#finally got to this episode and it was insane
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traveler-at-heart · 8 hours ago
Doctor's In - Part 16
Summary: Your Westview fam reunites with you and Boston as you prepare to leave the city.
A/N: I believe this is what @jerullium and I would call a filler episode but hey! Enjoy if you like Wanda fluff
You know what the call is about.
“Hello?” you practically sing, your eyes on the road.
“Stop that” Wanda warns you.
“Stop what?”
“Changing the music. You know I don’t like that girl!”
“Babe, Chappell is great” you play dumb.
“I’m the only redhead you can love”
“Yes, darling. Have you asked the kids yet?”
“Just about to. I’m picking them up before my mother steals my car and crashes against a police car. Again”
You want to laugh at how annoyed Wanda sounds. Honestly, you’re dying to meet her mother.
“Let me know if they agree to come so I can get your tickets”
“I can do that…”
“You’re all flying first class, and that’s final. Gotta go. Love ya”
“Me too… you’re playing her music again!” she says and you hang up, laughing.
“You guys are adorable” Val says, sitting next to you in the car.
“Yelena likes to call it ridiculously corny”
“So, not that this is any of my business… but why are you looking to work abroad if you are in a relationship with Wanda? I don’t think she’d be willing to move, right?”
“Well… that’s why I was curious about that summer program you mentioned with an NGO”
Valkyrie knew enough people and organizations to find something that wouldn’t mean moving to a different country indefinitely.
And as it turned out, you had a few common friends, including none other than Sharon Carter.
She was a couple years ahead of you in college, but you’d always gotten along. Thanks to Val, you knew she was ready to move back home -her whole family was in Boston- and you were hoping she could take an interest in working for Romanoff Medical Center.
After everything Melina had done for you (even if it was out of self interest to provide Yelena with a mentor), you didn’t feel comfortable just leaving without a thought after your contract was up.
As you go meet Sharon at the restaurant, your mind drifts to Billy and Tommy. Would they be excited at the prospect of seeing you? Wanda had only mentioned they went through a rough patch, but you were always too afraid to ask the details.
The sight of Sharon waving at you brings you back to reality.
“Carter girl” you greet like you did in college, hugging her.
“Look at you, all grown up”
“Look at you, working for WHO”
“It’s nothing, really” she shrugs it off, greeting Val as well.
There’s some talk about work, just chit chat while the waiter was hanging around waiting to take your order. Once he’s done and you have some space to talk more freely, Sharon turns to you, a smirk on her face.
“You still a player?”
That makes you choke on your drink, while Val whistles.
“What? Here I was thinking this one was a family gal”
“Wait, hold up. That’s insane. In college, she used to charm every girl. Not even the ones with boyfriends were safe” Sharon says, making you blush.
“I don’t seem to recall…”
“Jean Grey.”
“Ok, got it. No need to go further into detail” you interrupt her, suddenly remembering that yeah, you had been a bit of a player in college. “Now I’m with someone who has two kids, so I’m looking to return to Westview”
“Romanoff Medical is going to need a great Head of Trauma” Val chimes in.
“The pay is spectacular”
“Mhm. Heard Melina can be hard to deal with” Sharon says and you sigh.
“Honestly? Not as much. Not if you do your job and you’re good at it. Like me” you wink at her.
“Well, I’d be looking to start in a month or so, because I really wanna get some rest and be with my family”
“Timing couldn’t be better… except I need someone to cover for me this weekend. Do you mind?”
“That’s going to cost you a mimosa”
“Done” you say, waving at the waiter.
Wanda is stalling.
Things were getting better between her and the kids. There was no arguing, even if Billy had decided to quit the soccer team.
She knew they still missed you, but they were starting to heal. And your relationship was going well, but Wanda was afraid of so many things.
Of screwing it up again. Hurting the kids.
Getting hurt.
Though you’d never ever do it, she trusted you completely.
She’s still thinking about how to bring up the trip to the kids when she gets a text from you.
Y/N: Hey, it’s been a couple of hours. If you’re not ready or think it’s not the best idea to bring the kids, I get it. They always come first. Just know that I love you no matter what :)
Wanda smiles at that.
She decides to leave her study and go to the twins’ room, where they’re doing some homework.
“Hey, do you guys have a minute?” she sits in Billy’s bed, and Tommy joins them. “So, I know we haven’t spoken about Y/N. She’s been living and working in Boston”
“That’s where you’ve been traveling to” Tommy says, looking up.
“Right. And we ran into each other… started talking. She mentioned you could join me on my next trip and we’d all go around the city together. There are some cool stuff to do and see”
“Seriously? That would be awesome! Yes, I want to come with you!” Tommy says, excited. Wanda’s about to ask Billy when he jumps out of bed, running to lock himself in the bathroom.
“Wait here, sweetheart” she asks Tommy. “Billy? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t wanna go”
“Why? Are you angry at Y/N?”
“Then me?”
“No” he says, this time with less conviction.
“Then what is it?”
“You’re only making us go so you both can give us the talk” he says through the door, and Wanda decides to open it.
“What talk?” she sits on the floor next to her son, running her hands through his hair.
“The same talk Emily’s parents had with her when they were getting a divorce. About how it wasn’t her fault and they’d always love her even if they weren’t together”
“No, that’s not it at all, Billy”
“She just wants to say goodbye to us”
“I promise you that’s not it. We’re both trying hard to fix everything, my sweet boy. Have our family back” Billy turns around to wipe his face, and Wanda sighs. “Would it make you feel better if Y/N told you herself?”
That makes the boy turn.
Wanda takes out her phone, dialing your number and hoping you’re not too busy with work.
“Hey, beautiful. Got any news for me? Will I get to see my boys?”
“Y/N!” Billy jumps up, leaning his head against Wanda’s to hear you better.
“Billy? Hey kiddo. How are you? I’ve missed you so damn much”
He’s so excited he doesn’t even notice the curse word that leaves your mouth.
“I missed you too! Do you like Boston?”
“It’s alright. Would be a lot more fun if you guys came over to visit me. What do you say?”
“We’ll do some fun stuff?”
“And eat ice cream”
“This isn’t to say goodbye?”
“Goodbye? I have my ticket to Westview in a couple of weeks, Billy. You’re not getting rid of me”
“Ok, yeah! We’ll see you soon!” he says, excited. You laugh.
“Alright then. Now let me speak to your mom”
He hands over the phone, running back to his room.
“We have thirty seconds before Tommy comes running to talk to you”
“Ok, I’ll take it to say I love you and can’t wait to see you all this weekend”
“Will we stay at the penthouse?”
“I’m not sure it’s very child friendly so let’s get a suite at a nice hotel” you say, knowing the place was full of expensive things that could easily break with two kids running around.
Like clockwork, Tommy shows up, kneeling next to his mother.
“Y/N! Can we go to a Red Sox game?”
“I’ll see what I can do, buddy” you say. He keeps talking, asking questions about the city.
Billy joins in a second later, and this is the first time in months that Wanda’s seen them so happy and excited.
She can’t wait to have her entire family back together.
Rumor has it, Fury has found a replacement. He only schedules interviews when Darcy’s away and he asks goody two shoes Kamala Kahn to deliver all the CVs he needs to read.
She’d never move to the dark side, unfortunately.
Darcy is running out of ideas to keep the job open.
There’s one, though.
“Fuck it” she decides, walking to Fury’s office and ignoring his secretary when she says he’s busy.
