#fillmore?? tyler?? taylor??
the-son-of-pluto · 2 years
sorry i haven’t posted in a while, i’ve been too busy testing my knowledge on the most Obscure facts of every single u.s. president
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I drew the US Presidents ⁉️⁉️
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Constructive criticism is not allowed ⁉️⁉️(Because I only draw for fun lol, not mad or anything tho)
I couldn't tag anymore presidents 💔💔
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deadpresidents · 9 months
JOHN TYLER •President Without a Party: The Life of John Tyler by Christopher J. Leahy (BOOK | KINDLE) •John Tyler: The Accidental President by Edward P. Crapol (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •And Tyler Too: A Biography of John & Julia Gardiner Tyler by Robert Seager II (BOOK)
JAMES K. POLK •Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America by Walter R. Borneman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War, and the Conquest of the American Continent by Robert W. Merry (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •James K. Polk and His Time: Essays at the Conclusion of the Polk Project edited by Michael David Cohen (BOOK)
ZACHARY TAYLOR •Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest by K. Jack Bauer (BOOK) •Zachary Taylor: Soldier of the Republic by Holman Hamilton (BOOK | KINDLE) •Zachary Taylor: Soldier in the White House by Holman Hamilton (BOOK | KINDLE)
MILLARD FILLMORE •Millard Fillmore: Biography of a President by Robert J. Rayback (BOOK | KINDLE) •Millard Fillmore by Robert J. Scarry (BOOK | KINDLE)
FRANKLIN PIERCE •Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son by Peter A. Wallner (BOOK) •Franklin Pierce: Martyr for the Union by Peter A. Wallner (BOOK) •Franklin Pierce: Young History of the Granite Hills by Roy Franklin Nichols (BOOK)
JAMES BUCHANAN •Worst. President. Ever.: James Buchanan, the POTUS Rating Game, and the Legacy of the Least of the Lesser Presidents by Robert Strauss (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Bosom Friends: The Intimate World of James Buchanan and William Rufus King by Thomas J. Balcerski (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Worst President: The Story of James Buchanan by Garry Boulard (BOOK | KINDLE)
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generic-lab-assistant · 2 months
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Last half of Series 2 of the first lady cats :3
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alliluyevas · 9 months
was going to say that 19th century US presidents were all named either something like James Johnson or Dingleford T. Scuttlebutt but then realized that’s also how 19th century Mormon leaders were named so maybe that’s just all 19th century men
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dynamoe · 2 years
It's Presidents Day in the USA
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S2E09 The Sick Day
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charlesoberonn · 2 years
List of US Presidents and how many future presidents were born during their administrations
Before Independence: 8. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, Jackson, William Harrison
Before Presidency: 2. Van Buren, Taylor
Washington: 3. Tyler, Polk, Buchanan
Adams: 1. Fillmore
Jefferson: 3. Pierce, Lincoln, Johnson
Madison: 0.
Monroe: 2. Grant, Hayes
Quincy Adams: 0.
Jackson: 3. Garfield, Arthur, Harrison
Van Buren: 1. Cleveland
Henry Harrison: 0.
Tyler: 1. McKinley
Polk: 0.
Taylor: 0.
Fillmore: 0.
Pierce: 2. Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson
Buchanan: 1. Taft
Lincoln: 0.
Johnson: 1. Harding
Grant: 2. Coolidge, Hoover
Hayes: 0.
Garfield: 0.
Arthur: 2. FDR, Truman
Cleveland: 0.
Harrison: 1. Eisenhower
McKinley: 0.
Teddy Roosevelt: 1. LBJ
Taft: 2. Nixon, Reagan
Wilson: 2. Kennedy, Ford
Harding: 0.
Coolidge: 2. Carter, H.W Bush
Hoover: 0.
FDR: 1. Biden
Truman: 3. Clinton, W. Bush, Trump
Eisenhower: 0.
JFK: 1. Obama
LBJ: 0.
Nixon: 0.
Ford: 0.
Carter: 0.
