#ferdinand bruckner
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spectaculardistractions · 2 years ago
To Marie-Laure and Charles de Noailles Paris, 17 March 1932 Very dear friends, I’ve been wanting to write to you for some time now – since receiving Charles’s letter – but these last few days I’ve been very busy with endless surrealist complications. I’m also tied up with ‘dubbing’ work for Paramount. I spoke to Giacometti the other day about the surprise Charles mentioned in his letter: he has agreed to prepare it with me and we’ll keep you informed. As for Crevel, he told me he would write to you. He came for supper at my home on Sunday, with Mrs Cuevas and Ortiz. Naturally, we spoke of nothing all night but the latest complications with the group. For rather complicated reasons, a new splinter group has formed consisting this time of Aragon, Sadoul, Unik, Alexandre, Giacometti and me. This split was caused by the publication of Breton’s Poetry’s Misery. Dalí wrote to me from Cadaqués: he now represents the extreme right wing of surrealism. It’s all so sad and you can imagine the terrible time we are having. Frankly, the Marseille business did not go well. That Mr Castelli took two months to decide to pay me 2,000 francs, and I see from your letter that the takings came to 13,000. The same with Belgium and Holland. As they don’t want to pay me more than 1,000 francs per screening, I’ve spent the last month writing to them. Everyone has the same excuse: limited screenings due to censorship. I should like to know what you think, and whether you would prefer I just keep the film with me here, rather than let it go at that price. I still think that had the censors not intervened we would have recovered the production costs; Braunberger was saying the same thing a few days ago. The film has also been requested by Prague. If you have a moment to write, I’d be grateful for more specific details about the kind of surprise you would like so that we can get on with our preparation. It goes without saying that we’ll try to do the best possible job. The other evening after dinner we played some poetic games and René was lamenting that Marie-Laure was not with us, because she would have loved it. Mrs Cuevas was truly inspired and wanted to carry on and wash the dishes. Only a titanic struggle on our part dissuaded her. There are no major novelties as far as films go. There was a magnificent Eddie Cantor film, Palmy Days. Renoir’s film The Bitch, is very well made and has a very good cast. In my opinion, it’s the best French film in recent years. I went to see Orpheus by Offenbach and found it admirable. A play, Pains of Youth, has caused great commotion among the surrealists, especially Breton; but I prefer Wedekind. It’s the same genre, of course, but with that unpleasant so-called ‘post-war’ touch. Wedekind filtered through the Treaty of Versaille. I got Nora’s letter and want to write back at once. Do let her know and send her my thanks in advance. Love to Laure and Nathalie and all my friendship to you both, Luis
Jo Evans & Breixo Viejo, Luis Buñuel: A Life in Letters
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unionizedwizard · 11 days ago
How did you choose their name and why? Was it simply based on vibes or is there any specific meaning behind the name? Are the reasons behind their name different in- and out of universe? For Irma!
i did struggle trying to come up with a suitable name at first, and ended up calling her irma veiltar for several reasons:
1) i wanted a name that is relatively normal but canon compliant because her whole deal was to be "what if jane eyre or fanny price from mansfield park was in a fantasy world and could cast fireball?"