He obviously isn’t, signing papers.
“Yes, Doctor Lewis?”
“I’d like to be considered”
“Considered for…” he says without look up.
“The position of Head of Trauma”
Now, that makes Fury pay attention. He smiles, removing his glases.
“I thought you wanted Y/N to come back to her old job”
“Well, she’s taking her sweet time and I don’t want anyone else running the ER. So, I’m your girl”.
“I still have to interview you” he says, pulling out Darcy’s file and reading it. “Darcy N. Lewis. What does the N stand for?”
“None of your business” Darcy snaps, forgetting she’s talking to her boss until Fury levels her with a glare. “Nora”
“Alright. Let’s start, shall we?”
Melina’s reviewing schedules when she hears a knock on the door.
“Ah, just who I wanted to see” she says when you walk inside.
“Have I done something?”
“Well, we have a pending discussion about your time with us, don’t we?” the woman says, and you appreciate how she goes straight to business.
“I am leaving after the three months we agreed on” you admit, sitting down in front of her.
“I assumed as much, seeing your girlfriend around these past few weeks”
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted it to not work out” you tease, and Melina huffs, offended.
“I’m not some kind of monster! If you’re happy, I am glad to hear it. I just know it’s gonna be incredibly difficult to find someone who can…”
You interrupt her rant by pushing Sharon’s CV in front of her. She skims through it, raising her eyebrows.
“She worked for the World Health Organization?”
“Mhm. Top of her class, outstanding in every way. She also brings a large network and a lot of prestige”
Needless to say, those are things Melina loves. You’re sure she’d be willing to throw another gala just to show off Sharon.
“We’d have to do a trial, show her around…”
“Already arranged it” you say, smiling. Melina keeps reading the file and you know she doesn’t need any more convincing, so you take your cue to leave. But there’s something more you wanna say, as you stand by the door. “Hey. Thank you for taking me in. You gave me a place to stay and a job when I was completely broken. I can’t imagine what I would have done without your help”
“Just make sure… she’s worth it all. That she values you as much as you do her, Y/N. This is your career, and a big sacrifice at that” the brunette says, her tone softer.
“You’re right. Thank you” you leave with a smile.
It feels like everyone decided to fly today. The airport is crowded, you can barely find room to walk and you know Wanda must be struggling with her bag and the two kids who are running around everywhere.
“God damn it” you sigh, hoping they’re managing through the sea of people.
You hear them before seeing them.
“Y/N!” Tommy screams. You don’t realise where he’s coming from until he crashes against your back, jumping as he hugs you.
“Hey, kiddo!” you try to turn around, only to see Billy sprinting at full speed. “Oh, oh”
He gives the final push that knocks you down, and you shriek as they climb on top of you.
“Boys! Honestly, what has gotten into you?” Wanda comes to the rescue a second later. “You ok?”
“Come here, you two” you sit up, hugging them. “Missed you like crazy”
“And what about me?” Wanda pouts. You laugh, standing up and kissing her.
“Of course I missed you too, beautiful”
Right on cue, they both groan and complain as Wanda kisses you back.
“I didn’t miss that” Tommy sasses you and you glare.
“In that case…” you grab Wanda by the waist, pulling her against you and peppering kisses all over her face.
“Baby” she laughs, and you silence her a second later with your lips.
“Blegh” they both say, grabbing their backpacks.
“Are they teens now?” you mumble against Wanda’s ear.
“No, teenage years will be much worse than this. Are you still up for it?”
“In it for the long run, baby”
Wanda has to go straight to a work meeting, but you stop by a second to greet Wendy, and make sure she gets a chance to meet the twins.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” the woman says.
“Tell Wendy what was your favorite story of hers growing up”
“Uh, the one where the kids go to space” Billy says shyly.
“And they take their dog! We have a dog too and we’d take him to space with us” Tommy agrees.
“Alright, astroboys, let them work. We’re going to a baseball game”
“Oh, no! I’m sad I’ll miss it. Have fun” Wanda lies.
You knew she’d be bored out of her mind so you decided it was as good a time as any to take them to the game.
“Yeah, those are so much fun” you say, knowing baseball is incredibly boring for you too. As Wanda says goodbye you pull her close and whisper in her ear. “I’m taking one for the team so be prepared to thank me later, babe”
“Stop” she tries not to laugh, knowing exactly what you mean. “And don’t eat a lot of junk food”
“You heard your mom”
“I wasn’t talking only to the kids”
As you expected, you still have no clue what’s going on but the kids enjoy eating nachos and watching men running around after a ball.
“Wow, Camarena is about to bat!”
“Oh, I met that guy in New York” you say, remembering how Zach was so excited about that player.
You really need to plan something in the summer for him to meet the twins.
As Camarena prepares to bat, you decide to FaceTime Zach.
“Where are yooou?” he says, annoyingly close to the screen. “Without me? Traitor”
“Who’s that?” Tommy says, looking away from the game for a split second.
“My brother”
“Hi, I’m uncle Zach”
“You can’t be our uncle. You’re too young” Billy huffs.
You’re about to tell them to settle when you hear the familiar sound of people cheering and shouting.
“Ah, shit. Not again”
Another ball falls right on your hand.
Tommy takes your phone, lifting it in the air and dancing with his brother as the camera pans to you.
Honestly, why are people so happy over catching a freakin ball?
Pretty soon you hope there’s another coming your way and knocks you down, because Zach is arguing over the phone with the boys.
“We should totally keep it!”
“Are you insane? If he asks for it you can get a picture with him and get him to sign stuff, that’s worth more!”
“It wouldn’t be the same”
Anyway, as the game ends you get called just like last time.
“You again?” the team manager recognises you and you shrug your shoulders.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you”
“Alright, how about a picture and a signed bat in exchange for the ball?”
You shake your head no and point at the kids.
“You’re asking the wrong person, pal. Negotiate with these two”
Why are you even surprised when they get all demanding? They are Wanda’s kids after all.
In the end, they get one picture each, two signed baseball balls, one of his hats and a glove.
“Come on, your mom’s waiting for us at the hotel. You two need to shower so we can grab some food”
“No shower when we’re on vacation!” they chant as you drive back.
“Nu-uh, you’re both stinky. Plus you hugged that stinky man”
“Can we have burgers and milkshakes?”
“You had nachos and popcorn and soda. Oh, by the way” you turn to look at them at the red light. “If your mother asks you didn’t eat all that. Just some popcorn”
“We can agree if we don’t have to shower”
“Shower and I’ll take you to the F1 arcade”
Billy and Tommy whisper in the back of the car, considering your proposal.
“Fist bump” you say, throwing one hand to the back seat so they can seal the deal.
You definitely missed acting like a kid with them.
Wanda was right. You’d never say it out loud because you don’t want her to get all cocky.
But the kids have been hyper ever since they arrived and you’re a little out of practice with taking care of them.
It’s day two and you’re hoping the museum can provide some distraction while you chill with Wanda.
“You ok, detka? Seems like you ran a marathon” Wanda comments with a smirk.
“I’m super fine. Just ate a lot for breakfast” you lie, but still keep her close to your side, hoping you can sit down and watch the kids run around.
And for a little while, everything’s going well. Until you stumble upon an exhibition.
“Hall of Human Life” you read out loud.
It’s like Disneyland for doctors.
