#finally ahaaaa
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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Wyatt’s stomach was still churning too uncomfortably for him to think about dinner, nor did Brynn seem too bothered either; she was far more interested in taking herself to bed. He’d been too distracted to notice earlier, but he suddenly realised she hadn’t even brought a bag along with her.
Wyatt: You didn’t bring anything with you? Brynn: I not really have anything… Wyatt: If I knew you were going to set out with nothing, I might not have been so keen to let you leave. Brynn: It was important to me. Wyatt: I know. Brynn: You came to find me, didn’t you? Wyatt: Perhaps-.. but I changed my mind in the end. Brynn: Before or after you fail? Wyatt: [snorts] In between. Brynn: I not mean to ghost you-.. I hoped to get a new phone, but something more important popped up. Wyatt: It’s okay.. I have your phone, by the way. Brynn: Oh-.. is Gael still breathing? Wyatt: Unfortunately. Brynn: Maybe you knock some sense into him. Wyatt: I doubt it. Brynn: Hm, me too-.. I would have liked to see his face. [Wyatt snickered lowly; he should’ve taken a picture]
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Wyatt: Would you still have come back? You know, if it weren’t for-… Brynn: I always plan on coming home. Wyatt: I take it you were busy saving your money? Brynn: Yes! Though your friend Darien helped me in the end. Wyatt: I’ll have to pay him back then. Brynn: Pfft, I pay myself! That’s why I take so long. Wyatt: I could’ve helped you, if you’d asked. Brynn: I not think it fair. Wyatt: What do you mean? Brynn: Is so expensive. Wyatt: And? Brynn: I not want to bankrupt you. [Wyatt squinted, realising he’d never mentioned the fact that his lifestyle didn’t quite match his bank account] Wyatt: Brynn, I could buy us a private jet if I wanted-.. several, in fact. Brynn: Really..? Wyatt: Mhm. Brynn: You live so modestly; I never would know. Wyatt: Well, at least you’re not after my money.
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Brynn chuckled sleepily; she hadn’t returned with the intent to sit idly on her hands, but it was nice to know there was no rush to find employment, or to make money. She was beyond exhausted after the past few months
Brynn: Does that mean I not have to get a job? Wyatt: Not unless you want one. Brynn: Will you keep yours? Wyatt: Probably not. I just wanted to know what it felt like-.. mundanity. Brynn: Is kind of rewarding, no? Wyatt: Oddly so. Brynn: I think we have something more rewarding to spend our time on soon. Wyatt: How long do we have to, uh.. prepare? Brynn: I not know exactly. Wyatt: You haven’t been to the doctors? Brynn: I not able to just walk in without being registered! I feel fine, anyway. Wyatt: We’ll sort it out tomorrow-.. get you some clothes n’ stuff afterward. Brynn: You are soft. Wyatt: Only for you.
With no worries left unsaid and no more secrets between them, Brynn draped herself over Wyatt and crashed-.. hard. Some people clearly didn’t understand her choices, but she’d never felt so loved, seen, or safe with anyone else before. She was finally home, and for the first time in her life, she was truly content…
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the-acid-pear · 10 months ago
Life truly feels earth shattering when you're having a mental breakdown huh. Like when you let your emotions bottled up they spill everywhere and you just can't do anything it really feels like you'd kill yourself right that instant and then it all gos sback to normal this is so dumb I'm goin gto start killing people like straight up I'm serious
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skydoesthings · 1 year ago
grian speaking immediately followed up by etho making aha jokes about 2 years too late in joel's pov is insane
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skyfallscotland · 6 months ago
I know I’m repeating myself, but the new chapter in too deep was once again sooo good! I love the insinuation with Amber Mavis, like yessss Violet is small but there is a reason why her nickname is Violence 😏
And just the interaction with Violet and Xaden, them spending the day together and him caring for her ahaaaa I’m so so excited for the next chapters!
Thank you Amy for sharing your writing with us! ❤️
Thank you so much! I can't believe the response this silly little olympics fic has gotten, it's been great 💗
She's finally learning that he's not all bad and realising she wants to spend time with him, bless her lol. It's going to get emotional very soon once we start delving into everyone's trauma, but hopefully it will remain fun at the same time lol. I'm not used to writing things that aren't epic-length now. I keep sprinkling in things and people keep asking about them and I'm like oh...um...no you're probably never getting the backstory sorry, lol.
