#i ended up dropping that project cuz i just did it to see if i could and also it stressed me out hfvhs
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workin on a thaaang
#art#my art#artists on tumblr#digital art#wip#not a zip file#hi hey what's up :)#i am the speediest doodler on the planet watch me make a rough background in under 30 minutes:#seriously i forgot i could just. put in the Minimal and have it look fine lol#//when i first started digital art i had a webcomic that. uhhh i don't talk about lmao-#but i used an airbrush a lot like this one on autodesk for All of the backgrounds hfsh#it's bringing back Memories#i ended up dropping that project cuz i just did it to see if i could and also it stressed me out hfvhs#i loved this purple-to-blue-to-cyan blend i would do though :>#//anyway i usually talk with my brother Reed to work out story stuff cuz i guess we have the same kinda brain worms lol#but he was busy the other night so i decided to talk to my Other brother and holy SHIZZ we Spedran EVERYTHING hfbshvfd#he made a LIST. [grabs your face] he made. a LIST#he gets things jumbled very easily so i get it but Man. wish i could do that hfvbshbf#i've had trouble developing the second antagonist for this story and he had me list literally everything + then filled in the blanks while#connecting everything else like. my man. my dude#with this trio we may be mostly unstoppable !! we have the brain(1).png the brain(2).pdf the brain(3).exe hfvshf#/i love files. anyway what was i talking about#mmm i'm going to play a viddy game#i've been having a Day lol - ciaoder :33 !!
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Ketchum vs. Ketchum! Showdown in Cerulean City!
Woo! Finale time! I wanted to make this final battle feel special and give it more substance than I could do with just a comic. So! I got the help of @cyberwulf to write out this ending in fanfic form! Check it out here on AO3 if you prefer! If not, the journey continues below the cut~
prev / END
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / [X]
James Sidestory / Meowth Sidestory
A lot has happened since our Poké Moms began their journey. After a rocky start…
…they’ve managed to catch some new Pokémon…
“Run! Run! Run!”
…in their own way.
“What a cute baby! You know, I have a son, too!”
With their month on the road almost up, Delia had just one more thing she wanted to do…
“I want to beat the Cerulean City Gym!”
But little did Delia know, there was a surprise waiting for her in Cerulean City!
“MOM??? JESSIE???”
“Let’s have a double battle! You and Ash versus Jessie and I!”
“You’re on! But I’m not going easy on you just cuz you’re family!”
“…What’s going on?”
Poké Mom Adventures
Ketchum vs Ketchum! Showdown in Cerulean City!
The water of the Cerulean gym battlefield glistened in the sunshine streaming through its crystal glass roof. Both teams gazed at each other with steely determination (and some lingering confusion, in Misty’s case) as above them, the Drone Rotom announced the rules.
“This will be a double battle between Gym Leader Misty and Champion Ash, and the challengers Delia and Jessie.” It projected a holographic image of both teams. “For today’s battle, each trainer may use two Pokémon. The battle is over when all of one team’s Pokémon can no longer battle.”
“All right!” Misty declared. “This is an official League battle for the Cascade badge!”
“And bragging rights!” Jessie added with a smirk.
“We’ll see about that!” Ash retorted. Misty glanced at him, taking in his clenched fists and gritted teeth. She’d seen Ash determined before, but… there was something here that she was missing. However, with the Drone Rotom hovering expectantly overhead, finding out what that something was would have to wait.
“Come out – Corsola!”
The Coral Pokémon landed on the rock in front of her, eagerly crying its name.
“This is a water-themed gym, so I’ll go with a Water-Type,” Ash remarked. “Oshawott, I choose you!”
“That’s the spirit, Ash!” Misty exclaimed. “It’s the job of a Gym Leader to help trainers learn type advantage and weaknesses by specialising in one kind of Pokémon, and around here that’s Water-Types!”
“Water, huh?” Jessie frowned as she considered the three Pokémon she had on hand. “Well, I don’t want my delicate little Ziggy to get her fur wet.” With a flourish, she tossed a Pokéball high in the air. “Go, Venomoth!”
The Poison Moth Pokémon emerged, hovering over the water.
“It’s a shame we don’t have any Grass or Electric-types,” Delia mused. “I guess we’ll just have to do our best with what we have.” Pushing her bangs out of her face, she called, “I choose you!”
Ash and Misty’s jaws dropped as the light from Delia’s Pokéball coalesced into a very large, very stern-looking Kangaskhan.
“I didn’t know your mom had such a strong Pokémon,” Misty whispered.
“Neither did I,” Ash whispered back. Movement at the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked down at his starter Pokémon. “Something wrong, Pikachu?”
Pikachu gazed across the water at Kangaskhan, ears and tail up, alert to… something. But before anyone could figure out what had caught his attention, there was a small cry.
The baby squirmed, spooked by the glistening water lapping all around the rock. She buried her face in her mother’s belly and cried again. Cradling her young protectively, Kangaskhan gave Delia an apologetic look.
“Oh, of course!” Delia exclaimed. “I’m so sorry. Kangaskhan, return.” Cupping her hands around her mouth, she called across the battlefield. “That doesn’t count as one of my Pokémon, does it?”
“Of course not, Ms. Ketchum!” Misty shouted back. “Please choose another Pokémon!”
“If she’s got one,” Ash said with a confident smirk. “I’m betting she’ll send out Mimey.”
“I choose you… Clefairy!”
“Looks like you bet wrong, Ash,” Misty laughed as Ash stared in surprise at the Fairy Pokémon.
Above them, the Drone Rotom moved into position.
“All right, Oshawott!” Ash called out. “Open up with an Aqua Jet!”
With a determined cry, Oshawott blasted a jet of water across the field, hitting Clefairy square in the belly and knocking the Fairy Pokémon off the rock and into the water.
“Ash Ketchum!” Delia exclaimed reproachfully. “That wasn’t very nice!”
Thrown off-guard, Ash gulped. “S-sorry!” (Oh man - I can’t believe I’m actually battling my mom!)
On the opposite side of the battlefield, a wet and bedraggled Clefairy clambered back up on the rock ridge, scowling at her attacker.
“Shake it off, Clefairy!” Delia urged as her Pokémon did just that, sending a fine shower of water droplets flying from her pink fur. “Use Disarming Voice!”
With a deep breath, Clefairy shot a vortex of pink hearts towards Oshawott, taking the Sea Otter Pokémon by surprise and knocking him into the water.
“Good work, Deerling!” Jessie shouted triumphantly. “Now it’s my turn!” She pointed at Corsola. “Venomoth, use Poison Sting!”
Venomoth hovered uncertainly for a few moments, then looked back at her.
“It doesn’t look like Venomoth knows that move, honey,” Delia remarked.
“Well, Dustox knew that move!” Jessie protested. “Venomoth should know it too, aren’t they both Bug-types?”
Venomoth just blinked at her.
“You really don’t know what moves your Pokémon knows?” Misty asked incredulously.
“Of course I do, just – just let me think!” Jessie spluttered, clenching her fists. “All right, Venomoth – use Gust!”
Venomoth didn’t move.
“Whirlwind!” Jessie tried. “Psybeam! …Tackle?”
Venomoth looked back and forth between Jessie and the battlefield as it fluttered about agitatedly, utterly confused by the barrage of unfamiliar orders.
“This is just sad,” Misty muttered, getting a nod of agreement from Ash. Raising her voice, she called out, “Corsola! Use Spike Cannon!”
Corsola glowed, and a split second later a shower of glowing white spikes slammed into Venomoth, driving it backwards towards the trainer box.
“Oh, no!” Delia groaned in dismay, wringing her hands. “Maybe we should’ve practiced with our new Pokémon before coming here!”
“We’re not giving up!” Jessie snarled, clenching her fists. “Venomoth! Get back out there!”
With a trill, Venomoth shook off the spikes, and floated towards its opponents again.
“Corsola!” Misty called. “Hit it with another Spike Cannon!”
Corsola began to glow.
“Well don’t just hover there!” Jessie barked out. “It’s about to attack again!” Venomoth looked back at her, and Jessie gestured angrily towards the battlefield. “Just do something! Anything!”
Once more, glowing white spikes shot towards Venomoth. This time, however, Venomoth dove towards the attack, sweeping its wings in front of itself at the last minute. Blue blades of light cut through the barrage of spikes, one hitting Corsola and driving it back.
“That’s Air Slash!” Ash exclaimed.
“Air Slash, eh?” Jessie shot her opponents a triumphant smirk. “Venomoth! Use Air Slash on that pitiful pink Pokémon again!”
“Hang in there, Corsola!” Misty called as her Pokémon was driven back for a second time. “Use Recover!”
“Don’t let it recover, Venomoth!” Jessie yelled. “Air Slash again!”
As her Pokémon geared up for another attack, she noticed Delia gazing at her in rapture.
“You’re so ferocious when you battle, Smoochum,” Delia remarked dreamily. She lowered her voice, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s kinda hot.”
Jessie blushed and giggled. “Baaabe, not in front of the twerps.”
Misty wrinkled her nose in disgust. “…Smoochum?”
“Freak out later, Misty!” Ash yelled. Venomoth was bearing down on Corsola, and the Coral Pokémon didn’t have much left. “Oshawott! Use Hydro Pump on Venomoth to protect Corsola!”
Leaping high into the air, Oshawott sent a powerful jet of water directly at Jessie’s Venomoth. With a cry, the Poison Moth hit the floor between Jessie and Delia, bounced once, and fainted.
