#filet with polenta
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months ago
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Maize Day
Maize Day is celebrated every year to mark the special role that maize has played in food history. Maize, which the Europeans came to call “corn,” has an ancient and interesting history and plays central roles in many native myths and legends. And anyone who’s ever eaten corn on the cob with fresh creamy butter and a pinch of salt knows that corn more than deserves its own holiday!
History of Maize Day
With the help of their legends, the natives of America could trace the history of maize to the beginning of time. Maize was, they believed, the food of the gods that had created the Earth, and so it played a central role in many native myths and legends. It also came to be one of their most important foods.
In fact, the word maize itself derives from the Spanish form of the indigenous word for plant. In one form or other, maize made up roughly 65 percent of the native diet. In fact, maize was so important to the natives that when Europeans first came to North America in search of gold and asked the natives about whether there was any precious yellow substance to be found there, the natives showed them corn, for to them there was almost nothing more valuable than that grain.
The European settlers had in fact brought their own grains with them, but they soon found that their barley and oats did not fare as well in North America as they had in Europe, and so they began grinding corn kernels to make meal that was later used to make bread. And like the natives, colonial farmers also found that different parts of the plant had a number of useful by-products and purposes. They used cobs to start fires and to fuel slow-burning fires. They used its stalk and leaves for livestock feed.
They used husks to make brooms and chair bottoms as well as to pad mattresses and collars for draft animals. Maize was the first-ever crop to be domesticated by Native Americans and this impressive crop is now used in numerous types of food including chewing gum, bread, corn flakes, and popcorn. Maize is almost universally used as one of the main ingredients of feed for cows and horses. “Feed maize” is being used increasingly for heating; it is burned in special corn stoves.
All in all, maize is thought to have been around since 1500 B.C., and once it was first cultivated it began to spread rapidly. Until this day, it is the staple food in many South American countries and is also enjoyed as a side dish by people all over the world.
How to celebrate Maize Day
Of course, the best way to celebrate Maize Day is by gathering with friends and family to eat a special meal made from different types of maize, in different forms and added to all different types of dishes. The possibilities are almost infinite!
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journaldecuisine · 27 days ago
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4 personnes
IngrĂ©dients :Pour le ragĂč 250 g de viande de porc hachĂ©e 250 g de viande de veau hachĂ©e 100 g de pancetta 1 cuillĂšre Ă  soupe de concentrĂ© de tomate 1 branche de cĂ©leri 1 oignon 1 carotte 1 petite gousse d’ail 1 branche de romarin 6 feuilles de marjolaine 6 feuilles de sauge 2 clous de girofle 1 pincĂ©e de noix de muscade 6 baies de poivre de la JamaĂŻque 6 grains de poivre noir 1 verre de lait entier 1 verre de vin blanc sec 350 g de tomates pelĂ©es huile d’olive saindoux (ou beurre)
Pour la pĂąte fraĂźche 2 Ɠufs frais 200 g de farine 00 une pincĂ©e de sel
Pour la béchamel
450 ml de lait entier 45 g de beurre 30 g de farine 1/2 citron poivre blanc et sel 6 feuilles de marjolaine
Pour le montage du plat
beurre parmesan
1. PrĂ©paration du ragĂč
Hacher la branche de cĂ©leri, l’oignon et la carotte trĂšs finement avec une demi lune. Faire chauffer un filet d’huile d’olive et ajouter une noix de saindoux dans une cocotte en fonte. Faire suer les lĂ©gumes pendant cinq minutes. Ajouter la pancetta taillĂ©e en gros dĂ©s et prolonger la cuisson de 5 minutes. Hacher les herbes avec la demi lune puis ajouter les deux viandes Ă  la cocotte en les Ă©crasant bien pour sĂ©parer les morceaux. Laisser lĂ©gĂšrement colorer puis ajouter les aromates et le poivre. Diluer le concentrĂ© de tomate dans le vin blanc et dĂ©glacer la cocotte avec. Laisser rĂ©duire jusqu’à consistance sirupeuse puis ajouter le lait et porter Ă  frĂ©missement. Écraser la tomate dans un fond d’eau et l’incorporer Ă  la cocotte. Saler trĂšs lĂ©gĂšrement et porter de nouveau Ă  frĂ©missement. Baisser le feu et laisser mijoter deux heures Ă  dĂ©couvert en remuant de temps en temps.