Like Fen was in the military and that's how he died and up until his death and bonding with the Mairi's, Xaden thought he was going to do that too. Like that's my headcanon but it will probably never make it to page 😅
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silly-npanc · 1 year ago
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🩵Young Pep🩵
(3 days of going to sleep at 5 am because I wanted to finish this drawing...but it was worth it ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
I really don't have much to say, I really love this young Pep design created by @grimmoirre
I also find it quite funny and ironic that he has long hair, and later he literally goes almost bald XD
Some extra random doodles
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(I just think it's so adorable when he talks like that, I don't know why, HELP)
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theanoninyourinbox · 11 months ago
~HOPE'S REST CLOWDER CATS (still open to adding more! They'll show up later in a fic and I will draw them!)
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hisuianhellion · 4 months ago
A final statement of visions and dreams from a parallel world...
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death. Blood. Violence. Eldritch themes and horror. If you wouldn't play Bloodborne, be wary of this post.
This post in particular will have 4th wall pokes. Please remember that this is fiction and for fun. I simply wanted to be creepy for Halloween, you are safe.
A photo. It's just a photo. It shows the same page as prior posts had, showing the message of "Seek Paleblood to transcend the Hunt" as before, but... attempting to move the post further down the dash to keep watching or ignore this post doesn't seem to move it at all. It's just fixated upon the page. Unmoving. Unyielding.
Until a hand reaches out to grasp at the page, flipping it over to reveal the name "Crimson Hunter" upon it.
No. It says "Rose Waite". Simply look again. It never changed. It was never flipped. The dashboard's scrolling is working just fine.
Nothing ever changed at all.
A video. In it, the same Rose from before seems to be quietly scrolling through the previous iterations of herself. One that lost herself to something unseen. One that found a deeper secret in the Hunt. One that never existed in Yharnam. One that only existed elsewhere, where beasts roam freely... and she herself was one of purple hue and gleeful countenance. She scrolls again. And looks at the camera quietly, those blue eyes studious and thoughtfully scrutinizing. She quietly tilts her head, humming gently. A light check for too much stubble along her gaunt chin. A light adjustment of her lips into a pursed line before opening them to check for fangs, finding a lack thereof. A peer side to side to let her brown hair flop idly behind her head.
"Well... I guess that explains why the air feels a bit... charged. This isn't my first attempt at this. Previous attempts had failed somehow, hadn't they?" Her voice was oddly... soft. Not energetic like it had been. She still gave a slight snicker, shaking her head, though, showing it was, in some way, still "her". "That's interesting... I feel like fuckin' death at this point. Guess there's no way but out for now..." A steady stand, and she clicked the recording off. It stayed for a moment, a quick glimpse of a lantern nearby, right as a telltale crash was heard down the nearby stairs, as she reached out to take it to the Hunter's Dream, the recording only ending once she finally changes planes.
Another video. Positioned precariously upon the desk in the Hunter's Workshop, Rose quietly walks forward, coming into contact with a man. An older man. Looking haggard, exhausted and attempting to put on his best smile, the fellow glances up. His hat was settled quietly and calmly, and he adjusted his scarf as Rose... moves past him with a gentle pat to his shoulder.
"Ohoo...? You seem a bit puzzling to me. You wouldn't... happen to know where you are, would you?" Rose finally pauses at the man's shaky voice. And she tilts her head quietly in thought. It was like a dog tilting their head, her arms crossing.
"Something about this is painfully familiar. The safety this place has is... infectiously pallid. It's unsettling in a way I find comforting. And you." She turns to face him fully, her arms unfurling. "... You'll want to kill me eventually."
The old man blinks in response to this, rubbing his chin in thought as he watches her. "You've been touched... haven't you? Just a few too many eyes? And yet you seem... strangely lucid, no?"
"Depends on your definition."
"Ahaaaa... well... perhaps we can chat in a more... ah... private area. We seem to be being watched." Both pairs of eyes hit the camera. And Rose quietly checks her pocket. She pulls out her phone. She looks at the camera still showing off their conversation... before walking over to place the phone from her pocket into its place. The recording promptly ends.
A photo. It's a selfie of Rose as she held up a rather quaint peace sign. Her eyes, still a clear blue. Her cowl was down, showing teeth, sharp as could be, but... not overtly threatening as she smiled a bit playfully.
"Felt cute. Felt like showing off a bit."
Yep. It was still Rose in there... somehow. Despite this--... did the photo just wink at the viewer? No. No it didn't. Stop letting these thoughts cloud any judgements.
