#fey jaskier
Prompt 60
For completing an especially hard contract, Geralt is given a present from the fae. "Your perfect love", they call it. When Jaskier is shoved toward him, Geralt wishes he could say he was surprised. Geralt quickly gains his shock back, however, when upon his bard speaking, he finds he has been completely drained of his personality. Jaskier speaks as concisely and directly as possible, with no embellishment or flowering of his words - Hell, he doesn't even speak with emotion or tone in his voice. Geralt demands to know what they've done to Jaskier, only for the fae to teleport them out. Geralt goes from mage to mage, sorcerer to sorcerer, healer to healer, priest to priest, hoping desperately that someone, anyone, can revert Jaskier back to himself. Jaskier no longer sings. He barely talks. He doesn't wander off, or dance in place, or reach out to Geralt. His eyes have even dulled in color, now a blank gray, always looking hazy and glossed over. Nobody can heal Jaskier. Or so it seeems! I love happy endings SO two options (or any you come up with but you know what I mean) Option 1: Geralt marches back to the Fae's woods and demands they speak to him, as they've disrespected him by not giving him his prize for completing their contract those months ago. When they bring him in, affronted at the idea of what he is implying, they are shocked when he berates them for at least a full hour over how much he loves the traits his bard once had that they had thought he found annoying. "So you never gave me my perfect love." He finishes. They all converse for a moment, before nodding. "It seems we underestimated you, Witcher. We apologize for the misconception." And thank the gods, Jaskier slumps in place and looks to Geralt with bright blue eyes. "Geralt? Wh- What's going on?" Only to then be kicked out of the fae realm again. Oh well. At least Jaskier was cured. Option 2: TRUE LOVE'S KISS BABBYYYYYYYYYY
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roughentumble · 9 months
AU where jaskier has never felt right. his parents are rich, get him the most recent iphones, but they suppress his desire to sing. and he can just FEEL that he's different, somehow. he likes to sit on the roof and stargaze, feels a connection somewhere out there, in the deep dark of the night.
until one night, a ship lands in his parents large, expansive grounds. a creature climbs put-- bipedal, humanoid, but... different. it looks at him, seems to... scan him. claims its name is geralt, and its something like a space bounty hunter. and then asks him if he'd like to come along.
jaskier is an alien, who for unknown reasons was cloaked by his birth parents before being left on this unknown planet, earth. and the only way to fix it, to show what he's really supposed to look like, is to find his people, who will have the key to deactivating it. in doing so, he'll also get a chance to see the place he came from, to understand why he feels the way he does, to find a place where he belongs.
(geralt presumes there'll be a reward for returning jaskier, but he's also a bleeding heart who cant just leave someone stranded)
and that's how they start traveling together
(vaguely inspired by:)
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carinavet · 6 months
A while back, after The Witcher seasons 2-3 came out, I Liked a couple of its songs on Spotify. Specifically, a couple of Jaskier's songs. Well, after I did that, Spotify started giving me recommendations based on those Likes. In those recommendations, here was one band in particular that had a male singer whose voice kind of reminded me of Jaskier's honestly, but there was something about it that just ... I have never been more attracted to just a voice in my life.
Now, I like voices. I pay attention to voices. And this dude's voice ... isn't particularly special. But there's something about his voice and the way he uses it that makes me Feel Things that just a voice should not make me feel.
So I made the conscious decision not to look up a picture of this dude. Because if he was ugly I was gonna cry.
So for MONTHS I listened to this band on repeat. And aside from my particular feelings about this voice, they're a great band! There is also a female singer, and she is also fantastic, though her existence is somewhat eclipsed by my Feelings around the male singer. Overall they have this strange sort of fey quality about them, both in the style and in the fact that for some reason I cannot bloody remember any of their lyrics. (Seriously, I'll give a song a listen specifically to pay attention to the words and by the time I'm listening to one line, I've already forgotten the previous one.) Enough that it's a bit startling when there's suddenly a line that mentions a cell phone. And all this time I resist the urge to go looking for any information on them beyond the music itself.
And then one day Spotify recommends me a playlist based on their music, and there's a new band thumbnail attached. (Or, new to me anyway.) It's a slightly better picture of the two lead singers. And this is still a teeny little thumbnail image on my phone, still pretty indistinct, but ... it's more than I had before. And I sit and I squint at that picture for a while, and I go, ".....Fuuuuck, he might actually be cute."
