#fics to keep in my pocket
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pawubits · 1 year ago
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this is mainly to remember my tags and whatnot but i'll make an intro to my blog too since im already here
im pawu, she/her, i know spanish and english (and understand pt-br :D!! ) i have a twitter aswell ! its @ PawuJelly !!
this is my main blog!
i currently have these sideblogs:
@enderpawu (hc/life series)
@starrypawu (AvA/AvM)
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text - #pawu talks (btw most of the time i forget to tag this one!! so srry abt that lol)
art - #pawu draws
asks - #pawu inbox
andddd i thinks thats all, leaving some of my fav mcyt gifs below :3
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secret tags just for me (not rlly these r just ones i wont be using often so i dont forget them lol)
art i like a Very Normal amount (not) - #fav arts
(self explanatory) - #read later
fics/drabbles/similar things that i like a lot and would in fact like to keep safely in my pocket for convinience - #fics to keep in my pocket
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technically-human · 1 month ago
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This happened, it just wasn't relevant to the plot
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tempo-takoyaki · 14 days ago
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"It would be my pleasure to give you a proper tour and introduce you to everyone."
Here is my full illustration for @svsssbigbang for the fanfiction Night at Cang Qiong Museum by @adventure-waffles! An incredible Night at the Museum x Scum Villain AU! Don't hesitate to also check out the other two artists incredible pieces for this fanfiction: dustmeadowx and qiye!
And since I know that tumblr tends to destroy the quality of my illustrations, here are some close-ups under the cut:
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ifyoucandaniel · 3 months ago
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so i’ve been binge reading just about everything @wolfsbanesparks has ever written and i don’t think i’ve been more obsessed with anything so quickly in my life. here’s a little billy i drew to get some of the insanity i’ve been feeling out of my head. please read any of their billy fics i beg you
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seance · 11 months ago
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [3/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 8 / the challenge
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morphids · 2 months ago
first off- happy holidays!! idk if this is something you’d be interested in but how about a pining assistant troupe with hange? i think it would be fun for reader to have a reiner-ymir relationship with moblit, constantly fighting for hange’s attention and stuff <3
give me all your attention, hange zoë
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hi lovely, happy holidays!! this was so much fun to write thank you for requesting!! <3 hope you enjoyyy
summary: pining assistant!r x nb!hange
warnings: kinda sfw—suggestive themes, heavy makeout and a lil dirty talk, tension, lowk dominant hange, nothing explicit. unreliable narration sometimes (r is projecting on moblit a lot) moblit slander—sorry guys i love him really, r def has a hidden praise kink lmao, gendered nicknames towards reader, hange teases a lot, downbad behaviour.
wc: 3.2k
Life as Hange's assistant was stressful, to say the least. You think one of these days you'll have a cardiac arrest, the way they're so unbothered about jumping right into danger. Sure, there were worse jobs to be hired into, but it definitely wasn't easy. Hange made sure of that.
But more than that, you couldn't stand Moblit. He was a nice guy, and all, but you two clash a lot. Especially when Hange was in the picture. You'd think Hange had needed him all their life, the way he jumps on the chance to do anything for them. Always doting, chasing them around like a good little labrador. It was sickening, to be honest.
You glanced up from your clipboard, eyeing the way that Moblit brought Hange some dinner, as they hadn't eaten theirs yet. Would've been a nice, caring gesture— except that you had already made extra dinner earlier and boxed some away especially for Hange to eat. Out of all the meals you cooked, that one had been Hange's ultimate favourite. He would've known if he'd bothered to ask, instead of taking it upon himself. You hated how eager to impress Hange he was. Hated Hange's reaction even more, like he was God's gift to their stomach. Ugh.
Both of you were Hange's assistants, having been hired around the same time. So a few years had passed of this little rivalry with each other. You wondered what his motivations were. Why he was as desperate to please as he was.
I mean, your relationship with Hange was so different to theirs. Could he not see that? It's not like all the responsibilities fell on him. If it was up to you, he'd be stuck doing all the paperwork whilst you had the more... hands on jobs that needed doing.
"Dear? Could you come here for a sec?" Hange's voice broke you from your entranced thoughts. You made your way over to the two, tucking your clipboard underneath your arm. Hange seemed to always call you names like that, during the first few weeks of working you worried that they actually just forgot your real name and wanted to cover it up with an easy-to-remember pet name. Then months later, you realised they just seemed to have a proclivity for referring to you in that way.