“That’s so cool!” you say, watching the model of an artery with high blood pressure. Tommy and Billy pick up on your enthusiasm, following you everywhere and asking questions as they go through every station of the exhibit.
Apparently, there’s a little contest at the end and you join a group of children sitting on the floor.
“Alright” the staff woman says, looking around. “Who can tell me how many bones are in the human body?”
“206!” you shout from the back, making every kid turn to look at you.
“Correct… uh, let’s just raise our hands to answer” the woman asks, thrown off by the sight of an adult in a children’s activity. “Does anyone remember three parts of the eye? Anyone?”
You’re the only one raising your hand, and the woman gives up with a sigh.
“Sclera, iris and retina”
It keeps happening with a couple of questions and Wanda is torn between letting you crash the activity or ask you to join her in the back.
As you get ready to argue with a 12 year old over an incorrect answer, Wanda decides you better get going.
“Come here, baby”
“Ok, what you said is incorrect. 1 in 500 people have a cervical rib” you keep arguing with the kid while Wanda drags you away.
“Here” she pushes you to the back of an exhibit.
“Hey, I was just…”
“We should let the kids enjoy themselves for a bit, don’t you think?” she asks and you’re about to argue when her lips are on yours.
“Yeah, that’s alright I guess” you sigh, a shiver running down your spine when Wanda bites your bottom lip.
“So, wanna discuss anatomy with a kid or show me what you know in this little corner?”
“I’m definitely staying here” you say, making out like teenagers.
You only notice the activity is over when the kids come looking for you.
“Gross” Tommy says.
“Hey, keep that up and we’ll go through the baby section again”
“Nooo” they both run away, traumatized by the drawings.
“How I missed babysitting the three of you” Wanda laughs.
You walk down the rest of the museum, commenting on your favorite thing in each area. As you discuss if they want to go to the aquarium after having some food, Wanda decides to get some souvenirs from the gift shop, Tommy tagging along in hopes of getting a t-shirt.
“You don’t want a t-shirt, beautiful boy?” you ask Billy, and he smiles when you call him that. It’s his favorite thing, from that John Lennon song.
“I don’t want you to be alone”
“I’ll be fine. Go with Mom, help her shop for something for Pietro and Grandma”
“It’s ok” he insists. You hug him and he leans on your side.
“How have you been? Heard you’re not really into soccer these days”
“No, I only went because Tommy liked it. But it’s not my favorite thing. Plus Daniel was being kind of mean” he mutters.
“Isn’t he Dick’s… I mean, Richard’s kid?” you stumble over the nickname.
“Yeah. He was saying that it wasn’t right that mom was with you and that was why I was weird too”
You take a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“You know that’s not right”
“Yeah. Tommy kicked his ass for that. Don’t tell mom I said a bad word” he remembers and his expression makes you forget the anger for a second.
“My lips are sealed”
In that precise moment, Wanda and Tommy come back. Tommy has some dinosaur stuff that he bought for his brother and they’re busy checking everything out.
“Wow, what’s going on?” Wanda says when you pull her aside.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you whisper, shaking with anger.
“Tell you what? Y/N, calm down”
“I’m going to kill him”
“Kill who?”
“Dick, Richard, whatever his name is. He hurt Billy and I’m going to…”
“I already dealt with it, please calm down” Wanda asks.
“Unless you ran him over with your car, it’s not enough”
“I did threaten him with that” she says, which makes you laugh. “I’m serious. I did tell him I’d do it”
Wanda puts her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her.
“Are you better now?”
“Yeah. You should have told…”
“I wanted to but you weren’t there. So I had to deal with it the best I could” she says and you hang your head in defeat.
You hope one day the guilt of leaving like a coward can disappear.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I pushed you away, remember? Let’s just get something to eat. Ok?”
“Ok” you kiss the back of her hand, sighing.
“Look what we got you!” Tommy interrupts, unaware of the tension between you and her mom.
He shows you a plastic dinosaur with a cowboy hat and you scream.
“Coolest thing ever!”
“Three kids” Wanda laughs, walking away as you alternate between rawr and yeehaw sounds, holding the dinosaur up in the air.
The kids wouldn’t get on the plane until you showed them your ticket to Westview. Even then, they complained that two weeks was a long wait.
But still, they got on the plane and you were  seeing Wanda next Thursday, as it was her final meeting with Wendy’s team.
“Love you two”
“Love you three” they answered and how you missed hearing those words from them.
Everything is still the same when you go back to work. But the kids visit has made you look at things differently.
You don’t feel so alone, and you’re more optimistic about the future. Even Lorne has noticed and is taking full advantage of your mood.
Yelena’s the one with the attitude as soon as you come back.
“Anything interesting happened this weekend?”
“Ask your friend” she says without looking up from her notes.
“What did you think of Sharon?”
“She’s fine. Whatever”
“Fine as in attractive or fine as in capable? I hope it’s the latter because Bishop won’t be happy about the other one…”
“Can you stop being so fucking annoying for a second?” she snaps, standing up to leave.
It’s like that the entire day. You ask her to do something and she complains, speaks through her teeth or simply refuses to acknowledge you.
The only thing you can think to do of is bitch about it to Natasha.
“Is your sister in her late teenage years or some shit?”
“She’s just pissed because you’re leaving” Natasha doesn’t look up either, well aware of Yelena’s behavior.
“Well, she knew I was leaving after three months! That’s hardly a shock”
“You were the one that said you’d never move to Boston and here you are” she levels you with an icy glare. “You can’t really blame her for hoping you’d stick around longer than three months”
“I guess, but still. It’s nothing personal”
“She gets attached easily. Ask mom how many strays she picked on the street”
“So now I’m a dog?” you say, and Natasha smiles.
“Yeah, like a retriever. You’re always goofy. Plus you catch all those balls like it’s second nature”
“Heard about the other game, huh?”
“I��m not going to assume what Yelena thinks or feels, but you should definitely talk to her” Natasha looks at you. “And for what is worth, you’ve made a good impact on the staff. They’re gonna miss you too”
“Are you?” you say when she stands up to leave.
“Nope. I’m taking your parking spot”
She looks back and smiles. You return the gesture, knowing what she’s trying to say.
“It’s a nice parking spot” you admit. “Closer to the cafeteria”
“Exactly. See you later”
“Thanks. For helping me out with Yelena. And for wanting to be my friend even though I can be an ass” you say.
“You’re a nice ass. Wait, that came out wrong” she frowns and you laugh.
“I got the point”
Natasha smiles and nods your way one last time. And as far as you’re concerned, you’d really want to keep avoiding Yelena, but you better go and find her.
She’s in an on call room, and all but groans when you walk inside.
“I’m leaving in two weeks. Believe or not, it’s not easy for me to make this choice, Yelena. I know staying would be better for my career. Your mom is paying me shitloads of money. And the city has its charm, I’m not gonna lie”
“Ok, is there a point or…?”
“I’m coming back to Westview because… I found the one thing I never thought I’d have. A family that loves me. After my dad passed away I didn’t really have a place to call home. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here at all, because it was unfair to create an expectation. But I won’t lie and say I regret it. You’ve grown so much and you have so much talent. I’m really fucking proud of being your teacher”
Yelena looks away, and you sigh.
“Anyways, better get back to…”
“Thank you. Even if it was for a short time, I’m happy you were my teacher” she finally says, wiping a tear and smiling at you.
“Thanks, kid. We are a good team” you sit next to her, nudging her knee with yours. “One could even say we trauma bonded, huh?”
