty of life experience under their belts and are on more even footing in a general life stage sense.
Once clothes start coming off and/or things move past second base ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
If I'm writing it? Yes. I'm quite selective in general, and if the chemistry isn't there or there isn't a compelling narrative reason for two characters to get together, I'm just not gonna be interested.
By default I prefer writing platonic dynamics over romantic ones, simply because it irritates me when people want to jump straight into writing romantic/nsfw stuff with my characters without any build up or pre-established story. I like to establish a dynamic and get a vibe for how well someone's character portrayal meshes with mine - if there's organic chemistry/tension there, and the other person is also interested, then I'll consider exploring shippy stuff.
Ekko - Powder/Jinx (I'm open to exploring other ships ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯)
Scar - Zihnah (not really looking to ship him with anyone, but for the right AU/if someone pitched a strong enough idea, I'd consider it)
Joel - no one currently
Mylo - no one currently
Yes. Please don't assume I'm going to be down to write shippy stuff with you just because our characters are canonically together/had some tense delicious moments in canon/you personally really ship them. It's polite to ask first, or gauge interest through sending/tagging me in those bold what applies character dynamic memes.
On a general level, I'm pretty ambivalent ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
If I have a specific AU I'm writing with someone, whether it features a ship or not, I'll be quite excited to talk about it and do memes for it, and it makes my day when I receive a notification that my writing partner has replied.
Sometimes I hyperfixate on certain dynamics and I'll write/read a lot of content related to that, but those dynamics don't need to be romantic ships for me to obsess over how interesting they are.
Arcane: Ekko × Powder/Jinx, Vi x Caitlyn, Viktor x Jayce, Caitlyn x Jinx (I have a thing for enemies with sexual tension what can I say 😂)
One - write with me. I'm significantly more receptive to ship with people who I already like writing with, as that gives me the opportunity to evaluate whether our characters have chemistry in their interactions that could be fun to build upon.
Two - ask me! Slide into my DMs with a scenario/plot idea, or send/tag me in one of those shipping interest/character relationship dynamic memes to see what I'm vibing.
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timesofinnovation · 7 days
In a significant boost for cryptocurrency adoption, Ark Labs, a forward-thinking startup focused on enhancing the efficiency of Bitcoin transactions, has successfully secured $2.5 million in pre-seed funding. This impressive funding round was spearheaded by the renowned billionaire investor Tim Draper, known for his investments in tech juggernauts such as SpaceX and Tesla. Other notable participants in this round include Draper Associates, Fulgur Ventures, Axiom Capital, and angel investor Stephen Cole. The investment underscores a growing sentiment among venture capitalists regarding the potential of Bitcoin, particularly in transforming it into a widely accepted payment medium. Although Bitcoin is already recognized as an essential asset class, with substantial trading volumes, experts continue to highlight the necessity for broader use cases to sustain interest and fulfill its potential as a currency. Ark Labs intends to channel the new funds toward expanding its team and refining its technology to facilitate quicker, more cost-effective Bitcoin transactions. Improvements in transaction speed and reducing costs are critical for Bitcoin's viability in day-to-day consumer and business transactions. Currently, the cryptocurrency is often perceived as a speculative investment rather than a practical payment option, which limits its wider acceptance. Tim Draper emphasized the pressing need to establish Bitcoin as a viable medium of exchange for everyday transactions. He stated, "If we want Bitcoin to be adopted widely, we have to work on its usability in day-to-day purchases." Draper's keen interest in Ark Labs illustrates his belief in the startup’s potential to revolutionize Bitcoin payments. This funding reflects a broader trend of established investors directing resources toward Bitcoin, influencing its maturation as an asset class. Traditionally, cryptocurrencies have faced skepticism, particularly concerning their stability and practicality as currencies. However, as more capital streams into innovative solutions like those offered by Ark Labs, the possibility of Bitcoin becoming a mainstream payment option becomes more tangible. In addition to improving transaction efficiency, Ark Labs aims to develop features that enhance user experience and security. Implementing robust security measures is especially crucial given the increasing concerns over cryptocurrency fraud and theft. The startup's efforts could lead to a new generation of Bitcoin transaction systems that are not only faster but also safer, making it attractive not just for tech-savvy individuals but also for businesses hesitant to adopt cryptocurrencies due to safety concerns. This investment round and Ark Labs' upcoming innovations are likely to encourage further adoption of Bitcoin by both consumers and merchants. By developing solutions that simplify the payment process, reducing transaction times, and lowering fees, Ark Labs stands at the forefront of a potential shift in how cryptocurrencies are utilized in everyday commerce. The rise of Bitcoin and the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies in general signal a profound change in the financial landscape. Ark Labs' innovations represent a step toward realizing the full potential of Bitcoin as a functional currency rather than just a digital asset. If successful, Ark Labs could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of payments and contributing to Bitcoin’s journey from a hedge against inflation to a widely accepted form of payment. As society moves towards digital currencies, the work of Ark Labs will be watched closely. Should they fulfill their promises and enhance Bitcoin's usability, they could help attract a larger customer base and potentially redefine the future of money itself. This venture into Bitcoin payment solutions by Ark Labs is representative of a larger bubble of innovation around cryptocurrencies. With both institutional and retail interests on the rise, the coming years can be pivotal
for how cryptocurrency is integrated into everyday transactions and the global economy as a whole.
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jcmarchi · 13 days
OpenAI co-founder's Safe Superintelligence Inc secures $1B
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OpenAI co-founder's Safe Superintelligence Inc secures $1B
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Just three months after its inception, Safe Superintelligence (SSI), a new AI startup founded by OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever, has raised $1 billion in funding. Led by venture capital firms Sequoia and Andreessen Horowitz, the latest investment round values the company at approximately $5 billion, according to a Financial Times report.
Sutskever, who left OpenAI in May this year following a failed attempt to oust CEO Sam Altman, established SSI to develop ‘safe’ AI models. The company’s mission is to create AI systems that are both highly capable and aligned with human interests.
‘We’ve identified a new mountain to climb that is slightly different from what I was working on previously. We’re not trying to go down the same path faster. If you do something different, it becomes possible for you to do something special, Sutskever told the Financial Times.
The substantial funding will be used to acquire computing resources necessary for AI model development and to expand SSI’s current team of 10 employees. The company actively recruits and offers positions in Palo Alto, California, and Tel Aviv, Israel.
With its focus on safety and alignment, SSI’s approach differs from that of other AI companies. Take firms like OpenAI, Anthropic, and Elon Musk’s xAI, which are all developing AI models for various consumer and business applications. SSI, on the other hand, is focusing solely on creating what it calls a ‘straight shot to safe superintelligence’.
Daniel Gross, SSI’s chief executive, emphasised the importance of this focused approach in a statement to Reuters: “It’s important for us to be surrounded by investors who understand, respect and support our mission, which is to make a straight shot to safe superintelligence and in particular to spend a couple of years doing R&D on our product before bringing it to market.”
It is also interesting to point out that despite not having a product yet, the company’s significant valuation and funding highlight the intense interest and investment in safe AI research. This is amid growing concerns about the potential risks associated with increasingly powerful AI systems.
Even Sutskever’s departure from OpenAI was reportedly due to disagreements over the company’s direction and the pace of AI development. At OpenAI, he led the ‘alignment’ team, which focused on ensuring that advanced AI systems would act in humanity’s best interests.
What is clear, however, is that the formation of SSI and its rapid funding success reflect a broader trend in the AI industry towards addressing safety concerns alongside capability advancements. This approach aligns with calls from AI researchers and ethicists for more responsible development of artificial intelligence.
Today, SSI joins a competitive field of well-funded AI companies. OpenAI is reportedly in talks to raise funds at a valuation exceeding $100 billion, while Anthropic and xAI were recently valued at around $20 billion.
However, the crowded market did not dim SSI’s unique focus on safety or its high-profile founding team, both of which have clearly resonated with investors. 
“We are assembling a lean, cracked team of the world’s best engineers and researchers dedicated to focusing on SSI and nothing else. We offer an opportunity to do your life’s work and help solve our age’s most important technical challenge,” the company’s website states.
For now, the company’s progress will be closely watched by both the tech industry and those concerned with the ethical implications of AI development.
