#fic: lining down the block (just to watch what i've got)
thebigbiwolf · 1 year
Spittle - Part 1/2
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Summary: The chocolate seems innocent enough - if you look past the Infernal writing on the wrapper, and with so few pleasures in the wilderness, you all but jump at the chance to sneak yourself a small treat.
Unbeknownst to you, the bar is infused with succubus spittle. Just one square is rumored to contain enough potency to send a mortal into the throes of ecstasy.
This is what happens when you eat half the bar.
Fic Tags: Sex Pollen (kinda), aphrodisiacs, succubus magic, a bit of dom!Astarion, unprotected piv, overstimulation, he talks you through it (iykyk), more tags will be added later.
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Dubcon (if you squint), Language, No use of Y/N, magical influence
Read on AO3: Here
A/N: Remember the dead spider? I remember the dead spider. Anyways, the reception I've been getting on Starvin', Darlin' has me wanting to thank everyone with a one-shot. This got away from me so I went ahead and split it into two parts.
I've never written anything like this and it was significantly more difficult than a multi-chapter fic. I hope everything comes across the way its supposed to! And a huge thank you to my beta @imaginarydromedary for...you know... encouraging me to post this, despite everything.
From what you could tell, there wasn’t much to the apothecary. 
As you push open the dilapidated doors, your first thought is to search for supplies - anything that could help if things went south on your way to the goblin camp. 
Dried herbs hang from the rafters beneath a thin veil of cobwebs, filling your lungs with a pungent clash of scents. Empty bottles lined the shelves along the wall, caked in several months worth of dust. Large chunks of the building were missing where stone met splintered wood, some areas almost entirely overtaken by greenery.
You step over broken shards of pottery, scanning over the floor and countertops for something - anything that may be of use, but to your disappointment, it seems like the shop was entirely ransacked long before your arrival.
You sigh deeply, knowing you’ll likely never hear the end of this from your companions. It was your idea to search the village. You were the one who suggested taking out the goblin scouts, exerting everyones’ energy, and now you’re afraid you’ll have very little to show for it.
You catch a glint of gold, an object reflecting the sun's rays beneath a pile of rubble. You kneel down to brush away the surrounding debris, thankful for even the smallest promise of coin before your hands catch on… some sort of serrated edge?
You pull at it, and it easily comes loose. It's a thin, rectangular block, just barely larger than the length of your hand. You wipe away some of the dirt with your sleeve, revealing an intricately designed foil wrapping underneath.
As you speculate what this might be, you hear footsteps approaching from behind, light and familiar. You turn to face the elf with a smirk.
“You’re supposed to be the stealthy one.” You chide at him, playfully, “Or has my blood put a little skip in your step?”
Astarion scoffs. “I’ve been here the entire time, watching you fumble around in the dirt.” 
Crimson eyes study you, then the object you’re holding. He places his hands on his hips, head cocked to the side with a raised brow. “Is that what you’ve dragged us all the way here for?”
“First of all,” you waggle a finger at him, “You’re especially grumpy when you’re tired. I’ll have to make a note to prioritize your beauty rest. Second, I haven’t finished looking around, but check this out.”
You hand the bar to him as you stand. The cool skin of his fingers brush against your own, and you’re irritated with the way your heart skips at the brief contact. Why did the one man you found attractive in your camp have to be such a primadonna? And such a huge pain in the ass? 
Astarion’s eyes scan over the textured paper with suspicion, angling it towards the light to get a better look. The golden wrapping is stamped with an image of red lips On the back, letters twist and curve in a language you don't recognize, following a single circular pattern where they meet in the center. You’ve never seen anything like this, neither in your travels, nor within the city walls of Baldur’s Gate.
“Where did you find this?” 
You shrug, then point to the pile next to you. “It was buried right there.” 
He silently stares at the foil, mouth pursed, until your patience begins to wear thin.
“Well, can you read it or not?”
His nose scrunches. “Of course I can’t read it. It’s written in Infernal.”
That’s… odd. Why would an ordinary apothecary sell goods made by devils? Or, worse, for devils. Unless, of course, it was some sort of marketing trick, perhaps a play on the phrase ‘sinfully sweet’, or some other cringeworthy branding.
You take it back, turning it over in your hands before tearing at the corner of the wrapping. It's sectioned into dark, rich squares, and smells indisputably like chocolate.
“It looks like candy.”
“An excellent observation.” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Now, can we go? We’ve spent more than enough time here already.”
You roll your eyes and stuff it into your bag, setting off for camp, vampire in tow.
During dinner, you decide not to tell the others about what you found, knowing Astarion’s likely already forgotten the event. You set down your empty plate, thanking Gale for tonight’s meal. He smiles at you and bids you goodnight as you excuse yourself to your tent. 
You pick up your rucksack, thinking fondly of the dessert that awaits you inside. Having lived at the beck and call of your companions for weeks on end, you can’t help but smile at the idea of selfishly indulging in a small treat like this.
You tear open the rest of the wrapping and snap off one of the squares, immediately popping one into your mouth. It melts - buttery in texture, with a smokey, slightly bitter flavor. You can’t remember the last time you’ve eaten something so rich. Maybe weeks of the same rations have made you easier to impress, but this felt especially notable.
As you break off a second piece, a strange tingling sensation begins to spread across your lips - a pleasant buzzing that starts at your neck and spreads down through your chest. 
Strange, but not entirely unwelcome. You’ve heard of such inebriating chocolates, ones laced with alcohol or species of flowers that numb one’s senses for a short while. All harmless, of course, and you don’t have watch tonight. You may as well enjoy yourself. If worst comes to worst, Shadowheart is just outside with an assortment of spells and potions. Always better to ask for forgiveness.
It only takes you minutes to finish half the bar. You set the rest next to your bedroll for later and turn to blow out your candles, enjoying the lingering physical effects of the chocolate. Your skin feels flushed and delightfully warm as you settle down for the night.
When sleep finally takes you, it's dreamless, at first. Your consciousness sways, floating in an empty abyss, until colors begin to bleed onto the blank canvas of your mind.
A trickle of red morphs into the shape of familiar eyes, piercing you with their intensity..
Droplets of white spatter over a dark background, diffusing, blending into whisps. They curl and twist before settling into soft, coiffed fibers. 
Hair , you recognize immediately, his hair . His eyes.
His image fully takes form, as if it had been waiting for you to make the connection before entirely revealing itself. 
He reaches out and seizes you, grabbing painfully at your hips as you crash into his body, hands exploring you - tight, possessive, squeezing at every inch of exposed skin before settling on the curve of your ass. He digs into your flesh with the blunt edge of his nails.
His lips press hot, wet kisses to your throat, mouthing just below the ear, before dragging his tongue along your nape and sucking, hard . You whine at the pressure, eliciting a grin from the elf, so characteristically pleased with the pathetic little noise he’s managed to pull from you.
“You thought sleeping would allow you to escape this - to escape me , unscathed?” He growls against your skin, his voice almost unrecognizable - as if it’s layered beneath a lighter, somehow more arrogant, feminine one.
“No, no, no. Wake up, darling. You’re in for a very long night.”
You startle awake, gasping - loud, labored breaths struggling to make use of the unbearably thin air. The edges of your tent bleed in and out of focus, spinning at a nauseating pace as you attempt to recollect yourself.
You wipe at the sweat collecting on your brow, the muscles of your arm heavy and aching, and find that your skin is absolutely drenched. 
Hot. Why is everything so hot? 
It's as if you're being cooked alive beneath your blankets, strangled beneath the furs. You throw them off; normally soft to the touch, the fibers now only worsen the prickling beneath your skin.
Could this be some sort of illness? A fever? 
No, this doesn’t make sense. Everything feels off. 
Fleeting thoughts of Astarion cross your mind - quick flashes of a sinful smile that was not his own.
It didn’t quite match the one you’d silently come to admire, and now that you think of it, the hunger in his gaze was much too intense for the reserved elf. 
His hands, his mouth, the way he touched you -
Your abdomen cramps, bringing your thoughts to a screeching halt.
A stabbing, visceral pain; a knife plunging into your organs. It overwhelms you, forces your body to curl into itself. You hold your pelvis, grunting, and grasp at your sheets. Tears sting the corner of your eyes.
This is - well, you have no idea what this is. 
You can’t think past the pounding in your head, the throbbing in your midsection. You're compulsively twisting, writhing, begging the gods for some sort of reprieve, but it's then when you make the most mortifying discovery of the night.
You’re soaked .
N ot just your smallclothes, which may have been understandable given your strange dreams, but through your damned pants. Not even the sheets were spared. 
“What  in the hells…?” 
You run your fingers over yourself, only intending to confirm the horrifying reality of your situation - that this is not, in fact, some sick, perverted nightmare, but the lightest touch sets off every nerve. 
You wail at the sensation: one massive wave of bliss giving way to several small jolts of pain. 
Pleasure to the point of agony.
The shock of the sudden orgasm courses from your sex through every limb, clenching and releasing pitiful, warm slick. It leaks freely out of you into your already thoroughly ruined underwear. 
Your heart pounds. You stay like that for what feels like a lifetime, toes curled, limbs twitching, waiting for your body to settle. 
After a minute or so, your breathing evens, and the thick haze surrounding your thoughts begins to lift just slightly, along with the suffocating heat. 
But something within you knows this isn’t the end - knows this isn’t enough . A desperation lurks beneath the surface that you can’t quite name. It screams at you. You need more.
‘Aw…’ A familiar, feminine voice prods at your mind. You quickly recognize her, the woman from your dreams who wore Astarion’s image.  
‘All alone, are we? Empty and needing to be filled? Doesn’t that hurt?’
It does. It aches unlike anything you’ve ever known. The lingering buzz of your orgasm just barely quells the worsening cramps, and they’re beginning to rear their ugly head again not minutes later.
You choke out a sob. “Wh- why are you doing this? What do you want?”
Sharp, wicked laughter fills your head, echoing off the walls of your skull. ‘I’m not doing anything, dear. Just enjoying the show.’ She hisses, ‘I told you, it’s going to be a very long night.’
You must be hallucinating. This fever - whatever this is, is simply cauterizing your senses, or possibly interacting with the tadpole? But the tadpole doesn’t speak, not like this. Never so clearly. Not with words.
Think, please. There has to be a reason this -
“Is everything alright?” Shadowheart raps on the canvas of your tent. “I heard a yelp. Are you hurt?”
‘Ooh, this one might do!’  You feel an unwelcome… eagerness flood you.
No. No. Absolutely not.
You try not to panic. 
Under no circumstances should she or anyone else come in here.
The best strategy may be to ignore her - pretend you’re still sleeping. It seems like a good plan, but before you have a chance to follow through with it, another sharp contraction hits. This one is somehow even worse than the ones before. 
You pull your sheets up to your mouth to stifle your whine, but the half elf’s ears are sharper than most. “I’m coming in.”
She opens the flap to your tent and gasps when she sees you there - skin flushed pink, doubled over and covered in sweat. 
“Gods, what’s wrong? What’s happened?” Her hand reaches out towards you. 
Without thinking, you swat it away with your own. Your skin tingles at the contact, and the essence of a smile crosses over the threshold into your mind. The intruder giggles with satisfaction.
“Don’t,” you plead, “Don’t touch me.”
She scans over you, taking in your humiliating state. Her face twists with concern. “I need to know if you’re feverish. Please. You look awful.” 
‘Well, I think you look delectable.’
You groan.
At this point, you know it’s no use fighting this thing on your own. You go back and forth on whether you want to tell her the whole truth, about the voice in your head and its influence on your body, but the idea mortifies you into silence. 
Regardless, a cleric is likely your best chance of fixing this literal mess, so you nod, close your eyes, and brace yourself.
Shadowheart’s palm meets your forehead. It’s somehow worse than you anticipated. Even the simple, chaste touch sends you reeling, as if her soft hands are caressing your entire body. Flashes of heat wash over you, burning your skin, threatening to pull you back under another wave of ecstasy. 
It’s too much. You try your hardest to suppress a moan, but the muffled sound manages to escape from between your tightened lips, pitiful and broken.
The disembodied voice squeals with delight.
She quickly retracts her hand, clearing her throat. “Apologies. I can confirm your temperature is… elevated, but the rest…” She shakes her head. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
You want to scream, cry - anything to release your frustration, but you keep your mouth shut, not wanting to risk making any more unsavory noises.
“I believe I can give you some relief by treating the fever, but I’ll have to consult the others on the rest. This doesn’t look like any ordinary sickness.”
Consult the others? No. Gods, no. Nobody can know about this. Is she mad?
You intend to protest, beg her not to share this with anyone, tell her whatever death awaits you on the other side of this would be preferable, but she’s speaking an incantation before you have the chance.
A bright, green aura envelopes you, cooling your skin and ever so slightly easing the cramps. With the pain dulled, it's as though you can finally think again. 
You want to laugh. This situation is so utterly ridiculous that you’d find it hilarious, were it anyone else, but with the modicum of relief comes exhaustion - eyelids heavy, vision blurring with weariness.
“Get some rest. We’ll figure this out.” 
Her reassuring words are the last thing you hear before you’re overcome by darkness.
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Expert | Easy to Expert (3 v7)
Lee Yongbok (Felix) & Bang Chan - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.6k
Felix/AFAB!Reader/Bang Chan
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff, Fluffy Smut
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Lingerie, Pet Names (Love, Pumpkin, Baby Girl, etc.), Multiple Partners, Oral (M! & F! Receiving), Sixty-Nine, Threesome, Double Penetration, Anal Play, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Bang Chan has a Monster Cock (of course), Cockbulge (hmm), Unprotected Sex (Bad Idea, Don't Do It), Daddy Kink gets awakened, this is actually really soft and fluffy believe it or not, Bromance
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This is the last one I am writing in this series, so let's see what absolute nonsense shows up here. I'm going to TRY and tone it down…
PS. I wrote the first not before I wrote the story, and this is after. This went a COMPLETELY different direction than I thought it would. Get ready for tooth rotting fluff AND smut.
PPS. Bang Chan is my bias and Felix my bias wrecker so that is why this one ended up like this…
-> Series Hub <-
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
-> Ver. I.N. <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Changbin <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"What?" Chan stopped dead in his tracks, Felix continuing past him. He thought for a second that he was hearing things, or someone else's conversation. The younger man stopped as well, turning back to his best friend.
"(Y/N) wants a threesome, you in?"
"Why are you asking me?" Chan sputtered and Felix shrugged casually.
"She asked for you specifically so…"
"She asked for ME?"
"Yes?" Chan's head was swimming. He had to admit, ever since he found out a few months ago you couldn't cum, he was looping in his head. It wasn't romantic intentions behind him trying to figure out what he could do for you…Not at all. He had been trying to convince himself he no longer had romantic feelings for you, especially since you started dating Felix. It was obvious to the others, even Felix, but he appreciated that his hyung denied it even to himself.
"Are you sure?" The eldest of the group asked your boyfriend.
"I wouldn't be asking you if I wasn’t. She picked you like a month and half ago, I've had time to think about it." Felix huffed, amused. Chan was getting flustered, and the younger man knew why.
"Are you thinking tonight?" They were already on their way to your apartment for movie night.
"Well…yeah. We can move it though."
"You really think I can just sit and watch a movie with you two now?" Chan shook his head, but continued walking. Felix fell into stride next to him and they continued to your place.
Felix messaged you when they were about fifteen minutes out, and you scrambled off the couch to get ready. To say you were excited was an understatement. But you were also lowkey terrified. It was not a hidden fact among the friend group what Chan was packing. You had even heard from other girls on campus. Not a traditional player by any means, he had been around the block. He was an incredibly sweet gentleman, but a lot of girls just wanted to fuck him to say they conquered the beast. That was literally what they said. The thought made you shiver as you prepared. Stepping out of the bathroom, you looked yourself over in the mirror. Felix had gotten you a set of wolf cosplay lingerie, fitting for Chan. It was more or less a bikini lined with gray fur. The silicone plug he got you a month ago now had a grey furry tail attached; the texture tickled the backs of your thighs. A matching headband with grey ears sat on your head, it was a little too big though, so you hoped it stayed on. Furry cuffs surrounded your ankles and wrists as well. The bottoms of the set were more like shorts than panties, but there was a hole cut out of the crotch which gave access to your cunt as well as let the tail plug sitting in your ass. You shook your arms to get rid of some of the nerves. Though, they just came back two-fold when you heard your boyfriend and his friend arrive. Your shaking increased as you padded to stand at the foot of your bed, waiting for them to remove their coats and shoes and meet you in the bedroom.
"Go on, bro." Felix told Chan, his accented English hitting your ears. Were they going to speak like that the whole night? Fuck yeah.
"Oh, baby girl!" Chan was floored as he entered your room. You looked so fucking cute, his heart thumped hard, and he felt his pulse in his cock too. The pet-name did stuff to your insides, and you nervously wiggled, the tail wagging a bit from the momentum. To be honest, before you and Felix hooked up, you were tempted to go to Chan. With his reputation, you were sure he could have managed, but you in no way regretted that it was Felix. Your boyfriend followed him in and came to admire you as well. You turned toward him as he settled only a foot away from you.
"Good job, love." He praised and you both turned back to Chan. He was still gaping, and you were still too nervous to look him over completely. He just had grey sweatpants on and a black sweatshirt. You desperately wanted him to take it off so you could get a better look at him. You had seen his perfect body many times, but you wanted to touch it. Your fingers fidgeted with themselves, the black painting nails at the ends catching Chan's eye.
"Rules?" You prompted Felix and he looked at you, back to his friend then shook his head.
"Just tell him no if you want." he told you and you blinked, then again. Seriously? He would let his friend kiss you? Fuck your holes and fill you with his cum? That was four of the rules out the window. Plus, if he wasn't going to lead Chan through this, then the final one was trashed as well. The thought made your core clench as you finally looked back to the other Australian.
"Go on." Felix assured you and you took a hesitant step forward, then trotted over to Chan who was still looking at you in awe. His hair was brushed up and back some, framing his forehead. You would have been fine just looking over every detail of his handsome face, but you needed even more. Your small hands went to the zipper of his hoodie, and he let you pull it down. He huffed at your pout when you saw he had a t-shirt underneath.