“Hey, no fair!” Jessie bellowed, stamping her foot. “I was distracted!” She recalled Venomoth with a scowl. “I ought to ground you for making me look bad!”
“This is really weird,” Misty mumbled.
“You have no idea,” Ash sighed wearily.
“All right, you big blue blob,” Jessie growled to her faithful Patient Pokémon, “get out there and let’s win this thing!”
Saluting, Wobbuffet waddled forward, straight into the water. Jessie pinched the bridge of her nose as Wobbuffet awkwardly clambered up onto the protruding rock.
“Wobbles can’t attack unless he’s attacked first,” Delia murmured to herself. “Oshawott is strong, and Corsola can use Recover to gain back health. That means I’ve got to make this next move count!” She looked to Clefairy, wet and winded but not out of the battle. It was risky, but…
“Clefairy! Use Metronome!”
“Metronome?!” Misty exclaimed as Clefairy began to move her fingers hypnotically back and forth. “Now anything can happen!”
“Hold tight, everybody!” Ash called, just as the Fairy Pokémon’s fingers turned white.
Razor-sharp leaves whipped through the air, striking Oshawott and Corsola. The Grass-Type move was too much for the dual Rock/Water Type, and Corsola collapsed into the water, fainted. Oshawott was driven back against the rock ridge, and Ash held his breath, but the Drone Rotom only counted Corsola out.
“Oshawott! You hanging in there, buddy?”
With a grimace, the Sea Otter Pokémon gave him a determined nod. “Osha!”
“Ha!” Jessie cried triumphantly. “Now we’re even!” She clenched her fists, calling tauntingly across the battlefield. “Who’s next, twerpette? Togepi? Psyduck?”
“She sure is cocky for being down to just Wobbuffet,” Ash muttered.
“Not for long,” Misty replied with a smirk. She plucked her second Pokéball from her hip.
“Go – Gyarados!”
Delia’s eyes widened and Jessie took several steps back as the gigantic Pokémon appeared in the water. It glowered down at both trainers, making Delia swallow hard.
(Now’s not the time to lose my nerve! Gyarados is just a Pokémon like any other. All I have to do is-)
“Hey!” Jessie exclaimed angrily. “No fair using such a powerful Pokémon! What, are Staryu and Starmie at the Pokémon Centre or something?!”
Taken aback, Misty gaped at the former Team Rocket member in disbelief. “Since when do you care about playing fair?”
“Since you decided to use that monstrosity on a first-time trainer!” Jessie retorted with a shake of her fist. “That’s cheating!”
Misty paused, almost second-guessing her choice of Pokémon, when she remembered who she was dealing with. Squaring her shoulders, she shot back, “You’re not a first-time trainer!”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Ash muttered.
“I heard that!” Jessie bawled.
“It’s okay, honey,” Delia murmured, placing her hand on Jessie’s shoulder. “We can beat them. We just need to use strategy!”
“Gyarados!” Misty called out. Jessie may not have been the best trainer, and her track record with him was hit or miss, but Wobbuffet could reflect almost any attack. It might just have been luck, but Clefairy’s Metronome had taken out Corsola and left Oshawott just barely hanging on. There was only one choice of target.
“Use Hurricane on Clefairy, now!”
Rearing back, Gyarados shot a powerful blast of air directly at the Fairy Pokémon, sending her flying back to the trainer box.
“Oh no!” Delia cried. She knelt by her stricken Pokémon’s side, but it was obvious even without Drone Rotom saying so that Clefairy couldn’t continue. “You did a wonderful job, Clefairy.” Recalling her Pokémon, she rose, pushed her bangs out of her eyes, and called her second Pokémon.
“Mimey, I choose you!”
Ash clenched his fists. No more surprises – he knew what Mimey was capable of. Oshawott was tough, but he’d taken a lot of damage. If the Sea Otter Pokémon only had one move left, then Ash had to make it count.
“Oshawott! Hit Mimey with Aqua Jet!”
“Mimey, dodge it!” Delia cried out.
The Barrier Pokémon leapt high in the air, leaving Ash to watch, powerless, as Aqua Jet splashed harmlessly on the ground between his mother and Jessie. But before he could call out another attack –
“Now, Mimey, Focus Punch on Oshawott!”
There was no time for Oshawott to get out of the way. Mimey dove straight down, fist outstretched, and scored a direct hit. Both Pokémon vanished underwater. All four trainers held their breath. After a few seconds, Mimey burst out of the water, effortlessly leaping onto the rock. A moment later Oshawott floated to the surface, fainted.
“Good work, Oshawott,” Ash murmured as he recalled his Pokémon. He turned to Pikachu. “Looks like my mom’s a tougher trainer than I thought. You ready, Pikachu?”
The yellow mouse nodded, one tiny fist raised. “Pika!”
“You be nice to us now, Pikachu!” Delia cheered brightly.
Jessie was less optimistic.
“Babe, this isn’t looking good,” she murmured urgently. “I’ve been beaten by that Pikachu a zillion times! And that Gyarados looks strong. And mean! I don’t know if…”
She trailed off as the other woman took her hands.
“Now you listen to me, Jessie Ketchum.” Delia gazed into her eyes, a look of fierce determination on her face. “A zillion battles. A zillion losses. Against that very Pikachu. And you never gave up. So you’re not gonna give up now! Okay?”
Jessie stared back at her. Time seemed to stand still. Delia’s fingers were warm on her own as her words of encouragement hung in the air.
“Jessie… Ketchum?”
With the briefest of nods, Delia turned to face their opponents.
“Ash honey, don’t you hold back just because I’m your mom!” she called. “We’re going to give it our all, even if we lose!”
“She’s a lot like you, Ash,” Misty laughed. As Ash tugged the brim of his hat down to hide his blush, she raised her voice and called to the challengers. “You’re doing great, Ms. Ketchum! I’m really impressed by your abilities as a trainer. Now show me you’re worthy of the Cascade badge!”
“Hey!” Jessie yelled indignantly. “What am I, chopped liver?! My Venomoth pushed your Corsola to the brink!”
Misty grimaced. This was all still too strange – Jessie was a good guy? Jessie and Ash’s mom were… partners? She struggled for something positive to say about Jessie’s performance so far.
“Uh – yeah!” she managed. “It was, uh, really great how you figured out that one move.”
Jessie put her hands on her hips. “Ugh, could you sound any more insincere?!”
With a growl of impatience, Ash cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled across the battlefield. “Hey! Are we gonna battle or what?”
“Oh, we’re battling, twerp,” Jessie shot back. “And we’re gonna win!”
Ash grinned. “You ready, Pikachu?” The yellow Pokémon turned to look at his trainer. Ash pointed. “Quick attack!”
“Ha!” Jessie scoffed as Pikachu zigzagged along the rock ridge. “Wobbuffet, use Counter!”
Pikachu leaped forward…
“On Mimey!”
Delia and Jessie gasped as Pikachu pivoted and went straight for the Barrier Pokémon. Taken by surprise, he took the full brunt of the attack, losing his balance and hitting the water.
“A fake out!” Delia exclaimed. She beamed at her son with pride. “That was so smart of you, honey! You had us completely fooled!”
“Baaabe!” Jessie hissed. “I get that you care about him – I do too – but right now he’s the enemy!”
Delia tapped her fist against her head, grinning nervously. “Oh, right!”
“This is hurting my brain,” Misty groaned.
“How do you think I feel?” Ash grumbled.
Delia took a moment to centre herself and assess the situation. Pikachu didn’t have a Type advantage, but his Electric attacks were powerful – not to mention that Mimey was still wet. Of course, using them ran the risk of electrifying the entire battlefield, including Gyarados, but only one Pokémon needed to be left standing in order for that Pokémon’s team to win.
“Mimey!” she commanded. “Use Psychic on Pikachu!”
“Mr Mime!”
Mimey fixed Pikachu with an intense stare, his eyes and hands glowing blue. Blue light enveloped the yellow mouse as he was lifted into the air. Pikachu strained and struggled, but couldn’t break free.
Ash groaned in exasperation.
“Misty, go for Mimey!” he called. “If you weaken him, maybe Pikachu can break free. Plus, he’s a lot stronger than Wobbuffet!”
Misty nodded. “Right!”
“Hey!” Jessie objected. “Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you have to say it!” She shook her fist at them. “I raised you better than that, Ash Ketchum!”
“Wha – ” Ash took a step back, flabbergasted. “You didn’t raise me at all!”
“The heck I didn’t!” Jessie retorted. “Who kept an eye on you while you twerped your way through eight regions, huh?!”
Misty rubbed her temples. The whole situation was giving her a headache.
The Atrocious Pokémon stirred itself and looked her way.
“Use Crunch on Mr. Mime, now!”
“Oh no, not Crunch!” Delia fretted, as Gyarados reared back, a sinister purple aura swirling around its fangs. “That’s a Dark-Type move!”
“Wobbuffet!” Jessie barked. “Get between Mimey and Gyarados and use Counter!”
Saluting, Wobbuffet leaped in front of Mimey, his body outlined in orange light. Crunch hit, hard, and bounced back twice as hard. Both Gyarados and Wobbuffet recoiled from the damage.
“Wobbles!” Delia cried out, as Mimey caught Wobbuffet in his arms.
“Don’t you quit on me now, Wobbuffet!” Jessie shouted.
Wobbuffet saluted weakly as Mimey pushed him back onto his paws. The distraction worked, and Pikachu dropped back to the rock, freed from Psychic.
“Keep the pressure on, Pikachu!” Ash yelled. “Use Iron Tail on Mimey, now!”