See also: OpenAI hit by leadership exodus as three key figures depart
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, ethics
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likita123 · 19 days
Exposed: The Shocking Cybersecurity Challenges Plaguing Healthcare IT
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The healthcare sector is at a crossroads in the current digital era due to both unprecedented cybersecurity threats and technological advancements. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are more susceptible to malicious attacks as a result of their growing reliance on digital technologies to manage patient records and optimize operations. In this blog post, we examine the severe cybersecurity problems that healthcare IT must solve and the reasons that they must be addressed immediately.
The Growing Threat Landscape
Cyberattacks on healthcare institutions are a harsh reality, not just a theoretical risk. The ramifications of these events can be disastrous, ranging from ransomware attacks that stop hospitals from operating to data breaches that expose private patient information. These attacks have become more frequent and sophisticated in recent years, revealing serious weaknesses in antiquated IT infrastructures and insufficient security measures.
Unique Vulnerabilities in Healthcare IT
Healthcare IT, in contrast to other industries, has particular vulnerabilities that make the risk environment worse. The massive amount of sensitive data kept in electronic health records (EHRs) is one of the main causes for concern. These records are highly sought after by cybercriminals who want to use or sell the financial and personal health information they contain on the dark web.
Furthermore, attackers have multiple entry points due to the interconnectedness of healthcare systems, which involve multiple devices and networks sharing information. Hospital networks are seeing an increase in the connectivity of medical devices, including MRI machines and infusion pumps, to enable real-time data collection and monitoring. Although this connectivity improves operational effectiveness and patient care, if these devices are not adequately secured, it also poses new cybersecurity risks.
Compliance and Regulatory Challenges
Healthcare businesses have to juggle a complicated web of laws and rules to ensure patient confidentiality and data security. Tight guidelines are in place to protect patient data, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). For IT departments, however, who are already overburdened with day-to-day operational demands, attaining compliance can be an overwhelming undertaking.
Mitigating the Risks
Addressing cybersecurity challenges in healthcare IT requires a multifaceted approach. First and foremost, healthcare organizations must prioritize cybersecurity awareness and education among staff at all levels. Training programs can empower employees to recognize phishing attempts, avoid malware infections, and follow best practices for safeguarding sensitive information.
Furthermore, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, such as encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits, is crucial for fortifying defenses against potential threats. Investing in advanced threat detection technologies and establishing incident response plans can also help mitigate the impact of cyberattacks and minimize downtime during recovery efforts.
Looking Ahead
As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, so too must its approach to cybersecurity. Proactive measures, including ongoing risk assessments and collaboration with cybersecurity experts, are essential for staying ahead of emerging threats. By prioritizing cybersecurity as a fundamental component of healthcare IT strategy, organizations can safeguard patient data, maintain operational continuity, and uphold the trust of the communities they serve.
In conclusion, while the cybersecurity challenges facing healthcare IT may seem daunting, they are not insurmountable. By recognizing the unique vulnerabilities, adhering to regulatory requirements, and implementing robust security measures, healthcare organizations can strengthen their defenses and protect against potential threats. Together, we can ensure that patient information remains secure and healthcare systems remain resilient in the face of evolving cybersecurity risks.
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beyondlimitz · 22 days
Long-Distance Relationships: Women Over 50 Dating Younger Men
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Love knows no boundaries, be they geographical or generational. In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in romantic dynamics, particularly with women over 50 engaging in relationships with younger men, often those 35 years and older. These relationships, especially when long-distance, present unique challenges and rewards that are worth exploring.
In this blog, we will delve into the dynamics of long-distance relationships where women over 50 are dating younger men. We'll examine the societal perceptions, the psychological and emotional factors involved, the benefits and challenges, and provide insights into how these relationships can thrive despite the distance and age differences.
The Changing Landscape of Love and Relationships
Shifting Societal Norms
For decades, the societal norm favored relationships where men were older than women. However, this norm is gradually eroding as more women, particularly those over 50, are choosing to date younger men. This shift is reflective of broader changes in societal attitudes towards age, gender roles, and relationships.
Women over 50 today are more independent, financially secure, and self-assured than previous generations. They are often at a point in their lives where they know what they want, and they are unafraid to pursue it, even if it means challenging societal expectations. Younger men, on the other hand, may be attracted to the confidence, experience, and stability that older women bring to a relationship.
The Rise of Long-Distance Relationships
Alongside the shift in age dynamics, long-distance relationships have also become more common, thanks in part to advancements in technology. Video calls, instant messaging, and social media have made it easier for couples to stay connected, even when they are miles apart. This has opened the door for relationships that might not have been possible in the past, including those between older women and younger men.
The Appeal of Younger Men
Younger men bring a sense of vitality, energy, and a fresh perspective to relationships, which can be very appealing to women over 50. These women often have the experience and wisdom that comes with age, and they may find the enthusiasm and optimism of younger men refreshing. Additionally, younger men may be more open-minded and less burdened by traditional gender roles, leading to more egalitarian relationships.
Challenges of Long-Distance Relationships
Navigating the Age Gap
One of the most significant challenges in these relationships is the age gap. Although age is just a number, it can bring about differences in life experiences, expectations, and energy levels. In a long-distance relationship, these differences can be magnified, as the lack of physical proximity can make it harder to bridge the gap.
For example, an older woman may be more established in her career or may even be retired, while a younger man may still be in the process of building his career. These differences can lead to mismatched priorities and expectations, which need to be carefully managed to avoid conflict.
Dealing with Societal Judgment
Another challenge is the societal judgment that often accompanies relationships where the woman is significantly older than the man. Despite growing acceptance, there are still people who view these relationships with skepticism or disapproval. This can be particularly challenging in a long-distance relationship, where the couple may already be dealing with the stress of being apart.
Women in these relationships may face criticism or be subjected to stereotypes, such as being labeled a "cougar." Younger men may also encounter negative perceptions, with some people assuming they are only interested in the older woman for financial reasons or because they have "mommy issues." These societal judgments can create additional pressure on the relationship, making it important for both partners to have a strong sense of self and a deep commitment to each other.
Communication Barriers
Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship, but it becomes even more critical in a long-distance relationship. Misunderstandings can easily occur when communication is limited to phone calls, texts, or video chats. The absence of physical presence means that non-verbal cues, which play a significant role in communication, are often missing.
For couples with an age gap, there may also be differences in communication styles. For example, an older woman might prefer more direct and serious conversations, while a younger man might lean towards a more casual or playful communication style. These differences need to be acknowledged and respected to maintain a healthy relationship.
Managing Expectations
Expectations can be a double-edged sword in any relationship, but they can be particularly challenging in long-distance relationships. Each partner may have different expectations regarding the future of the relationship, the frequency of communication, or how often they will visit each other.
In relationships with an age gap, these expectations can become even more complex. An older woman might be looking for stability and long-term commitment, while a younger man might be more focused on personal growth and exploration. It's essential for both partners to openly discuss their expectations and to find common ground to ensure the relationship is fulfilling for both parties.
The Benefits of Long-Distance Relationships
Independence and Personal Growth
One of the key benefits of a long-distance relationship, especially for women over 50, is the opportunity for independence and personal growth. Being in a long-distance relationship allows both partners to maintain their own lives, pursue their own interests, and grow as individuals while still being committed to each other.
For women who have already established their careers, raised families, or navigated other significant life challenges, this independence can be empowering. It allows them to focus on their own needs and desires, without the day-to-day demands of a traditional relationship.
Building a Strong Emotional Connection
Long-distance relationships often require couples to focus more on communication and emotional connection, rather than physical proximity. This can lead to a deeper emotional bond, as both partners need to invest more time and effort into understanding each other's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
For older women, this emotional connection can be incredibly rewarding. It allows them to share their life experiences, wisdom, and perspectives with a younger partner, while also gaining new insights from the younger man's point of view.
Breaking Free from Societal Expectations
Being in a relationship that defies societal norms can be liberating for both partners. Women over 50 who date younger men often report feeling a sense of freedom from the expectations that society places on them. They are no longer confined by the traditional roles of wife, mother, or caregiver, and can instead explore new aspects of their identity and sexuality.
Younger men, too, benefit from breaking free of societal expectations. By choosing to be with an older woman, they challenge the conventional narrative of what relationships should look like, opening themselves up to a broader range of experiences and connections.