It flustered you sometimes, made you wonder if that was the reason Moblit didn't seem to take you seriously and seemed to have it out for stealing jobs away from you. Always puffing his chest like he can do everything under the sun. It just seemed to be a quirk of Hange's, though, they never seemed to mean anything by it, always remaining professional. They must just really like nicknames?
"Yes, Hange?" You'd been conditioned to not use their title over the years, Hange seemed to hate that—weeks of correction every time 'Commander,' came out of your mouth.
"I need you to re-check these test results for me—something isn't right, I need fresh eyes."
"Oh, I can do that for you Hange," Moblit spoke, eyes eager as he awaited a new task, even his spine straightened out a little more.
"That won't be needed, Moblit, I'm perfectly capable." You narrowed your eyes at him, voice terse, there he goes again, always trying to take jobs away from you, what an asshole. Does he think women aren't able or something? 
Clearly, your glare hadn't been as internal as you intended, as Hange side-eyed the two of you before shoving their slacking glasses tighter up the nose bridge, then clapping their hands together.
"Anyway, I'd need it by tonight, so bring your findings down to my office when you're done, dear." They smiled down at you, warm and gentle.
"Sure, Hange." You nodded as they walked away, leaving you and Moblit stood awkwardly side by side. Moblit looked you up and down, with a vague face.
"Need something?" You bit out, increasingly getting more annoyed. It had been like this since you both started, but it was becoming worse. Your patience was wearing thinner and thinner as he was getting more absurd with his actions. You often wondered if Hange noticed the growing animosity between their two assistants, and actively chose to not get involved, or if they hadn't even noticed at all.
Moblit cleared his throat, looking down at his shoes now.
"Great, I'll get started on the analyses."
Moblit nodded curtly, moving aside so you could make your way to the desk to do your work.
A few hours had passed, your neck was crooked and sore from having been craned towards paper for the afternoon. It took ages to realise what the problem in the test results had been, and then you finally spotted it.
Oh, you were so gonna kill him.
Etched in Moblit's handwriting, was the incorrect recording of two variables. Making sure your tired eyes weren't being deceitful, you flicked between the two sheets again, the one Hange had drafted for the hypothesis plan with the correct variables, and Moblit's, which was supposed to have it all recorded, properly.
He must've misread the numbers, transcribing the data wrong and fucking up the whole experiment.
Idiot, you thought, sighing. You leaned back into your chair, relieved to have found the error in the results, at least it could be fixed now. Sitting up from your seat, you compiled the work together into a pile and took yourself to relay it back to Hange.
Knocking on the door, Hange's voice rang from the other side of the wall, before cracking the door open. Once seeing it was you, moving to the side to let you in, eyes glimmering as you entered.
"Come in, dear, we were just chatting."
Moblit was in there, too. How great. Well, looks like you'd have to do this with him there.
"I found the error," You muttered, placing the sheets down on Hange's desk.
"Ooh! I knew I could count on you - what was it?" Hange excitedly beamed, sipping on some coffee that you just knew Moblit had brought. He's never brought you any, always just the two cups.
"Well, ask Moblit," you chuckled, maybe it was a good thing he was here, so you could see the look on his face, "He marked the variables wrong, it confused the outcome of the experiment."
Meanwhile, Moblit was mortified.
"Wha—", his mouth slightly hung open as he frantically grabbed the sheets to check for himself. Sighing as he saw that you were, in fact, correct. There it was, his mistake written right in front of his face, mocking him.
"I'm sure it happens all the time," You muttered, just not by you, or Hange.
"I'm sorry, Hange! It won't happen, again!" He bent his neck down with shame, Hange only laughed, shaking their head.
"Don't worry, Moby! It can happen to anyone— at least we know, now!"
As much as you hated to admit it, you couldn't have expected Hange to berate him, not for an honest mistake. Yet, a callous part of you wished they had. Chastised him for his error ruining the experiment, wasting hours on a test that was never going to be executed correctly. Scold him for always acting like he was above you, only to fuck up now. But you knew they were too nice for that, it's what you respected about Hange.
"We'll run it properly tomorrow, right, dear?" Hange beamed, brown eyes shining at you through their specs as you found your anger simmering.
"Of course, Hange," They nodded, pleased.
It wasn't long until Moblit excused himself, leaving Hange's office whilst the remnants of shame fuelled his steps. You were about to follow suit, facing towards the door until Hange spoke, stopping your steps.
