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urbanherbal · 6 years ago
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Looking up Views of the clouds in The Texas Hill Country A Summer Soiree’ at URBANherbal 407 Whitney St. at Bluebird Street Featuring artist Cynthia Thompson Friday, August 2nd 5:30 until 8:00 P.M. First Friday ARTwalk “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”- Rabindranath Tagore Cynthia Thompson My entry into the creative world was through photography with published images of a variety of water sports in major sports magazines both nationally and internationally. That in addition to a fine art portraiture photography business for over 20 years kept me busy and was rewarding but I felt the need to pursue other creative outlets. Since those days in Hawaii I have added several different mediums of creation to my photography. Watercolor, acrylic, oils and even flowers, when making Haku Lei (flower crowns), all end up being used at one time or another in my art. It seems to me at this point in my art career that they all have their time and place to be used. The lure of surfing took me from Houston to Hawaii all of those years ago but I found so much more that kept me there for those 30 years. My Texas roots, and love of family have brought me back, and this reconnection has been so very valuable to my life today as I navigate the future. I’m thankful that I get to combine both worlds and incorporate those influences in my artwork. @cynthiasartstudio #art #artgallery #visitfredtx #succulents #greenhouse #herbs #fffaw #texashillcountry #summersoiree #handmade #cologne #skincare #gourmetfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ftyxqnh8R/?igshid=ewees15u66l7
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livingauthorssociety · 7 years ago
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A Siren in Midsummer
He met her on the beach in midsummer, when the days grew long and the air stifling, and loved her at a glance.
Her hair was raven-black, her skin smooth, the curve of her shoulders utterly divine. Her smile was like the sun itself. There were promises in the twitch of her lips.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he drew close. “More beautiful than sea and sun and life itself.”
She laughed. “Flattering and forward.”
“I am.” He bowed. “I’m taken with you.”
“Buy me a drink,” she said.
And he did. How could he not?
An hour they walked in the dying of that longest of the days, till the water grew red as blood and the shadows became grasping fingers.
“Will you be mine?” he asked. “Forever?”
She smiled. “Of course.”
She smiled still as the siren dragged her into the depths of the sea, into darkness never-ending.
This is for FFfAW. Thanks to Priceless Joy for running the challenge and Michelle DeAngelis for providing the prompt photo!
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writercookie · 8 years ago
An experiment gone awry
An experiment gone awry
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Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers This week’s photo prompt is provided by artycaptures.wordpress.com. An experiment gone awry Molly always had trouble sleeping. She got into the habit of browsing online when she couldn’t rest, and more recently scrolling through Buzzfeed to do pointless quizzes until she was tired enough to try and sleep again. One night she stumbled upon an interesting article.…
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so-eye-write-blog · 8 years ago
Knock Knock
When Jamie was young, she often dreamed of traveling abroad.  “I will visit all of the continents before I turn forty,” she would boast to her family and friends.  Now, two days away from that monumental milestone, she reflects on what was, and what could have been.  She has regrets.  Jamie has seen two countries, a far cry from seven continents.  She has learned to play it safe in life.  Travel…
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bryan-aiello · 4 years ago
Proud and Useful
Proud and Useful poem by me
A journey can be counted in inches or miles, days or years , ease or hardship, today or forget about it. A thing is either built or never will be. But once built it is done. And once done it’s fulfilled. Oh, new journeys can be had, for sure, but they are never the same as old adventures. As old ventures never compare to new undertakings. The once are rotted and forgot, weeds grow up and cover,…
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amylas11-blog · 6 years ago
FFfAW Challenge – 201st
 Source: FFfAW Challenge – 201st
This week’s photo prompt is provided by H.R.R. Gorman. Thank you H.R.R.!
”Donald, come out. We know you are in here. We can help you but we need you to cooperate with us. We know you are scared but no one will hurt you. You can trust us. We are your friends. We only want to talk. ”
The tall man in charge was getting annoyed and I could sense that he was also…
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desireesbrown · 6 years ago
The Ward
There was the flap of wings and then a thud on the bench beside him. “It’s been a while,” a voice said.
Viz shrugged. “Only a few centuries, brother.”
“Because you do your job poorly,” his brother snapped. “Speaking of which, where is your ward?”
He gestured towards the woman he’d been staring at. She was sitting at a ragged park table, crying. “There.”