2) why "irma"? i wanted something that was distinctly 19th century-coded, so i hesitated between several names including.... alma. glad i didn't settle for this one considering alma from the ivalice raids is already extremely similar to her, in terms of looks (sidenote: this is why i will never actually buy the only mogstation outfit i'd consider getting her (alma's outfit). it would be too much of a cosplay and that's not what i'm going for). i eventually settled on irma because the traditional (if old-fashioned) way to jokingly refer to a medium/witch is to call her "madame irma" and the one thing i knew about her for sure was that she'd be lower class and a mage. and finally, though i don't remember if it was on purpose, i think i was inspired by ferdinand bruckner's 1923 play, pains of youth; one of the characters is an ambitious and ruthless medecine student calling herself irene; she's a socialist and is revealed to be a janitor's daughter actually called irma, and mocked for it by the wealthier and noble students she's boarding with (since irma was a "vulgar", lower class name compared to irene, a more intellectual and elegant name). said character also has red hair and an insane work ethic but aside from these elements, they're pretty different
also this was a complete coincidence because i didn't know that ala mhigan names were germanic when creating her, but irma is an old german name from the root word that means "whole, totality, entire". pretty funny and unexpectedly fitting for someone who's been sundered, like, three times by now
she was a thaumaturge starter and i saw their all-black, dramatic wizard outfit; her last name is literally veil+tar but it can also be read as "veille tard" (night owl, burning the midnight oil...) which ended up being a relevant character trait for her
i realized a while later that her name (especially her last name) sounds canon-compliant, but actually isn't, if you look more closely, especially since she's ala mhigan. oopsie!
i also realized pretty much immediately i had picked the wrong starter class for her and that she'd be an arcanist main. i used all these elements to create her backstory (ul'dah, thaumaturgy, a slightly incorrect name), including the fact that her birth name is something different; she picked "irma" for herself as a child (i don't know why. sometimes children just do things), but "veiltar" was a chosen, foreshadowing name made up by someone else (this is a secret tool that will help us later) (as of now, she knows about it, but it was recent news)
thank you!!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years ago
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Arthur Kaufmann began his triptych "Arts and Science Finding Refuge in the USA" in 1939. After several decades' interruption, he finished it in 1964. Ironically, the painting now hangs in the Städtisches Museum Mülheim an der Ruhr, in Germany.
The group portrait shows 38 writers, artists, scientists, composers, and other creative people who found refuge from Hitler in the United States. The painting shows the writers Günther Anders, Ferdinand Bruckner, Bruno Frank, Oskar Maria Graf, Erika Mann, Heinrich Mann, Klaus Mann, Thomas Mann, Ludwig Renn, Ernst Toller, Berthold Viertel, and Arnold Zweig; the artists Benedikt Fred Dolbin, Josef Floch, George Grosz, Hans Jelinek, and Arthur Kaufmann; the composers Arnold Schönberg, Ernst Toch, and Kurt Weill; the musician Emanuel Feuermann and the conductor Otto Klemperer; the directors Fritz Lang, Erwin Piscator, and Max Reinhardt; the actor Luise Rainer; the philosopher Ernst Bloch; the psychologists Elisabeth Musset-Kaufmann, William Stern, and Max Wertheimer; the dancer Lotte Goslar; the architect and art historian Paul Zucker; the art dealer Curt Valentin; the physicist Albert Einstein; the theologian Paul Tillich; the physician Ulrich Friedemann; and the neurologist Kurt Goldstein.
Source: Stedelijk Studies
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thelalosarchives · 8 years ago
Άραγε στην Ελλάδα Ζούμε Ξανά την «Αρρώστια της Νιότης» του Bruckner; 
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Φωτό: Αργύρης Πανταζάρας
VICE -  Ελισάβετ Πασπαλιάρη/ September 29, 2016 
Κυριακή μεσημέρι, έξω από το Θέατρο Tempus Verum-Εν Αθήναις ακούγεται μια γυναικεία φωνή να απαγγέλλει ένα ποίημα. Χτυπάω ήσυχα την πόρτα και περιμένω. Με καλωσορίζει ένας ψηλός καστανομάλλης, με πράσινα μάτια και έντονο μούσι, και μου λέει να περάσω στον χώρο όπου έκανε μάθημα η κοπέλα για να την ακούσω. Προετοιμάζεται για τις εξετάσεις στο Εθνικό Θέατρο και είναι άκρως αγχωμένη και ταραγμένη. Ο άντρας που μου άνοιξε την πόρτα πηγαίνει κοντά της και την καθησυχάζει, της δίνει μερικές συμβουλές και της λέει «δώσε τον καλύτερό σου εαυτό». Είναι ο Δημήτρης Λάλος, ο σκηνοθέτης της παράστασης «Η Αρρώστια της Νιότης», για την οποία βρίσκομαι εδώ – όχι για να την παρακολουθήσω αλλά για να συνομιλήσω με τον Νο1 συντελεστή της.