It's just a photo.
Rose stares upwards at the Grand Cathedral in this new recording. She hums gently, letting her hands flex quietly in thought. "I was able to let Adelaide reach the Chapel... perhaps another can be spared...?" She flicks through a few photos. "Fear the Old Blood... is that...?" She hums gently, quietly and gradually turning away from it to pace her way through. Her eyes visibly flick to the Amygdala nearby, checking with the camera feature to verify it was truly there, only to hum as she steps soundly downwards towards the end of the stairs. However, she pauses.
Her eyes glance back up. And she quietly thinks in response to a howl being heard echoing loudly down the corridor. "... No. She'd just hurt anyone she came across. She needs to die." With a quiet sigh through her nose, Rose shakes her head and adjusts the camera to show off the rather pristine sword she now had. No longer an axe, it seemed, she had gotten a bit of a change-up. "... Ludwig. I guess this is what this blade is for, mm?"
The recording ends.
Another selfie. This time with Rose, her hair dyed a rather... prominent crimson hue as her face was a bit caked with dried blood. Her bangs are creeping along her chin like fur is forming, and at this point, the pretense is off. She visibly opens her mouth in this "photo", her canines far sharper than ever.
A second "photo" is posted, her hand flexing and showing the creeping fur along it, the claws visible and pointed.
It seems she knew she was changing. And she wanted the viewer, be it a future iteration of herself or another being entirely, to see this.
"Die, die, die!" The cries of a beastly man, still lucid enough to speak as Rose deftly adjusts her placement to avoid a firm thrust of a fist. A being of raw power, a beast of storms, formerly in the body of a beggar who gleefully killed his previous victims for their belongings.
The Hunter swerves again, dodging the attack before sticking a knife into the arm that came crashing down. "Really...? I should die...?" The Beast screams and slashes wildly, purple ooze festering from the wound she had stabbed into it as she simply ducks cleanly under the attack. "Why?"
"You're no better than beasts! We're the true Hunters for at least taking without pretense! We just kill so we can survive, you slaughter for the fun of i--"
"So do you." Her sword, fully sheathed with a blade almost as tall as she was, was now jammed into his chin, the force of it enough to stop him cold in his tracks as she pushes it upwards. Her expression is unyielding and direct. "I kill because you harm people. I have an accord with an elder fellow not to attack Beasts that do not attack humans. So why should I dare let you by when I see two corpses you're gleefully looting?"
A gurgle of anger follows this as the beast attempts to grasp the blade. She simply thrusts it upwards instead, piercing his brain pointedly as a shower of blood settles along her. A prompt removal of her the tip from his chin, and she watches the body crumple, slump along the edge of the roof they had been on, and gradually slip into the forest's depths below.
"... you make beasts look bad." The recording, however it started, however it was placed, ends as she turns. A crimson tail visibly flicks in frame just long enough to be caught beforehand.
A photo of Rom, the Vacuous Spider. It doesn't seem to react at all to anyone... but Rose. As she stands there, another selfie position with a faint wink once more as the cowl upon her face seems to BARELY be holding on... Rom's head turns. It looks directly at Rose. And it seems, for the first time in its life...
A new recording, this time with her sitting in Oedon Chapel with the reddish hue of the Blood Moon hanging low upon them all. Quietly, she's rocking back and forth with a young girl in her arms. Blonde hair drapes down... as she stays there, motionless in Rose's arms. Her eyes are staring outwards almost emotionlessly, but they're bloodshot. Tears had streaked down her face, her body slowly swaying forward and back. Her cowl was up, but pushed forward visibly. Her ears were perking up, covered in fur and pointing straight up. And yet she still spoke like a human could. "... I did everything right... I did everything right... I told her the truth... I-I killed the boar. I escorted her myself to the Chapel, a-and she simply... she needed to find her sister. She wanted to be strong and b-brave like the 'Good Hunter', and she needed to find her sister and--"
Rose chokes back a sob, staring upwards. "... I don't care who is behind the Hunt... I will find you... and I will
slaughter you."
Her voice was no louder than before. But the raw power behind her voice was undeniably potent. Something in her had changed. Her eyes were peering down at the camera. And the recording ended without her needing to touch the screen.
