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kaiminluu · 1 year ago
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"when you slam the door i think you know, that you won't be away too long, you know that i'm not that strong"
hi @campbyler you destroyed me
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crisp-sweet-pink-lady · 8 months ago
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I'm sorry, but every time I hear this bit of dialogue, my brain automatically jumps in with
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valentineveils · 3 months ago
so im just gonna ask in the pillars of eternity tags but im just wondering - what can i do to get my game to recognize my saves ? it only loads my autosaves , no other save . and i genuinely dont know whats happening bcus to me they look like theyre all saving in the same spot . x-x has anyone else had this . . . its like its not even saving my game , the last save is july 2024 .
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kit-bailecharme · 4 months ago
abaixo, uma lista de conexões para Kit Charming. As restrições estarão nos parágrafos, se não houver nenhum, é válida para qualquer personagem!
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⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀001 ⠀₊⊹ A NOSSA TURMA QUANDO JUNTA É NÓIS de alguma forma KIT, MUSE, MUSE e MUSE se tornaram o terror da vida noturna do Reino dos Perdidos. Saem, bebem, trocam ideias, trem grupo de fofoca mensagens no Scroll...
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀002 ⠀₊⊹ PULA BOI, PULA CAVALO: MUSE decidiu aprender andar à cavalo, mas mesmo não tendo talento, continua tentando. Ao notar a persistência, Kit decidiu ele mesmo ser o instrutor de MUSE.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀003 ⠀₊⊹ EU SOU CHARMEIRO, ANDO SOCIAL (canon, príncipe): MUSE é o príncipe mais próximo de Kit. Os dois se dão bem e fofocam sobre seus medos com as futuras responsabilidades, o casamento, herdeiros, etc.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀004 ⠀₊⊹ NOSSA HISTÓRIA VAI VIRAR CINEMA (perdidos, qualquer gênero): MUSE e Kit dividiram uma sessão de cinema e Kit ficou encantado com a sétima arte, agora virou hábito entre eles compartilhar sessões ou comentar filmes como bons Letterboxd humanos. Kit pergunta muito sobre como é visto o Cinema no mundo dos Perdidos e como as coisas são feitas.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀005 ⠀₊⊹ PROIBIDA PRA MIM, NO WAY! (fem): Em um dado momento, aconteceu um clima de azaração entre Kit e MUSE. Nada sério, mas ele se sente culpado e tenta (literalmente) se esconder dela pela cidade, mas sempre acabam se trombando por aí.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀006 ⠀₊⊹ QUERO TE ENCONTRAR (canons): no passado, Kit e MUSE fizeram uma grande amizade em uma viagem e trocam cartas desde então. Agora que os reinos estão no mesmo lugar, tem a oportunidade de se ver pessoalmente de vez em quando!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀007 ⠀₊⊹ RAP DA PRINCESA (perdida, fem): MUSE sempre amou contos de fadas e seu sonho era ser princesa em um deles. Kit a ouviu falando sobre isso com alguém e decidiu lhe dar um Dia de Princesa do Netinho para que ela pudesse ter um dia de beleza, ganhar um vestido e até uma coroação real (de mentira, claro)!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀008 ⠀₊⊹ FINGI NA HORA RIR: apesar de parecer sempre alegre, as inseguranças às vezes toma conta de Kit. MUSE flagrou o príncipe em um desses momentos, sentado na floresta conversando sozinho. Pode acontecer uma conversa recíproca, ou ambos se fecharem e Kit agir de forma estranha na frente de MUSE porque não gosta de vulnerabilidade.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀009 ⠀₊⊹ PAPO RETO: MUSE se irrita bastante com a maneira otimista que Kit tem de ver as coisas. Kit, por sua vez, tenta convencer MUSE a largar a carranca de vez em quando.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀010 ⠀₊⊹ A LENDA (perdidos): sem entender como funciona esse tal amor verdadeiro, MUSE perguntou à Kit como ele soube que estava apaixonado por Cinderella tão rápido e se a verdade é realmente como conta a história.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀011 ⠀₊⊹ LUA DE CRISTAL (perdidos): Kit gosta de observar estrelas, principalmente ao ar livre. Numa noite, MUSE começou a lhe falar sobre as tecnologias do mundo não mágico para estudar o espaço e acabaram criando uma amizade.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀012 ⠀₊⊹ Ê, SAUDADE (canons): MUSE vendeu um cavalo idoso para o Haras, pois o animal já estava velho demais para ser útil. O segredo é que MUSE tem muito apego ao cavalo e secretamente o visita sempre que pode, mas não quer que ninguém saiba e Kit mantém o segredo.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀013 ⠀₊⊹ A FÓRMULA DO AMOR: MUSE queria se declarar para alguém (de verdade ou brincadeira) e pediu ajuda logo ao Último Romântico! Kit arranjou um quarteto de música clássica, centenas de flores e até pássaros que cantam no ritmo da música. E aí? MUSE foi em frente com a declaração ou não?