So finally I break, and I decide to look up a music video of the song that got me into this band in the first place. So I pop on over to Youtube and type in the name of the band and the song, and sure enough, there's the official music video, and there's a thumbnail for it with a picture of the guy. And again, this is a small and indistinct picture, but again, it's more than I had before. And again, I squint at this picture for a while and go, "........Wait a fucking minute."
Guess whose band it is. Go on, guess.
I had a friend I'd told about all this months previous, and I had to immediately text her and be like "IT'S JOEY FUCKING BATEY! IT'S BEEN HIM THE WHOLE TIME! WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!!"
(For those who don't know, the band is called The Amazing Devil. The song that got me into them is "The Horror and the Wild", but my current favourite is "Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious", and my favourite for his voice in particular is "Farewell Wanderlust".)
So anyway, all that's to say, I really like this music....👉👈
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thedemonofcat · 3 days
One morning, Jaskier awakens with a sudden surge of inspiration and writes what he believes to be one of his finest works yet.
But soon after, he encounters a group of Fey who accuse him of stealing the song from them. They drag him to their realm, where he must stand trial for his alleged crime.
Now, Geralt must follow Jaskier into the Fae Realm to prove the bard's innocence before the Fey deliver whatever mysterious punishment they have in store.
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27dragons · 10 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 8
Today's story is Geraskifer (Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer)!
Dec 8 - Geraskifer - Fake Relationship - Fireplace
All three of them were deep in their cups -- there wasn’t much else to do while they waited for the spring thaw to open the mountain pass. They were playing Gwent, the loser ceding their chair to the spectator after each round; the playing table had been set up in front of the fire, where the light was best, and the players’ chairs were the warmest seats in the house. It was a good system - there was incentive to win, to remain by the fire, but even the loser only had to wait one game to reclaim one of the good spots.
It was something to do, at any rate, which made it better than doing nothing, though only by the slimmest of margins. After more than a month in this place, they’d all learned each other’s tells, sober or drunk, and it was starting to get more than a bit tedious. But drinking and playing Gwent was better than listening to the wind howl and worrying about Ciri.
Jaskier could think of better -- and warmer -- activities with which to pass the time, but, decades of pining aside, he was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen. His only consolation was that he was reasonably certain that Geralt wasn’t fucking Yennefer, either. Not unless they were doing it in utter silence, and “quiet” had not been a word he’d have used to describe Geralt and Yennefer’s relationship at any time in the past.
Geralt grunted irritably and threw down the rest of his cards. “I’m going to check Roach.” He stalked out of the little cabin and out into the storm without even pausing to put on a scarf.
“He seems tense,” Jaskier observed, taking Geralt’s chair and raking the cards toward himself.
“He needs to get laid,” said Yennefer.
Jaskier made a face as he started shuffling. “I’m not stopping him.”
Yennefer hummed, collecting her cards as he dealt them. “He wants both of us.”
“The fuck he does.”
“No, really,” she said. “I’ve seen him watching you.”
“I know you’re lying to me,” Jaskier said, narrowing his eyes at her over his cards. “I just can’t figure out what your angle is.”
“My angle,” Yennefer said, “is that I think we’d all be a bit more comfortable if we were sharing the bed instead of sleeping on the floor.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“He thinks we hate each other.”
Jaskier paused in the middle of laying down a card. “Because... we do.” Jaskier didn’t, actually, hate her. Not anymore. But he’d kiss Valdo Marx on the mouth before he admitted it out loud. “We very much do hate each other, Yennefer.”
“Mm.” Her fey violet eyes snared his gaze. “And what’s that got to do with fucking?”
Jaskier opened his mouth, then closed it again. She had a point. “So what do we do?”
“He’s a man,” Yennefer said. “Men are oblivious.” She gave him a stern look to keep him from protesting. He hadn’t been planning on it. “So when he comes back, we should be kissing.”
Jaskier blinked. “Kissing?”
“Yes.” She stood up and started unlacing her shirt. “Or something similar. It’s best to be direct.”
“Just like that, he’s going to believe we’ve stopped hating each other and now want to fuck?”