(Ce ragĂč sera bien meilleur prĂ©parĂ© la veille, il peut ĂȘtre employĂ© avec des gnocchi, une polenta ou des tagliatelle Ă©galement).
2. PrĂ©paration de la pĂąte aux Ɠufs
Disposer la farine sur une planche. Ajouter les Ɠufs et le sel. MĂ©langer puis travailler Ă  la main jusqu’à ce que la pĂąte soit lisse et homogĂšne, soit une dizaine de minutes. Filmer au contact et laisser reposer pendant 30 minutes au rĂ©frigĂ©rateur.
3. Préparation de la béchamel
Faire chauffer le lait dans une casserole, cuire la farine et le beurre Ă  part jusqu’à ce que le mĂ©lange mousse et verser le lait bien chaud dessus sans cesser de remuer. Ajouter les feuilles de marjolaine et le zeste d’un demi citron finement rĂąpĂ©. Saler et poivrer et rĂ©server.
4. Montage et cuisson du plat
Étaler la pĂąte au laminoir en la farinant lĂ©gĂšrement. La pĂąte doit ĂȘtre bien fine (niveau 7 sur un modĂšle Atlas Mercato 150). DĂ©couper des bandes Ă©gales les unes aux autres et les faire cuire une minute dans une casserole d’eau bouillante fortement salĂ©e. RafraĂźchir dans une glaçante et faire essorer trĂšs soigneusement dans un linge.
PrĂ©chauffer le four Ă  160°. Beurrer un moule Ă  gratin et disposer au fond une fine couche de bĂ©chamel. Ajouter une couche de pĂąte puis une couche de ragĂč. Recommencer avec une couche de pĂąte, puis une de bĂ©chamel, du parmesan fraĂźchement rĂąpĂ©, des pĂątes Ă  nouveau puis du ragĂč. Monter ainsi jusqu’à Ă©puisement des Ă©lĂ©ments en terminant par la bĂ©chamel et une gĂ©nĂ©reuse couche de parmesan. Enfourner pendant 35 minutes environ ou jusqu’à ce que le fromage et la bĂ©chamel soient bien gratinĂ©s. Laisser reposer une dizaine de minutes. Servir bien chaud avec une bouteille de vin rouge d’Émilie-Romagne.
By: https://www.renardsgourmets.com/lasagnes-comme-nous-les-aimons/
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jadestormcloud2 · 4 months ago
Dungeon Meshi vegan recipe challenge, chapter 46: The Golden Country
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I left out the slime aspic because that did not seem like it would be pleasant, do my veggies are plain. My Minotaur ribs were MorningStar Sweet BBQ Riblets, served with polenta. The blade fish was a Gardein f'sh filet tinted with beet juice to give it that pink color. I didn't substitute for the rabbit in the soup, because there was already so much protein, so it's just potato & carrot. The soup turned out great (although I should have used more milk/ less water to give it a closer look to theirs) & I always enjoy the f'sh filets. The morningstar riblets are too sweet for my taste, but they're the only vegan ribs I had access to. Veggies and polenta were just fine. I didn't add a lot of seasonings to them since the meal was supposedly bland according to Senshi.
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one serving mixed vegetables
one serving Morningstar Riblets (and one serving polenta)
one Gardein f'sh filet (tinted with beet juice)
one serving potato soup (3 oz chopped potato, 1/2 oz sliced carrots, one tsp better than bouillon, one cup water, splash of almond milk, & enough dehydrated mashed potato flakes to thicken to desired consistency)
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It tried to tell me that "polenta" was wrong, and that what I really wanted to say was "tadpole." So helpful, but I think I'll go with my choice this time.
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years ago
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Anchor's Point Inn
Evermore's beloved landmark!
