#ffxv fanfic round up
omgfloofy · 1 year
‘dal segno al coda’ update
hi. it’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my crazy FFXV fanfic that I’ve been working on for over half a year now.
I guess it’s time to provide an update to it. I also feel a lot more comfortable in giving the big outline for this story. As it comes from this prompt by @mypromptlair​.
But since my update gets a bit more spammy from hereon out, I’ll go ahead and toss in a cut to save you all on the wordiness of everything.
This was originally one giant fic, but has since been broken into three files, with a fourth supplementary file. It is written mostly from Noctis and Luna’s perspectives from start to finish, with prologues/epilogues breaking away from this. The fourth ‘section,’ called ‘Meanwhile, Elsewhere...’ (thank you, FFXIV) contains scenes that are retold from different perspectives. Some I can’t release until after the whole story is complete, unfortunately.
I named this after musical notation. ’d.s. al coda’ is at the end of sheet music, you restart to the symbol (segno), and repeat until you get to the coda, another symbol where you jump away from the music and continue on where it is written in this new section entirely. So I’ve chosen to lean heavily into this and name the sections after three bits of famous (or infamous) phrasing notes from scores.
Section 1 is attacca subito l'Allegro - this comes from the first movement of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, called “Pathetique”
Section 2 is molto pesante ma non tropo - this comes from Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, specifically from the section called Spring Rounds. It’s clearly one of those ‘you’ll know it when you hear it’ sort of moments.
Also, seriously. Look up the original Nijinsky choreography of Rite of Spring and read about the ballet’s story. It’s kind of a very interesting parallel.
Section 3 is Sotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesa - Wordy? Yes. Crazy? Absolutely. I love it and it’s from Summer from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Instead of just using phrasing notes through the sheet music, I learned that Vivaldi wrote a literal story throughout the score.
This is the first line of notes in Summer’s score. Especially because I have a special connection to Summer III - Presto and Final Fantasy in my head for Reasons. That’s for another time, though.
Word Counts
The main three files currently total out at 67,125 words. (01: 37,133 - 02: 24,745, and 03: 5,247.) This does not include some stuff from the original file that hasn’t been carried over yet, snippets that I’ve already written, the text in Meanwhile, Elsewhere... and the Date Night (this title may or may not stay around) short I’m putting together to give people a taste of the setting that’s come together for this story.
I don’t intend to do any publishing of this story yet - not until all three sections are done and they’re in their editing phase. Especially in situations like this week when I realized I needed to add stuff to sections 1 and 2 to support stuff I’m working up for section 3. However, once I finish up with Date Night, people can have a little bit of an idea of what’s going through my head for this.
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there is just something about having a job that makes your brain not want to think about fictional little guys anymore, but apparently it can come back after a while!
i've actually been more consistent about doing art than about writing (i still don't do it very frequently though. i usually try to draw something every couple months). to be fair, there is a lot of art that never sees the light of day because i'm not happy with how it's going. and i'm still a lot better at editing existing images than i am at making something from scratch
actually like two weeks ago i found the folder of art of the ffxv boys i drew on that camping trip three years ago, and while i think that they look a bit wonky, i'm still kinda proud of them
i saw that you left a comment! i'll have to remember to reply to it!
one of these days i'll have to play ffvii (probably the original because of hardware limitations). i hear that it's good, but more importantly i need to finally learn what the deal with that cloud guy is
Absolutely horrible, hate it! Not only does having a job take away way too much of your free time, it also makes you stop thinking about your blorbos.... how many more sacrifices do we have to make?! It's great when it comes back though, god knows working life is much, much nicer when you can rotate some blorbos to pass the time.
Oh man, that's so cool, good for you on actually actively doing something to improve your art, that's amazing and I'm really proud of you <3 And I still think of those ffxv artpieces very fondly, they were lovely and I appreciated you sharing them with me so much!
Tbh I wasn't a huge fan of the original ffvii, but that was mostly due to gameplay reasons, I just couldn't get into the combat system and the character models were... well, it's a game from 1997 and it shows. The story was pretty neat, though I'm definitely looking forward to playing the story again in the form of the remake with a combat system that actually lets me run around (although they changed some stuff in the story and are probably gonna change quite some more things in the next two remake installments). But yeah, Cloud, Cloud is lovely, he's a very messed up emo boy, not at all the type of boy I go for most of the time but by god, I adore him. He's very cute. And very fucked up, needs a hug very badly. I mainly got into the whole thing because I played remake and was like "well now I really wanna read some fanfics where he fuckin suffers" because that's how we do things round here
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ffxvficrec · 4 years
Promnis Holiday Exchange 2020 Round Up
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Hello everyone! We have another exciting holiday exchange round up for you. You can also check out the collection on AO3. 
As always, reminder to mind the tags! We have only listed title, author, and summary.
On the Winding Road by saisei
Prompto comes down with chocobo pox and nearly misses an assignment for his photography course. Fortunately, Ignis comes up with a plan. 
Meant to Be His by Alina0
Ignis had never imagined confessing to Prompto after some little (happy) incident, but here we are. Gods bless Prompto's soul for helping him out himself.  
The Candle is Lit by Talliya
Ignis and Prompto have been together for a while, and Prompto finally asks a question that’s been bugging him. Only Ignis doesn’t give him an answer at all. It takes the formally lazy Prince’s return to finally fix things. 
Snowflakes in the Rain by roshytsunami
Prompto is a hot mess of anxiety and pining for one Ignis Scientia a nearly perfect specimen of man. He can't get the man out of his head! He'll bury this seven year crush with him when he dies because there is no way Ignis will see him as anything other than the 'silly sidekick' of the once quartet. Unfortunately mother nature, and the fact Eos is in complete utter darkness decides to wreck that plan to smithereens on a cold winter night. 
Snow Day Date by RikuKingdomHearts3
On a beautiful snowy day, Prompto expected to spend it alone. He would just be by himself as he admired the wonders of the winter season. What he didn't expect though was for Ignis to show up at his doorstep asking him out.
Eyes Sparkling & Full of Stars by denilmo
When Prompto showed enthusiasm for helping Ignis with his preparations for the holidays, he was thrilled. It was usually an endeavor he took on alone, along with all the requests from his prince (and even Gladiolus). Prompto had always been a welcome presence; he was vibrant and warm and inviting - touching and hugging and generally being close - that Ignis was looking forward to employing him, to having a bit more fun this year, and maybe finally getting something off his chest.
A Door in the Dark by Dark_Ruby_Regalia
It’s All Hallows’ Eve, and everything goes awry. Lost and alone, Prompto wishes desperately that someone cared about him enough to come and find him. And then... Ignis does. 
The Tail of the Deer and the Rabbit by katerleegrand
The Bros are sent on a mission to deal with a new breed of naga. Things do not go to plan, and two of the men are forced to deal with some...adverse effects, along with their growing feelings for each other.
Light the Night by EzraTheBlue 
As the dawn has returned and the seasons begin to change again, Prompto and Ignis decide to liven up their peaceful existence in the aftermath of their journey by bringing back an autumn tradition in a new way.
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bgn846 · 3 years
You Guys Are The Best - FFXV fanfic
Missing scene after the last campfire, you may cry. You’ve been warned.
“Well… what can I say? You guys… are the best,” Noct managed despite the lump in his throat. He’d really been prepared, or so he thought. This was it the last time they’d all be together like this. The tears stinging his eyes didn’t stop even as he ducked his head. Trying to catch up on a decade’s worth of emotions was impossible. The time they had together just wasn’t enough. Noct selfishly wanted more, no, he needed more.
The quiet sounds of Prompto sniffling drew his attention back to his friends. There had to be a way to get more time. However, looking around the fire he noted that there wasn’t a dry eye among them.  “Guys, you all crying isn’t helping!” he spluttered helplessly.
“Dude, you’re, you,” Prompto couldn’t even finish his sentence as he wiped more tears from his face.
“I’m what?” Noct challenged.
“Don’t make me say it out loud. This is hard enough as it is.”
“I’m doing what I can to save everyone.”
Prompto didn’t respond he only curled further into himself in his chair. Finally, after a minute he managed to speak. “I know that, but it still doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
Suddenly Noct was overcome with a wave of grief, not about what he was to do the next day, but over what he’d missed. The lack of knowledge on how his friends had handled the darkness was making him crazy. Wondering if they’d understand his need Noct broke the silence. “It won’t stop hurting,” Noct tried to ignore the desperate sound Prompto made but he still felt his eyes watering. Taking a deep breath he soldiered on. “I know what might help, though.”
“You not dying!” Prompto exclaimed as he bolted up out of the chair. “I can’t handle this right now. I know we need to be strong but this is so hard. Fuck. Dude, I’m gonna miss you so much!”
Crossing the short distance between them Noct engulfed Prompto in a hug. “I’m gonna miss you too.”
Ignis clearing his throat made Noct release Prompto and look over at his advisor. “I for one am curious about what might help you,” Ignis asked, his voice barely cracking.
Smiling at how Ignis always seemed to know how to keep them on track Noct sighed heavily. “Don’t laugh, but I wanna play truth or dare.”
“Is this really the time and place for such a game?” he countered.
“Yeah, I think it is. Especially when I don’t have all the details about what happened while I was gone. I need to know more, before I – before, um.”
“Are you playing as well or just acting as the referee?” Gladio asked.
“Ref, I want to hear from you guys. I need this, I think It’ll help me.”  A loud sniffle erupted from Prompto again when he finished talking. “We don’t have to, but I was kinda hoping doing something normal would make us all feel better.” The silence was deafening as he stood waiting, for anything really. The seriousness of the moment made Noct’s chest ache, he hoped his friends would understand his needs.
“I’m not going first,” Gladio uttered after a minute.
“Nor am I,” Ignis chirped. Noct almost thought he was mad but the man had a small smile on his lips.
“Wha? Did you all just gang up on me?” Prompto whined while plunking down in his chair again.
“So are we doing this? For real?” Noct asked a small spark of hope fluttering in his heart at the idea of getting more. His friends all nodded, though Prompto rolled his eyes before he agreed. “So, truth or dare Prompto?”
“Truth,” the blond spit out immediately.
“How long did you stay in one place for?” Noct quickly asked as he paced the campsite.
Prompto shrugged and reached up to scratch his neck, a tall tell sign that he was stalling. “It was hard to find a good place to live that I liked, so I sorta bounced a lot.”
“How long?” he tried again, wanting an exact answer.
“Um, I guess my stint on Ignis’ couch a few years back was the longest.”
“I’m not gonna get mad buddy, just tell me.”
“About eight months,” Prompto offered with a wince.
“Did you prefer it that way,” Noct asked softly.
Prompto simply nodded and smiled, “It helped to not get too attached to things or people.”