Το μάθημα της υποψήφιας ηθοποιού τελειώνει. Ο Δημήτρης Λάλος κάθεται στον καναπέ και μου μιλάει περιληπτικά για την παράσταση. Η Αρρώστια της Νιότης, του Ferdinand Bruckner, είναι ένα ψυχογράφημα το οποίο γράφτηκε το 1926, λίγο πριν ανέβει στην Καγκελαρία ο Χίτλερ. Μια ομάδα φοιτητών Ιατρικής φλερτάρουν με τον θάνατο, πειραματίζονται και ανακαλύπτουν τα όριά τους. Άθελά τους προετοιμάζουν το έδαφος για τα κηρύγματα της εθνικοσοσιαλιστικής ιδέας.
VICE: Γιατί επιλέξατε το συγκεκριμένο έργο; Λόγω της εποχής και των συγκυριών που ζούμε; 
Δημήτρης Λάλος: Πιστεύω ότι ένα σπουδαίο έργο ταιριάζει σε κάθε εποχή. Αν αυτό το έργο ταιριάζει στο τώρα, πάει να πει πως είναι σπουδαίο. Εάν έχουμε ένα καλάθι γεμάτο έργα, θα πρέπει αυτό που θα επιλέξουμε να ταιριάζει με το σήμερα για να αγγίζει την πραγματικότητα στην οποία ζούμε.
Το συγκεκριμένο έργο είχε πέσει στα χέρια μου πριν από τέσσερα-πέντε χρόνια περίπου. Στην αρχή, το διάβασα στα αγγλικά –όχι όλο– και έκανα μια μετάφραση του έργου στα ελληνικά. Επέλεξα αυτό το έργο επειδή έχει μια ικανότητα να υπαινίσσεται. Ο Bruckner γράφει λίγο πριν ανέβει ο Χίτλερ στην εξουσία και είναι διορατικός, διότι βλέπει πως μια νεολαία που έρχεται από έναν πόλεμο οδεύει προς έναν δεύτερο. Είναι ένας συγγραφέας που όταν ανέβηκε ο Χίτλερ στην εξουσία, πήγε στην Αμερική. Είναι βαθιά αντιρατσιστής και εγώ το επέλεξα επειδή θίγει το θέμα του φασισμού με πολύ περίτεχνο τρόπο. Ο φασισμός είναι ένα περίεργο πράγμα. Υπάρχουν αντιφασιστικές κινήσεις που γίνονται με φασιστικό τρόπο.
Υπάρχει κάποιος συσχετισμός των νέων του έργου με του νέους Έλληνες σήμερα; 
Ένα έργο τέχνης φωτίζει κάποιες πτυχές που ίσως είναι καλά κρυμμένες. Πιστεύω πως κάθε έργο, όπως και αυτό, φωτίζει πράγματα που συμβαίνουν σήμερα. Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι τα πράγματα δεν είναι όπως τότε στη Γερμανία, ότι η παιδεία και η κουλτούρα μας εδώ στην Ελλάδα εξυψώνεται σε πιο υψηλό επίπεδο και δεν είμαστε έτοιμοι να μπούμε σε μια τέτοια διαδικασία. Η εξαθλίωση και η χαμηλή εκπαίδευση μπορεί να φτάσει έναν άνθρωπο στο σημείο να έχει τάσεις προς τον φασισμό. Η εκπαίδευση, όπως και ο πολιτισμός, είναι ικανά να γιατρέψουν αυτή την «αρρώστια» που δημιουργείται λόγω της άγνοιας και της χαμηλής παιδείας. Ο φασισμός από την έρευνα που έχω κάνει, είναι το κίνημα με το λιγότερο θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο. Δεν υπάρχει σχεδόν τίποτα γραμμένο σε σχέση με τον φασισμό από θεωρία. Υπάρχει το βιβλίο του «Ο Αγών», αλλά δεν είναι τόσο θεωρητικό ή δυνατό για να πεις ότι υπάρχει κάποια θεωρία. Ο φασισμός λοιπόν είναι το πιο φτωχό κίνημα ό,τι αφορά στο πνευματικό επίπεδο. Δεν είναι κάτι που δεν γιατρεύεται όμως και η παιδεία είναι ικανή να γιατρέψει το φασισμό.
