#togachako witches au
vmuromuro · 9 days
togachako witches AU, enemies to lovers
fic prompt: witch!ochako x bloodwitch!himiko
Alternate Universe - Fantasy || Magic
Witch Uraraka Ochako
Blood!Witch Toga Himiko
Rating: M*, F/F
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Descriptions of Blood, Stabbing
Other Tags: (Dark) Magic, Enemies to Lovers, Tender Friendships, Class 1-A girls as witches, LOV as family, Angst, Slow Burn/Eventual Romance, Moral Dilemma *This fic does not (and will not) have smut!
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"To the brunette’s horror, Toga lifts her hand back up to her face, her gaze never lifting from Ochako’s figure as she licks the red from the palm to her finger, a devious smile gracing her face as warm scarlet drips down her front.  Toga’s eyes were dilated, but through her daze, Ochako could have sworn her striking yellow iris flickered brown for a split second, before Ochako’s eyes finally fluttered shut to the sound of her own blood.  Drip. Drip." ˏ. ˋ ° •. * . ⁀ ➷ ・゚ : * ・゚. * .
>> This fic is in progress! Currently at 4 chapters on AO3.
I've already mapped out the entire fic (estimated # of chapters = 20), but I'm busy with uni so it's slow to update.
Super excited for what's in store though!!
+ Todochako besties + Knight Iida + Come on it's ochako-centric who doesn't love that /j
LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58586776/chapters/149269537
Extra tags:
Minor or Background Relationship(s):
Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako
Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako
Class 1-A Girls & Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka Ochako & Yaoyorozu Momo
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto
Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Toga Himiko
Canon-Typical Violence
No Smut
Slow Burn
Descriptions of Blood
It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
Occasional purple prose i'm sorry
Enemies to Lovers
Knight Iida Tenya
Prince Todoroki Shouto
Uraraka Ochako-centric
Dark Magic
Blood Magic
Eventual Romance
like actually ENEMIES to lovers i do not play about this trope
Tender Friendships
Moral Ambiguity
Moral Dilemmas
toxic yuri... kind of
Character Study
PS: For my fantasy SUPER LOVERS out there, please be kinddd! It's my first time writing fantasy, let alone a chpater fic, so apologies if my writing isn't up to par :/
That aside I really had fun writing this, and hope more people can enjoy it too! I swear it gets better as you go on AHAAAA
+ sigh i love these two....
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linkyychan · 10 days
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Fantasy AU my beloved
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 month
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Official post time lovelies!
Togachako Week Themes:
Day 1, October 1st: Role Reversal. What if Toga was a hero and Uraraka was a villian? Or if Uraraka was the one with an obsession? Or even simply reverse their quirks or economic backgrounds! Or something else!
Day 2, October 2nd: Fantasy AU. Could be the classic MHA fantasy au or one of your own. Fantasy could be the dnd like setting, magical like witches, mythical creatures like mermaids or dragons or fairies, possibilities are far and wide!
Day 3, October 3rd: Enemies to Lovers. Our girls going from enemies to lovers. Explore this theme as you wish!
Day 4, October 4th: Vampire. Of course we're including vampire as a theme. Blood drinking is a part of their relationship! Vampire AUs, vampire like actions, vampire imagery, or whatever involving vampires or vampire as a concept!
Day 5, October 5th: Post Canon/Time Skip. What happens after the war? What happens in the future for our girls? You decide!
Day 6, October 6th: Meeting Class A/LoV. Toga meeting Class A or Uraraka meeting the League of Villains. How does that go? Could also be Toga meeting the 'dekusquad'.
Day 7, October 7th: Free Day. Basically anything goes. Any aus, prompts, themes, memes, random, whatever. Great if you missed a day!
Tag this blog and use the tag togachakoweek2023 so I can find your posts!
Now. Some rules...
1. No not safe for work or smut, basically keep it pg 17 becasue Toga and Uraraka are 17 and 16 currently in canon. Even with the post canon/time skip day no smut. (Mentions of mature activities is allowed but remember PG17.)
2. No background minor x adult ships. No background in cest. No making togachako fit either of those in an AU. I won't reblog it and will just block you.
3. Don't be an ass on other people's posts. I'll block you if I see it.
4. Have fun! Seriously this is to be a fun little thing so please have fun! Don't worry about posting everyday or even if you don't post at all! I'll probably do this again next year if it turns out good!
5. Not really a rule but any further questions can be sent to my ask box!!
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cincincinnanom · 23 days
Togachako week day three a day late lol
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Anyways it was fantasy au and I was like 'harpies and witches' It's a modern fantasy au. So there are harpies, and witches Ochako goes to a witch school (UA) and Himiko lives in the Wildlands with the rest of her flock (LOV) and yeah.