The revelation that his best friend was hurting enough to not find a permanent home took Noct’s breath away. Stumbling backward he fell into his own chair and held his head in his hands. That was why his sacrifice was so important. Noct wanted to give the people something to live for; they’d been in a world of ruin for long enough.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No! Don’t say that, don’t be sorry! That’s why I’m doing this right now I need to know these things. It’s helping, honestly, it is!” Noct offered.  
Gladio’s rough voice sounded a second later, “I’m not going second either.”
“Bastard,” Ignis mumbled under his breath, though it was loud enough that Gladio heard and smiled despite himself.  
“I suppose that means it’s your turn specs. Truth or dare?”
“I have a feeling this is going to be a running theme tonight.   However, you might wanna change that after I ask my question.” Noct watched as Ignis nodded his head in understanding before waving his hand for Noct to continue. “Do you regret anything about how you handled your blindness?”
Ignis furrowed his brow and tilted his head. “I don’t believe anyone has ever asked that question before. Regret is a funny thing Noct. Sometimes it’s not something you realize you have until much later. I guess I was angry more than anything at first, I’d failed you an--,”
“No! You didn’t fail me; we’ve been over this before. I will not go through all of this just for you to still think that!” Noct exclaimed.
“I may never get over that feeling Noct, but I do feel as though I’ve managed to come to terms with my situation. Unfortunately, I can also say I do regret a great number of things. I’ve had time to make amends for most of them but sometimes only time can heal certain wounds.”
Hearing Ignis’ words caused Noct physical pain, he couldn’t bear to hear about Ignis being upset with himself. The man had done so much and it just wasn’t fair. “Ignis you have to promise me that you’ll move on, I can’t be happy in the afterlife if I have any doubts about you being fucking happy!” he wailed.
Ignis got up out of his chair and went straight to him. Kneeling on the stone haven Ignis took off his visor, setting it aside, and reached out to hold Noct’s face. “I am so proud of you, I may regret some things in life but I will never regret being your friend and standing by your side. You know I’ll do anything you ask of me,” Ignis offered humbly.
Lunging forward Noct pulled Ignis into a bone-crushing hug. “I want you to be happy; don’t ever think you failed me. You’re my rock Ignis, don’t ever forget it.”
If Ignis had been holding back his tears he wasn’t anymore. They both sat locked in an embrace sobbing quietly. Eventually, Noct leaned back and held Ignis shoulders instead. “Thanks, Specs for making me a blubbering mess.”
“Happy to help, are you at least smiling now?”
Barking out a laugh Noct shook Ignis slightly, “Yes! Now, will you promise me you’ll be happy?”
“I can’t promise that I’ll be happy all the time Noct, but I will promise to try. Is that good enough?”
“It's gonna have to be, I’ll make sure Prompto and Gladio keep an eye on you.”
Ignis let out a huff of laughter at the comment and slowly got up. Noct couldn’t help but follow behind as his friend went back to his seat. Squeezing his knee as he sat back down Noct began pacing again. “Your turn,” he stated turning to face Gladio.
“Truth,” Gladio offered before he’d even asked.
“Will you be able to find a purpose in life beyond being a shield?” After I’m gone was left unsaid but Noct knew Gladio understood his meaning. With slumped shoulders, Gladio leaned forward in his chair but didn’t say anything.
“I’d like to think so but it’s not that easy princess.”
Noct shook his head at the nickname but found himself smiling. “You don’t have to protect anyone anymore, you can be your own person if you wanted.”
“I’m not sure I want that, I’ve spent my whole life learning to guide and protect you, and I’m getting fired tomorrow,” Gladio choked out.
“Hey, come on it can’t be that bad, no more missed training sessions or having to hear me bitch about stuff.”
“Maybe I liked dealing with all that.”
“You’ll still have to keep Prompto and Ignis in line.”
“Prompto isn’t late for training and Ignis can already kick my ass highness, er, sorry, majesty,” Gladio corrected.
Hearing the honorific made Noct tear up again. Gods he was such a mess today. “Clarus raised a good son, and daughter!” Noct added quickly. “I don’t want Iris to think I’m not impressed with her skills too. You both have served the crown well; I know that whatever choice you make after tomorrow will be the right one. You’ve taught me more than you’ll know Gladio. I know we had some rough patches but we survived.”
Before he could react Gladio was out of his chair and pulling him into a hug. Gladio didn’t sob like he was but he was feeling something, Noct could tell. Gladio pushed him back after a minute and looked down at him with a smile. “Six, I know you are gonna give 'em hell tomorrow.”
“I couldn’t do any of this without you all, I hope you guys know that.”
“I can’t do another round,” Prompto squeaked suddenly. “No more just truth, let’s just tell each other happy memories we have and leave it at that.”
“Hey those happy memories are truths too,” Gladio cut in.
“Okay sure, but seriously no more sad things I need happy right now.”
“Fine, fine I can agree to that,” Noct added, feeling somewhat lighter than he had been earlier. Making peace with his friends about what the future held was exactly what he needed.  Then it hit him, Noct hadn’t exactly told Prompto how he felt about his revelation. “Prompto, you need to promise me that you’ll find someplace or someone nice to settle down with.”
“Oi, I can’t promise that, it’s not that easy!”
“I know but at least try, for me?” Noct begged. “All of you, please be happy and do awesome things. I can’t stand the thought of you being lost without me. I meant what I said earlier, you’ll are the best.”
Noct was engulfed by his friends in a rather teary-eyed hug after that, each one clinging to him and not letting go. Standing in the center of their attentions Noct knew he had the strength now to carry on. He could do this and he would win. All his friends deserved this much. They’d all sacrificed so much and now it was his turn. Noct would bring back the light.
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xylune · 3 years
FFXV Ardyn fanfic
I’ve been replaying Final Fantasy XV since things have settled down and I’ve had the chance to get all the additions and episodes. An idea for a canonverse AU hit me last night and I started working on it this morning, but for some reason, I just had to start writing a scene that won’t happen until later in the story...if I maintain the inspiration enough to keep at it.
Quick explanation: This story will build off the “Dawn of the Future” book addition, taking place after those events. Ardyn is unwillingly revived and supremely unhappy about it. Noctis and company are left with little choice but to try and manage him, as he’s become virtually un-killable. Unfortunately, Ardyn is desperate to die and the choices are to either deliver further torment on the man or try and help him find a purpose in his endless existence.
Beneath the cut (provided it works as it should) is a sample of a scene in which Gladiolus and Prompto are trying to babysit Ardyn, and the situation is made worse when he believes he’s seen a ghost from his past.
"Hmm, first time here. Let's see what's on the menu."
Ardyn checked a sigh of impatience. His flat still awaited, but it was a good ways further into Lestallum and they had been driving all day without a bite to eat. Even he, who could not die, still suffered the pangs of hunger and thirst. Cruel twist, that. What purpose did it serve for an immortal to still require food and drink? It wasn't as though he could starve to death; he'd already tried that. Going without did make him sick and weak, though.
Ever polite even when killing someone, the former Chancellor gave an elegant shrug and flourished a wave of his hand. "By all means, after you."
Gladiolus waited for his smaller companion Prompto to pass through the door first, and then the big, tattooed warrior followed behind. Ardyn held the door open for them both, and then he joined them inside the building.
"Charming little place," he mused, casting a look around. "There, by the window. A perfect spot for us."
The pair looked, and Gladio nodded. "Yeah. Backs to the wall and we can see who comes in and out. Good call."
"Paranoid sort, aren't you?" Ardyn smirked at the black-haired kings guard. "I chose it for the aesthetic position, but you see—"
"I see what I've been trained to see for all these years," interrupted Gladiolus in a low, serious voice. "Don't act so surprised. You're a big part of the reason we all learned to do everything strategically, learned to treat every place we went as a potential ambush spot."
"Guys," interjected Prompto before Ardyn could respond, "who cares about that? We're here to feed our faces and get something hot and nice to drink. Come on, I'm fading fast, here."
Gladiolus kept his hard brown gaze locked with Ardyn's for a moment, and then he nodded. "Right. A meal, then Ardyn's old place, then a place to sleep for the night."
"That's a top plan," agreed Ardyn amicably. "I would offer my flat for the night, but the utilities, I'm sure, have been cut off by now. Not to mention, the place hasn't been given a proper cleaning since I was last there. Dust mites, you know."
"How do you even know it's still available?" asked Prompto as they claimed their table and sat down. "You've been gone for a really long time. They might have cleared it out and rented it to someone else by now."
Ardyn shook his head, removed his fedora and plucked up the menu sitting on the table before him. "I'm paid up for the better part of two years on rent. You see, I can be forgetful about some things, and while it's easy enough to get utilities turned back on if I'm away for too long, personal effects can be a bother to replace. The flat is mine until the end of the year."
"Huh." Gladiolus examined his own menu. "Why not just buy the place, if you had that kind of money?"
Ardyn's usual flair with speech dropped, leaving his tone flat and level. "Because I didn't intend to be here for longer than that."
The younger two men paused, and they exchanged a look with one another over the tops of their menus.
"Oh dear, have I made you uncomfortable?" Ardyn's smirk came back, though it lacked humor. "How tactless of me. Still, you asked."
"Enough talk of suicide and death," insisted Gladiolus.
"I don't believe either of those two words were—"
"Or insinuations of the subject," interrupted the black-haired man, his squared jaw tightening. "We've talked about this. Remember the agreement."
"Yes of course, but the point remains that I was asked a question, to which I merely answered with honesty." Ardyn turned to the freckled blond seated beside him. "True, Prompto?"
"Well, yeah. That's a pretty valid point."
"All right, whatever," huffed Gladiolus. "Let's just drop it and get on with the eating. I'm starving and we're burning what's left of our daylight."
Ardyn could have ordinarily thought up a few snappy quips in response to that, but the inadvertent turn of the subject matter, however brief, reminded him again of his misery. His thoughts twisted back into the same dismal questions he'd been asking himself since the day of his unwilling return to the flesh.
How was he to maintain what little he had left of his sanity, knowing he had endless days and nights ahead of him with no end or purpose in sight?
"Hmph. No rest for the wicked," he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
Ardyn glanced sidelong over the top of his menu at Gladiolus, and then he pointedly focused on the text again. "Just thinking aloud, friend. Hmm, the Nebula Salmon Melt looks rather appetizing. I think I'll try that. What say you?"
Gladiolus scowled—not at Ardyn this time, but at the menu. "Everything looks pretentious to me. Iggy would love it."
"No meat and potato sub, then?"
"No cup o' noodles, either," added Prompto glibly.
Bless the speckled pistol specialist. Even though he clearly shared an understandable grudge and mistrust against Ardyn, Prompto's sociable nature compelled him to join in on some good-natured ribbing. Ardyn rather liked the lad for that.
"Knock it off," warned the big man. "Don't poke the bear when he's hungry, got it? I'm not in the mood."
"Yes, Prompto," Ardyn nudged the blond beside him with an elbow. "Do be careful. Now, Gladio—"
"I've told you not to call me that," reminded the kings guard with a frown. "Only friends and family are authorized to use the short version. You're neither. In fact, you're still at the top of my shit list, so cut the familiarity crap."