"It's below freezing out there, baby girl." He told you, amused by your reaction. You mumbled something incoherent, and he laughed. The sound pierced you, made you let out a small whimper, pushing his sweatshirt off. He continued to watch, amused, casting a glance at Felix who looked just as entertained by you. You took a deep breath, sneaking your hands under his shirt and mewling as your warm fingertips brushed over the ridges of his abs. With his assistance, you removed the shirt completely and Felix saw your thighs clench. While he wasn't thrilled by how turned on you were already, he wasn't too surprised either. You were honest with him and admitted you almost went to the eldest for assistance before you and Felix got together. He appreciated your honesty, and therefore trusted you. Didn't mean his pride wasn't a little hurt.
"Oh, my god." You gasped out, your touch tickling Chan some. He laughed, his gorgeous smile distracting you for a second.
"Can I kiss her, 'Lix?" Chan asked politely and you leaned in some more.
"Yeah, I guess." Your boyfriend allowed and you let him kiss you. He was rough, more so than you expected. Chan knew better, he was there to fuck you, not make love to you. He would leave the sensual kisses to Felix. He tilted his head, his hand going to the back of yours and his slid his tongue in your mouth. You keened at the feeling. He was good. Too good. You pulled back a trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
"D-don't do that again." You muttered, your face red. He nodded, humming in agreement. Felix snorted playfully. His trust was well placed. Not wanting to step over the line, Chan stayed mostly still as you sank to your knees before him. Seeing him shirtless in the grey sweatpants was already sinfully attractive, you wondered what he would be like fully naked. An adonis carved out of marble for sure. There was already a bulge from his hardening cock, but it was mostly hidden by the thick material. He laughed at your eagerness as you hastily pulled the waist band away. Your eyes widened as he stepped out of his pants. He was nowhere near being fully hard, but his black briefs were already straining.
"Fuck." You wheezed. You were salivating like the wolf you were dressed as. You fiddled with the tag on the black choker you had on, Felix's name engraved into it. As long as you only fell for Chan's cock, it was fine. You turned to look back at your boyfriend anyway and he gave you a reassuring smile. He had looped over every possible scenario in his head over the last month, knowing to almost a T at that point what would make you react in what way. So far, no surprises. Even though to some you hadn't been dating long, you spent as much time together as possible, so he knew you well. You had been friends for years before then too.
"C-Can you…" You drifted off, wanting to get a good view of Chan's briefs coming off. He smiled and did as you wordlessly requested. He felt a little sheepish under your gaze, honestly, as you ogled him. Adonis indeed. You literally watched his cock harden further under your appreciating gaze. You licked your lips, desperate to wrap them around him. Felix ended up not speaking the rule you had first decided on, but you were a bit worried about what it would do to you to let Chan cum down your throat.
"Can we do something?" Chan suggested, snapping you out of your daze. He also looked at Felix.
"Sixty-nine?" He finished the request and Felix stiffened a bit. Knowing Chan, he might be able to make you cum from that and your boyfriend wasn't sure if he was okay with that. The eldest was definitely the expert of the group and mastered the art of sex like the instruments he could play. But, when he looked into your big, pleading eyes, he couldn't say no. With a slow nod you hopped to your feet giddily and Chan chuckled, following you to the bed. He nodded for you to climb over him once he was on his back. Straddling his face, he wrapped the tail around his hand just to hold it out of the way. The panties gave him perfect access, the fur ticking his cheeks a bit though.
"Sit on me, baby girl." He urged and you lowered your hips. You weren't expecting the immediate pleasure you got from his tongue. He immediately swirling it around your clit, sucking hard. You gasped, falling forward, finding the head of his now fully hard cock in front of you. Once again, your eyes met Felix's and he nodded. Eagerly, you wrapped your hand around Chan's cock, your fingers not even able to touch. You wrapped your eager lips around the head, your jaw protesting some at the stretch. Chan rumbled under you; his strong arms surrounded your thighs to hold you where he wanted you. Your moan vibrated through his dick as you got as much as him as you could in your mouth. It would be too dangerous for you to let him into your throat, you had to center yourself by finding Felix again. He loved that you kept thinking of him throughout. It was also more arousing than he thought it would be, seeing your mouth full of his best friend's fat cock. Chan ate you like a man starved and your boyfriend could see the characteristic twitch in your hips that meant you were close. You were more shocked than Felix that the other man was getting you to the edge so fast. His hand twisted in the tail again, tugging it slightly, and took your clit between his teeth, rolling it and you fell forward as you came, swallowing his cock deeper. Chan grinned as your cunt dripped on his tongue and he let the tail go, letting your orgasm ride out. When you came down, you pulled him out of your mouth, panting for breath.
"Okay, baby girl." Chan eased you to roll off of him, you landed on your back, still breathing harshly. Tears pricked your eyes and Felix instantly came to your side, petting your head softly, shushing you. You looked at him, so pitifully, ready to cry.
"Hey, shh, love." His heart broke seeing you like that and Chan got up on his knees next to you. He could tell you were crying from emotions, not physical feelings, but he still felt bad. At the same time, he was extremely proud of himself for making you cum like that. He had satisfied the goal he set in the past, not ever thinking to dust it off and complete it. Chan's heart thudded again, this time in sorrow. You were too precious.
"I'm sorry, Felix." Your breath hitched and he leaned down to kiss your forehead, petting your hair. Instantly he felt bad for feeling jealous.
"Love, (Y/N), its fine. I'm not mad." He chuckled a bit to reassure you.
"Yes, sweet. I just want you to feel good, okay?" He hummed and you nodded, sniffling. Chan finally saw the relationship dynamic you two really had. It was a dominance and submissive one, but Felix played the role so softly. And you were so cute with it, not a hint of being a brat.
"You want to keep going, baby girl?" Chan made sure and you nodded shyly. He smiled warmly and helped you sit up, removing the loose headband so you could stop fiddling with it.
"Can I take all this off her?" Chan asked and Felix nodded. You sat there like a good girl as Chan gently undid and removed everything from you but the black choker. He even took the tail off the plug, leaving the silicone toy inside you. The other man also took the tie from your hair, letting it fall over your shoulders. The way he looked at you actually warmed Felix's heart. He also knew if you asked him, he would be open to letting Chan in on your relationship. If it was him…he could share you. That was something to bring up later though. You shivered a bit, now a tad chilly and Felix smiled, climbing on the bed to hug you from behind.
"Good girl." He soothed and helped Chan maneuver you to sit on his lap, back to him. Felix placed a soft kiss to your lips, and you whined at the feeling of Chan's cock wedged in the cleft of your ass. Felix had decided not to turn the vibrations on, planning it as a surprise. The encounter turned out to be softer than he originally thought it would be.
"What're you thinking, 'Lix?" Chan knew him too well, could see the gears turning. His eyes met the eldest's and you looked up at him too. His eyes cast to yours. It wasn't a secret that you had a huge crush on Chan about a year ago, but you never pursued it. Little did you know, Chan had liked you too, for a while. He didn't even piece together, that's what it was at first, but Felix knew. Even when Chan would deny it to himself, Felix knew. Felix could still sense your love for himself, but he also saw how you looked at his best friend.
"You want him too?" Felix asked and you didn't understand the question at first. Wasn't that why he was there? The other man figured it out immediately though.
"I'm not stupid, hyung." He huffed playfully and his true meaning registered.
"Felix?" you asked him, implying your question in your tone. Are you sure?
"We can discuss it after, but don't feel guilty." Your boyfriend kissed you softly on your cheek under your eye.
"Want him here?" Felix continued, helping you settle on Chan's lap, stroking his fingers through your soaked folds. You nodded softly, letting the man behind you hold you in his arms. You felt so secure, even more so with Felix there too.
"Think you can make her cum again?" Felix challenged and the other man smirked.
"Let's see." He nuzzled behind your ear, one of his hands sliding down your stomach till his fingers hit your clit. You whimpered as he swirled over it, then slid both fingers home. You sighed as his fingers filled you. They were thicker and longer than Felix's, but just as talented it seemed. His palm rubbed hard over your clit as he scissored the digits in you, the pad of one finding the rough spot on your back wall. You twitched when he rubbed over it and Felix watched the gears turn in Chan's head. His fingers left your core, rubbing back up to your clit, and he exposed the little nub further. He was an expert, Felix decided. He learned your reactions instantly, knowing just what to do next. Chan then fucked three fingers into you, harshly pressed against your further exposed clit with his palm. His fingers crooked hard and up, his palm swirling your clit and you shivered hard, head tossed back to land on his shoulder. You were close. Once again removing his fingers, he took your button between two fingers, pinched hard and pulled your nub, and Felix watched your cunt spasm as you came. The slight bit of jealousy he still felt dissipated when he saw the way Chan looked at you. He nuzzled your temple with his nose as you trembled, kissing the crest of your ear. As you shuddered, coming down again, your head rolled so you could look at him.
"Fill her up, hyung." Felix allowed, smiling as your eyes widened.
"'Lix~" You reached out for him, Chan still loosely hugging you to him. The eldest smiled fondly as Felix came to you, the smile on the other’s face was so warm. Chan could tell how much you two loved each other, and he was honored you both were willing to let him wiggle his way in. When he was within reach, your hands stroked over your boyfriend's pretty freckle covered cheekbones.
"Let’s have Channie fuck you, hm?" He cooed, the words racier than his tone implied. You whined with a nod and Chan chuckled softly at your cuteness. You both were so cute.
"Okay, baby girl. Tell me if it’s too much." The man behind your spoke into your ear, his arms holding you closer, his right hand coming to cup your left breast. You never got much sensation there, but you did flinch a bit when he pinched your nipple. Chan loosened his hold, moving his hands to rest at your hips, and Felix's moved to your waist. You let them move you around like you were a ragdoll till you were kneeling, cunt hovering over Chan's cock.
"Good girl." Felix praised, kissing the corner of your mouth as they both led you to sink on the eldest's dick. The feeling knocked the air out of you, he was so fucking big. You couldn't help but ponder how much bigger he could be if he was taller. He whispered soothing words in your ear, Felix kissing over your collarbone. You breathed, using the same technique as when your boyfriend fucked into your ass. Chan groaned, your cunt was so hot and tight, and he could feel your slick gummy walls perfectly. It made you all the more addicting. He could also feel the bump of the plug in your ass through the walls of your cunt. When Chan felt your cervix kiss the head of his cock, he halted your descent, a good inch or two left.
"M-more." You pressed and Chan rubbed circles over your lower stomach. He smirked, he could feel the bulge of his cock already, and you mewled when he pressed down.
"You sure, baby girl?" Chan's voice had gotten huskier somehow, deeper, rumbling through you. Felix smirked and lowered his voice himself, bringing his mouth to your other ear. What your boyfriend planned on saying next would probably earn him a playful smack later, but he was so eager to see your unfiltered reaction. Your eyes were already blank, nothing but cock on the brain.
"Tell daddy how you want his cock." Felix ordered you and Chan gasped as your cunt squeezed him hard. He huffed, thinking he misheard what Felix whispered to you at first.
"Want daddy deeper~" You whimpered and the men both groaned at your plea.
"Yeah?" Felix teased you further.
"Yes, sir~" You pled to him instead and he smiled. You were too fucking cute. There was a very specific reason Felix preferred you called him sir during sex, and that reason was splitting you open on his cock. At first, he didn't want to use 'daddy' because he was jealous, thinking it might make you think of Chan. Especially since you jokingly called the eldest that all the time. But now…everything worked out perfectly.
"Okay, pumpkin." Your boyfriend's pet name for you changed and the new word made your core pulse around the other's dick. Chan knew that you both went full into roleplay mode at that.
"Daddy~" You whined, and he laughed, acquiescing. You yelped when his hips shifted under him better, letting him thrust up hard, burying his cock all the way in you. Words escaped you, only a string of babbles left you. Felix smiled and shuffled down the bed more. Chan watched, curious, and almost protested as the other man moved. He just let Felix do whatever though. Your legs were spread to sling over Chan's, holding them open. Felix's hands came to your inner thighs, spreading you further and he marveled at your folds straining to take Chan's massive cock. Your entire body jerked when he flicked his tongue at your swollen clit, his tongue lightly brushing over the other's dick. The man's arms tightened a bit around you as you slumped into him further, and with one more flick of Felix's tongue, you fell apart again. At this point, your cunt was burning from the overstimulation, but your boyfriend knew if you got over the crest of pain, you could just keep on going. After your spasms went away, he sat back to just watch again, nodding to Chan.
"Ready, baby girl? Want daddy to fuck ya good?" His hand came to rest under your jaw, putting just enough pressure for you to feel it but not restricting your airway.
"Please!" You mewled, head lolling back and forth. His other hand was still on your stomach, and Felix put his hands on your hips to help, lifting you slightly and pressing you back down as Chan fucked up. You gasped, your cunt stung from the friction, but the pain was so good as the man behind you railed you. It was a good thing Felix was okay with Chan joining, you thought on later, because you didn't think you could live never taking him again. You were definitely a size queen and Felix marveled at you taking his friend like a champ.
"Ah, fuck, (Y/N)~" Chan was getting close, and he looked to your boyfriend, asking permission. Felix looked at your fucked out expression.
"Cum in her." he told Chan, and he got as deep as he could and let go. Your stinging core piqued, the pain burning into pleasure, and you weren't sure if Chan filling you with his sticky cum was what put you over or Felix's voice.
"Oh, good girl~ Fuck!" The man moaned himself as he felt his cum overflow from your cunt and drip down past his balls and onto the bedding. Felix was still rock hard, not having came or been touched at all that night, but he was fine dealing with himself in the shower if you were too tired.
"Felix!" You reached for him again and he came back to you.
"What do you need, pumpkin?"
"You…" You pouted and he smiled bright.
"I don’t think your cute little cunt can handle more." He cooed and Chan huffed playfully. He was still hard and really didn't want to pull out anyway.
"Let’s turn her around." He suggested to the younger man. You keened a bit when they moved you around. When your chest met Chan's, he sunk back into you, the new position and angle let him sink deeper. You shivered, falling into him and he laughed.
"You're so cute." He praised. He was content to let you warm his cock, watching Felix scooch forward. His fingers wrapped around the plug, and you breathed as if through muscle memory as he pulled it out. It clattered onto the floor from his tossing it. Could your body handle him filling your ass with Chan in your pussy? Guess you all would find out soon enough. Your breathing shifted when you felt Felix's cock at your pucker, he barely pressed the tip in as he took the lube Chan had reached for on the nightstand. Drizzling more onto himself, he started to ease inside you. You shivered, your back hole welcoming the familiar intrusion.
"So good, pumpkin." Your boyfriend praised. To get in you best, he had to swing his leg over Chan’s, but he didn't mind. Chan helped him adjust you some and they both let you adjust to being completely full. Each breath you pressed out carried a slight moan and your little noises brought grins to both of the men's faces. After witnessing everything, as well as your even-tighter-than-usual canal clenching his cock, Felix knew he wouldn't last long. Might be for the best anyway considering your physical and mental state. Your nails weekly dug into the skin of Chan's chest where you laid as Felix pumped his hips. His thrusts were short and deep, and your body rocking slightly brushed your sensitive clit against the skin of Chan's pelvis. A defined vein that led down to his cock gave just enough of a differing pressure as you rocked.
"Okay, love, I'll fill you good than you can take a bath. Daddy and I will take care of you tonight and tomorrow." Felix picked the pace of his thrusts up and Chan hissed some as your cunt clenched hard and your nails carved crescents into his skin.
"(Y/N), be a good girl for daddy and cum." Chan's words were all you needed, and you came one more time, Felix spraying your insides white. From the tight clench and the wait, Chan was sensitive himself and you cumming made him fall apart with you two. Even more jizz spurted out from where your body met Chan's and more of the sticky goo leaked from where Felix was inside you. You were a complete mess and Felix wouldn't have it any other way. Your consciousnesses faded, your eyes slipping closed, and the two men praised you for doing such a good job for them. Deciding to just clean you up with a towel for now, Felix helped you rest on your side as you slept, leaving the blanket off you, your skin still hot. Your boyfriend petted your hair as Chan took a quick shower and then they switched places.
"Are you sure?" the eldest asked, stroking your hair softly when Felix sat on the bed behind you.
"You love her, right?"
"I-I…" Chan swallowed hard.
"I didn't want to admit it before, but she likes you a lot. I know though that she loves me too…I think she deserves the world, but why not throw the moon in along with it?" Felix meant every word. He loved you so much that he wanted you to be loved twice as much, if not more.
"Well, guess I should change my name to Moon, huh?" Chan huffed and Felix rolled his eyes at the horrible pun.
"Just promise me when you two get married that I can be the best man." The eldest continued and your boyfriend smiled down at you.
"Of course. Wouldn't have anyone else."
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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system-to-the-madness · 11 months
My Cards - Spencer Reid x Reader
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort Word Count: 2 916 Warnings: mentions of canon-typical violence (abduction, murder), mentions of drug use in the past Summary: At the day that Spencer is clean for eleven years, he decides it’s time to show you his cards. A/N: I've got a few asorted fics that I've writen ages ago, and will publish one after another (might sprinkle some anime and soc in between). Sorry for that already. If you want to block a certain fandom: the tag to blog is #mad (fandom shortcut) for criminal minds, that would be #mad cm
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13 years. That’s how long Spencer Reid was your colleague already. Actually – he would correct you – it had been 13 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, 5 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes and approximately 26 seconds.
You were not sure for how long he had been your best friend. Probably 12 years. Spencer would not have been able to answer that question if you had asked him. After all this time he still sometimes struggled in accepting that there was someone he could call whenever, literally whenever he needed someone.
You had been with him through thick and thin, had been there for him after he had been abducted by Hankel, had comforted him, when he had cried for Hotch and Jack after Hayley had been murdered, had talked until the early hours of the morning after Emily had supposedly died. You had never been further than a phone call away, had never complained when he called you in the late hours of the night because he had had another nightmare, had cooked him tea or watched trashy soap operas with him when he had felt down.