Υπάρχει συγκεκριμένος λόγος που επιλέξατε νέους ηθοποιούς για το έργο;
Με τα παιδιά δουλεύω αρκετά χρόνια μαζί, είναι άτομα π��υ έχουμε κάνει μαζί σεμινάρια. Είναι όλοι πολύ ταλαντούχοι, πολύ πρόθυμοι, δοτικοί και αφοσιωμένοι. Αυτό βοηθάει πολύ και, βεβαίως, ταιριάζουν στους ρόλους. Αυτό που θα δείτε στην παράσταση είναι ο τέταρτος σχεδιασμός. Έκανα τέσσερις σκηνοθεσίες μέχρι να φτάσω στην τελική. Ξεκίνησα τελείως ρεαλιστικά, με κουβάδες, μετά έβαλα βιντεοκάμερα – έβαλα πολλά, γενικά, μέχρι που στο τέλος τα αφαίρεσα όλα και άφησα καθαρά την ουσία του πράγματος.
Ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη θυσία που έχετε κάνει για το θέατρο; 
Ο χρόνος. Κάποιος φωνάζει ότι του έκλεψαν τα ρέστα, ο ταξιτζής φωνάζει για το τάδε, όλοι φωνάζουν για κάτι, αλλά κανείς δεν φωνάζει για τον χρόνο που μας κλέβουν. Στην ουσία ο χρόνος είναι το μοναδικό πράγμα που έχεις, άρα αυτό που λέμε «ο χρόνος είναι χρήμα» δεν είναι τυχαίο. Ο χρόνος είναι από τα βασικά συστατικά της ύπαρξης, είναι το πιο πολύτιμο πράγμα που έχει ο καθένας ξεχωριστά. Απλώς, όταν έχουμε πολύ, τον ξοδεύουμε ανούσια και ανώφελα.
Γιατί νιώσατε την ανάγκη να περάσετε από την υποκριτική στη σκηνοθεσία; 
Όταν σκηνοθετώ, νιώθω ότι παίζω όλους τους χαρακτήρες. Έτσι, ήταν μια ανάγκη για μένα να παίζω όλη την «παλέτα» του έργου αντί να παίζω ένα «χρώμα».
Στις 5 Μαρτίου του 2012 τιμηθήκατε με το θεατρικό βραβείο «Δημήτρης Χορν». Ήταν όνειρο για εσάς; 
Σίγουρα, διότι είναι ένα βραβείο το οποίο σου δίνεται από μια επιτροπή του χώρου. Έχω πάρει και βραβείο κοινού, από το Αθηνόραμα – αυτό ήταν επίσης μεγάλη τιμή. Ο Αριστοτέλης λέει ότι για να σου δώσει κάποιος τιμή, εσύ δεν την έχεις. Η επιτροπή έχει την τιμή επειδή είναι πάρα πολλά χρόνια στον χώρο και τη δίνει σε έναν νέο ηθοποιό που δεν την έχει. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό για έναν νέο καλλιτέχνη.
Ήταν πολύ σημαντικό για εμένα να με αναγνωρίσει μια επιτροπή του χώρου. Δεν άλλαξε κάτι, απλώς είναι μια επιπλέον ώθηση. Πήρα το «Χορν» έπειτα από 13 χρόνια στο θέατρο.
