#fic: malec
givemeureyes · 1 year
day 1 without ao3: i have gone through all 5 stages of grief multiple times and have invented a 6th. i will not disclose what the 6th stage of grief is.
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People that say mutual pining is the best trope are simply in correct. The best trope both in fanfics and regular books is mutual thirsting. There's nothing better than having two characters that want each other and they know they want each other so you get all the playful banter and flirting plus the anticipation that comes with waiting for them to finally give into their desires.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
"Alec," his mother squints at him on his laptop screen. "Is everything okay? You’re scaring us."
"It’s nothing to be scared of," Alec reassures her quickly.
"Are you sure, dude?" Jace frowns, adjusting his hair using his laptop camera. "Because the last time you called for a family meeting, it was when you had that kidney stone removed."
"Actually, I called that meeting," Izzy points out, not bothering to turn on her video, probably still in bed. "Alec didn’t even bother to tell us about being hospitalized."
"Oh, that’s right," Jace glares at Alec in disapproval, then his expression softens. "The last family meeting you called was when you came out."
Alec doesn’t know about other gay people, but coming out to your family on a Zoom call is the best way to do it. If it goes really well, then good. You have footage of a really sweet moment. You can even put it on YouTube like Aline did and get invited to the Ellen Show.
If it doesn’t go well...then you can just end the call right there - or tell your parents your account got hacked. It's not as if they're going to know the difference.
"Wait a minute," Dad frowns slowly. "Are you coming out again?"
"Why would he come out again, Robert? We know he's gay!" Mom rolls her eyes.
"Well, sexuality is a fluid thing," Dad huffs out, never missing an opportunity to show off whatever he learned from some queer TikTok influencer. Someone probably needs to do an intervention soon. "Maybe Alec is bi now. Or he is trans."
"If Alec is trans, we shouldn’t say 'he,' it should be 'she,'" Jace points out.
"Trans people don’t have to be male or female," Izzy rolls her eyes. "What if Alec is non-binary?"
"Non-binary," Dad nods sagely. "Also commonly known as NB."
"Well, whatever it is, we support Alec," Mom speaks for everyone.
"That’s great," Alec tells them. "Can Alec talk now?"
Only Fools Rush In: Thursdays are for Teasing
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krystenreader · 5 months
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Why? Just tell me why are you doing this? Why so cruel? These are my comfort babies! Why did you kill them? And then I am searching for that particular phrase and... BAM! It is gone! Where is that moment keeping me okay?! Where I am asking?! I feel insane like all of these stories were made up in my head and never existed:(((
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lurafita · 25 days
Some of you may never know the pain of liking the less liked character in the most popular fandom ship, and I'm very happy for you.
You may never know the kind of resentment you may one day feel towards the other, more liked, character.
The way it may even start to ruin the ship for you entirely, over time, because it's always, ALWAYS, all about the fandom darling. While your personal favorite is just there to make the other one shine.
Some of you may never know this boiling, impotent, rage you start developing when fandom darling gets more and more love from the fandom, while your personal darling gets more and more used in whichever way the fandom darling needs.
And I'm happy for you.
I hope you will always like the fandom darlings best, I really do. Because otherwise, it can get rough.
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ignisaurumprobat9 · 4 months
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loki-nightfire · 4 days
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Family time
When Maryse decided to have a look on the baby-boy, she found all three of her boys sleeping, the little one finally full and snoozing peacefully, hugged by dads
Meanwhile the cats dialogue:
- look, they got a kitten! soft and sweet and smells of milk - i, for one, smell trouble and double trouble. you'll see, Meow, you'll see.
Illustration following Silent Alec fanfiction series
more art on http://boosty.to/grizzlyhare/
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accal1a · 2 months
You know what I think?
I think it's time I leapt backwards into the Shadowhunters Fandom.
It's been a hot minute, and there's definitely some trauma there; but I think I should add more to the Malec getting railed agenda.
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malecarchive · 5 months
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if cassandra clare won't put jace, isabelle, and alec in therapy then by god i will
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la-muerta · 6 days
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ART PROMPT for "Murder at the New York institute" by @themagnusbane
Pull out the Cluedo board they said. It would be fun to play they said. Nothing could possibly happen on Samhain they said. And now, Magnus and Alec, Clary and Izzy, Simon and Jace have been pulled into an alternate New York Institute, with no powers, no idea what has caused it, or who has brought them there. Oh. And there’s been a murder. Except, can you kill a dead man twice? And can Valentine Morgenstern just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
[Read it on AO3]
This artwork was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver.