The very fabric of this recording seems to be fraying. It extends past the bounds of the post. It shifts perspectives randomly, taking note of the many things within the Hunter's Dream as dawn begins to break. It shows... something? Someone? They're in Hunter's Garb, claws having pierced out of their gloves as they walk a bit slowly. Not shakily, though. They're trailing up the path in the Hunter's Dream that leads to the garden, standing tall and firm in their motions as their tail gently sways behind them. Crimson ears are pushed upwards, past the hat still sitting comfortably upon their head. A muzzle has negated the use of a cowl, closed with nary a fang out of place. And the massive blade upon their back was the same one Rose had been using, more form-fitting to someone as large as they were with their garb durable enough to resist tearing almost instantly.
Rose had fully turned, and she was gradually stepping up towards Gehrman. "Kneel."
"... For a beast? You've changed, Hunter."
"Kneel. You aren't my prey. And I'd rather you find some measure of peace."
"You... how could you speak such with a countenance such as your own?" Rose's blue eyes, still succinctly clear and glowing rather pointedly, shifted upwards towards the moon.
"... I'm a monster who hunts monsters, Gehrman. And considering the five others I've killed didn't end the Hunt, there's one more to try. They treat humans as toys. Tools to be discarded, things to be ignored if they pray, beings below their own comprehension just as they're above ours. So they think."
"Y-... you can't mean to try? It cannot be resisted...!"
Rose leans down, the video shifting practically to Gehrman's own perspective, his eyes frantically searching her face for any sort of clue that she had lost herself. And instead, the wolfish visage of bloodied death simply shakes her head, speaking quietly and calmly. "... Rest, Gehrman. You've been at this for far too long... you can sleep now."
His perspective shifts. Or rather... it falls. In the blink of an eye, the "camera" drops to the ground. And it slowly shifts to another. A greyish gaze, no colors at all... except for the beast's. Crimson. Clear crimson was this beast, and as the claws of the presence reach out to embrace it... it finds its fingertips sliced clean off. It screams, backing away rapidly with a strange squeal. It was hard to parse the sound, if it even was a sound.
It barely lasted a minute. The fight, if one could call it that, was of a desperate "god" flailing at the beastly visage of death's unyielding push forward. It attempted to employ its control. The beast shrugged it off without a second thought. It attempted to drain the beast's life. Pale, white blood splattered from it in retaliation, only strengthening that crimson glow around it.
Soon... it crumpled. And the blade stood firm, aiming right towards its forehead. "You don't deserve peace. But I grant you sleep all the same, Paleblood."
The recording promptly ends.
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vmuromuro · 5 months ago
togachako witches AU, enemies to lovers
fic prompt: witch!ochako x bloodwitch!himiko
Alternate Universe - Fantasy || Magic
Witch Uraraka Ochako
Blood!Witch Toga Himiko
Rating: M*, F/F
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Descriptions of Blood, Stabbing
Other Tags: (Dark) Magic, Enemies to Lovers, Tender Friendships, Class 1-A girls as witches, LOV as family, Angst, Slow Burn/Eventual Romance, Moral Dilemma *This fic does not (and will not) have smut!
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"To the brunette’s horror, Toga lifts her hand back up to her face, her gaze never lifting from Ochako’s figure as she licks the red from the palm to her finger, a devious smile gracing her face as warm scarlet drips down her front.  Toga’s eyes were dilated, but through her daze, Ochako could have sworn her striking yellow iris flickered brown for a split second, before Ochako’s eyes finally fluttered shut to the sound of her own blood.  Drip. Drip." ˏ. ˋ ° •. * . ⁀ ➷ ・゚ : * ・゚. * .
>> This fic is in progress! Currently at 4 chapters on AO3.
I've already mapped out the entire fic (estimated # of chapters = 20), but I'm busy with uni so it's slow to update.
Super excited for what's in store though!!
+ Todochako besties + Knight Iida + Come on it's ochako-centric who doesn't love that /j
LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58586776/chapters/149269537
Extra tags:
Minor or Background Relationship(s):
Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako
Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako
Class 1-A Girls & Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka Ochako & Yaoyorozu Momo
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto
Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Toga Himiko
Canon-Typical Violence
No Smut
Slow Burn
Descriptions of Blood
It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
Occasional purple prose i'm sorry
Enemies to Lovers
Knight Iida Tenya
Prince Todoroki Shouto
Uraraka Ochako-centric
Dark Magic
Blood Magic
Eventual Romance
like actually ENEMIES to lovers i do not play about this trope
Tender Friendships
Moral Ambiguity
Moral Dilemmas
toxic yuri... kind of
Character Study
PS: For my fantasy SUPER LOVERS out there, please be kinddd! It's my first time writing fantasy, let alone a chpater fic, so apologies if my writing isn't up to par :/
That aside I really had fun writing this, and hope more people can enjoy it too! I swear it gets better as you go on AHAAAA
+ sigh i love these two....