The Excitement of the Relationship
Long-distance relationships come with a unique kind of excitement. The anticipation of seeing each other again, the planning of visits, and the thrill of being reunited can keep the relationship fresh and invigorating. For women over 50, who may have experienced the routine and predictability of long-term relationships in the past, this excitement can be a welcome change.
The age difference can also add an element of excitement. Younger men may bring a sense of adventure and spontaneity to the relationship, encouraging their older partners to try new things and step out of their comfort zones.
Making Long-Distance Relationships Work
Open and Honest Communication
The cornerstone of any successful long-distance relationship is open and honest communication. Both partners need to feel comfortable expressing their needs, desires, and concerns without fear of judgment or rejection. This is especially important in relationships with an age gap, where misunderstandings can easily arise.
Regular check-ins, where both partners can discuss how they are feeling about the relationship, are essential. These conversations should cover not just day-to-day matters, but also deeper issues like future plans, commitment levels, and any concerns either partner might have.
Embracing Technology
Technology is a lifeline for long-distance couples. Video calls, instant messaging, and social media are invaluable tools for staying connected. Couples should take advantage of these technologies to maintain regular communication and to share their lives with each other, even from a distance.
For women over 50 who may not be as tech-savvy as their younger partners, it can be helpful to embrace these tools and even learn new skills. Younger men can also play a supportive role by helping their partners navigate technology, making the digital aspect of the relationship a shared experience.
Planning Visits and Future Goals
One of the most important aspects of maintaining a long-distance relationship is planning regular visits. These visits provide an opportunity to reconnect physically and emotionally, and they can help sustain the relationship through periods of separation.
It's also crucial for both partners to have a clear understanding of the long-term goals of the relationship. Are they both looking for a serious commitment? Is there a plan to eventually close the distance and live together? Having these discussions early on can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both partners are on the same page.
Maintaining Independence
While it's important to stay connected, it's equally important for both partners to maintain their independence. Women over 50, in particular, should continue to pursue their own interests, hobbies, and social lives. This independence not only makes the time apart more manageable but also ensures that both partners are bringing their best selves to the relationship.
For younger men, maintaining independence is also key. They should be encouraged to pursue their careers, friendships, and personal goals. This mutual independence helps create a balanced and healthy relationship, where both partners feel fulfilled both individually and together.
Dealing with Societal Pressure
Societal pressure can be a significant challenge for couples in age-gap relationships, especially when they are long-distance. It's important for both partners to develop a thick skin and to focus on their own happiness rather than the opinions of others.
Couples should support each other in dealing with any negative comments or judgment they might encounter. This might involve setting boundaries with family and friends, or simply choosing to ignore unwelcome opinions. What's most important is that both partners feel confident in their relationship
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jonnakeller · 23 days
Crafting a Lasting Legacy: The Power of Multi-Generational Planning and Family Time
In an era where the pace of life seems to accelerate with each passing day, the concept of legacy—what we leave behind for future generations—has taken on new significance. Multi-generational planning, a holistic approach to wealth management and family bonding, is becoming increasingly vital for those who wish to craft a legacy that transcends wealth and encompasses values, traditions, and memories. This article delves into the importance of multi-generational planning and the role of family time in creating a lasting legacy.
The Importance of Multi-Generational Planning
Multi-generational planning goes beyond traditional estate planning. It involves not only the distribution of assets but also the intentional passing down of values, traditions, and life lessons to future generations. This type of planning recognizes that a true legacy is built on more than just financial wealth—it is also about the emotional, cultural, and educational inheritance that shapes a family's identity.
One critical benefit of multi-generational planning is the ability to provide financial security for future generations. By carefully managing and transferring wealth, you can ensure that your children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren have the resources they need to pursue their dreams. This planning often includes setting up trusts, establishing family foundations, and creating investment strategies that align with long-term goals.
However, financial security is just one aspect of a legacy. Equally important is the preservation of family values and traditions. Multi-generational planning allows families to define and pass down the principles that matter most to them, whether it's a strong work ethic, a commitment to Philanthropy, or a deep appreciation for cultural heritage. By involving family members in these discussions, you can create a shared vision that unites generations and strengthens family bonds.
The Role of Family Time in Legacy Building
While financial planning is a critical component of legacy building, the time spent together as a family is just as important. Family time is where the intangible aspects of a legacy—such as values, traditions, and memories—are created and reinforced. It's during these moments that stories are shared, lessons are taught, and bonds are strengthened.
Family time can be simple and inexpensive. The key is to make it meaningful. Regular family dinners, holiday traditions, and even simple activities like playing board games or going for a walk together can have a profound impact. These moments provide opportunities for connection and communication, allowing family members to deepen their relationships and build a sense of unity.
Integrating Legacy and Family Time
To effectively integrate legacy building and family time, it's essential to be intentional about both. Here are some strategies to help you craft a lasting legacy while making the most of your time together as a family:
Create a Family Mission Statement
A family mission statement is a powerful tool for defining your family's values and goals. It serves as a guiding principle for decision-making and helps keep everyone aligned with the legacy you want to build. Involve all family members in the creation of this statement to ensure that it reflects the family's collective vision.
Schedule Regular Family Meetings
Regular family meetings provide a forum for discussing important topics, such as financial planning, family traditions, and future goals. These meetings can be formal or informal, depending on your family's preferences. The key is to create a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
Celebrate Milestones Together
Celebrating milestones—such as birthdays, anniversaries, and achievements—is a meaningful way to honor family members and reinforce the bonds that hold you together. These celebrations also provide an opportunity to reflect on your family's journey and the legacy you are building.
Engage in Philanthropy as a Family
Philanthropy is a meaningful way to pass down values and create a lasting impact on the community. Whether it's volunteering together, donating to causes that align with your family's mission, or setting up a family foundation, giving back as a family can be a powerful way to strengthen bonds and build a legacy of generosity.
Document Your Family's Story
One of the most valuable legacies you can leave behind is your family's story. Take the time to document your family's history, including significant events, traditions, and personal anecdotes. This can be done through written memoirs, photo albums, or even video recordings. Preserving these stories ensures that future generations have a connection to their roots and a sense of where they came from.
Preparing the Next Generation
Part of multi-generational planning involves preparing the next generation to manage the family legacy. This preparation includes financial education, leadership development, and instilling a sense of stewardship. By equipping younger family members with the knowledge and skills they need, you can ensure that your legacy is preserved and continued.
Encourage open communication about financial matters and involve the next generation in decision-making processes. This involvement not only helps them learn but also gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Mentorship from older family members can also be invaluable in guiding younger generations and helping them navigate challenges.
Crafting a lasting legacy requires a thoughtful approach to both financial planning and family time. By integrating these two elements, you can build a foundation that supports your family's future while preserving the values and traditions that define who you are. Remember, a true legacy is not just about the wealth you leave behind but also the love, wisdom, and memories that endure through the generations. By investing in multi-generational planning and making time for family, you can create a legacy that will be cherished for years to come.
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wingedfiretriumph · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Paypal Accounts
B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts can boost your online transactions' security and efficiency. Verified accounts offer enhanced trustworthiness and fewer limitations. 
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
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Online businesses and freelancers require reliable payment solutions for global transactions; verified PayPal accounts provide that reliability. With verification, PayPal confirms that an account's information is accurate and in compliance with their policies, reducing the risk of payment holds and limitations on sending or receiving money. 
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 The Importance Of Paypal Verification
Verified PayPal accounts convey trust and reliability. Complete verification of a PayPal account involves linking and confirming a bank account or credit card, which establishes credibility with both PayPal and potential customers. This process is essential for those who want to use PayPal as a key business tool.
Boosting Trust With Verified Status
Trust in online transactions is paramount. A verified PayPal status signals to customers that you are recognized as a trusted seller or B-u-yer. It tells customers that PayPal has confirmed your identity. This little checkmark can be the key to securing more transactions and growing your business.
Limits And Features Of Unverified Vs. Verified Accounts
Differences between unverified and verified PayPal accounts are significant:
Account Type
Sending Limits
Withdrawal Limits
Basic transactions
No limit
Full access to features
Higher sending and no withdrawal limits empower verified account holders with full access to PayPal's features, facilitating smoother and larger transactions.