He wondered if he had ever paid you back enough. Whether the few times you had called him after a nightmare or a traumatic event or a bad case would ever be enough to make up for what you had given him. With you around, his flat felt like a home, with you on the other end of the sofa he did not worry about the shadows lingering in the corners of the room.
He felt like a pervert for the many times he had asked you to share a bad with him, so he could fall asleep more easily. Every time, without fail you had climbed under the covers with him, maybe even wrapped your arms around him and stroked his back, lulling him to sleep. He hated himself for all the times he had reached out a hand while you were sleeping, to feel if you were really there, if your skin was warm, your chest lifting and lowering with even breaths.
People often liked calling him a genius, but it had taken him many years to figure out that somewhere along the line he had fallen in love with you after you had prevented his complete self-destruction over Maeve‘s death. He felt guilty for it, for having fallen in love with you while you had helped him grieve another woman he had loved, and somewhere in his heart still did. One night you had told him, that he would always carry the people he had once loved in his heart. He had asked how it would ever be possible for someone to accept him if a part of him still loved someone else. You had shrugged at that and answered, that this person would have to understand that we are made off who and what we love, that this way Maeve had become a part of him, which this person would love too, if they loved him. He had nodded at that, and wondered if you could ever love him.
When he had first realised his feelings for you, he had thought his heart wanted to numb itself by making up emotions for you to forget about Maeve, but after years he felt just as strongly about you as he had back then, and he came to the conclusion that maybe he had always loved you, deep in his heart.
12 years. That’s how long you had been friends with Spencer. And yet you had the distinct feeling, that tonight was different, that tonight was not his usual call for comfort. He had been nervous, when he had asked you if you wanted to come back to his place after work, and he had never been nervous around you before.
Now you stood in his living room, your shoes kicked off next to the door, just like his, your jacket on the coatrack, half covered by his. Usually you had no trouble to make yourself at home, but Spencer’s behaviour, his nervousness, made you feel like this was the very first time you had stepped into his flat, so you stood in the living room, fiddling with your fingers, while Spencer was searching for something in his bedroom.
When he emerged back into the living room, he tossed you something, which you barely caught. Confused you turned a coin in your hands, the dim light not allowing you to read the lettering immediately, but then you made it out.
“10 years?”
You held up the coin to take an even closer look, but other than that, and a small symbol, you could not find anything else edged into it.
“Is that a sobriety coin,” you asked, handing it back to Spencer, who took the coin back and let it wander through his fingers.
“It is,” he nodded, letting the coin disappear into seemingly thin air, presenting his empty palms to you before he sat down on the sofa.
You tried thinking back to ten years ago, and what had happened back then. Somewhat over eleven years ago Hankle had kidnapped him-
Spencer seemed to have interpreted your focused expression correctly, because without further prompting he explained.
“Dilaudid. Hankel injected me with it repeatedly. I- I developed an addiction.”
For a long while you looked at him as he was fiddling around with the coin again. You had always suspected that there had been a phase soon after the Hankle incident in which something had been off. You had basically lived at his place for half a year, since he had called you every night, asking you to come over. You had never hesitated to do so, your desire to comfort your friend also driven by the worry he might do something stupid. Like give in to an addiction. You should have confronted him about it, should have asked. Actually, you had thought about it, countless times, but always come to the conclusion, that he would only deny everything and shut himself off. You had let him suffer on his own, he had never, until today, felt comfortable enough to tell you about it. Maybe you could have helped him. Maybe-
“Actually, it’s eleven years today,” he suddenly said, and lifted his head to look at you. The coin was, once again, gone. “I just… I wanted to spend today with you, instead of going to a meeting.”
The voice died in your throat at Spencer’s soft, lopsided smile, the smile he always gave you when he knew exactly what you were thinking, but also knew it was wrong.
“You think you should have said something back then, don’t you?”
You nodded quietly and watched him lean back into the cushions.
“Would you believe me if I told you that you’re the person, who actually helped me to get clean?”
He chuckled at your furrowed brows and patted the space next to him on the sofa, but you remained standing, rooted in spot. You had no right to sit next to him, to be here in his apartment, to be anywhere near the man you had let down knowingly.
“You left a flyer here once, for the community centre,” Spencer explained.
You remembered the flyer. You had spent hours upon hours looking up drug addiction in law enforcement until you had come across a newly funded self-help group in a new community centre not too far away from his flat. After work you had driven by there and picked up a flyer, which a couple of days later you had put onto Spencer’s table, telling him you were interested in one of the pottery classes, and if he wanted to go with you. The advertisement for the pottery class had been right underneath that for the self-help group and been your boldest attempt at ever confronting him.
“Without that flyer, I never would have had the courage to get help,” Spencer confessed. “Other than you, of course.”
“What did I do,” your voice almost was not loud enough for him to hear, drowned by tears that now also blurred your vision. “I just left you alone, I-”
“You always came when you called,” he explained, “I wanted you over as much as possible so I wouldn’t have time for the next fix. I- well I practically used your compassion to get clean.”
“Why did you never tell me?”
Spencer’s smile slowly died, and he pressed his lips together, a clear sign that he knew the answer but felt uncomfortable sharing it.
After a moment of deafening silence, he answered. “I was scared you’d be disappointed in me.”
“Disappointed? Spencer I could never-”
“It was easier to believe that than to accept the truth, that there really might be a person who would care for me either way, no matter how much I fucked up,” he confessed. “It’s still- I still struggle to accept sometimes that you are always here for me. Like… nobody ever really cared about me, other than my mum, and yet… you’ve been here every time I needed you, for years.”
“Not every time. I should’ve-”
“Every single time. And I just can’t understand why you would do that to yourself.”
“Because you’re my friend, Spencer. And I wanted to help you. Just like you helped me, too, when I needed help.”
“When did I help you?”
“You were the first one to check in on me whenever I had to shoot someone. You always make soup when I’m sick, you come over when I have nightmares, or am just lonely. You take me out to movies when I whine about not having a social life, you read me to sleep, sometimes for hours. Do you even realise how much you helped me all these years? Without you I would’ve quit the BAU a long time ago, but with you I can face the demons.”
Spencer looked at you, really looked at you. The soft orange light of the reading lamp beside the couch made his brown eyes glow like ambers. Neither of you turned away, just blinked occasionally. You wanted to tell him, then and there, that you loved him, that you had loved him for years, but you figured that there were some truths your friendship could not withstand. Maybe Spencer had felt that way about his addiction the whole time too. You wondered if there would ever be a time where you could tell him ‘hey Spencer, actually back then, I was totally in love with you and thought I’d spent the rest of my life with you’, and then you’d laugh about it. You blinked the thought away.
“Why did you tell me now,” you wondered, being the first to break the silence.
“I figured, after eleven years, it’s time to tell someone. So tonight I’m showing you my cards.”
“Cards? Plural?”
“There is one more thing.” Spencer got up from where he had been sitting on the couch, but did not step closer while your thoughts were reeling.
One more thing. Another secret he had never told you. Had he been diagnosed with schizophrenia? No, statistically he was too old for that. Dementia? His mother had it, and sometimes even young people got diagnosed with it. No, probably not, you would have noticed. Was he leaving the BAU? Did he have cancer?
“Whatever world ending scenarios you’re coming up with right now, it’s none of that, I promise you,” he spoke quietly. You hated how well he knew you. Well, not hated, but.. well.
“Is it bad,” you asked, watching how he started fiddling around with his hands again. He suddenly got nervous.
“I don’t know,” he answered, his voice a little higher than before. “It depends, I guess.”
“On what?”
“You.” His answer made your heart sink. “But things will be different, no matter what.”
“I don’t want things to be different,” you shook your head, silent panic rising in your chest. “I like the way things are now.” Quickly you took a few steps across the living room right to him and grabbed one of his hands. “I don’t want things to change!”
“And I don’t want to keep secrets, so please let me be honest.”
For a moment you looked at him, at his beautiful brown eyes, which had brought you comfort for so many years, at his wild, brown curls, at his dress shirt and the loosened tie, and the soft cardigan, and then his eyes again. If you allowed him to speak, you might lose everything you had had with him. He had been your anchor, long before you had developed feelings for him, but now that you had, you wanted to fight, so you did not have to give him up.
But he was his own person. Earlier or later, he would tell you. And he had said whether that secret was bad or not depended on you, so you needed to be ready to accept what he was about to tell you, just like that time your high school crush had confessed to you that he was gay and you had ended up with setting him up with his crush. They were married now. So, whatever it was-
Slowly you nodded, and Spencer’s previously tense features softened slightly. His eyes skipped over your face, making you feel strange self-aware, and his fingers tightened around yours, from where you had taken his hand; a comforting squeeze. Carefully he shuffled closer and bent down. For a moment you thought he might kiss you, but of course he would not do that. Yet he did not lean to your ear either. He just looked at you for a moment, making you hold your breath.
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered, his breath fanning over your lips hotly, “That’s my last secret. I’m in love with you and have been for the past three years. What you do with that information is now up to you.”
For a moment you did not move, did not dare moving, just stared at him with your heart hammering in your chest. You were an excellent profiler, had studied human behaviour for soon 20 years, had learnt to recognise what lying looked like. Spencer was not lying. Maybe you were dreaming, but even then-
A flicker of your eyes to his lips was all it took for Spencer to lurch forward and close the remaining distance between your lips. He was not gentle as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in, but rather desperate, desperate to finally feel you as close as he had always dreamt of, desperate to taste your lips and feel your breath. Hoping to find anything to hold onto, you wrapped your arms around him too, slid one hand into his fine locks, the other gripping tightly into his soft cardigan.
Kissing him was nothing like you had imagined it to be, but so much better. He was careful and yet demanding, and he slipped his tongue over your lips and into your mouth, gentle but unrelenting in the way he held you, walked you back to the couch, where he slowly lowered you down, before sitting down next to you, never breaking the kiss. Faintly you felt his heartbeat in his lips and under his skin, hammering hard, testimony of how much he had wanted this. And with each touch of his, your own guilt over the feelings you had developed for him slowly melted away and left nothing but hot, searing love in its path.
Only when you were out of breath, lips red and swollen, cheeks hot, did you pull away, gently shoved against Spencer’s chest, who was still trying to chase your lips. His eyes were wide and glassy as he finally met yours, still completely entranced, and yet confused as to why you had pulled away.
“Enough,” you commanded with shivering voice and a smile on your face, “enough, I need air.”
“Oh,” Spencer mumbled, and you could pinpoint the exact moment he started building up his walls, already searching for an excuse to explain what just had happened.
Not wanting to allow this, you quickly grabbed his face in your hands, and forced him to look at you. His cheeks were hot, and his eyes danced around uncertainly, before finally resting on yours.
“I’m in love with you too,” you whispered, and leant forward to peck his lips, before quickly hiding your face against his neck. You barely saw his look of doubt turn into that of surprise before a smile took over his face.
“Oh,” he repeated, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer against his chest. He smelled divine. Like safety, like home.
“Can we just stay like this forever,” you asked, you voice muffled against his skin.
“Actually-” from his tone of voice you could tell he would doubtlessly tell you how long it would either of you approximately take, until one of you needed the bathroom or something to eat, but then he stopped himself. “Yes.”
You chuckled against his neck, causing a shiver to run through him and goosebumps to rise on his arms. Gently you brushed your lips against his skin, not getting enough of how soft it felt. Forever was probably not long enough.
You had been colleagues with Spencer for 13 years, his best friend for 12. But from tonight on you also were his lover.
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wordstome · 9 months
the very first night (ntwdt pt 2)
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tell me that you hate it hate that i'm no longer in your reach if i can't hear you say it maybe you can't change it, but if you never if you never put it on the line how am i gonna sign for it?
alpha colonel König x beta ex-lover reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, reader's callsign is Eden, reader speaks French, omegaverse, exes to lovers, fraternization, fantasy version of military protocol, probable incorrect use of "copy"
2.2k words
tw: mentions of dead bodies and vague violence, dirty talk, könig is in rut but no actual sex happens, mention of grinding
Do you guys still even remember this au??? 😅 I'm back to writing this fic with this specific format just like the last time I had bad writer's block. I'm sorry that I basically made you guys take a poll and then immediately disregarded the results :( metalhead König is going to be the next one published, and then kosovo maiden. Anyway, this is less of a foray into the omegaverse as it is into exploring a married couple's dynamic. Forgive me if it's inaccurate, I've never been married. (Several of the people who will probably read this are married so...I might be really embarrassing myself here lol)
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“Two on your six, O’Conor.”
König watches as his colleague takes down his pursuants with practiced ease. “Good to have someone watching over me, Eden.” the man roughs into his comms.
“It was my pleasure, Declan.”
“Can you two keep the flirting off the main comms?” Fender huffs. König hears O’Conor snort before the line goes quiet.
“Steady,” Horangi says next to him.
“What?” König says.
“You’re breathing like an angry bull. It’s unnerving.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s obvious you’re mad O’Conor’s flirting with your ex-wife.”
“She’s not—“ König lets out a sigh of defeat and tips his head away from the scope. “She can do whatever she wants. I’m not her keeper.”
“Right, which is why you’re white-knuckling your rifle and giving off the most furious pheromones I've ever felt."
König gives his friend a deadly side eye. “Can I help you?”
“Nah. Just confirming what I already know”, Horangi answers, unbearably smug.
König rolls his eyes and returns to the task at hand.
The two of you avoid each other, mostly.
When you’re forced to interact, it's with stiff professionalism. Cold and distant. The way it was when it was really, really bad.
You spend your time becoming closer to the other operators. O'Conor, for one, is someone you find yourself growing close to. In your line of work, it's usually not a good idea to get too attached to someone who may not see the next day, but it's part of your job to know these people now.
They're so competent that you can ignore the obvious, anyway.
König's always been competent, but watching him work nowadays is strange, like watching a remake of a nostalgic childhood film.
His movements are the same. He flicks his wrist the same way, with a heartbeat's worth of pause before the movement. Him taking cover, leaning with that awful posture you always got on his case about.
But everything about him is more ruthless, more efficient. The unrefined brutality of his youth is replaced with a honed precision that is foreign to you.
It stings, though you know the feeling has no right to exist.
You can't keep yourself from reminiscing about the past, when everything about him was familiar. When you knew him so well, it was enough to save both your lives.
"We've lost comms with König."
Your heart drops into your throat. You've been on several ops with him at this point, but this has never happened before.
"What do you mean you've lost comms?"
"He's not responding."
"What?" Fear grips your heart at everything that implies.
"He's in your building, Eden. Find him and extract. Copy."
You move slowly, like ice is flowing through your veins. "Copy."
You will yourself to calm down. Lost communications doesn't mean anything but lost communications. Panicking that you're going to encounter his body will only ensure you end up as a corpse as well. Besides, who could ever take down a man like that, tall like a giant and quick like a viper as he is?
If you had lost comms, what would you do? Re-establish them, of course. Pick your way out of the building and do everything in your power to reconnect with your team. From where König entered, he'd be exiting the building on the east side. You turn to head that way, then hesitate.
König's not you, though. He's not like any other member of the team. Proud, arrogant, vicious König, far more so than other alphas. You used to be afraid of him while he was at work, but eventually you came to realize that was simply how he was in his element—a different persona he wore to battle. As much as you wished he would be sensible and take the safe route, König would never take the safe route. He'd be carrying on the mission on his own, moving towards the target at the center of the building.
But he's a professional. No matter how good he is at what he does, he's not a one-man army, and he knows the right thing to do would be to extract. It's a gamble. If you head towards the east exit and he's not there, you could be losing precious time to find him. But if you head towards the center, you could be walking right into a fight you can't win and become overwhelmed.
You let out a shaky breath and attempt to calm your mind. What would he do? What is he thinking? If you make the wrong call, if you don't know your lover as well as you think you do, one of you won't be walking out of here. You close your eyes and think.
You open them with newfound determination and turn towards the center of the building.
You'd been right, of course, judging by the fallen enemies you find as you move through the hallways. But you don't allow yourself to feel sure until the moment you lay eyes on him, securing the target—a hard drive containing sensitive information.
"König!" you hiss, just as he whips towards you, gun drawn. He relaxes when he sees it's only you. Despite the fraught situation you're in, you can't help yourself from dashing towards him and burying your face into his chest in a hug.
"Eden," he says, his relief evident.
"You stupid motherfucker," you hiss. "You should have extracted the moment your comms cut out."
His eyes crinkle up behind his mask the way they always do when he smiles. "You knew I wouldn't."
"Yes, because I am burdened with being one of the few people on this earth who knows you like the back of my hand. Atlas holding up the sky," you grumble.
"I know you're relieved to see me," he responds, joy evident in his tone.
You let out a sigh. "Can we just get out of here?"
"Aye-aye, captain."
You could do without those memories, you think whenever the two of you trade clipped exchanges during ops now.
König still has traces of the arrogance of his youth, but it shows through less now. He's wiser, more patient and far less reckless.
You catch yourself admiring how good of a leader he's become. His connection with his teammates is like muscles flexing a hand.
You're no longer a part of that nervous system.
In fact, he's always catching you off guard now.
The energy in the common area is weird today.
You can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s like everyone’s walking on eggshells, but at the same time, nobody’s mood seems to be that affected. It’s like you’re all mice living in someone’s walls: going about business as usual, but with some looming threat casting a pall over everything.
“Is it just me or does the energy on base feel off today?” you ask Calisto.
“Oh. Yeah, that. Don’t worry about it,” she says. She swings open the refrigerator and pulls out coffee creamer. “No need for concern. König’s in rut.”
You do a double take. “He is?”
“Yeah.” She’s casual about it as she dumps cream and sugar into her coffee. “Usually he has a pretty light rut—he just gets testy and irritated. But for some reason this time is bad.” She offers you the cream, but you shake your head. “Don’t know what’s up with him, but he had to barricade himself in his room. His scent is driving people up the wall.”
You stare at the table in front of you. It can’t be a coincidence that König’s rut gets worse as soon as you’re near him again, can it?
When you look up, Horangi is staring at you from across the room. Slowly, he raises his mug to his lips, never once taking his eyes off of you.