"Dear? I wanna speak to you,"
Your stomach sank, fuck. What if you were going to get scolded? As far as you were aware, you hadn't done anything wrong. Sure, they didn't scold Moblit, but that had been an easy mistake. What if something you did was so reprehensible that they would? Maybe Hange had grown tired of the way you were towards Moblit— but just because you were vocal about your irritation, doesn't make Moblit anymore innocent. He's the one that started this, always trying to one-up your achievements and helpful nature.
Turning yourself towards them, you failed to meet eyes. Feeling your nerves increase as you feared the worst, plucking at the skin around your nail beds.
"Don't look so scared! I just wanted to say thank you,"
Looking up at them, you faltered, Hange stood right in-front of you.
"What for?"
"Finding the error! It was driving me insane, honestly, I can't believe I missed it," Hange joked, rubbing their forehead, "Must need a nap,"
"Oh...of course, y-you asked me to,"
"I did," Hange came closer, "That doesn't mean you'd find it, though— I must've looked at that report a hundred times and didn't catch it."
"So well done!" They beamed, "You always do what I ask of you, dear—so well, too."
Hange's arm raised to bring a hand down to your arm, squeezing it affectionately.
Your breath caught in your throat, Hange's praise and the contact seemed to have made your brain go a little silly. A lot, silly, in fact. You could just feel your cheeks warm, the implications of their words used in a different context short-circuited your head.
"T-Thank you, Hange, I'm glad I could help," An attempt at retaining strong, retaining dignity and professionalism. You hoped it worked.
"You always help, dear, just try not to give Moblit such a hard time about it, okay?"
Well, that ruined that. Any sense of pride you had just gotten immediately crushed. Hange must've caught the way your face hardened, the way you began nibbling the inner skin of your lip with your teeth, holding back resentful words at your lips puckered out.
"Look, you don't have to be best friends— I know he isn't innocent, either, okay? But I'd rather have my two favourite assistants get along!"
You stared at them, with an 'are you kidding' expression coated on your features. Heck, you had tried getting along with him. He was the one who made it into a competition of who could please Hange the hardest. Constantly prying their attention away from your impressive feats.
Yeah, okay, fine, time to cut the bullshit— you had realised that you had perhaps, a little, teeny crush on Hange a while back. Heart fluttering too much at their praise, their soft way of speaking to you, the way they were so affectionate or had no qualms about rubbing your arm if you'd done a good job, making sure you knew just how much you had been of help.
You craved it. You craved more of their attention like an addict and craved to impress them, to hear those sweet praises as they smiled at you with those warm eyes and enticing smile. Like you were so good, so smart, useful. Had been the best damned assistant that could preemptively predict what Hange would need.
Especially, in the scientific sense; working hard late at night to write the best damn reports they had ever read. Making sure to help think of clever alternatives for an experiment gone wrong. You were damn good at your job. That's why it pissed you off when Moblit decided to keep shitting on your parade, purposefully outshining you so that he looked like the knight in shining armour.
It wasn't like Hange picked favourites, in fact, they seemed a little oblivious to his ways. Thanking him just as they thanked you, with just perhaps a little less skin-ship. And a little less petnames, the things that made your heart race and stomach flip.
At least you knew your reasonings for this—what were his?
But, Moblit had definitely noticed, the way Hange's professionalism seems to falter a little bit when you were around. Definitely noticed when you both stayed in each other's presence more than was deemed necessary, the way Hange's eyes brightened as they spoke to you.
He thought he could never compete with that, not in the professional sense anyway. He'd made it his mission to try and outshine you however he could so that he wouldn't get left behind in tasks, all due to his Commander's potential sweetened feelings towards you. He'd never have any work if Hange just gave all the good work to you! Truthfully, though, by the time he noticed Hange's...affections for you hadn't impacted the way any of you worked, hadn't picked favourites - it was too late to stop the competitiveness. Too late for the animosity between the two assistants to halt.
"Hange, we would get along if he wasn't hellbent on ruining my career!"
Hange cackled, covering their mouth at the dramatics,
"How does he ruin your career, my dear?"
Ignoring the new addition to the nickname, you continued, having held it in for so long it all just came pouring out.
"He steals all the good jobs, acts better than me even though he messes up experiments, feeds you food even though I made you the dinner you like,"
Yup, you were definitely going off-track, but it was too late to stop the rambling, the box had been opened.
"He follows you around like a puppy, brings both of you coffee—always failing to bring me one! Doting on you like—" You cut yourself off, once you caught the look on Hange's face.