Why People Seek Verified Paypal Accounts
Many opt for verified PayPal accounts to unlock its full potential. A verified status offers enhanced trust and capabilities. Users can lift various restrictions, making their online transactions smoother and more reliable. Let's delve into specifics.
Immediate Access To Full Features
Verified PayPal accounts provide immediate access to all features. Users enjoy seamless online payments, quicker checkouts, and easier fund management. This access is crucial for both personal use and business transactions. Here are the benefits:
No waiting for feature availabilities
Instant use of PayPal’s comprehensive services
Enhanced security for peace of mind
Navigating Transaction Limits
With verification, PayPal lifts limits on sending and receiving money. This means users conduct high-volume transactions without interruptions. Here's a glance at the advantages:
Before Verification
After Verification
Limited sending amount
Increased sending limits
Monthly withdrawal cap
Higher withdrawal ceilings
Verified accounts offer a smooth financial journey. They enable users to transact large amounts for both personal and business growth.
Risks Associated With B-u-ying Accounts
Navigating the murky waters of B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts can lead to choppy seas. Risks are real and consequences severe. This discussion will help you understand what's at stake.
Legal Consequences
Unpacking the legal suitcase, we find it's overpacked with complications. PayPal's terms of service state clearly: No account transfers allowed. Here's what could happen:
Immediate Account Suspension: Say goodbye to funds and features.
Potential Lawsuits: Risk a legal battle with PayPal.
Blacklisting: Future accounts could vanish into thin air.
Account Security Concerns
Imagine waking to a nightmare of hijacked accounts. Here's the security lowdown:
Password Pranks: Sellers can regain control, locking you out.
Fraud Alerts: Suspicious activity? Account may face lockdown.
Data Leaks: Personal info could take a public stroll.
Fact is, your financial health could take a hit. Think long-term, play it safe.
Steps To Verify Your Own Paypal Account
Getting your PayPal account verified enhances trust and unlocks additional features. It's easy to do. Follow these steps to add credibility to your digital wallet.
Linking Bank Accounts And Credit Cards
Begin by linking your bank and card. This step ties your financial sources to PayPal. You can then make payments and receive money.
Log into your PayPal account.
Click 'Wallet' at the top of the page.
Select 'Link a bank' or 'Link a credit card'.
Enter your details and hit 'Link Card/Bank'.
PayPal will make two small deposits into your bank account.
Check your bank statement in 2-3 days.
Return to PayPal and enter the deposit amounts.
This process verifies your linked sources.
Confirming Personal Information
Next, confirm your personal information. PayPal requires proof you are who you say you are.
Provide your full legal name.
Share your address exactly as it appears on bills or bank statements.
Submit your date of birth.
Enter your taxpayer identification number.
PayPal will review your information. They may ask for additional proof. This could be a photo ID or a utility bill.
The Market For Verified Paypal Accounts
The digital era has seen a surge in demand for verified PayPal accounts. These accounts are essential for secure online transactions. They are crucial for businesses and freelancers. The market for these accounts has grown rapidly. It caters to those needing immediate access without the wait for verification.
Online Platforms And Forums
Various online platforms offer verified PayPal accounts for sale. Interested B-u-yers must tread cautiously. Not all sellers are trustworthy. Forums dedicated to digital services are hotspots for these transactions. They are often frequented by both B-u-yers and sellers.
Secure marketplaces exist and provide B-u-yer protection.
Private sellers can be found in niche forums and groups.
Pricing Structures Explained
Verified PayPal accounts come at different prices. The cost depends on several factors. These include account age, transaction history, and available balance. Let's break down the common pricing structures.
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified Account
$30 - $50
Business Verified Account
$100 - $150
Seasoned Account with History
$200 - $500+
Look for sellers that offer after-sale support. Check for reviews or testimonials for additional safety. Understand the terms before purchasing. Always use secure payment methods for the transaction.
Understanding Paypal's Policies
PayPal stands out as a leader in online payment solutions. Its robust platform offers users the ability to send and receive funds with ease. However, the integrity of its system relies on strict adherence to its policies. Comprehending these policies is crucial when you consider B-u-ying a verified PayPal account. Let's delve into the terms and conditions to ensure smooth financial transactions.
Terms Of Service Agreements
Terms govern your PayPal account usage. These legal agreements are necessary to understand before you proceed with any PayPal-related decision. Below is a breakdown of key highlights from PayPal's terms:
Account Setup: information must be accurate and truthful.
Transaction Limits: these may apply depending on your account type.
Usage Restrictions: PayPal outlines activities that are prohibited.
Violating these terms can lead to restrictions on your account. It's essential to review these terms thoroughly. A link to the full agreement is typically available at PayPal's footer on their homepage.
Consequences Of Policy Violations
Non-compliance with PayPal's policies can trigger significant consequences. Actions taken by PayPal may include:
Account Limitations: temporary restrictions on sending or withdrawing funds.
Frozen Funds: PayPal may hold your balance due to suspicious activity.
Account Closure: severe or repeated violations can result in permanent closure.
Prevention is better than remediation. Familiarize yourself with the causes of these penalties to avoid pitfalls.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Stepping into online transactions may tempt you to B-u-y verified PayPal accounts. Yet, legitimate, safe options exist that keep you within PayPal's terms and offer comparable convenience. Let's delve into secure alternatives to B-u-ying verified accounts.
Using Prepaid Cards
Using Prepaid Cards
Prepaid cards offer a straightforward solution to those needing a PayPal account without the hassle of verification.
Purchase a prepaid card from a trusted retailer.
Attach the card to your PayPal account.
Keep track of the balance for seamless transactions.
Various prepaid options exist with features like reloadability and minimal fees, making them smart choices for savvy online spenders.
Exploring Other Payment Processors
Exploring Other Payment Processors
Seeking alternatives to PayPal opens a world of possibilities. Numerous platforms offer varied features tailored to different needs.
Developer-friendly with robust API
Low-cost international transfers
Simple peer-to-peer transactions
Research each processor's terms to find your perfect fit, keeping in mind ease of use, fees, and security features.
Spotting Scams In Account Sales
Shopping for verified PayPal accounts? Be savvy and spot scam signs. Learn about usual tricks in account sales. Stay safe and informed. Let's dive in and learn how to spot scams effectively.
Red Flags And Warning Signs
Too Good to Be True Prices: Rock-bottom prices signal scams.
Sketchy Payment Methods: If sellers avoid PayPal, be wary.
No History or Feedback: Trust sellers with track records.
Vague Descriptions: Clear account details show legitimacy.
Rushed Sales: Scammers pressure quick decisions.
Listen to instincts. They warn you. Check each account sale with care.
Protecting Yourself From Fraud
Security is priority. Keep transactions safe. Use steps below:
Research the Seller: Good sellers have positive feedback and history.
Secure Websites Only: Ensure the URL begins with 'https://'.
Use Reputable Platforms: B-u-y from known, secure marketplaces.
Documentation is Key: Legitimate sales have proper paperwork.
Payment Escrow: This protects your funds until service is verified.
Follow these steps. Avoid scams. Secure a genuine verified PayPal account.
The Role Of Account Verification In Fraud Prevention
The digital world thrives on trust and security, where verifying user accounts stands as a critical shield against fraud. Account verification is not just a formality; it's a robust barrier to safeguard users. When it comes to financial transactions, platforms like PayPal prioritize user safety by implementing strict verification protocols. These protocols ensure that only genuine users can carry out transactions.
How Verification Deters Scammers
Verified PayPal accounts are like badges of trust. PayPal uses various methods to confirm an account holder's identity. This process helps to filter out potential scammers who often avoid platforms where they must provide concrete evidence of their authenticity. Verification acts as a deterrent for those with malicious intent, making it significantly harder for them to operate under false pretenses.
Document checks prevent anonymous usage.
Linking of bank accounts secures user identity.
Phone and email confirmations add extra layers of security.
Paypal's Measures To Protect Users
PayPal's commitment to user safety manifests in a multi-layer defense system. Verified accounts undergo a meticulous security check process. This provides a safe space for online financial engagements.
Security Feature
Two-factor Authentication
Ensures user logins are guarded
End-to-end Encryption
Secures transaction details
Fraud Monitoring
Continuously checks for suspicious activity
Not only does PayPal fortify user accounts, but it also educates users on safety practices. By understanding the importance of verification, users become active participants in creating a fraud-resistant community. 
