Tom: Did you stab him?!
Bouphe: You didn’t hear what he said to me!
Tom: What did he say?!
Bouphe: “What are you gonna do, stab me?”
Tom: That’s fair
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Sjin: Oh, please! You wouldn't hurt a fly!
Rythian: You're right! Because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.
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Lewis: my first rule would be no one can veto my rules
Ben: well, thats called tyrrany, and its generally frowned upon.
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Lewis: there are three ways to argue, words, proof-
Zylus: knife
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"I'm giving you a second chance at life, and an oppourtunity to screw it up in a new and original way."
- Rythian, after reviving Ben in TTT
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“Sjin please cease doing what thee art doing! For gods fucking sakes! How doth thee exist?! whither is thy brain power going? What is t actually hath spent on? doth thee just has't so little that everything thee doth is just hath spent on existing? Holy the horror!”
- Rythian, probably..
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TTT + @unsolvedoutofcontext
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“One night me and the others were playing twister and Rythian was on the spinner and halfway through the game he kind of mumbled to himself ‘I sure hope I’m calling these right’ and then everyone in the room simultaneously remembered Rythian is colourblind.”
- Lewis, probably
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Rythian: Welcome to my blue room, do you like it?
Zoey: It’s red though.
Rythian: I’m colourblind. Ravs assured me it was blue...
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Zoey: *exists*
Fiona: fucking superb you funky little lesbian
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Tom: hey, 🅱en
Ben, sobbing: how did you say that
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Radders: if you hate frogs fuck you
Radders: they're just sticky little babies
Radders: they don't know shit
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Ben: you know what's really odd? Numbers not divisible by two.
Rythian: that joke was so bad I can't even
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Lewis: I trusted you!
Tom: well that wasn't very smart, was it?
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Rythian: why are you being so nice to me?
Duncan: you know sometimes we have to be friends! And I ran over your dog-
Rythian: WhAt?!-
Duncan: So tODAY-
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Duncan: let’s talk about the emotions you’re feeling right now!
Rythian: ...Stabby
Duncan: That’s... not an emotion. It’s more of an action- that I hope you don’t do to me... you see an emotion is more of a feeling
Rythian: Well MAYBE I feel STABBY
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Tom: go on, I'll be right behind you
Rythian: that's why im nervous
114 notes
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