Smoked Bjoulsae Hake cakes: Creamy fishcakes, with dill tartare sauce
Fried rabbit bites, with tangy honey-whiskey barbecue sauce
Battered Halcyon Lake frog legs, with sweet brown butter sauce
Chevre-stuffed zucchini flowers, with harissa and 'nduja dip
Hammerfell-style grilled Bjoulsae eel fillets, with sweet and savoury sauce and sticky rice
Battered Lake Snapper filet, with polenta chips and dill tartare sauce
Viridian Woods venison cordon bleu, with serrano ham and Northglen gruyere
Spinach and brie baguette, with creamed spinach, melted brie, and caramelised onion chutney
Hallin's Stand baklava, with pistachios and whipped cream
Caramelised apple tart, with clotted cream
Daedra food cake: Fiendishly fudgy dark chocolate cake, with red berry coulis
Carrot Cheesecake, with spiced cookie crumble
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unsellingconvenience · 9 months ago
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Shallow fried 3-part breaded hake filet slices with roasted asparagus (speasoned, tossed with olive oil, 425F for ~30 mins), with pan roasted cherry tomatoes in butter and refried leftover polenta slices in butter. Served with homemade tartar sauce. #dinner #cooking #friedfish #asparagus
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alain75fr · 3 months ago
Suite . ArrivĂ©s au col , une descente, plutĂŽt une plongĂ©e Ă  travers les cheminĂ©es de fĂ©e du village de Dhee. Interminable cette descente mais la beautĂ© des lieux vaut cette effort 
 il faut rester trĂšs concentrĂ© pour ne pas chuter . Les diffĂ©rents minĂ©raux de la montagne forment un nuancier de couleurs incroyables passant du gris au jaune et Ă©galement de l’ocre. Enfin en bas , nous dĂ©jeunons au village Dhee dans un restaurant tenu par des locaux . Ramji aide Ă  prĂ©parer le repas . Soupe avec nouilles et des lĂ©gumes Ă©mincĂ©s plus un Ɠufs au plat par dessus pour moi . Des pĂątes avec des lĂ©gumes , champignons pour et fromage pour Thierry, de la polenta avec de la viande pour Ramji et notre jeune porteur . Nous faisons un petit tour du village, balade digestive . Puis nous reprenons notre chemin , cette fois nous remontons le lit de la riviĂšre , autre dĂ©cor . On trouve beaucoup de fossiles marins. ( animaux marins qui peuplaient l’endroit il y a plusieurs millions d’annĂ©es ) pour dire simplement les choses . Il y a trĂšs peu d’eau Ă  cette saison , des filets d’eau courent Ă  travers les galets et autres roches . Nous quittons la riviĂšre et prenons un sentier amĂ©nagĂ© constituĂ© de marches, ca aide. Une fois en bas il faut bien remonter 🙃 pour atteindre le village Yara . Le long du lit de la riviĂšre, des falaises toujours parsemĂ©es de grottes jadis habitĂ©es sont ici aussi en grand nombre mais elles sont dĂ©sormais occupĂ©es par des aigles trop contents de disposer de nids confectionnĂ©s par les humains. ArrivĂ©s nous tombons sur un important groupe de français braillards 😞 . Nous logeons dans le Lodge au nom kachang Home. Ramji et DĂ©pendra n’ont pas de chambre en raison du groupe , ils dormiront dans la salle commune , ils ont dĂ» emprunter notre douche . C’était le moins qu’on puisse faire . Nous resterons deux nuits dans cette endroit. .. Mais demain les français libĂšrent l’endroit et nos deux complices auront leur chambre.
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menuandprice · 2 years ago
Sunset Grill Menu With Prices
Sunset Grill menu with prices may slightly vary according to your nearest location. We have shared the menu of Sunset Grill from the location U.S. The menu is updated from 1st March 2023, onwards. For accurate prices, look for the menu of the nearest Sunset Grill outlet from its official website, android app, iOS app, or any other food delivery app. Sunset Grill menu with prices serves entrees, salads, beginnings & raw mand, desserts. All the food items are below $25. It was just a brief to their menu. I will also tell you about the contact information, franchising information, and the nutritional information. But before knowing all this, let’s check out some history about it. Sunset Grill is a Canadian-based fast food restaurant. It was founded by Angelo Christou in The Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, in 1985. They have more than 81 locations, and the headquarters of their company is in Canada.