“Quick, Mimey!” Delia shouted as Pikachu somersaulted through the air, tail glowing white. “Use Reflect!”
Pikachu hit the invisible barrier and flew backwards, landing in the water.
“Gyarados!” Misty commanded. “Use Crunch again!”
“Mimey, keep using Reflect!” Delia shouted. “Don’t let them in!” She had to think. Poor Wobbles, he didn’t have much left – one more shot from that big Gyarados and that would be it. Not to mention that if Crunch hit Mimey, the battle would be over! She’d completely forgotten Gyarados could learn that move! Oh, maybe she should’ve used Zaggy instead…
Mimey obediently continued to use Reflect as Gyarados and Pikachu attacked from either side. Slowly the invisible barriers began to box them in, till Mimey and Wobbuffet were crowded together on the rock.
“Babe!” Jessie urged. “We have to do something or we’re gonna lose!”
“I know!” Delia groaned. “I just…” She cupped her face in her hands, pulling down on her cheeks. “…I don’t know!”
“Ms Ketchum!”
Delia lifted her head.
“You can’t let us back you into a corner!” Misty called. “Use your environment to find a way out!”
Ash shot her a glare. “Hey, whose side are you on?!”
“It’s my job as a Gym leader to help trainers to learn,” Misty explained with a smile. “Did you forget?”
“You didn’t help me when I battled you for the first time!” Ash replied indignantly, poking his thumb into his chest.
Misty glowered at him.
“That’s because you still owed me a new bike, Ash Ketchum!”
“Aaagh!” Ash placed both hands on his head, tugging his hat down. “Can’t you let that go already? It got repaired, didn’t it?”
While their opponents bickered, Delia had taken Misty’s words to heart.
“Use the environment…” she mused. There was only one place Mimey and Wobbles could go – but first they had to do something about the double attacks coming their way.
“Jessie!” she hissed, beckoning her partner to come closer. “Can you have Wobbles use Counter?”
Jessie looked at Wobbuffet, sweating nervously as he stood behind Mimey. She nodded.
“Okay,” Delia replied. She whispered quickly in the other woman’s ear. Jessie grinned, then straightened up.
“Wobbuffet! Use Counter on both those attacks!”
Without any hesitation, Wobbuffet moved in front of Mimey, body once more enveloped in an orange glow. Crunch and Iron Tail came back double on Gyarados and Pikachu, sending the two flying backwards. Both Pokémon landed hard on the rock, Gyarados almost wrapping around it with the force of the blow.
“On your feet, Pikachu!” Ash called. “It’s not over yet! …Huh?”
He blinked at the empty battlefield. Mimey and Wobbuffet had both disappeared. Ash tensed as he scoured the water for any sign of the enemy Pokémon, but the surface was still settling from the last bout of attacks. The sunlight streaming through the roof didn’t help either – it made the rippling water glitter.
Misty spotted movement a second too late.
“Look out-”
In tandem, Mimey and Wobbuffet burst through the surface, taking up positions either side of Gyarados and Pikachu, trapping their opponents between them.
“Good work, you two!” Delia cheered. She pointed dramatically. “Now, Mimey – use Psychic on both of them!”
Once more, Mimey’s eyes and hands glowed. Both Gyarados and Pikachu rose into the air, enveloped in blue light.
“Great strategy, Ms. Ketchum!” Misty called, earning a dirty look from Ash which she ignored. “There’s no point going for Wobbuffet – he’ll just Counter our attacks again.”
“Right,” Ash agreed. “We’ve gotta take out Mimey!” He raised his voice. “Pikachu!”
Misty did likewise. “Gyarados!”
Delia grinned. “Just as I thought.” She looked at her partner. “Get ready with Mirror Coat!”
Jessie blinked in confusion. “…Huh?”
“Thunderbolt –”
“Hydro Pump –”
“On Mimey!” both young trainers yelled in unison.
“Mimey!” Delia called, just as both Pokémon charged their attacks. “Drop them, use Light Screen and aim at Wobbles!”
“Aim at WHO?!” Jessie exclaimed.
There was no time to explain. Everything turned on a split second. Pikachu and Gyarados began to fall through the air. Several volts of electricity and a powerful torrent of water hit Mimey’s Light Screen and barrelled towards Wobbuffet.
The diabolical beauty of Delia’s devious plan suddenly caught up with Jessie. That pair of pathetic Pokémon were in for a –
“Now, honey!”
Jessie almost fumbled the command.
“M-Mirror Coat!”
Wobbuffet glowed, shrouded in a reflective aura. Everything seemed to slow down. The attacks hit. They bounced back at Mimey. Pikachu and Gyarados fell. Ash’s mouth opened in a silent noooo.
The timing was perfect.
Gyarados and Pikachu fell in front of Mimey, taking the full brunt of Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump, doubled by Mirror Coat. The sheer force of the attacks drove them along the surface of the water, causing huge plumes of water to rise into the air either side of them. The battlefield disappeared in a shroud of surf and spray.
“Pikachu!” Ash cried out.
All four trainers held their breath as the mist began to clear.
Jessie cried out in dismay on seeing Wobbuffet floating belly-up in the water. Ash groaned on spotting Pikachu doing likewise. Draped over the rock, Gyarados lifted its head weakly, then dropped it again.
Delia scanned the water, a smile spreading across her face as Mimey swam to the rock and clambered up, standing tall with a cry of, “Mr. Mime!”
“Wobbuffet, Pikachu, and Gyarados are unable to battle,” the Drone Rotom declared, as Ash sank to his knees. “The winners are the challengers, Delia and Jessie!”
“I… I can’t believe this…” Ash moaned.
“We…” Jessie couldn’t stop staring at the battlefield, Drone Rotom’s words ringing in her ears. “…we won?” She looked to Delia, and the joyful look on her face confirmed it. “We WON!!!”
Delia shrieked as Jessie caught hold of her and lifted her high in the air, doing a twirl before setting her back on her feet and peppering her face with kisses. “Hahahaha!” She turned to their opponents, pulling down on one eyelid while sticking her tongue out. “Suck it, twe – I mean, Ash and Misty! I knew this day would come sooner or later!”
“Jessica, I know you’re happy, but don’t be a bad winner,” Delia chided gently. “Magnanimity in victory goes a long way.”
“But baaaabe!” Jessie whined. “I’ve never had a victory this magnificent before!”
Delia just smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. “I think poor Wobbles wants you,” she remarked, nodding to the battlefield. “We’ll need to get him to a Pokémon Centre with Venomoth and Clefairy.”
Jessie nodded and went to haul Wobbuffet out of the water.
“Come on, you,” she grunted as she dragged the Patient Pokémon back onto dry land. Briefly she removed her cap and wiped the sweat from her brow. Fine, so she couldn’t taunt the twerps any more. Victory still tasted pretty sweet.
In her arms, Wobbuffet stirred and smiled weakly up at her. Jessie couldn’t help but smile back.
“How about that?” she murmured to him. “You’re a winner, Wobbuffet. I bet you can’t wait to tell the others.”
He managed a salute and a quiet “Wobba…” before Jessie recalled him to his Pokéball.
Ash, meanwhile, remained on his knees in the trainer box. “I can’t believe we lost to my mom.”
“You gotta admit, that last strategy was a thing of beauty,” Misty replied with a smile. She’d made her way out to the rock and was cradling Gyarados’s head, absently rubbing its crest. The big Pokémon opened its eyes and let out a quiet rumble. “I guess now we know where you get your battling skills from, champ!”
Stepping out of her sneakers, Delia carefully negotiated the slippery rock and fished Pikachu out of the water. A couple of vigorous rubs from his head to his tail, and the Electric Mouse Pokémon opened his eyes.
“You were great, Pikachu,” Delia murmured. She tickled him under his chin, getting a weak “Chaaa” in response. She made her way back to the side of the battlefield to find Ash, Misty and Jessie waiting. “You were great too, honey.”
Ash managed a smile as she handed Pikachu to him. “Thanks, Mom.” He gasped as he was pulled into a hug.
“That was such a fun battle!” Delia exclaimed. She loosened her hold just enough to look at him. “I can see why you like this so much.”
“Watch out, Ash,” Misty teased. “You might just have a new rival on your hands!”
Ash let out a distressed yelp.
“Oh no, I don’t have time for that,” Delia assured him with a wave of her hand. As Ash sighed with relief, she cupped his cheek and tilted his head up to look at him. “But travelling around this past month and battling with you today… it’s made me feel a little bit closer to you.”
Ash blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Aw, Mom,” he mumbled with a grin.
Ash and Delia turned to see Misty holding out a Cascade badge.
“This is yours, Ms. Ketchum,” the Gym Leader declared. “You made the battlefield, your Pokémon and their moves work to your advantage. I’m impressed!”
“Oh, you’re too kind, really,” Delia replied, blushing as she accepted the badge. Its blue surface seemed to glitter in the sunlight streaming in from the roof. “I’ll treasure this, always. Thank you.”
“That’s how you win a badge fair and square,” Misty teased, shooting a wink Ash’s way.
The Champion rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
All three turned to see Jessie holding out her hand.
“What about me?” she demanded. “The perfect Pokémon battle partner? Trainer of vicious Venomoth and wild Wobbuffet? Where’s my badge?”
Misty sighed. Jessie had been on the winning team, and she had won a badge fair and square, but the whole situation was still bizarre.
“I’ll give you a badge if you explain what all…” She waved her hand between Jessie and Delia. “…this is about.”