You swallow the lump in your throat.
Calisto was right. The scent is overwhelming, but it's also familiar. You can't blame the others for avoiding the area. If you'd never dealt with him in this state before, you'd be hightailing it out of there too. Which is why you're doing this despite...everything.
You hover outside his door, trying to gather yourself, or work up the nerve to knock, or anything. It doesn’t matter in the end, though.
“I can smell you, liebling,” comes his voice, deep and growling and verging on feral. A shiver runs up your spine. You haven’t been called that in a long, long time.
“I only came here to bring you things. Water and…snacks.” you stammer, instantly hating yourself for how weak you sound.
“All these years later…and you still smell the same.” He blows right past your feeble little excuse, not even dignifying it with a response.
“I’m just here to check on you,” you murmur.
“Is that so.” You gasp as you hear a loud thud against the door from the other side. Oh God, it’s him, his body heat almost burning through the wood, pressed so close that you can hear his heaving breaths. “How kind of you.”
“It’s the least I can do, considering…”
“Considering it’s your fault I’m like this in the first place?”
Your legs feel weak. “Yes.”
His voice is silky, dangerous despite the barely restrained lust behind it. “Good girl.”
“That’s not fair,” you whisper.
“That’s a shame. You used to like it when I called you that. Still do, according to my nose.”
You wish he wasn’t right, but he is. You’re so slick that you’re soaking your underwear.
“Do you want the water or not?”
“Are you going to come with it?”
“Because I promise you, if you’re still standing there when I open this door, you will get fucked against it.” He sounds like a savage animal snapping his jaws in hunger, and fuck, your body feels hot and weak in response. Every cell in your body is screaming out for you to throw open that door and let him fuck you limp. If you told him to break down the door, you’re sure that he would.
“You can’t say that anymore,” you whisper, hating the words as they leave you.
That seems to bring König back to rationality. You can picture him now on the other side of the door, shoulders slumping as he withdraws back into himself. "I...I'm sorry."
You slide down to sit on the ground with your back to the door, gripping a water bottle in a clenched fist. "It's like no time has passed at all, huh?"
You hear him let out a shaky breath, clearly trying to collect himself and bite back words he can't say. "Yeah."
That's the thing, isn't it? Your biology and his got the two of you into this situation in the first place. Very little of that has changed. Even though you've grown distanced in your minds, your bodies haven't forgotten the connection.
You're still struggling with how to feel about that. So much of your life has been dictated by what your body needs and wants. You've spent just as much time bucking against those needs and wants, so much that it feels like second nature.
"All of this...it takes me back. Do you remember the first night I spent with you during a rut?" you say. For a while you don't think he's heard you, but then he responds.
"How could I forget? It's my most embarrassing memory."
"I swore I would never let something like that happen again."
You giggle a little. "It was cute, for what it's worth." That first time, you'd come prepared with water and food, just like you had tonight, prepared for a long night full of...strenuous exercise. Instead, König had gotten so overwhelmed at his first rut with a partner that he came by just grinding on your leg and immediately fell into a 12-hour sleep.
"Yeah, you've said that. Doesn't make me cringe any less."
"And I'll say it again, it wasn't as bad as you think it is." You idly trace the cap of the water bottle with a fingertip. "There's no shame between us."
Another long pause before he responds. "Was."
A dull, throbbing pain nestles itself below your sternum.
"It...doesn't have to be past tense," you put forth tentatively.
"Doesn't it? We've gone right back to being strangers. You're still on the other side of the door."
You bite your lip. You can't deny that, nor the distance that's grown between the two of you.
This is all happening too fast. You don't know if you want to close the gap. You don't know if you're ready to make amends, after what happened.
"You're in no condition to have this conversation," you say, to distract both him and yourself.
"Conversation with you is hard to come by nowadays."
"Well...let's change that. Starting when your rut's over. Let's try talking like normal people again." This time, you don't know if you can blame your stupid biology for the relief you feel saying that. Maybe this time it's nothing but you and your treacherous heart.
You hear a thump against the door, but not an aggressive one. More like he's leaned his head against it. "I guess we have to start somewhere."
More silence. Then he speaks again, his voice tremulous.
"Can you stay? It's easier when you're here."
You swallow, your mouth gone dry like a desert. You can barely manage your next two words. "Of course."
The rest of the night is quiet, but you know he's there. At one point, you can even hear his steady, even breathing. Somewhere along the way, you notice that your breathing has synced with his.
The two of you fall asleep like that, propped up next to each other with a single layer of wood between you.
I miss you like it was the very first night...
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I only revised this once while exhausted out of my fucking mind at 3am, so forgive me if anything's awkward or clunky. I'll probably go through it again in the morning (and die of cringe). But there we go! I hope you guys enjoy. As always, I would love to see your thoughts and comments <3
Regarding my tag lists: I've had to leave out a few people, so if you see your url missing from this, please let me know and I'll add you back. Also, apologies if you're here despite not asking to be tagged for this particular story. I haven't gotten around to sorting out fic-specific taglists yet 🥲
@kneelingshadowsalome @danibee33 @crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @cookiepie111 @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @hexqueensupreme @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @deaddainish @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria @complexivelovely @black-moon-bunny @kit-williams @shebibtedmypepnis @mafer383
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
What The Fuck Is A Grid System
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Jack Thompson's a New Yorker, dammit, and when Peggy and Daniel leave him to find his own way through the winding streets of LA with only some shaky directions as guidance, he might need a little help from a local to see him through.
Word Count: 2,031
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: It is not only a miracle that this got done, but also that I'm happy with how it turned out 😂
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I narrowed my eyes as I sipped my coffee, watching a man on the sidewalk. The same guy had just walked past this building for the third time, looking increasingly irritated. He kept checking a sheet of paper in his hands, then looking up at the buildings before disappearing out of my sight. So far, he'd never been gone more than a few mintues before coming back.
I debated getting up and saying something when he returned a fourth time, although I ultimately opted to stay put. But when he came back for a fifth time looking ready to hurl the paper in his hand into traffic, I decided to do something.
I stood, setting my coffee cup down at the counter with a wave to the barista before heading out the door. The guy still stood in the middle of the sidewalk, the same spot he'd visited almost half a dozen times now, looking around the city like this time, something would change.
"Hey!" I called, strolling up to him with a wave. He turned around slowly, like he wasn't sure I was talking to him, then narrowed his eyes when he saw me approaching. I gave him my best winning smile. "You look like you could use some help."
The guy scoffed, immediately turning away from me. i just smiled a little wider. He was tall, and handsome, and clearly pretty arrogant. Unfortunately for him, he also clearly had no idea what the hell he was doing.
"So what are you looking for?" I asked, ignoring the clear brush off and stepping closer to him again. "I can probably help you find it."
"I don't need help," he snapped, at last turning to face me. I just raised an eyebrow and stared right back. He cleared his throat, quickly turning back to the paper in his hands as a flush crept up his neck. "I don't need help. This city needs help. Who the hell lays a place out like this?"
"Ohhh. I thought you had some New York enegry going. That makes sense."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
I waved him off. "Don't worry about it. Look, you may just be able to walk in a straight line to get where you want to go in New York, but this is LA. We do things differently here."
"Differently and much, much worse."
I snorted and rolled my eyes, then snatched the paper out of his hand before he could stop me.
"You're trying to get to the Sunrise Resort, right? Come on, it's this way."
"I've already tried that way."
"And clearly you did something wrong, since you ended up back here again. C'mon, let me help you. Unless you want to stand outside this coffee shop all day?"
I paused on the corner of the block, looking back at the man in question, his scribbled directions still held in my hand. He glared at me, and for a moment, I thought he really might not follow me. Then, he sighed and rolled his eyes, putting one foot in front of the other all the same as he trudged towards me.
"Fine. Let's go then."
He breezed right past me, walking with all the speed and huffiness I'd expected from him. I absolutely beamed at his retreating form, letting him get a few steps further away from me than necessary before calling out down the street.
"Wrong way, hot shot!"
He froze, his shoulders shooting up to his ears. I just grinned, waiting for him to eventually turn around. He did, slowly, a fierce scowl on his face. I had to fight back a chuckle.
"At least now we know where you were going wrong before. C'mon!"
I turned on my heel and started heading down the street in the opposite direction, this time trusting him to follow me. In less time than I'd been expecting, he caught up to me, falling into step beside me and walking with a confidence I hadn't expected him to recover for at least twenty minutes.
"You still need that paper, or do you actually know where you're going?" he huffed. I grinned and held it out to him.
"All yours!" He snatched it out of my hands, then shoved it in his pocket without another word. I let us walk in silence for another few steps, but this walk was going to be about half an hour all-told. I wasn't going to spend it walking in silence. "So... what's your name?"
The guy cut his eyes towards me, looking a little suspicious. I let the silence stretch, looking at him expectantly, and after the better part of the next block he sighed.
"Jack. What's yours?"
I told him, giving him the same beaming smile I'd given him a few times now. This time, he actually seemed a little more receptive to it.
"It's nice to meet you, Jack. So, what brings you out to LA?"
"Business. With any luck, I'll be out of here in a few days."
I laughed. "Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. It's the middle of winter, there's no way you're not at least a little bit happy to be in the LA sunshine over the New York winter."
"Have you had a pizza here?"
"Yes. I've also had ice cream on the beach in February. Both have been fantastic."
He snorted. "You really haven't lived yet if you think the pizza here is fanastic."
"Hm." I let my eyes wander, scanning the street ahead of us. Lo and behold, one of my favorite gelato shops was open on the next block, and even better, with almost no line. "Alright, pizza snob, time for a pit stop."
Before he could so much as open his mouth to ask a question, I grabbed Jack's arm and dragged him through the doors of the gelato shop as we walked past.
"Try doing this when you go back to New York and not freezing your ass off," I said as I stepped up to the gelato counter, pulling him with me. He huffed, but didn't put up any more of a fight. I smiled to myself as we surveyed the flavors laid out before us.
"Well, LA? What do you recommend?"
"Hm... honestly, you can't go wrong at this place. But I've always been a fan of the chocolate."
"Chocolate, huh?" He turned to the person behind the counter and called out. "We'll take two cones of chocolate."
I grinned, slipping forward to the counter and paying for the both of us while Jack grabbed our gelato cones. He turned for the cash register, then turned back to me with an incredulous look when he realized I'd beat him to it.
"I was gonna get that," he said. I just smiled and took my cone out of his stunned hand.
"You snooze you loose. Besides, I'm the one who dragged you in here. Consider it a better welcome to LA than our street system gave you."
Jack snorted, but the joke got him moving again. He fell into step beside me as we headed out of the gelato shop together.
"Well, thanks then. And I can say definitively, this has been a much better welcome than this city's ever given me before."
I laughed, leaning into Jack a little as we continued down the street, both happily eating our gelato. Unlike earlier, this time the silence was more comfortable than irritated, and I didn't mind it one bit.
As we continued making our way through the city, taking a few more gelato-style detours as we went, we fell into easy conversation. We talked about New York and LA, and Jack and I's lives in both places. He didn't seem to want to talk about work very much, so instead we talked about hobbies, things we liked to do in our free time, and even sports.
"Alright, you might've convinced me that there's something to this city that would make it bearable to be here for more than a few hours, but you will not convince me there's anything to the sports here. You don't even have a baseball team, for crying out loud."
"Oh yeah? Well both of our football teams beat all three of yours."
Jack huffed and waved me off. "Fluke. We'll get you next season."
"Like hell you will."
Jack snorted, but when I glanced over at him, I found him staring at me with an incredulous smile on his face.
"You know... I almost wish I were still lost," he said, the words tumbling out of him like he hadn't had time to think them through. "Walking around this city with you is the only time I've enjoyed myself here."
I smiled back at him, trying to ignore the way my heart sped up in my chest.
"Yeah. Why'd you decide to help me out, anyway?"
I shrugged. "You seemed like you needed it. And I didn't have anything more entertaining to do with my afternoon, anyway."
Jack huffed another laugh, then smiled at me.
"Well, then here's to you having way too much time on your hands."
"Cheers to that," I said, grinning right back at him.
Unfortunately, despite all our wandering and detours along the route, we'd finally made it to the hotel he'd been looking for in the first place. I heard Jack let out a small sigh as we headed into the lobby, and both of us dragged our feet more than we had for any other part of the way here.
"Well... I guess this is it, then," I said, turning to him and trying to force a smile on my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a man and a woman making a beeline for us. One of them shouted out Jack's name, a fair bit of concern and irritation conveyed in just Jack's name. I took a half step back towards the doorway, but Jack's hand shot out and caught my own before I could get further.
"Hold on. I'm not about to let the only thing worth being in this city for walk out that door without another word."
"I think your coworkers are anxious to talk to you."
Jack waved them off with his free hand. "They waited this long, they can wait a little longer. Can I get your number? I'll give you a call as soon as I'm done here. Take you out on a real date."
I raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying my tour of LA doesn't count as a date?"
"I bought you gelato! There's nothing wrong with platonic gelato, but after spending an hour and a half on a trip that usually takes thirty minutes, I think it should count as date gelato."
"Fine! Fine, alright, I agree with you. Let me take you out on a second date."
I grinned. "I like the sound of that."
Jack rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything as I grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled my number on the piece of paper he'd been trying so hard to decipher before I'd stepped in to help him. I handed it over, then leaned up to give him a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back.
"Call me," I said, slowly backing away. Jack's coworkers had stopped just short of hovering over his shoulder, and I appreciated them not interrupting our moment, but they looked increasingly impatient to talk to Jack. He didn't seem to care, his eyes never leaving me as I headed out of the lobby.
"I will."
"You better."
"I promise."
He grinned at me, and I grinned right back as I took the last few steps out of the lobby. The minute I cleared the doors, Jack's coworkers descended on him, sweeping him away with lots of gesturing and shouting I couldn't hear from beyond the glass. I watched them for another minute, then finally turned away with a smile still on my face.
Thank goodness LA didn't use a grid system. If not for our confusing network of streets, I'd never have met Jack. I couldn't wait for him to call for our second date, not least of all to point out my new argument in favor of LA's city planning. I could already tell, we were going to have fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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professorspork · 4 months
⭐️the triple meet cutes pls >:)
well, here is where the downside of the way I outline -- i.e. putting it directly into the document and then just replacing it with the prose itself as I go -- shows its head, because I'm not sure I can stitch the timeline on this together as perfectly as I'd like. luckily I can for some of it because I narrate the vast majority of my life events to @alexkablob thanks for being my searchable diary pal
lol gonna cut this too bc I AM VERBOSE
the true meet cute was always going to happen at a bar. "My friends are being jerks right now, can I sit with you?" is a line that was actually used on me (collectively, addressed to my friend group) at a bar, and it remains one of the BEST lines I've ever heard (love that poor little meow meow rizz), and it was always going to belong to Yang. I knew they'd begin there, and they'd end at "So you don't date. Do you make friends? I've been told I give great friend."
the question then became: how the fuck was I going to get Blake to go to a bar when I knew she's sober and a total hermit?
I considered her going to see a band she likes play, but didn't love that because it would put Yang in the rude position of interrupting something important that she was there to enjoy. I considered it being an open mic night, maybe something where they had an overlapping friend in common and didn't know it, but again-- that directs the scene, and suddenly it's about their mutual buddy rather than them and their chemistry. I considered several different settings (coffee shop? the park?) instead of a bar, to try and make it read smoother, but bar just Felt Right. as someone who's gone to bars to watch baseball when I didn't have access to cable, that cropped up as an idea, and then it was just a question of coming up with a sporting event Blake would possibly have interest in, and ice skating seemed feasible enough. back when I lived in the East Village, I had a corner bar I'd go to down the block from my place that had amazing fried pickles and I'd often do my homework there before it got busy, so that's where that came from.
the "last ferry out to Menagerie" paragraph, in which Blake recontextualizes and basks in her attraction to Yang after learning she's trans, is hands down the single excerpt I worked hardest on. the first step, as I was drafting it early last august, was coming up with the right metaphor in the first place. I wanted something which would help me avoid it reading like a "well you can always tell with those transes" cringefest
me: so now the thing i'm chewing on is-- is what we talked about before, which is figuring out how to write about blake being attracted to the parts of yang's appearance that are sort of self-evidently trans without it accidentally becoming a weird bioessentialist screed me: the best metaphor i've come up with so far is glasses, like-- like putting on your glasses after cleaning them when they've been smudgy for a week, and you suddenly have this wonderful appreciation for crisp little beautiful details me: but blake does not wear glasses and i'm not enough of a hack to give her glasses JUST FOR THIS (i did consider it) so now i'm trying to think of other ways to talk about that, like-- moment of dawning clarity
(sorry I did not give blake glasses. similarly, this past march while writing the big sex scene in chapter 9 I was like "well yes i'm 123k into this but what if I went through and edited everything to give Blake a nose ring wouldn't that be hot" and alexis talked me out of it so blame her.)
once I came up with the "last ferry" concept ("me, rollerblading down Main Street, AO3: HAVE YOU MARVELED AT THE CELESTIAL BEAUTY OF TRANS PEOPLE TODAY") I worked on those two sentences for over an hour. i am particular about my language and cadence always, but even for me this is uh absurdly excessive. WORTH IT THO, because it's the most important passage in the whole fic. i deleted and rephrased it probably a hundred times, trying to get the right flow, the right lyricism, and crucially not say "stars" 8 different times.