Sunset Grill Menu With Prices
Sunset Grill menu includes entrees section like paella, voodoo pasta, angel hair caprese pasta, shrimp & grits, etc. Their menu consists of plates which includes black & blue beef medallions and cedar plank scottish salmon. Also they have section of burgers which includes certified angus beef burger and garden burger. Sunset Grill also has a menu for fired brick oven pizza orders like build your own pizza, vegetable lovers pizza, margherita pizza, and many more. In addition, they have a menu for sweets like chocolate cheesecake, creme brulee, local ice cream, ellen’s ice cream one scoop & two scoop, and many more. Sunset Grill is a place where you will explore new dishes every day. They make dishes daily to serves the best to your customers. The staff of their restaurant is friendly and humble. Moreover, they help you to order the best. Sunset Grill is a place where you can have all the dishes for under $25. So, without waiting, let’s move towards the latest Sunset Grill menu with prices. Picked for you Menu With Prices Lamb Bolognese$ 16.98Grilled Pork Tenderloin$ 21.99Seafood Platter$ 21.99Angel Hair Caprese Pasta $ 14.99Certified USDA Prime Dilet Mignon$ 26.99 Also, read the full Salsas Fresh Mexican Grill menu with prices. Beginnings & Raw Menu With Prices Sweet & Sour Smoked Duck$ 9.99Cornmmeal Beer Battered Fried Shrimp$ 11.99Sonoma Salad$ 6.49Lemon Pepper Fries Calamari$ 11.99Iceberg Lettuce Wedge$ 8.49Beets & Heat$ 6.99Smoked Pork Beggars Purse$ 9.99Sweetwater Valley TN Cheddar Gnocchi$ 9.49Classic Hummus$ 8.99Pecorino Romano Polenta Cheese Fries$ 7.99Sunset Caesar Salad$ 6.49Seafood Platter$ 21.99Lump Crab Cake$ 11.99Tennessee Sunset Caprese$ 9.99Bacon & Eggs$ 9.99 Also, check out the official Oak Room Restaurant menu with prices. Entrees Menu With Prices Certified USDA Prime Filet Mignon$ 26.99Certified USDA Angus Flank Steak (10 oz)$ 18.98Voodoo Pasta$ 19.98Angel Hair Caprese Pasta$ 14.99Shrimp & Grits$ 23.99Coca-Cola BBQ Beef Short Rib$ 25.99Paella$ 23.99Certified USDA Angus Ribeye (14oz)$ 32.99Seared Sea Scallops$ 29.99Pan Seared Ahi Tuna Nicoise$ 29.99Grilled Pork Tenderloin$ 21.99Grilled Atlantic Swordfish$ 28.99Chicken & Biscuit$ 19.98Lamb Bolognese$ 16.98Vegetable Stir Fry$ 10.99Vegetarian Voodoo Pasta$ 12.99 Also, check out the official Huddle House menu with prices. Sides Menu With Prices Potato-Butternut Squash-Apple Hash$ 3.99French Baby Green Beans$ 3.99Sweet Potato Fries$ 3.99Sauted Asparagus$ 3.99Benton’s Bacon Collard Greens$ 3.99Seared Spinach$ 3.99Orange-Pistachio Scented Quinoa$ 3.99Mashed Potatoes$ 3.99 Also, check out the official Pancheros Mexican Grill menu with prices. Desserts Menu With Prices Cheesecake $ 7.99Butterscotch-Habanero Bread Pudding$ 7.99Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake$ 7.99Coconut Crean Cake$ 7.99Boston Cream Cake$ 7.99Chocolate Zucchini Cake$ 7.99Chocolate-Coconut Sushi$ 7.99Strawberry Cream Cake$ 7.99Milk Chocolate Pot De Creme$ 7.99Warm Spiced Carrot Cake$ 7.99Chocolate Bomb$ 7.99 Also, check out the complete Leon menu with prices.
How To Order Online From Sunset Grill?
Want to enjoy your favorites from Sunset Grill at home? Well! Now, you can have such a delightful experience. Wanna know how? Try ordering food from Sunset Grill by referring to their official website, android app, iOS app, or any other food delivery app. To order food from Sunset Grill, you can refer to some leading food delivery service apps like Doordash, Grubhub, Seamless, Postmates, and UberEats. We have shared detailed screenshots that show how to order food online from Sunset Grill. Finding The Latest Sunset Grill Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location 1. Open UberEats and place the order online from Sunset Grill 2. Add the location of any nearest outlet of Sunset Grill.
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 3. Once you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed.
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4. Select your favorite food items and add them to your cart.
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5. Proceed further to checkout and confirm the online order.
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Sunset Grill Nutritional Information
Nutritional Information myfitnesspal.com/nutrition-facts-calories/sunset-grill To check the nutritional information of the items present on the Sunset Grill menu, click on the link I’ve mentioned above.
Sunset Grill Franchising Details
Sunset Grill has more than 81 franchises in cities like Toronto, Brampton and Quebec. If you are planning to open their franchise then here is the cost in the table below. Franchise Fee$ 55,000Royalties5%Total Capital Cost$ 640,000Advertising1sh or Liquid Assets$ 290,000
Sunset Grill Contact Information
Sunset Grill Corporate Office Address: Mailing Address: 5100 Erin Mills Town Centre P.O. Box 53036 Mississauga, ON L5M 5A7 Sunset Grill Corporate Office Phone Number: 905-286-5833 To contact the team of Sunset Grill, you can also fill contact form mentioned on their website.