Testimonials And Stories
Stories shape our thoughts. When eyeing verified PayPal accounts, testimonials tell much. They offer peeks into real-world outcomes, from wins to woes.
Success And Horror Stories
Success tales inspire. Meet Jane. She snagged a verified PayPal account. Smile-wide, she recounts seamless transactions and broadened business horizons. Bullet-proof confidence in online dealings, she beams.
Yet, mishaps lurk. A horror story surfaced – Tom’s account, albeit verified, got frozen. A click, a slight mishap, and weeks spent untangling digital knots. Arduous hours and calls, a cautionary tale of vigilance and the fine print.
Quick transactions turned profits for Jane
Unexpected freezes pained Tom’s business
Learning From Others' Experiences
Peers' experiences are gold mines. A table of stories reveals patterns. It's about lessons without first-hand risks.
Simple setup, no glitches
Follow verification steps closely
Account flagged, payment on hold
Keep all business info transparent
Take cues. Aim like Emily; steer clear like Luke. Advance informed, with risks calculated. Balance the scales of e-commerce with wisdom from community chronicles.
Paypal And E-commerce
PayPal stands as a pivotal pillar in the e-commerce world. It bridges the gap between consumers and products. Seamless, secure transactions define modern-day online shopping. A verified PayPal account guarantees trust and reliability, both crucial for online sellers and marketplaces.
The Necessity Of Verified Accounts For Sellers
Sellers require verified PayPal accounts to ensure a smooth business operation. The verification badge serves as a sign of authenticity and boosts B-u-yer confidence. Unverified accounts risk transaction limitations and potential business disruptions. Verified status unlocks:
No withdrawal cap
Increase in credibility
Fewer transaction disputes
Enhanced account security
Impact On Customer Satisfaction
Note: Consider using icons or images from the theme to enhance visual appeal for 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down'.
Customer satisfaction in e-commerce relies on the assurance of safe payments. Verified accounts contribute to this assurance significantly. They offer:
Quick transactions
Positive user experience
Better protection
Trust build-up
Effortless refunds
Satisfied customers
Global reach
Broadened market scope
Thus, a verified PayPal account is not just a necessity, but a cornerstone for thriving in the competitive landscape of e-commerce.
Technicalities Of Transferring Ownership
When you B-u-y a verified PayPal account, understanding how to legally transfer ownership is key. This involves changing personal details. You must also prepare for any disputes or claims. Let’s delve into the technical steps to ensure a smooth transition.
Change Of Personal Details
Update Email: Replace the previous owner's email with yours. Use PayPal's account settings.
Reset Password: Create a new, strong password for security.
Change Contact Information: Edit the phone number and address under the profile section.
Bank Information: Link your bank account or credit card to the PayPal account.
Dealing With Disputes And Claims
Check Resolution Center: Review any open issues before transferring.
Resolve Pending Disputes: Address any active disputes to clear account status.
New Owner Verification: Provide necessary documents to PayPal to verify the new ownership.
Contact Support: If issues arise, reaching out to PayPal support is essential.
Preparing For Long-term Use
Having a verified PayPal account is crucial for smooth online transactions. Yet, it needs care like a garden. Here's how to prepare for the long haul.
Maintaining Account Health
To keep your account fit, regular check-ups are key. Here's how you do it:
Update personal info: Change outdated details fast.
Secure log-ins: Use strong passwords and change them often.
Monitor activity: Check transactions daily. Spot issues early.
Link a bank: Attach a bank account for a safety net.
Avoiding Limitations And Bans
Staying under the radar prevents trouble. Follow these steps:
Read rules: Know what's allowed. Stick to it.
Speak up: Contact support if something seems off.
Go slow: Don’t rush big money moves. It raises flags.
Be honest: Provide real info always. Fakes lead to falls.
The Ethics Of B-u-ying And Selling Accounts
The Ethics of B-u-ying and Selling Accounts spark lively debate. Opinions vary widely.
Moral Considerations
Trust and honesty are pillars of online commerce.
B-u-ying validated PayPal accounts blurs these lines, raising ethical questions.
Is it fair to bypass account creation rules?
Does it impact users unknowingly?
Industry Perspectives On Account Trading
View on Account Trading
Financial Services
Critical due to security risks.
E-commerce Platforms
Against, to maintain user trust.
Legal Perspectives
Limited by regulations and laws.
Future Of Online Payments And Verifications
The digital payment landscape constantly evolves, offering greater convenience and security. Verified PayPal accounts signify this shift, ensuring safer transactions in the e-commerce world. Understanding the future of online payments and verifications is crucial for both consumers and merchants aimed at staying ahead in the digital economy.
Trends In Digital Wallets
As transactions move online, digital wallets have become the backbone of e-commerce. These platforms offer speedy checkouts and robust security, transforming how we think about money.
Mobile-First Approach: Integration with smartphones for on-the-go access.
Crypto-Compatible: Wallets now support cryptocurrencies, broadening usage.
Loyalty Integration: Users earn rewards directly through their digital wallets.
Innovations In User Verification
User verification processes are now more sophisticated to combat fraud. Verified PayPal accounts are a testament to the robust methods in place. The following are at the forefront:
Biometric Security: Fingerprint and facial recognition to ensure user authenticity.
Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords.
AI Monitoring: Intelligent systems detect and prevent unauthorized access.
Frequently Asked Questions For B-u-y Verified Paypal Accounts
 Are Verified Paypal Accounts Safe To B-u-y?
 Verified PayPal accounts are generally considered safer due to identity confirmation. However, purchasing accounts from third parties is risky and against PayPal's terms of service. It can lead to account suspensions or legal issues.
What Benefits Do Verified Paypal Accounts Offer?
 Verified PayPal accounts offer increased trust and credibility with B-u-yers and sellers, higher transaction limits, and reduced chances of payments being held. They also provide a more seamless and secure transactional experience on the platform. 
How Can I Verify My Own Paypal Account? 
To verify your own PayPal account, link it to a bank account or credit card, and confirm the details. PayPal will make two small deposits, and you must enter those amounts on PayPal's website for verification.
 Can I Get Banned For B-u-ying A Paypal Account? 
Yes, B-u-ying or selling PayPal accounts violates PayPal's User Agreement. Engaging in this activity can lead to permanent account bans and legal actions by PayPal.
 Navigating the digital landscape requires reliable financial tools. A verified PayPal account becomes that trusted companion for seamless transactions. Whether you're expanding your e-commerce reach or ensuring smooth freelance payments, the decision to purchase a verified account can set the foundation for hassle-free online business. 
Embrace the security and convenience this choice offers and set sail toward your digital success with confidence.
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biblenewsprophecy · 1 month
NM: US Races to Forge Mideast Peace Deal as Iran Attack Looms
NewsMax reported the following:
US Races to Forge Mideast Peace Deal as Iran Attack Looms
13 August 2024 08:03 PM EDT
The Biden administration is sending three top officials to the Middle East this week in an 11th-hour effort to salvage a peace agreement between Israel and Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists.
White House Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk is set to go to Egypt and U.S. special envoy Amos Hochstein is heading to Lebanon, where they are expected to help overcome obstacles to a deal, … Negotiations between Israel and Hamas have stalled for months, but the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar last week called on them to resume talks in a summit Thursday, promising to present their own proposals, …
The region is bracing for a possible direct Iranian attack on Israel in retaliation for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on July 31 in Tehran. …
“We want everybody to show up on Thursday and roll up their sleeves and get down to work,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/u-s-israel-hamas/2024/08/13/id/1176402/
Hamas has said no to meeting to discuss such a deal:
14 August 2024
Hamas to stay out of Gaza truce talks
The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas said on Wednesday it would not take part in a new round of Gaza ceasefire talks slated for Thursday in Qatar, dimming hopes for a negotiated truce that Iranian sources say could hold back an Iranian attack on Israel.
The US has said it expects indirect talks to go ahead as planned in Qatar’s capital Doha on Thursday, and that a ceasefire agreement was still possible, Reuters reported. …
“Hamas is committed to the proposal presented to it on 2 July, which is based on the UN security council resolution and the Biden speech and the movement is prepared to immediately begin discussion over a mechanism to implement it,” senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters.