"Of course, Gladiolus," revised Ardyn politely. "I forget myself at times. Now, as I was saying, have you noticed the menu items on the other side? They have several items of a meatier variety."
Gladiolus flipped his menu over and looked. "Huh, you're right." He peered at the menu for a moment, and then he frowned, and he looked at Prompto. "What's 'prosciutto'?"
"Beats me, dude." The blond spread his hands helplessly. "I bet Noct or Specs would know, but I'm just as uncultured as you are. Ardyn, do you know?"
He did, but the older man's patience was quietly wearing thinner, and Gladiolus' rudeness wasn't helping. "It's meat."
Gladiolus' tiny smirk suggested that he was picking up on Ardyn's veiled frustration. "What kind of meat?"
"From a dead animal."
"No shit. What kind of animal? What part? Must be pretty special for such a fancy name."
Now Ardyn could feel his precious control slipping, and the daemons within him were trying to push to the surface. He spoke through his teeth, with a smile. "Why, the most delectable of both. A human ass."
Prompto sputtered, coughed and put his camera away. "Okay guys, time out. Let's just ask a waitress before you two eat each other. Hey, I see one over there. She's cute, too! Not as cute as Cindy, but real pretty. Uh, actually, I'll just go straight to her and ask. Don't kill each other, okay?"
For a moment, gold-amber eyes remained locked with dusky brown ones. Gladiolus was the first to look away, and he covered up whatever disquiet he felt by turning his attention to their companion, who had left the table to speak with a server.
"Him and the blondes. He's got a real thing for them. She is cute, though."
Inwardly glad for the distraction from his own annoyance, Ardyn followed Gladiolas' gaze across the room, to the bar area. Prompto was chatting with a fetching young woman wearing a uniform apron over her clothes. No matter the horrors he'd seen or the darkness he lived in, Ardyn could still appreciate beauty in all its forms. Women were certainly no exception, so he examined her with as much interest as his companions.
She had her back turned to him at first, but he noted that she had a pleasing form with delicate curves. Small of build, of average height, she had her hair gathered into a ponytail at the base of her neck.
The color of her hair caught his attention the most, provoking a little pang of nostalgia within him. It was certainly blonde, as Gladiolus said, but it wasn't a yellow tone like Prompto's or a platinum shade like the queen's. Most would consider it an unremarkable color blonde, almost a neutral tone between white and yellow, pale and with just enough highlights to lend a faint touch of gold.
Ardyn knew this particular hair color well, for he'd run his fingers through strands of it just like that, many times in the distant past. He'd always compared it to pale wheat, and he'd always found it to be the most interesting variation of that hair shade. Even the density of the waitress's hair was the same, though the length was greater than the hair he'd once touched.
She then turned, and Ardyn Izunia was treated to the interesting experience of feeling his body go hot and cold all at once. He couldn't say it was a pleasant thing. He couldn't move, and his breath halted in his lungs, lodging somewhere in his throat on its way out.
Her face, sweetly, softly rounding a bit where the cheekbones met the jaw, softening her features there before tapering down to a gently curving chin.
Her brow, pale and fine like the hair on her head.
Her nose. Her lovely, pert and perfect nose.
Her lips, pouty with a slight upward curve at the corners, sweet and generous with both kisses and smiles.
Her eyes. Colors of blue and green, forest and sea harmonizing together, creating a beautiful, soulful color made even more expressive by the downward tilt of the outer eye corners. There was wisdom in those eyes, made ancient by an abiding love and devotion to the gods, and to the light. There was compassion there as well, and laughter.
A collection of words describing his dead betrothed kept spinning in Ardyn's head, and a part of him realized he had reduced this poor girl before him to a collection of body parts, comparing them to his lost love's bit by bit, because he simply could not believe what he was seeing.
Everything about her, every part of her, was an exact copy of the woman he would have married, had fate been more kind. Down to every detail, as far as he could tell from this distance. He had eyes like a hawk though, and he could even see that she had the exact same faint little freckles on her cheeks and nose, in the exact places he remembered them. He used to kiss them lovingly when they spent afternoons together, so he'd memorized them all.
Gladiolus was talking to him, in his rough voice. Ardyn could hear him, but it was faint as if coming from far away. There was a ringing in his ears, and it drowned out his companion's questions. For a moment, Ardyn wondered if he'd gone deaf, but then he heard the waitress's voice. Even that was identical to the one he remembered. She even had the same accent.
Every other voice and every other sound in the cafe faded into the background as the fallen healer focused on the sound of her voice.
"—cured ham," she was saying to Prompto, smiling. "It's quite popular. You can assure your friend that it doesn't come from a human's ass."
Prompto then pointed at the table they'd claimed, and Ardyn was overwhelmed with a sudden, immediate rush of panic as the waitress's gaze flicked to him. He quickly looked away, turning his head so hard that his neck popped in the process. He closed his eyes, willing himself to calmness.
He was imagining things. Seeing things that weren't there. It wouldn't be the first time. His beloved Aera couldn't possibly be there, serving sandwiches and coffee in a cafe. She was dead. Not only that, she was lost to him forever. When he'd let go after the defeat of Bahamut, thinking he could finally rest, he thought he was going to be with her. She wasn't there, though. There was only darkness, and then...he found himself in the flesh again, in pain, in Noctis' throne room.
He only got to see his beloved for a moment, and she wasn't there waiting for him like he'd thought. Perhaps he'd only hallucinated her after all, and they couldn't be together in any form because of the sins he'd committed.
She wasn't really here, in this establishment, offering sandwich advice. It wasn't possible.
"Hey, what's with you?"
For once, Gladiolus's aggressive barking was received with gratitude, because it startled Ardyn enough to anchor him back to reality...somewhat.
"So sorry," he managed to verbalize, "but I need fresh air. Be right back."
She was coming. He could feel her presence, hear her dainty steps like the thunder of an approaching storm. Ardyn Izunia abandoned all pretense of grace and manners, snatched up the fedora he'd set on the windowsill, crammed it on his head and made his egress as quickly as he could without using his warping abilities and causing a scene.
"What the hell did you say to him?" Prompto looked from Gladio to the door Ardyn had just vanished through.
"Nothing. He just spaced out all the sudden." Gladio was frowning, appearing just as lost as Prompto. "He looked like he saw a ghost or something, if you ask me. You went over there to talk to the waitress, and then he went still as a statue and turned about five shades whiter. All I did was ask if he was okay."
Prompto scratched his head, looking through the window and leaning a little to get a better view. "I see him. He's by the street lamp. He's just standing there with his hands in his coat pockets and his head down."
"Prompt, I swear I didn't do anything. We watched you talking to the waitress, and then he flipped."
Prompto combed his fingers through his spiky hair—or as much as he could before the stiffening product in his locks stopped him. "Damn. Well, who knows with him? Why was I the peacekeeper here, anyway? Ignis is better at this than me."
"Because Noct is stressed as hell and right now, he needs Ignis at his side as his advisor and his hand."
"I know, I know," sighed Prompto. "This is kind of a vacation from babysitting for him and Luna. I...I guess I'll go out and talk to him, see if I can figure out what's up before he blows a gasket. She's gonna come bring us some water in a sec, but if we're not back inside would you order the drinks?"
"Fine. What do you want?"
The blond shrugged his slim, bare shoulders. "Just the usual green soda. I don't know what Ardyn wants."
"He needs a tall glass of calm the fuck down," grumbled Gladio.
"I don't think they serve that here," Prompto answered dryly. "He said something about coffee earlier."
"The last thing that guy needs right now is caffeine."
Prompto threw his hands up. "Well, I don't know! Tea or something? He likes tea, right?"
"Guess it couldn't hurt. Go on; I'll hold the fort."
Ardyn had calmed himself enough to risk another look inside, but Prompto came out and tapped him on the shoulder just as he was about to try and confirm what he thought he'd seen. To his chagrin, the older man jumped a bit, and he turned to face Prompto with a frown.
"You, boy, should avoid sneaking up on me that way."
Truthfully, Prompto was no "boy" anymore. He and his friends were now nearly of an age with Ardyn. At least physically. He couldn't help but still think of them all as youths though, for compared to himself, virtually everyone alive on Eos was just a babe.
"Sorry, I was worried about you."
The casually and honestly worded response gave Ardyn pause. He knew the core of Prompto's concern was rooted in Noctis' expectations of him, naturally. Prompto's concern was more in letting his friend and king down than any true care for Ardyn's well-being, but it was nice to hear someone say that without hesitation, all the same.
"You saw her too, didn't you?" He was hardly aware of what he was saying. The words spilled out without conscious thought, but Ardyn realized that he did need confirmation from someone.
"Saw who?"
"The girl."
Prompto blinked, and there was a rumble of thunder overhead. He glanced up at the sky briefly, then flinched when a drop of rain landed on his nose. "There were a few girls in there, man. Can you be more specific?"
Growing more agitated, Ardyn grabbed Pronto by the shoulders. "The girl. The one you were speaking to."
Prompto's hand inched toward the holster where he kept his gun, but he didn't draw it. He regarded the ancient warily, his fair brows hedging with alarm. "Whoa, slow down. Do you mean the waitress?"
Aware that he'd just inadvertently made Prompto feel threatened, Ardyn relaxed his hold, though he didn't release it. "Aye, the waitress. Blonde, fair of skin, eyes like the color of a lagoon. Voice like bells."
"Um...okay. Your speech has ah...really gone old school all the sudden. And that's a pretty intense description..."
"Just answer me!"
Prompto nodded convulsively. "Yeah, yeah! Of course I saw her, dude. I was the one that pointed her out in the first place!"
"So...she's real. She's really here."
The smaller man's eyes were almost bugging out now. "Well I sure as shit hope so, because otherwise I was standing there talking to thin air about human ass sandwiches."
If he weren't so bewildered, Ardyn would have laughed uproariously over that. Under current circumstances though, his sense of humor was crippled. Nonetheless, he tried to at least put on a facade of calm for the sake of his companion. He removed his hands from Prompto's shoulders, taking a step back to give the other man space.
"Ah, well. Begging your pardon, friend. I was merely...startled. She looks very much like someone I once knew, and well...this is rather embarrassing, but I feared for a moment that I was hallucinating. Hence my asking you those odd questions."
Prompto's "fight or flight" stance relaxed a bit, and he shifted from foot to foot. "Oh. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I mean, after what you've...well, it's okay."
Prompto gave the taller man an awkward pat on the shoulder. "She's real, you're not seeing things and the rain is starting to come down. Let's go back inside for some chow, okay?"
"Splendid. Do let's. After you."
Ardyn tugged his hat brim down a little lower, waited for his companion to go back in, and then peeked through the window furtively. The rain was coming down faster now, streaking the glass and spoiling his view. He couldn't see the waitress, but she was in there.