Important Links
Official Website sunsetgrill.caContact Formsunsetgrill.ca/contactLocationssunsetgrill.ca/locationsCareerssunsetgrill.ca/careersGift Cardsunsetgrill.ca/gift-cardsOrder Onlinesunsetgrill.ca/orderonline
Social Media Handles
Facebook: facebook.com/sunsetgrillbreakfast Instagram: instagram.com/sunsetgrill Twitter: twitter.com/sunsetgrill Linkedin: linkedin.com/sunsetgrill
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Sunset Grill
Do Sunset Grill provide gift cards? Yes, Sunset Grill provides gift cards. It’s the perfect gift for any occasion. Is Sunset Grill affordable? Yes, Sunset Grill is affordable. You can have any food items here below $20. Who owned by Sunset Grill? Sunset Grill was owned by Angelo Christou. How many total locations does Sunset Grill have in the United State? Sunset Grill has total of 75 locations in the United States. Image CreditsRestaurant Indian Retailer EnwikipediaWikipedia restaurantnewsRestaurant News Read the full article
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aamusedly · 2 years ago
@tempesttragedy continued from HERE.
Devil seemed pretty good at looking enraptured; he liked to say he was good on dates, and of course the mercenary had to back it up. His hands folded under his chin as he listened, eyelids lowered and tail waving languidly beside him.
"That sounds like a story-- something personal? Were you with someone special?" But before he could prod further, a waiter came up with their dinners; two trays of fileted fish on a bed of polenta and mushrooms. Devil looked delighted, but indulgence was a trait of his.
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Before he took a bite, though, his head tilted. "If you'll indulge me."
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icleanedthisplate · 4 years ago
Dine-Out Meals of March 2021, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
Lots of work travel this month, but hit some regular places. A Disney World vacation brought some new ones.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Yia-Yia’s Kota w/Green Beans & Yigandes. Platia Greek Kouzina. Frisco, Texas. 3.10.2021.
Crispy Bleu Chips (shared), Scotch Deviled Egg (shared), Pork & Polenta. Brood & Barley. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.3.2021.
Chopped Salmon Salad, Cup of Pesto Chicken Soup. Cheers. Maumelle, Arkansas. 3.16.2021.
Jimmy’s Salad w/Salmon. Nardello’s Pizza Tavern. Mount Pleasant, Texas. 3.10.2021.
Grilled & Chopped Caesar Salad w/Steak, Cup of Carrot Soup, Almond Basque Cake. Solt. College Station, Texas. 3.6.2021.
Ranchero Special. Senor Tequila. Maumelle, Arkansas. 3.31.2021.
Edamame (shared), Super Dragon Roll. Blue Fish. Frisco, Texas. 3.9.2021.
B3 Char-glazed Pork Vermicelli Bowl, Egg Rolls (to go). Pho Thanh My. Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.5.2021.
Lunch Buffet. Southern Eatery. Holly Springs, Mississippi. 3.20.2021.
Grilled Flounder Fillets w/Three Shrimp, Salad, Veggies, Rice. KT’s Seafood Grill. Rusk, Texas. 3.6.2021.
Sushi Rolls (Ghost, Akami Unagi, Zen), Appetizer Special (?) (Shared all.) Kabooki Sushi (Sand Lake). Orlando, Florida. 3.24.2021.
Ribeye w/Mushrooms, Adult Mac’n’Cheese, Key Lime Pie. Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill. Addison, Texas. 3.9.2021.
All-American Basic Burger w/Sweet Potato Fries. North Bar. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.18.2021.
Pepper Jelly Rib Platter, Tandoori Meatball Sub (shared all). Low Ivy Food Truck. Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.12.2021.
Pimiento Cheese, Chips & Salsa (shared apps), Chorizo-Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Medallions, Bundt Cake. Jack Allen’s Kitchen. Round Rock, Texas. 3.6.2021.
Herb-Encrusted Chicken w/Potatoes, Veggies, Broccoli & Cheese Soup, Fruit Sorbet. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. Morrilton, Arkansas. 3.2.2021.
Oysters, Fish Special w/Corn Fritters, Twice Baked Potato Casserole. Bluegill Restaurant. Mobile, Alabama. 3.26.2021.
Pasta Orleans w/Chicken, side Big Easy Salad. Cheers. Maumelle, Arkansas. 3.11.2021.