“Delia and I dating,” Jessie scoffed with a shrug. “It’s not that complicated.”
“I got that part,” Misty shot back irritatedly, “I just…” She looked from Jessie, standing with her arms crossed, to Ms. Ketchum, who had one hand on Jessie’s hip, to Ash, who looked like he was hoping the floor would open up and swallow him. “…you know what, never mind.” Reaching into her pocket, she took out a second Cascade badge.
“I can’t believe this is happening, but… you earned this!”
Jessie let out a little cry of joy as Misty put the badge into her hand.
“Oh, Deerling, look how pretty it is!” she gushed. “Do you think maybe we could just get the prettiest Gym badges?”
“I don’t see why not,” Delia replied. “With James to run the restaurant, I can take vacations more often!”
“James is –” Misty glared at Ash, who pulled the brim of his cap down and giggled nervously. “We’re going to the Pokémon Centre and then you’re telling me what’s been going on, Ash Ketchum!”
“Let’s all go to the Pokémon Centre,” Delia suggested. “Our Pokémon battled hard today, they deserve a good rest.”
It wasn’t long before Nurse Joy’s tender care had Venomoth, Corsola, Oshawott, Clefairy, Wobbuffet, Gyarados and Pikachu feeling like their old selves again. Delia squeezed Jessie’s hand, murmuring “that’ll be you one day, Smoochum” as they watched Joy work.
“Well, we should get going,” Delia declared once they had their Pokémon back.
“We were going to stay and have dinner, Ms. Ketchum,” Misty said. She eyed Jessie reluctantly, but made the offer anyway. “…You’re welcome to join us.”
“That’s sweet of you, Misty, but we’ve been away long enough,” Delia replied, to both kids’ relief. “It’s time we headed home. Thank you both so much for such an amazing battle.” She hugged Ash tightly. “Don’t stay away too long, honey.”
“You know I won’t, Mom,” Ash replied, blushing. He shot Misty a grin. “I’ll be home right after I kick Misty’s butt in our rematch!”
“Then I’ll see you soon,” Delia murmured. She let go of her son and gave Misty a quick hug and a wink. “Try not to beat him too badly!”
“Hey!” Ash exclaimed indignantly.
Delia stepped back, joining her girlfriend near the door of the Pokémon Centre. She gave her a look and nodded to both kids. With a sigh, Jessie trudged up to Ash and gave him a stiff hug.
“See you at home, kid,” she mumbled. Letting go, she turned to Misty. “Thanks for the battle and the badge, I guess...?”
The two gazed at each other for a few awkward moments, then Jessie took a step closer, slowly lifting her arms.
“Aah!” Misty hurriedly moved back, holding her hands up in front of her. “I don’t think I’m there yet.”
Jessie dropped her arms with a huge sigh of relief. “Great! Me neither.” She offered her hand instead, and the Gym Leader shook it.
Ash and Misty stepped outside the Pokémon Centre to see them off, their goodbyes ringing in the air as Delia and Jessie got on the road. Jessie slung her arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder.
“Happy, babe?”
“Yes and no,” Delia sighed. “I’m sad my journey’s over, but I couldn’t be happier about how it went. I made three wonderful new friends, foiled a nasty poacher, and that battle today –” She clenched her fists in front of her. “ – I never felt so alive! I can’t wait to tell Professor Oak and James and Meowth all about it!” She slipped an arm around Jessie’s waist. “I’m so glad you talked me into this.”
Jessie preened. “Oh it was nothing, babe, I –”
She broke off as Delia took hold of her hands.
“Thank you for making my dreams come true,” the other woman whispered. Jessie’s heart caught in her throat as she saw tears shining in Delia’s eyes. “Not just today, but every day we’re together.”
Jessie smiled, warmth blooming in her chest.
“It’s the least I could do,” she replied. Delia deserved more, so much more, for putting up with her, believing in her, loving her. Not to mention all she’d done for James and Meowth too. Maybe one day –
- but before Jessie could continue the thought, Delia leaned up and pulled her into a tender kiss.
“Oh, I can’t wait to get home to our nice comfy bed!”
“Ugh, me too. I hate sleeping on the ground.”
“…who said anything about sleeping?”
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What are some of your favorite VAT7K headcanons??
I was actually planning on talking abt my headcanons eventually so thanks sm for asking this so I actually do it lmao‼️‼️
Here’s some I’ve just kinda adopted from general fandom stuff:
Genderfluid Hugo (He genuinely doesn’t really care too much how people refer to him, but when someone does call her by “she” or “they” they still perk up a little bit. (I’m not projecting you are))
Transmasc Varian
Lesbian Nuru (tbh I almost didn’t even add this cuz I forget this isn’t just straight up canon lmfao)
Hugo’s love language is being annoying
Hugo started calling Varian cliche cheesy petnames as a joke, but eventually just got used to it & now they’re stuck like that.
They all definitely went undercover at a ball (possibly masquerade ball?) at some point in the story
Yong starts arguments between the other 3 on purpose sometimes either bc he finds it funny how easy it is, or because he wants to sneak off and do smth he’s not supposed to and needs smth to distract them
And here’s some of my own:
After all the stuff with the eternal library is done, Yong & Nuru can go back to their kingdoms and fix their problems, but Varian & Hugo aren’t ready to say goodbye *just* yet. They leave the library to Donella while they all travel together again. They drop Yong off at the fire kingdom and after saying goodbye to Nuru at the air kingdom, they head back to Corona. I have a lot of ideas for things that happen inbetween those events, but I’m not gonna get into all of that lol.
When Nuru first joined the group, and I mean like *just* joined, first day, she thought Yong was really cute and endearing, and bordered on babying him. But after experiencing him being, well, Yong, about his pyrotechnics, she did start treating him like more of an equal (partially because she understood he wasn’t a baby and partially because she was a little scared of him after that lol)
Hugo definitely has “dated” lots of people, but still HEAVILY exaggerates the number to sound cool.
Hugo always falls asleep last/stays up the latest, but sometimes falls asleep at random parts of the day bc of that.
There’s an ATLA-esque episode where Hugo (either by accident or on purpose, you decide) involves Nuru in some sort of theft, and she starts freaking out. I think this could probably end in a change of perspective somehow, like maybe Nuru initially thinks *any* kind of stealing is wrong, but then sees that they genuinely *need* this item and there was no other way to get it, and comes to understand not *all* crimes are inherently bad/selfish on principle. Smth like that.
Then as a partner to the hc above, there’s also some kind of episode that does this but for Hugo seeing things from Nuru’s perspective. I’m not entirely sure what this would be yet, tho. Maybe the rest of the gang getting injured/sick and Hugo needs to take care of & be responsible for them?? Still gotta think abt it.
There’s probably more but I started writing this almost right after I got up & I’ve been writing for like an hour(???) at this point (I had to re-format this like 5 times)
#varian and the seven kingdoms#vat7k#varian vat7k#tts varian#varian the alchemist#hugo vat7k#hugo rottewange#nuru vat7k#princess nuru#yong vat7k#donella vat7k#varigo
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so I have noticed some people think Ben is boring (trust me I’ve seen it)
so I am here to talk about everything ben and try to explain his character!
This won’t be the best character analysis
as English is not my first language and I'm trying to bring more attention to stuff that's not talked about often.
So I'm going to split this into 6 categories to try to make writing this easier for me so bare with me.
Things I’ll go over!
past & current
relationship with family
relationship with friends
This is going to have a bunch of stuff that are headcanons I'm only including them to show ppl if u can put some thought into it u can get some reasonable ones.
1 | personality
I see a lot of ppl reduce his character to only music and being mute? which really upsets me because he soo so much more,
but making his entire personality music makes me so mad
most headcanons I see are all the same PLEASE I AM TIRED of hearing what kind of songs he listens to that or all ship headcanons titled as Bens
he's a shy awkward guy we all know that cuz he really just stands in a corner awkwardly scratching his neck most times and he also doesn’t like horror or anything scary (eps 11)
hes a protective older brother not overly like Tyler where hes more protective of Tay from other people ben is more chill going and more afraid of what life throws at Lily, there’s not much here cuz more points I have fit in the other categories :)
2 | looks
he looks kinda of basic nobody can deny that so I won't, but because of his past I imagine he would have a bunch of scars ik he doesn’t and that’s a bummer cuz I really wish he had 🥲
After he lost his voice he became super facially expressive but also really good at hiding his emotions so it’s either really easy to read him or really hard no in between. also because of his past bullying, I assume it affected him and the way he presents himself that why he sticks to basic outfits and look,
overall trying not to bring attention to himself even after therapy he stuck to his habit but if someone gave him a little push and helped him he would drop it and start putting thought into his looks,
saw this somewhere I don’t remember where they said he would have curly hair as a kid but his mom didn’t know how to take care of it so they ended up shaving it and i think curly or wavy haired Ben would be so cute also he would look amazing with an eyebrow piercing %100 and uhh I genuinely don’t remember him smiling genuinely in canon so i imagine his with a downturned smile I may be wrong about that idk
3 | hobbies
did I make this a separate category just to talk about him being an artist? yes I absolutely did 🙂↕️
I fear most people forgot about it n honestly and that is criminal
there is not much said about it in canon but I’ll work with what I have,
he probably didn’t have much artistic skills when he was younger and only started doing it as a distraction and a way to calm down n he probably made himself draw
I feel like red projected onto him in that ifykyk😭

but from the picture Ben draws based on things that happen so he diff draws a bunch of random things he sees and thinks its cool, he would draw everything and everyone and I feel his art style would be more realistic tbh
but Ben also plays guitar, plays piano
, fight, used to sing, and the medic of the group like what else he do?? he is literally perfect what more can I say here but most of these are not really hobbies but skills he had to learn for the sake of his life
4 | Past & current
I’ll talk more here about how his past affects him currently,
I love to think he has a fear of fires because of the fire that burned down his house more of a headcanon tbh
see the pan he burned in that official art? it took him half an hour in his room to calm down his heartbeat and gathering around the campfire is the opposite of relaxing for him
probably hates turtlenecks with his being
and I want to talk about his voice as that affects him the most what really bothers me about the fandom is that a lot of people ignore the fact that he probably will never speak.