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corujalesbica · 2 years
Ok, so, I made two drawings for a togachako first kill au and I was thinking some more about this universe ? So, basically.
UA is a school that trains monter hunters.
Their society is fucked up and can't accept that while some monster are destructive and should be stopped, some are conscious of their actions and actually very nice ( so that would be a bit different from the first kill universe, in which most monsters have no problem attacking humans )
The LOV is an organization that is trying to gain rights to the non-human
That being said, they have less of a 'serious organization' kinda vibe and more of a 'unhinged found family' kinda vibe
Shigaraki is, quite literally, demon spawn (his drawing is coming next!!! )
Dabi was the son of a famous monster hunter who developed a love for dark sorcery and ran away from his abusive parents at 16. He's a goddamn witch.
Spinner is a dragon like thingy. His family was murdered and he joined the LOV more or less at the same age as Dabi. He thinks shugarakis super awesome.
Twice is a guy who was cursed as a kid and went low key insane (and also gained powers from the curse ). He's very attached to his family.
Magne ( YES IM INCLUDING HER ) was kicked out of her house for being trans and traded all she had in her old life for super strength so she could protect everyone like her. She made a deal with Shigarakis dad, the master demon All for One. She's also besties with twice and Toga (I'll fight anyone to death on that one )
An alternative to that is Magne being a trans siren. That is also very interesting.
Mr.Compress is a gorgon. He doesn't show his face and he has Gorgon Powers.
Kurogiri. Is. A. Zombie.
And ofc there's dear Toga. Her family is very prestigious among the vampire community, and although she LOVES blood, she also hopes to fall in love one day and has had several crushes on humans cause she's a bisexual mess. So yeah, she's kinda against killing human beings because she has fallen in love with humanity. Don't let that trick you thou, she's still very, very fond of blood. Anyways, she liked the LOVs morals more than her families, and she had mommy issues. So she joined the LOV and got not only acceptance for how she saw the world, but several big brothers, and 1 big sister.
This was way longer than I planned it to be. Sorry. :/ Thanks if you've read it til her thou!!!
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aceing-on-the-cake · 9 months
Not sure if this is something anyone would be interested in, but I was thinking of writing fanfiction collaboratively with someone, maybe where we just collaboratively write chapters together, maybe where we switch perspectives back and forth and each write a characters perspective, maybe where one of us mainly writes one fic and the other edits and then do that the opposite way on a separate fic.
I'm not really stuck on any of those options and if you have a different idea I'd be down to explore that, I just honestly I think want to try working with others, I think it'd be fun.
Anyways, if that sounds interesting to you here's some possible fandoms I'm in that I'd feel comfortable enough writing about as well as ships or basic plot ideas I'm ok with writing
(I'm aroace spec, I'm fully down to explore aromantic and ace identities in any of these fandoms and with any of the characters in it as well as explore plots that don't have to do with romance, sex, or shipping at all if that's what you're looking for)
Stranger Things
Platonic Stobin (in conjunction with Steddie or without Steddie at all)
Possible Tropes/Plots Could Explore
any of the characters recognizing their queerness
Vampire Eddie
Steve and his relationship with his parents (getting into his c-PTSD and having him heal from it, hurt/no comfort pre-series exploration of some of his trauma in general, hurt/comfort where his pre-series trauma is explored with lots of found family healing mixed in, up to you)
QPRs!!!! (like for literally any pairing, but especially Stobin, you let me explore aromanticism and asexuality and I will provide you with cake, frogs, and my undying devotion)
Steve and any exploration of his gender
Dean & Sam (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Sam & Castiel (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Dean & Jack (platonic exploration of their relationship as parent/kid)
Destiel + Drowley (not something I've done before or even really read much of but I saw one fanart and now I'm interested in possibly exploring it)
Possible Tropes/Plots We Could Explore
female winchesters (trans Sam, gender fuckery with angel or witch magic, baseline born that way au, transport to another universe into opposite gender body, literally could be anything I just really really like gender fuckery with these two)
Fix-it for destiel confession (I'm aware this has been done many times before, but with as many times as the show lead us on about these two I feel it can always be done again)
Pre-series Destiel
PLATONIC dean & sam & castiel where Cas goes to the past and fixes some trauma of the boys. I repeat, PLATONIC, I'm really really really really not into underage
Literally anything to do with Sam/Rowena, it's a really minor ship and I think honestly anything you wanted to do with that I'd be down
Platonic exploration of relationships (Sam and Dean actually talk for once in their goddamn lives, hurt/no comfort exploration of every reason Sam and Dean should just talk for once in their goddamn lives, Sam and Castiel becoming friends, hurt/no comfort of Sam being hurt by Castiel, Dean becoming a decent parent to Jack and apologizing, hurt/no comfort exploration of Dean not being a decent parent to Jack, etc)
anything to do with fucking over John Winchester. Fuck that man.