Ribs Bowl. Harambe Market (Animal Kingdom). Orlando, Florida. 3.25.2021.
Beef Filet w/Asparagus and Rice, Salad, French Onion Soup, Coffee Ice Cream. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. Morrilton, Arkansas. 3.1.2021.
Kerbey Kickstart. Kerbey Lane Café. Georgetown, Texas. 3.8.2021.
Chicken Fajitas, Mushroom Soup (?), Salad, Cake Parfait (?). Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. Morrilton, Arkansas. 3.1.2021.
Medite Salad w/Salmon. The Pantry (West). Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.29.2021.
Poulet au Pistou. Les Halles Boulangerie Patisserie (Epcot). Orlando, Florida. 3.23.2021.
Boca Salsarito. Salsarita’s. Auburn, Alabama. 3.20.2021.
Yardbird w/Broccoli. Greenhouse. Georgetown, Texas. 3.8.2021.
Chicken Ramen. The Hybrid Kitchen. Maumelle, Arkansas. 3.30.2021.
Applewood Smoked Bacon Mushroom Swiss Burger w/Steamed Veggies. The Biscuit Company. Vicksburg, Mississippi. 3.27.2021.
Ty Cobb Salad. MAD Greens. Round Rock, Texas. 3.8.2021.
Spicy Chicken Sandwich Combo. Chick-fil-A.Gainesville, Florida. 3.26.2021.
Egg White Grill. Chick-fil-A.Round Rock, Texas. 3.9.2021.
Mess Breakfast. Mess Waffles. College Station, Texas. 3.7.2021.
Breakfast Buffet. Residence Inn by Marriott. Mobile, Alabama. 3.27.2021.
Signature Spicy Sandwich w/Fries. Zaxby’s. Adel, Georgia. 3.21.2021.
Meat Lover’s Pizza. Pinocchio Village Haus (Disney World). Orlando, Florida. 3.22.2021.
Impossible Breakfast Sandwich. Starbucks. Frisco, Texas. 3.10.2021.
Oatmeal, Fruit. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. Morrilton, Arkansas. 3.2.2021.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months ago
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Polenta Festival
The Polenta Festival is a lively celebration dedicated to the beloved cornmeal dish, polenta. Held in the heart of Storo, Italy, the festival fills the air with the aroma of rich, flavorful dishes.
The historic center buzzes with excitement as both locals and visitors enjoy various versions of this traditional food, each prepared with unique twists.
From polenta with turnips to versions mixed with nuts and mortadella, the event showcases the versatility of this humble dish.
Beyond just food, the streets come alive with music, crafts, and vibrant colors, creating a festive atmosphere that embraces the community spirit and the natural beauty of autumn in the region​.
During the festival, the “battle of the trisa” sees polenta experts compete to create the best dish, judged by both an expert panel and the public.
The coveted “Golden Pot” award is given to the best polenta, highlighting the skill and dedication of the cooks. Meanwhile, local artisans and producers display their goods, and folk bands add a lively soundtrack to the event.
The festival is more than just a food event; it’s a celebration of the valley’s agricultural roots and a chance to connect with the rich traditions of the area.
How to Celebrate the Polenta Festival
Celebrating the Polenta Festival can be a delightful experience for anyone with a taste for tradition and a sense of fun.
Here are some playful ways to dive into the festivities, whether you’re a seasoned polenta enthusiast or a curious newcomer.
Get Your Stir On
Take part in a polenta-making workshop and wield a “trisa,” the wooden spoon used to stir the polenta. Master the art of cooking this golden dish in a copper pot, just like the locals.
No need to worry if you’re not a kitchen wizard—this is all about fun and flavor!
Taste the Rainbow
Wander through the streets and sample all the different polenta varieties. From polenta with cheese to versions mixed with nuts or sausage, every stand offers a new twist.
Just follow your nose and your appetite. Who knew cornmeal could wear so many delicious disguises?
Join the Battle of the Trisa
Cheer on the competitors as they go ladle to ladle in the “Golden Pot” competition. The stakes are high, the spoons are huge, and the polenta is piping hot. Cast your vote for the tastiest dish and maybe snag a secret recipe or two!
Dance Off the Carbs
No festival is complete without some toe-tapping tunes. Join in the traditional dances or just groove along to the lively folk music.
You’ll need to burn off all that polenta somehow, and what better way than a bit of boogie in the streets?