Όταν ξέρετε ότι έχετε δουλέψει πολύ για κάτι προκειμένου να βγει ένα καλό αποτέλεσμα θα δεχτείτε την αρνητική κριτική; 
Ενεργοποιώ την ευφυΐα μου σε βαθμό που να ξεπερνά τον εγωισμό μου. Αν έρχεται μια κριτική, προσπαθώ να τη φιλτράρω για να μην πληγώσω τον εγωισμό μου. Αλλά πιστεύω πως όταν υπάρχει πολλή και σκληρή δουλειά, είναι δύσκολο να υπάρξει αρνητική κριτική. Ο κόσμος εκτιμά μια καλοδουλεμένη παράσταση. Θέλω να κάνω δουλειές που εκτιμώνται από τον κόσμο. Μπορεί να μην αρέσουν πάντα, αλλά προσπαθώ για το καλύτερο.
Ποια συμβουλή έχετε να δώσετε στους ανερχόμενους ηθοποιούς οι οποίοι θα ενταχθούν στον χώρο της υποκριτικής;
Τον νου σας [γέλια]. Αν θέλετε να δουλέψετε, έχει ��ολλή δουλειά αυτό το πράγμα. Έχει πολύ «ξύλο». Όπως το αντιλαμβάνομαι εγώ, δεν έχει γκλάμουρ αίσθηση και φωτογραφίες. Θέλει υπομονή και θυσίες, να αφιερώσεις χρόνο.
Με ποιον τρόπο θα παροτρύνατε κάποιον να δει το έργο σας εάν δεν ήταν ιδιαίτερα θεατρόφιλος; 
Δεν ξέρω. Δεν θέλω να λέω κλισέ πράγματα, τύπου «έλα να δεις το έργο για να ανοίξει το μυαλό σου». Είναι ένα έργο το οποίο εστιάζει σε παιχνίδια εξουσίας και καλό είναι όλοι μας να δούμε πώς γίνονται τα παιχνίδια εξουσίας ώστε να μπορέσουμε να προστατεύουμε τον εαυτό μας.
H «Αρρώστια της Νιότης» θα παίζεται από τις 30 Σεπτεμβρίου έως τις 8 Ιανουαρίου στο Tempus Verum-Εν Αθήναις (Ιάκχου 19, Γκάζι), κάθε Παρασκευή και Σάββατο στις 21.00 και Κυριακή στις 19.00.
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rainbowtheque · 7 years ago
Maladie de la jeunesse
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Titre : Maladie de la jeunesse
Auteur : Ferdinand Brückner
Pièce de théâtre
Maison d’édition : Les éditions théâtrales
Disponible en version papier - 254 pages
Âge conseillé : à partir de 16 ans
Marie se prépare à fêter son doctorat en médecine, à “enterrer sa vie de jeune fille” et à passer à l'âge adulte. Dans une pension autrichienne du début des années 1920, gravitent étudiants et oisifs, mais c'est la porte de la vie qui se ferme : leur vague à l'âme le dispute à un vrai désespoir entretenu par des manipulateurs qui souhaitent profiter de cette jeune chair. 
Identité représentée :
Personnages principaux bi (femmes), on peut supposer que l'une d'elle est HPI
Thématiques présentes
Drogue, jeunesse, entre deux guerres (Autriche), sexualité. La bisexualité n'est pas nommée mais plusieurs femmes ont des relations avec des hommes et entre elles.