“...All right.” Jaskier got up and started in on his pants. “And then what?” he wondered. “Just say, ‘why don’t you join us to make sure things stay civil?’”
“Not bad,” Yennefer said, grudgingly impressed. “That might even work.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him up against her. “He’s coming,” she whispered, closing her teeth on his earlobe just a touch past the point of pain. “Act like you want this.”
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Your OCs are in a D&D campaign! What race, class, and alignment are they playing as?
Oooooh I love this!! Thank you!!
(Also to make things more interesting I'm going with all currently-available races and classes)
Rae: Human wizard, true neutral - prefers a simpler setup that then allows her to adapt her character more in the campaign itself.
Robin: Half-elf bard, neutral good - fun, music-themed character to play with her buddies at the X-Mansion
Madison: Grippli assassin, chaotic neutral - she was told the grippli were water-themed and didn't realize that meant frogs rather than fish, and wanted to play an assassin
Ophelia: Maeluth warlock, lawful evil - has played the game a LOT throughout her life, at this point she's just trying to create some fun, interesting characters
Gia: Forest gnome druid, lawful good - Kate's suggestion, creating a character that was a lot like her to ease her into the game
Jasper: Dwarven fighter, lawful good - has played the game a bit, is starting to branch out into deeper lore and backstory for their characters.
Kestrel: Fey gnome ranger, chaotic good - first time playing the game, tried to build a character as similar to themself irl as they could
Katherine: Half-elf cleric, neutral good - uses this as an excuse to use her knowledge of Egyptian mythology to get her character out of tricky situations
Quinn: Tiefling rogue, true neutral - wants to cause chaos, but not enough to break the game
Eris: EITHER a dragonborn barbarian, chaotic evil (what Rick chose for them, knowing they'd have fun with it) OR a half-orc fighter, chaotic neutral (what they picked at random, just based on what sounded cool to them)
Nikoletta: Drow sorceror, neutral evil - is that a reflection of how she subconsciously sees herself after STAR Labs? Maybe.
Jimmy: Halfling druid, neutral good - chosen because it felt very classic-fantasy, like a Tolkien character
Vivienne: Half-elf bard, lawful evil - just seemed like a fun, siren-y character to play
Spider: Human bard, true neutral - this started as a bet between him and a few of his film buddies, to start with the most boring or "useless" character and see how long he can survive. It basically turns into Jaskier/Dandelion from the Witcher after a while.
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seasonofanangel · 11 months
G'day! Welcome to my kinblr. I'm both spiritual and psychological otherkind, fictionkind, and a human reincarnate. Not here to start discourse, just to chat and have fun!
Call me Raph, I use they/them pronouns unless the comedic timing is too good, and I'm an adult.
Here's a list of tags for each past life and/or kintype, in no particular order!
This is to help folks navigate my blog, and also to help me keep track (I'm forgetful).
#past life, #otherkin, #nonhuman, #alterhuman:
Seraphiel (seraph, first life): #seraphiel, #angelkin, #forjohn
Morgaine le Fey (priestess): #thepriestess
Malaki (fairy): #malaki, #fairykin
Blue (mermaid): #blue, #mermaidkin
Kitsune (kitsune & fox): #kitsunekin, #foxkin, #therian
Reaper (grim reaper): #reaperkin, #grimreaperkin
#alterhuman, #nonhuman, #otherkin
AI (psychological): #aikin
#past life, #human reincarnate:
Jay (medieval England stableboy): #jay
Aurora (princess): #aurora
Keeper of Keys (human ???): #keeperofkeys
#past life, #fictionkin:
Priestess (Bella Sara): #priestessofhorses
#fictionkin: (for context, I see these more as parallel lives than past lives)
Security Puppet (FNaF; the AI, not Charlotte): #thepuppet
Gene Khan (Iron Man Armored Adventures): #theking
Harley Keener/Stark (MCU): #theengineer
Nick Carroway (The Great Gatsby): #thewriter
#otherhearted, #hearttype
Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses): #genevieve
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf): #mischief
Jaskier (The Witcher): #thebard
Jason Todd (DCU): #therobin
John Tracey (questioning, Thunderbirds): #theastronaught
If you somehow found this post from fandom tags (tumblr's tagging system is weird), feel free to move along if you're not interested. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
My system blog is @round-table-cottage!