“Going to new negotiation allows the occupation to impose new conditions and employ the maze of negotiation to conduct more massacres,” he added. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/aug/14/israel-gaza-war-live-us-arms-sales-israel-iran
The Biden-Harris Administration desperately wants at least some type of cease-fire agreement before the November 2024 US presidential election.
Yet, EU has more credibility with the Palestinians than the USA does.
Consider also the following:
The EU and the Middle East Peace Process
The EU firmly believes that only a negotiated political agreement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict offers a chance of security and peace for all.
We reaffirm our commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the two state solution, with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign, and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition, and with Jerusalem serving as the future capital of both states. For this purpose, the EU is active in the Middle East Peace Process.
Since 7 October 2023, the EU has increased its political efforts to end the conflict in the Middle East. Through these diplomatic efforts, the EEAS continues to build relations with both sides involved.  05/02/24 https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/eu-and-middle-east-peace-process_en
The establishment of a Palestinian state is “the only route to peace” in the Middle East, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has said as his country announced formal recognition, alongside Norway and Ireland. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/28/palestinian-state-the-only-route-to-peace-says-spanish-pm
European support for Palestinians aimed at fostering peace with Israel has been commendable. The financial investment from the international community, especially the EU, has exceeded €100 billion. 07/06/24 https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-809027#google_vignette
The EU, along with various Arab nations, like Saudi Arabia have also made it clear that they want a “two-state solution”:
January 22, 2024
JERUSALEM (AP) — Saudi Arabia’s top diplomat said the kingdom will not normalize relations with Israel or contribute to Gaza’s reconstruction without a credible path to a Palestinian state — a nonstarter for Israel’s government. …
Before the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel that triggered the war, the U.S. had been trying to broker a landmark agreement in which Saudi Arabia would normalize relations with Israel in exchange for U.S. security guarantees, aid in establishing a civilian nuclear program and progress toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In September, Netanyahu had said Israel was on “the cusp” of such a deal.  https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/saudi-arabia-wont-normalize-israel-relations-without-palestinian-state-plan-top-diplomat-says
But that deal did not happen happen in 2023 nor has it happened in 2024.
Regarding the Saudi Arabian – Israeli prospect for peace in the Middle East in 2023, about four weeks before Hamas’ attack, I warned that the talks between the USA and Saudi Arabia were:
interesting, though a regional war in the Middle East, probably also involving Syria and Iran may need to take place first (cf. Isaiah 22:6-9). (Thiel B. Is a Middle East peace deal brewing? COGwriter, September 11, 2023)
As it turns out, the Bible itself shows that the time will come when there will be a temporary ‘peace deal’ (see the article The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27).
The Bible shows that a European leader will be involved in confirming the coming, prophesied deal of Daniel 9:26-27, which states:
26 And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate (Daniel 9:26-27).
The “prince” is a European leader who is later called the King of the North in Daniel 11:40. The ‘one week’ has generally been understood by prophecy watchers to mean a seven year deal, that is broken in the middle of it (after 3 1/2 years). This break is also confirmed in the following scripture:
31 And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation. (Daniel 11:31)
The “him” is the European King of the North–he was the one who was the prince who confirmed the deal.
One way to show Daniel is referring to a European kingdom is to realize that it was the people of the Roman Empire of the 1st century that fulfilled the portion of Daniel 9:26 as they destroyed the city (Jerusalem) in 70 A.D. Jewish sources, while not understanding all of this, also agree that it was Roman sources that destroyed the city and sanctuary as the following demonstrates:
“The people of the prince will come and destroy the city and the Sanctuary” Daniel 9:26, refers to the Roman legions of Vespasian and Titus, who destroyed Jerusalem. (Daniel 9 – A True Biblical Interpretation. Jews for Judaism. https://jewsforjudaism.org/knowledge/articles/answers/jewish-polemics/texts/daniel-9-a-true-biblical-interpretation/ accessed 07/30/16)
In the 21st century, the European Union includes much of the land and peoples that were part of the ancient Roman Empire. And it is the “prince” coming from that people that verse 27 of Daniel 9 is referring to. Thus, this prophecy tells us that a lower level European leader will somewhat officially start to rise up about 3 1/2 years before the great tribulation (and yes, according to Jesus, some “tribulation” does happen prior to the start of the Great Tribulation). Another is the fact that the “beast of the sea” of Revelation 13:1 fits with the beasts from the “great sea” of Daniel 7:2–and that sea is the Mediterranean Sea according to the Old Testament. Hence a power in Europe the only region that could have an empire geographically like the old Roman one (for more details, please see Europa, the Beast, and the Book of Revelation).
Now, regarding false peace, this same beast leader will be involved in that in several ways. Here are a couple of scriptures pointing to that:
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (Daniel 8:25, KJV).
23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. 24 He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time. (Daniel 11:23-24, NKJV)
So this leader gives people the impression that there will be “peace” and is involved in some type of deal. This is the same leader that confirms the covenant in Daniel 9:27. The term is translated as “peace” in Daniel 8:25 is from the Hebrew term shalvah and essentially means security. In other words, this leader will destroy “many” who are under the impression that they are secure because of some type of security and/or trade arrangement. Such arrangements are now commonly referred to as peace deals or treaties. Land swaps or changes to territories are likely.
He also will make a lying deal with an Arabic leader that the Bible calls the King of the South per Daniel 11:27.
Isaiah was inspired to write:
8 The way of peace they do not know … (Isaiah 59:8, ESV)
While the “two-state solution” is not going to bring lasting peace, something like that may happen with the coming peace deal. Perhaps after a major attack by Iran (cf. Isaiah 22:6-9).
Yet, notice also that the Bible says:
3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
So, yes, the current Hamas-Israel war looks to be a factor in the coming deal of Daniel 9:27, but I still believe that scripture supports the view that we will see an expanded regional war first.
Then, about 3 1/2 years after the deal of Daniel 9:27 is confirmed, it will be over for the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Related Items:
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims.
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to three related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For, The Future King of the North, and Rise of the Prophesied King of the North.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
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sreenivasrao · 1 month
Experience Unparalleled Luxury at Greenspace Celestial in Kokapet
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At GharPe, we are dedicated to helping you find a home that aligns with your lifestyle and aspirations. We’re excited to present Greenspace Celestial, a project that epitomizes the essence of luxurious living.
Welcome to Greenspace Celestial
Greenspace Celestial is not just a residential complex; it’s a lifestyle destination. Situated in the burgeoning area of Kokapet, this project by Greenspace Housing represents the pinnacle of modern design and sophistication. Offering a range of 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments, Greenspace Celestial is tailored to meet the varied needs of families who value both comfort and style.
Kokapet: The Ideal Location
Kokapet is fast becoming one of Hyderabad’s most sought-after neighborhoods, known for its prime location and rapid growth. Positioned close to the Financial District and key IT corridors, Kokapet provides a peaceful retreat without sacrificing convenience. The area is well-connected by major highways and roads, making commutes to other parts of the city seamless. With easy access to renowned educational institutions, healthcare centers, shopping malls, and entertainment venues, Kokapet offers an unmatched living experience.
For a deeper insight into this locality, check out our Kokapet locality guide.
Exceptional Living Spaces
At Greenspace Celestial, every detail is designed with your comfort in mind. The project features spacious and airy 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments that are thoughtfully planned to allow for abundant natural light and ventilation. Each unit is crafted with premium-quality materials and finishes, offering a blend of durability and elegance. Whether you’re looking for a cozy space for a small family or a larger home to accommodate your growing needs, Greenspace Celestial has the perfect option for you.
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When choosing a home, the builder’s reputation is a critical factor. Greenspace Housing has a well-established reputation for delivering high-quality developments that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, Greenspace Housing ensures that each project is a testament to their expertise and commitment to excellence.
Discover more about Greenspace Housing here.
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Greenspace Celestial is RERA-registered, carrying the registration number P02400005073. This certification provides a layer of security, ensuring that the project adheres to all regulatory standards and is completed within the promised timelines, giving you complete confidence in your investment.
Why Greenspace Celestial Stands Out
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At GharPe, we believe that your home should be a sanctuary—a place where you can truly thrive. Greenspace Celestial offers everything you need to create a life of comfort and luxury. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade, this project in Kokapet is one you won’t want to miss.