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀014 ⠀₊⊹ MENINA VENENO (fem): MUSE é uma verdadeira perdição e não está nem aí para o casamento de ninguém! Desde que a conheceu, Kit está tendo mais dificuldades para ser fiel, mas segue tentando!
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀015 ⠀₊⊹ FUGIDINHA (masc): MUSE é o único (pelo menos até agora) que já fez Kit questionar sua sexualidade. Eles são amigos, mas uma vez bateu um sentimento de "e se...?" no príncipe, que não pensa mais sobre... Pelo menos não com frequência.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀016 ⠀₊⊹ ALMA SEBOSA (canons): o ódio entre MUSE e Kit é antigo e alimentado com frequência. Motivo a combinar, pode ser por algo que aconteceu, incompatibilidade nas personalidades, enfim... Mas se odeiam.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀017 ⠀₊⊹ VÍCIOS E VIRTUDES (perdidos): MUSE se chocou ao descobrir que o Príncipe da Cinderella tem uma personalidade própria, um passado, um estabelecimento e até hobbies! Inicialmente MUSE não o tratava muito bem por achá-lo sem sal e Kit acabava sendo um pouco rude de volta, mas estão melhorando.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀018 ⠀₊⊹ METAMORFOSE AMBULANTE (perdidos): Kit estava passeando à cavalo perto do amanhecer quando encontrou MUSE tendo problemas por conta de poderes/transformação. Mesmo sem saber muito como, o príncipe deu seu melhor para ajudar e levar MUSE de volta ao C.C.C.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀019 ⠀₊⊹ BEIJO MOLHADO (STRAWBERRY KISSES) (canons, fem): MUSE e Kit se conhecem desde bem jovens, pois suas famílias costumavam se visitar, antes mesmo de ele começar suas viagens. Para sanar a curiosidade, os dois trocaram seu primeiro beijinho, o que acabou virando piada entre eles hoje em dia.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀020 ⠀₊⊹ PINTURA ÍNTIMA: MUSE quer porque quer que Kit lhe desenhe como uma de suas garotas francesas, mesmo o príncipe já tendo explicado mil vezes que desenha paisagens, animais e objetos (até se aventuraria em um retrato desse tipo, mas só de sua esposa!). Ainda assim, MUSE segue insistindo, pois viu alguns desenhos do príncipe e gostou.
conexões recorrentes
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀🔭 ⠀₊⊹ A) pessoas que frequentam o Haras para visitar os cavalos, ter aulas de equitação ou cavalgar.
⋆.˚‎ ‎ ‎⠀🔭 ⠀₊⊹ B) clube super secreto de crochê e fofoca (com direito a grupo no Scroll)
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dreadark · 1 year ago
thanks to lemuen complaining about aulus not shutting the fuck up, I think we can safely conclude he was in fact the guy thorns was fighting in leonhardt's kin memories
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this still doesn't explain why leonhardt has thorns kin memories but I don't think that one is ever being explained
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ethcl · 3 months ago
Abaixo do read more estão listadas algumas de conexão que gostaria de desenvolver. Informações importantes: Ethel é changeling do quadrante dos cavaleiros, tem 29 anos e se especializa atualmente em draconologia. Todas as ideias são sempre bem-vindas, e caso se interesse por algo, só me chamar no chat!
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1. Quando mais novos, Ethel e MUSE dividiram uma experiência traumática. Desde então, eles são o suporte um do outro em momentos de dificuldade, especialmente quando se trata de coisas vergonhosas ou pouco honrada.