"Pull it together," he whispered to himself.
The girl was real, and she definitely shared some traits with his lost love, but surely his mind had tricked him earlier. He saw through the eyes of a grieving heart, and he was clinically insane. He could make it through a quick meal without going completely off hinge...he hoped.
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lycorogue · 5 years
Latest Writing Blog is Live
The Rogue’s Scribe: Come Check Out These Fics!
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My writing was mostly focused on all of those blog posts last week. Which means I haven’t done much fictional writing. Instead, this week’s post is about a handful of awesome fics I’ve read this month.
LoveSquare Week 2020 by @kittyynoirr (aka LittleLottieWrites)
Really sweet exploration of the different prompts. Including at least two awesome Ladrien stories.
The Enemies AU story/chapter was an awesome pilot for a potential future multi-chapter story.
Chasing Feelings by @coffeecomicsgalore
A continuous story with each Fluff Week prompt as a different chapter theme.
A sweet tale of how the Love Square collapses into a lovely couple.
Final chapter has the most adorable over-the-top dorky Adrienette pranking the class, and an off-the-wall reveal that I LOVE because of how gloriously stupid and perfect it was. 
Two Hundred Seventeen Days by @chanceuseladynoire​ and @zenmisery​
Another continuous story with each Fluff Week prompt as a different chapter theme.
Aged up Adrienette story with hints of the other sides of the Love Square throughout the story.
Kwami shenanigans because they’re beyond sick of the Love Square BS.
Immortal Bonds by @thetauruspixie​
A demons/supernatural entities AU
The story officially starts, giving a base on what Marinette’s life is like before any supernatural influence. However, an interaction with Master Fu seems quite unnerving....
Due to the AU nature, only the most basic knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Discordant Sonata by @edendaphne​
An Aged-up and Enemies AU
Each chapter has its own musical term as a theme, and wonderfully selected mood music.
Chat Noir battles with whether or not he’s on the correct side while the duo also deals with their growing affections towards each other.
It is angsty and heartbreaking, but there’s also rays of hope that make you want to read more.
Due to the AU nature, only the most basic knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Displaced by Time by @cyhyr​
A FFXV fanfic
A main cast made up of delightfully well-rounded OCs that you quickly become attached to.
Time travel shenanigans makes the story intentionally a bit confusing so the reader must get their bearings alongside main character Vesper.
The story takes place almost parallel to the events of the game, and may even quietly influence the events.
No prior knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Please, give these fics some love. And for my full reactions/reviews on them, check out my blog. The Rogue’s Scribe: Come Check Out These Fics!
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
Hello all! I thought I’d do the rounds so to speak and say hello to all new and old followers alike!
My name is Amitiel (AMY-TEE-ELL... Like Castiel/Gabriel in pronunciation) and I’ve been into the FFXV scene for a little over a year now. All I do is write fanfics, bake, cook, and try to just be an overall supportive of the people in fandom. I’m married, have 3 cats that are my children, and am genderfluid and pan ace. I cope with chronic pain every day, which is an ongoing struggle, and also have OCD and PTSD.
I don’t tolerate any bigotry, whether it’s based on sexuality, religion, race, etc. 
I am a multishipper and don’t hate based on what people ship. ^_^
I love meeting new people in the fandom, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I never know how to start a convo, but once you get to know me I don’t shut up. XD
I also have a private discord server, so if you’re interested I’d love to get to know you and have you join if you think you’d like to be a part of a small, safe space. <3
Here are the links to my other socials:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/absolutelynoct
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/amitiel/works
Currently I’m the lead mod/creator of the Starscourge: A Goth FFXV Zine, which has applications open until September 23rd. Check out the twitter (most updates there) and the tumblr (all important updates there) if you’re interested in it! As a lifelong goth, it’s a project that is really precious to me that’s been in the works for months before even starting anything for it, and we have a great team of mods with a plethora of experience.
Anyway, that’s basically me! Thank you all for following me, and I’m really honored that you all found my tumblr and gave me a follow! 
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shadowlink06 · 4 years
Idea Stub~FFXV Fanfic - Canon Compliment Origins of the Previous Rulers Story
While I’ve been outlining some events for The Two Brothers and another Halloween themed fanfic I want to tackle, I thought it would be a nice writing exercise to do some short stories about the previous Lucian Kings/Queens based on their basic summary from the FFXV Wiki page. All of these will have OCs but this is something that would be nice see how I can stretch a paragraph into a full blown story to give more insight as to who these people were. In my defense, I was interested in Crepera Lucis Caelum since she was the first queen and has a cameo appearance in The Two Brothers. The ones that I won’t bother with are Ardyn, Somnus, Regis, or Noctis since I feel that they have enough screen time as it were. Mors I don’t even have any idea what type of person he is even from checking around so he’ll have to unfortunately be left out of this exercise.
Credit from Wiki Pages
The Wise.
Believed to be the first king who raised the Wall of the Lucian Kingdom, he is known to have wielded a simple sword. His statue and spirit in the Ring of the Lucii are thinly armored with multiple wings.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Wise's Sigil: Dragoon Drain, allows the bearer to perform a leap jump attack, its animation being similar to Aranea's Dragoon Dive. The Sigil also allows the bearer to replace their curative spells with HP and MP lancet-draining attacks, making the Wise a Dragoon archetype despite his royal arm not being a spear.
The Royal and Windows Editions have monuments dedicated to a some of the rulers of yore, which are signed by "Optimus Lucis Caelum," the 108th Lucian king. Noctis being the 114th king by the typical lengths of a generation would suggest that this king may have been the Wise.
The Conqueror.
A king said to have lived in times of chaos, who rose as a champion that united the Lucian continent and fought for his peoples, allowing them to usher in a great age of prosperity. He is known to have wielded a halberd. The Conqueror's statue and Lucii form has thin armor, with a waist cape, and long, thin capes hanging from his elbows, with his helmet having a long, hair-like tassel on the top.
In Final Fantasy XV Comrades, the Conqueror's Sigil: Elemancy, allows the bearer to temporarily imbue the surrounding area with elemental properties with an elementally-aligned weapon.
The Clever.
A king said to be well versed in the arts, be it the physical, the intellectual, martial, or that of skill. He is known to have wielded a crossbow. His statue and Lucii form has thin armor with several lengths of a segmented cape draped over his back, and antler-like extensions on his helmet.
In Final Fantasy XV Comrades, the Clever's Sigil: Spectral Arms, allows the bearer to conjure an arsenal of eight special armaments and wield them while replacing their offensive spells.
The Wanderer.
A king who found no boundary to the land and wandered the world, going where no man had gone before. He is known to have wielded twin swords that could combine into an enormous besieging weapon. The Wanderer's statue and Lucii form depict him with bulky, segmented suit of armor, a monocle-like object on his left eye, and, curiously, four arms with circular joints, suggesting the statue can rotate his arms at these points.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Wanderer's Sigil: Cheer, enables the bearer to empower their comrades with five status enhancements.
The Oracle.
Though the Oracles are known as the royalty of Tenebrae, one of the royal arms is the Trident of the Oracle, and one of the twelve statues of the Old Wall in Insomnia is the Oracle King who wields a giant version of the trident in the battle against the Diamond Weapons. As told in the monoliths in Steyliff Grove Menace, this king likely watched the Oracle of his time perish before his eyes, and thus took up her trident. Due to her not having a successor yet, the Oracle King held a temporary status as both a king of Lucis and Oracle of Eos. In Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Nyx and Glauca end up fighting on the Oracle's shoulder, but the statue tosses the trident and warps away and Nyx and Glauca fall. The horn at the front of his helmet resembles a bird. The statue has a broad chest, long cape and heavier body compared to the others.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light, enhances the bearer's curative spells.
The Rogue. Main article: Crepera Lucis Caelum
Believed to be the first queen, the Rogue disliked the watch of the public eye and took to the shadows to enact her rule. She is known to have wielded a shuriken. Her statue and Lucii form has a thin suit of armor, a narrow waist cape, heels on her armored shoes, a horned crown covering her eyes, and a extensions on her shoulders adorned with four long ribbons.
In Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV, she jumps at the arriving Diamond Weapon and threatens it enough it uses its main attack. Her statue holds up a collapsing cliff after Niflheim's first attack.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Rogue's Sigil: Aerial Ace, enables the bearer to perform a mid-air step after attacking.
She has an extended role in the Windows and Royal Editions of Final Fantasy XV, where she is fought as a boss in the final dungeon. Living guardian statues fashioned after her Lucii form also appear as bosses in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn.
Extra Stub:
Crepera's human visage is unknown even to most of her contemporaries due to her hiding her face. As a Lucii, she uniquely does not conceal her entire face by a helmet, her elaborate horned headgear covering the eyes and the nose. The headgear somewhat resembles a dragon, which might be in homage of Bahamut, as most Lucii seem to have elements resembling the Astral as part of their attires. Her white porcelain-like face mask has cracks on the surface and black lips. Though the mask has realistic nose and lips, where her eyes should be the mask is covered in black leather-like designs.
She wears an intricate full body suit of armor with a half-skirt and high heels. Her shoulder blades have ornaments that each have four long strips of fabric attached that invoke the image of wings, or Bahamut's red capes. PersonalityNot much is known about Crepera's personality, making her among the most mysterious of the rulers of yore. In addition to valuing privacy and hating the public's eye, she focused on leading Lucis through crisis and succeeded magnificently, making her famous for years to come.
The Tall.
He is a king known by his girth and strength, alluded to like that of a mountain. The Tall is known to have wielded a chainsaw-like greatsword. His statue and Lucii form have broad, bulky armor, with a broad chest, and a comparatively narrow, but long cape.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Tall's Sigil: Aura, enhances the bearer's attack power, but prevents them from casting curative spells.
The Just.
A queen who devoted all efforts to uphold peace and was beloved in turn by her peoples for her serenity. She is known to have wielded a tall shield. Her statue and Lucii form has incredibly large and heavy armoring, with large shoulders that have a three round holes, and thick, forward-facing horns on her helmet.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Just's Sigil: Omniguard, enhances one to conjure a 360-degree protective barrier around the bearer and their allies. Tonitrus, the Fierce
The Fierce. Main article: Tonitrus Lucis Caelum
A king famous for his personality; to his people, a kind, loving, and just king; to his enemies, a veritable demon of merciless brutality. He is known to have wielded a great mace. As a statue and Lucii spirit, Tonitrus had bulky, segmented armor, and a tattered cape on his left shoulder. His most prominent feature is the disc on his head.
In Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV, the Fierce wreaks perhaps the most damage, destroying buildings and imperial airships as he goes. Even after losing his arms the statue still continues but is the only statue who is defeated.
In Final Fantasy XV Comrades, the Fierce's Sigil: Rampage, allows the bearer to use powerful martial arts; when stringed together, the combos can unleash a powerful special beam of energy attack.