I see plenty of ppl benlor shippers say
“he would sing for —-🥺“ “he would whisper to comfort—🥺“ n it makes me wonder are we even talking about the same character???? which is absolute bullshit if he did that he is the one that’s gonna need comfort like please. he would probably never speak unless he sees someone's head gets ripped off there body.
It's said flat out in episode 27

That he has the option to speak but he doesn’t why? Because he hates his voice and if he hates his voice sm he chose to not speak for yearsss what makes u think he would speak for the sake of someone else's comfort when doing that only pains him? he is selectively mute for a reason I'm not saying he doesn’t have a voice but at least if u headcanon him to speak in the future at least let it be for his own sake instead of doing it for someone else or make it about ur ship.
5 | Relationship with family
Starting with his parents I don’t think they are bad parents at all they tried to help him as much as they could but they couldn’t so they opened up other options and let him move away and heal even if he’s not with them I think what the did is a good choice for their situation and their relationship would still be great tbh considering the distance
now onto Lily
I honestly can talk about them for days. I love them
Their relationship is so sweet the way Lily is stuck to him every chance she gets and ah also used to sing to her can you imagine how she felt seeing her brother coming home later and later covered in bruises not singing to her to sleep anymore watching him sneak out
she basically watched her brother spiral down and then leave she was probably too young to really understand what was going on fully so now she just wants to spend all the time she can with him and he tries to make up for lost time :(
now Aiden
most people probably forgot Aiden is the closest person to Ben and the same goes the other way around.
Aiden is a life long friend of Ben’s
he literally trusts him, follows him everywhere and lets him decide for him
they spent most of their time together since Ben moved in they live together there stuck together.
Aiden probably helped him a lot mentally helping him try new things and be more carefree
Ben also probably helped him mentally and physically patching him up and looking out for him overall,
I see some Aiden fics that are like “Oh no Ben’s gonna be so upset at me 😖” and they make him act like a nurse, not a friend and he just bandages him up then leaves as if nothing happened and someone else comes and in does all the comforting
like I can count all the fics where Ben acts like a decent person and I'd still have more fingers up than down,
it’s so upsetting how ignored their relationship is in this fandom they deserve so much more honestly.
6 | Relationship with friends
he is definitely the therapist friend
He is that kind of friend that you can tell everything to him going from weird food to the worst time of your life and won't even realize it
his friendship with Ash is very chill not the closest I'd say,
they're really just trying to keep their peace lmao
his friendship with Taylor
I imagine them as gossip girls tbh Ben being a quiet kid while Taylor is popular they definitely know some good gossip
his friendship with Tyler is something he used to find him irritating but then he realized they have a lot in common especially when Tyler was teaching him guitar which was precise since he was the one who offered
and his friendship with Logan
it's really sweet Logan would try to teach him gardening while they talk about their interests
and be absolute nerds together lmao
overall the friendship between all of them is really sweet ik I didn’t give it justice here but the found family trope and the way they find comfort in each other is just everything to me
And I'm done yappin hope u enjoyed that because that was over 1,5k words
if u have any questions feel free to ask 🫡
#school bus graveyard#ben clark#lilredbeany#aiden clark#sbg#tyler hernandez#taylor hernandez#ashlyn banner#lily clark#sbg (webtoon)#logan fields#character analysis#if you can call it that#please don't murder me#i spoke my ben truth#thank you twt moots for hypeing me up#i need to sleep#the last part was half assed im sorry#idk what to tag#school bus graveyard (webtoon)
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Hey! Prism here again. I come with a question about Steph and Kendra's mother-daughter relationship.
What kind of mother was/is McKendra towards Stephanie? Is she like, more of the sort of carefree parental figure or was she more of a strict one? Would she still kill and die for Stephanie and protect her no matter what, or would she believe Steph could take care of herself? What kind of parent did she become after Papa Rudboy's free life trial ended? Sorry if this is too much, I'm like really curious. I like, need a 10 paragraph essay/j
thanks for asking cuz now i have an excuse to go on a brief hc dump i have for these two ❤️❤️❤️❤️
so, yes, general dynamic for these two is that they give "best friend" vibes. mckendra is quite a carefree parent but she does dote a lot on steph at times. steph does get embarrassed with this but she lets it slide most of the time. the two of them are both extremely caring for each other but trust each other enough that they can protect themselves.
however they would definitely not stay put if something bad happened to the other (especially kendra, cuz she'd be powered with maternal wrath XD)
But as to how there dynamic developed to what it is now, i have a mini-essay + comic down below👇
from the start, kendra was quite the same as she is in present time. carefree and quite doting on steph
however, after papa rudboys got unexpectedly offed by a doppel, kendra still tries her best to keep up her carefree persona to not worry steph, but she has becomes noticeably more clingy towards steph and tended to coddle her, almost obsessively. (this happened in the span of 3 years after papa rudboys death)
(note: in a previous post, i previously hc that papa rudboys got killed when steph was small, but now with the new lore drop, I now adjusted the time period. papa rudboys was now killed around the early years of trojan horse project's establishment ,around 1945-1950 and steph was already older and new to her job )
at the time, kendra's coddling sometimes seriously got in the way of steph's work. one time, they had a had a heated exchange. steph had to be gone for almost a whole week for work but kendra didn't want her to. she tried to persuade steph to stay, even to the point that she had to downplay steph's position as a female in the air force (out of desperation of course)
of course, steph did not like this and got mad accordingly.
the obsessive coddling just stemmed from mckendra's fear of losing her daughter too.
steph understood her mother's worry but reassured her that, she'll be fine
so, long story short, they agreed that they would make sure that they will stay alive not only for themselves but for each other.
steph letting her mom's doting slide in present time was just a result from that whole exchange (that was the second time she ever saw her mom look so distraught in her life and she didn't really wanna see it happen again.
so, thanks for reading if you made it here.
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Okay- so I feel like im a bit calm (definitely real) after yesterdays finale to properly make a statement about it
And I really want to put a few of these points out there while the tags are still trending and while I still have time cuz now that AAA I finally over I really need to focus on my studies which is gonna be hard…..but yeah it is what it is
And honestly
Look idc what anyone says anymore
Yes there were some loose ends and a whole lot of questions
And I get that a lot of people were upset…..believe me I was too and still am
But I wanna be a voice of positivity
cuz I feel like whatever plot wholes they left
Like jac said were there for US to interpret
Or as my delusional ass is telling me maybe theyre setting up for another season???
And yes for those of you whore saying that we shouldn’t be the ones to figure theyre story out YOURE RIGHT, I AGREE WE SHOULDNT
But at the end of the day it still was a marvel show
And Whatever it was
It was an amazing experience
Yes we had our highs and lows
And Looking back on Agatha’s story, yes I do feel a mix of admiration and frustration. There was so much potential in exploring her relationship with Rio and the complex layers of her own journey, which felt overshadowed in the end. At times, the focus on Agatha's role as a mother felt like it could have been handled differently and Instead of fully delving into Agatha’s growth, her story was ultimately used to elevate Billy’s arc, leaving her character, her grief, and her love for Rio without the closure they deserved.
That being said
Again while it's fair to wish for a bit more closure for characters like Agatha, Rio, Jen, and Alice,
I truly do think jac schaeffer is a genius
like for a really long time i used to think that we were reading too deep into scenes and that they arent actually that deep and we’re just being delusional
But watching, reading interviews of her
Finding out that as a matter of fact it actually IS that deep
And that everything means something and nothing is unintensional
just hearing her talk about the characters she writes is such a fulfilling feeling you have no idea
its the way she understands those characters and portrays their trauma….She really cares for themm
she does her research and makes sure she understand her characters and the lore
unlike *cough michael waldron cough*
Who couldnt even be bothered enough to watch a show which was an indefinitely important arc for one of the characters he was assigned to write for a movie
Its just-
Look all im tryna say is
Shes a master in her craft and no one does it like her
despite everything she provided us with two of MARVELs best shows up to date and no one can tell me other wise
Cuz While the narrative pivot left parts of Agatha’s story untold, Schaeffer's dedication to character depth shows her commitment to storytelling which you can really see in the way she talks about those characters
again while I wasnt satisfied with the finale its her dedication to understanding these characters, down to the smallest detail means so much to me.
Cuz it’s not just about the story—she collaborates with her actors to bring out the arcs they envision which makes it even more special
And It’s truly disappointing that Marvel didn’t fully capitalize on the opportunity to explore Agatha’s own arc in its entirety, especially with such a capable writer at the helm.
