#financial safety
bankingbeer · 25 days
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Keeping Your Accounts Safe: Detecting Identity Fraud And Financial Crimes
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tradingbells · 4 months
Discover essential tips to safeguard your demat account from potential fraud in this insightful blog. Learn how to protect your investments and secure your financial future with expert advice from TradingBells. Don't let fraudsters jeopardize your hard-earned assets – arm yourself with the knowledge to stay safe in the digital age! For more such blogs: Visit our blog site today: https://tradingbells.com/blogs And for Finanacial Advice reach us at: https://tradingbells.com/ Phone: +91 932 953 6100
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bankiq-frc · 9 months
"In today's digital landscape, the threat of fraud has grown exponentially. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, utilizing advanced technology to exploit vulnerabilities in online transactions and personal information sharing.
To combat this evolving menace, real-time fraud detection has emerged as a critical defense mechanism.
Gone are the days of traditional fraud schemes involving fake checks and elaborate disguises. Contemporary fraudsters operate from behind screens, employing complex algorithms and stolen data to orchestrate their cybercrimes. This necessitates the adoption of equally advanced methods for detecting and preventing fraud in real time.
Real-time detection is akin to a race against the clock, as traditional methods of fraud detection, which rely on manual reviews and retrospective analysis, no longer suffice. Real-time fraud detection involves continuous monitoring of transactions as they occur, leveraging AI-powered algorithms to analyze patterns and identify anomalies. This proactive approach allows for immediate action, flagging suspicious activities before they can escalate into major security breaches.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
thoughts on "tradwives" as a 19th-century social historian
It's great until it's not.
It's great until he develops an addiction and starts spending all the money on it.
It's great until you realize he's abusive and hid it long enough to get you totally in his power (happened to my great-great-aunt Irene).
It's great until he gets injured and can't work anymore.
It's great until he dies and your options are "learn a marketable skill fast" or "marry the first eligible man you can find."
It's great until he wants child #7 and your body just can't take another pregnancy, but you can't leave or risk desertion because he's your meal ticket.
It's great until he tries to make you run a brothel as a get-rich-quick scheme and deserts you when you refuse, leaving your sisters to desperately fundraise so your house doesn't get foreclosed on (happened to my great-great-aunt Mamie).
It's great until you want to leave but you can't. It's great until you want to do something else with your life but you can't. It's great. Until. It's. Not.
I won't lie to you and say nobody was ever happy that way. Plenty of women have been, and part of feminism is acknowledging that women have the right to choose that sort of life if they want to.
But flinging yourself into it wholeheartedly with no sort of safety net whatsoever, especially in a period where it's EXTREMELY easy for him to leave you- as it should be; no-fault divorce saves lives -is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
Have your own means of support. Keep your own bank account; we fought hard enough to be allowed them. Gods willing, you never need that safety net, but too many women have suffered because they needed it and it wasn't there.
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timothy-kang · 2 years
Successful You—How to Overcome Financial Difficulties
The financial difficulties are attributed to an individual, not a bad economy. Any economic situation could not be problematic if you have healthy finances—low debt, enough savings, stagnant active and passive income, and extra cash.
The financial difficulties are attributed to an individual, not a bad economy. Any economic situation could not be problematic if you have healthy finances—low debt, enough savings, stagnant active and passive income, and extra cash. In my case, I often faced financial difficulties during my 20s and 30s. But, strangely, I didn’t know why such financial problems occurred to me repeatedly. So, I…
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kstargroup · 2 years
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"𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞         
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟    
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞"            
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forextrendicator · 2 years
How Can a Savings Calculator Benefit You?
How Can a Savings Calculator Benefit You?
A savings account is not only a financial safety net but also a great way to save money for specific goals. Some financial experts recommend saving for an emergency fund, while others advocate putting money into savings for tangible items. A savings calculator can help you decide how much you should save in each category, including the time frame needed to reach a certain goal. For example, if…
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kitespark · 2 months
sorry to all of you white middle aged man lovers out there but shane madej subtly shifting the blame with the whole 'steven, talk about money' feels like a pathetic way to salvage the hip leftist uncle persona he's got going on and you all are waiting for him to return to your embrace like some prodigal son who was forced and didn't go on his own accord
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coochiequeens · 11 months
Disabled men can know how to use their disability to be controlling
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mickstart · 1 year
Here's the thing about street circuits. I also think they don't suit the current size of F1 cars and should be special and unique not the norm. But if F1 is going to keep adding new tracks they need to be either street circuits or older circuits renovated to be up to modern FIA standards. We cannot keep building new circuits it uses up so many resources and takes up so much space and then is functionally useless for most of the year. It's like a golf course but worse, and almost all of the major new circuits built for F1 in the 2010s are now literally abandoned and rotting because F1 moved on to someone else with more money.