The Fierce is fought as a boss in the final dungeon in the Windows and Royal Editions of Final Fantasy XV. Living guardian statues fashioned after his Lucii form also appear as bosses in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn.
Extra Stub:
His human visage unknown, as a Lucii the Fierce wears an elaborate suit of armor that resembles samurai gear. His most prominent feature is the disc on his head, which has chains attached to its underside with what look like small dogtags hanging from them. His helmet covers his entire head with four narrow slits for eyes.
PersonalityTonitrus is known for his merciless brutality, having wielded a great mace with such ferocity and relentlessness that he was feared as a veritable demon. He appears the most aggressive of the statues in
However, Tonitrus was a kind, loving and just king who cared deeply for his subjects.
The Pious
A king known for his eponymous piety, leading Lucis with a rule guided by divine principles and worked closely with the Oracle of his era. He is known to have wielded a scepter that smote with a blade of light. His statue and Lucii form has light armor, with a thick cape draped over his shoulders, and a bishop-chess-piece-like helmet with a tall crown similar to that of a pope.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Pious's Sigil: Multicast, enables the bearer to cast two offensive spells in a row. The Warrior
The Warrior
A king whose life was forever changed when his beloved queen was killed by assailants. He is believed to have wandered the world and waged an era of global war fueled by a vendetta of bereavement and is speculated to be the king whose worship inspired the Safety Bit accessory. The Warrior is known to have wielded a katana, a weapon not of the lands of Lucis, and is the only king laid to rest outside of his home nation. His statue and Lucii form depicts him with somewhat thick armor, a tattered cape, and a large volumed feathered tassel on the top of his spiky helmet.
In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, the Warrior's Sigil: Untouchable, enables the bearer to provoke enemies and dodge their attacks. The bearer does a vacuum wave when dodging.
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patsdrabbles · 5 years
Daily Fanfic Chocolates - A Calendar
As the title of this post already suggests, I am planning on making a sort of fanfic Advent calendar this year. I did this with a comic I drew many years ago once and it was super fun! So I thought hey, I have so many unposted fics I could finally share, why not make a fanfic calendar this time round? ^^
The fics will be for multiple fandoms: among others M*A*S*H, The Traveling Wilburys, FFXV, Jeeves and Wooster, DA:I, Queen, as well as Marvel (the first four especially). Some are shorter ones, but I also have fics up to 4k, so on the whole, it will be a whole lot of writing I finally get to share. ^u^
I’ll always add links to AO3 in my self reblogs of the fics, but I’ll also reblog try to update this post daily, so that there’ll be a masterlist of links in the end.
I hope you’ll have as much fun reading the coming fics as I had writing them! ^-^/
* * * *
❄️ No. 1: 5 Love Languages (The Traveling Wilburys; Dylarrison)
❄️ No. 2: He Protects and He Attacks (Jeeves and Wooster; Jooster)
❄️ No. 3: Nosebleed (Queen; Joger)
❄️ No. 4: Not Leaving Till You Smile (M*A*S*H; Hunnihawk)
❄️ No. 5: I Love You (The Traveling Wilburys; Dylarrison)
❄️ No. 6: The Old and New Friends Bowling Evening (FFXV; CorNyx)
❄️ No. 7: Roger Knows Best (Queen & M*A*S*H; Hunnihawk)
❄️ No. 8: I Won’t Even Ask (Jeeves and Wooster; Jooster)
❄️ No. 9: Come and Hold Me Close (The Traveling Wilburys; Dylarrison)
❄️ No. 10: Ghost in an Old Haunt (Marvel; Steve & Bucky)
❄️ No. 11: Come Back to Me (The Traveling Wilburys; Penne)
❄️ No. 12: Snow Kisses (M*A*S*H; Charles x Donna)
❄️ No. 13: Nosebleed 2 (Queen; Joger)
❄️ No. 14: To Love and Cherish (Jeeves and Wooster; Jooster)
❄️ No. 15: A Different Life (FFXV)
❄️ No. 16: In Every Universe (Queen; Joger)
❄️ No. 17: Why This Mug (DA:I; Cassandra x Varric)
❄️ No. 18: I Spy a Spy Spider (M*A*S*H; Charles x Donna)
❄️ No. 19: Confessions (Jeeves and Wooster; Jooster)
❄️ No. 20: He’s Mine (The Traveling Wilburys; Dylarrison)
❄️ No. 21: Stellar (M*A*S*H; Charles x Donna)
❄️ No. 22: A Winter Night (M*A*S*H; Hawkeye x Charles)
And that’s it, folks! ^-^ I ended up skipping two days because I was too busy to edit/write more, but I think it’s alright. ^^ I hope you enjoyed this calendar as much as I enjoyed making it! ❤️ Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁 ❄️❤️
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scribeofred · 5 years
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47!
2. Whatis your latest fandom?
My latestfandom is Batman in terms of fic. There’s a wealth of reading material in it,and it is almost perfectly suited to my preference for brothers-relatedmaterial. There are also some very very very good writers to be found, and I’menjoying being able to consume in a large scale again, at least when I’m notsick of reading due to work.
3. Whatis the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
In termsof “this is my ideal place and I am never leaning,” absolutely Thunderbirds. It’salso a… very small fandom, and for a choosy consumer such as myself, that’sbeen a serious problem over the last year or two, what with the departure of alot of my favorite writers. Nevertheless, the world and the characters have embeddeddeep in my heart, and I’ll always be around somewhere in the fandom in one iterationor another.
5. Whichfandoms have your written fanfiction for?
A few! Ihave published fics for TRON: Legacy, Assassin’s Creed, FFVII, Star Wars, Sherlock,Thunderbirds, FFXV, and VLD.
As far asentirely unpublished fandoms… I have an enormous Merlin AU completelyoutlined, but I only wrote snippets of it. Too bad, because it was going to beSO GOOD. Alas, I am no good with monster projects, so it languishes, probablyforever. Unless I post the outline here. Hmm. I could do that…
7. Listyour NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Oh man. Well.Let’s see. Automatically anything incest or slash, they’re just not my mug ofpomegranate juice. Other than that, I’m relatively fluid when it comes topairings and tend to go in for anything that’s well-written and has dynamicsthat are to my taste, so I rarely hit upon pairings that make me nope entirely out.I tend to just not care about anything that doesn’t strike my fancy.
11. Whois your current OTP?
As notedabove, I am not a hardcore shipper. Favorite pairings come and go depending onmood and whether they’ve become boring due to overuse/overexposure/passage oftime or not. If I had to pick, I’d say I still default to Scott/Penny, though,because I’m still writing ’em.
13. Goon, who are your BroTPs?
Mostrecent fandoms only, in no particular order: Shiro & Pidge, Shiro &Hunk, Keith & Pidge, Keith & Hunk (VLD); Scott & Virgil, Scott& John, insert-all-possible-bro-combinations-here (TB); Dick & Jason,Jason & Stephanie, Jason & Cass, Cass & everyone, Jason & Damian(Batman).
17. Whatship have you written the most about?
I am stillinfluenced a ton by TOS, so as of the last five years, it’s Scott/Penny. They’rethe ultimate power couple, both heirs to enormous fortunes, and let’s face it:they look incredible on each other’s arm. The dynamics are lovely between them,very arch, very clever, and finding ways to make them relax around one anotheris just genuinely my favorite.
19. Anyships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Nyx/Araneafrom FFXV came out of the blue. I think I saw someone had written it once duringone of my only glances at the fandom’s AO3 section, and it lodged in my brain. Imean. I’ve read exactly one (1) fic for them and have written an equal numberof fics with them, and I don’t really think about them on my own time nowadays,but they did click with me, at least very briefly. I also super wasn’texpecting to like Shiro/Allura from VLD, but they touched hands in S2, and Idid that little flappy hand thing and made The Noise, and I knew I was InTrouble.
23. Whatfic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
See, I dothis thing. Where once I’ve posted a fic, I am disinclined to reread it withoutsome serious—usually external—prompting. Not because I hate it! But because I’vejust moved on to new ideas—that one has had all the hooks it had in my brainreleased by way of posting the story, and I don’t need to think about it anylonger. I’m not very interested in rewriting old material, although last week Idid reread Three Towels and a Tracy for the first time in a couple years, and Imade a few tiny tweaks to the AO3 version for improved readability. I edit soheavily while I initially write a story, though, that I really don’t leavemyself much room for editing/rewriting at a late date.
Arealistic answer would be “probably the first ten or so stories I posted becauseI know So Much More about writing, especially the technical elements, now thanI did then, and there are undoubtedly many missing/misplaced commas int them.”
29. Whatinspires you to write?
Sometimesit’s vivid mental images that I Must Put Into Words (an upcoming FFVII story);sometimes a piece of art or a song compels me to put words down. Imagery is abig thing in my writing, so it tends to be something visual that sparks aproject, although occasionally combinations of words just *sing* to be put downsomewhere. Truth told, I write for SS and no one else, so yeah, she’s myinspiration.
31. Doyou listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which bandor genre of music does it for you?
Music inand of itself rarely inspires me these days, with one notable exception, but I dousually listen to it while writing. Anything instrumental gets at least tried,but I lean toward film/game/TV scores (Hans Zimmer yaaaaaasssss), smooth jazz, epicproduction music, and some electronic music. If music is too much for onereason or another, I will pull up a soundscape generator—myNoise is amazing; I’vebeen all over the Black Hole soundscape recently—and let that run on animatefor an hour or two.
37. Doyou use established canon characters, or do you create OCs?
I alwaystry to write canon characters unless it’s necessary to create a person for aspecific scenario. OCs can be hard to connect with unless you’re very good at makingreaders care, so they’re a bit risky. I know I prefer to read about canoncharacters, though, so that drives my thinking when I create plots/scenarios.
41. Listand link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
@preludeinz is just… one of the best writers you’re ever going to find. The way she’sable to take literally any scenario or characters and make them interestingbaffles me even years into knowing her, and you will not find a better writer todescribe clothing. She’s as brilliant at handling character interactions as sheis at describing lasagna food. Also, her dialogue is A++
lurkinglurkerwholurksis another complete package. Everything about their writing is engaging andfeels so polished, and they have an enviable ability to capture characters’ voices.I’m constantly blown away by the quality of their work, and I’m waiting withbated breath for the next chapter of Nature and Nurture.
@headspacedad writes some of the best stream of consciousness I’ve encountered. The firstchapter of their story Falling took my breath away, and subsequent updatescontinue to knock the air out of me. Writing a character who’s lost a primarysense is no easy feat, but they make it incredibly easy, and indeed the storyis so rich with details that it’s 100% better that way.