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bytheangell · 2 months
Love at First Dance
(Read on AO3) (Created for @malecdiscordserver's By The Angel Bingo!)
"What are you glaring at?"
Magnus looks over at the sound of Alexander's voice, shocked out of the focus he previously had on Lorenzo Rey, who he wasn't even sure he wanted at his wedding even after the change of heart and bit of redemption he earned himself.
"What?" Magnus asks, both to stall and in the hopes that, perhaps, they could simply change the subject. He shifts to focus himself fully on Alexander - on his husband. As it should be, honestly. He doesn't need to be worrying about anyone else today, least of all a warlock he barely likes and a Shadowhunter he barely knows.
"You look a little too upset for someone on their wedding day. You're going to give me a complex if you don't tell me what's on your mind," Alec says.
"If you must know," Magnus starts, turning his gaze back in the direction of Lorenzo and Andrew at a small table in the corner, laughing in that way you do when you're going to really impress someone over something he's sure barely warrants it, and- okay, he's getting bitter and judgmental again and he really needs to stop it.
"What am I looking at?" Alec asks, glancing around the room in the direction of Magnus' gaze. "I don't see- oh."
Magnus feels vindicated in the fact that Alexander's voice drops in confusion, brows furrowing and a small frown taking over his features. At least they're on the same page about this.
"They're flirting. What's that about?" Magnus asks.
"Yeah, I'll admit, I hardly thought Lorenzo would be Andrew's type," Alec says slowly.
"Andrew can do better," Magnus states simply.
"Magnus..." Alec starts carefully, in that tone that implies he's choosing his next words carefully. Magnus can already sense what's coming next.
"I'm just saying. One decent decision does not undo centuries of being a raging jackass," Magnus says, before Alexander gets a chance to defend Lorenzo.
"I know," Alec agrees. "And I'm not saying it does. But I am saying that Andrew doesn't have a history with Lorenzo. All he knows is the man who realized he made a mistake, and did whatever he could to fix it - including risking his life to go to Edom with a bunch of people he barely knew, putting his life in our hands."
Magnus made a 'humph' sound at that, but couldn't disagree.
"He helped me save your life, Magnus. At the very least, I owe him a chance to start fresh with someone. Isn't that what you got, with me?"
"You knew plenty about me," Magnus argued. "But," he conceded. "I see your point. And I suppose he's been... tolerable recently."
Alexander smiled at that.
"But I'm still saying that maybe cupid's arrow could use a new accuracy rune," Magnus added, half-under his breath but just loud enough for Alec to hear, barking out a laugh.
"Maybe you're right. I guess time will tell," Alec said, glancing back over to where Lorenzo was currently holding his hand out for Andrew to take before leading them both onto the dance floor.
"Perhaps we should join them on the dance floor," Alec suggested, reaching his own hand out to Magnus. "You know, just to keep a closer eye on things."
Magnus shook his head, taking his husband's hand in his own. "No, you're right. I'm staying out of it. Besides, I have more important things to focus my attention on."
Magnus leaned in to kiss Alexander, gentle and lingering several seconds before reluctantly pulling back. "I believe I owe my husband a dance."
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
Lunch hours are for gossip and chit-chat for other employees. But lunch hours with Asmodeus are always about brainstorming. The ideas keep getting worse every time. 
“What if I pay someone to do it?” The man asks him this time. 
“That’s prostitution, sir,” Alec notes. “It’s illegal.”
Asmodeus scoffs at that, the same way he does with all of Alec’s feedback. “Alright. What if I tell him that I have cancer and that this is my dying wish?”
“Illegal,” Alec says again, not even bothering to look up from his Kung Pao Chicken. 
“Okay, what about this? I think this idea has real merit. It might actually work out,” Asmodeus tells him, a little giddily. “What if I make one of those dating profiles, you know the ones kids use these days, and I pretend to be Magnus and then strike up a conversation with someone and-”
“Identity theft and impersonation,” Alec interrupts before the man can proceed any further. “Also illegal.”
“Ugh, everything is illegal in this bloody country!” Asmodeus throws up his hands in frustration. 
Alec chuckles at that and shakes his head. “Why is it so important that Magnus gets married?”
“Because he needs someone!” Asmodeus says seriously. “He is very good at being alone, that boy of mine. I don’t want him to get used to it.”