Blake's deep dark secret being that she's a country fan has been baked into this fic's essence from the very beginning; the title, "something wild and unruly," is from a Dixie Chicks song for this reason. IT WILL CONTINUE TO BE RELEVANT, and I had to get it in early.
as I've told several people, the "deck building game" joke also comes directly from my life. Helen and I went to New Jersey last June to do wedding errands -- tastings, fittings, engagement photo shoot -- and while we were there we visited a very cute bar in my hometown as a potential night-before-wedding hangout space. she casually mentioned that her sibling was texting her about... oh gosh, I can't remember the name of it, but I went "what's that?" and she said "a deck-building game" and because I was home, and thus around my mother and how she has HGTV on all the time, instead of oh, like Dominion I went "like a porch?" and then she laughed and laughed and I said "well that's definitely going in the fic."
luckily my wife is used to that, because I stole from our lives a great deal. she first started having car battery trouble in January of 2023, and then we opened up the hood and found scary corrosion and my dad talked me through how to clean that out the way Neptune does. from then on it was sort of floating in the back of my mind that this could be something I used in the story-- Blake's car is 100% based on Helen's car, which she bought at a police auction and clearly had a Rough Backstory-- but it was three weeks later that we finally got tired of jumping it all the time and called AAA. the guy really DID come like 2 minutes after I put the request in on the app, so shockingly Yang's fast turnaround time is actually based on life. and about ten minutes after that happened I declared:
me: no real-life anecdote is ever wasted and this is DEFINITELY happening to blake after she and yang have their meet-cute and it's yang who shows up and has to be like WELL HOW ABOUT THAT SERENDIPITY :D
about three months later I then had my OWN battery troubles, and that's when I went out of my way to ask the tech who came about a million questions about what the multimeter read and how cold crank amp tests worked. I pretty much wrote our conversation verbatim into a note on my phone, which became what Yang said. (the fellow who came then also had a very sharp and snazzy work shirt, and that's when I thought about how cute the little Yang on her breast pocket would be)
only it would be--
:) okay anyway
I don't know what it is about competent service professionals that make me go "you're Yang Xiao Long actually" but I've done it twice now, with my wedding DJ and with the AAA people
I went back and forth on whether the library meet-cute would come before or after the car scene, but in its earliest incarnation the idea was just that Yang would come up to the circ desk to check something out and oops Blake's standing there. at one point I even considered having Yang ask her out to lunch. once I realized it behooved me to have Yang and Pyrrha already be friends, so Pyrrha could vouch for her, I knew it had to come at the end to tie everything in a bow.
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kandisheek · 1 month
Run Program: DUM-E by Amuly
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 11,223 Tags: Developing Relationship, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Taking care of Tony is a lot of work. Especially when you’ve only got one arm. And your code dates back to the 1980s.
Reasons why I love it: Okay, first of all, the story format? Perfection. Choosing DUM-E's logs as a narrative device is goddamn genius – it's so much fun to watch the plot unfold through his eyes. And Steve bonding with DUM-E is just about the cutest thing I've ever read, I love it so much. Definitely read this one if you haven't, because you're missing out!
Arms And The Man by copperbadge
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 14,503 Tags: First Time, Coming Out, Mentions of PTSD
Summary: His best friend keeps cockblocking him, his relationship guru is a computer, and he might be gay. The future is very complicated.
Reasons why I love it: copperbadge always gets Steve and Tony's voices down pat, and this fic is no exception. I love all of the interactions between Steve and JARVIS, the trust that Steve places in him makes me so happy. Plus, the way that Steve and Tony's relationship develops is superb. I love this one, and I bet you will too!
The Multidimensional Oven by withasideofangst
Pairing: Gen Rating: G Words: 2,237 Tags: Bot-Napping, Fluff and Crack, Friendly Alien Invasion
Summary: “Oh, Tony, when you get a chance, Thor said something weird is going on with the oven, he says things keep disappearing into it. I told him it was probably just Barton again, but -” “I told you, I only did that once!” Barton cut off Steve.
Reasons why I love it: This is one of those fics that makes me laugh out loud, no matter how many times I've read it before. The whole premise is comedy gold, and withasideofangst's writing just takes it to the next level. I love this one, and I really hope you check it out for yourself!
Silver Linings by incarus_chained
Pairing: Gen Rating: M Words: 2,869 Tags: Avengers Family, Violence, Protectiveness
Summary: When Tony is pinned down, armourless, in a workshop during an assault on Stark/Avengers Tower, Clint is meant to be the cavalry. When he arrives, though, he finds that the enemy may have picked the wrong workshop to try and take Tony in. JARVIS, it turns out, really doesn't take prisoners.
Reasons why I love it: Let this fic be a lesson to all bad guys in the world - you shoot Dum-E, you're toast. I love Clint's perspective in this, because yeah, his fear is totally warranted, but he also understands Tony's and JARVIS’ actions on a level that others wouldn't have. This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it!
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 14,387 Tags: Fluff and Humor, Cock-Blocking, Matchmaker JARVIS
Summary: The best thing about being an Artificial Intelligence is the ability to parse, filter and modify the things people say until you've got the cause to do exactly what you wanted in the first place. Or, in which JARVIS cock blocks Tony into having an actual relationship.
Reasons why I love it: JARVIS is a troll and a schemer, and I love him for both of those facts. I'm always a huge fan of sneaky JARVIS, and this fic is a prime example of why, it's just so much fun to watch the mayhem unfold. And the smut in this one is impeccable. I love this fic so much, and I really hope you give it a shot for yourself!
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harringtonstilinski · 2 months
Armageddon It - Eddie Munson (Smut) ; Teaser
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader Word Count: 371 Warnings: none Requested: no | yes; Smut (Minors DNI): no | yes, 18+; eventually in the real fic once posted A/N: Hi, friends! Here's little teaser for the Eddie fic I was supposed to write for a challenge back in March with @stevesxyellowxsweater, but life ended up getting in the way, but I'm gonna finish it and post it in full, hopefully, soon!! If you like this, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
eddie munson masterlist
eddie munson playlist
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You were already feeling a little tired, so agreeing to Eddie’s offer of watching a movie seemed like the next best thing. As you walked back into the trailer, you set your stuff back down on the small kitchen table before walking to the couch, plopping yourself down while releasing a deep breath before yawning, “What did you want to watch?”
“None of that rom-com shit you like to watch,” he chuckled.
“Well, none of that horror shit you like to watch,” you retorted, smiling at the end to show him that you were joking.
He chuckled, sitting down next to you after he popped a movie into the player, the remote in his hand. Putting his arm around the back of the couch, he smirked, the trailers playing on the screen, the brightness of the screen lighting up his features.
Looking from him back to the tv, you groaned, a small bit of fear crossing your features. “Eddie. I hate this movie. Why would you pick this movie?”
“What’s wrong with this movie?” he asked, tapping his heels on the floor, his legs having been spread since he sat down.
“It’s fucking creepy!” you whined. “And I feel bad for the little piggie!”
“Well, I, for one, like the Horned King.” “Of course you would. The Black Cauldron is right up your freaking alley.” Crossing your arms, you scrunch your brows, wallowing in your discomfort causing Eddie to lightly chuckle to himself.
Not ten minutes into the film, and you were burying your face into Eddie’s shoulder, your hands up by your cheek. “Oh, fuck!” you exclaimed. This made Eddie chuckle, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, making your face go from his shoulder to his chest, your eyes peeking out from between your fingers. 
“Turn it off, turn it off,” you whimpered as the Horned King spoke on screen.
“How I’ve thirsted to be a god,” the Horned King said.
“You’re fucking creepy as shit, man! You’re no god! You’re just a devil with horns!”
Laughing, Eddie tightened his grip on your shoulders. “That’s the point, babe.” He didn’t mean to use the nickname, it just slipped out. Not that it didn’t feel good rolling off of his tongue.
A/N 2:  hi, friends! i hope y’all liked this, and it got y’all excited for the rest of the fic!! i’m working as hard as i can to get it finished and posted. again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad, and i've just been really focused on reading/listening to books.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​​ @stixnstripesworld​​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft​​​ @lauren-novak​​​​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on August 11, 2024
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pentuppen · 5 months
"In a thousand years, when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again, you'll flit back into my heart, and I'll weep wondering what happened to my mad love."
So I had a brain worm, and writers block so i fixed the one, and hope like hell that fixes the other.
This line from Astarion broke me, and while I never went through with a full evil Durge run, I did catch the end scene of the prologue. This particular scene had been rolling around in my head for months but i never wanted to do a full Durge fic.
Anyway today I thought fuck it and this miserable bit of angst finally got written up so now it can bugger off!
Was I ever here?
You have been walking for days, feet bared and blistered, your limbs shuddering and cracking with each corpse-like step you take. Every move is an agony you embrace, while your blood pounds like a sickened war drum in your ears, red churning with black, pulsing with violence behind eyes of rolling madness. You are no longer you, the dark whispers wear you like a ragged cloak now, his voice, ceaseless, commanding…hungry, they dig their gnawing teeth into the blighted meat of your brain, seductive and burning with bloody lust.
You are starved, desperate to satiate the squirming vile need that tightens your loins and churns bile in your throat as you look out at the feast before you. Unseen but seeing everything. You were not invited, already forgotten and left to crawl away into the depths of their memory like a bad dog. So many precious lives, cracked and riddled with the filth of uncertainty in the beginning, now they gleam like so many jewels scattered across the clearing that was your first temporary home.
You watch them live. Smiling, laughing, drinking and existing. Teeth softly clamp down on the ends of your fingers, trapping a whimpering whine that evolves into a low growl. Were you ever real? Or did you find a dream buried deep in the rot of your soul, a dream in which you were a person, and not a weapon?
You see him finally, that creature of pale, timeless beauty and sweet, murderous eyes. You watch him throw his head back and laugh, teeth bearing down on your own fingers until the flesh parts and you taste your own bitter copper. He promised he would weep, and yet he laughs, still beautiful, and happy. Not fair, not right. He has forgotten enough to laugh, and the sound rakes canyons in the scant, flickering light of your soul.
Your pain does not sate you, instead it hollows you all the more, until you are retching with the hunger to fill it, to pack the weight of their suffering against this new wound like a poultice. But you wait, their joy filling you like sour poison, hate pulsing and growing in you like a malevolent child as they continue their forgetting, drowning it wine and good tidings. 
You watch him most of all, and it’s like holding your hand in the middle of a campfire, every second an agony. Why him, why not you? Why not both? He slayed his monsters, both inside and out, and they remembered him, yet you do not hear your name on their lips or in their hearts. Again you ask yourself. Were you ever here?
They eventually  rest in easy stupor, even him. Does he dream of you? Or were the memories of you discarded with the other nightmares that chased him for so long? Did he vanquish you as he vanquished his Master? You could make him remember. You could paint your desire in shades of drying red. Your blade, his heart, they were made for each other. Just as you should have been.
The idea catches you like a fever as you worm your way through the grass, belly slick with dew as you crawl like a broken snake through the grass, silent and seething with purpose. You would make him remember, crawling to the mouth of his tent, your blade poised high. He promised he would weep, but his beautiful face is at peace, and now it was time to cut
. Your blade is quick, parting and peeling flesh, your hands gloved red, reaching and grasping into the gore filled cavity. He doesn’t even move as your fingers squirm through wet flesh, finding that frantic creature beating creature, palming it, squeezing it. Those black voices scream in delirious ecstacy, for what could sate that hunger better than the sensation of a fragile heart in murderous hands? 
You’re lips open in a silent snarl as you grasp that heaving, pulsing betrayer, he would remember now….
He wakes to a nightmare. It kneels before his tent with its head bowed, a gruesome sentry that has him sitting up quickly. The blood is everywhere, seeping into the ground, the walls of his tent and the blankets beneath him. He knows that gore streaked shape, even as his mind tries to rebel, logic scruffs its neck and makes him see.
She kneels like some gruesome idol, her hands cupped in her lap, her chest a mass of blood and exposed, cracked bone. He captures the ugly sound of grief and disgust behind a pale hand, eyes fixed to the lump of meat held in stilled hands. She had once told him that her heart was his, but in the end he couldn’t bear to take it. Not with what she had become.
She’d never stood a chance, her fate paved even before the very idea of her was conceived. He’d tangled her in all those pretty strings of deceit, and she had still loved him in her own bloody way. But he hadn’t been able to do the same, hadn’t been able to follow where her path took her.
Hadn’t been able to save her.
Even now his eyes remain dry as he moves hair clumped with thickening blood from a face that was finally at peace. He feels the burn, the urge, and the lump even forms in the back of his throat.
But no tears fell. In the last six months, he had wept in both agony and anger, creating floods with longing and grief, drowning himself in the regret of the decision while living in the agony of knowing it was the right one.
There were no more tears left to give for his mad love.
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penguinmerchant · 1 year
Fanbinding of "Live from New York"
Live From New York by Varnes
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Another mostly successful binding! This one is a binding of the most hilarious thing I've ever read, "Live From New York" by Varnes on AO3. Now, I'm gonna put a disclaimer here--I'm not really into MDZS. I've tried watching the Untamed, I've watched the anime, I've tried reading the books, and I've never really clicked with any of it. Basically I know enough about the characters to not be totally confused when I read fanfic and that's it. Which I am super glad about because I am not lying when I say this is the funniest thing I've ever read in my goddamn life.
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Process info and more pics under the cut.
So this guy is 87,000 words, give or take a few, which is what I have discovered is the absolute maximum that my guillotine can cut. Good to know if I ever want to do something longer, because it will have to be broken up. And because of some sort of miracle (or maybe it was this thing from Amazon) I managed to cut this thing totally straight. Which if you've read my other posts is a huge first for me. I think the problem was that the text block was just moving around too much when the blade was pressed down, but that little magnetic bastard is tough and it kept everything exactly where it was supposed to be.
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The endpapers, a bunny and moon motif that is PERFECT for this book. See, I know enough about Lan Wanji to know that he has bunnies! Anyway, these were silk screened chiyogami paper from etsy and they're beautiful. They're thicker than normal paper and almost like a very thin fabric, but they took to glue super well and I'm so so happy with how they went down (and how cute they are!)
My chapter headings:
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And page breaks:
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This thing took forever to typeset, but I think it was worth it. And the title page, which also took forever because my printer never wanted to line up correctly:
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Anyway, except for a stray piece of HTV making it to the front cover, the exceptionally skinny text on the back cover that went kind of wonky and making the boards just a hair too short this thing came out really well. Also, I don't want to declare that I have solved all of my HTV problems but I'm pretty sure I have solved all of my HTV problems. I got this little sucker after watching someone effortlessly stick down their HTV with it and it worked like a freaking charm. I don't know if it's because it's tiny so you can put more pressure down on it or because it's crazy hot or what (it did scorch the HTV just a little) but everything stuck down great on the first try and I even peeled everything up while it was still hot. I love it. I 100% recommend it for anyone who is having trouble with getting their HTV to stick.
Anyway, I do have plans to make another colorway of this book. I've got a bright pink bookcloth and some turquoise and purple HTV that are just begging to be put to use, and once I can find some suitably good endpapers I'm gonna start on that one. Let me know what you guys think and if you want any more info, please ask!
Also go read the fic because it's hilarious okay bye!
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polzkadotz · 1 year
i want to bite girls >:(
0 notes
imreallyloveleee · 6 months
ooooo is your last post about “i feel like i win when i lose”???
sorry anon, it's not - it's about a better call saul fic.
however, this reminded me that I got another ask about that story which I forgot to answer a few weeks ago. it has been quite a while since i've worked on it. I have no idea when/if there will be an update, if I'm being completely honest with you. I feel bad about it! but under the cut are some sections from what I do have written of the last chapter. hope you enjoy em <3
Jughead accepts a cold beer from Munroe, settles back onto one of the open loungers, and actually has a pretty good time chilling with the bros until – inevitably – someone suggests they see what the bridesmaids are up to.  
“I dunno.” Archie pauses in the midst of slathering more sunscreen across his chest, something he’s been doing every fifteen minutes or so, likely at Veronica’s behest. “I think Ronnie wanted them to have a girls’ day.” 
Eric opens his mouth to protest, but Reggie jumps in. “I know what you’re thinking, bro, but none of them are single. Well, except for Betty.”
Jughead focuses with deliberate intensity on the label of his beer bottle as the others weigh the pros and cons of crossing the bride’s boundary line for the sake of flirting with her hot maid of honor. He hasn’t spoken with Betty since a week before her move to Michigan for the journalism fellowship, and even that was just a couple of stilted text exchanges – congrats, be sure to buy some good snow boots, ha ha. In the meantime, nearly eight months have passed.
And Jughead’s regretted every minute. 
“Hey.” Archie nudges Jughead’s leg with his foot, jerking his chin towards the house. “Wanna help me with some snacks?”
They both know what he’s actually doing, and Jughead feels a rush of warmth for his friend – his best friend, who’s getting married to the love of his life tomorrow, and deserves better than a sadsack excuse for a best man who wastes a free trip to the Caribbean so he can mope over a non-relationship that ended before it even began.
“Do you even have to ask?”
In the kitchen, Jughead sits on one of the swiveling counter stools and watches as Archie attempts to curate a charcuterie plate. 
“So, Betty asked how you were doing.” Archie tilts his head slightly as he flops a slice of prosciutto to one side, then the other. 
Jughead ignores the faint flutter of hope in his chest. Most likely she was just wondering if she’d have to walk down the aisle with a brooding basket case at her best friends’ wedding. “What’d you tell her?”
Archie shrugs. “Not much. I figured you can tell her yourself at the rehearsal dinner tonight.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Leaning across the counter, Jughead snags a green olive and pops it into his mouth. “I guess I can.” 
“What happened with you two, anyway? Ron was freaking out for weeks that you were gonna, like, propose, and then nothing.” 
“Nothing happened, we just…didn’t happen.” Jughead reaches forward again, this time retrieving a block of cheese and an entire sleeve of organic rosemary-sea salt crackers. “Shit happens. Or doesn’t. Whatever.”
If Archie’s skeptical, he’s too preoccupied arranging slices of salami to dig further. “Whatever you say, man.” 
“Not everyone gets the picture perfect happily-ever-after, Archibald.” Jughead sandwiches a hunk of cheddar between two crackers, eyeballs it, and crams the whole thing into his mouth. “You’re lucky everything just slid into place with Veronica. You got off easy.” 
There’s a pause as Archie frowns down at his mess of a charcuterie plate. “I don’t know if I’d call it easy. There was a lot of stuff we had to work through.” 