TW : drogue (alcool et drogues dures), suicide, mention d'inceste
Avis d’Alistair
Il faut un tout petit peu s'accrocher pour suivre l'enchevêtrement relationnel qui lie les personnages entre eux, mais une fois qu'on a su intégrer tout ça, on trouve une vraie richesse de personnages. Chacun d'entre eux réagit de manière très différente (mais juste) à la même situation : faire partie d'une jeunesse abandonnée qui ne trouve même pas l'envie de construire un projet. La bisexualité n'est pas nommée, elle est. Aucun jugement n'est émis dessus, ni de l'auteur, ni des personnages, c'est une simple constatation : certaines personnes aiment des hommes et des femmes. 
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korayaker · 2 years ago
Lenin Sol komünizm Lenin Nisan tezleri Lenin Proleter devrim dönek  kautsky Lenin devlet ve devrim Lenin Emperyalizm Lenin Burjuva demokrasisi ve proleterya diktatörlüğü Lenin Ne yapmalı Lenin Materyalizm ve Ampiryokritisizm Lenin Bir Adim Ileri Iki Adim Geri Lenin Din Üzerine Lenin Sosyalizm ve Savaş Marx Engels Komünist manifesto Yahudi Sorunu Alman İdeolojisi Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisine Katkı Ücretli Emek ve Sermaye Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Mao Zedong Çelişki Üzerine Uzatmalı Savaş Üzerine Seçme Eserler -ı-ıı-ııı Kızıl Kitap Josef Stalin Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Tarihsel Materyalizm Marksizm, Ulusal Sorun Leninizmin İlkeleri Anarşizmi mi Sosyalizm mi Bolşevik parti Tarihi Muhalefet Üzerine Georgi Dimitrov Faşizme Karşı Birleşik Cephe Leo huberman Sosyalizmin alfabesi Politzer Felsefenin başlangıç ilkeleri Politzer Felsefenin Temel İlkeleri Nikitin Ekonomi politik Maksim Gorki Küçük burjuva ideolojisinin eleştirisi Kalinin Devrimci Eğitim Devrimci Ahlak Che Guevara Ekonomi ce sosyalist ahlak Paul lafargue Tembellik hakkı A.Şnurov Türkiye proleteryası John Reed Dünyayı Sarsan On Gün Ellen Meiksins Wood Sınıftan Kaçış İbrahim kaypakkaya Seçme eserler Mahir çayan Bütün Yazıları Hikmet kıvılcımlı Türkiyede kapitalizmin gelişimi Emrah cilasun - Mustafa suphi ve yoldaşlarını kim öldürdü Kapitalizm, Arzu ve Kölelik, Frederic Lordon Yeryüzünün Lanetlileri - Frantz Fanon Terry Eagleton Marx Neden Haklıydı Jhon Zerzan Gelecekteki ilkel Paulo Freire Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi Kropotkin- Ekmeğin Fethi Ivan Illich'in Okulsuz Toplum Hüseyin Can Sovyetler ve Kürtler A.Kollontai Komünizm ve Aile N. kruspkaya Halk eğitimi Platon Socratesin Savunması
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john zerzan- Gelecekteki ilkel Terry Eagleton Postmodernizmin Yanılsamaları Fredric Jameson, Postmodernizm ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Kültürel Mantığı Jean Baudrillard Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon Jean Baudrillard Tüketim Toplumu Jean Baudrillard Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı Jean Baudrillard baştan çıkarma üzerine Rainer Funk Ben ve Biz Postmodern İnsanın Psikanalizi - Zygmunt Bauman Akışkan Aşk / İnsan İlişkilerinin Kırılganlığına Dair Zygmunt Bauman  Akışkan Modernite Yaşam Sanatı, Zygmunt Bauman Jean François Lyotard Postmodern Durum Michel Foucault Özne ve İktidar / Seçme Yazılar Michel Foucault Cinselliğin Tarihi Karakter Aşınması - Richard Sennett Kamusal insanın Çöküşü Richart Sennet Guy Debort- Gösteri toplumu Byung-Chul Han-Psikopolitika