“I hate you”
The last thing you want to hear after a very bad shift is Lorne’s voice proposing to play a game.
“I just feel like I never got to know you!” he insists.
“Walking in on me changing clothes wasn’t enough for you? Glad you’re knocking after that, by the way”
To be honest, it was fun to watch him shriek as he saw you half naked. And how he volunteered to take the sexual harrassment course even though it was pretty obvious he didn’t mean to be a peeping tom.
“No, I mean things like, your favorite cake flavor, or favorite color. And are you a balloon girl? Or more of a glitter gal?”
“Neither. I don’t want a farewell party” you say, knowing exactly what he’s doing.
It’s stupid to throw a party to someone who’s been part of the staff for only three months. And from day one, everyone knew you weren’t staying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he plays dumb and you chuckle, signing forms while you check your watch.
You better get going if you want to pick up Wanda from her meeting.
“Mhm. No parties. Seriously” you hand over the charts, glaring at him.
He nods, but you don’t really believe he’ll give up. If Yelena sides with him, you’ll have to accept your fate.
“Ready to go?” Sharon says, greeting you at the hallway.
She’s been picking up some shifts, to see if she likes the job. Melina made her an offer as soon as she sat down for the interview and you’re convinced the only reason she hasn’t let you leave early is because Yelena would throw a tantrum.
“Yeah, I have to pick up Wanda. How’s everything? You like it here?”
“Very much, everyone’s nice. The facilities are amazing and it’s a very interesting challenge. Don’t tell anyone yet, but I’m accepting the job offer”
“Congratulations. They’re very lucky to have you” you say, smiling.
“Thank you, for recommending me. I’ll let you go now” she says when she gets paged.
By the time you reach the address Wanda sent out, she’s wrapping up the meeting.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m sorry” you say as you walk in on people chatting around the conference room.
“Not at all, please come in” Wendy says.
“Hello, darling” Wanda greets you with a kiss on the cheek. “We were only talking about tonight. There’s this party with some editors”
“Oh, that sounds nice” you try not to sound disappointed, because you were hoping to spend the evening with Wanda.
“Sorry for the short notice but you’re going to be my plus one” Wanda puts her arm around your waist and you relax against her.
“Can’t say no to my girl”
As you’re saying goodbye, Wendy’s assistant stops by. There’s a wave of excitement as soon as Lily shows off the baby.
“I thought it was a boy” Wanda says, approaching her.
“We did too. Apparently our doctor’s stupid. No offense, Y/N”
“Hey, I just rode in the ambulance. But congrats. What’s her name?”
“I love that name” Wanda and you say at the same time.
Lily hands over the baby to Wanda, and as she cooes at the little girl, you look over her shoulder, your hand on Wanda’s waist.
“She’s such a cutie”
“You both look good with a baby” Wendy jokes and you smile.
“Babe, they’re conspiring to get us pregnant”
Wanda tries to laugh at your joke, but your closeness is distracting. She wants to focus on Marygold but gives up a moment later, and you intercept the baby before she returns to her mother’s arms.
“You’re gonna have to teach me that move” Lily comments when you sway her gently and lull her back to sleep.
“Natural talent, I’m afraid” you joke.
You’re so focused on the baby that you don’t notice Wanda’s intense gaze on you.
Of course, someone else takes Marygold and you leave with Wanda.
“So, work thing, huh? Sounds fun. Is it more business, casual?”
“Just a small dinner, nothing fancy. And we definitely don’t have to stay for long” she says, looking out the window.
“You ok?” you ask after a few moments of silence, placing your hand on her thigh.
“Yeah” Wanda turns to smile at you.
You miss the way she shivers when you squeeze her thigh, and Wanda’s sure you’re keeping your hand there in an innocent gesture.
But seeing you holding a baby, with your strong arms (that are a lot more buff now) practically made her ovulate on the spot.
She has to be extremely patient, but once you’re in your building and the elevator’s doors close, Wanda corners you, her pupils dilated.
“Wanda?” you say, completely blindsided by the way she has you against the metal walls.
“I want you… fuck. I want you to put a baby in me”
Your attention is split between her words and the fact she’s unbotting her blouse in the middle of the elevator.
“I, technically… biologically, I mean” you stutter as she reveals a black lace bra.
“You’re not even gonna try?” she taunts, undoing your pants and sinking her hand to play with your clit through your underwear.
“Fuck, not what I meant, bunny” you mutter against her temple, while she edges you. “Can you behave until we get there?”
“No” she says against your lips, swallowing your moans.
The doors open into the Penthouse and you’re about to carry Wanda to the bedroom when she pushes you away.
“Give me five minutes to change”
“You don’t need to change, you’re gonna be naked” you whine, taking a look at her cleavage.
“So you don’t wanna see the entire thing? It has stockings. And a thong”
“Can I rip it off of you?”
“No. They were very expensive”
“I’ll reimburse you” you insist. She laughs and you pout, but let her walk to the room, with an extra sway to her hips just to tease you.
You pace around the kitchen, like a caged animal. To be fair, last time Wanda was here you didn’t have a chance to be alone.
That makes you remember the thing you bought and stored inside the safe, just to make sure no one would find it. If Wanda wants to play dirty, you should surprise her as well.
While you adjust the new toy, the bedroom door opens and you practically sprint inside.
“Oh, my”
Wanda’s sitting in bed, her hair down. You take it all in, starting from the heels she’s still wearing, to her beautiful slender legs, the stockings held by a suspender belt.
You kneel at the foot of the bed, and she’s happy to make room for you between her legs.
“No ripping” she warns you as a hand reaches for her thighs.
“I’m not…”
“I’m serious” she says, gripping your chin between her fingers. “Say you understand”
“I understand”
“Good girl”
“You know, you should be the one begging” you say, your hands going up and down her calves while you kiss the exposed skin. “Weren’t saying you wanted me to get you nice and pregnant?”
“It doesn’t hurt to remind you I call the shots”
“Do you, now?” you smile up at her and Wanda holds her breath. She understands a second too late, that you have something of your own to tease her with.
With a chuckle, you push her thong aside and dart your tongue out, tasting her. You both moan and she places her hand in your head, pulling you closer.
You can tell she’s close when you feel her movig her hips against your mouth, so you slow down, until she’s whining.
“I didn’t say you could stop” she says.
“You better watch your tone or I’ll fuck the attitude out of you, baby” you stand up, puling your shirt up. Wanda’s hands go down your abs, which is amusing. Ever since you got back together, it hasn’t been lost on you how she eyes them and tries to get little peaks when your shirt rides up.
“Did you get a new…?” she says when her hand goes lower, feeling the strap on that you’re packing.
“See? I am putting a baby in you” you smile, pushing your thumb past her lips.
Wanda pulls your pants down, and takes the plastic cock between her hands. It takes you by surprise when she spits on it and then smears her saliva all over it. Before you can do anything else, her mouth is on it, and the pressure goes directly to your clit.
“Come on, let me fuck you” you plead, though you’re on the edge.
“Good old missionary?” Wanda pulls you down with her, your lips meeting in a messy kiss.
“God, yes, I want to hear your pretty moans” you say, lining up the toy against her cunt, and you find no resistance as you slide inside.
“Fuck, yes” Wanda moans, holding the back of your neck. You thrust harder when you feel her heels digging on your back, and she’s everywhere. Her scent is invading your nose, you feel her hot breath against your ear and her moans are all you can hear as you keep fucking her, losing control until she practically screams your name.