*any of these ships I should preface with I'm not really down to write anything underage, specifically sex. I'm not against that for any of these ships, but I'm only down to write that kind of content in an adult AU*
Bakudeku (qpr, married, dating, aromantic bakugou and bisexual deku, asexual bakugou and gay deku, I literally don't care, you put these two together I'll probably be down to write a version of them)
Momojirou and Kamijirou poly relationships
Honestly pretty much any poly ship you want
Possible Tropes/Plotlines to Explore
Anything to do with exploration of BakuDeku's realtionship (hurt/no comfort exploration of kids, hurt/comfort bakugou redemption arc, platonic BakuDeku qpr exploration, etc)
That's honestly it, I am still interested in this fandom but it's not one of my top ones so I don't got a lot of ideas for it. If you do and you still want to collaborate I'm definitely still down, I just don't really got much myself.
Good Omens
*want to preface this with I haven't watched the second season and refuse to until the next one comes out because I don't want to spiral into a depression over these gay men. Doesn't mean I won't write from a point after the second season or that I don't know what's happened in general, but I haven't watched it personally myself*
*that's it pretty much lol, that's all I'm down to really focus on*
Possible Tropes/Plotline Ideas
AUs in general (coffee shop/bakery, tattoo artist and florist (look, florist crowley and tattoo artist aziraphale would slap, fight me), human AU, etc)
Hurt/no comfort crowley pining after aziraphale and vice versa
Hurt/comfort crowley to an aziraphale inevitably betrayed by heaven
Percy Jackson
*should be noted, I never read the books when I was younger so my main understanding of the fandom comes from mutuals and watching the new show. I'm perfectly willing to look up generalized plotlines or even read ahead in the books themselves (I can usually read a book in 1-2 days), but like while I enjoy this fandom, and I'd like to explore this fandom, if you're a long time fan full up front, you probably know more about this fandom than me*
*I'm just gonna put it up front, I again, don't do underage, and all I know of these characters so far is them as children. I don't mind exploring romances for these characters, but I'm not comfortable writing or posting underage sex in regards to these characters*
Percy & Grover (platonic exploration of friendship)
Grover & Annabeth (platonic exploration of friendship)
Nico/Will (don't know much about this one, because again, haven't read the books, but it fits the tropes I think are cute for relationships and I'm willing again to read up on the books themselves or read plot synopsis to catch up)
Possible Tropes/Plotlines
literally anything to do with religious trauma, I'm aware that the kid's trauma comes from Greek gods, but like religious trauma hits for me no matter the form, so I'm absolutely willing to explore this
exploration of Annabeth's relationship with her mother from her perspective and not Percy's
AUs (normal kids au, different pantheon of gods au, grown up college kids au, etc)
Some Things I Think I Do Decent As a Writer
Internal thoughts
Emotional Expression
Some Things I'm Not Good At As a Writer
sex scenes (not against writing them but I am the kind of ace that sucks at writing smut, so if you're good at it, awesome, would welcome the help)
Heavy action (I can write a little bit of action but long, drawn out fight scenes? Knowing where everyone is and keeping track of all that? My worst nightmare)
Setting Descriptions (I have aphantasia (can't visualize things in my head) so to me all stories exist in a black vacuum with just the characters in it and only relevant objects, so if you're better at creating descriptions of things around the characters and settings, then yeah we might work well together)
Fluff, I can write it, but I'm not great at coming up with fluff. I'm much much more a hurt/comfort guy
A Couple Of My Hard No's
I don't write noncon or underage unless it's specifically addressing a character's trauma or abuse, and even then I prefer less show more tell. If you want to explore a character's trauma dealing with experiencing and healing from either of those, I'm ok with that, but I won't ever write it in a positive manner.
Permanent main character death unless already such in canon (I can write hurt/no comfort but at the end of the day they're my blorbos and I just need them to live)
Permanent amnesia trope (same deal as above, I need my blorbos to be happy or at the very least to have them at least remember each other even if they're in pain)
I think that sums it up. These are relatively generalized guidelines, my main goal here is honestly to work with someone else creating a collaborative work together. If you've got a different plotline or even a different ship than the ones listed feel free to hit me up anyways and we can talk it over and there's a good chance I'll be on board.
Feel free to message me here in direct messages or send me a friend request at my discord username: cassemiah.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated so this leaves the sphere of my mutuals!