“Some people are better off alone,” Alec shrugs, mostly thinking of himself. 
“This is honestly all my fault,” Asmodeus sighs now. “I never should’ve let him be an only child.”
Alec points his fork at the older man, swallowing his food down. “Here’s an idea for you. Why don’t you build a time machine, go back in time, and have more children?”
Asmodeus hums that. “Considering the process that leads to children, I have no objections to making love to my dear-”
“I am begging you to not finish that sentence,” Alec groans into his chicken.
Asmodeus sighs again. “Do you know what’s sad? I might have more success in building a time machine than convincing Magnus to get married.”
“Maybe if you have a time machine, you’ll find a new hobby other than trying to convince your son to get married,” Alec says dryly. 
“I don't have a choice, Alec!” Asmodeus huffs seriously. “I’m old! I don’t have a lot of time!”
“You’re not even sixty,” Alec rolls his eyes at the theatrics. 
“I’m 57,” Asmodeus informs gravely. “Do you know what that is in tortoise years? 228! That’s a lot of years.”
“Why would you compare yourself to a tortoise?” Alec asks incredulously. 
“Because that’s my emotional support animal,” Asmodeus informs sagely. “Magnus made me do a BuzzFeed quiz.”
Alec puts his face in his hands. “Oh God.”
“So,” Asmodeus says pointedly. “What do you think?”
“I think I need to start having lunch in the cafeteria,” Alec replies, wondering if he should take up Maia’s offer to join their table. 
“So, that’s a no to identity theft then?” Asmodeus frowns.
Work in Progress Wednesdays: Only Fools Rush In
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foodsies4me · 2 months
July Malec fic rec!
Thanking the ever talented and wonderful @lawsofchaos1 for letting me barge in the DM’s to ask for help for this month's theme! This time the theme is a double one aka parabatai-feels/Alec&Jace friendship and religious themes! The same rules apply as always, one fic per author, even though all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 💜
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know (aka found on their AO3 profile), but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
3 Times Jace Feels Alec’s Happiness by fancyachatup: Just like the title says, three times Jace feels Alec being happy through their parabatai bond.
3 times Jace realizes that Magnus is the best thing that's ever happened to Alec.
I cannot touch because they are too near by @faejilly: Still one of my favourite fics about the parabatai bond to date!
If Magnus is going to love Alexander (which of course he is) then he's going to have to understand his parabatai and their bond, at least a little bit better than he does now. But he's not entirely sure how or where to start...
The Oddities of Sharing a Soul by @facialteeth: Another lovely Magnus learning some more about the parabatai-bond and what it means fic. Cute and fluffy and definitely recommended.
Magnus goes to visit Alec and learns from Isabelle that there are some odd features to having a Parabatai Bond.
and miles to go before I sleep by ralf: Magnus meeting his kids in the past. This fic is just adorable and reading it never fails to bring a smile to my face.
“Alec, can you come to the Institute?” That's Clary's voice, coming through the line in a low whisper. Alec tenses instantly. “What is it?” “It's Jace.”
Parabatai by SilasSolarius: A more eldritch as well as a queer platonic approach to the parabatai bond! Also, Ragnor lives because of course he does!
Summary: Parabatai. Everyone, even downworlders were aware of the most sacred of the Nephilim's bonds, and yet very little is known about it. As far as most are concerned, the bond is merely a fancy way of calling each other brothers-in-arms, or best friends. Yet in reality, it is so much more. Ragnor Lives! AU
Multi-Chapters or Series
Angelus ex Machina by @bluemeridian: Rec-ced by lawsofchaos1, but I will 120% rec this series as well because it is just avdnz’gj’z’glg I love it so much, the way they parabatai bond is described is exquisite.
Demons have disappeared from the city and the local Shadow World has discovered the hard way that the only thing worse than demons is an institute of Shadowhunters with no demons to fight. But that situation is (hopefully) temporary. The whole thing with the parabatai bond being weird is something else entirely.
Take Me To Church by j_writes: I don’t’ know how to describe this fic other than I love it, that’s all.
Alec is the acting head of the Institute trying to deal with the new pressures this title brings. A string of Mundane murders and strange demonic markings leads him to seek help from the nearest High Warlock, Magnus Bane. Upon meeting him, Alec realizes that his secret is at risk of being revealed. He tries to keep his growing attraction for Magnus hidden as best as he can. With the support of his sister, Isabelle, who is trying to find love herself; they both try to discover if they can let their worries go and accept love with open arms.