“Fuck, that was good” she says, as you keep moving your hips, waiting for her breathing to slow down. “I need a minute”
“Ok, I’ll just stay inside and focus on these two” you say, pulling the bra down and sucking on one of her nipples.
Wanda’s protests die down in her throat as you move to the other nipple, readjusting so you’re buried deeper inside.
She pushes you and you’re about to complain when she flips you over, straddling your lap.
“Alright then. Round two”
“Bring it, Maximoff”
It’s a miracle you leave the penthouse at all. Between having sex on every surface, eating and sleeping, it’s time to leave for Wanda’s work dinner.
“You look very fuckable, baby” you compliment her mini skirt, knee high boots and long sleeved sweater.
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all day?”
“I mean, I could picture pulling that skirt up and just fucking you against a wall” you say, laughing when she puts her head against the headrest.
“Lets forget about this work thing and go back to bed, please?”
“That’s not very professional of you”
“I know. But you’re not playing fair”
“It will be worth the wait, I promise”
Wanda gets out of the car as you talk to the valet. She walks inside, saying hello to a few people and picking up a glass of wine. She’s about to greet Wendy when a man gets in her way. It’s one of the assistant editors, though she can’t even remember his name.
“Hey, Wanda. Glad to see you made it”
“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she says, though she would absolutely miss it for more hours of hot sex with you.
“I didn’t bring anyone either, so maybe we could be each other’s date?” he jokes, but Wanda doesn’t smile at that.
“Actually, I…” she tries to say but he completely ignores her.
“As a matter of fact, I regret not doing this sooner, but I wanted to ask you out. And I know this is your last trip to Boston but I was hoping we could…”
You walk in that precise moment, smiling at Wanda.
“Hi there, sorry. Had to make sure they knew how to park the Corvette. I’ll have what she’s having” you turn to the man, who shifts on his feet, clearly uncomfortable.
“Not a waiter. I’m an assistant editor. Working on Wendy’s book. I’m sorry, I didn’t know Wanda was bringing a friend”
“I didn’t know either. Who did you invite, baby?” you play dumb, knowing exactly what was going on.
“No one, my love. This is my girlfriend, Y/N” Wanda leans against you.
“Doctor Y/L/N” you correct her before he can introduce himself. You don’t want to be on a first name basis with this asshole.
“My name’s Bobby. So, what kind of doctor? Eye stuff?”
“Trauma. ER stuff”
“Drunk people and broken bones?” he tries to joke.
“No, more like stab wounds. You’d be surprised how much damage you can do with the tiniest thing” you comment, picking up a tiny fork with a bored expression. “I mean, just the right spot and your entire carotid blows up. Gone in three seconds”
“Oh, darling, not everyone gets your medical humor” Wanda laughs a little too loud, pulling you away. “Anyways, nice talking to you, Bobby”
Bitch ass Bobby.
“Shut up” Wanda nudges your side, but she’s laughing too.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes” she smiles when you pull her close.
“Didn’t like the way he was staring. I mean, you are beautiful and everyone should acknowledge it. But he looked like he thought he had a chance”
“Nothing could be further from the truth”
“Between this and tiny Dick back in Westview I’m thinking I should put a ring on it before they cause any more trouble” you laugh, kissing her temple.
It’s a joke and Wanda can tell, because immediately after speaking you’re gulfing down entrees and talking about your plans for tomorrow, but she still thinks about the ring she found and how it’s been sitting on a box for three months now.
“Everything ok, babe?”
“Yeah, just tired” she says, and it’s not exactly a lie, not after four hours worth of cardio.
“We can relax tomorrow. I’ll cook for you” you promise.
Wendy and other people approach you and you’re charming them in no time. It’s very amusing to learn they all heard the story of Lily’s baby and how you walked in to save the day.
Speaking of which, at some point during the evening, someone calls for a doctor.
“Huh” you comment when you spot Bobby coughing, something clearly stuck on his throat.
“Go” Wanda pushes you, but you lean against the bar, sipping on your drink.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. He has one more minute before it gets dangerous”
But at Wanda’s insistence, you sigh and put your glass down, walking towards the man.
“Alright, here we go” you say, doing the good old Heimlich maneuver on him. Though your grip might be a little too strong as you squeeze his mid section.
Something comes flying out of his mouth and you put him down, looking bored.
“See? He’s fine” you say when you return to sit next to Wanda. He looks anything but, shaking and losening his tie. “I mean, he’s not dying”
Wanda rolls her eyes, but kisses your cheek. You spend the rest of the evening glued to her side, hands wandering down her back and gripping her waist. It’s like you’re addicted to feeling Wanda’s body against yours.
“You’re making it really hard to focus” she teases when you’re finally alone.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m gonna miss you. I know I’m going back to Westview next week but I…”
“It’s nothing” you look away, sighing.
But Wendy takes Wanda to meet some people, and you stay at the bar, looking around the room. When Wanda finally comes back, she can tell you’re tired and she says goodbye to everyone.
“Lets walk for a bit” she asks, taking your hand and pulling you towards a park. You nod and follow her, still thinking about everything you’re feeling.
Your thougts are interrupted by a street musician, singing a song you’re not familiar with.
“I know this one” Wanda says, reading your expression. “Reflecting light”
“It’s really beautiful”
“Come on” she offers her other hand, and you smile, your hands on her waist as she rests her head on your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” she finally asks and you laugh.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“I know you”
“I just…” you sigh, looking at her. “I’m going back to Westview and I have to undo the mess I left at the hospital. The city will be the same, but I’m not the same anymore… and I don’t know, I’m scared that everything will just feel wrong, or I’ll screw up”
“Sweetheart” Wanda interrupts your rambling. “I don’t think either one of us is the same. But that’s a good thing. It means we learned from our mistakes and we’re stronger. It’s gonna be alright”
“You promise?”
“I can promise you this. I’m here for better and worse”
"Sickness and health?” you joke, but your heart beats faster when Wanda looks into your eyes, nodding slowly.
“Yes, my love. Through all of that” she promises, kissing you softly.
As you sway to the soft music, you both think about the future together.
It’s looking good as long as you have each other.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 days ago
ml dragging on forever and ta's intent to keep it going for as long as possible (if im remembering that correctly, sounds like something he'd say) means the show is going to keep highlighting the writing failures. years into the future and no progress? marinette's a shitty ladybug despite all the hype she gets from her yes men (who might be just as trapped as alix tbh considering that if she needs all 18+ heroes, they can't leave paris until they get the butterfly, which sounds like it's gonna be never). the butterfly won't be used for heroism in the main continuity. the idea of lila as the butterfly in the future sucks because she's always been such a nobody character. she's still a nobody character even now as the new big bad. if it's a different butterfly villain it means marinette failed to get it back again which further shows she sucks as a hero. there's nothing they can do that can make any of it good without making some other part of the story worse.
Remember how the London Special had lines that were basically the writers bragging about how good they are at keeping their formula interesting and how it just requires them to change things up every once in a while? If that's true, then why is Marinette still doing the same stupid things, just escalated? All that's changed is that the circumstances around her have actually lowered the stakes.