If youwant a writer who’s going to challenge you with each chapter, each scene, eachparagraph, each sentence, pollywantsa is absolutely the writer for you. I’mperhaps a tiny bit traumatized by one particular work, but in general every storyis worth reading. There’s a sense of weight to each piece, a gravity that goesbeyond fandom trappings and sinks into your very bones, lives like mercury inthe bottoms of your lungs, dragging you down into the unshakable truths that areinescapably human. Real people make wrong decisions, destroy other people orthemselves; they are crude and profane and selfish and so very beautiful intheir imperfections, and polly will remind you of that with each tone-perfectword they’ve laid down.
Roundingout the list is @velkynkarma. Unusual stories and unique situations that I neverwould have considered reading are some of my favorite stories because of VK’sskill at finding the engaging threads to pull into the light. Space mouse vsCoran? Amazing. Keith + space mouse shenanigans? Incredible. Zarkon + eldritchhorror? Terrifying but so engaging. Slav and Sven AU? Worthy of popcorn. Heapsof Shiro angst? Sign me up. The high quality of both storytelling and technicalskill are not to be missed, and every new story and chapter updated is a TREAT.
(honorarymention: @deepwaterstars for being the sunbeam to my moonbeam
43. Whatship do you feel needs more attention?
Uh… I’mnot sure tbh. I’m not a “shipper,” and I tend to read gen fic as a wholesalerule. I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more Virgil/Penny, I guess?
47. Doyou leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/why not?
Mmmm.See. This is the thing I’m trying to get better about. Because I tend to go ALLIN when I comment and drop a solid 300–500 words, and that takes time, even ifthe words are flowing. I find it hard to write something more modest, because Iknow exactly how much I drool over the writers who leave me enormous comments,and I want to give them the same feelings. I tend to only comment whensomething has truly moved me, especially since I’ve tried to move on from the unasked-forcritique-style reviews. Maybe one day I’ll find a happy middle ground.
ask me about fanfic!
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autumn-maple13 · 6 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 9
Child of Ardyn FFXV Fanfic
Chapter 9: Preparations
Everything was in fast forward, almost from the moment Chancellor Izunia had left the citadel. Meeting upon meeting swamped the King and council, the Crownsguard and Kingsglaive were being reassigned, everything was on hold but moving forward at the same time.
Amara had wanted to break down and cry the second she had heard the news that King Regis had accepted the terms of the “peace treaty” Niflheim had offered up. Her fellow Glaives were understandably pissed, with few taking it in stride and the rest trying to not fall apart one way or another. She had opted to stay alongside them in their moment of mourning, knowing that as a Crown City Citizen she would never know the pain they were feeling in that moment, and offering Crowe a hug before the woman who had become a big sister to her took off for a classified mission briefing. Nyx and the injured Libertus were pulled not long after, having to deal with some details that she overheard involved the Prince.
With Noctis on her mind, she took off for her friend’s apartment without bothering to change out of her uniform or call ahead.
It wasn’t long before she was stepping out of the elevator and walking to his door, giving a loud knock as she also pressed the button on the intercom.
{Be right there.}
And there he was, a slightly shocked looking Noctis, rubbing his neck and only nodding his head to motion for her to come in. His apartment was a wreck, but not its usual kind - boxes were everywhere, being packed with whatever it was the guys were organizing.
“What’s going on?”
“You haven’t heard?” Gladio looked a little surprised as he stooped down to tape a box shut. “Noct’s engaged now.”
“Huh? To who? I was only gone for like a day.”
“Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae.” Ignis spoke up as the others fell back into silence.
“The Oracle? How? When?”
“It’s part of the terms of the treaty,” Noctis seemed to find his voice again, and looked at her for a moment before returning to helping the guys. “We’re leaving the city in a day or two.”
“You’re coming back right?” Amara reached out to grab the Prince’s arm, not caring how it looked. “I mean, you are coming back to Insomnia after?”
“We’ll both be coming to Insomnia after, I think. To be honest I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing.”
“He’s not the only one.” Prompto stood up, and carried a couple photos to her. “Here, Noct wanted you to have these. We found them when we were packing up his old comics.”
Photos of them from high school, thumbing through them she couldn’t believe how much things had changed. “You guys are going with him?”
“Yes.” Ignis placed a hand on her shoulder as he made to pass her, heading for the kitchen. “I did try to ask if you could be made part of the retinue, but alas Uncle has made clear his Majesty wants everyone from both the Crownsguard and the Kingsglaive on standby in the city during the signing.”
“Has a date been decided yet?”
“We were going to ask you the same thing.” Gladio huffed, reaching up to rub the building exhaustion from his face. “I guess it hasn’t been yet.”
Silence pressed down on them again, but this time it was a tension in the air that made it be broken.
“I met the Chancellor.” she looked around the guys, taking in their shocked expressions. “I was the one who escorted him to and from the Citadel. I knew he had come to offer that damned treaty, but I didn’t know any of the details of it... “
“You didn’t ask?” Ignis almost sounded as confused as she felt.
“I was… a bit busy asking other things. I didn’t realize that we really did look so much alike,” she spat out the final part of her sentence with a grimace on her face. “Captain Drautos saw us together when we entered the Citadel and suggested we could share an ancestor or something. Then the guards had these looks on their faces when we stood together again at the car…”
“It must have been a shock to realize the truth behind the rumors, if there even really is any.” Noctis spoke with a tone she didn’t quite recognize, almost as if he had switched into ‘prince mode’ or something. “Look, Amara, it doesn’t matter if you look like the guy or not, there’s no way you’re related unless it’s something like what Drautos said, but I’m sure it must’ve been confusing enough for you without the added worry of the treaty.”
She nodded and sighed before unbuttoning her uniform jacket and tossing it aside. “I failed as Glaive and a Guard for the few moments I was with him, and for that I apologize. To make up for it, how about I give you guys a break a handle a bit of this mess for you?”
“Sounds good to me!”
The guys laughed as she made an attempt to dive headlong into the task they had started, helping out with some of the sorting Noctis had been clearly doing in his typically lazy way. She did her best to press down the guilt building in her, trying to ignore the slight burn the King’s magic had taken on when she spoke of Ardyn. Amara joined them for dinner and a few rounds of King’s Knight before finally calling it quits for the night, making sure to give each of them a tight hug and even a peck on the cheek before she told them goodbye (and goodluck, just in case she didn’t get to see them again before they left).
Now she walked aimlessly through the Crown City, not really wanting to go home but not wanting to really be alone either. So imagine her surprise when a familiar car pulled up beside her, the window rolling down to reveal a more than slightly concerned advisor.
“I thought you were going home, what are you doing out here?”
“I guess I just started walking and stopped paying attention.”
“Well hop in, I know just the thing for times like this.”
“Excuse me honey, but do I look like the kind of girl who’d hop in a car with just anyone?” she was trying to joke with him, but he shut it down with a single tap of a finger against the steering wheel. “Alright, I’m getting in.”
Ignis waited until she was securely fastened before pulling back out into traffic, heading a bit further into the city than she had been planning to go on her own. They arrived at his intended destination a bit sooner than she expected, though, and she was surprised to find them now parked outside a little hole-in-the-wall cafe he was obviously familiar with. Motioning for her to follow him the still-uniformed Glaive was a bit hesitant to do so, though his calm expression urged her after him. The man gave her a gentle smile, waving a hand towards an empty, out of the way table.
“I don’t suppose you’ve decided to entice any other taste changes recently?”
“No, nothing worth mentioning.”
“Then take a seat, I’ll be right back.”
“I don’t know Iggy, I’m a bit too tired to make it to the car fast enough to get away with a chair.”
“I take it by your jokes I should make whatever I decide to order you a double.”
“If you’re talking espresso, a four-shot. I’d say a triple but no one makes a machine that only does singles and I’m not wasting perfectly good espresso.”
Ignis chuckled and made his way to the counter as she settled into a chair, looking out the window at the nightlife that was a bit too lively compared to how she felt. It was like the people of the Crown City didn’t care about what was going on, and with a start she realized that most of them really didn’t. Feeling her guilt begin to chew away at her once more she hardly noticed Ignis returning until he sat a large drink and a small plate of cheese danishes in front of her. Giving her a gentle smile the man settled himself across from her, sipping on his own drink for a moment as she eyed hers a bit warily.
“A vanilla frappuccino with a double pump of honey and four shots of espresso. I believe you referred to it as a “honeysuckle”?”
“You actually remembered that?”
“I was the one you forced to try it.” he chuckled, reaching over to steal a danish from the plate in front of her. “I suggest you eat one of those before they cool down.”
Giving a slight nod she decided to hede his instructions, picking one of the still warm desserts up to nibble on as he allowed himself to look away from her still worried face to the nightlife she had been examining before he returned to her. He waited for her to finish, and allowed her a few sips of her drink before he looked at her again, this time not bothering to let his concern be hidden.
“Amara, what’s bothering you so much you’d wander around the city by yourself?”
“That obvious huh?”
“We’re all concerned about you. The door had hardly shut before the others started talking about it.” Ignis idly tapped his fingers against his cup, almost as if he were searching for the words to say next. “We… were worried that perhaps you were upset because of the situation with Chancellor Izunia, or perhaps as a member of the Kingsglaive you were in a bit of a situation because of the, how should I put this… the number of members you’ve become so close to over the past few years who are losing their homes to this farce of a treaty.”
“I have to admit, I feel pretty guilty about it.” she took a moment to rub her face before looking at her friend again. “I don’t think I have any right to be as upset as I am, since I don’t know what it’s like to lose my homeland with only the promise of its retrieval to keep me going, only to have that promise quite literally ripped to shreds without a visible thought. But, these guys are like family to me now, and as guilty as I feel, I’m also pissed at this whole situation. Feels like we fought so hard for nothing…”
“Amara, as a Glaive I’m sure you’re aware of just how bad the situation really is for Lucis.”
“Yeah, I am, that’s another reason I’m pissed. It’s not just my hometown that’s on the line, it’s my nation, its my countrymen and their homes, their lives on the line, and as much as the Empire is dressing up this ‘peace offering’ I think you and I both know everything outside the wall is going downhill one way or another. The only thing we can do is what we’re told, and hope it all goes well until a second stand can be made.” though she muttered that last part to herself, it was evident by the look of confidence that flashed across the man’s face that he had heard her.  “What?”
“Nothing, just glad to hear you sound like yourself again.”
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fangirlmiv · 6 years
So, the canceling means that dlc Ardyn will round out the FFXV storyline... While it's sad not being able to learn more about Arenea, it also means I can have the peace of mind to pic up fanfic writing again 🤔
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bgn846 · 5 years
FFXV Fanfic - A Walk in The Park
Twenty more points and he’d have it, the overall high score for the week.  Drowning out the shouts of the nearby crowds Noct focused on winning this round.  His goal, though he’d not admit it to Prompto, was to win him a gift.  Not that the high score on this game earned many tickets, but it was just enough for something silly at the arcade prize counter.  