Amused and mirthful, front teeth pulling back a bit on the side of their lip as they listened to your rant. Arms crossed as they looked down at you, eager brown eyes bright and glimmering, wanting you to keep going.
"Why does that bother you so much, huh?"
"It's just annoying—he acts like your boyfriend." You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest, as you looked to the side.
"Well, he's not, we all know that, dear."
"Does he know that?"
Hange gaped at you, a playful expression glazing over their eyes, a gentle smirk tugging on their lips.
"Don't worry, pretty, you have all of my attention."
Meeting their eyes, your stomach flipped, a tension in your abdomen at their words. Pretty? That's a new one. You hated the way it sat in your stomach, making your mind sink to dark, dark places. The words in your throat were caught, trapped as you couldn't find in yourself to respond eloquently.
"Yeah right." You knew you were being unreasonably bratty, especially to your superior, but you couldn't care at this point. Deciding to just spew it out.
"Why don't I show you, then, hm?"
Hange unfolded their arms, grabbing your elbows and pulling you close to them.
"ssh—told you, 'm gonna show you,"
Hange moved your arms to rest around their shoulders, their own coming down to wrap around your waist.
"What does that mea—"
"It means," Hange was losing patience, "Let me show you how no one else is stealing my attention away, pretty girl."
Hange was inches away, eyes down to your lips, as one hand reached up to thumb the skin on your jaw. Your plump lips split, shallow breaths escaping as your pretty, doe eyes stared up at them, dilating to reveal a darker pool of black in your pupils at Hange's closeness. Mind reeling at how close Hange's fingers were to your throat.
"They never did, dear, my attention was always yours."
Their lips almost touching yours, your brows tilting up slightly as their words. Almost hesitant, what if this was a trap? An insanely well-thought, long planned trap from Moblit, get you to admit your feelings and then humiliate you.
"You were always just so good, doing everything I asked you," The paused, the hand at your waist tightening its grip on your sides, "'N you do it all so well, pretty girl."
"Y'can't possibly think I was never impressed with you, hm?"
Hange's mouth reached your ear, lip grazing your earlobe as shivers went down your back, "All you needed to do was walk into the room n'Im impressed, dear."
"So I’m asking you, will you let me show you?"
You nodded, biting back a low whimper as Hange's lips moved away from your ear to the front of you, hand at your waist still strong, and the other tugging at your jaw, grabbing you a little bit harder, dragging your skin as they pulled your face closer, your eyes fluttering as they moved you.
"Yeah?" They smiled, a gentle, soft smile. Voice teasing, almost mocking, like they knew exactly what they were doing to you—it's not like you were hiding it well, "You'll let me, pretty girl? Need t'hear you say it,"
All doubts left your mind, that craving returning with full force as your mind turned to mush, incoherent thoughts, all you could make out was that craving. That desire that had been eating up at you over the years, Hange’s sweet praise leaving you feeling floaty.
"Y-yes, Hange,"
With the confirmation, Hange pressed their lips to yours, skin finally touching skin. The warmth of their mouth encompassing your own, as you allowed yourself to melt into their kiss. Surrounded with Hange, your chests pressing together as you hands grabbed at the back of their neck. Impossibly close, yet you still craved to be closer.
The sound of lips smashing against each other filled the room, the mutual desire would be heard clearly to anyone who walked in. Heavy breathing through noses as you sighed into each other.
Hange separated your lips to murmur against you, in between shorter pecks, “Been waiting to be able to kiss you,” They breathed out, voice rasped and low, “Waiting this whole time,”
“Hang—“ Your whimpers were cut short, swallowed as Hange connected your lips again, the kiss starved and ardent. Hange’s grip on your jaw was unbelievably tight, helpful considering it was getting harder to hold your head up, truly weakened.
Hange moved your bodies around, the back of your thighs meeting the line of wooden desk, as they leaned you up against it. The hand from your waist reaching down to lift your thigh up on the wooden slab, letting you lean your weight back on it as they placed themselves comfortably in between your open legs. Your thighs tightened around them to keep them close, shivering at the contact of them pressing up against you. Hange’s hands grabbed at your thighs, feeling as much skin as the clothes on your legs would allow, fingers kneading against the fabric, wishing they could feel you without the layers.
“Taste so sweet, dear,” Hange groaned against your lips, “Makin’ me wanna do bad things,” Hange’s lips were plump and flushed, solid evidence of the feverish kissing as you imagined your own weren’t any better off.