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black-sapphire57 · 1 year ago
How do you feel about your men and their mafia subordinates being so ugly this chapter, while Ferid is better drawn and more charming than ever?
Did Kagami finally demand that there be a hierarchy?
I mean, the author said a long time ago that Ferid is one of the most beautiful and until now there was no clear differentiation between him ( my handsome prince ) and "the others".
But now:
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We have " the ugly squad " vs
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This gorgeous and charming man.
Or is it a trick?
I mean Ferid is the "protagonist" these chapters and Kagami and Yamamoto are trying to make his redemption arc as good as possible haha.
ahaaaa...I hate to disagree but personally I feel as if Ferid's lost his charm as well😭. If you see him as the same prince as he was I'm happy that you do. ♥ But honestly if all the characters where drawn better (as they should be drawn) it would have gone well with the fighting sequence with Yuu. Instead everyone was so fugly this chapter I literally cringe cried the whole night! Only the best looking character which was Basteya who still looked pretty decent and kagami literally said lets just get rid of him since we dont wanna kill any of the main characters.
Plus no ones actually 'Died' since that old fossil Tenri!😤😭
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 7 months ago
MACINTOSH APPLE i've been SLACKING on my duties of being annoying over deadwood arc in ur inbox. to be fair i'm still only like halfway into 36 and i've been waiting on that FUCKING cliffhanger of vyncent collapsing the cave system wiwi & dakota are in for days. because historically, no prime defenders bit had ever had serious consequences!!!! so i don't really have much to talk about that i haven't already. but i think the cave shit is fucking crazy. i'm sure they'll be fine!! anyway i'm curious on whether we ever get resolution on Why deadwood is Like That.... if it's some shit like "clarence albert was originally from deadwood or founded it or ripped a tear between the [chaos realm/spirit world/etc] and the real world" i'm gonna lose it. also i'm wondering who else is gonna get possessed.... mildly terrified for vyncent since he already has such low will. dakota also because he's got a bag of rocks in his head but like surely one possession is enough. right?? right?? anyway. what else. obviously still have 1 billion feelings on william growing up in deadwood is i guess like going crazy wisp. etc. and FUCK the wisps also i haven't been on my creepy wisp shit for a while but u should know im 24/7 thinking abt them and also why they fucking left and also why they chose him!!!!! anyway hope u are doing gooooddd having a good day off pls say hi to ur beafts for me if ur still in proximity to them! sharing my homemade pesto with homegrown basil and garlic with u ^_^
AHAAAA IM FINALLY ANSWERING THIS. HI. AWESOME. see the cave was nothin they made it out of the cave fine surely. i relistened to the first half of ep 38 earlier this morning so i have a bit of a better idea of where youre at now... how was the speech? was the speech good? did you feel any secondhand emotions of anykind because i sure didnt! (<<gritting my teeth) ALSO ITLL BE FIIIIINE. THEY HAVE THE WOLF TOTEM RIGHT. SURELY NOBODY ELSE WILL GET POSSESSED NOW THAT THEY HAVE THAT !!!!!!11 legally i cannot comment on much else of this yet but i also have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about william growing up in that town. "i thought you were the first good thing to come out of deadwood" is a line that still fuckinng haunts me. like a ghost, you could say.
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hautevaux · 8 months ago
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Below the cut is a rather long post with many details about Vaux's store - with the vague help of the Sims. Obviously, nothing is exactly how I imagine it, but it's definitely a huge help with visualising. So if you're interested, it all under here! Please excuse the little overlay of my CPU and GPU temperatures, I was testing something beforehand and forgot to turn it off, ahaaaa
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Upon walking into Vaux's store, with the door behind you, this is the view you're met with if you cant your head to the right. It's the main floor of the store itself, with displays dotting the floor - on the rail clothing available by size, the reception desk in the far side alongside many racks used for smaller details such as watches, cufflinks, jewellery, ties, belts, ect-
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If you look to the left, there is far more displays for things such as couture shoes and handbags, shoe displays and most of the on-the-rail offered clothing; namely dresses and shirts, jackets, ect- Vaux also enjoys displaying art made by local artists near to his mannequins where he uses them for his most opulent displays.