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dollar2host · 3 months
Reasons Why WordPress Is the Ultimate Website Saviour?
It should come as no surprise that WordPress is the best content management system (CMS) that has the most users available all over the world. WordPress has a wide range of capabilities, is simple to use, and can be customised to a great extent. This programme continues to be the greatest software available for hosting websites and managing content, and it has been a saviour for a great number of enterprises all over the world. In this post, we will learn the top reasons why it is considered to be one of the best content management systems (CMS) software in the world.
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Here are the reasons why WordPress is the ultimate saviour for websites-
Open-source architecture
Because it is an open-source content management system (CMS), the code that makes up WordPress is unlocked, which means that any developer can use it to modify the application, enhance it with new features, or create a useful plugin. You can rest assured that you will always be able to locate the add-on that you require because this has resulted in the expansion of a multitude of marketplaces for various WordPress items and services.
No cost to use
Even if the cost of web hosting services continues to decrease, you should still take into consideration establishing a reasonable budget, particularly if you intend to expand your business. If you want to stay up with the increased traffic and visitors that your project is receiving, you will need to bolster your security, increase the amount of server resources you have available, and implement new features. There is a cost associated with each of these things, and the costs quickly piling up.
Downloading and customising WordPress is completely free, which will assist you in maintaining a healthy budget. Thousands of themes and plugins that have been built for the best content management system (CMS) are also made available for free of charge. If you are just starting out and do not have the financial means to purchase a more individualised solution, WordPress is an excellent choice.
Global CMS that is used the most frequently
More than sixty million websites are already operating on the WordPress platform, making it the most widely used best content management system (CMS) presently available. More than a quarter of all websites on the internet are comprised of this group. Some of the most well-known brands in the world choose to use WordPress as their content management system. WordPress is also becoming increasingly popular with individuals, bloggers, and small organisations who are looking for a simple method to construct and administer a website.
The platform is both secure and safe
There is a common misconception that because WordPress is an open-source and affordable content management system (CMS), it is susceptible to hacking and other security breaches. Hackers who are looking for security flaws frequently target WordPress since it is the most widely used content management system (CMS) platform and website builder. Thankfully, there is a WordPress security team that monitors and ensures the platform's safety and security. This team is comprised of developers, security specialists, researchers, and contributors. In order to reduce the risk of potential dangers, WordPress has implemented security measures and is developing new technologies.
In addition to locating bugs, it also distributes fixes that are designed to address such bugs. Regarding the safety of the plugins and themes that you use on your website, the WordPress security team is not responsible for ensuring anything. When it comes to plugins and themes, it is the responsibility of their respective creators to make updates possible. The majority of the time, a team is responsible for the consistent maintenance of a paid plugin or theme. You should download themes or plugins from developers who have a good reputation in order to reduce the risks to your security.
Best for search engine optimization
It is likely that search engine optimization (SEO) activities will be successful when they are carried out using WordPress. Because of the WordPress content management system (CMS) foundation, it is much simpler for search engines to index the website and the pages that it contains. By making it much simpler to adhere to SEO best practices and, as a result, satisfy technical SEO standards, there are built-in tools and SEO plugins that can assist you in optimising your website. When your website is optimised for search engine optimization (SEO), it has a greater chance of ranking high in the search results, which means that it will receive a greater amount of organic traffic.
User-friendly and easy to handle
Prior to its transformation into the affordable content management system (CMS) giant that it is now, WordPress was a straightforward blogging software designed for users who are not particularly knowledgeable about technology. In this way, the user interface is understandable and simple to operate. It is still easy to use and operate the platform, even after additional features and functions have been added to it. There is no need for extensive coding in order to personalise and modify websites. Through the use of plugins and themes, it enables scaling up your website easily possible.
Capabilities of supporting many users
It is possible to assign various user roles to WordPress, with the "Administrator" role being the most powerful of the available options. In the event that you are in charge of maintaining a website and you want authors, editors, contributors, and content creators to have access to the content management system (CMS), you have the ability to assign distinct responsibilities to each of these individuals. There are many degrees of access that can be granted to these positions. On the other hand, editors have the ability to either accept or reject a post that was submitted by a writer.
For instance, authors have the ability to publish their own posts. Subscribers are able to access and amend their profiles, as well as write comments on any of the posts, thanks to the multi-user functionality that WordPress incorporates. Individual users are often granted restricted access; nonetheless, it is ultimately the responsibility of the administrator to allocate roles and capabilities to particular users.
More than simply a blog
One of the many advantages of using WordPress is that it provides you with the ability to easily create a website that may be as complicated or as straightforward as you choose. WordPress is an excellent platform for the construction of a blog. WordPress is utilised for the purpose of publishing blog entries and articles, which is its most fundamental function. By utilising widgets, plugins, and several other programmes developed by third parties, its functionality can be expanded. Consequently, if you have a website for your company, you have the ability to incorporate social network integration and e-commerce features.
In addition to being a platform for blogging, WordPress is much more. Because of the comprehensive features and capabilities of its content management system, you are able to change a simple website into a website for a business, a website for a news portal, or an online store.
Not tied to a single web hosting provider
The website must be self-hosted in order for you to use WordPress; therefore, you will need to locate a best web hosting provider that offers high uptime and gives load speeds that are quick. Nevertheless, it is possible that you will get a web hosting provider that does not live up to the claims it makes. You can quickly move to a more stable hosting without any difficulties because the majority of web hosting providers offer WordPress as their content management system. Changing to a new server is a simple process when using WordPress.
Complete Control Over your Website Through the Plugins and Themes
Through the utilisation of themes and plugins, you are able to exercise full control over your website. You have the ability to alter the appearance and feel of your website by using themes, and you can add functionality by using plugins. You have access to thousands of themes and plugins, which allows you to personalise your website to meet your specific requirements. In addition, you always have the option to switch to a different theme or plugin if you do not like the way it operates.
Using WordPress, you can scale your website
No matter how big or how small your website is, WordPress is able to handle it. One of the benefits of using WordPress is that it allows you to swiftly scale your website to handle more content and traffic. WordPress is able to handle it if you expand your website to incorporate a blog or an online store, or if you add a few additional pages to your existing website. Additionally, if you find that you need to reduce the size of your website for any reason, WordPress makes it as simple as possible to do so.
When it comes to launching a blog, WordPress is without a doubt the greatest option available. WordPress is an excellent option for you if you are searching for a platform that is not only free but also user-friendly, allows for customisation, and is completely customisable.
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chido2001 · 3 months
A long post about Filial piety from my point of view (Part 1)
First of all, I think I need to make things clear: this is not a philosophical post nor sth religious, political etc. This is just a post for me to talk about something that is happening to me involving household problems, parental problem, and some of principal Filial piety that making me thinking, cause Idk how long can I carry on without letting things off my chest. Yes, I should have came up with a more close-to-the-ground title, but it's 2 a.m now and I don't have enough energy for brainstorming. Also pardon me if you find this post somewhat hard to follow. I just write down things that came up in my mind, I will edit them later if conditions are met. English is also not my native language, so excuse my grammar and vocabs.
I came from a common family. When I said "common family", I meant it. My parents are both blue collar workers. Both growing up in the time of Vietnam concentrated economy, both dropped out of school as soon as they were able to earn money. So, yeah, not really coming from a long line of artist or scholar lineage. And heck we definite don't have a penny to our name
Mom used to work in a clothes factory as long as I could remember, until the paycheck no longer be able to cover the expense. She retired, .Even now she's still doing the same thing, picking up orders from shop owners, doing her parts, and delivering the products back. She's the one responsible for the tuition fee of me and my brother, and so far , she's the one putting me through college. Tbh, though I'm helping her as much as I can , I am not really fond of her job. Back in the freshman year, I many time found myself felling desperate while helping her ironing the details.
Dad works many years as a security guard for a real estate corporation, in which my uncle works as a desk-job-worker (idk what's his position, but he definitely helped my dad landing his job). He used to be assigned to some of the comp establishment, until finally rooting in a wet market near house. Back in the day, he also worked as a somewhat motorcycle tavi driver (it's like Uber drive, but for bike, and before the apps), but as time went, he got older, and Idk if he is still doing this, but it's less likely, since he's really adapting to the modern technology (but to somewhat degree, it's still causing troubles, but I will get to that).