Reagan: 0.
H.W Bush: 0.
Clinton: 0.
W. Bush: 0.
Obama: 0.
Trump: 0.
Biden: 0.
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bonnieura · 6 months
cute things to call ur bf
josephine biden
donna trump
baraka obama
georgiana bush
wilhelmina clinton
georgina bush
rhonda reagan
jamie carter
geraldine ford
ricarda nixon
landon johnson
johanna kennedy
dionysia eisenhower
harriett truman
frankie roosevelt
Herberta Hoover
calvina coolidge
Wren Harding
thomasine wilson
wilhelmina taft
theodora roosevelt
willemina mckilney
G'Anna cleveland
chelsey arthur
jamesine garfield
ruth hayes
ulyssa grant
andrea johnson
abrianna lincoln
jamesianne buchanan
francine pierce
millardine fillmore
jozachar taylor
jamesine polk
jaqueline tyler
willa harrison
martina van buren
andrea jackson
jackie quincy adams
jamesine monroe
jamesine madison
tamsin jefferson
jeanne adams
georgina washington
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hotnews4life-blog · 3 months
46 Surprising Facts About 46 U.S. Presidents
1 George Washington (1789-1797)
2 John Adams (1797-1801)
3 Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
4 James Madison (1809-1817)
5 James Monroe (1817-1825)
6 John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)
7 Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
8 Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)
9 William Henry Harrison (1841)
10 John Tyler (1841-1845)
11 James K. Polk (1845-1849)
12 Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
13 Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
14 Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
15 James Buchanan (1857-1861)
16 Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
17 Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
18 Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
19 Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
20 James A. Garfield (1881)
21 Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
22 and 24 Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897)
23 Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
25 William McKinley (1897-1901)
26 Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
27 William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
28 Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
29 Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
30 Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
31 Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
33 Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
35 John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
36 Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
37 Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974)
38 Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
39 Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
40 Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
41 George Bush (1989-1993)
42 Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
43 George W. Bush (2001-2009)
44 Barack Obama (2009-2017)
45 Donald J. Trump (2017-2021)
46 Joe Biden (2021-present)
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kolibrispacestation · 2 months
my top president yaoi ships:
(this is sort of satire?? but also keep in mind, a lot of these i have OC-ified!!!!)
- candytree obviously (reagan x bush sr). best one hands down. self-proclaimed “thursday lunch dates” AND a public confession? AND at least four AUs where one of them (bush) is transfem and goes by the cutest nickname ever (poppy. bro got the most flower coded full name ever) ?? AND a “canon” child (w bush / dubya)? be fr
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- radiotapes (lbj x nixon). my favorite by proxy, my partner loves these guys
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- tippetyler (quite obviously, william henry harrison x john tyler.) love me some tragic pairings. doomed couple 👍
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- herbert hoover x warren harding. also doomed considering warren harding died in office and never got to see hoover become president (not that he’d be to impressed, hoover kinda sucked but the point still stands…)
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- whatever jfk and nixon had going on (i do not have any art of it sorry)
- cherries and cream (zachary taylor x millard fillmore). i have a college AU with them and the other antebellum fellas and this is one of the other tragic ships lol. considering taylor died in office.
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- reagan x nixon. not sure why but it’s probably because i used to confuse them for one another when i was a kid. dont have any art of them next to each other but you already saw my designs for them and get the idea.