They're basically escalating the wrong things. Marinette has gone from sabotaging a game show to hurt Kagami's chances with Adrien and breaking into her phone to check if she's been in contact with Adrien to following Adrien's new friend around, faking an Akumatization to avoid facing consequences for that and (unintentionally) breaking said girl’s prosthetics as a result of that. Yet, the stakes motivating Marinette have fallen so low they are nonexistent. Adrien is no longer the crush she feels she has little chance with, he has become her insanely doting boyfriend. Anyone thinking he’d dump her just because of Sublime is the actual joke of the episode instead of the cringe comedy that got stale five years ago.
Similarly, the new Butterfly is supposed to be bigger and badder because of how mysterious “they” are, but they’ve already shown us it's Lila, so the audience is aware that the heroes are treating a teenaged girl with limited resources as a bigger threat than the fully grown rich man all the while they have a whole team of superpowered allies. We're once again at the point that made the audience think Gabriel getting the Miraculous in the S4 finale was a good thing: the heroes have so much manpower, magical power and resources that them not winning instantly every time just makes them look incompetent at utilizing it all, which is a bad thing when your protagonist’s claim to fame is her superior planning ability.
Considering how the show has “progressed” so far, I can hardly wait for season 10 where Manon is the new Butterfly holder and Marinette has a whole two Miracle Boxes’ worth of Miraculous to combat this unbeatable toddler with. And she'll still be making even less progress than she is now.
I can just see the average episode now. Adrien makes a new friend, who happens to be, wait for it, a super competent girl, and Marinette feels insecure in her relationship with Adrien, despite them being engaged. In her jealousy, I mean, concern over making sure this girl isn't a spy for the new Butterfly, Marinette ends up poisoning her on purpose, but only because she thought she was evil! And the girl survives and thinks the poisoned cookies tasted great and asks Marinette for the recipe!
Also, Adrien proposed with his Amok but the fans insist it's totally okay because the writers said on twitter that you can't give unintentional commands with the Amoks and Marinette can be trusted to not give them on purpose. They all ignore how there’s also an episode where they introduce a new family member for Adrien who’s manipulating him and, instead of talking about it with Adrien, because having that kind of conversation is so uncomfortable, Marinette orders him to “stand up for himself” or other such rot, and the stans insist this total disregard of Adrien as a thinking, feeling human being is okay because it was to help Adrien and besides, it wasn't a real command because the episode left it unclear if Marinette used the ring or not.
I know what I'm risking by typing this all out, because this show has a track record of doing the exact thing I describe as the worst-case-scenario, but, maybe, in another ten years, when season 10 is actually airing, we’ll be able to laugh at how stupidly, predictably awful this show is.
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hkthatgffan · 18 hours ago
do you have any unseen gravity falls storyboards from season 2?
Interesting question. Well, if you mean unseen storyboards as in stuff that I exclusively was given access to by a crew member, then sadly no. I though have found storyboards that previously were not known about that I helped popularize. For example, years back I found a group of storyboards that Alonso Ramirez Ramos posted to his public Facebook page in 2018. These were public but just no one had ever shared them beyond his Facebook and so, that was sort of a case of me finding unseen boards that got popular after. The Dipcifica community of course has been in love with those given the cut boards from NMM in them, but there were also some other cool boards like one of little Stan and Ford which were great to see too.
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Other than that, there was a case of storyboards shared on TikTok by S. H. Cotugno that were previously unseen that I posted about which helped them gain attention outside of that app's userbase (I don't use TikTok and never plan to, so I found out about them through other means and it led there).
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But, beyond this stuff, there's not really any storyboards from season 2 that I have which only I have seen or ones that are so obscure that fans barely know that haven't been shared or are up on the wiki.
Well...there is one case of that though...
Back in 2023, I interviewed Ethan Marak of Stoopid Buddy Stoodios for a video on my channel.
During the interview, Ethan revealed to me something rather insane; THERE'S AN ANIMATED VERSION OF CLAY DAY FROM LITTLE GIFT SHOP OF HORRORS!
What I mean is that as we know in the episode, there is stop motion of the various monsters that the gang encounters and in the movie they're watching. Well, as it turns out, the Gravity Falls crew animated all the monster in the episode for real, and there's a cut of it with all the stop motion instead being regular Gravity Falls style animation.
The animation was done to help map out the movement of the stop motion, given they had a limited budget. So, getting everything right was crucial. Sadly, as that is all internal work owned by Disney, I was not allowed to share it and unless things change or...idk...some ex Disney TVA employee with too much access leaks it to 4chan again like the pilots that leaked last year, I will sadly not be able to ever show it. That said, Robertryan Cory shared these designs of the characters publicly years back that look very similar to what I was sent. But what I was shown were colourized versions and almost final looks of the characters, as well as ACTUAL screenshots from the production version of the episode that had the monsters animated in GF style with storyboards and also fully animated designs. It was incredible to see but again, it's something I can't share.
But imagine these images, just animated and coloured in full. That's what I was given access to.
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Ethan did let me share never before seen production photos from when they were making the stop motion characters, which I am allowed to show.
But yeah, besides this, there's not really anything major Gravity Falls related that I have that I can share (besides of course the many, MANY things Alex Hirsch told me and Hana off record that we're sworn to secrecy about). It's a real bummer tbh as part of me of course wants to share this info with the fandom, because I don't wanna gatekeep or hoard info about the show that fans may love to hear. But at the same time, I give these crew members my trust when I work with them on these interviews and breaking that is the fastest way to never being able to talk to any of them again which in turn, prevents any new info from being able to be shared that I could discuss. So, it's a case of having to retain info I can't share, in favour of more info that I CAN share.
But long story short, that's basically what I got related to GF season 2 storyboards the average fan may not know about.
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the-stove-is-divorced · 2 days ago
A NEW DETAIL DIATRIBE????? May your favorite drink be forever in your fridge, I cannot wait to watch that omg!!! MY POOKIE <33333
AND I KNOW??? It’s so insane to me, like, okay, so you guys really could’ve this the entire time and just didn’t. Screaming. Even some of the fights were fun!!! Like hello??? Giddy about Powerplex, I fucking love him so much, LIKE FINALLY!! But seriously the timing? Why is it getting good SIX episodes in for an EIGHT episode season??? If we had 25+, that’s still disappointing but that’s whole other thing, but we got EIGHT! We gotta make these count! And truly? I did adore exploration of the WORLD, like yes thank you for introducing the Order, GDA is slow for disasters, Kate and her brother, but also what the fuck Is Up The Graysons? Who the fuck are they anymore? WHO IS DEBBIE? What happened to the Guilty Graysons? My guilt magnet mark? BRING HIM BACK </3
Also truly, can Oliver speak on his Dad living his MOM, like hello??? How can you talk about the snippets you DO remember but not the vague time your brother spent trying to REBUILD your society you stayed within? How about your mother’s fear that she’d die? How about your brother getting beat the fuck up? The destruction of your world? Or how angry your brother was when he KNEW you existed? Do you even understand, retroactively, what you represent to Mark and Debbie? I understand if they don’t tell him, but one Google search if Nolan nearly killing Mark, before LEAVING, spells out he tweaked out, vanished, and THEN you know he had whole new family after, and that’s YOU. That’s gotta be wild to conceptualize no???? ALSO TRULY THATS TWO GENERATIONS AND NO COMMENT ON THAT HUH??? HOW??? HOOOOWW? What is this selective ass memory? OLIVER CAN YOU EVEN COMMENT ON WHO YOUR MOM WAS OUTSIDE OF LOVING YOUR DAD???????