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Through the archway in the middle of the back of the store, near the reception desk, is where Vaux and his seamstresses do most of the fittings; a bright and spacious place that allows for a beautifully airy feel.
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Looking to the left, you can see a single doorway- this doorway leads to Vaux's personal space where he tends to clients requesting extremely custom orders. If he needs space, this is also where Vaux goes for a quiet few moments- but the space is available for his seamstresses or staff to use for the very same reasons.
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Another doorway within this room leads to a very small kitchen where all variety of drinks, snacks and pastries are on hand - for both guests and staff to take a break.
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Returning to the right side of the fitting room- there poses two doors and an archway.
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The two doors lead to changing rooms for clients - kept clean, plush and open - and the archway at the end leads to their workspace.
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An open space that allows for plenty of movement, plenty of room to move - a place shared by both Vaux and his seamstresses all the time. They get along extremely well - - and finally, the arch that leads towards the back leads to the storeroom.
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I didn't manage to put much in here, but it is where all of the bolts of fabric, threads, haberdashery, ect- is- and is also, behind the camera, a small bathroom for staff to use.
Vaux likes open, clean, simple spaces that allow for movement and the feeling of freedom - comfortable, contenting; something not too offensive to the senses and easy to work in.
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gerudospiriit · 1 year ago
[It's me. Momo. Back at it again writing more Nabsgan one-shots instead of working on my New Year's Resolution of getting my book published. 👍
Anyway, I've just had a mighty need lately so this is happening. Small warning, it's a little spicy but nothing explicit or graphic. Got a little bit of angst if you know how to look at it ahaaaa. BUT I hope the three Nabsgan fans on this website enjoy this little sweet and fun thing I wrote for two dumbasses. :'3
Translation note: "miv ra'aq" literally means "my sun" but it is a term of high endearment for the Gerudo.]
While Nabooru welcomed the ache in her muscles from her final training session of the evening, the sweat glistening on her skin in the torchlight and the cooling sensation afforded to her whole body from the night’s air crawling in through the windows of the fortress, she did not care for the exhaustion weighing heavy on her limbs and eyelids as she trudged toward Ganondorf’s room. The final task and request of the night–one she was running later for than she meant to–and then she could catch a few winks of sleep before waking with the sun and starting over again. That thought in mind, she considered saving her some steps and energy after their meeting and staying in his room instead. If her tardiness didn’t sour his mood so much that he would refuse to let her.
Approaching the ornate doors, the gold embellishments gleaming too brightly in her tired eyes, she pushed the door open and entered, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand. “Sorry I’m late. I wanted to make sure the new beats for the guards covered the blind spots we previously had in surveillance.”
“I did not realize such a task would work up a sweat.” Ganondorf snapped his book shut and stood, dropping the tome on the cushions he abandoned. He stretched his arms over his head, drawing her gaze, purposefully or not, to the lengthening of his muscular arms and bare torso. His arms dropped back to his sides, thick brows low over his amber eyes and his disapproving frown tugging the corners of his lips downward. “Were you sprinting to do these rounds?”
“I’m here now, aren’t I?” she sniffed, folding her arms as she crossed the room. She paused in front of him. “And if you must know, I wanted to get a last training session in since the meeting you called cut my usual morning training short.”
“I suppose it makes the bath I prepared for us more worthwhile.”
An eyebrow rose in question, but she did not fight the calloused fingers tracing along the top of her pants to rest at the small of her back or the lips finding purchase against her neck. “A bath and feeling me up is hardly urgent business,” she responded, head tilting as her hands wandered along his sides, “especially not with that look you gave me when I walked in.”
“You know I don’t like to be kept waiting, Nabooru.” The growl in his voice sent a shiver pirouetting through her body, her response silenced by his lips attaching to her own. “And I don’t want the water to get cold.”
“I figured you would revel in the excuse to show off your magical prowess.”
A punishing nip to her lower lip elicited a soft giggle before she kissed him again, arms looping around his neck as he deepened the kiss. Hands on her hips, Ganondorf lifted her from the ground, feet leaving the rug beneath them. Legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to the private washroom in the back of his room, the trip problem free despite their maintained lip lock thanks to his heightened awareness and familiarity with his space. One hand left her backside to push the curtain aside and, once they were in the room, the steam of his magically filled and heated tub swirling around them in a humid mist, he parted his lips from hers.