2. Em vários momentos durante a formação de ambos em Wulfhere, MUSE e Ethel se cruzaram e quase foram responsáveis pelo fracasso (e experiências de quase-morte) um do outro. Por isso, os dois têm uma rivalidade antiga e repleta de mágoas. (exclusivo para changelings)
3. Quando se conheceram na mudança para Hexwood, MUSE não demorou para perceber que Ethel não divide muitos dos preconceitos do seu grupo. MUSE usa isso a seu favor, para tentar descobrir segredos ou vantagens sobre os changelings. (exclusivo para khajols)
5. MUSE e Ethel mantinham uma amizade secreta, com encontros discretos e correspondências reservadas, já que MUSE é umx nobre notórix entre os khajols e era mais simples manter sua associação com changelings em segredo. Com a união dos grupos em Hexwood, entretanto, eles enfrentam uma tensão: manter a discrição ou simplesmente fingir que não se conhecem? (exclusivo para khajols)
4. MUSE e Ethel se conheceram em território neutro e eram simplesmente amigos, sem muitas interferências de suas identidades ou grupos. Porém, MUSE destratou Ethel publicamente em meio aos seus amigos sem motivo aparente, e agora tenta consertar a situação por arrependimento pelo ocorrido. (exclusivo para khajols)
6. MUSE conhece Ethel há muito tempo e são amigos de longa data; naturalmente, é alguém com quem ela sempre se sentiu livre para conversar e desabafar. A maior questão aqui é que MUSE a compreendia até demais, a ponto de deixá-la confortável o suficiente para não perceber que estava se apaixonando por ele até que fosse tarde demais. Possibilidades aqui: os sentimentos nunca foram mútuos e os dois decidiram manter somente amizade, ou então MUSE sequer chegou a saber sobre o afeto de Ethel. Bonus points se for alguém que abertamente não possui interesse em se relacionar, ou então apaixona-se facilmente por qualquer outra pessoa.
7. Ethel possui admiração tremenda por MUSE, seja por conquistas, personalidade ou simplesmente pela pessoa que é. Frequentemente fica nervosa em sua presença e algumas vezes já se enrolou por tentar impressionar MUSE. 
8. Não é a primeira vez que Ethel se vê de frente a um caso de afeição não correspondida, mas detesta ter uma paixonite em MUSE nesse ponto da vida. Desde que percebeu esse sentimento, ela tenta evitá-lo para ver se consegue se livrar do inconveniente por pura teimosia.
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moe-broey · 1 month ago
First order of business.
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Divorce Timeline.
#wip#my notes#GONNA. file it under that even though i'm being vague. but these are sketches ect ect#you see this is why i set up that poll actually. trying to figure out what direction to take#w how i wanna draw the alfonse who would become lif. this in between stage as a whole#is REALLY tricky to parse out. and god if you though alfonse's hair was fucking annoying. oh god. oh fuck.#SOMEHOW. THIS IS WORSE. IT'S SO FUCKING DIFFICULT.#if this alfonse seems absurdly tall esp in that last sketch. well it's just a sketch but also#details kept at minimum. i imagine alfonse is all geared up. heels and all (... possibly insoles.)#and moe was in the midst of getting ready/dressed. so it's flat on its feet here#man. i'm almost in the back of my mind thinking about just how stark the visual difference becomes#between degal and sissel in dunmeshi. the way you see degal change so much. and sissel stays almost hauntingly the same.#that visual storytelling between them drives me absolutely insane actually. the metaphor of#someone who you were both in the care of and made to take care of AND by all means should have been 'your age'#grow up and way past you. but for some reason. you haven't grown at all. yet you operate as you've always have#by force if you have to.#if. it seems like a dubious connection to make. in the context of whatever moe and alfonse have going on#know that it's on purpose with intent. to kill.#the thing about the moefonse dynamic. is that each have just the right things wrong with them.#that either make them click together perfectly if a bit strangely but overall it's good for them#or. on the flipside. they just make each other SO much worse. infinite spiral of So Much Worse#and this is the bad timeline so let me cook. please. pretty please.....#but also for as fucked up as i wanna get comics as a medium are just so uniquely special in the way that#i tried drafting the dialogue out. really didn't know WHERE i was going. then i started sketching#and it's like alfonse himself appeared in a divine vision on the page. like ohhhh he WOULD say that#AND. IMPORTANTLY. in the most indirect direct way possible. it's so fascinating the way it all clicks like that for me#i've talked enough though i wanna LOCK IN. just. needed to get it out of my system/get in the game ect ect#moe tag#moe lore#my art
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alexcabotgf · 1 year ago
not to be true crime posting on main but i think i'm falling down the wm3 rabbit hole again