The Whipping Boy (orphan account): This fic hurts. It just hurts.
1. a boy brought up together with a young prince and required to take the punishment for the latter's misdeeds 2. scapegoat
The burden of command is one Alec shoulders gladly. When protecting his family has always meant taking responsibility for their actions, he's had a lifetime to prepare. 
It's the one thing he's good at. The one thing about himself he knows is worthy.
So, of course, Magnus and his siblings hate it.
The truth written on our souls by @to-the-stars-writing: Immortal Alec meets good parabatai Jace meets some religious imaginary meets magic gone wrong and worldbuilding which are the two things that make me go feral above all, so yessss!
Be careful what you wish for.
That was a saying that was something most people threw around in a teasing sort of way. Something to chide another with, maybe, after something goes wrong. But when dealing with magic there were no truer words. Be careful what you wish for was a very clear warning. One that Alec had heard Magnus lament over people not heeding so many different times.
Today was only further proof of that.
They’d come into this planning on doing a spell to give Alec immortality. They’d done their research, prepared themselves as best they could, but they’d forgotten that basic tenant. Be careful what you wish for.
Holding Angels by @echo-bleu (Hi Echo, I love you💜💜💜): Alec tells the Clave he made the wish and not Clary. This fic hurts and is painful and I love it.
The decision is anything but easy, but it’s simple. It’s suddenly limpid in Alec’s head, like this is the moment he’s been waiting for his whole life.
(He tries not to think about how morbid that thought is.)
“I would have done the same,” he repeats. She sniffles against his chest.
“In fact,” he continues, pushing her back gently to look at her, “that’s exactly what I did, as far as the Clave is concerned.”
Alec tells the Clave he's the one who made the Wish.
Laudanum by @lawsofchaos1 that I couldn’t not rec. (Sorry, Laws you had to know this was coming when you mentioned religious imaginary). While I generally try to limit myself to complete fics, this fic has had me by the jugular for years now and I am obsessed.
Face blank, Alec steps forward without a moment of hesitation to stand in front of the Inquisitor, his people parting respectfully before him to clear his path as he goes. He comes to a halt a few paces in front of the Clave representative and the guardsmen she’d brought from Alicante. A coiled leather whip hangs from the belt of the man at her left shoulder.
Shoulders drawn back and hands clasped behind his waist, Alec meets Imogen Herondale’s steel gaze. The words are ritual and although Alec has said them many times before, never before has he meant them less.
“That it may please the Angel to bring back into the way of righteousness all such as have erred, I place myself before you for Discipline.”
Imogen Herondale smiles.
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lurafita · 4 months
The group, except Malec, time travels
Hmmm…. You know, we usually have time travel plots where either Magnus or Alec (or both) travel back in time to right a wrong. What if it was the others? Clary, Simon, Izzy and Jace traveled back, because Magnus and Alec sacrificed themselves to stop the apocalypse, and the four do not accept losing their friends like that. past Alec isn't too confused when Izzy tackle hugs him. It's Izzy. He is a little more confused when Jace almost cries while hugging him. He is very confused and not at all amused when the new shadowhunter/security risk hugs him. And pretty pissed when her mundane friend tries to hug him.
At least he isn't the only one out of his depths, as the high warlock of Brooklyn, who his siblings and the two nuisances dragged him to, seems even more flabbergasted about being hugged by a bunch of tearful strangers, most of which are nephilim. (Not that Alec blames the gorgeous guy.) And when his siblings and the tagalongs then start to regale the two of them with a grand tale about the end of the world and time travel, really… Neither Alec nor Magnus know how to react to that
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stormkpr · 7 months
New Malec AU fic! With bonus Reyhill
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Title and link: Under An Ancient Sky (Chapter 1 of 10)
Rating: Explicit
Thank you: To @ethereal-ocean-eyes for cover art, and @unashamed-fanfiction-addict for beta testing
Alec, a Greek slave in ancient Rome, knows what a blessing it is to serve in the peaceful country estate of Magnus, his elusive master.
Magnus, reluctant slave owner and rumored descendant of a prince from a far off land, returns to his villa and takes an interest in the handsome Alec. But can he break away from the shame of his past misdeeds?
Meanwhile, far away in the empire’s largest city, another slave, Andrew, has been compelled to extend his services to his master Lorenzo. He knows he is a fool for thinking it, but he hopes one day the feelings he has developed for his master will be returned.
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