Seriously give these kids some issues! They’re unknown hybrids!!! There gotta be some fuckery going on. I am once again asking for Mark to stop blinking, consciously yarning, and he never outgrew his baby teeth. Better yet, he’s constantly replacing his teeth, they just?? Keep going?? Adult set? No. Set #36. Every year they all fall out and grow back in for one day, and Mark, for YEARS, still isn’t convinced everyone doesn’t have a “Tooth Day” where you writhe in pain and get to eat whatever you want after for being so brave to brace that. William keeps telling him that isn’t real. Mark keeps telling him to stop gaslighting him. Mark has also never been to the dentist.
Or, I think Debbie made Nolan take Mark and then Mark was very, very popular because student was staring at his screen, utterly confused, and kept grabbing another professional until the room was crowded. Nolan got annoyed and dragged Mark away. Dammit, I wanna write absurd little snippets of hybrid biology fuckery now, too.
Rex/Rae makes be violently itch for arson. Makes my ass itch. WHY. WHYYYYYYYYY. I DON'T CARE SO VIOLENTLY ALSO EXPLORE CHARACTERS OUT OF ROMANCE OH MY GOOOD. I didn’t even realize she kept soothing Paul but like ???? Can she be her own person challenge —> continuous, world breaking fail!!! Truly what DOES she get out of this relationship? When does she get to be her own person and we explore HER outside of a guy?????? WHENNNNNN.
There also has to be record cases for heroes ain’t no fucking way this is the first time this is happened like hello? What does stuff get invented when Mark sneezes but never a single second before? This, again, CANNOT be the first time this has happened. You’re telling me Immortal and Nolan never got pissy and fought each other? No hero got brainwashed or went on a rampage and destroyed whole cities? No hero went villain and did the same thing BEFORE? You’re telling me, in a world with an established bootleg Justice League that’s been running for YEARSSSSSSSSS, there’s no legal protocol for when a hero is being explicitly used for unwanted destruction from another hostile party? Ain’t no hero event been brainwashed before???
Plus, I am a sucker for brainwashed episodes, and they gotta talk the character outta it, it’s like catnip to me. Also a great way to justify Cecil’s fears if it happens to Mark, just saying COUGH. Another fic idea I am sitting on. There are so many rattling around in my head.
BUT SPEAK ON IT??? Why the fuck are we not REALLY unpacking why the fuck Nolan’s first thought after not dying, was being worshipped as a hero and cheating on his wife. You could have just left. You could go back to earth. Yes, it’s complicated they assuming aren’t together anymore, but BRO HAD A WHOLE NEW CHILD??? Not guilty enough to still be loyal, miss my wife MY ASS. Like, you could have just NOT. Can we know why you decided that was best move? Why you put another planet at risk, cheated, and had an affair baby, WHILE mind you, being treated like a HERO. And then, again, REACHES OUT TO HIS KID, not to really apologize or rectify, but to DRAG him into YET ANOTHER MESS he MADE by CHOICE. Can we UNPACK THAT??? Allen istg lock this man down because with he’s track record he’s gonna get somebody pregnant before he apologized. Truly, what the fuck was this man thinking? Why did he just replicate what he had instead of going back to FIX IT? Which I know emotionally constipated but the decisions he DID take are so wild and the show needs to really say how fucking crazy it is. CAUSE WHY?????
I know exactly what kind of fic you’re talking about and there always so interesting to me, because like, why. I get the appeal, I’m sure I’ve read them, but also like…? Odd. Making the woman a bitch would always drive me up the fucking wall though, like you can just write your goddamn ship without spitting on a whole other character??? Damn???? Also yeah, I want to see a character act in a way that makes SENSE FOR THEM TOO. Batman has plenty of flaws to use, he’s secretive, on a “if you need to know you will” basis, he’s blunt if not asshole-ish in delivery, and he’s been hardened and toughened by having his trust broken and Robins die (and revive) on him. Paranoid. He’s also so fucking controlling. There is plenty to work with, if not making him antagonistic, while still using some elements within canon?
Speak on the that’s a YOU thing and not a CANON thing. Like yes we’re all playing with dolls here, but there’s some solid lore at work and it ain’t never said what you’re saying.
Like, I admittedly do have a fic that’s trying to fight against the Character A is Perfect Saint and is Always Right (also drives me up the fucking wall, because no he fucking isn’t, why are some of these fanfic trope speak in such absolutes?), that thereby paints a character in a more negative light but I’m not making him a fucking asshole outta the blue, I’m looking at what text says, what the text can imply, and using THAT. Exaggerated for comedy, also predictably a batman fic because it’s everything to me, but perhaps the guy (Alfred) who became a guardian to a freshly orphaned child, unsure of where the line is as he’s employed as a butler, and had no plans to BE a guardian to ANY kid (and in some issues left his own), may not be the best parent in the world. Not an abusive nightmare, but understandably overwhelmed. Just a thought.
Before the game even realized actually a level of dedication I didn’t know existed. But truly, WHAT ARE YOU WRITING???? Again like you said, if I’m looking through fanfic, it’s because I wanna see THOSE characters. Like have fun, but maybe let’s not bring legos to an opera house, just make ocs! You can stretch a character pretty far if it makes sense!
Mark agreeing to go hang out on a beach w Debbie instead of refusing and the beach is Beach City (am now officially thinking too much about this crossover lol)
The way I got caught up on our back and forth I almost forgot this, lol! AND OH MY GOODNESS, IMAGINE? I forget exactly what which point Debbie makes the beach offer, but I’d love when exactly in SU/SUF-timeline they’d go? There’s something so fucking funny to me about them going during the SUF-timeline and always narrowly missing the strange, Steven-shaped mental breakdowns in the back. I know those don’t occur in a single day, but it’s tickling me. How could they miss anything? I don’t know I just think it’s funny.
Though, post-SUF is interesting if Gems can see the similar “world on your shoulders”, Mark has going on! Steven can shunt the narrative in the Gems’ minds, which I think is neat, if I’m not misusing the phrase since the guy’s on the road far away. Or maybe it’s just before Steven goes and they stumble into each other. I’d kinda love Pearl and Debbie interacting, honestly, if they could talk about loving someone who hurt you, hide things from you, even when you thought you knew them so deeply, and they left you to raise a child. Pearl being in a well adjusted space, and Debbie still grieving.
Honestly, the gems could help train Mark, they’re got experience and similar-ish powers in strength, sturdiness, and they can jump/run fast enough for flying to be vaguely similar enough to lecture about, I think. Or Lapis Lazulis, haha! Peridot with her trash can lid! Garnet, I’d love to see if she told Mark anything about his future in vague, well meaning advice. Or even giving relationship advice considering Amber. Or, importantly, how to convince an entire reign to end their colonizing ways, lol. Is Mark perhaps willing to start a war, take advantage of being related to any leaders, or fake his own death to varying results?
In general, there’s something so fucking funny to me about Nolan, in the sake of comparison, being Pink Diamond coded. Like OH, did an important or well respected of the colonizing empire come to earth and learn the beauty of its people and nature, including faking/lying/omitting things about his identity and background to being in, only to feel conflicted when his responsibility still remained, and he tried to free himself from them? Yikes! We’ve been through that before! Like gimme Pink Diamond and Nolan outfit swap rn. This is tickling me so much oh my goodness.