- bill clinton x john quincy adams 🔥🔥🔥 this is VERY obviously story-specific because they are from different times
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- jimmy carter x gerald ford. friends :)
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- idk who to put for ten
honorary mention: harry truman x dwight eisenhower because my friend likes them
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buttonsgoblin · 7 months
For reference, here’s every US president:
46 Joe Biden
45 Donald Trump
44 Barack Obama
43 George W. Bush
42 Bill Clinton
41 George H. W. Bush
40 Ronald Reagan
39 Jimmy Carter
38 Gerald Ford
37 Richard Nixon
36 Lyndon Johnson
35 John Kennedy
34 Dwight Eisenhower
33 Harry Truman
32 Franklin Roosevelt
31 Herbert Hoover
30 Calvin Coolidge
29 Warren Harding
28 Woodrow Wilson
27 William Taft
26 Theodore Roosevelt
25 William McKinley
24 Grover Cleveland (2nd time)
23 Benjamin Harrison
22 Grover Cleveland
21 Chester Arthur
20 James Garfield
19 Rutherford Hayes
18 Ulysses Grant
17 Andrew Johnson
16 Abraham Lincoln
15 James Buchanan
14 Franklin Pierce
13 Millard Fillmore
12 Zachary Taylor
11 James Polk
10 John Tyler
09 William Harrison
08 Martin Van Buren
07 Andrew Jackson
06 John Quincy Adams
05 James Monroe
04 James Madison
03 Thomas Jefferson
02 John Adams
01 George Washington
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presidenttyler · 5 months
John, who are your favorite presidential successors from after your term to the year 2000?
well i like millard fillmore cuz of his beautiful name and also i think antebellum period will always be my favorite. (not suggesting he was actually good, don't think he was - nobody was good in that period in the sense that they didn't meet the challenge.) also i think it's funny that both whig war hero presidents keeled over dead. rip, skill issue though
beyond that let's see. well nobody likes johnson, so let's get him out of the way. i think arthur tried, i feel bad for him, but he has to have been one of the least qualified men for the job ever (i mean, seriously, if you count war generalship as within the realm of politics/public service - which i'm willing to do e.g. with grant, taylor etc. - it's pretty much arthur and trump who arrived to the presidency without qualifications, unless i'm forgetting someone) and the lack of experience was evident. again, i pity his position.
teddy roosevelt was alright but he gets so much love i get bored hearing about him, also he didn't help in the 1912 election by forming his own third party (my opinion)... coolidge was fine, i kinda like him. hard to say (from my limited knowledge) how much he contributed to the situation hoover inherited, but during his actual presidency things were mostly decent. also somehow he looked like 10 years old his whole life and i find that amusing.
honestly i lose interest in politics after like 1930 so i kind of have no opinion on the rest, except that they should all remember who gave them the ability to become president in the first place. what's it called again? the "tyler precedent"? wonder where that name came from? 😏✌️
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deadpresidents · 2 years
Is it true there's only been one Whig President?
And did he get anything done before his death?
No, technically, there were four Whig Presidents: William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Millard Fillmore. But it was more like three-ish because Tyler was nominally a Whig when he was elected as Harrison's Vice President in 1840, but when he assumed the Presidency following President Harrison's death, Tyler clashed with his fellow Whigs in Congress and was booted from the party just a few months into his term after more issues and the resignation of practically his entire Cabinet.
Whig Presidents definitely had a rough time, though. And the man who was arguably the most famous Whig of his time, Henry Clay, lost all of his bids for the White House -- even in 1844 against the first dark horse, James K. Polk. Harrison and Taylor were the only Whigs who were ever actually elected President. Harrison died just a month into his term, and was succeeded by Tyler who, as I previously mentioned, wasn't exactly winning any Whig-of-the-Year contests or being picked to be on the cover of the Whig video game. Taylor lasted a bit longer than Harrison did, but he also died in office, and Fillmore -- the last Whig President -- succeeded him. Fillmore was probably the "best" of the Whig Presidents, but that's kind of like being the most “dignified” Trump.
But...Whigs can also claim some credit for Abraham Lincoln! Lincoln was a ardent Whig for most of his political career prior to the formation of the Republican Party in the mid-1850s.