“Makin’ me wanna take you right here,” Hange’s words incited you, propelled you deeper into impropriety as you responded, words breathy and full of want.
“What’s stopping you then?”
…welp 🫣
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cuteiemonster · 2 years ago
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MY THIRD PIECE(s) FOR @mcytblraufest !! o7
LETS DO THIS ONE LAST TIME, these are for @allusiontomemes 's fic, [ DREAMS FROM WITHIN THE CAGE ] !! we got horrors beyond comprehension, we got multiple universes, we got accidentally destroying said universes, we got desert duo- come on down and see what else is up with these guys!!
thank you allusion and @riceofthepuffedvariety you made me go insane o7
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pynkhues · 2 months ago
How long is the cruising fic now I'm very excited 👀
It’s honestly almost 50k words, anon, I’m a mess, haha.
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buckevantommy · 5 months ago
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my chosen cards! which i may or may not create anything for. 🫠🫶 
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envy-of-the-apple · 5 months ago
Idk, this could be with anyone LOL
Maybe this is some form of cucking but i haven't thought about that 😓 I don't know how it would evolve more into that Imao. I think the family man fic made me realize it's hot. 😭
I was thinking about a scenario involving a yandere who is already in a relationship. Their partner despises you and constantly badmouths you. (whatever character) initially joins in on this. They report back to their partner about the things they've done to you, but as time goes on, their behavior becomes more disturbing. Eventually, they stop reporting their actions to their partner altogether and start getting secretive about what they're doing.
In the beginning, (x character) might believe they really dislike you too. But they start to find a weird satisfaction in the harm they cause. Eventually coming to a realization that there's an unsettling thrill (and maybe some kind of arousal) in doing it lol, or just being around you.
ya but heres the thing....I CANT SEE ANYONE FOR THIS BUT GOJO
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streetkid-named-desire · 2 months ago
bea/vg laser tag night when?
"It would be more fun if kids were here," Bea said as she fastened the last velcro strap of the laser detection harness.
"It wouldn't be fair if there were kids here," V said.
"What do you mean? It would be so fair," Bea pointed the laser gun at the test target on the wall and fired.
"Merc Night was created for a reason, and that reason was because you broke the scoreboard and made children cry," V playfully smacked Bea upside her head as he walked past.
"Hey, I learned how to shoot a gun when I was 8. It's not my fault they don't have any marksmanship skills."
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kingsofneon · 11 months ago
just discovered your coby/shanks maid cafe fic and i am INSANE over it. if you ever write more for that paring i will explode /pos (but fr no pressure, i am fed so well with what you have given us you're so talented thanks for sharing 🙏🙏)
dhdjdhdh thanks doll <33
The maid fic....my beloved.....litcherally just an excuse to have horny exhibition kink but it came out so good snickers
🤔 i have one other coby//shanks? Which is coby gets ""captured"" by the redhair pirates due to some shenanigans, and due to OTHER shenanigans they think he's been doused with a sex pollen that's making him too horny to function 😂 Coby lets them continue to think this because its the only way he can think to vaguely have control but it also ends with shanks getting him off and Cobys brain melting out his ears from overstim 😘
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brionysea · 3 months ago
writing jinx, it's occurred to me that she always has guns and bombs and magical plot device crystals on her, but like... where does she... keep them?
I WISH this was the biggest reminder that she is in fact a video game character with an invisible floating inventory or whatever idk I don't play the game but unfortunately the season 2 finale exists
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years ago
i did not have “hellcheer fics making me want to buy and read lotr/hobbit” in my bingo card i’m ngl
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kingkatsuki · 2 years ago
Asked for Blue Lock thirsts and ended up with a load of Bakugou ones instead we are consistent if nothing else huh?
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m1d-45 · 1 year ago
xianyun and nahida's banners just dropped and the 4*s are kinda-
we got ga-ming but faruzan and noelle are definitely a choice
- curse anon
you could argue noelle is from the poetry event, but faruzan… yeah that’s certainly A Four Star
although, she is supposedly a pretty good anemo support/sub dps, right? with xianyun (and xiao just around the corner) it makes sense to add her on there. since 1) nahida is a support 2) they’re likely trying to push xianyun 3) xianyun is probably a dps (no i haven’t seen her skill cards yet and i’m not going to until she releases) (lied, she’s like. a healer. so??) so that makes sense to me
in the end, i don’t mind. so long as ga ming is on the banner, we live we laugh and we love
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