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ao3feed-todoroki · 1 year
A Bow and It's Arrow
A Bow and it's Arrow by BeConsumed
(Name might be temporary)
Enji Todoroki is a death scythe and expects all his children to follow suit, Fuyumi and Natsuo don't have the potential however Touya and his youngest brother showed much promise. That was... until he screwed up his mission to eat a witch's soul and is now back at square one. Turns out Touya's soul was out of sync with his previous partner's soul and now has to find a new meister, which turns out to be this frail looking kid that shows no hope. Touya has to figure out how to make this work and see if their souls are even compatible while his youngest brother, Shouto, surpasses him towards the death scythe goal. This is about how Touya becomes closer with his new meister and their journey together on making Touya into a death scythe. Will he live up to his fathers expectations? Or will he fail miserably because of his new meister with no talent in wielding him as a weapon?
Words: 3254, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Soul Eater (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, League of Villains, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Toga Himiko, Shinigami-sama | Lord Death, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Sensei | All For One, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Soul Eater References, Soul Eater AU, crossover AU, Fluff, Mostly Humorous, TouShig instead of shigadabi, non-evil shigaraki, non-evil dabi, Out of Character Takami Keigo | Hawks, Potential Slowburn, Getting Together, falling inlove, Childhood Trauma, potential angst, adhd touya, autistic shigaraki, Comedy, Background Relationships, Mentioned Togachako, Stupidity, Idiots in Love, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, ongoing fic, other characters not mentioned in tags, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48159886
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
A Bow and It's Arrow
A Bow and it's Arrow by BeConsumed
(Name might be temporary)
Enji Todoroki is a death scythe and expects all his children to follow suit, Fuyumi and Natsuo don't have the potential however Touya and his youngest brother showed much promise. That was... until he screwed up his mission to eat a witch's soul and is now back at square one. Turns out Touya's soul was out of sync with his previous partner's soul and now has to find a new meister, which turns out to be this frail looking kid that shows no hope. Touya has to figure out how to make this work and see if their souls are even compatible while his youngest brother, Shouto, surpasses him towards the death scythe goal. This is about how Touya becomes closer with his new meister and their journey together on making Touya into a death scythe. Will he live up to his fathers expectations? Or will he fail miserably because of his new meister with no talent in wielding him as a weapon?
Words: 3254, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Soul Eater (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, League of Villains, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Toga Himiko, Shinigami-sama | Lord Death, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Sensei | All For One, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Soul Eater References, Soul Eater AU, crossover AU, Fluff, Mostly Humorous, TouShig instead of shigadabi, non-evil shigaraki, non-evil dabi, Out of Character Takami Keigo | Hawks, Potential Slowburn, Getting Together, falling inlove, Childhood Trauma, potential angst, adhd touya, autistic shigaraki, Comedy, Background Relationships, Mentioned Togachako, Stupidity, Idiots in Love, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, ongoing fic, other characters not mentioned in tags, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48159886
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 6 months
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 6 months
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 11 months
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 11 months
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A Forest Only We Know
A Forest Only We Know by ohmoka
“What if I took you someplace where you could have the sea and sun and everything in between?” An affectionate smile tugs at the corners of Ochako's mouth.
“I'd fall so deep in love with you that I'd want to live in your skin and lick your bones. Say it's possible, Ochako-chan. Tell me it's possible to love like that.” ~~☆~~ Or, Witch Ochako shares her personal sanctuary with Vampire Himiko because they are best friends and in love. A cottage core, girls will be girls, slice-of-life fluff fic.
Words: 2429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Togachako Time ✨🔪, Part 16 of Soft Love: BNHA WLW Fics
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Toga Himiko & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: They are best friends AND in love, you can choose whether or not that makes them girlfriends, Vampires, Witches, Alternate Universe - Magic, Vampire Toga Himiko, Witch Uraraka Ochako, Slice of Life, Fluff, Beaches, cottages, Girls Being Girls
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44308999
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
A Forest Only We Know
A Forest Only We Know by ohmoka
“What if I took you someplace where you could have the sea and sun and everything in between?” An affectionate smile tugs at the corners of Ochako's mouth.
“I'd fall so deep in love with you that I'd want to live in your skin and lick your bones. Say it's possible, Ochako-chan. Tell me it's possible to love like that.” ~~☆~~ Or, Witch Ochako shares her personal sanctuary with Vampire Himiko because they are best friends and in love. A cottage core, girls will be girls, slice-of-life fluff fic.
Words: 2429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Togachako Time ✨🔪, Part 16 of Soft Love: BNHA WLW Fics
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Toga Himiko & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: They are best friends AND in love, you can choose whether or not that makes them girlfriends, Vampires, Witches, Alternate Universe - Magic, Vampire Toga Himiko, Witch Uraraka Ochako, Slice of Life, Fluff, Beaches, cottages, Girls Being Girls
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44308999
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