Arthur Schopenhauer Cinsel Aşkın Metafiziği Arthur Schopenhauer ,Hayatın Anlamı Arthur Schopenhauer İsteme ve Tasarım Olarak Dünya Emil Michel Cioran Çürümenin Kitabı Terry Eagleton Hayatın anlamı Fernando Pessoa Huzursuzluğun Kitabı Ferdinand celine gecenin sonuna yolculuk Jean Paul Sartre Bunaltı Cesare Pavese Yaşama Uğraşı Franz Kafka Dönüşüm Samuel Beckett Godot'yu Beklerken Hermann Hesse Siddhartha Dostoyevski Yeraltından Notlar Dostoyevski Suç Ve ceza Nietzsche Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt Nietzsche Ecce homo Nietzsche Decal Candide - Voltaire Albert CamusYabancı Jhon fante toza zor Terry Eagleton Kötülük Üzerine Bir Deneme
Maksim Gorki Ana Maksim Gorki Benim üniversitelerim Dimitrov  Dimov Tütün Kropotkin Ekmeğin Fethi Jack London’ Demir ökçe John Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek Victor Hugo Sefiller Goethe Genç Werther'in Acıları Balzac vadideki zambak Dostoyevski Suç ve Ceza Dostoyevski Kumarbaz Dostoyevski Budala Dostoyevski Ev sahibem Dostoyevski Yeraltından notlar Stefan Zweig Satranç Stefan Zweig Bilinmeyen Bir Kadının Mektubu Irvin D. Yalom Nietzsche Ağladığında Lev Tolstoy Anna Karenina Vladimir Bartol Fedailerin Kalesi Alamut Amin Maalouf Doğunun Limanları Harper Lee Bülbülü Öldürmek George Orwel Hayvan Çiftliği Jhon Steinbeck Fareler ve İnsanlar Bir Çöküşün Öyküsü, Stefan Zweig
Sabahattin Ali Kürk Mantolu Madonna Sabahattin Ali Kuyucaklı yusuf Sabahattin Ali İçimizdeki Şeytan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Huzur Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Saatleri ayarlama enstitüsü Yaşar kemal İnce memed Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem Araba Sevdası Mehmet Rauf Eylül Peyami Safa Yanlızız Peyami Safa Fatih-Harbiye Peyami Safa Dokuzuncu Hariciye koğuşu Peyami Safa Bir teredüdün Romanı Namık Kemal İntibah Orhan Pamuk kırmızı saçlı kadın Yusuf atılgan Aylak adam Ahmet Ümit İstanbul Hatırası Sodom ve Gomore, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Kiralık Konak Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Alemdağda var bir yılan, Sait Faik Abasıyanık Kemal Tahir- Körduman Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu Yaban
Aldous Huxley Cesur Yeni Dünya 1984 - George Orwell Hayvan çitfliği  George Orwell Ursula K. Le Guin Mülksüzler Damızlık Kızın Öyküsü - Margaret Atwood
Din Tarih ve Antropoloji-Siyaset
Tanrı'nın Tarihi - Karen Armstrong Ludwig Feuerbach-Hristiyanlığın Özü Marx Engels- Ailenin ve özel mülkiyetin kökeni Lewis Henry Morgan-Eski toplum Wilhelm Reich- Cinsel ahlakın boy göstermesi Freud totem ve tabu Claude Levi – Strauss  Yapısal Antropoloji Samuel NoahbKramer Tarih Sümerlerle Başlar Samuel noah Kramer Sümer mitolojisi M. İlin-İnsan Nasıl İnsan Oldu Darwin Türlerin kökeni Turan Dursun Din bu Dine Karşı Din - Ali Şerati Ataların Hikayesi Richard Dawkins Sibel özbudun -Antropoloji: Kuramlar, Kuramcilar Lenin Din Üzerine Karl -Marx Yahudilik Üzerine Hayvanlardan Tanrılara - Sapiens , Yuval Noah Harari Deccal - Friedrich Nietzsche Ahlakın Soykütüğü- Friedrich Nietzsche Peter Hopkirk İstanbulun Doğusunda Bitmeyen oyun Hans Lukaks kieser- Iskalanmış Barış İsa'nın Çarmıhtaki Yedi Sözü, İhsan Özbek Martin Van Bruinessen Kürtlük Türklük Alevilik
Nuri Dersimi Kürdistan Tarihinde Dersim
Erdoğan Çınar Kayıp Bir Alevi efsanesi
Erdoğan Çınar Aleviliğin Kayıp Bin yılı
Ahmet Taşağıgil Gök Tengrinin Çocukları
Jena Paul Roux. Türklerin Tarihi
Tori Bir Kürt Düşüncesi Yezidilik
İrene Melikoff Uyur idik uyardılar
Hamza Aksüt Aleviler
Jenet Hamilton Aanadoluda Heretik Hareketler
Faik Bulut Dersim Raporları
Mehmet Bayrak Dersim Koçgiri
Mehmet Bayrak Alevilik Kürdoloji Türkoloji Belge.