We lived as a nuclear family (4 members, recently adopted a dog, so 5), but my fatherside relatives literally live next door, and we all live in smalls houses in a small alleys, pretty much counted as an extended family. So, yeah, I grew up from a typical-minimum-wage common Asian nuclear-extended family. To be frank, the minimum wage is only achieved some what when I was in the secondary school. I remember many time my aunt have to bring over food for my dinner cause there's nothing on the table beside white rice, fish sauce, boiled vegetable and water of it. And especially as an Asian family, we are still very much influenced by traditions and customs, and undoubtedly, Asian generational bad habbit.
Let's start with the less problematic one, my Mom. As a child raised by an 100% pure-blood, out-of-mold Asian mom, I can assure you that those memes on the internet about them is very much true, more or less. Cause growing up, there's two things I can be sure my mom has for me: expectation, and strict parenting. As far as I can remember, the first essay I wrote at school was "Write a letter to a friend and talk about your dream job", and I pretty sure I wrote that I "...want to be rich, and to achieve that dream, I will go for financial college...". I was 7-8 then. I liked super heroes, I liked games, I like toys like other boys...and for some reason, that idea has been implanted into my mind since childhood, and I'm pretty sure I didn't get that from my dad.
"...But she's your mom. It's normal for her to have high hopes for her kids..." . Yes, I'm not blaming her for that. And to be honest, compare to many other typical Asian moms, her expectation for us is much more simple: all she wants is a house in Dalat to enjoy her old age there alone.
(For those who don't know, Dalat is like a resort city in my country. Located in the highland region, heavily influenced by French architecture, well known for its fauna diversity, it's like those European travel destinations, but in Vietnam.)
In short, she wanted to have a problem-free, carefree future, and sure, that's the least thing I can do for her, since she's the one that looks after me all the time. One thing about Asian household is that it's heavily matriarch, and mine is no exception. My mom is the one taking care of our needs (she bought clothes, toys, anything we want that appropriate), our academic performances (she paid the tuition fees, and she spent everything she had just to give us the best education) and especially our health. I was born with some physical flawns, the "God perfected, and I defected/ I was made wrong" problems, especially with the testicles, and many time in my growing, my mom had to be the one paying my medical bills AND taking care of my sick little body. I remember when I was in the age of ten, I went through a major operation, it was mom who had to go around, borrow money from every person she knew to pay for the operation and medicines, and it took her quite a while to pay it all back. Even now, whenever I feel under the weather, it's still my mom that I go for to tell about my condition.
But back to the main point, she takes care of us, it's obviously we have to take a good care of her, no doubt. But growing up under her wings, there's one thing that really holding her from being a perfect mother (I know I sound like a dick here, but tbh, I haven't found a way to address this differently), at least in my view: overcomparison, both herself and others in her household to other. See, in our Vietnamese culture, there's this thing called "con nhà người ta" (the other kids). Growing up, you will be constantly be compared to those other kids. You didn't get a good mark in the exam? "Those other kids could make it, why couldn't you". You said that the other kids couldn't do better? "That's the other kids problems. It's YOU problem". In short, the perfect comparison/ excuse to be yelled at.
And in my case, it's somewhat worse.
Cause to me, that other kid did exist.
And she was my aunt.
She was two year older. And unlike me, her household is much more stable. She went to prestige schools, and her academic performances is way better. She's also well behaved and hard working, etc.
In short, the perfect Golden Child
Don't get me wrong. I love my aunt (that sounds a little bit wrong, but yes, I do love her). We are really close (probably somewhat due to our small age gap). She's always like a sister to me. And nowadays, I usually come to her when I need advice at all sort of stuffs (We're also major in I.T, so yeah, a lot of advices needed).
But growing up being compared to her is not a pleasant memories, though I don't really have much problem with that.. Mostly when my mom made those comparisons, it's after the parent-teacher meetings, and usually in those meeting, I was said to be "troublesome", more or less. But tbh, before high school, I wasn't sure if I was such a headache. A little bit talkative in elementary, mostly bad hand writing in junior high, nothing serious. Yes I admit I was full blown awful in high school: late attendance, skipping class( due to being late), dozing off in class, etc. And nowadays, hearing my mom recalled those meeting, I don't think the problem was as big as an elephant like it seemed to be.
I cannot be objective about this, cause now looking back, I'm not sure if I was a well-behaving. You see, as a tailor, my mom used stick and ruler a lot. She used to had this one particular stick that was like carved from a intact wood body. So slim, yet so thick that every time you swang it, you could here the sound of the air splitted, and when it hit the flesh with enough force, it would leave a mark that lasted for days.She used to use that stick to spank us, disciplined us when we're not well behaving. And unfortunately, I'm the elder one. I grew up with smacks on my bottom, so much that one of my aunt had to warn my brother to behave cause "You didn't get smacked in the butt as much as your brother did". And usually the reason I got smacked, as I can recall, was probably because I was lying, or I ripped pages out of my notebook. My brother was lucky that it got lost somewhere.
But the worst case of my disciplining didn't involve the stick. It was when I in the 2nd grade. Mom was still a factory worker, Dad usually home so he made lunch for me. I used to walk home during noon time, and go back to school at the begining of the afternoon. There're those shops near school that sold toys and candies which many times caught my attention. As a kid, I didn't have much allowance. So, when I saw some cash lying around, being on the altar for spiritual reason, or around for some reason, I constantly took some of them. Things got worse, to the point I started pick pocketing my parent's wallet. Soon after that, no doubt that my mom caught me red handed. And comes one of my biggest childhood trauma moment: my mom walking into the bedroom, with a knife. And I can still remember she saying "It's you or me. Your choice". It seems that my dad had a bad habit of stealing money from my mom, even before I was born. So seeing her kids following that footstep is not an option.
Another time I broke her heart is nack in junior high. I usually hang out at the internet cafe (it's like the arcade center, but with computers) near my school which was conveniently near my house. My mom was already having a bad impression about those places, deeming them as "nests of bad habit", plus the senior year of junior high was considered more important than the highschools, due to the entry exam that you can only participate once in a lifetime. You could say that she was more or less sitting on the fire then. And because I went to a local school, she got a pretty tight grip of my schedule. I was caught red handed being in those place no less than five time. The worst time was when she decided to smashed that one usb I used to download film into so that I could watch them at home (we didn't have wifi nor pc at home back then). I did recall it clearly that I said "Why don't you just unalive me already?". I didn't really remember what happened after that, but I'm pretty sure we didn't see eyes to eyes for at least a week. And yeah, back then my concept of life and stuffs was pretty twisted, probably affected by things considered "edgy". And that's definitely the most stupid thing I have ever said. Nowaday, I don't even dare to address any problem that unthoughtfully. But yeah, words for future parents: brace yourself for the tween/ teenage, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
But well, as I getting older, I realized that all of those high expectations and strict parenting was so that my brother and I can grow up to be "decent people". She has sacrificed most of her life to this family, to us. So much that even when considering thing from a respective point of view, even I couldn't ask for more (and it will be ungrateful if I ever let those thoughts out loud). Even though I used to think that her hopes and dreams for me was strangling me, or still I think that putting all your hopes and dream on the shoulder of your kids to carry is not the most suitable things, I can't deny that everything she has done is for our best, and so I try to meet some of her expectations. I got into university, "The top university of engineering of the whole nation" more precisely (it's like MIT in comparison), so at least she has sth to be proud of so far. I had this job as a English tutor in my first few years in college, when I always use my paycheck from that to help her with the bills. And yeah, I am still going to hold my end of bargain, I will tried to help her get her dream house, sooner or later.
And for my money problem, tbh nowadays, I don't even want to ask money from my parents (only when I need to refill the bike, and the account is lower than the minimum withdrawn threshold), let alone steal it.
But, as all things in life connect to each other one way or another. My mom habit of comparing somehow affects to the major problem in my household: my Dad.
--To be continued--
P/s: I intended to make it all into one post, but yeah so much things to say that I have to consider. And because my Dad is , in my pov, more of a problem than my mom has ever been, I think I have to deliver this carefully.
Thank you, Mom, for everything. It's my sins that I will never says "Thank you" or "I love you" enough.
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