It’s a funny thing to hear, coming from a man who’s standing in the kitchen of the villa on the private island that his future father-in-law rented out for an entire week, while he heaps jamón Ibérico onto a hand-carved wooden board for a bunch of sun-drunk bros who’d be just as happy scarfing down a bag of pork rinds. But it is Archie’s wedding, so: he’ll humor him.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” 
“Like the fact that Ronnie’s dad hated me when we first got together because my dad dated her mom back in high school.”
Right. He’d forgotten about that. “Okay, sure, but that was just –”
“And then there was the year when Hiram coached the wrestling team. That was rough.” Archie shakes his head a little. “And the year after that, when I interned for him. I still have nightmares sometimes. And that time where he wanted to buy up the south side and turn it into SoDale – I mean, you know, Jug. You were there.”
“Fair enough. You didn’t hit the in-laws jackpot. But –” 
“And then there was college.” Archie continues as though he hadn’t even heard him. “Long distance was hard. And right after graduation is when Ronnie found out about Hermosa and went through that whole identity crisis thing. She broke up with me for a couple months that year, remember?”
He hadn’t, actually, until this moment. That was the same year that he’d moved to Chicago. It had taken a while before his old friendships had settled into a new rhythm that bridged the hundreds of miles between them, which was his therapist’s very nice way of saying he’d been kind of self-centered that year. 
“And then there was the thing with the bear –”
“Okay, okay.” Jughead waves both hands in defeat. “You moved mountains to be with Veronica. I get it.” 
“I’m just saying. If she’s worth it, sometimes you have to put the work in.” Eyes wide with wonder, Archie holds out a jar of cornichons. “Hey, have you ever tried these baby pickles?” 
A light sprinkle of raindrops catches Jughead just as he slips through the door to the ballroom. 
To one side of the airy, open room, Archie, Veronica, and their parents are huddled together with a severe-looking woman who can only be the wedding planner. To the other, the rest of the wedding party is mingling in clusters of two or three. 
By some miracle – or curse, he can’t decide which – Cheryl Blossom spots him first. “Look what the cat finally dragged in.” 
Scowling, Jughead glances at the time on his phone as he reaches the edge of the group. “I’m not late, Cheryl.” 
She rolls her eyes, flicking a lock of long red hair over one shoulder. “I never said you were.” 
“She’s just jealous you got one of the beachfront suites for being the best man. I got the other one.” 
He turns around, and his heart skips a beat when it’s Betty looking back at him, a hint of nerves in her smile. “Hi, Jughead.” 
“Betty.” He swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. “Hi.”
She looks radiant: eyes bright, cheeks rosy, hair pinned back in loose waves that fall just past her shoulders. He doesn’t know whether or not she wants him to touch her, but thankfully she doesn’t leave it up to him, stepping forward for a brief, perfunctory hug. 
“I’m not jealous, Cousin Betty,” Cheryl huffs. “I simply find it unacceptable that our hosts would play favorites with two single people who could be sharing a bed themselves while those of us who actually need the space are forced into a room the size of a two-cent postage stamp. Especially while my TT is in such a delicate condition.”
Before either of them can say another word, Cheryl stalks away in a huff. Jughead looks to Betty in mild alarm. “Is Toni okay? Was she in an accident or something?”
“Toni’s fine. She’s pregnant. But she’s only four months along, so you can barely even tell. They don’t need any more space.” Betty waves a hand in dismissal. “Anyway, how have you been? Are you settling in to the city?” 
Betty’s tone is genuine, curious – but also distant. Like it’s been eight months since they’ve spoken, yes, but more than that – like all the little intimacies they’d shared before have been washed away. A polite, friendly blank slate. 
It feels like his heart’s been crumpled up in a ball and tossed into the wastebasket. 
And it’s his own goddamn fault. 
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xxdragonwriterxx · 2 years
hello! ✨ i’ve just come across your blog and it’s so amazing!!! You are an amazing writer and reading your fics have me flying through the roof ❤️‍🔥 if your requests are open, can i ask for levi x fem!reader where she’s ratger stressed studying hard for exams and doesn’t take any breaks? and levi has to take care of her and has to force her away by seducing her out of her work? like being really, REALLY seductive and teasing, knowing what strings to pull since he knows her like the back of his hand ✨ it can be set in the canonverse, maybe she’s studying for her captain exams?? and maybe you can make it nsfw? 😭 but only if it’s okay with you ❤️‍🔥 once again thank you for writing all those amazing fics, you are amazing and i hope you’re having a good day! ✨✨
A/N: Hey everyone!!! Man, isn't it so weird when one of the authors you read abruptly disappears for months at a time only to suddenly drop absolute filth with no advanced warning whatsoever? Yeahhhh, so I have no idea what got into me 😅. I'm currently on vacation in the mountains with my family and last night, I sat down to do some homework only to end up writing 16 pages of sinful shit instead. Honestly, school has just been really getting me down, and my busy schedule has made it so writing is more of a chore than something I enjoy. Getting away from all that really helped me to relax a bit, and it felt so fucking good to write fanfiction again! Sorry for the really long hiatus, I can't promise that I'll be consistent again, but I'm hoping I'll be able to continue getting back into writing fanfiction even after I go home. I've really missed this ❤️. Well, enough of me rambling, I hope you guys enjoy this random smutty word vomit! I had a blast writing it, so thank you for requesting it!! Also, thank you for all of your kind words, I actually reread this request like five times cuz it made me feel so warm and fuzzy whenever I read ur compliments 💕💕. You're so sweet, thank you so much for making my day!!
🐉 Song Recommendation: "she calls me daddy" By: KiNG MALA 🐉
Word Count: ~7 k
🔥 I've Had Enough 🔥
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“Whatcha starin’ at her for, Shorty? Wound a little tight?”
Hanji’s teasing snapped Levi out of his reverie, forcing his gaze away from where he was watching his lover shuffle across the Mess Hall to send a dark glare towards the chaotic scientist. “Shut up, Four-Eyes.”
They chuckled, leaning more into the raven-haired captain, their eyes sparkling with mischief. “What? I’m right, aren’t I? From what I’ve gathered, (Y/N)’s been swamped with studying for her captain exams so my guess is that you two haven’t been able to spend any ~quality time together for a while now.”
They were right of course, it had been a while since the two of them had gotten the chance to spend time together. The upcoming captain exams weren’t for another week but (Y/N) had practically drowned herself in books and reports and files to study, desperately hoping to make it into Erwin’s superior officer program. She was more than qualified, one of the strongest, most capable squad leaders in their ranks, but that didn’t stop (Y/N) from pushing herself harder than anyone in her methods of preparation. It had admittedly taken away from her time with Levi, making it more and more difficult for them to spend more than an hour in the same room before she was whisked back to her office, hunched over her desk as she poured over the study guides and books she had snagged from the Survey Corps library. But that wasn’t why Levi felt anxious.
He could tell, even from this distance, that the near constant studying was starting to take a toll. Her head was hung low as she stumbled her way to the line for food, her eyes blinking slowly and filled with a bleary fog that blocked the light that usually shone in them. Once she reached the front of the line, Levi watched as she nearly fumbled the bowl of stew that was handed to her, barely managing to catch it with shaky fingers. She was burnt out.
Levi closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, rubbing his temples in annoyance. He had always admired her sense of strength and determination, her patience of steel, but he couldn’t help but hate the way those qualities could be so self-destructive when she let herself get carried away. (Y/N) was a workaholic, possibly even more so than he was, and hardly ever remembered to give herself a break, no matter how exhausted she was, until she inevitably collapsed. He had tried talking to her about it, and she had promised him that she wouldn’t let herself get out of hand this time, but he knew from the beginning that she was going to break her promise. These exams meant everything to her, there was hardly a force in the world that could stop her once she hyper focused on something.
Suddenly, Levi stood from his seat, abandoning the remainder of his meal just as (Y/N) sat down at a table at the opposite end of the hall, too tired to notice and sit beside him. Hanji gave him a confused look, one that turned into slight amusement as Levi started off towards the doors of the Mess Hall, striding with newfound purpose.
“Shorty? You didn’t answer my question!”
“I know,” Levi growled in response, the scientist’s shocked cackles of delight fading from behind him as he turned down a different hall, aiming for the last office door on the left.
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“Jesus (Y/N), you look like shit.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, too tired to argue, “Wow, thanks a lot, Oulo.”
He shrugged, “Hey, I’m just sayin’, you look like- ow!”
“Stop being an asshole and leave her alone,” Petra said, cutting off her comrade’s rambling insults and meeting his hurt sneer with a glare of her own. (Y/N) shot her an appreciative glance as the ginger-haired woman sat down across from her, next to Oulo, who was still rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head where she had slapped him.
“Yeah, Oulo, what the hell, man?” (Y/N) smiled when Gunther came to sit beside her, Eld following close behind. “At least she has a reason to feel shitty, studying for the captain exams is killer. You look like shit everyday despite not doing anything.”
(Y/N) chuckled as Levi’s squad bickered around her. She had forgotten how much she missed this. It had been a while since she had just been able to talk and laugh with her friends, and it wasn’t just because of the upcoming exams either. Before she had been promoted to squad leader, she had been in Levi’s squad with these people, laughing, talking, and training with them every day, but after she was given her own cadets to train, she had had less and less time to spend with them, despite being around Levi almost constantly. Her heart fluttered with warmth, but she knew she couldn’t stay. She was already wasting time in coming down to eat, she didn’t have the liberty to stay and chat. She had hardly finished her food, but the anxiety gnawing at her nerves killed what little appetite she had had when she came in this morning, so she dropped her spoon in the now cold stew and made to stand up.
“Wait, (Y/N), where are you going?” Petra asked, her hand automatically reaching for (Y/N)’s wrist to keep her from moving.
She winced, placing her hand on top of Petra’s and feebly attempting to break free of her friend’s hold. “I’ve got to get back now. Those books aren’t gonna study themselves.”
Despite (Y/N)’s weak attempt at humor, Petra frowned and tightened her grip, “But you’ve barely touched your food and you haven’t even been here for a half hour.”
“I know, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to stay.”
Petra sighed, “Listen, (Y/N). We all know how much those exams mean to you, and you are the hardest worker I know, but you need to take a break. Oulo didn’t have the right approach, but he did mean well. You haven’t been in tip top shape lately, and we’re starting to get worried about you. Why not at least finish your breakfast? You’re going to need the energy if you’re going to be spending the whole day studying again.”
(Y/N) finally managed to loosen her friend’s grip on her wrist, refusing to look at anyone from her old squad as she grabbed her bowl and slowly backed away from the table. She knew realistically, they were right, and she hated that she was worrying them, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she was quickly running out of time, drowning in the fears of failing because she didn’t push herself hard enough.
“I’m not hungry, but thank you for your concern. I’m just a little tired is all, but I’ll be fine. And the quicker I finish this, the sooner I can have a break, so if I leave now, then it’ll be better for everyone involved, okay? I promise, I’ll take a break later tonight, I just need to get back to work for now. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow?”
Petra slumped in her seat, exchanging worried glances with Eld, Gunther, and Oulo. The red-head wanted to argue further, but a subtle shake of the head from Eld made her bite her tongue. It was no use, no matter what any of them said to her, she still wouldn’t listen. There was probably only one person who could force (Y/N) to take a break, but Petra hadn’t seen him since he had slipped out of the Mess Hall, presumably to complete his own work. She could only hope that he would do something to put a stop to this soon.
“Alright,” Petra sighed. “Good luck with your study session today.”
Despite her exhaustion, (Y/N) beamed at her friends, grateful for their compliance. “Thanks guys! I’ll see you again sometime soon.”
A chorus of mumbles and half-hearted goodbyes saw her off as she dumped the remainder of her stew and made her way out of the dining hall. It wasn’t until the large wooden doors had shut behind her that the exhaustion hit her full force. Being around her friends always tended to make her feel better, make her forget about the stresses and problems nagging her in her life, but once the silence of the hall permeated the air and settled in her bones, she suddenly felt achy all over, no longer distracted from it by the bright energy of her friends. She fought against the urge to slide to the ground, and dragged her feet down an adjacent hall toward her office.
‘Just a few more days’, she thought to herself stubbornly as she finally reached the last door on the left and pushed it open.
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Levi had to fight to keep the smug smirk from creeping along his lips when (Y/N) froze in the doorway of her office, her once droopy, glazed eyes wide and full of shock.
“Welcome back, beautiful. I knew it wouldn’t be long before you’d be back here.”
(Y/N) slowly stepped into her office, subconsciously pushing the door shut behind her. Her gaze was skeptical as it dragged up and down his body, taking note of the way he sat in her desk chair, his shirt unbuttoned and loose on his shoulders and his legs spread casually. Her whole body was tense, her pace a slow prowl as she approached him, only making the blood in his loins boil further.
“Levi… why are you here?”
Rhetorical question. She knew exactly what he was doing here. She could see it in the way his eyes had darkened considerably, his palm sliding in a smoothing motion over the slight bulge between his opened legs.
Levi scoffed, “You need a break, baby, but you’re too stubborn for your own good, so I’m here to ensure you take some time off.”
(Y/N) groaned, trying her best to ignore the increasing wetness in her underwear. “You know I can’t do that, Levi. I have to study for these exams.”
“You’ve been doing nothing but studying for days, sweetheart,” Levi said with a slight pout that made her heart melt into a warm puddle of goo in her chest. He had figured out early on in their relationship that she couldn’t ever really resist him when he pouted like that, and she hated it as much as she loved it. Shoving down the instinct to immediately cave, (Y/N) let out a frustrated huff and stomped her way over to him, leaning down to cage him in with her arms, her hands grasping the armrests of her desk chair on either side of him.
“Levi, out.”
He arched an eyebrow, a direct challenge. “No.”
“Fine, then I’m just going to continue studying with you here,” (Y/N) said, gesturing for him to stand. For a moment, Levi didn’t move, and (Y/N) thought he might actually ignore her until he let out an annoyed sigh and stood. “Thank you, and I promise, we can spend time together later tonight, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Levi grumbled, slinking over to the couch sitting on the far side of her office, facing the cobblestone fireplace and worn cedar bookshelves. She rolled her eyes playfully at his sour mood and took her place in her chair before turning her attention back to the reports and books on her desk.
Levi watched her in silence as she went back to studying without a second thought, as if he wasn’t even in the room with her. He knew she wasn’t being neglectful on purpose, but he was quickly getting fed up with the lack of attention. He had been patient for a week already, he wasn’t willing to wait anymore, especially when he knew it would be good for both of them.
When he first came into her office, he had been hoping that just the sight of him in her chair would be enough to break her resolve, even if for a couple of minutes. Maybe she could’ve given him a few kisses, or indulged in some cuddles with him, even if it was just her sitting on his lap in her chair. But now he knew he was going to have to try a more drastic approach if he was going to get her to focus on him.
Taking a deep breath, Levi shifted his knees apart, just like he had done when sitting in her chair. His bulge had not receded despite her initial rejection, although he was not fully hard yet, so he quickly set to work, rubbing his palm over the front of his pants with a blissful sigh. The room was quickly getting warmer, making him feel constricted in his clothes as he continued to tease himself, imagining his past encounters with (Y/N) as fuel to add to the growing fire in his loins.
When he felt himself start to sweat, his shirt sticking to his back uncomfortably, Levi released himself long enough to reach back and pull the fabric from his body, tossing it to land carelessly on the floor for once. 
“Oh fuck, that’s it,” he groaned as he brought his hand back to his clothed cock, palming himself with more speed and pressure now.
“Levi…” (Y/N)’s voice was a warning growl, sending a delicious shiver down his spine as he turned to meet the barely suppressed hunger in her gaze. “What are you doing?”
Another rhetorical question. One that Levi took advantage of this time.
“Well, you didn’t seem inclined to help me so I just thought I’d do it myself. I still need you, after all, that doesn’t change just because you’re too busy, brat.” His words were punctuated by the purposeful, loud moan he let out as he bucked into his fist, the pressure of his own hand sending electric tingles pulsing throughout his entire body.
(Y/N) swallowed thickly and bit her lip, trying her best to ignore the sudden throbbing between her legs. She should’ve known better, while she could be very stubborn when she wanted to be, nobody could compare to her grumpy lover once he set his sights on something. He was like a dog with a bone, there was no reasoning with him. But even as the sight of him set her body on fire and tempted her to rub her thighs together, the nagging of her anxiety still scratched incessantly at the edge of her brain, reminding her of what she had to lose if she failed these exams. She had to hold out.
So, it became a competition of iron wills, both of them trying to get the other to break. (Y/N) forced her eyes to stay glued to the paper in front of her, even as the words barely registered in her brain. Levi, on the other hand, took his efforts even further, standing from his spot on the couch to stay directly in her peripheral vision before running his hands sensually down the length of his body, using his fingers to massage and tease himself in a way similar to what she often did for him. His hips swayed to music only he could hear, his abs flexing as he stretched and moved just for her. Anyone else would’ve looked stupid but Levi was dancing to an unknown rhythm as if he was born to do it, flowing through the movement like water as he sank to his knees and spread them, his hands continuing their journey across his inner thighs.
Despite her resolve, (Y/N) couldn’t help but watch from the corner of her eye, her brain no longer taking in information as she focused on maintaining her breathing. She feared her pen might snap in the tight grasp she had on it, her knuckles paling under the pressure. She managed to keep her cool for the most part, until the sound of a belt buckle clinking made her look up without thinking of the possible consequences.
The paperwork and study guides on her desk were immediately forgotten the moment she looked at him directly, her mouth parting slightly and her eyes widening at the delicious display in front of her. Captain Levi was still spread out on the floor, propped by his knees as he stroked over his somehow still clothed cock. His head was knocked back, his mouth open in a soundless moan and his eyes closed, sweat glistening on his body in the light of the flickering lanterns in the room. His beauty made her breathless, and when he finally allowed the sound of his moan to fill the room, she couldn’t stop herself from clenching her thighs together in need.
“Holy shit, Levi,” (Y/N) breathed, the pen falling from her fingers with a clatter. The noise made him look up, his gaze feral as he watched her watching him. A near evil smirk spread across his face when he noticed the blown pupils that swallowed her normally (e/c) hues and her flushed cheeks.