#xenia.txt#when i tell you this case keeps me up at night to this day#not even the murders themselves as much as the general public's reception to and opinions on the case 3 decades later like#i get why it;s always been so divisive especially after the pl docus came out (lots of opinions on those btw none of them are good#from the bottom of my heart fuck you joe berlinger and bruce sinofsky)#but it's truly baffling how no one is willing to do the research on what is arguably THE most well documented true crime case in recent#history like. everything that's ever been released to the general public is available online and i mean everything#you can find all the court files trial transcripts depositions interogation tapes aerial photos you name it it's out there for anyone with#internet connection to access at any and all hours of the day#and yet people are still foaming at the mouth fighting on reddit abt their innocence based off nothing but a couple of movies like#bffr with me right now!! almost every point the innocenters make can be easily debunked by scrolling through callahan for 15 minutes#'but they've been pushing for dna testing since their release so they can't be guilty' baby the case is closed!#it's been closed the second they took the plea. they can be striking under that courthouse and it still won't change a thing and they knowi#that's why they're pushing for it in the first place but that's just my opinion#^ and i say they but it's really only echols which makes a lot of sense to me personally#and if you want to talk abt dna testing let's talk abt the one that was done in 2011 and how the defense hurried to propose the plea as soo#as they got the results! let's talk abt those cause no one's ever seen them and i would very much like to#braga share the results the people want to know!!#makes me wonder which pieces of evidence they even submitted for that 2011 testing because if i'm remembering correctly#there was one that would've closed this case instantly and maybe that's why the results were never disclosed and the plea was rushed#but that's also just my opinion#and it's also interesting how the majority of people who have in fact deep dived into this case#(and i'm not talking abt big true crime youtubers as i'm very sceptical abt their research abilities)#all collectively lean towards guilty. much to think about#i was hoping someone would make another ~actually~ unbiased documentary for the 30th anniversary and go over all the case files#but i don't think that's even realistic at this point seeing as everyone and their mother has some sort of an opinion on this case#hbo deserves another lawsuit for this. they should've never won the first one in the first place#true crime tw
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 8 months ago
(pacing back and forth, staring at the ground, muttering to myself) devin took godwyn's cursemark... devin took godwyn's cursemark?? he just fucking took it??
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rexinvicta · 1 month ago
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((Mmhm, yeah, this is definitely a T-rated game for sure-))
#out of magla#mun stuff#metaphor spoilers#metaphor refantazio spoilers#((as the tags are obvious I will be talking spoilers here so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!#I saw some discussion of this on Twitter earlier this week concerning Atlus' decision to rate this game T instead of M#because...there are some VERY HEAVY elements and themes present in the story which...#I personally believe should be categorized under the M rated sphere#first one being like...the act of PULLING YOUR HEART OUT OF YOUR CHEST!!#yes that's gore! and yes that is suited to be filed under a T rating but it's the added details which should be considered here#sure it's a silhouette but you can still see a TON of blood spatter out of the hole in your chest#you can see the lingering entrails which are still CONNECTED to the inside of your body#then there's the beheading of not only a government appointed official but a CHURCH FIGURE TOO!!#maybe it's because we don't initially see the act of the beheading? maybe because it's covered up and only heard offscreen?#maybe it's because we only see how gruesome it is because of the way the protagonist reacts to it?#that maybe...I can understand I can overlook that#but also isn't minimal use of blood a category that falls under the T rated sphere?#because there is SO MUCH BLOOD SPILL you see in this game on-screen#I'm pointing RIGHT near endgame too!! when the protagonist RIPS HIS OWN HEART OUT!! AND KILLS HIMSELF WHILE HE IS STILL ALIVE!!#that's basically suicide there!! he killed himself so Louis wouldn't turn him into a human monster again!!!#you see the hole in his chest!! you see him collapse into a growing pool of his own blood!!#like THAT'S!!! A LOT!! that's a WHOLE LOT right there!!#and don't get me started on how the Sanctist church essentially ordered a genocide on the Eldan people#this got very long and if you've read this far you I congratulate you#to sum it up: I think they should have reconsidered the T rating on this game#maybe the rating system is a little different in the East than the West but...still))
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peribirb · 2 months ago
i have to start looking faggier...