Still, I’m hopeful that future stories will revisit and give the characters like Agatha and Rio the focus they deserve
And i reallyyy hope they sign jac up as a writer for future projects
Cuz ultimately, I think her approach to these characters makes her one of the standout storytellers in Marvel right now, and I’m excited to see what she does next with all the new responses from the fandom
I hope you guys get what im trying to say
Anyways to conclude my thoughts
Whatever it was
I truly did love this show
And ill really miss coming back home on Thursdays to watch the new episodes drop
#agatha all along#agatha harkness#agathario#rio vidal#kathryn hahn#aubrey plaza#vidarkness#halloween
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Greetings fella, I have way too many ideas and since I love your writing I'll drop some over time. Can I request an s/o with calloused and rough hands with some of the hsr ladies maybe Kafka, Stelle and Serval ? I don't know if you do Asta too, there isn't enough love for her she is so witty and sweet 😞
Hsr ladies with a s/o who has rough hands?? Count me in babes🫡

This is basically a word vomit i did while speed running through my projects🤭
Kafka x reader
Stelle x reader
Asta x reader
✨ fluff, established relationships, women❤️, cuteness, reader is a fighter in Stelle's, and Asta's.

(your a violinist in this.)(no questions asked. Shush.)
Kafka doesn't really mind it cause she has calloused hands too since she wields a katana (probably?) And she loves that your hands are calloused and rough because you play the violin. Shows how much of a hardworking person you are.
Also loves it when you play for her. As a certified violin enjoyer, Kafka would definitely ask you to play her a a song and would praise you for how well you play.
Holds your hands ALL the time. Clingiest women in the whole of HSR fr.
Will unconsciously play with your hands or hair while talking to you or doing other things. She just loves touching you all the time. Overall she's a touchy women so let her touch you (😏)
Stelle calls you and her as the "Power couple of the century" (self proclaimed)
This women is just absolutely, shamelessly, indefinitely in love with you (let me be delulu for a while pls) and so she loves every part of you which includes your hands too. As a fighter herself she too has calloused hands, and in her words, having rough hands shows how strong you are! Maybe it was her way of saying she loves your hands.
Will hold your hands all the time too(like mother like daughter) clingy women no.2 also shows off to everyone that your her lover. You don't see the point but oh well. Just let her go crazy(as if she wasn't already ❤️) the type of girl to boast about her lover and tell how great and nice they are .
Also loves how strong you are. Kinda relieved to know that you can keep yourself safe, but that won't stop her from protecting you.
This girlfailure probably doesn't even notice! But ofc you don't care. But really she does know how rough your hands are but just doesn't ask cause she knows it's normal for someone who fights
She's quite busy too so less time with you. The most time you spend together are in the mornings and night or when she has a break. It's sad but it's fineee you know how much she loves you.
Will also hold your hands when you're out on a date(which is rare af) and most of your dates consist of going to the museum or an aquarium!(you'd have to scold and stop her cuz she ends up spending too much money.)
On days you feel insecure of your hands or body, she'll always be right next to you. She'll say something cheesy like" this shows how strong you are, and how much you've practiced and improved in fighting love" with a geeky smile and a flushed face(such a girlfailure fr. I love her) Will try to take you clothes shopping but then again she bought you clothes just a few days ago. And a few days before that. And a few more days before that. And- well you get the point she spoils you rotten and doesn't even realise that she's spoiling you. Sugar mommy (unintentionally)

Only wrote for three cause now I'm just tryna speedrun through my drafts cause I'm busy for the next two weeks. But ANYWAYS women + boobies=happiness (this is exactly why I'm single 😔)
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or, plagiarize my work .
#honkai imagines#honkai star rail#kafka honkai star rail#honkai tingyun#kafka x reader#kafka hsr#tingyun#tingyun x reader#serval x you#serval x reader#serval honkai star rail#serval hsr#serval#asta x reader#asta hsr#stelle honkai star rail#honkai star rail asta#stelle x you#stelle x reader#stelle
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season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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So, someone tried to assasinate Trump.
Pity they missed.
I KNOW its wicked to wish people harm but... Some people I dont think you would be sad to see drop dead. Trump, Putin, people who hurt young woman and children. The isarealis! The ones murdering, slaughtering children, bombing homes, raping prisoners, all while LAUGHING and smiling about like its a big game.
At the very least strip them of power so they cant hurt anyone anmore, which I though they were doing, his name dirt, losing money, being cut of tv appearences, losing buisiness... AND yet they allowed him to seriously try for a second candecy?
Im only sorry for the victims who were in the area. Supporters of him or not. I wish they hadent got killed.
Some of the plans Trump has for America include:
Ending gay marriage.
Ban-remove trans troops from the military.
Ban trans healthcare for kids
Outlaw Pornography
Imprison people who create pornogaphy(DEMONIZING sex workers)
Oh and btw the asshole and his platfrom "project 2025" defines transgender ideology as porno, so, YEAH, gunning to get any "dirty trannies" into prioson
National abortion ban
Abortion medication ban, restrict ivf acess, limit acess to conctraception in an effort to end recreational sex( SO your sex life is now the govs buisiness, and if you dont want a baby, there taking away you right to engage in safe sex)
End no fault divorce
Public health clinics must EMPHASISE the important of STRAIGHT marriage
Repeal any programs that support single mothers or LBGT parents
As per the bible the only legally recognized families are those of a husbad wife and BIOLIGICAL children(so I guess adopted dont count)
Limit social media interaction for children via parental and govermental controlls. They claim its cuz its for there own good, but its so they can controll what they see. They dont want confused kids looking up infromation about feeling trans, maybe gay, non binary, whatever, or even Gaza and progessive issues via the net. ITS CENSORSHIP and there thinking "Our kids wont be dirty lil homos and freaks if they cant SEE these sites"
End free school lunches
Infuse public education with christanity
Band education on race gender and slavery
AND thats just some of it.
....TRUMP is a bigoted, STUPID, racist, intolerant, SACK of shit. Hes like one of those old time polictions in the old days where segagration still existed and a woman was still property of her husband. And seems to want America just to be that way again. HOW much misery did he cause the last time he was president?
I dont care who defends him, he is a terrible human being with terrible, EVIL policies. And I wont be convinced otherwise, EVER.
There are some people SO awful, the world truly doesent need them
Voters, please, do your best! I live in England, but I would, I would WEEP, if these policies came into effect in the USA. I thought MOST of the world would.
#fuck trump#trump#trump shot#should've aimed better#trump assasination#im sorry but i think some people reap what they sow#trump is a TERRIBLE man#I dont think theres ANY good in him#i pray for america that they dont get this asshole for president or the country will be like iran ater the revolution#no freedoms#no liberties#no rights
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games // part two | peter parker
masterlist to this is here!
part two is here
tw: a couple curse words
god i'm so brain dead rn send help
(pls don't mind the spacing for like any of my fics they're all wonky cuz they're copy and pasted from wattpad...)
unknown number: hey, it's peter. when do you wanna meet up?
y/n perked up at the sound of her phone buzzing, eager that she'd have something to do now. she rolled over and grabbed it from the nightstand, letting her eyes adjust to the bright screen. y/n blinked; peter?
oh, yeah, the cute kid in science. she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, did he already want to start on it?
unknown number: if you want to get it out of the way lol
unknown number: obvi we don't have to rn lol
unknown number: it's up to you lol
unknown number: ur reading these
unknown number: and not responding
unknown number: so i'm assuming the worst
she quickly renamed him to "peter" before responding.
y/n: so you're cute and funny, def scored one
y/n: dw it's not too early
y/n: i appreciate the eagerness
y/n: and honestly you can come over
peter: rn?
y/n: if u want
y/n: like, ofc it's short notice so u don't have to
he responded pretty quickly to that.
peter: no
peter: i mean i have plans
peter: but they aren't that big
peter: so yeah
peter: i guess i can come over
peter: i suppose
y/n: cool then
y/n: see you in thirty?
peter: sure
she dropped her phone back onto the stand, picking herself up. y/n shuffled over to the mirror, deciding whether or not she looked representable. she decided that another coat or two of mascara wouldn't hurt, and she added a layer of lipgloss, as well.
only when her stomach growled did she realize that she was hungry. so y/n left her room and got into the elevator, hitting the button for the 6th floor. when she got out, she saw that her dad was sitting at the couch by steve, nat, and vision.
she watched as vision shook his head, "i do not understand the end goal of this game."
"you're supposed to be the first to finish your cards," nat sighed, and y/n got a feeling that she had to explain this multiple times.
"but why?"
"bec- never-mind, just go, it's your turn," and after a moment, "no! red and yellow have absolutely no correlation! it's not even the same number!"
tony snorted, "you guys fucking suck, you know that, right?"
"go ahead, steve, you know you want to," y/n called out, pouring herself a cup of lemonade.
"christ," he rolled his eyes. "once, it was once! when are you gonna let it go?"
nat added, "bad words are sad words."
"oh, by the way, dad, peter's coming over."
"okay. wait, why?"
"we got a school project. we wanna get it outta the way."
"ooooh," the love of your life teased, though at the moment, she wasn't quite the love of your life.
"i am detecting a change in your heartbeat, y/n."
"god! it's not like that!" yeah, why was there a change in her heartbeat? it was beating against her ribcage, and she was clearly flustered. it was just peter, y/n told herself. just peter.
she chugged the glass down as an excuse not to do anymore talking before moving back to the pantry to grab a pack of sour cream and onion. y/n brought that back to her room and crashed down onto her bed. after she was done eating, she popped a piece of gum in her mouth because... actually she wasn't sure. it was sort of... instinctive.
not because she wanted to kiss peter.
well, maybe, actually.
a hook-up never hurt anyone.
she didn't think much of it. she didn't want to think much of it. to pass the time, she put on some boring, irrelevant show. soon enough, there was a knock on the door. y/n flicked off the tv and pulled it open.
