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spacerelativity · 9 months ago
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hey girl
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nerdyperday · 5 months ago
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Day 2964 Crosstober 25: Doc Louis as the Fifteenth Doctor
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levzee · 3 months ago
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just some kind of joke that we came up with friend
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obsessingonthevalley · 7 months ago
Short n' Sweet. also, Russell T. Davies rant.
So I am a carpenter, fun fact, and I will be talking about Sabrina Carpenter's new album, but there is a lot on today's itinerary. So I will split everything by pictures and the sections will be in this order.
Russel T. Davies rant. (I'm watching you mate) Short n' Sweet debrief
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RUSSELL YOU NO-GOOD MAN. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "I can't see River Song making an appearance." I can't see satisfying explanations you decided to cut out because they "weren't necessary" or because "it's pretty obvious what 73 yards meant" WAS IT???
Okay, so I am very happy that this new era seemingly went over well with Disney meaning it will continue to live a long and prosperous life, which ,as the world's largest whovian, YAYYY! however, if Russell continues to cut off important parts of episodes, like a one-off line explaining Sutekh??? yeah, I'm gonna start throwing hands. Like, get on your shit mate. What is this?
And saying no River Song, and especially no Alex Kingston??? I am so not live, laugh, loving rn.
Something that has got me live, laugh, loving right now is my queen's 6th album!!!!
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Yeah, no, I am indeed obsessed. When slim pickins was teased, I'm not gonna lie, I was sceptical about how good the album was gonna be and if my queen was gonna enter her flop era, luckily it was just a "bad time" in a sea of "singular act 1" type situation. So we are so back.
ratings, because duh: 1. Taste - 8/10. When I first listened to it, I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. I was swayed heavily by the music video as I have been in love with Jenna Ortega for pretty much as long as I've been in love with Sabrina Carpenter, so you do the maths. 2. Please Please Please - 7/10 I love it, don't get me wrong, but with the other songs on the album, it's not the best now, is it? 3. Good Graces - 6/10 I didn't love it, and with no music video that kicked in my gay panic. It is probably my least favourite, IT ISN'T BAD BY ANY MEANS. I love the chorus and the beat, but the start is so slow. Very much club music x like a weak 2020 doja cat/ariana grande vibe. like it's not the best. Is it stuck in my head 24/7? sure... so 4. Sharpest Tool - 9/10 the next 3 songs are heavenly and incredible that they are back to back. It's such a beautifully soft song like skinny dipping but slightly hornier and sadder. My vibe completely (I love Conan Gray) 5. Coincidence - 10/10 I love it sooo much. RnBina is back besties. The gospel choir in the chorus. ughhhh. deceased. I died from heavenly tunes. It is such a good song, it's so unapologetically ruthless. Just a song for haters (me.) /j 6. Bed Chem - 10/10!! I'm sure it'll be the biggest mainstream success, this and probably Taste and Juno. But this one is for the same reason Nonsense killed because 1 it's iconic, 2 it's funny as shit, and 3 cause it's catchy as hell. It has been on my mind on repeat for ages. Also lowkey giving Rachel Bloom, someone I'm sure no one reading this knows, she's from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and was youtube famous for singing about touching boobies. I don't wanna talk about it. (sharpest tool reference?) 7. Espresso - 8/10 I used to think Please Please Please was better than this but listening to it again when listening to the whole album, it is actually a masterpiece? no, but it is truly spectacular. but I love it? 8. Dumb & Poetic - 8/10 I enjoy it a lot, it's a little depresso, but based on my explanation of Sharpest Tool's ranking, I think it's clear I enjoy that vibe a little. 9. Slim Pickins - 6/10 I'm so sorry just not my vibe, and "the lord forgot my gay awakening" was a humbling experience. But all jokes aside, I felt like it couldn't decide if it was funny or serious. 10. Juno - 10/10 Are you kidding me, again it's a bit horny, but one of my faves from eics was fast times so it's not an issue for me. 11. Lie To Girls - 8/10 I like it, I think. A bit too real. I feel like it's a song that in like a month or two I've cried to it so I love it, like most most Superache songs, ya get me? 12. Don't Smile - 9/10 Yes, I like this one a lot. its sad as well, but it hits so heavy, the beat is delicious, again its giving doja/ariana for some reason, also "doja/ariana" makes no sense and i under stand that, but it's just a delectable vibe, WHEN DONE RIGHT, (sorry good graces...)
overall 9/10 nothing can beat singular act 1. sorry not sorry (demi lovato reference)
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skywastherobot · 9 months ago
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Some more reactions to Rogue on our YouTube page. Which is such a shame! I thought it was such a crowd-pleasing, fun episode. And, of course, the romance between Fifteen and Rogue is so beautiful.
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On our podcast, we open a poll up for everyone to rate the episode, as we rate the series continuously. Unfortunately, a few unsavoury people have also been rating it, as you can see below.
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If you thought Rogue was as good as we did, feel free to rate the episode on Spotify here. Just scroll down to vote in the poll. Hopefully, we can push up the average a bit. And if you're interested in the podcast, feel free to follow us on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Muhammad V an-Nasir, fifteenth Husainid Bey of Tunis, Tunisia
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1916
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heartshapedcurl · 6 months ago
2024 has been year the year of Yaoi
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thelvadams · 1 year ago
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The Fifteenth Doctor's new Sonic! ⚡️
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spacerelativity · 9 months ago
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yaknow my doctor could give you this puppy dog look and you'd just buy right into it...
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northernfireart · 9 months ago
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read the whole story> here by @clarionglass :)
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sword-wielding-sapphic · 1 year ago
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Fifteen immediately changing the TARDIS to warm toned lighting is such a mood
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thenotoriousscuttlecliff · 9 months ago
When you're trapped on same spot and about to die vs When you're trapped on same spot and about to die, but there's also a cute guy there
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songforten · 10 months ago
“why does 15 cry in every episode” because ncuti gatwa is the most beautiful crier in the whole wide world. do you go to art museums and complain about them using the color blue
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carricfisher · 9 months ago
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Doctor Who Rogue
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skeleton-squid-b0y · 10 months ago
you have GOT to remember when watching the new doctor who that the question is not is this good. doctor who is only ever actually 'good' once a season at most. THE ONLY QUESTION IS is it fun, camp, and has aliens. also remember the worst doctor who showrunner is always the current doctor who showrunner. now go watch the new episodes as god intended like you're ten years old and still remember how to experience joy and whimsy.
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claraoswalds · 10 months ago
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DOCTOR WHO The Devil's Chord
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