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mountainfucker69 · 2 years ago
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could be a pynch au. debatable whether adam would get an outsider to do his hypothetical horse's feet instead of doing it himself tho. maybe ronan as the horse owner and farrier adam straight up getting his hair chewed on
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keeps-ache · 1 year ago
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workin on a thaaang
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echthr0s · 8 months ago
thinking about the time Spike Lee made a movie that is mediocre overall (well, I mean, it's good plotwise but it revolves around two children and the child actors they cast were........ untrained) (kinda casts a pall over the whole thing for me ykwim) but the thing is that the main adult character is played by Clarke Peters who is insanely attractive to me specifically in a dominant paternal figure sort of way ykwim and who does Clarke Peters play in this movie? a preacher. yeah. also what dark secret does this preacher have? what sin comes to light at the climax of the film? take a wild guess (yeah, it's exactly what you're thinking). what did that do to me? well. let's just say. cuff me, boys
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blackjackkent · 11 months ago
OK, more Rakha adventures. (I still have a couple of the micro-fic prompts in my inbox; will finish them either later or tomorrow. <3 )
We left off having knocked out Minthara (though Rakha thinks she killed her) and killed Gut, so that just leaves Boss Ragzlin as the last remaining leadership bastion of the Absolute in the goblin camp. We're going to go get Halsin first, though, since the entrance to the warg pens is right near Minthara, and Rakha has heard enough from various people in the camp to indicate that's where Halsin is being held.
And sure enough...
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How bear-y unexpected. *rimshot*
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Rakha doesn't bother trying to reason with the goblins about letting him out; simply offers them a taste of their own medicine immediately, which is enough to inspire Halsin to slam the iron bars down on the nearest enemy.
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Rakha's bloodthirst kicks in at this point and the team steamrolls the rest of the goblins (despite my forgetting that everyone was out of spell slots from dealing with everything in Gut's area :P whoops).
Rakha hunches in a corner of the room as the last goblin falls, slowly emerging from the violent haze in which the dark urge left her during the battle. She watches, hollow-eyed, as the bear comes to a halt in front of her... and then changes.
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It occurs to me that Rakha heard something from the goblins about Halsin turning into a bear, and presumably she's gotten a rundown on how druids operate from Wyll, but this is nevertheless a supremely weird thing to encounter for the first time. So watching this transformation is more than a little fascinating; she watches with intent interest as the the Weave swirls around the bear, as the flesh slowly morphs and twists into a huge, barrel-chested elven man with shaggy dark hair.
Very like the bear, still, she thinks.
She still feels the urge's hunger at the back of her mind - the desire to kill, the need for another round of blood spilled. But as always, her surprise and need for knowledge do more to subdue the dark urge than almost anything else, and she stares with frank curiosity at the man as the Weave slowly begins to settle back towards tranquility.
The enormous elf's eyes fix on her, and then he grins good-naturedly, flicking lingering goblin blood off his hands. "Pardon the viscera," he says casually. "One should cherish all of nature's bounty - but goblin guts are quite far down the list."
He gives her a look up and down, and then his smile widens. He seems quite unfazed by the amount of dead goblins surrounding them, or the danger that he has been in. "You aided a bear without knowing if it would savage you? A true friend of nature," he says cheerfully. "Or perhaps a lunatic. Either way, I owe thanks. I am the druid Halsin."
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Rakha nods curtly. She knew that already. She knows more than he thinks. "I spoke to Nettie," she says brusquely, cutting straight to the heart of the matter as always. "She said you could help me with the parasite in my head."
Halsin blinks. Then his smile fades rapidly, replaced by a look of intense concern.
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"Parasite in your head? You mean... you have one of *them*?"
Before Rakha can respond, he lifts a hand, and she watches the Weave spasm as he casts a spell she does not recognize. Gold light floods the area, passing around her and through her. She can almost feel the warm pulse of energy as it lingers in her temple where the worm sits.
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Then Halsin's hand falls back to his side. The light fades. He looks grim and sad, as if suddenly bearing a century's worth of troubles.
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"Oak Father preserve you, child..." he murmurs. "You're infected, aren't you? The mind flayers' spawn..." He trails off, and then he tips his head to one side. She can see the workings of a quick mind flashing behind his eyes. In spite of his hulking appearance, this man is no fool. "But something's... different," he goes on pensively. "You're aware of the monster inside you. You don't bow to the Absolute, like the True Souls do. How is this possible..."