“Finally got your attention now, huh brat?” Levi rasped, keeping his eyes locked on her as he slowly pulled the zipper of his pants down, leaning even further back with a hand propped behind him to give her more visual access. He groaned when she licked her lips in anticipation, but he kept things slow as he untucked his legs out from under him and arched up to pull his pants completely off of himself. He made sure to keep his legs spread wide, allowing her to see the wet stain left on his tight black boxers as he continued to touch himself in front of her.
“Ah, fuck baby,” Levi moaned. “I need you so bad.”
He hated to admit that this wasn’t all for show. Sure, part of it was a bit dramatized in an effort to rile her up but it truly had been a long time. At least, for the two of them. He was more sensitive than he realized, and his desperate, needy routine was starting to become less of an act the longer this continued on.
“Yeah?” (Y/N) said, her voice low and dripping with desire, making the exposed man before her shiver.
“Yeah,” he only palmed himself faster, pausing just long enough to slip his boxers down beneath his swollen cock, before his hand was wrapped around bare skin, hastily squeezing the heated flesh. He felt himself twitch in his palm at (Y/N)’s gaze, the sizzling flame of desire in her eyes scorching him to his core. He really didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up before he fell apart, not with her looking at him like that. 
The thought forced him to slow down his pace, not yet wanting to finish, especially not all over himself. He kept his eyes pinned on her face, the fringe of his hair falling over his features to slightly obscure his vision. He was so sure she was going to break, neither one of them looking away, but he wished she would hurry the fuck up. He was starting to consider listing the supplies in his cleaning closet to keep from this being over too quickly.
He watched as she broke eye contact for a moment, her gaze shifting to glance at the pile of papers awaiting her perusal. She hesitated, her fingers twitching as if they were aching to grab ahold of that pen once more. She looked back at him, and he made sure to give her the most pleading expression he possibly could. She was stubborn as hell, something that was admirable in battle, if not a bit irritating during situations like this.
But Levi could be very persuasive when he needed to be.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment longer before she breathed a quiet, “fuck it” under her breath. It was all the warning Levi got before she shot from her chair and launched at him, her lips colliding with his with a swipe of her tongue and a click of their teeth. Levi hadn’t expected her to be quite so aggressive in her approach, but he was far from complaining as he moaned into her mouth and frantically clawed at her hips to steady her against him.
“God… damn… it, Levi,” (Y/N) huffed in between ravenous kisses, “you… are… such a fucking… asshole, you… know that?”
“Am I?” Levi murmured against her lips, unable to keep the smug smile from his face. “Because I think you’re the asshole who’s neglected me this whole time.”
(Y/N) growled as she forced her tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his, but she didn’t argue, making his smirk widen slightly. Only to immediately feel it drop from his face when he let out an open mouth sigh at the feeling of her soft hand suddenly wrapping around his swollen length, replacing his own with her movements. He grunted into her mouth, trying to break free of her grasp. This was his show to run, damn it! He may have been acting desperate earlier, but that was just supposed to be a way to get her attention. Now that he had it, he figured she could use some punishment, something to remind her why she needed to pay attention to him from time to time. But he found himself struggling to follow through as her warm palm brought him to his own version of heaven, making his eyes cross as pleasure shot up his spine and coiled tightly in his belly.
“Babe,” Levi tried, only to get interrupted by another kiss. “Baby, you’ve gotta stop. I don’t wanna cum yet, not here.”
“What if I want to see my little slut make a mess all over my floor? I think it’s the least you could do, considering this is what you’ve been begging me for all night, interrupting my important work just for a quick fuck.”
Levi shuddered at the words and bit back what he knew would be an embarrassingly high moan. It had been so long since she had spoken to him like that, and he damn near caved at it’s return. He loved when she put him in his place, but he needed to stay strong despite the fog of pleasure starting to cloud his brain. 
“This was supposed to be about you, babe,” He tried to bargain. “I wanted you to be able to relax and take a break. I don’t want to cum until you’ve reached at least some sort of satisfaction.”
(Y/N) hummed as she pulled away from where she had been sucking sloppy kisses into the pale skin of his neck, reapplying the marks that had long since faded away as a result of their dry spell. “Don’t worry, love, I’m getting plenty of satisfaction from this.”
Levi whined when she gave him a firm squeeze at the base of his cock.
“But I appreciate your sentiment. I think you’ve earned the right to prove yourself; to prove that interrupting me was worth it. Show me what you’ve got. Right now.”
She didn’t need to tell him twice. He launched to his feet, (Y/N) letting out a positively rapturous giggle when she was lifted into the air with him, held tightly in his warm, strong arms. She leaned forward to press more of her intoxicating kisses against his throat as he strode across the room to bend her over her desk, scattering her papers, books, and reports all over the floor.
Her eyes sparkled with a mischief that matched the smirk on his lips despite the glare she threw him for the rough treatment. “Fuck you.”
“Oh, you’re about to, sweetheart,” Levi purred as he climbed up to meet her, his warm palms running up the back of her thighs.
“No,” Levi said, cutting her off and digging his fingers into the meat of her ass. “You had your fun, it’s my turn.”
“Not really,” (Y/N) countered with a pout. “All I got to do was kiss you. I barely even got to make you beg.”
Levi raised an eyebrow at her but she glared right back over her shoulder, refusing to back down. “Do you think you deserve that?”
“I think I more than deserve to have you in whichever way I want, considering it was you who interrupted me.”
“Really? Because the way I see it, I should get to have you in whichever way I want because you were the one who neglected me for so long I had no choice but to interrupt your work.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic.”
A sudden nip to her inner thigh, just below the rim of her shorts made her yelp, heat rising to her cheeks in embarrassment and slight annoyance once she got a look at his gloating expression.
“Who’s the dramatic one now?”
“Still you.”
Levi chuckled against her skin, his fingers ghosting further up her legs until he was able to curl them into her waistband. His gaze was molten as he pressed a kiss to her left ass cheek through the fabric of her pants. “We’ll see about that.”
(Y/N) swallowed back a whine as Levi began to pull her shorts down her hips at an excruciatingly slow pace, his eyes never leaving her face as he worked the article down her legs. She huffed and tried her best to sit still, to keep from letting him know just how much he was affecting her, but she knew it was no use. She could see in his eyes that he knew exactly how much she was holding back. Her hips shifted back of their own accord, and she quickly forced them down into the edge of the desk, biting her lip in an effort to keep her impatient noises to a minimum as Levi finally pulled her shorts completely off her body and dropped them to the floor.
(Y/N) automatically turned to face forward again, reaching to curl her fingers along the edge of the desk to ground herself as she braced for the first touch. She had to force herself not rub her ass back against his face when he didn’t move for a while. His fingers merely teasing the  edge of her panties as if he had all the time in the world.
“Levi, hurry,” she said, unable to help herself. “We have to do this quickly so I can get back to- AH!”
Levi growled as he licked a long stripe up her clothed cunt, cutting off her pleas for him to rush through this. He was going to take as much damn time as he wanted, and he was determined to show that to her. She was done with work for the night, he was going to make sure of it. He nipped her lower lips, reveling in the loud squeak of surprise she let out just for him.
He made sure to tease her a few more times, his tongue laving her mound while his hands flitted up her shirt to finger the edge of her lace bra before he finally broke away just long enough to latch his teeth onto the edge of her panties. Making sure to take the same amount of time that he did with her shorts, Levi slowly dragged her panties down her legs, only switching to using his hands when they got too low on her for his mouth to follow. (Y/N) shivered as her core was bared to the open air of her own office, completely unhidden from his ravenous gaze.
Levi leaned back, a shaky breath his only warning before he was on her, his hands moving from her bra to the backs of her thighs to keep her spread wide open for him. (Y/N) keened, her mouth falling open of its own accord as his tongue attacked her clit, switching from long, flat licks over her entire slit to quick little flicks and circles on her throbbing clit.
“Levi!” She whimpered as he ate at her like she was his last meal, his own moan reverberating through her in the most delicious way as he tasted her juices for the first time in weeks.
Levi was in heaven. He had forgotten just how much he had missed this until he had his tongue on her again, her juices flooding his mouth in a way that had his eyes rolling back into his skull. She was his favorite meal, with the most delicious flavor, he could hardly stand it. She was better than any tea he had ever tasted, sweeter than any candy that had ever graced his tongue. He only dove in more enthusiastically as she squirmed and moaned above him, his eyes closing as he fucked her with his tongue as if he’d never get to taste her again.
“Ah! Levi, I’m gonna-!”
“That’s it, sweetheart, fucking cum for me. I want it on my tongue. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to taste you properly.”
His words sent her over the edge as she squealed with her release, the coil of heat in her stomach giving way to a wave of euphoria that crashed over every nerve ending. It truly had been a long time, she had forgotten how good she could feel under her lover’s care.
“Oh god,” (Y/N) panted as she fought to catch her breath. “Levi, that was- ngh!”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence, choking on her words as Levi’s lips suddenly wrapped around her clit, sucking harshly against the oversensitive bud until tears were streaming down her face. “LEVI!”
He ignored her scream, continuing to lick and suck at her clit until painful overstimulation gave way to pure, pulsing pleasure.
The noises coming out of her mouth were damn near pornographic as he continued to slurp at her sloppy pussy, only taking a break to lap at her clit every once in a while. It didn’t take long for the coil to tighten once more, the immense heat making her teeter on the tantalizing edge of yet another precipice.
“Levi, Levi please!”
Her lover said nothing as he nipped at her clit, sending her over the edge for the second time in a row. Her scream was silent with this one, her release not as deep yet sharper, wrenching the breath from her lungs and leaving her stunned. Her vision washed white with the sensation, her entire body shaking hard enough to make the desk shudder as Levi continued to push her through her orgasm.
She was so out of it that she barely even realized that Levi had yet to lift his mouth from her sopping cunt until she finally managed to get her heart rate in check. Her eyes widened as Levi gave her another wet, messy kiss against her lower lips, making her entire lower half jerk in shock and delicious agony. Reaching back with one hand, her other unable to let go of the desk lest she risk losing her balance, not trusting her wobbly legs to hold her up, she tried to push his head away.
“Levi, please, I can’t…”
“You can and you will, princess,” Levi rumbled, his voice a dark, gravelly growl that rocked her to her core. She glanced back at him from over her shoulder, only to melt at the pure, flaming desire in his eyes. “It’s the least you can do after depriving me of such a delicacy for so long. I don’t know when you’ll be free enough for me to do this again, so I need to make the most of this.”
(Y/N) mewled, her eyes screwing shut at the violent wave of pain and pleasure crashing over her. She turned back to face the front before she leaned down to rest her forehead against the cool wood of her desk, too tired to hold it up any longer. Levi was pussydrunk at this point, that she knew, completely subservient to his rampant desires. It made a weak smirk tease the corner of her lips. It was exactly how she wanted him. Because at the end of the day, even though he may feel like he’s in control, she was the one that had driven him deep into something primal.
“Besides,” Levi said as he broke from her with a loud smack of his lips, snapping her out of her haze. “I need to make you at least a fraction of the needy mess you make me so you know how it feels when you neglect me.”
A gasp pierced through her lungs as he attacked her once again, her words and sounds caught in her throat as if with a net, smothered by the ferocity of his actions. Her throat burned and her cheeks were soaked with tears, but she managed to hold herself together by the threads of her frayed seams, forcing herself to take deep breaths as he leisurely rolled her clit around on the tip of his tongue. It wasn’t until she suddenly felt two fingers push their way in that another scream managed to wrestle its way past the block in her throat, the way they stroked against her spongey walls making her toes curl and her back arch to the point of aching.
Levi kept up his frantic pace, his fingers jolting against her innermost sensitive spot as his tongue continued to play with her clit. He was doing his best to maintain his own composure, her moans and squeals shooting down his spine to strike right at his cock, but he managed to mostly keep ahold of himself. The only sign that he was starting to lose patience was in the way his hips rolled subconsciously into nothing, his red, swollen cock bouncing in the air with every thrust as he desperately sought the friction needed to bring him to completion.
A groan that vibrated right against her clit followed by the curling of his fingers brushing her g-spot made her tip over the edge for the third time, bringing a genuine smile to Levi’s face as he fought to swallow every drop of her spend. She was panting so hard above him that he would’ve been worried for her health if it weren’t for the safewords the two had in place. She had yet to use them, so Levi kept going, making sure to clean every last inch of her before finally detaching himself from her pussy.
(Y/N) immediately collapsed against the desk, her knees buckling so hard, the only thing keeping her up being Levi’s hands against the backs of her thighs. She couldn’t stop shaking, her hands clenching and unclenching against the wood of her desk as she fought to ground herself back in reality. Levi himself felt more than a little dazed, but quickly snapped himself back into action.
“(Y/N), love? What’s your color? Are you feeling alright?”
She took a moment to answer, swallowing thickly and trying to remember how words worked. “G-Green, I’m okay.”
Levi nodded to himself before reaching down to scoop her into his arms. It was a short walk to the bedroom and it wasn’t long before (Y/N) was sprawled across the mattress on her back, her top and bra now discarded somewhere haphazardly on the floor. Her arms were placed above her head, Levi’s belt, which he had grabbed on his way to their room, tying her wrists to the headboard. She didn’t fight him, long since having abandoned any thought of dominating him tonight, and just lay back, watching him with tired, lustful eyes as he crawled over her.
He regarded her with dark eyes, his mouth dropped open in awe as he stroked himself to the beautiful image of her below him. She was stunning, absolutely breathtaking, and he was still at a loss for how he had managed to convince this gorgeous creature to be with him. He knew she would berate him for his self-deprecating thoughts but he couldn’t help it. She was just too good for him. He wanted to find a way to tell her all this, to express this in a way that was more understandable for her.
Instead he said, “You’re not getting up from this bed even after I fucking ruin you, understand?”
She nodded, a wide smile breaking out across her lips. “I love you too, Levi.”
His heart felt like it was going to explode. He had no fucking clue how she knew what he meant by that but he was in no position to complain. God he didn’t deserve her.
His smile was wicked as he leaned over her, lined up to her opening without the need of a hand to guide himself, and slid into her with ease. Moans broke out in unison, filling the dark room as Levi continued to enter slowly. (Y/N) was plenty wet for him, but as he had reminded himself over and over, it had been a while since their last time together. As eager as he was, he refused to hurt her.
(Y/N) was having none of it though. Levi was half way in, moving at a snail’s pace to make sure he didn’t cause any unnecessary pain, when her legs crossed over his lower back and pressed, making him grunt loudly as his hips were shoved forward, sheathing him into the hilt. He leaned back to glare at her in response.
“Brat, you could’ve gotten hurt!”
“Levi,” she bit her lip and tightened the grip of her legs on his hips. “Fuck me.”
That was when he realized she didn’t care. She knew her body and what she could take, and right now, she wanted to take his cock in its entirety. She was tired of waiting, tired of his teasing, agonizingly slow tempo. He had finally gotten her to feel as needy as he was.
Fighting to regain the upper hand, Levi decided to take her impatience in stride and pulled out to just the tip before slamming back into her, hard. Her loud, throaty moan made his painfully hard dick twitch inside her before he repeated the action, setting a steady, harsh pace. The sound of skin slapping skin echoed wetly throughout the room, the pale, ghostly light of the moon shining through the slit in the curtains to bathe their writhing bodies in a crisp, angelic glow. (Y/N)’s fingers curled and grasped at nothing, jerking against the restriction of the belt at her wrists as her guts were stirred thoroughly, her brain turned to soup. The headboard was starting to bang against the back wall as they moved together, but neither found it in themselves to care as the pleasure started to creep into every muscle, every nerve ending, every limb.
(Y/N) closed her eyes and leaned her head back, reveling in the way Levi whined and mewled against her ear and down her throat in between his desperate kisses along her skin. His unhinged enjoyment of the act only made her blood boil further.
“Levi…! I don’t know how much longer-”
“I know baby, me too,” Levi groaned into her collar, his hot breath leaving droplets of condensation against her skin. “I’m almost there, just a little more-!”
He leaned back, rising to his knees as much as their joined hips would allow, before he grabbed ahold of her waist and began to pound even harder into her body, his tip kissing her cervix with every thrust. His free hand immediately dove for her clit, rubbing sloppy circles into the quivering bud. He could feel himself swelling with every squeeze of her pussy constricting around him, the white hot fire of lust and pleasure starting to tingle along his spine like living sparks of flame lovingly nipping his bones. He gritted his teeth in an effort to stave off for just a bit longer.
“Fuck, baby, you’re s’good,” He slurred.
“Fuck, oh fuck, holy-! Levi!”
Levi’s orgasm caught him off guard, making him choke on his moan as he lunged forward, making sure he was as deep within his lover as possible as he released rope after rope of cum. The feeling of his warmth overflowing into her abused pussy sent (Y/N) flying over her precipice as well, taking her down with him until she was sobbing with pleasure, her back arching and her hips canting into him as she rode out her high.
When the two were finally finished, they both collapsed, Levi beside her to avoid crushing her, and (Y/N) into the mattress beneath her. Levi released her wrists from their restraints and kissed away the light bruising on her skin before he finally stopped moving, content to lay and catch his breath for a moment. A loud part of him itched to stand and wash the sheets, take a shower, and clean up, but he knew that could be done later. If he got up now, there was a chance (Y/N) would use the opportunity to escape and get back to work before he could stop her.
The thought had him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest, his left leg moving to drape over her hip as if he owned it. She shot him a weakly annoyed glare, immediately seeing through why he was being so clingy, but didn’t argue, merely rolling her eyes before turning to embrace him back. Levi sighed when she ran her fingers through his hair, playing with the soft raven locks in a way that left Humanity’s Strongest Soldier as nothing more than a puddle on the sheets.
“Aren’t we going to clean up?” (Y/N) asked after a moment of collecting themselves.
Levi hummed and squeezed her tighter against him. “In a bit.”
That worked just fine for her. Maybe she did need a break every once in a while.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
What Siblings Do
AN: Yes yes, late again, don’t be expecting that to change lmao. But this is a Schitt’s Creek fic I started awhile back to fight the writer’s block & I’m so happy I got to include it for tickletober! Here’s day 15, hope ya like it!