Go Nuts at the Market
Browse the local market stalls brimming with handmade crafts and regional delicacies. Pick up some souvenirs, grab a bag of fresh chestnuts, or even snag a jar of homemade polenta flour to recreate the magic at home.
It’s the perfect way to take a piece of the festival with you. With so many playful ways to celebrate, the Polenta Festival is not just about the food—it’s a feast for all the senses!
History of the Polenta Festival
The Polenta Festival began in 2015 in Storo, a small town in northern Italy. The local community, including the Pro Loco Storo M2 organization and the Agri ‘90 Cooperative, created it.
They wanted to celebrate the region’s famous yellow corn flour, a staple in local cuisine. The event quickly gained popularity, attracting more visitors each year.
The idea was to promote both the local product and the traditions surrounding it. Storo’s yellow flour has been used for generations to make various types of polenta. The festival showcases different recipes and cooking techniques, turning a simple dish into a culinary celebration.
Since its inception, the festival has become a major event. It draws thousands of people eager to taste polenta in all its delicious forms.
The organizers hope to highlight the cultural and agricultural importance of this humble dish. It has now become a symbol of the region’s heritage and community spirit.
Each year, the festival offers a chance to experience local culture. People from all over come to enjoy the festivities and learn about the rich traditions of the valley. What started as a small event has grown into a lively celebration, cherished by locals and tourists alike.
The festival’s success shows how a simple dish can bring people together. It’s more than just food—it’s a way to honor the past and share it with future generations.
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spongegoggles · 4 years ago
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Beef Braciole is a classic Italian dish with many variations. It can be made with thin, individual slices of beef such as round or as one large roll using flank steak. The filling may be any number of things including cheese, breadcrumbs, fresh herbs, and preserved meats , spinach, pine nuts and raisins. here we are using some awesome five founder carbon neutral beef from Australia 600gm flat iron , cut into steaks and thinly pounded with a meat tenderiser Stuffing 3/4 cup (gluten-free) panko 1/2 cup grated parmesan 1/3 cup finely chopped parsley 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons pine nuts Sauce 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium white onion, diced 4 garlic cloves, minced pinch of sea salt & pepper 2/3 cup red wine (alcohol free ) 580ml canned Roma tomatoes 350ml beef stock 3 anchovy fillet 1tsp Italian seasoning Place steaks between 2 sheets of parchment paper and lightly hammer them until thin Mix together the stuffing in a bowl, then add 1 -2 tablespoons in the middle of each thinly sliced beef. Fold in the sides, then roll it up. Use butcher’s twine or thread with a toothpick to tie up each piece Set a heavy pot on medium-high heat. Once hot, add the olive oil and then the pieces of beef. Sear on at least 2 sides for 2 – 3 minutes per side . remove and set aside Reduce the heat to medium and add the garlic and onions. Stir immediately so not to burn the garlic or onion. Continue cooking for another 3 minutes and add a pinch of salt as it cooks. Once the onions have softened, pour in red wine and reduce the liquid by half. Scrape the bottom of the pot using a wooden spatula in order to remove pieces of beef. Pour in the cans of tomatoes, Italian seasoning & beef stock. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer, then cover and cook for 20 minutes. adding in the anchovy filets near the end of the cooking and stirring till dissolved into the sauce. nestle the beef in sauce, then partially cover and cook for at least 30 minutes. serve with roasted zucchini & polenta or pasta for a satisfying weekend meal #beef #braciole #sundaysupper #chefsathome #easyrecipes #simplenutritious #carbonneutralbeef #fivefoundersbeef #planetfriendlydiet — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3udrJQD
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thinwishes-tinydreams · 5 years ago
130.2 (+1.6)
went out to my favorite dinner in the world last night with my dad and just let myself go. i ate as much pao de quiejo as i wanted, i had three cocktails, waldorf salad, potato salad, manchego, fried polenta, fried plantains, garlic mash, filet mignon, fraldinha, piquinha, and my favorite EVER - bottom sirloin. i didn’t even think twice, i refused to feel guilty for enjoying my favorite meal with my sweet dad. then i went and skated drunk for like two hours lol. i’m okay with this weight because i believe i can start running again today, and there’s like no food left in the house.
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aiiaiiiyo · 8 years ago
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Tenderloin Filet with cauliflower polenta [OC] [4032x3024] Check this blog!