I co run @otherkin-confessional and @calling-for-kins !
I'm the admin of the otherkind discord server Divine Side!
Enjoy the chaos that is, and has been, my lives. Believe me, I have no idea either.
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2braincellslz · 2 years
⚠️Request are not guaranteed⚠️
Request junk:
So heres what is will and wont write:
Long storys
Will nots:
Smut (for now atlest)
Really just smut
Ace Attorney:
Pheonix wright
Miles edgeworth
Dick Gumshoe
Maya fey
Franziska Von Karma
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees*
Brahms heelshire
Billy lenz
Bubba *
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie munson
Hopper (as a father figure)
The kids (no shipping tho)
Billy hargove
Captain America
Bucky barns
Iron man
Peter parker
Dr. Strange
Quick sliver (age of Ultron)
Wanda *
Peaky blinders:
Thomas Shelby
Arther Shelby
Finn shelby
Ada shelby
(I can't remember the rest of the names lmao)
The sandman:
The Corinthian (gay only)
Spider man
Harry Osbourne
Otto octavius
Norman Osborne
The breakfast club:
John Bender (the criminal)
Claire (the queen)
Andrew (the jock)
Brian (the brian)
Allison (the basket case)
Game of thrones:
Robb stark
Theon Greyjoy
Jon snow
Little finger
The other guys lmao
Others and such
Characters from Nightmare Before Christmas
Characters from Corpse Bride
Jack sparrow
Also i can write fanfic with your oc.
If there is a character you want (from a completely different fandom or one of the ones listed) then dont be afraid to ask!
When you send in a ask, do be sure to specify if you want male, female, or GN. (And for the dsmp characters tell me if you wan c! Or cc!)
*I dont really know all that much about them
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thenerdyindividual · 2 years
10 characters, 10 media, 10 tags--tagged by @flight-of-fantasy
1. Arthur Pendragon — BBC Merlin
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(It was so hard to pick between the main four and Gwaine. I was not originally an Arthur stan, but then I wrote an entire data driven essay on him and I was left with no choice but to join the Arthur Pendragon defense squad.)
2. Jet Rocks — Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy
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(I am an Emily Axford lover first, and a gremlin second)
3. Rose Tyler — Doctor Who
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(Can you believe I almost forgot her? Shout out to the first character to ever leave me properly sobbing over a heartbreak, and a character who treats the entire galaxy with dignity and respect, even if it means fist fighting those who don’t. Also Bad Wolf did something to my brain.)
4. Jaskier — The Witcher
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(Choosing between him and Yen was so hard but the sing songy twit won out)
5. Andhera — Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers
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(I don’t care that it’s dimension 20 again, it’s a different season with different cast members and DMs. Plus I love my socially awkward asexual non-binary fey guy.)
6. Alexis Rose — Schitts Creek
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7. Catra — She Ra
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8. Fia Boginya — NADDPOD C2: Eldermourne
(No GIF because NADDPOD is audio only. But remember what I said about being an Emily Axford lover?)
9. Toph — Avatar the Last Airbender
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(It was so close between her, Zuko, and Sokka. I literally typed out Zuko and changed my mind.)
10. Kugrash — Dimension 20s The Unsleeping City
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(Look, just be glad it wasn’t all dimension 20 okay? I love me a pathetic literal rat man, and it’s in an entirely different universe to A Crown of Candy, which are both different from A Court of Fey and Flowers. Sue me.)
Honorable mentions go out to Ruby Rocks, Rosamund Du Prix, and Evan Kelmp. I could have made this list so heavily Dimension 20 if I included them.