Prompto’s shouts of glee at his eventual success helped drive away his nervousness. They’d been best friends for over a year but it still didn’t stop Noct from worrying that Prompto might just disappear one day.  Maybe he’d get sick of all the bureaucratic bull that came with being his friend. The background checks and the constant assumption he was there to just mooch off of Noct. Thankfully his friend ignored all those issues and continued to be by his side.  They had so much fun together and Noct was loath to admit what his life would be like without Prompto.  
Noct knew exactly which thing he was going to ask for when they got to the counter.  He’d been purposefully trying to win a series of five little chocobo keychains for his friend.  Surprisingly Prompto hadn’t noticed the pattern.  He had four of these little fluffy things hanging off his school bag and this one would be the last in the set.   It’d taken him nearly three months to pull this off but Prompto was worth the wait.
The look of pure happiness on his friends face when he handed over the black feathery trinket made Noct grin. The little chocobo was quickly fastened in place along with the rest of the set.  The shout of another winner nearby made them both laugh as they skirted around the throngs of people and left the arcade.
The afternoon was pleasant when they got out on the street.  The weather was mild and the sun was out. It was times like this that made Noct wish things would never change.  He knew nothing lasted forever, but it still didn’t stop him hoping.   Glancing over at the little collection of chocobos bouncing around on Prompto’s bag Noct smiled.  His mission had been successful.
“Hey did you name them yet?” Noct asked with an amused air.  He knew Prompto had probably named them all while they were still behind glass at the arcade.
“Of course dude!  That was an easy one cause of the colors.”
Noct was confused as to what the colors of the chocobos had to do with anything but he played along.  “Oh really, and what are they?”
“The brown one is Gladio, the sandy colored one is Ignis, I’m the yellow one, and you’re the blue one.”  Prompto finished as they walked down the street.
“What about the black one?” Noct inquired with a puzzled look. “He doesn’t fit.”
“Sure he does, his name is Chris.”
The look he sported must have been enough to convey his confusion since Prompto spoke up again before he could ask.
“He’s special so he’s like the crystal, or like ya know Crys for short but it sounds like Chris.”
“Oh emm gee, you’re such a dork!” Noct laughed, “Seriously you’d be the only one to think of something like that.”
“Come on it’s cool!” Prompto whined.    
“If you say so buddy.” Noct had to move out of the way fast when Prompto tried to hip check him in retaliation.  Laughing instead he jogged ahead to get away from his friend.  Prompto took the challenge on with gusto and a race soon started.  They didn’t stop running until they’d stumbled into a park and got distracted by a swing set.
“Hey I bet you I can swing farther than you!” Prompto enthused as he ditched his bag on the grass and ran over to the swing.
“How old are you anyway?” Noct asked as he caught his breath.  “I’m not doing that.”  His resolved cracked the second Prompto hollered that he was going to win.  Noct wasn’t going to lose even if the game was dumb.
After about five minutes of intense swinging Prompto flung himself off the seat and landed with a thud a good ten feet away.  Okay Noct could best that distance no problem.   Taking the time while Prompto was gathering his bearings Noct quickly took off his right shoe.  He was going to go much farther than ten feet.
He couldn’t wait any longer to dismount; he was holding his shoe and Prompto would notice what he was up to.  Hurling his footwear as hard as he could when he reached the height of his swing he warped after it a second later.  Prompto’s cry of cheating rang out as he reappeared thirty feet away.  “I win!” He announced with a grin.
“You cheated!!” Prompto squealed as he broke out in a run towards him.
Turning to evade capture Noct realized his mistake.  He was still only wearing one shoe. Hobbling around trying to shove his shoe back on didn’t work out so well.  Prompto caught up in no time and roughly tackled him to the ground.  His friend chose to sit on him and pinch his face as payback.  His stupid shoe was back on and he couldn’t even use it to warp away!
Finally shoving Prompto away they both sat on the grass and giggled.  Noct was going to miss times like these when they graduated.  He’d have to do more to help his dad when he was done with school.  Hopefully they’d both have time to still hang out and have fun.
Without thinking Noct blurted out the question he’d been pondering for months.  “What are you planning on doing after we graduate?”
“Ah – I dunno buddy, I want to be useful but --.”
Noct stared at him waiting for the rest of the answer but it never came. “Are you going to go to school for photography?”
“I wish, but I can’t afford it. Maybe if I work for a few years then I can go back for that, but I don’t think so.”
“Why not? You’re really good and a few years off wouldn’t change much.”
“I sorta had a different idea in my head that I might try, but I’m not sure yet.”
Sitting up Noct shoved Prompto in the shoulder. “Come on tell me!  I wanna know what your plans are.”
Again his friend clamed up and looked nervous.  After a few minutes Prompto finally admitted what was on his mind.  “I was debating about joining the crownsguard so I could still hang out with you.”
This admission caught Noct off guard.  Prompto would go through the hell of training just to be with him? Since when?  Then his friends words came crashing back, he’d said he wanted to be useful.  “Wait, what kind of things do you want to do in the guard?”
“Uh – I want to help people and protect you from the bad guys.  I want to be remembered for doing something good.”
“Dude, I’ll never forget you!  You don’t have to join the guard just for that.”    
“I know but I still want to help.”
Noct knew Prompto was extremely selfless but it still warmed his heart to hear his friend talk this way.  Visions of him giving out humanitarian aid and helping little old ladies cross the street flittered through his mind.   Unable to stifle a laugh at the image he smiled at Prompto.   “You’re gonna do great buddy, I know it.”
“I hope so, it’s all a little scary actually.”
“Nah, I mean the instructors can be intimidating but otherwise it’s all good.  I can put in a good word for you if you want.” Noct offered kindly.
“Actually I already have Gladio and Ignis helping me.” Prompto sheepishly added.
Noct had to work hard to tramp down on the pang of jealousy he felt at not being included.  He knew Prompto probably had his reasons for not telling him sooner but it still hurt just a little.
“Sorry for not letting you know, I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.”
“What do you mean a surprise? For who?”
“For you dummy!” Prompto yelped, “I wanted you to be proud of me for doing this on my own, well mostly.”
Any irritation at having not been included in Prompto’s plan melted away.   “I’m impressed! No worries! Are you sure you really want this though?”
“Yeah, trust me, this feels right.” Prompto enthused. “Gladio even offered to help train me and Ignis said he’d help me fill out the application.”        
Smiling Noct reached out and placed a hand on Prompto’s knee.  “Sure sounds like you have this all figured out.  “I’m excited, I’m gonna ask that you be part of my personal guard once you pass your training.”
His friend was positively beaming at the mention of passing.  Noct knew it would work out, Prompto was a hard worker and when he put his mind to something he made it happen.  “Hey so we should get back to the apartment.” Noct added quickly.  “If I don’t make an attempt to clean up all this dirt off my uniform before Ignis gets back, he is going to wonder what the heck we were up to today.”
“Oh will he now?” Prompto pondered, “So that means I could enlighten him on your cheating ways huh?”    
“That’s not fair!  I can’t help it if I have magic at my disposal.”
“I don’t think Ignis would agree with that buddy.”
The subsequent walk home was filled with lots of trash talking and several attempts at dirtying his uniform.  It was impossible to get mad though, since each try was accompanied by Prompto’s infectious giggle.  Needless to say they were both a total mess when they arrived back home at his apartment.
Noct wasn’t spared Ignis’ wrath as his advisor was in fact already there.  He too was sucked under Prompto’s spell once they’d ditched their shoes and coats.  Not five minutes later and Noct could hear Prompto telling Ignis about their adventure in the park.
Hoping to cause a distraction Noct decided tell Ignis about the keychain with his moniker.  “Hey so Prompto has a little chocobo attached to his bag and he named it after you.”
This effectively stopped Prompto before he was about to tell Ignis that he cheated.  However, it didn’t exactly go as planned after that either.  His friend ran to grab his bag and proudly showed off his new collection of keychains to Ignis.
The minute Ignis asked where he’d gotten them Noct knew he was screwed.   Prompto launched into a new story featuring all his efforts at winning the little trinkets.  Guess Prompto had been paying attention after all.  Sighing in defeat he plopped down at the table and helped his best friend tell the story.  Ignis didn’t seem very mad any more about his dirty uniform and kept looking at him with a kind expression.
The afternoon had been a blast and after dinner they all worked on Prompto’s guard application.  Life was changing but for once Noct wasn’t so scared of it, he would have his best friend by his side no matter what!  
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jazzraft · 6 years
Hey, Jazzraft! I'm just curious, when and how did you start shipping NyxNoct?
gather ‘round the campfire with yer granny jazz, kids. i’ve been here since the dawn of time and i endure like the crochety old shit i’m entitled to be, damnit!
ahem. I started shipping nyxnoct at the tail end of a horrible 2016 and I can safely say it made my 2017 the best it could be - and still is now, in jolly ol’ 2018 lol. I can’t actually remember what my motivations behind opening up this blog were at the time - likely just to have an excuse to write more fanfic when I was low on ideas. I had done a fic here and a fic there and one fanweek before the release of FFXV and I decided to give one of those prompt lists a try! I really, honestly wasn’t expecting to get a single request, but wouldn’t you know it? The very first request I got was for a little rare pair without a name consisting of our two leading lads~
And then I got a request for more! And for more after that, and even more after that, and my love for this pairing just started snowballing the more I delved into their dynamic and all these little details and nuances started to bleed out of my imagination. This was back when there were - brace yourselves children - a grand whopping total of FOUR fics for this ship on AO3. And, well… listen, I just couldn’t control myself that first, like, half a year a’ight
TLDR; When I started hardcore mainlining this little life raft was when I started writing for them! (The secret unlockable prologue is that I was already lowkey for these two because my longtime partner in rarepair hell @ghostl0rd had written the very first ao3 fic and solidarity just comes with the territory~)
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tekka-wekka · 7 years
Fanfic Round-Up
All the fanfic projects I’m currently counting as “active,” as in I might add some words to their Google Doc someday. 
Why am I rounding up all the things I haven’t finished? I don’t know, maybe because I want to hurt myself. @ysabrarian, I’ll put all the smutty stuff under a read more. I trust you to Be Cool about it, but there’s probably some things you don’t want to know about a coworker.
I’ll list the fandom and then the projects. No links because I don’t want to torment anyone with my unfinished work. 
Untitled: A story of how Vlad Dracul Tepes, immortal enemy of God and the Belmont Clan, fell fast, hard, and permanently for Doctor Lisa of Lupu. Everybody Lives, No One Dies.
Uuuh...where to begin.
Hybridization: Demon AU. Due to Shinra experimentation with the now extinct demon species, Sephiroth is half vampire and Cloud is half incubus. Angeal and Genesis have deserted, but Zack Fair thinks he has a way to bring them back. What does this all have to do with Nibelheim’s belief in wood and mountain spirits? Sephiroth/Cloud, Angeal/Genesis, eventual Sephiroth/Cloud/Angeal/Genesis with occasional Cloud and Zack sex.