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itssquash · 2 years
Links to each of the polls as rounds progress
Donald Trump vs. Ronald Reagan Winner: Ronald Reagan
Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. John Quincy Adams Winner: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Martin Van Buren vs. Abraham Lincoln Winner: Abraham Lincoln
Lyndon B. Johnson vs. Richard Nixon Winner: Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford vs. Zachary Taylor Winner: Zachary Taylor
William Henry Harrison vs. John Tyler Winner: William Henry Harrison
John Adams vs. George Washington Winner: George Washington
Chester A. Arthur vs. James Buchanan Winner: James Buchanan
William Howard Taft vs. Grover Cleveland Winner: William Howard Taft
Warren G. Harding vs. William McKinley Winner: Warren G. Harding
James Monroe vs. James Madison Winner: James Madison
Woodrow Wilson vs. Millard Fillmore Winner: Millard Fillmore
Andrew Johnson vs. Herbert Hoover Winner: Herbert Hoover
George H. W. Bush vs. George W. Bush Winner: George W. Bush
Joe Biden vs. Jimmy Carter Winner: Jimmy Carter
James K. Polk vs. Andrew Jackson Winner: James K. Polk
Theodore Roosevelt vs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Winner: Theodore Roosevelt
Ulysses S. Grant vs. John F. Kennedy Winner: Ulysses S. Grant
Harry S. Truman vs. Bill Clinton Winner: Bill Clinton
Calvin Coolidge vs. Franklin Pierce Winner: Franklin Pierce
Barack Obama vs. Thomas Jefferson Winner: Barack Obama
James Garfield vs. Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Benjamin Harrison Winner: Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan vs. Dwight D. Eisenhower Winner: Ronald Reagan
Abraham Lincoln vs. Richard Nixon Winner: Abraham Lincoln
Zachary Taylor vs. William Henry Harrison Winner: Zachary Taylor
George Washington vs. James Buchanan Winner: James Buchanan
William Howard Taft vs. Warren G. Harding Winner: William Howard Taft
James Madison vs. Millard Fillmore Winner: James Madison
Herbert Hoover vs. George W. Bush Winner: Herbert Hoover
Jimmy Carter vs. James K. Polk Winner: Jimmy Carter
Theodore Roosevelt vs. Ulysses S. Grant Winner: Ulysses S. Grant
Bill Clinton vs. Franklin Pierce Winner: Franklin Pierce
Barack Obama vs. Rutherford B. Hayes Winner: Barack Obama
Redemption Round: Chester A. Arthur vs. Andrew Jackson Winner: Andrew Jackson
Ronald Reagan vs. Abraham Lincoln Winner: Abraham Lincoln
Zachary Taylor vs. James Buchanan Winner: Zachary Taylor
William Howard Taft vs. James Madison Winner: William Howard Taft
Herbert Hoover vs. Jimmy Carter Winner: Jimmy Carter
Ulysses S. Grant vs. Franklin Pierce Winner: Ulysses S. Grant
Barack Obama vs. Andrew Jackson Winner: Barack Obama
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zachary Taylor Winner: Abraham Lincoln
William Howard Taft vs. Jimmy Carter Winner: William Howard Taft
Ulysses S. Grant vs. Barack Obama Winner: Barack Obama
Abraham Lincoln vs. William Howard Taft vs. Barack Obama
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fagdykefrank · 2 years
I heard you like presidents.
Let's say all former US presidents are placed on three acres of land surrounded by a 10 ft fence. The contestants have three full days to negotiate, fight, and duel, without food or water. Presidents that get knocked out or surrender are picked up out of the arena by a crane in an undignified manner. The last president standing is crowned champion. Only one president can be chosen, any presidents that attempt to claim a team victory will be disqualified from competitions.
1. Who will fight each other right out of the gate, based off their political history?
2. Who will voluntarily surrender, or try to escape?
3. What presidents will form alliances, and with whom?
4. What will make it to the final day of competition?
5. Who will be crowned champion?
(The rules of this engagement are borrowed from a webcomic, Achewood)
1. Fighting out the gate, definitely Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, and John Tyler. Maybe Ulysses Grant, Andrew Johnson, John Quincy Adams, but definitely those first three. They were known to be extremely forceful during their presidencies, at times even aggressive. Andrew Jackson was known to literally attack people in the street. Donald Trump also probably fits into this category, but I think he would shirk an actual physical fight the way these other men wouldn't.