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Rakha considers in silence for a moment before answering. There seems little point in hiding anything from this man; besides Lae'zel's creche, he is the best hope of answers they have. She reaches into her pack, pulls out the small multi-sided artifact that protected them on the bride.
"I think this artifact has something to do with it," she says.
Halsin squints at it. "Hm. That looks very alien," he says. "As alien as the mind flayers. They do not belong on this world." His lips purse tightly. "You weren't speaking lightly when you said you needed help. Let me tell you what I know."
Rakha straightens attentively; her eyes, already focused, now burn into him. A flicker of a smile crosses his face as he registers her eagerness for what he can tell her.
"I've been studying these parasites for a while now," he goes on. "Ever since I discovered these so-called True Souls are infected with them. Someone is using very powerful magic to modify these tadpoles. They are using them to exert control over the infected."
Rakha nods. Yes. That tracks with what she has seen. Gut, for all her faith, did not know what she carried in her head; she was being utterly controlled, completely manipulated. Modification to the tadpoles makes sense; it explains the discrepancies with Gale's descriptions of ceremorphosis.
"I'm sorry to say I can't undo that magic," Halsin continues. "Which means I can't cure you. But that doesn't mean I can't help. I didn't find what I came here for - a way to remove the tadpoles - but I found the next best thing. I found out where they come from. That must be where these enchantments are placed on them, and it's where you'll find your cure."
Rakha's whole body goes still. Ah.
It should be disappointing that Halsin cannot help them, and on some level she supposes it is - but that doesn't matter. Lae'zel will bring them to the githyanki, and at the creche the matter of the worm will be resolved. Her greater concern is this cult that put the thing in her in the first place - answers followed by vengeance. And Halsin is saying he knows where to find both.
"Tell me what you've learned," she rasps, "of the tadpoles' origins."
"I overheard that the cultists are sending all of their captives to Moonrise Towers," Halsin answers. "Innocents go in, True Souls come out. Given that all of these True Souls are infected, it has to be the source of the magic. If you want to find a cure, you must head there and discover how the tadpoles are being manipulated."
Moonrise Towers. She has already heard that name - from the halfling trader in the main hall. She too mentioned that the goblins were sending prisoners there. The picture is coming together, piece by piece - and with it, a plan. The creche to remove the worms, and then this Moonrise, where she will see to it that whoever is behind this scheme is properly rewarded for what they have done to her.
As for the elf... she peers at Halsin thoughtfully. He has answered her questions directly and clearly, and she suspects there is more of use that he could tell her. "You seem to know a lot about this," she says. "Will you come with me to Moonrise?"
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Halsin frowns and gives a single, sharp shake of his head. "I wish I could. But there's still work I've yet to finish. Blood I've yet to spill." A pause, and then he looks to Rakha with the same sudden fixity of attention that she has been giving him. "I've no right to ask more of you - but if you could help me, I'd be free to join your journey to Moonrise. I cannot allow these butchers to threaten my grove. The natural order must be preserved."
There is a ferocity under the words that stirs at the dark urge in Rakha's brain. She can follow his intentions clearly enough. He means, even if she does not, to kill the remaining goblins here and finish this arm of the cult for good and all. And he wants her to help him.
As if she would do otherwise. She was ready to kill them before; he merely gives her another reason. She nods sharply, her pupils dilating. "All right," she says curtly. "How do I help?"
He details the plan in crisp, concise sentences, and none of it is surprising. Kill the three leaders, and the place will fall apart. One thing he adds, though, is surprising, enough to give Rakha a momentary pause.
"Be warned. My presence could make things more difficult. I can only restrain my bear form so much. I won't be able to help but attack goblins. If I join you, we'll likely have to slaughter this entire place. You may want to use discretion when approaching the goblin leaders."
Wyll laughs suddenly, shaking his head. When Halsin turns a confused look on him, he shrugs. "I think you may find, friend, that discretion isn't exactly a watchword around here," he says dryly. "So I think you'll fit in just fine."
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Rakha ignores the humor; she is deep in thought. Yes - this man must join them. He is like her, like Astarion. He has a beast in him too. He understands about rage that cannot be controlled. "Come with me," she says hoarsely.
Halsin smiles slowly, and then his features begin to fade as he hunches forward, his muscles twisting back into the bear form. "So be it..." he growls, before language is lost to him. "May Silvanus lend us nature's fury."
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ghcstgoth · 8 months ago
𝒕𝒂𝒈 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑
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