"hi, pete."
he blushed, and she figured it was the nickname. and for some reason, she really liked that look on him. "h-hey." y/n moved to the side to let in him, and he took two awkward steps forward. she flopped down on the bed, pulling out her science stuff.
"you can... you know, sit down," she gestured to the beanbag and the desk. "take your pick. or you can stand, that's fine, too."
"oh- no, i-" he cut himself off, sitting down on the beanbag, freezing as he sunk into it. "it's- um, comfy."
"thanks. i think. damn, parker, you're so awk," she laughed. he laughed along, too, because she had that type of energy. her laughter was contagious, in the best type of way.
"okay, what did you wanna start with?" y/n asked, when the laughter died down after a second or two.
"um- i-i-...maybe just brainstorming better?"
"sure, then. she said power-point prez, right?"
he cleared his throat. "uh, yes- yeah."
she gave him a soft smile as she raised an eyebrow, "i don't bite. promise. you can relax."
"i- i am relaxed," he said, cursing thor as his voice cracked.
"you're sitting like an old man with your hands in your lap. but if that's how you normally sit..."
"no! i mean, no. i don't," he relaxed his shoulders, getting comfier.
she nodded, pulling up a word document, "okay, so basically, atomic defects in solids are one of the most promising single-photon sources or 'quantum emitters', an important building block for many quantum technologies. but... i assume you already know this stuff, being the genius you are."
he blushed again, and she smirked. "uh, yeah. in order to design and engineer better quantum emitters, we need to use their optical and electronic properties, as well as defect formation."
"and migration," y/n added.
"yeah. we can first-principles quantum mechanical calculations c-combined with machine-learning techniques to u-uncover key properties such as, um... defect dynamics, formation mechanisms, free energies and stabilities at... room and elevated temperatures."
she paused, "okay, wow, didn't think of it that way. go parker!"
peter blushed once more, and now that she was thinking about it, his face hadn't really gone back to normal this entire time. they went back an forth, and y/n was happy that he seemed for comfortable around her.
they did lots of subtle flirting, well, she did, he just blushed. peter and y/n had gotten to know each other better, and they did talk about things that weren't quantum physics and condensed matter.
he didn't end up leaving until somewhere around nine, and that was since they'd lost track of time. once he left, y/n laid in bed, hands tucked under her head, staring up at the ceiling. her heart beat faster at the thought of peter and she cussed under her breath, because she didn't like him. they were friends.
he was just nice for a guy, and that made her glad because most guys were pretentious douche-bags.
besides, she flirted with everyone. even cap (but that was as a joke to piss off her dad, steve, albeit, thought it was annoying too, but technicalities). so this was no different.
her heart beat faster.
she didn't like him.
she didn't like anyone like that.
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No, I think he just feels bad she’s getting attacked online and can’t live her life like she used to. It’s a projection, but that’s what he sees and he thinks it’s his fault because it’s a result of this situation. /
This is funny cuz in the verrryy beginning, back before the vegas trip, in the weeks leading up to it, majority of the fandom didn’t send any hate her way since it was just rumors, she was allegedly with someone else, and it was eerily. People were curious about her. She had a lot going for her at that time so I remember conversations about her age were met with people talking about her netflix lead and MHGTP, her two most promising works. People started to side eye them when vegas happened, and all her friends started the trolling on the fandom. It went on for the entire year. The harassment happened on a dead end, two way street. It’s a situation they brought on themselves. I still remember the IG live her best friend did from an airport where he name dropped Chris and abruptly ended the live.
If they had gone about this differently, I don’t think the harassment she faced would have manifested the way that it did. But it was clear they felt on top of the world, so they acted accordingly. It really was the shower instagram story, the racism and the antisemitism that pretty much sealed the deal for them, especially when people started to do a deep dive into A’s family history. That might have been out of his control, but they didn’t do their due diligence about who they were inviting into their home. And now you reap what you sow. There’s a lot of “crazy fan” narratives that they grip onto for dear life, and don’t get me wrong. Some of them definitely take it way too far. But it’s not the majority. And every fandom has their crazies. Her and her ilk, even some of his circle, wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They got a rise out of taunting the fandom. Even deuxmoi in her very early podcasts pre all this mess, said that his friends like to troll the fandom. Again, reaping what you sow.
Sorry this was long but I had to get that out!
Yeah, I agree. You disrespect people they reply in kind. I think this fandom is a classic example of the fish rotting from the head down. It’s a reflection of the energy he’s been putting out.
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hi this is rslashknits!! I misread your tags and now see you partially frogged already. sorry about suggesting that again!!
you mentioned a knitting cafe--imo this is what knitting community is for. if you know a trusted expert knitter who you don't mind handing your sweater to I might ask them if they think they can partial frog and fix and demonstrate for you. if your yarn is messed up from your attempted fix I think you can tie in some fresh yarn to replace your old ladders (with knots hidden inside?) but that's a lil scary haha, so I'd defer to an expert on it.
I say this because when I know I messed up and it isn't too many rows down I bring the piece to my mom, lol. and I always learn a lot like that!
if you like my little "I totally did that on purpose fix" where you cover it up and then copy the design across the sweater--if you have a computer program that can do it, I would try and edit the photo first to plan the placement and frequency of the lines and make sure I like it. especially cuz you definitely didn't plan something like that when you started and it's gonna be different visually from your original plan of that sweater. it will also help you decide if you hate the look right off the bat so you don't waste time.
honestly if it were me though I might just wear the mistake out n proud.
again good luck!!
ah no worries! I tend to put a lot of information in my tags but I know not everyone actually reads those, especially if the post gets shared around.
For a full explanation of what happened yesterday, just for context and because, idk, I want to share? :
so my first skein finally ran out and I was trying to join the second one, and I thought I'd knit both the old and the new strand together for a bit to like, strengthen it or something idk. But I accidentally used the wrong strand for a bit, so I dropped that one, picked up the other one, and went along, just to then notice that obviously there's a bit of a floater happening. Then I noticed the float getting looser, so I started pulling it to try and figure out where it was loosening from, but that snapped the yarn. Then I lowkey panicked because I was worried about it not being secure enough and my project falling apart on me so I tried to frog the two rows I'd knit with the new skein and very slowly and carefully put the needle back on, but while doing that I dropped some stitches and created some new ones and also put a lot of it back on the needle the wrong way. And also the next row also partially frogged but I just kind of. Added it to the current row. Then I knit the next row, which was a hassle because I put so much back on wrong. By the end of the row I did figure out how to fix that but, well. That was by the end of the row. And then of course also there were the massive tension issues and gaps where I dropped stitches and I cried.
(in my defence, my brain is already always kinda like this but it's been way worse the past month, I'm definitely not fully "here" and I was already waiting for a big mistake to happen, things were going too smoothly)
Someone else (@pixelhilma) suggested to kind of pull at the stitches to create new tension and then tying the resulting yarn loop into a knot which I might also try? Knitting cafe isn't until friday unfortunately, though I might drop by the yarn store where it's held to ask for advice.
I think tbh I'm more worried about having made a super weird mistake that will cause my project to fall apart at some point. like aesthetically it sucks but I can just wear a blazer over it or hide it with some embroidery like you suggested in your post, but idk if I accidentally made it unstable.
You're so lucky you can just ask your mom! I'm highkey jealous lmao.
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i didn’t send an ask yesterday cuz i was so sleepy💔💔
ANEEWAYSSS I FINISHED SEASON 3 OF DEMON SLAYER!!!! im addicted to this show even tho it’s so sad😞
omg i sound so stupid for saying this but i’ve noticed for the past two months or smth i’ve been putting on a pimple patch EVERYDAY cuz i’d get a lot of pimples and stuff but these past two days i haven’t put on any since i haven’t been getting any pimples🥳🥳
omg is it normal for me to feel bad about disliking a girl who literally hates on my friend.. THE REASON I FEEL BAD IS CUZ THE GIRL WAS OFFERING ME FRIED CHICKEN AFTER I DIDNT GET ANY LUNCH SINCE I FIRGOT MY MONEY😭 so i just POLITELY declined.. still don’t like her tho..
AGHHH IN GONNA GO INSANE today i was doing an in class science prject and my two friends were supposed to be helping me BUT THEY WERE JUST SITTIBF THE WHOLE TIME DOING NOTHIBG and i saw friend 1 pull friend 2 away while i was doing the project and i heard friend 1 saying to friend 2 how my face looked weird😞 i’m telling you if i wasn’t friends with friend 2 she would be FAILING geography and science.. like girl idk why you’re talking abt me like that💔
i also got a new diamond nose stud for my nose piercing😋😋 i still remember the pain from when i got my nose pierced in june.. i wish i did it by needle instead cuz i did it by gun and that shit was PAINFUL like tears were coming out of my eyes.. and my other ear piercings literallt did not hurt AT ALL.