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onepanpapi · 5 years ago
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Jerk Rubbed Filet Mignon with Rosemary Ginger Compound Butter. Technically, I’m Working Right Now. Client Requested A “Tres With Bae” Private Dinner Delivery That Also Will Feature Plantain Polenta & Mango Lime Cabbage. #OnePanPapi #Food #PrivateDinner #TresWithBae #DinnerForTwo #DMV #Delivery #Foodie #Foods #Foodies #Steak #FiletMignon #Beef #Meat #Hungry #Eat #Cook #Yum (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYdSCwgxLu/?igshid=cgmu46wa2n4z
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thelondonwhisperer · 6 years ago
Discover luxury plant-based dining at St Luke’s Table
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Plant-based dining is not just a trend, it’s a gastronomic evolution. Within the UK, the demand for meat-free food has increased by 987% in 2017 with veganism deemed the largest food trend of 2018. It has empowered an increasingly ethical and environmentally conscious population, giving individuals little reason not to embrace the latest culinary trend. Luckily for those in the capital, London was recently rated the third best city for vegans in the world, however our fine-dining offering in the vegan arena has so far been lacking.  
The shift towards plant-based diets has seen a boom in vegan pop up restaurants and fast food joints, but the fine dining experience is still a hugely untapped market.   
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St Luke’s Table in the heart of the West End is an intimate 40-seater restaurant that is set to revolutionise this. It has launched a luxury plant-based menu to revolutionise the dining experience for the UK’s growing community of vegans. Chef Alessio Piras has created an enjoyable plant-based menu with mouth-watering dishes any non-vegan would appreciate. Saint Luke is the patron saint of artists and bookbinders, and is depicted in the stained glass. It’s a fitting name for such a place situated in the LIBRARY club.
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Alessio’s fine techniques allow the fresh ingredients to shine; to start try something a little piquant, Spicy Tomato and Pepper Soup, or enjoy the freshest Grilled Asparagus. For the main course the focus is on grounding root vegetables, with vibrantly coloured Beetroot Risotto. 
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The Risotto
Or imagine yourself in sun-kissed Puglia - but without clocking up the airmiles - with Artichoke Linguini accompanied by walnut pesto, sundried tomatoes, garlic and parsley toasted breadcrumbs. Save space for dessert and make the difficult choice between the Pineapple Carpaccio and the luxurious dairy-free Chocolate Mousse, or a selection of Dairy-Free Ice Creams.
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The Linguine
For the non-vegans, there are delicious starters on the a la carte menu like the Beef Carpaccio with pickled mushrooms, hazelnuts and parmesan twirl, the Crab and Avocado Salad with orange segments, sun blushed tomatoes, dill and lemon dressing.
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The Monkfish
Popular mains include the Monkfish Filet wrapped in Parma ham, sweet and sour peppers and samphire, the Venison Fillet with sweet potato velour’s, crispy polenta and thyme jus and the Lamb Rump with Jerusalem artichokes puree, pecorino twirl, and crispy parsnips.
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The Chocolate Fondant
For dairy-loving dessert lovers, the Chocolate Fondant with peanut butter heart and vanilla ice cream is to die for!
Alessio has over 15 years’ experience, cooking for Richard Caring’s Soho House Group venues such as Cecconi’s and Shoreditch House. His most recent role was executive chef for award-winning Italian restaurant Margot.
Chef Alessio Piras is on a mission to bring plant-based dining to St Luke’s Table for everyone to enjoy.
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Although located in LIBRARY, one of central London’s quirkiest members’ clubs, St Luke’s Table is fully open to all who reserve in advance. Also look out for the secret bar behind the bookcase!
St Luke’s Restaurant is open Tues-Sat for dinner.
St Luke’s Table LIBRARY 112 St. Martin’s Lane London WC2N 4BD
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lavoixdutablieralex · 3 years ago
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Repas de ce midi pour mon grand avant d'aller en cuisine vu qu'il est de soirĂ©e aujourd'hui. Filet mignon LR de porc Ă  l'italienne, lĂ©gumes (courgettes, oignons, poivrons jaunes et rouges, origan, ail, pulpe de tomates) sel rose du Pakistan, frites de polenta au parmesan et origan , un air l'Italie 🇹🇼 #enfants #gourmandise #famille #partage #mamancuisine #mamanssoloscuisineetcesttropbon #polenta #unairditalie , #poivronsmulticolores #courgettes #mĂ©lusinecuisine #lavoixdutablierbyalex #dĂ©licieux #selrosedupakistan #filetmignonLR #porcđŸ· #origan https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVMU8AK_wm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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