Shelter from the Light: Cloud is the latest scion of the Strife vampire hunters, but receives no respect from Nibelheim, the town he risks his life to protect. Sephiroth is a possessive and kinky vampire who thinks Cloud can do better. Angeal, Genesis, and Zack ultimately want Sephiroth to be happy, even if Genesis will be pissy about it first. Cloud/Sephiroth, Angeal/Zack, with Genesis floating around and deeply beloved.
Untitled A/B/O AU with @asreoninfusion: In a world where Jenova-mako infusions give SOLDIERS a/b/o/ characteristics, Angeal is the first alpha, Genesis is the first beta, and Sephiroth is the first omega. Cloud has passed his SOLDIER exam and has received his mako infusion--which dynamic will he turn into? Complete and total ACGSZ sexpile, Everybody Lives, Everyone Is Happy.
You’re Cute: Zack Fair gets sent into the slums to recapture an escaped specimen. Only this specimen looks alarmingly like someone he knows? And is really just a starving, filthy, abused, person? Thanks to a serendipitous meeting with Aerith Gainsborough, Zack gets Kadaj out of Midgar and to freedom--but he can’t stop wondering what’s going on in Shinra’s labs, or how Kadaj is doing. Eventual Zack/Kadaj.
The Green Room: Not quite really my writing, but I need to get with @modeoheim and talk about how much more I need to pay them to finish off the entire story.
Hoo, boy, this is bad.
Turned: The Galra Empire saw its numbers cruelly depleted by a virus which targeted its omegas and child-carrying betas. They’ve find a way of making new omegas, though, and the captured Black Paladin Shiro is expected to weather the process well. Heavy, unrelenting amounts of rape and non-con. Omegaverse, eventual intersex omegas, Galra using technology inappropriately, humiliation, brainwashing, bondage--this story is where all my darkest and least socially acceptable kinks come to play. Zarkon/Shiro, Lotor/Matt, eventually everyone is getting fucked and only half of them are consenting to it. Initially.
Untitled Fanfic for Replacement by AshaCrone: The war against the Galra has come to the peaceful world where Shiro made a family with an feline alien hunter and their kits. When his kits grow afraid of the power in Shiro’s Galra arm, how can he show them their mother would never hurt them? Intersex omegas, bestiality (is it really bestiality if both partners are sentient, intelligent, and capable of communicating their consent?), xenophilia, alien cocks, mpreg, really cute alien cubs.
Untitled Voltron A/B/O Fluffverse: Prince Lotor, an omega, fell in love with Shiro the Champion, an alpha, and their love survived throughout Voltron’s war against Zarkon. Now that Zarkon has finally been defeated, can Lotor have a happy life with Shiro when Shiro has a preexisting relationship with Keith, also an omega? You damn right he can. Unrelentingly happy fluff where the majority of the Galra Empire follow Emperor Lotor into a new era of peace and prosperity. Lotor making a family with Shiro, Keith, Lance, and their eventual half-dozen kids. Everybody lives, especially Ulaz and Thace. Earth gets to reap the benefit of combined Altean/Galra medical technology. The worst thing the boys ever have to worry about are conservative Earth news outlets judging them for allowing any and all of their children to wear pretty dresses.
Untitled Gift for @achryathesecond: Naga!Shiro and Satyr!Lotor have wild sex. Pretty much it. Unusual cocks, unusual cunts, biting, growling, etc.
FFXV (I’ve never even watched a Let’s Play of this game what am I doing)
Untitled Spinoff of @achryathesecond‘s Warbride Ignis AU: Alpha!Ignis prays to Etro, goddess of (among other things) omegas. Suddenly he is an omega, much to consternation of Noctis and the amusement of everyone else. Omegaverse, intersex omegas, Ignis/Noctis with a possible threesome.
Untitled Fluffy Omegaverse: Noctis and Lunafreya are finally wed. Since they are both alphas, Lunafreya brings an omega, Prompto, to conceive and birth Noctis’s children in her stead. Noctis has already brought Ignis, an omega, into his pack, and Ignis is expected to have Noctis’s children as well. Can Ignis and Prompto forge a lasting friendship and loving family when outside forces want them to compete to birth the Lucian heir? Well, duh, of course they can. Ignis/Noctis/Gladio/Prompto, Noctis/Lunafreya, Lunafreya/Nyx, Lunafreya/Nyx/Omega OCs, Ravus/Omega OC.
Good lord, that’s a lot of omegaverse and polyamory. Maybe I should look into that.
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mothmanismyuncle · 7 years
Hey, Kid. Nice Shot. [Chapter 1]
An alternate reality, where Cor rescues a small, blonde boy from a base in Duscae. 
Trigger warnings for this chapter: a character is restrained, mild depictions of violence.
This is the first official fanfic that I’ve written and posted for the FFXV fandom, so I hope you guys enjoy! 
Update schedule is going to be pretty frantic in the beginning because I’ve been Bit By The Bug, so to speak, but after that, I hope to get a chapter up at least every week!
Read on Ao3
Series on Ao3
“If you keep making that face, it’s going to stick like that, Leonis.” Cor deepened his scowl. The meetings beyond the door had gone on for hours and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Clarus cracked a jaunty grin at Cor’s foul expression. “Honestly, lighten up. You’re too much of a toddler to have wrinkles like that.” Cor’s rolled his eyes.
           “Still going to age better than you, Amicitia. You’re already going grey.” Clarus barked a laugh and crossed his arms.
           “You’d be grey if you were Regis’s Shield, too.” He scoffed, and Cor cracked a smile. They stood in amicable silence until there were signs of life from inside the chamber. Clarus grumbled a quick “Thank the Six,” before standing to attention as the Council and King Regis poured out. Regis motioned them to his office, and they fell into step behind him.
           “As you well know, we’ve been trying to find a way to push Niflheim back for months, and our intelligence is running dry. We’re sending a small team into Duscae, and Cor, I’d like you to lead them.” Cor only kept his expression cool from years of practice.
           “Why’s that, Your Majesty?” He asked, flatly. The King swiped a hand down his face and sat back in his chair. It appeared that he had aged five years in the space of a single question.
           “Please don’t call me that, Cor. I’ve been ‘Majesty’-ed by those bitter assholes on the Council all day.” He asked quietly. “Clarus, will you get the scotch?” There was a beat of silence before the young King’s oldest friend stood to collect three glasses and a crystal decanter. “We’re losing this war, boys. The Council is blaming me, even though I only just took the throne. The people are blaming me for the economy and the people beyond the wall are begging for help that we can’t give.” Clarus handed him a glass, and the slight tremble of the liquid inside went without comment. “I’m not asking you as a king, Cor. I need you as a friend.” Cor took a sip from the proffered glass before he rested his elbows on his knees.
           “What can I do, Regis?”
           They were camped on the Lucis side of the border. That didn’t mean much to the Niffs if they were spotted, but it provided them with a safe place from the daemons at night and clearing to rest in before they made their way into enemy territory. Cor sat farther away from the fire than he would have liked, but the Kingsglaive seated on the logs were rowdy and he could feel a headache coming on. He, Clarus and Regis had spent the whole last night finishing off the decanter of scotch and discussing Cor’s mission. They had chosen the Glaives by hand, but it was mostly for their skills, not for their conversational prowess. They were talking about which of the female members of their outfit back in Lucis they’d take to bed, and the whole thing made Cor feel fifteen years older than he was. How could they be so carefree when the world was crashing down around their ears? Cor could feel it, even as he sat and watched the tree line for movement. The Niffs could have sentries. That’s what he would do, if he were military commander of Nifleheim. Sentries would keep an eye out for Lucian parties doing exactly what they were doing, stop them from—
           “Hey, sir. Are you taking first watch?” A quieter Glaive, Paxton, asked. Cor started and glanced, wide-eyed, at the Glaive.
           “Yeah. I’ll take first watch.” He said, voice gruff. Paxton furrowed his eyebrows.
           “You alright, sir? You didn’t even have any dinner,” He gestured to the pot of stew they’d cobbled together with rations and some wild vegetables they’d found in the area.
           “If you could call that dinner,” Cor tried to joke, before stretching out his back. The Glaive took his leave after exchanging a few more pleasantries.
           Cor ended up taking the first three watches that night, scanning the tree line and watching the sky.
           The plan was simple, which is exactly why it went to hell. He and the team of Kingsglaive were to take the base rumoured to be the seat of military operations in the Duscae region and get as much intel as possible, with the added bonus of taking the base out of action. For a few weeks, anyway. Cor felt the desperation that Regis had unloaded onto him clawing at his throat as they got into position. He silently asked whatever gods that were listening to let this not be a shitshow.
           Two hours later, it was boldly apparent that it must’ve been that asshole Ifrit who was listening. Two of his team were incapacitated, and five more were locked down in a heavy firefight near the front of the base. Three were working towards their position, three were with Cor working towards the offices and labs, and the last five were trying to get to the two that had gotten themselves blown up.
           “Sir, with all due respect,” Paxton grunted over the comms. “We need to pull back. This is going south, fast.”
           “It’s already south!” Cor roared as he relieved another Magitek soldier of its head. “We need this intel.” They burst through a set of metal double doors and into an area that was clearly a lab. “Look for anything that could be intel, anything we can use.” The team of four fanned out. Cor made his way behind the desks and into the office area with his heart in his throat. He sifted through the desk and took files labelled with schematics and plans, shoving them in his pack, before he heard a small, warbling cry. “Who was that?”
           “Who was what, sir?” A Glaive responded after a beat of silence. Cor didn’t answer as he rounded the desk to the other door in the room. It was unlocked, and he carefully opened it. A light hummed to life automatically over his head.
           There were rows and rows of medical tables with restraints sitting open. Cor’s eyes scanned the room, narrowing at the instruments left abandoned beside the tables. At the far end, one table remained occupied. The unlucky tenant, a boy who couldn’t possibly be more than six or seven, was strapped to the table and naked. He shook with sobs, and Cor froze.
           “What the hell?” He muttered, sheathing his sword. He took three quick steps to the child on the table and began to inspect the restraints. The child shrieked as he neared, and yanked hard on the manacles to get the farthest away from him that he could. A fish hook, fastened somewhere behind his breastbone, tugged hard and made him pause.
           “Sir, we have to pull back now. Axel and Hal are with the team and they’re on their way back out of here.” In a heartbeat, Cor made his decision. He called upon a small knife and popped the restraints before scooping up the kid. He was wearing some kind of black bodysuit, and it was starkly apparent that the boy had some kind of idea of how to fight. The proof was in the small hands that found a tender point in Cor’s throat and jabbed, surprising him into almost dropping the boy.
           “Fulgarian’s beard,” He grunted, tightening his grip. Paxton met him at the door and gave him a well-deserved incredulous look.
           “What the hell?” Cor met his gaze, and Paxton apparently saw something there that made him shut up. “Let’s go, sir,” Cor grunted and followed him out.
           Regis was going to strangle him.
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