Tagging: @anarchycox @plantboy-elliott @feuxx @kairenn-n @lightasthesun @arthurpendragonns @calloutnevvegas @countrygalxfandom @kitkatqueen1 @oceangenasi
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Fanfic writer stats
@ironwoman359 posted her answers to some questions, and I've been missing being a fic writer, so I thought I'd take a crack at them! 1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Sticking exclusively to AO3 (not tumblr, where most of my supernatural and Sanders Sides fics reside; and not fanfic, where a host of others reside as well) then I've got only 32. But like I said: I've got a whole lot more than that floating around the internet.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
Just on AO3, it's 183,417.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Ever? Like 20 I think? Mysterious Benedict Society, Suite Life on Deck, The Outsiders, Suits, MCU, RWBY, Mass Effect, Suits, Phineas and Ferb, Iron Fey, Supernatural, Stranger Things, Luca, Sanders Sides, Percy Jackson, Avatar the Last Airbender, Witcher, Tangled, the Dragon Prince
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5) in ways that can't be said (882 kudos) geraskier witcher fic. Geralt lives in a very dark and violent world. Good things are few and far between. He doesn't know what it means, really, to be in love. So when he falls in love with Jaskier, it happens slowly. Gradually. Reluctantly. Or, 10 moments where Geralt falls a little more in love with the bard no matter how much it scares him. (sequel to the next one listed actually but can be read independently)
4) it's what my heart just yearns to say (996 kudos) geraskier witcher fic. Jaskier’s a romantic at heart. So you would think he falls in love at first sight. But... when he falls in love with Geralt, he falls very, very slowly. Or, ten moments where Jaskier falls a little bit more in love with the Witcher, until he's really not sure when it started in the first place.
3) the driftwood and the rift (1218 kudos): geraskier witcher fic. It's been months since the mountain, and Geralt hasn't spoken to or seen Jaskier since. He certainly hadn't expected to run into the bard like this--fending him off in the woods, trying desperately to help him break out of the spell that has him slashing at Geralt's throat before one of them ends up dead.
2) out of focus (1821 kudos): ATLA fic. The actions of a Fire Nation admiral during a meeting causes some problems for Sokka. The words of that admiral causes some problems for Zuko. They try to take care of each other. [“What did the admiral mean,” Sokka blurts out without really thinking about it, “when he talked about insubordination?” Zuko freezes, the rag half-out of the bowl and his other hand still bracing Sokka’s (not quite holding it… far too gentle to be holding it). “What—uh. I, uh.” Zuko stops. Takes a breath. Tries again. He still doesn’t look up at Sokka. “When I was younger, I spoke out at a meeting.”]
clarity (2492 kudos): ATLA fic. Hakoda had been hearing rumors about the Fire Lord's son for years. That doesn't mean he is ready when the truth finally comes to light... especially when the truth only confirms the worst. Companion piece to "out of focus". Hakoda's perspective on those events.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I just like the engagement with people who like my writing, because I work hard on it! I don't always get to them, though...
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I try to not write anything with particularly angsty endings. Almost certainly Man of Steel for the Outsiders is the fic I've written that I'm still comfortable having up and posted. It ends with Darry getting the news that Sodapop died in Vietnam, so.... that's pretty sad.
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
Never in earnest. I drummed up ideas and headcanons about a PJO/MCU Peter Parker/Danny Phantom/Hiccup are all college roommates.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got hate on my very first fic once. It's not even still posted to the interwebs. I was 12. My big sister came to my defense.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. No shade or hate though.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge?
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also nope! I have some hesitation on this front... Never say never! I just don't know that co-writing is the thing for me.
12. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm really, really partial to Geraskier even though I do not believe it will ever be canon. Tangled's New Dream will also always have a peice of my heart.
13. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Mysterious Benedict Society.
14. What's your favorite fic you've written?
I think probably some of my best writing is in the Coming Home series (the two witcher companion pieces described above)
15. Do you have a WIP that still haunts you?
Not really. I certainly have abandoned fics. There was a RWBY one that showed promise and people enjoyed, but I had to step away from for personal reasons, and I've since left the fandom. There's an Outsiders one that I abanonded because I fell out of the fandom. A Sanders Sides one that I lost steam on.... it happens!
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joinmeinjoy · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @minisgatewaytoinsanity !!