2. Noted presidential cowards include William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Harry Truman, Martin Van Buren, Herbert Hoover, and maybe Joe Biden (honestly, depending on the day with him). These presidents avoided conflict and hated losing, which made them all pretty mediocre at their jobs. They were also largely physically very weak, and had little to no physical fighting experience.
3. Alliance formers include Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson if he's in a good mood, Calvin Coolidge, James Garfield Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B Hayes, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Monroe, and James Madison, to varying degrees of success. The founding fathers would all definitely band together, seeing as they've got actual experience together. Roosevelt and Johnson would probably team up, but it wouldn't be an extremely solid alliance because LBJ was a nightmare to work with as an equal. All the others were largely willing to work with anyone who would work with them, which makes them good presidents to ally with if you're planning on backstabbing them. LBJ takes out approximately a third of the competition this way.
4. Who makes it to the final day? Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, JFK but only if he's lucky, Calvin Coolidge, Ulysses Grant, and maybe (MAYBE) Abraham Lincoln. Calvin Coolidge was nicknamed Silent Cal during his presidency and was the kind of guy who would sit in the corner of his own damn birthday party and watch the room completely expressionless. Unfuckwithable. Abraham Lincoln was Grant's boss for a bit (maybe you've heard), and Ulysses Grant would definitely defend him. The founding fathers are all insufferable hypocrites and once everyone else figures that out they're all done. JFK had a barrage of illnesses that plagued him his whole life, but he was also prone to feats of absurd athleticism in the face of certain death due to his time in the Navy.
5. Who wins? Honestly, either Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson. Roosevelt was a rigorous outdoorsman who cured himself of every childhood disease with the power of American Masculinity TM, and Jackson was a violent misanthrope who would attack anyone for any reason and usually won. It would be a battle of the ages.
Bonus: Presidents I Didn't Mention Earlier
James Polk had a penchant for randomly dying at tonal ironic moments. He would probably take out Thomas Jefferson and then immediately have a heart attack and die. Presidents Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan were all defined by their refusal to understand the problems they needed to deal with. They would pretend nothing was going until forced to comprehend their situation, at which point they would all bawl like little babies. Chester Arthur has no idea what the fuck is going on. Grover Cleveland is completely unlikeable, but lasts surprisingly long by complete accident. William McKinley tries to establish order and civilization amidst the chaos and fails miserably. Warren Harding has a torrid love affair with someone and then abruptly dies. Dwight Eisenhower just leaves. Ronald Reagan tries to establish himself as a rough and ready Teddy Roosevelt type guy, but he isn't that even slightly and is eliminated quickly. The Bushes take each other out. Clinton is the guy who Harding has an affair with. He couldn't give less of a fuck when Harding dies.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
My brother is doing a very good job of supporting my presidential history obsession by understanding the vital importance of sending me this video.
Naturally, I immediately started thinking of ways that all the presidents named either had significant impact (for better or worse) or had excuses for not making an impact.
Taylor was only in office for a year and a half, had some significant foreign policy moments, and could have had an impact on the nation's approach to slavery if he'd lived longer.
Tyler vetoed a proposal to install a national bank, which was so significant it made the Whigs kick him out of their party.
Fillmore was a mediocre man, but he did oversee the Compromise of 1850 that eventually led to the Civil War.
Hayes was stymied for the first half of his term by the controversial election results and for the second half of his term by Stalwarts who blocked his intense efforts at civil service reform. (And as @thatscarletflycatcher has pointed out, he's far from insignificant to Paraguay.)
Harrison was only in office for thirty days, but his wildly successful election campaign transformed election strategies for the rest of the century (which is even more shocking when you remember his opponent was Martin van Buren, the "little wizard" who managed Andrew Jackson's campaign and invented the modern election system). When a guy's campaign slogan is taught in high school classrooms nearly two-hundred years later, you know it's catchy.
It's still a fun song, though.
True to form, the thing that brought me the most delight was going to the comments section and finding people defending Chester A. Arthur as a massively underrated president.
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