With a slight lift of her backside, he silently coaxed her to release her legs from his waist and lowered her to the mosaic-tiled floor. She dropped her arms from his shoulders in favor of pulling the ruby from her hair, her crimson tresses falling down her back and over her shoulders. She idly shook them out as she unabashedly watched her lover remove his pants and climb into the tub with a content sigh. The basin had been remodeled to give him ample space within it to stretch out and relax, despite his protests to avoid wasting time and resources when he could make due with what already existed in the chief’s or king’s quarters. However, Twinrova insisted the king deserved to bathe in privacy and comfort instead of being subjected to a tiny bathtub or the communal baths with the rest of the tribe. While the snobby demeanor of the sorceress’s request irked her, Nabooru couldn’t complain too loudly about it; private baths with Ganondorf were one of her favorite ways to spend time with him.
Plucking her rings off each finger, she set them and her gloves next to the wash basin, followed by her choker. “Is it still warm? Was all your attitude for nothing?” she asked, toeing off her shoes.
“Mm, indeed.” He draped his arms over the lip of the tub, cracking an eye open to watch her finish undressing. “It's the perfect temperature.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Kicking her pants over to where she discarded her top–still the typical white of an Elite; her mother still worked on her specially tailored outfit to better suit her rank of second in command–she padded over to the tub and climbed in. Immediate relief washed over her, a pleased sigh escaping her lips as she sank beneath the water across from Ganondorf, adjusting her legs to allow them both to share the space comfortably. She inhaled the soothing hint of cool safflina entangled with the rising steam and closed her eyes. The combination of the two soothed both her aching muscles and her tired mind.
“Well?” asked Ganondorf after a moment, his deep voice drawing her back from her near doze.
“Mm, eight out of ten on the heat level.” Nabooru smirked when she opened her eyes, and noted the flare of his nostrils. “But the cool safflina scent is a nice touch and makes up for it.”
 “In retrospect, I should have chosen a different scent it seems,” he mused, “one with less of a chance of putting you to sleep.”
“Like feet?”
Before Ganondorf could process her ludicrous suggestion, Nabooru braced her hands on the lip of the tub and, stretching her leg toward him, lifted her foot from the water so it was level and an inch from his nose. She cackled as he grunted and turned his face away. “I think that would keep us awake, don’t you?”
“Childish,” he rumbled, but his smirk belied his annoyance with her antics. In half a blink, his calloused fingers snagged her ankle in a grip just tight enough that she couldn’t wriggle free from. “But I have a better solution.”
A firm, forward tug of her ankle yanked her beneath the water, her surprised gasp filling her mouth and lungs with water. Limbs flailed as she struggled to resurface, and her hands finally found purchase on the side of the tub again to tank herself back from the depths of the tub. She sputtered and coughed, her wheezing juxtaposed by Ganondorf’s hearty laughter. When she regained control, she slapped the surface of the water, splashing water in his face. However, his laughter was infectious enough to revive her smile.
“You wouldn’t be laughing if that killed me.”
“So dramatic,” he teased through the tail end of his chuckles. He held his arms out to her, beckoning her into them with a crook of his fingers. “I simply think you’re absolutely stunning when you’re soaking wet.”
Nabooru smoothed the curtains of damp hair back away from her face and heeded his invitation with a mild pout. It melted the instant she rested her back against his chest and his muscled arms curved around her frame. Her fingers danced idly along his forearms. “Well, there are much more pleasant ways you can do that.”
Another chuckle, and he lifted her hand to his lips. “Mm, perhaps,” he muttered, kissing along each of her knuckles. He turned it over and kissed her palm. “But I like to keep things interesting. I couldn’t bear to be predictable.” He nipped her palm, then, smirking. “I'll focus on that later.”
“I'll hold you to it.” Cupping his cheek, she twisted at the waist to steal a proper kiss. “I do still love you despite your attempt to drown me.”
He smiled as she resettled in his arms and nuzzled the top of her head. “I love you too, Nabooru.”
Silence once more fell between them, comfortable and easy. Ganondorf would occasionally toy with her fingers or kiss her temple, face lingering against her head. Finally, just when her eyelids closed and a dozing sleep overcame her, his voice, tender and velvet, tore her from sleep's grasp.
“I have something for you.”
“Mm, yeah?” she answered through a stifled yawn. “It's not bad news or something, is it?”
“I hope not.”