Three ships: Currently obsessed with Dreamling (Hob x Morpheus // The Sandman), but Merthur (Merlin x Arthur // BBC's Merlin) and Geraskier (Geralt x Jaskier //The Witcher Series) will forever hold special places in my heart
First ever ship: It might be Destiel?? it's either that or Merthur, I honestly don't remember
Last song: Black Lipstick by Powerman 5000...recently it's been giving me 80's Dreamling vibes, but like. If they went to an 80's themed night club and acted-out how the 1989 meeting would have gone, should they have met up...god I have a whole idea around this now
Last movie: Kingsman The Golden Circle. I fucking love the kingsman movies, specifically the first two...idk about the prequel, but the first two are definitely up there with my favourite movies of all time. It takes a special kind of self restraint not to watch those two movies back to back to back for 10 hours straight
Currently reading: Giving Sanctuary by @avelera (Forever eating bricks over this fic - in the best way), but Shelter by @softest-punk, Fey Divorce Court Isn't a Thing by @moorishflower, and literally countless other fantastic fics are in my marked for later, ready to be read when my brain wants to cooperate. There are so many damn good fics out there, the talent is insane
Currently watching: Nothing much tbh...another Sandman rewatch is in order I think, as well as Good Omens, but besides that it's mostly been movies with the occasional episode of something in between to spice things up. Labyrinth, X-men first class & days of future past, Derry Girls, Sense8, etc
Currently consuming: Gozleme. So much chicken gozleme it's not even funny
Currently craving: A good night's sleep and a little bit of hope, but I'll settle for some warm food...or a strawberry thickshake
@avelera @cuubism @wizardofgoodfortune @wordsinhaled @dsudis @softest-punk
No pressure, just some fun !! :)
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streetslost · 2 years
10 Different Characters from 10 Different Fandoms!  
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mittens ( disney... though lady is a very close second )
raven ( teen titans )
nari ( tales of arcadia )
xayah ( league of legends )
ruffnut ( dreamworks )
rarity ( my little pony )
jaskier ( netflix’s witcher )
fei fei ( over the moon )
keeley ( ted lasso )
midge ( marvelous mrs. maisel )
Tagged by: @imperiialfrost​ ( thankies, friendo !!! ) Tagging: whoever reads this :eyes:
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fanoftheimagines · 7 months
TV Shows Navigation Page 4
Last Updated: 2/26/24
Back to Main Navigation Page
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Key (colors only show on dash view)
Black: may include romance
Purple: does not include romance
Green: includes romance & QPR
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The Umbrella Academy
Grace Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Number Five
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Eudora Patch
Lila Pitts
Marcus Hargreeves
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves
Fei Hargreeves
Alphonso Hargreeves
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Paul "Jesus" Rovia
Tara Chambler
Rosita Espinosa
Daryl Dixon
Carol Peletier
Willow (2022)
Kit Tanthalos
Jade Claymore
Elora Danan
Graydon Hastur
Thraxus Boorman
Willow Ufgood
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Triss Marigold
Z Nation
Roberta Warren
Stephen "Doc" Beck
Addy Carver
Alvin Murphy
Citizen Z
Sun Mei
Lilly "Sarge" Mueller
George St. Claire
0 notes
stolensilmarils · 3 years
so maybe it happens like this.
maybe there are fae living in the Upside-Down and Other Side of Things and Places in their sunlit halls and starlit gardens unbothered by and uninterested in the plagues beyond the borders of their dwellings. but the humans who now so selfishly shape earth and claim everything they touch as their own are so delightfully fun to play with and torment and maim
so maybe it’s just a common sense to keep a sprinkle of salt or an iron nail in your pocket when you go about your work in the fields or walk through meadows. steps careful, eyes sharp
except maybe there’s an unattended toddler stumbling through rings of mushrooms and chasing bees, giggles and clumsy jumps over rain puddles, whom no one cared to warn
(and human children are such marvelous little creatures - you can’t really blame the fae when this one is practically banging on their front doors)
maybe they don’t even bother to place a Changeling in julian’s place as the wind and tree roots lead him from his bed and through the window, bare feet ankle-deep in mud
maybe there is a Fae King to whom all the twisted creatures bow, who’s in a sour mood that night. maybe they seek entertainment (or maybe they just plan to tear the child’s head off)
but maybe the crown they wear is studded with buttercups and even if the child has only now learned to walk and talk, he knew singing even before he took his first breath and the poison yellow flowers do so inspire a song and oh.
maybe instead of unwilling blood taken there is a gift freely given. maybe there is the gift accepted and maybe there is a Boon bestowed
(and what boon is more gracious than the taste of grin sharp, black lips, teeth too many?)