i’m trying so hard not to drop the friend group that my twin friends are in.. like i personally don’t like the people they’re friends with because of some circumstances but i just don’t like being around those people since they’re bad influences.. i’m thinking i can just keep talking to one of twins since she’s like my close friend but just not hangout with her during lunch since she’s always with her brother and that friend group IDFK WHAT TO DOOOO😫😫😫😫
anyways.. i think that’s enough of my talking.. I HIPE YOU YAVE A LOVELY DAY/NIGHT!!!🫶🏼🫶🏼
HI 🪼 ANON!! <33
again sorry for the delay i see u i love u and i appreciate u <3 YAYYY HELLO?? that went by so fast istg you just started it… BUT ALSO i hate when a good show ends like TOP 3 BIGGEST HEARTBREAKS IDC💔💔 YAY FOR NO PIMPLES!! im so happy for u bb <3 !! looks like accutane is doing the job fr🙂↕️
UM NO THATS NORMAL IF ANYTHING.. like why r u hating on my friend like… that just gives off weird loser vibes i can’t stand ppl who actually like people who r hating on their friends so GOOD FOR U GIRL 🫵🫵
NO WTF THOSE ARE NOT UR FRIENDS?? on GOD if they ever do shit like that just straight up start jumping them bc why r they so obsessed with u… (don’t get me wrong i would be too) but they’re just ugly losers girl don’t even listen to them and they’re stupid and spending the rest of their lives being miserable <333 don’t let it get to u angel🙂↔️
OOOOOO omg i remember i used to want a nose pericing SO BAD but now i want back dermals LMFAO omg that’s so cute tho like i LOVE body jewellery like CUTEEE‼️‼️
girl if u want to drop them drop them i promise u people that actually deserve to be around u will come later 1000 percent like they’re just dragging u down and they such like such haters and bitter people like i wouldn’t want to be associated with them.. but still hang out w the twins if they’re good people bc they sound so!! :)
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Well I can lie with a couple more small conflicts developing one of them is on the level of what have you been doing to this kid and why and that's the max see it's raining to get this out and really it kind of slow and very slow and they did nothing so stop trying and digging and this is nothing now they're accusing them I really that's what they were doing I was going to turn into a cataclysmic war for these Bullock especially when they try and go down they're going to be intercepted quite often. It's going to be a war I turned into wharf words because of these folks and they're not very bright they let the secrets out and they had so much trouble explaining what it was and the whole thing then just start asking our son and forcing him I didn't see them doing it he's going well this is this this could probably be this and then suspect and threatening with it and there it is come to find out that's why the resort looks like the Suffolk county child courthouse where they're probably all end up at this rate. They put it there to do stuff to Max and her son and other people like mac daddy. The place is going to come down and it's going to start with the cranes being destroyed and it already is when the cranes were broken the first two which is the past week the resort started suffering from letters from the town and fines and when the last queen is destroyed and several have been broken since they're smaller and he's been seeing them there's quite a few cranes over there and doing a lot of the lower level concrete even the foundation word and air conditioning tons of stuff was dropped off of and unloaded with cranes really shouldn't be there should be a crane on the truck but those people are weird and those trucks too they've been in accidents all over the place but it's only about 30 out of 130 but when they damage those and other vehicles involved in the construction and equipment and you'll see it all over the world they're ruining it even Gotham wire from one of the machines and that he was getting mocking he threw it into the month and it's ruined so he figured out the map and he's looking for stuff like 40 vehicles people using to get there and he ruined them and that's his financing of the project and financiers are coming back for it cuz you're not getting paid it's like magic but the max are drawn out with it
Thor Freya
You keep saying it yes he keeps saying Garth what the hell these people can't think of a paper bag it's not wet that's opened and he says yeah I know they're really slow and stupid it's the easiest scam I've ever seen and goes to the biggest and the best fish it's horrible it's it's really criminal criminal negligence and yeah I said it right twice is right
Yeah okay these criminals are criminally negligent and I've got the English down like everyone else thank heavens for him wonder what beautiful little boy I don't remember any of this s*** down there you people are nuts so Jesus Christ saves to ask him I get that
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hi so remember when i reblogged that gay webcomic??? yeah i've thought of an oc but i have far too many projects that i'm procrastinating on that i really shouldn't think of drawing something else (actually though i've got this very excessive Kyary Pamyu Pamyu fanart with references to past MVs, a cat based on PONPONPON, some Elmy fanart, my enby oc's character sketch, and this cat cafe concept where i drew cats based on foods people typically serve at cafes and a drawing of me and a friend that has left the country and is currently in Canada) so here imma give you some details instead
there may or may not be gore-ish kind of under the cut but also i kind of don't feel like forcing you to read a literal essay
also while i was studying today i was playing the ost of my favorite movie (which is a whisker away if you didn't know) and that may or may not influence what i thought of while creating this character in my head
so they have no name cuz i can't think of one
very talented at art cuz yes i am talented too (i think) but they're so freaking goooooooooooooood
the Protector™ of the queer peeps at said school
pretty much posted the entire thing (as in the romance and the notes and whatever) on this hellsite
has learnt the art of MURDER for this thing.
okay don't cross them.
they WILL LIVE TO SEE THIS QUEER COUPLE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. so please don't be queerphobic. unless you'd like to be sent to the ER.
anyways they practically guarded Damian and Ollie's lockers before Damian got a phone somehow don't ask
and if anyone other than Damien or Ollie touched those notes on the lockers. the ppor person would probably get dropkicked and end up being severely traumatized and get the living daylights knocked out of their being.
and because that scene in nakineko was a thing where Miyo jumps off ths school building
i thought one day she/they just randomly walks around during lunch, hanging out with friends at like the upper corridors and then suddenly??? some random dudes start being a-holes (i don't use swear words don't judge me) and then they start trash talking about them and she/they is. the most PISSED PERSON ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW and yells at them to take it back but they ignore she/they and then she/they yells at them again and then they piss her off a bit more cuz they're queerphobic little rats or something and then she jumps off the building into a tree so SHE/THEY doesn't/don't die but ends up getting a butt ton of scratches and bleeding wounds anyways so. she/they walks up to a-hole peeps.
and in the back Damian is RUNNING and carrying Ollie (you read that correctly) and then Damian drops Ollie, half expecting him to pick himself up. um they just arrived to see the tea and im not sure if they know that she/they put their notes under high security cuz i haven't figured that out yet but sometime soon i shall
all the while she/they is suffering from blood loss and after some "WHAT DID YOU SAY???"s and "DON'T YOU DARE"s and stuff the rude peeps are just like "...let's get out of here" and of course because Damian and Ollie were part of the crowd that gathered and they were mentioned or something, um, eyes are also on them or something idk i can't describe a school fight i've never been part of one and haven't seen one yet unless my memory sucks
anyways she/they walks up to the couple and is like im sorry you had to see this :((( but i can't just let them slander you guys like this and then literally just collapses on the floor, head hitting the ground and then passes out
and while she/they is literally just lying there, bleeding out someone finally gets the sense to call an ambulance
and then flash forward to the ER where she/they is rn i guess, not sure what injuries to give them
and that is everything i can think of so far because i'm tired and probably should go to sleep but i can't otherwise i'd forget and then i'd never forgive myself for forgetting something that's related one of the most important posts here
also we need more of that wlw couple as in NEED
#does anyone have any name suggestions for she/they or do i just find something random and name them on that#anywayssssssssssssssssssssssssss#wow the amount of s there is annoying#that's 11pm me speaking and still speaking#idk#damian and ollie#if i spelled their names wrong. i will correct freaking everything okay don't yell at me#is it spelled with an a or an e though??? like Damian or Damien#someday i will recheck the post (and pray i didn't spell it wrong even though i didn't even mention his nams that much i don't think#okay imma go sleep now#hai i'm back um rechecked the post. SHOOT.#i spelled his name wrong TwT#alrighty time to go redo. freakin everything
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🥥 anon here, hi!! I hope you're doing great!!
I plan to start writing again and probably do some crochet projects this summer- and also go out of course!! Can't wait for the Barbie movie!!
And OMG great minds think alike!! All your head cannons were like mine- I love it.
Doyoung being Dwight and Taeyong being Micheal is funny, cuz they bicker but in the end they are really good friends.
Mark is definitely a Pam, they have the same cute awkward and sweet energy😭, and with Jim— I think Yuta would fit it best too!!
Johnny being Darryl is funny because if you take into context how Micheal sometimes fears Darryl it kinda makes sense. He is also really funny and quite chill— so perfect match.
Taeil being Stanley is so funny😭, unbothered and chill but not afraid to side eye the camera or give his usual 😐.
Haechan being Kelly also makes a lot of sense, and with Pam being Mark— it just makes it better. Ryan being Jaehyun just makes perfect sense, cuz Jaehyun’s the perfect amount of nonchalant and unbothered— along with the right amount of neo-crazy.
Lastly with Jungwoo I’m torn, he reminds me of Erin most of the time but when you mentioned Creed it strangely also made so much sense. He would definitely just drop something about his life with no hesitation and he is also very witty and funny😭
Creed is literally my favorite character in The Office, he keeps me cracking up all the time.
But those are my takes!! Also do you have any tips for someone getting back into writing ??
Hehe great minds do think alike! Creed is my fave character too!!! He has the humor i typically most lean towards. I can sooo see Jungwoo as Erin in the same way that both characters will just drop something random about their life and keep going. I love Erin too but I also just love her actress honestly!
I love crotcheting 🥹I’m in the process of making a color block cardigan actually. The Barbie movie looks good I can’t for it to come out! I just saw the Spider-Man movie and wanna see it again- it’s honestly a perfect film.
Writing tips!! What I did is basically just throw whatever I was thinking down onto paper. I have a google doc entitled just “spit wall” where I just spit out whatever little scene I was thinking about. This helped me reinvigorate just a passion for writing. While I was in my undergrad it was hard for me to find a love for writing, so after graduation is when I got to write for fun again. Don’t think it worry about posting at first, just spit stuff out. Even if you can’t write out a whole scene, I’ll sometimes go into more depth on my planning and character sheets- it makes me end up getting even more excited to write!
Whatever it is that works best for you, just make sure you’re writing for you! :)
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