In an ideal world F1 would stop adding new circuits altogether and it would rotate existing circuits to keep the calendar exciting, whilst helping new destinations without a certified fia track to revitalize and upgrade existing tracks to add them to that rotation cycle. Places with absolutely zero race tracks would make street race destinations - again, to be cycled on the calendar. This would be better for the environment, better for the Motorsport community as a whole, MASSIVE for motorsport heritage, and better for the racing tbh as we would see tracks adapted from a VARIETY of architects on the calendar.
But f1 won't do this for the same reason it left those 2010 tracks high and dry. Its own greed. They want new flashy destinations without having to consider the culture, the space, and existing Motorsport in those destinations. (SEE: building Miami and Vegas when the us has so many suitable tracks.) They want The Most Races Ever every year. They want to expand and expand and expand BC that's what you DO under capitalism, line goes up forever. So until the ballooning money involved in F1 and the FIA as a whole is brought under control, this isn't going to happen. They know building new circuits is 1) unsustainable and therefore unpopular for their image 2) hard to convince people to spend money on right now. But they still want to expand, and they sure as fuck don't want to HELP fund their destination unless it's Miami where millionaires will pay to be seen on the grid.
So, I can't help but expect we're just going to keep seeing more and more street circuits on the calendar until either the F1 bosses are visited by 3 ghosts or the sport collapses under its own weight.
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If you wanna know how it's going in Florida as a trans person: we have 3 very scary bills proposed (SB1674, HB1421, SB254) which stand to block - for adults - insurance coverage, bathroom access, and possibly even most transition care itself (not a ban, but still effectively one due to a whole slew of restrictions, including to telemed).
Crow and I had planned on moving to CT before the presidential election, but I needed to figure out an emergency timeline if a bill blocks access to my HRT and I can't find another local provider.
So, I made a spreadsheet of when emergencies could trigger and when I might need to stretch my T stash out while I flee Florida. Worst case: a bill immediately goes into law the day I pick up my next refill and I get denied. (Remember, testosterone is a controlled substance and it is a felony if I try to DIY.)
Every time I pick up my testosterone Rx, I can shift this emergency date further into the future. And if the bad bills fail, this emergency scenario goes away.
But looking at my closest "get the hell outta Dodge" date made me realize I need to step up on packing things I know can sit in storage for a while. Hence, all the bins.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
If you're in a state like Florida that is proposing to effectively ban your care, start planning *now* so you know when you might have to make some difficult decisions. Start researching other providers and what you'd need to do for access.
I'm sharing my thought process not to scare trans people, but to give a bit of a framework for this decision-making, be it moving, saving money to pay costs OOP, hopping providers, etc. My emergency dates are based on when my HRT runs out and (for now) doesn't reflect upon the bills' current movement.
I know I am privileged to be able to leave now with most of my things, and am using that to go ahead and make a safe haven in my new home for friends fleeing in less ideal scenarios who would need temporary housing.
Thanks to all my friends reaching out with support. Our safety next is strong enough to where hopefully we should just need a place to crash with 3 cats on the drive up.
Good luck, stay safe, fight as long as you can, and afford yourself all the grace you can muster.
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kvetcher2 · 8 days
I hate hustle culture/grindset/girlboss shit as much as the next person but being financially independent or at the very least having your own source of income is one of the most important safety measures you can take as a woman
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raspberryjellybrains · 6 months
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image I.D. below the cut
image description start:
[a promotional picture of Sam and Dean Winchester, Sam on the left and Dean on the right, their images from circa 2010. They both stare challengingly into the camera with their arms crossed, though Dean also holds a large blade. The background is a two lane blacktop with an older style of power line and corn on either side. At the top and bottom are flames. Sam says "im restricting", Dean says "and im bingeing" and the flaming text gif at the bottom reads "the eating disorder brothers.]
image description end.
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shortscircuits · 1 month
having a mortgage means every few months someone in your life encourages you to become a landlord. it's so weird. and its almost never the same person twice
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maladaptvs · 1 month
if you hate daisy fay buchanon shut the fuck up i never want to hear shit from you.
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stomach-rental · 9 months
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So as you have probably noticed, I haven't been super active as of late. A lot has happened. Jobs have come and gone, a divorce ripped up family related matters, etc. Etc., but that isn't actually why I'm coming to you today. As much as I probably need money for personal matters, I am slowly getting help worked out through a disability accomodations service and I think I will be able to handle things once it all sets in motion.
However, this disability accomodations service has also recommended me something I hadn't considered before. After doing a lot of research, I have realized a service dog would be an incredible asset to my everyday life and allow me the best possible chance at being able to meet my own needs. Service Dog training is...very expensive, though, so I now have this to ask of you: by summer of 2024, I want to try to get this donation campaign up to it's goal of $10,500, which will be enough to cover both training and adoption costs for making sure I can provide a service dog a good home, and he can provide me a better life in turn.
If you can, share this around! Throw it wherever! Drop a dollar or two if you can, and if you can't, well. Even just listening in and hearing me out helps a lot. I want to get back to making art here and doing commissions, but I won't be able to do that until I can take some strain off my joints and start living again, and this is basically our best bet. Let's hope this goes somewhere. 🐕‍🦺
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