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sweetesttaboosade · 2 months ago
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Gay people didn’t exist until September 15, 1967 when Amok Time premiered
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itwoodbeprefect · 11 months ago
going into manner of death you may think this is a show about an adult man with an adult job (performing autopsies on his childhood friends), but the further you get, the more clear it becomes that this is actually a show about an adult man with way too many adult jobs (he also treats patients in the ER, gets called in for emergency surgery, and juggles several potentially connected murder investigations as an unpaid side gig). no wonder literally every single person around him keeps randomly handing him food, even though we know he's a good cook. with only twenty-four hours in a day, it's a miracle he even finds the time to be weird and domestic with his prime murder suspect and their pet cactus
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sangcold · 3 months ago
Anyways this is what i thought when suitcase offered a piece of popcorn to mephone4 lmao
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One of the advantages of taking a temporary leave from the tf2 fandom is that by the time you come back, not only can you rewatch all the old SFM gems, but some of them have also UPDATED with new content and you basically just skipped the waiting time
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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thesapphicsoldier · 2 months ago
S2 ep 8 28:20 - 30:49, amazing. No notes. Best scene in the show honestly.
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j-esbian · 3 months ago
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maybe the real voltron was the friends we made along the way
#so i finished. feels like they did not put a lot of thought into shiro or hunk's epilogue lmfao#overall i dont think it was Bad. it could have been better yknow. but again. it feels like they just needed a little extra time to breathe#in development. it's just bones.#i do think perhaps some of the criticisms i have seen of it are just from people pissing on the poor#i could fix her!!! ough i really do want to rewrite this sdnfksjfd but that would unfortunately require. having to watch this again#and i cant do that in 24 hours#im so sad this is disappearing. this is the only show for which i ever stayed up for the midnight PST release#back when only season 1 and maybe 2? were out i used to watch them constantly. sometimes in spanish to practice#like i wouldnt have ever finished without the threat of it leaving but this is the worst timing to reawaken my affection for it lmao#grateful for it. wish i hadnt waited so long#i did need time to forget the insanity tho bc if i had made myself keep going and finish at the time#it would have poisoned the ending i think. nice to finally watch those last 4-5 episodes with a fresh perspective#but at the same time this is How Many Years ive missed out on being able to talk about it lmao#maybe there is a renaissance. idk i havent looked into it too much but i guess i should now huh#we'll see if things are any different or if it's just the same shit i got tired of the first time around#but anyway. the show is still fun and i enjoyed it for the most part. very sad to see it go#mine#voltron
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just-a-toast · 4 months ago
// ii 17 spoilers
It’s over.
What now?
Go home. There’s nothing left for you here anymore anyway.
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this scene made me heart broken though :,((
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months ago
my friends thought i shipped pinkiedash for literal months until I reblogged a ton of twipie art. When I asked why in the world they thought I shipped pinkiedash, I realized. My two pony dolls of pinkie pie and rainbow Dash (currently sitting on my work desk) had their muzzles touching. They thought I was making them kiss. I've since banished them to two separate corners of my desk
eh thats just common courtesy of pony dolls, youve gotta make them kiss regardless. Also funny, why would they think one ship stops the other? people multiship all the time Also funny that you went nohomo and separated them
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explosionshark · 21 days ago
God sometimes I wish I could travel back to 2017 to experience the madness and the glory watching of God's mistake MTV scream season 2 as it aired again. We'll never have anything like that ever again
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zabala0z · 7 months ago
Listened to 3 today instead of 2 like I planned! Worth it. Anyways, welcome back, yada, yada, I’m here again YIPEE
MAG 52: exceptional risk
Oh shit Robert Montauk is back. the guy who visited him was Maxwell Rayner and I did write down from previous episodes he was like a defrocked Pentecostal minister (hell he do???) and had that cult grow around him. Also the last name Rayner was mentioned in The Piper, Joseph Rayner tags or something. The whole, bulbs flickering and crappy water, at least my assumption, seems to be like in response. I’m assuming the thing that murdered Maxwell which then scared the shit out of his daughter in A Fathers Love and possibly killed her mom. I think Robert did something to try and get rid of that creature which is Maxwell came and did his ominous speech or whatever
MAG 53: crusader
Gertrude!!! No notes on this episode but I know eyes are like a super common theme in the magnus archives, I’ve seen some vague fanart so I’ll keep an eye for that. Sorry.
MAG 54: Still Life
Daniel Rawlings was one of the people who disappeared in Anglerfish near Old Fishmarket Close. The thing that was in his basement was also described very similarly to the thing in the alleyway. Swaying motion, a monotone voice, repeating the same sentence again, and again. Not only that Daniel disappeared the same year as Sarah Baldwin, who we were already, unfortunately, introduced to. I know he has like a completely different appearance but I dunno. It’s creepy. ALSO, there were those 2 men with cockney accents and when Jon got delivered those packages in season 1, Martin described them with cockney accents. So I’m assuming they are the same.
MAG 55: Pest Control
Jane Prentiss mention. Thought we’d be done with her when she’s now ash but I guess not 💀 (<- Jane) anyways, apparently John Amherst got an appearance. Doing some calculating, I think him in MAG 55 was before Taken Ill. I think. One thing I noticed looking back at Taken Ill was that Nicole didn’t want to touch the bell because there was this oily residue on it, the same oily residue on the door to his house when Jordan knocked on it. Also the landlord from Jane’s statement is here. Did not expect him to sacrifice himself. Clearly he knows a lot and maybe knew what that “wasps” nest was all about. He had that scar too. So far I can’t find anything connecting with that scar but everything (everyone) is going up in flames in this podcast I swear.
MAG 56: Children of the Night
I was actually going to end this post at Pest Control but I saw TREVOR was giving this statement so I had to listen. Anyways. Uh. Rest in peace that human he killed 🫡. The lady that had spiders come out was interesting. Lot of spiders in this podcast.
Also Jon seems really stressed like he needs a nice nap and maybe some like book to calm him down. I jumped and he wasn’t even yelling at me 😭 personally I would not let that slide. also Martin mentioned his mom having problems so he dropped out and I think his moms problems were based in the supernatural in some way. No basis for that.
One other thing, I saw that the title of this episode is like…slightly similar to the thing Gertrude referenced in Crusaders. “Those who sing the night “children of the night”. I guess only night is mentioned and it could be a coincidence but I’m keeping that in mind just in case.
Anyways that’s all my thoughts!! I see the next episode is something about space. It is currently 10:12 PM and it’s pitch black so I’m definitely not listening to that tonight.
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caeslxys · 7 months ago
What didn't gel for you with the ritual? Was it how Delilah is still... kinda around? Or how the characters reacted?
The Delilah thing has me concerned but I felt it was an overall positive for Laudna, and I'm just curious of your thoughts!
oh I'm actually elated delilah is still around, if she were perma-gone I would've honestly had more problems with it 💀
not because it isn't a wonderful thing for laudna! it is! I'm so happy she has more control over her life and choices!! she deserves it so much!!
but. as someone deeply invested in that narrative. that its been built up for about 100 episodes (I believe it was 4, when delilah was first officially revealed?) and was (semi-)concluded in a ritual that took less than an hour to complete, that they discovered less than a full game ago, and that they proceeded to then not talk about at all in any significant way was deeply disappointing. a culmination that should have been this massive emotional upheaval fell overall flat to me bc of how rushed it felt.
But that's just me! and some of it was my own expectations and my own distaste for the pinion as a solution since well before they realized that's what it could be. but at least she's still there! so it's not truly over yet!
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