and so maybe the child is returned home that night with dreams filled with pollen and starlight and bitter taste of summerwine. and where julian went to sleep jaskier wakes up none the wiser
his oh so dear parents have never cared, his oh so tired governess - circles of black under empty eyes, fingers like a bow, wrapped around a bottle neck. and the boy is a child whose memories still haven’t learned to cling, so maybe the days and weeks turn to months and years and life goes on
and it may not even be his singing or musical talents, that all can be him still. but maybe there are the little things that no one cares to notice or consider. because after all, who really knows how well exactly does a human eye see in the dark. who really pays attention to how fast small wounds heal
and is it not obvious? maybe the poison accidentally drunk was just a dose not lethal
ordinary people often have unordinary talents so is it really worth a notice if someone learns just slightly too fast, if under someone’s hands flowers grow just a little more lush and if at someone the wild dogs don’t dare to bark?
and if his fingers tingle while holding iron, well. he’s a poet not a smith. and if he tastes blood and ash in the back of his tongue when he’s about to tell a lie, well.  growing up, every village woman, grandmother and hag made sure to remind him that lying is bad and well. the taste of it is bad, they must have meant. it seems unnecessary anyway.
after all... the meanings of truth and honesty are not even closely related
(songs don’t count, of course. when lyrics rhyme and fit the note then they ring true, that’s a fact any poet knows)
and maybe he likes to know the names of people he meets, maybe the sound of them said out loud sparkles, taste of ripe peaches on his tongue but what of it. names have power. that’s a known fact, for names or enchantments, it must surely be the same for all
and maybe under the glow of pale stars, in the flare or fire spark or between the green spots that cloud one’s sight on a day too bright the shining eyes and teeth too sharp appear just s flash. A dream. A trick of light. (if a glamour has never been acknowledged or asked to be lifted, how could one then say it even exists?)
maybe people notice somehow. children tug on his sleeves, eyes wide, fingers reaching for his lute demanding a song. adults bite lips and flutter lashes, his music welcome in their ears, his breath welcome on their skin. but there’s something, something shifting beneath on the Upside-Down and Other Side, and it’s what soon after makes their steps away a little faster. he’s sweet, the bard, but talks too much. he’s sweet, the bard, but like his music he’s just a fleeting thing, an enjoyment for a night. he’s sweet, the bard, and he is as human as they come.
geralt, of course, doesn’t realise. amber eyes watchful and bright don’t even see dragon scales underneath the wrinkles of the old man with whom they dine. but after all, the medallion is quiet when there is no magic casted. no spells, no curses, no monsters. (a boon. a gift. a blessing, nothing more.) jaskier is as human as they come.
yennefer frowns when reaching into his thoughts, the walls of his mind sticky like honey, sweet like tree sap. (but maybe the bard just found a new way to annoy the pure hell out of her, why wouldn’t he?) she pays attention but all he does is trip over his words and feet, please. he’s as human as they come.
maybe, in the end, it happens as it often does, with the last man standing.
maybe it’s creatures, maybe it’s soldiers, doesn’t really matter what form the monsters take. but geralt is down and bleeding, yennefer is helpless and screaming and ciri, oh gods, ciri -
and jaskier’s hands are empty and trembling and he’s
useless, useless, useless bard. human as they come.
and maybe that’s when there’s the ever softest sound of hope lost, tears spilled like dew
and maybe that’s when there are insects buzzing, tree roots cracking, air filled with the scent of rain on fresh leaves, the skin-crawling hum of Other
and maybe that’s when there are the too bright eyes and the too sharp teeth and fingers all claws and after?
after, when the ground is sated with fresh blood spilled, when wounds are treated and healed, then maybe all there is left is a lot of confused shouting
(‘how did you not know?!’ and ‘how did you not know?!’ and ‘of Course only you could get yourself snatched by fae!’ and ‘how dare you! i don’t even know what that means!’ and ‘precisely, you moron!’)
and after, maybe the world stays richer for one trickster, one immortal, one bard
(to his own delight)
(to many others’ misery)
and maybe. just maybe.
maybe there is a laughter in the air like clinking of wind chimes, like flutter of wings, like creaking of rotten wood, like the last sigh of a man dying. the Fae King cackles, the buttercups on their crown gleaming.