The Rose family was not a tight knit, overly affectionate one. Even as children, the siblings were distant from one another, preferring to play with their expensive toys alone or with their respective friends. When Alexis started to toe the line of puberty, she set out on her world-wide bender that lasted throughout her middle and high school years. David was already on his own in New York, his sister merely a footnote in his thoughts.
When they lost everything and their lives essentially flipped upside down, they only just began to realize they may not be the perfect, happy family they thought they were. Money can buy a lot, but memories are forged from your actions, or lack thereof.
Alexis thought she and David were normal brother and sister, that their contempt and annoyance with each other was common and didn't border on hostility. After being forced to spend so much time with him, she's grown to enjoy his near constant presence, and wondered why she'd ever shut him out. But then he'd say something snide and bitchy and she was promptly reminded. But David was smarter than he gave himself credit for, and she had to admit he could be hilarious. (She couldn't let on that she thought that; the last thing he needed was an ego boost.)
It was the middle of the afternoon, and she was hanging in the motel lobby to fight off her boredom. Stevie gave up on passing her Candy Crush level and shifted her full attention to Alexis's nonstop rambling and the occasional question. She must've read something in her expression, because her next words threw Stevie for a loop.
"I hope I'm not coming off as, like, an entitled whiny brat trying to brag. But I just miss the way things were when we had money. Things I never even considered as a luxury before, I can't dream of having now," she said dejectedly.
Stevie shook her head, eyes wide. "No, I-I don't think that at all. I mean, you are an entitled whiny brat, but so is David," she said, smirking when she saw a fleeting smile grace the other's face.
"I mean, you can't really help it. You guys had a lot of money, so you lived like rich people. You never knew this would happen, so it's okay to miss it. Hell, I miss it and I don't even know what that's like."
Alexis nodded, taking in her words. "Yeah, but I guess if anything good's come from it, I don't think I've ever been closer with my family."
"Hm, I can see that. No offense, but none of you seem like the... touchy feely type," Stevie said, vaguely waving her hand in her direction. Alexis giggled and rolled her eyes.
"Well you're not wrong there. I can't help but wonder what it's like to have, like, a normal childhood," she wondered aloud, leaning on the front desk.
Stevie hesitated before she spoke. "Weeell, when I was a kid, we played outside a lot." Alexis listened intently, leaning farther over the counter. Stevie let out an amused huff as she continued. "We'd get dirty and someone wound up hurt most of the time. We got into a lot of trouble," she admitted, chuckling. "Even though I can't really stand my cousins now, we had some good times, back in the day."
"Aww, that's so sweet! So like, what would you guys do? Any favorite, memories you'd like to share?" she asked in her usual inquisitive, bubbly manner.
Stevie thought for a moment, a smile forming on her face. "We'd go skinny dipping in the creek during summer. But only after it rained," she specified, the two of them succumbing to a short lived giggle fit. "We had a few sleep overs. We just did normal kid shit like watch movies and play games." She paused and chuckled, shaking her head. "There were some pretty brutal tickle fights. But I'm sure you know all about that, being the youngest," she teased.
Alexis cocked her head. "Mm noooo," she said, stretching her arm out and leaned away from the counter.  "Should I?" she asked, knees slightly bent and arms tucked close like she does when she's nervous about something. Stevie looked her up and down, brows furrowed.
"Are you trying to say you won against David growing up? 'Cause that doesn't really seem likely if I'm being honest," she deadpanned.
When she didn't answer, Stevie dropped the sarcasm. "Alexis... have you and David ever had a tickle fight?" she asked, genuinely curious. She thought for a moment, shook her head, paused and hummed to herself before shaking her head again.
"Nnno, not really. Maybe when we were like, really little, but nothing more than a poke here or a squeeze there," she explained. Stevie looked at her, something akin to pity in her gaze as she tried to think of something to say. It made Alexis fiddle with her hair as she whined. "That's not weird, right?"
Stevie froze like a deer in headlights. "No," she replied, a little too late.
"Mmmm really?" she asked skeptically. "'Cause you're acting like it's weird, and it's making me feel weird, 'cause, like, were we supposed to?"
"Well- I- obviously, it's not for everyone," she struggled to put her mind at ease.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like, I don't know, like I'm one of those dogs on the sad commercials."
Stevie shrugged. "I don't know. I guess, I'm just a little sad for you guys," she said honestly, her hands shoved in her pockets. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say.
"Oh my God, it is weird!" she cried, grabbing a fistful of hair. Stevie shook her head frantically, mouth slightly agape.
"I didn't say that!" she insisted.
Alexis heaved a sigh. "You didn't have to."
There was a long stretch of awkward silence. Stevie finally spoke up. "You know, it's never too late. And I saw David get back like an hour ago, and most of the guests are out for the day," she hinted. Alexis picked up what she was laying down, and a bright grin stretched across her features.
"Thanks Stevie, you've really been a huge help. On an unrelated note, I think I'm gonna go," she said, already at the door.
"Uh huh," Stevie grinned as she watched her leave and walk down the sidewalk through the window. She muttered a silent prayer for David, hoping he'd forgive her for whatever hell she unleashed upon him.
When Alexis burst into their room, David was laying on his bed eating Doritos and talking on the phone.
"Why have we never had a tickle fight?" she demanded, slamming the door behind her. David jumped out of his skin and started choking. Alexis could hear Patrick on the other line asking if he was okay until he composed himself enough to answer.
"I'm fine, Alexis just- barged in here and said the most atrocious thing I've ever heard so I started choking on my Doritos!" Patrick hummed in understanding. Ah, so that's what all that crunching was.
Alexis stared down at him, arms crossed. "That's not an answer!"
David groaned. "I'm sorry babe, I have to go. I'll call you later." He didn't wait for Patrick to say goodbye before hanging up. "Are you out of your mind? I was on the phone!" he yelled at her, standing up from his spot on the bed.
"Oh come on David, I've walked in on much worse," she teased. He huffed in frustration, running his hands through his hair.
"What even brought this up? The last time I just acted like I was going to tickle you, you hissed like some demon and flipped me off."
"Well, yeah, but when was the last time you actually tried?" she asked in exasperation.
David blinked a few times as he realized he didn't have an answer.
"I... don't know."
"Don't you think that's weird?" she asked, staring at him expectantly. Hopefully.
He shrugged, "No."
"Well Stevie got this look on her face when she found out, and she said she thought it was sad!"
Oh, so this was Stevie's fault. He was going to kill her. "It's only weird cause you're making it weird!"
"So you really don't feel like we missed out on something?" she asked, something accusatory in her voice.
"No! And honestly, I wish you'd just drop it!" he snapped, throwing himself back on the bed. He turned his attention back to his phone, thumbs flying across the screen. He didn't notice his sister creeping towards him, which would utterly be his downfall. He looked up just in time to see Alexis looming over him, and let out an ear piercing scream.
In the lobby, Stevie muttered to herself as she idly clicked around on the computer, "Wow, that was fast."
Next door, Johnny's head snapped up in alarm when he heard his son's scream, but his nerves were set at ease when it was followed by loud laughter. Moira on the other hand, didn't seem to bat an eye.
Back in their room, Alexis was already laughing as David flailed on the bed, holding her hands and pushing against her with all his might. She had the high ground and ultimately won the upper hand when she twisted out of his grip and shoved him on his back.
"Alexis! Alexis nohoho!" he immediately broke, having no resistance against the feeling. She was scribbling up and down his sides, finely manicured nails sending ticklish shocks through his whole body. He rolled onto his side, curling in a tight ball as he swatted at her persistent hands.
"Wow David, who knew you were so ticklish?" she taunted, pinching around his torso sporadically, leaving him in a fit of jumpy giggled, shrieking each time her hand made contact. “I really missed out! Oh well, guess I just gotta make up for lost time!” she chirped happily, kneading her brother’s stomach as if she were a cat making biscuits. Needless to say, it was very effective.
“Nohoho you dohon’t! AHAHAHA!” he screamed and arched his back when she poked his bellybutton. A devious grin spread over her face as she wiggled her fingers above him. He didn’t know why, but felt warm and fluttery inside. He hadn’t played with Alexis like this in… okay he’s never played around with her like this, but something about it felt somewhat adjacent to fun. He tried to banish the thought from his mind, but was beaten to the punch when she started squeezing his hips, sending him into mad cackles.
“Ohohoho fuhuhuck you!” David snapped as she began squeezing his thighs. That had no right being so ticklish.
“You know, you’re not really doing much fighting in this tickle fight,” she teased smugly, hands continuing down and latching onto his knees. David screeched and kicked, but to no avail.
Hold the phone.
“Ihihi cahahahan doho thahahat?” he asked incredulously through his laughter. Alexis scoffed in annoyance as if it were obvious, which, to her,
“Duh, it’s called a tickle fight! You’re supposed to try and defend yourself!” Apparently, that was all the permission David needed.
He mustered up the strength to turn over and shoved his hands under his arms. She let out a shrill squeal, falling on her back as she fell victim to bright, bubbly giggles.
“Ha! And you tried to say I was bad?” he mocked, enjoying how the tables turned. That made her snort, followed immediately by a shriek.
“Dahahahaviiihihid!” she whined, grabbing a pillow off the bed and shoving her face in the cushion. Her laughter was muffled, but only slightly.
“What’s that? Sorry, I can’t understand you, you’re laughing too hard,” he teased, scribbling over her neck. She yelped, biting her lip in an attempt to hold back her laughter, but to no avail. He looked down at her and smiled. He doesn’t remember the last time she looked so carefree and happy. Her hair was tussled in a way she would’ve been appalled by, her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, her eyes glistened with unshed tears, but most importantly, she wore a smile that stretched from ear to ear. David smirked down at her. “Or maybe just take that pillow out of your mouth.” She flipped him off.
He gave a dramatic gasp. “Well that’s not nice! I guess someone needs to be taught some manners!” He went to attack once more, but the predator became the prey.
Next door, Johnny Rose had been trying to read the same newspaper article since their tickle fight began. Don’t get him wrong, he loved the fact they were bonding! But did they have to bond in such a loud manner? His brows furrowed in concern when he heard a shrill scream followed by begging and screaming for help. He set his paper aside and made to stand.
“Ah ah, what do you think you’re doing?” Moira asked, brush combing through one of her many wigs. John gestured wildly to the door.
“He asked for my help! It sounds like there screaming bloody murder in there!” he exclaimed, pointing to the door behind him that connected the two rooms. Moira gave him a look
“John, they’re adults, they can fend for themselves. Besides, Alexis borrowed a necklace without asking, and David blew me off for dinner to go see Patrick. So I say let them tickle torture each other to their heart’s content,” she chirped, unbothered by the sounds next door.
Johnny sighed, defeated. “Okay, if you say so.” It was probably another 10 minutes before they settled down.
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nekkodiaries · 2 years
— knock me down. (teaser)
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RELEASE: march 18, 2023.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: finally hard-launching the fic that i've been working for a few months now. hhhhh. i'm excited but also very insecure because a good quarter of this fic is written and i'm so ! anxious ! about my writing skills (as someone who knows they're bad at describing and bad at being literate in general. rip.) anyway. i hope you guys enjoy this fic like you did with cheating on you. if you want to be added to the taglist, just reply or send an ask.
reblogs are super appreciated! 🫶
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after a tough day of contributing absolutely nothing to the greater good of society, jay decides to do what men like him choose to do to relieve stress: by playing a high-stress game.
what he wasn't expecting, though, was to get a snarky partner who would actually reciprocate his angry chats (as a result of his bad temper) and shit-talk him back. like what they're doing right now.
killstrike: wtf you should have covered me notursniper: yea well u shouldnt have been peeking. killstrike: ur ign fits u bc ur shit at sniping 😂😂 notursniper: i HAD him but ur big ass head was IN THE WAY now u got headshot boohoo 😛 killstrike: just stfu and come revive me
jay was pissed. there's no way he's losing this duo match. it's down to three teams and he can't risk losing more points for his rank when he's so close to reaching crown four, so he breathes in and out, trying his utmost best not to let the arrogant demeanor of his partner get on all of his nerves. notursniper heals him and fends off two players while he heals, leaving just one more team. 
you got this. you got this. jay internally chants before a barrage of shots echo from his phone's speaker. he's too busy to look for the enemy to notice his partner's been knocked down. the motherfucker's proning. the circle's getting smaller and jay's getting anxious over the constant request for healing when all of a sudden: 
better luck next time player killstrike! top 2/100.
"fuck!" jay shouts in frustration, watching the loading screen as the game demotes him from crown five to regular crown rank. "great. that's just great." in the heat of his frustration, jay adds notursniper just to be able to message them— and as soon as he sees them added to his "friends" list, jongseong taps his frustrations away. 
killstrike: its your fucking fault. now im just crown
notursniper: 🤨 ?
killstrike: well??? are you gonna admit your wrongs???
notursniper: 1, is this how u treat women lmao and 2, no i wont :p notursniper: maybe if you actually healed me then we wouldve ranked up notursniper: but ur too selfish and tried to shoot before attending to ur teammate notursniper: so i'd say that rank demotion is DESERVED ❤️
killstrike: man fuck u 😐
notursniper: sry there's a line for gamer boys who wanna bang. you gotta get in line babes 😘
was it possible to choke on air? because jay's convinced he choked on air when he read that. it doesn't help that his eyes immediately darted to the icon where her cuteness was radiating despite her hand and phone covering her entire face. he blames his temper for why he's feeling hot right now— definitely not because he got a visual of what could happen if he did choose to get in line. definitely not. never. no.
killstrike: ew
notursniper: hey u can block me if u want to lmao 🤣
impulsive by nature, jay taps a few times and gets so close to removing user notursniper as their pubg friend but he hums in thought. having a higher rank meant having more skilled enemies and he's never seemed to get past top 40 players without dying, so it was a miracle he got until the top 2 tonight. his teammate's shit-talking aside, he'd say they were actually really good. 
and again, real cute on her icon.
"what?" his own intrusive thoughts snaps him back to the real world, to see that she actually removed him as an in-game friend. what the fuck? in a span of panic, he tried to add them again. 
a few days pass by but alas, no response from her. jay does not know why he's itching to check on his phone every now and then. heeseung and sunghoon don't even want to question why he's been staring at phone with his brows furrowed for hours now.
it's only because they're a good player and they can help me rank up. that's it. 
soon enough, jay's routine has become waking up, going to school, and checking if user notursniper has accepted his request at every waking second of the day. the same goes for the following morning when jay anxiously opens the game again and finds one new message from a friend.
notursniper: hey loser. back for more?
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masterlist. ┆ next.
summary: park jay lives life as a hot-headed gamer by day and.. well.. still a hot-headed gamer by night— except he secretly goes by the name killstrike. after losing a match, he finds himself trash-talking, his teammate notursniper, who happens to be the mysterious classmate he's been admiring for over a year and more.
taglist [open]: @yvnjin-s @wondering-out-loud @rikisly @babystrlla @shinrjj @homelycat
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piedoesnotequalpi · 7 months
🍄❄️🌿 if you want!! - @pigeonwit
(Writer ask game!)
🍄 (how did you get into writing fanfiction?)
This has...three answers, depending on how far back you want to go.
Answer 1: The first fanfiction I wrote was a cursed but hilarious Shakespeare mega-crossover that I've contemplated posting here based on a writing prompt on a sophomore year English final. I then proceeded to not write any more fanfiction (except for my Broadchurch-inspired poetry in creative writing), until...
Answer 2: At the beginning of the pandemic, I was rewatching Parks and Rec and was curious how, at one point, Ben knew about Leslie's favorite spot in City Hall. I wrote a short one-shot with my thoughts, made an AO3 account to post it, and thought I'd never use the account to post anything else, until...
Answer 3: A few months after I first watched Newsies, I thought I could fit the Newsies characters into a Much Ado About Nothing retelling pretty well--Javid as Ben and Bea, Spot and Race as Claudio and Hero, Katherine as Don Pedro, etc. My irl friend encouraged me to write it and helped with some plot stuff (Jack dressing up as Rapunzel was her idea if I remember correctly). I thought I wouldn't write anything else after that, but then I had ideas for one-shots and was kind of in a bad place mentally, so I kept going, and now here I am >140k words into the Bachelorette AU! What a time!
❄ (What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?)
I thought about this in the shower, and I think I'd like to see a whodunit/murder mystery fic, which seems like the sort of thing @jack-kellys would be good at. I know I certainly would not be up to writing a proper murder mystery though (despite taking an entire English class on detective fiction in high school).
(Last answer under the cut because this got long, oops)
🌿 (give some advice on writer's block and low creativity)
I know I maintain the illusion of avoiding writer's block by having a semi-regular posting schedule for the Bachelorette AU, but I am very much not immune to writer's block. Here are some things I do, with the caveat that this is just my experience and my methods do not work for everyone.
If the block is coming from feeling like I'm not sure what I'm doing in the next few scenes, I'll take a bit to figure out and write down what the next few scenes will be. These won't be super detailed, but I'll sometimes specify the POV character and usually say "xyz happens." For example, right now I have notes in my bachelorette document about who's going in the hot seat when, as well as the scenes I want to have take place after the men tell all filming wraps.
If I'm just overwhelmed, I'll take a little longer and write a list of things, in order, that need to happen in a chapter (this is what I did for each chapter for the bachelorette au). In the Much Ado adaptation, I wrote down each scene number from the play and decided which POV(s) each scene would have and in what order, which served as a reminder of what each scene focused on.
If it's just that the words won't come, I look back over what I've read, go read a book, or I just sort of force myself to plod along (with the exception of these past couple weeks, where I've been really tired from work and haven't had much time to sit down and designate Writing Time). Brute-forcing isn't for everyone, but when I'm doing that, I try not to delete what I've written and I try not to think about whether it's good, since if I don't like the scene I can go back and edit or rewrite it later. I also do sprints sometimes.
After yet another abandoned novel attempt in 2022, I never skip ahead to the scene I really want to write. I'll write down single lines or bits of dialogue, but that's it. If I skip ahead, it makes it way harder to finish the fic.
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