His brother scoffed. “At least…
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urbanherbal · 6 years ago
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URBANherbal’s June 7th First Friday ARTwalk from 5:30 until 8:00 P.M. Juan Maria Gonzalez is our featured artist. Juan grew up in Costa Rica and came to Bourne to continue his education and train horses. The horses have always been a part of his life and he has a true passion for them. Juan loves photography, he loves to capture a unique and unrepeatable moment with the intention to make it memorable and he loves to share what he sees through his lens. Come and bring your pet and let Juan photograph your pet in the gardens at URBANherbal for a complimentary portrait with your pet on our ARTwalk, enjoy a complimentary Costa Rican Appetizers of Fish Ceviche “Ceviche de Pescado”, Bean & Cheese Empanadas “Empanadas de Queso y Frijol”, Rice Pudding “Arroz Con Leche” and Tropical Punch “Ponche Tropical” and Beer “Cerveza”and a stroll through our galleries, gardens, Greenhouse and Laboratory / Gallery and see the works of Juan through his lens for an enchanting evening. 407 Whitney Street at Bluebird (past the old herb farm), Fredericksburg, TX 78624 www.URBANherbal.#artgallery #art #photography #horses #dogs #handmade #aromatherapy #mensskincare #womensskincare @juanmariaphotograpy @juangonzalezcr #herbs #gardening #succulents #fffaw (at Urbanherbal Art Gallery, Handmade Gifts, Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFCV0CnKOl/?igshid=vrd3ber1w1p
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livingauthorssociety · 7 years ago
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Magic and Murmurs
On a farm in the high mountains, a wizard lived alone. He’d had enough of people, enough of their wars and their squabbling. He made a house from stone and wood and set about taming the land with his magic.
The fields were plowed by sharpened boulders, drifting gently through the dirt. The fences opened and closed of their own accord.
Those who had been brave enough – or foolhardy enough – to catch a glimpse of his strange estates, said that the sheep are herded by men and women of hay and sticks, who tend to the lands while the master watched from far above.
But when their master looked away, the herders whispered amongst themselves, speaking in the languages of groaning branch and cracking twig, the song of old willows in the winds.
The wizard did not fear them, for they were his creatures.
Or so he believed.
This is for FFfAW. Thanks to Priceless Joy for running the challenge and Ellespeth for providing the prompt photo!
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writercookie · 8 years ago
Pat Bill Tandem
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Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers FFfAW Week of 08-08 Pat Bill Tandem “Slow down!” “It’s not my fault that you have little legs, Pat.” “It is. You have all of the good genes.” “You’re older than me!” “That’s not my fault.” “How can you blame me then?” Muscles are burning. No one needs this. “Why are we doing this?” “I wanted you to use your little legs for once and do something active.” “Mom…
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mercurialscoundrel · 6 years ago
By Knowledge or Faith
By Knowledge or Faith
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When I was little, I celebrated the rays of the sun diffracting around clouds or through the branches of trees.  The angelic light spread like a halo around the object, and I thought it proof that some higher power were real.  This light from above had such a strange quality, one that wasn’t replicated daily or even weekly.
In college I learned of Snell’s law, of diffraction, angles,…
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bryan-aiello · 8 years ago
The firework goes floosh and explodes blue in the sky and the ground lights bright and the people go, “ahhh” and Harold Lamar with his two legs and two arms and ten fingers and ten toes shrieks on the inside and his body goes rigid and he hates hard.
A little boy lights a roman candle and runs around the outside of the group with his father chasing him begging for him to stop, “You’re too young,…
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urbanherbal · 3 years ago
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We had a magnificent Evening last night with Cheryl and Les Thomas for their book signing and First Friday ARTwalk.#secrethillcountry #herbs #art #artgallery #fffaw #fondue #cheeses#chicolatechipcookies #chanpagne #fredericksburgtx #gardening #aromatherapy #colognes #skincare #handmade #nativetexasplants #succulents (at Urbanherbal Art Gallery, Handmade Gifts, Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZ_XDdghYT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livingauthorssociety · 6 years ago
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The Sorcerer's House
He made his house from old stones. One came from an arena, stained with the blood of a thousand fighters, echoing still with the laughter of the crowd. Another was from a pyramid, worn by wind and sand and silence. A third was part of a tower, drinking tears and hearing laments.
They were stones full of memory, stones full of power. He made his walls of them, a fortress to keep out his foes. Spells dashed themselves against the rock and he was safe from their touch.
But when night fell and he lay in his bed, surrounded by old books, he heard the stones whispering and groaning and shifting. He tossed and turned but they would not be silent. Incantation after incantation he tried, but still the stones would not be tamed, would not be broken.
He had made his fortress, but it was a prison too.
This is for FFfAW. Thanks to Priceless Joy for running the challenge and Jade M. Wong for providing the prompt photo!
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entertainingthewhatifs · 7 years ago
Holiday. #FFfAW
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Photo credit (c) Dorothy
Everyone was boarding the boat early, except for these two.  They weren’t discussing anything.  The young man looked at ease, the girl, a little bit nervous.
The young man watching them briefly felt a twinge of envy.  They had each other and were sure to be embarking on a journey that would never be forgotten.  He had no one.  His friend had found the love of his life…
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writercookie · 8 years ago
Old Betty
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Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers Week of 07-25 https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/ This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Old Betty Dad inherited a boat. Grandpa Nick had passed away and left my father his beloved boat- his Betty. Betty had ever worked; it just sat in grandpa’s garage, and every Saturday he and Nan would take a bottle of…
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