‘Now the real fun begins’
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innocentbi-stander · 4 years
There’s nothing I love more then a powerful jaskier au but I’m also extremely fond of when jaskier gets to be an oblivious idiot (geralt can’t hog that title all of the time)
So hear me out, jaskier with magic, but also a jaskier that is in extreme denial about having magic
geralt knew jaskier wasn’t completely human a week after meeting him. He didn’t smell quite right, there was always a slight tinge of ozone under his natural scent, something that felt like raw untapped power
his medallion didn’t vibrate though, so he knew the bard wasn’t a monster. He waited for the other shoe to drop, for jaskier to finally reveal whatever the hell the bard was. Months and months go by, and eventually years and still...... nothing.
geralt watches as the flower crowns jaskier makes never wilt, how the sun shines brighter when he laughs, how people seem to bend over backwards when jaskier smiles hard enough, and how the forest itself seems to create paths for him to walk down, how the road wouldn’t dare to lay a rock in his merry way
it isn’t until they’re in the middle of a bandit attack off the path and geralt watches as the bandit creeping behind jaskier is thrown into a tree with a sickening crack, and the man threatening jaskier with a sword suddenly screams in pain as the metal turns red hot, giving geralt the time he needs to cut the man down, the scent of burned flesh lingering in the hair
jaskier turns to him, a relieved smile on his face, and geralt thinks this is the moment, there’s no denying this, and jaskier just makes some comment about how lucky he was that it was hot out today, and can you imagine how that could have gone if it was fall?
and then geralt realizes, 
jaskier is just a fucking idiot
an idiot who is so convinced of his own humanity that he denies any and all of the signs pointing towards just the opposite
signs like how jaskier always seems to know what geralt needs before he knows it himself
random weird instructions like, make sure you bring an extra vial of Swallow, which comes in handy when swamp water makes the first vial slip right through his hand to smash on the ground or a “don’t forget your cloak” on a perfectly sunny day that turns to a downpour as he trudges back to the inn
all of these instances continue through the years, years that don’t seem to affect jaskier as geralt silently adds possible immortality to his list of “weird things jaskier can apparently do”
eventually when yennefer and ciri join them on their travels, other people are finally privy to jaskier’s powers
yennefer directs a questioning eyebrow toward geralt when the dead bird they stumbled upon twitches to life in jaskier’s hands and flies away. 
later that night geralt tells yennefer about all the instances of magic that have surrounded jaskier since they’ve been traveling together
the only thing yennefer can think of is that it must be fey blood, it’s the only explanation that makes sense of all of the raw power
ciri joins the ranks of People Baffled By Jaskier’s Obliviousness when she watches jaskier glare a field of flowers into full bloom and then remark on the power of positive reinforcement because, look ciri!
these instances continue
a perfectly sunny day turns into a downpour when geralt accidentally insults jaskier’s outfit
valdo marx conveniently has an intimate run in with a ditch after crossing paths with them on the road
a tavern bar catches on fire after the owner refused to serve geralt
it all comes to a head when nilfgaardian soldiers manage to corner them in the mountains. Geralt is cutting down soldiers left and right, yennefer is shooting spell after spell. but its obvious they are tiring with so many soldiers, and they are in a space too small for ciri to scream without hurting any of her family
jaskier doesn’t know what’s happening, one second they’re being overwhelmed, and he feels a sensation boiling up in his chest, engulfing his body and growing bigger and bigger with his desperation and he just wants everything to stop and suddenly he feels a need to push out and he closes his eyes and thrusts his hands forward, and everything is..... quiet?
he opens his eyes and he sees geralt and ciri and yen all gaping at him and jaskier looks around and sees frost stretching out from his feet, and ice enveloping all of the soldiers, freezing them in place. there’s neat circles of grass surrounding each member of his family but the frost clinging to his fingertips leaves no doubt about who was the cause of this sudden onslaught of snow.
the bard brushes his hands off on his pants, and makes a small show of straightening his clothes before he looks back at his companions, still staring at him in awe.
“well, that’s new”
yennefer lets loose a loud laugh shocked from her in disbelief, followed by the little giggles of ciri
the bruise geralt leaves on his own forehead after facepalming doesn’t go away for three days   
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maddie-w-draws · 3 years
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Jaskier having a normal time in the forest
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