Carefully, Ganondorf readjusted her position in his lap so she sat sideways on his thigh. He held his hand out. Shadows swirled momentarily within his palm before a glint of gold replaced them. Nabooru's lips parted in awe, the appearance of the stunning and intricate piece of jewelry fully distracting her from her discomfort with the magic used to materialize it. The ruby shimmered in the light of the torches along the walls, the gold seemingly lit aflame.
“Did you make this? Like really make it?” she asked, tearing her gaze away from the armband to meet Ganondorf's amber gaze. “It's…stunning…”
“With a little guidance from Shini, yes. She probably could have done something more intricate but…I wanted–no, needed–this gift to bear more meaning than a craft commissioned from another. Or created through magic.”
Her heartbeat doubled in tempo, anticipation coiling in her core. “Oh?” she croaked out, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It took every ounce of her control not to squirm in his arms. To not assume the meaning of his words before he spoke them.
“Nabooru.” His free hand cupped her cheek then trailed down to the center of her left bicep. “I can no longer remember a time where I was not in love with you. Nor can I fathom going a single day without you by my side in the future. Someday, I hope to call you more than just my lover, my second in command. I hope to call you my queen.”
Queen. The word echoed through her mind and off the stone walls and tiled floor, eliciting equal parts gratuitous excitement and mild panic. Years ago, she would have sworn to the world, the gods, and anyone else that she would never marry. It was hardly important to the Gerudo, anyway, and her ambitions would frighten most prospective partners. However, as her relationship with Ganondorf evolved, each new day making it harder for her to deny the depth of her love for him, the idea, when it waltzed into her mind on those idle days where she couldn't focus on paperwork or as she laid in his arms halfway between waking and sleep, ceased to feel so uncomfortable. Outlandish and impossible. And now, with his proposal presented, the knee jerk panic that swept in dissipated. Lips curling into a grin, she crushed her lips to his and looped her arms around his neck. He returned her kiss with equal ferocity, arms tight around her.
“I would be more than honored to be your queen,” she answered, breathlessly against his lips. “Not just for the opportunity to continue to lead our people at your side but because there is no one else in this world I can imagine binding myself to like this.” She cupped his face in her hand, thumb tracing along his cheek bone as she kissed him again. “I will love you until the end of my days and beyond, Ganondorf. Nothing will change that.”
He smiled and recaptured her lips in another passionate kiss, tongue slipping past her parted lips as the arm draped around the small of her back pulled her flush against him. His free hand masterfully secured the band to her left bicep. The cool metal on her warm skin felt right, the weight perfect.
“I just have one request,” rumbled Ganondorf, giving her kiss-swollen lips a playful nip and lick.
Nabooru hummed, amused. “And what would that be?”
The Gerudo king tugged her close, hands trailing the length of her spine to her backside. He gave it a squeeze as he leaned forward, his hot breath tickling her ear as he said, “I want you to keep the armband on while I ravish you tonight.”
The simple request sent a blazing fire rushing through her, thighs squeezing together. A nod. “Anything for you, miv ra'aq.”
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kamikazeonwings · 1 year ago
IM NEVER GONNA BE FREE OF WOE.BEGONE... ILL BE ON MY DEATHBED SAYING SHIT LIKE, "mikey is sooo pathetic i love it hes my skrunkly blorbo bleebus scrimblo pookie wookiebear. me dying is actually soooo edgarcore ahaaaa. ty betteridge more like. die betterdie" AND THOSE WILL BE MY FINAL WORDS.
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anotherbloodiedbonesaw · 1 year ago
Finally. Zhat vasn’t fun. Und it disappeared so quickly.. vow. I dislike how zhat vorks.. I cannot..
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snarky-art · 1 year ago
I promise I’m getting to the redesign asks it’s just finals rn and I’m dying ahaaaa🥲
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rgrfederer · 3 months ago
thank uuuuu @/perhapspen and @/chablemisspell for the tag aaa loveuuu <33
sorry if im replying to these rn i finally got time to do these omg sjdkfj
Last song I listened to: right now i'm listening to the album dysphorics by xxtarlit, i'm currently listening to this song :3
Currently watching: i'm currently rewatching the moon knight series with my boyfriend!! and i need to watch the latest wwdits episodes ahaaaa
Sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury all the way idk im always thinking about pasta yeah
Relationship status: eheeeeeee :3333 ive been dating my cool awesome boyfriendgirlfriend for almost 1 year and 4 months!!!! :DD
Current obsession: tennis and even more recently f1 :333
Tagging: whoever wants to do this!!! you can say i tagged you, mwah!
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