Sean Martin Katharlar
Yalçın Küçük-Tekelistan
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laurelnose · 3 years ago
witcher dwarf names
as sort of a goofy aside while I was working on The Transcript, I started writing down the name of every dwarf NPC I encountered in Vergen, and now I have a whole bunch of surnames and forenames and I figure I may as well post them because I keep losing the damn lists in case they may be of use to someone else. TW2’s background NPCs’ nametags are randomly generated from different tables depending on the NPC’s species, so none of these are really canon character names, just… canon-friendly. (I’ve opted to leave in the blatant Tolkien references, so those are in there too, lol.)
basically no feminine forenames here—Eudora Breckenriggs is essentially lthe only female dwarf character in any of the Witcher canons and that extends to the random NPCs. some of the family names are related to actual canon characters; these have been italicized.
Iron Arnold
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ucangotohell-blog · 5 years ago
Le Tour de France des Léonides: La Provence
Otherwise it depends on what particularly interests the reader. She hands the house over to a realtor, and offers the wine to her late husband's friends, including me. The widow inherits house and wine. As in the landscape painting of this time, a new experience of nature and landscape sounds in Petrarca, in which aesthetic and contemplative perspectives combine with each other. For this reason, some scholars see climbing Mont Ventoux as a key cultural and historical moment on the threshold from the Middle Ages to modern times. (Wiki).
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brought the Camargue farmers to rice cultivation - in search of the best side dish for his poule au pot, his Sunday chicken. Two years later I hear that the community has reached an amicable settlement in a dispute with a building contractor who paved or concreted our street three years earlier. So I got hold of 12x144 bottles of excellent wine and was broke for a while. A village neighbor imports wine himself. The calm and quiet coo of the pigeons in the morning. They help us a lot to improve the quality of the service. Enter your travel dates to see the total price per night. Free cancellation only within 48 hours of booking.
Derniers commentaires sur l'établissement Sixties apartment
the garage cellar. As a basilica with a 20 m high central nave, the cathedral has both Romanesque and Gothic style elements. reference While the nave, tower and facade were erected in Romanesque style Gothic chorus was first created. The most famous exiles included Bertolt Brecht, Ferdinand Bruckner, Franz Theodor Csokor, Albert Drach, Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger, Bruno Frank, Walter Hasenclever, Franz and Helen Hessel, Alfred Kantorowicz, Hermann Kesten, Egon Erwin Kisch, Arthur Koestler, Annette Kolb, Golo Mann, Heinrich Mann, Klaus Mann, Thomas Mann, Ludwig Marcuse, Erwin Piscator, Anton RäderscheidtJoseph Roth, Franz Werfel and Alma Mahler-Werfel, Arnold Zweig, Stefan Zweig. The calanques are a special ecosystem. There is almost no soil there, the plants are anchored in the crevices and cracks in the rock. The climate is dry, and the moisture present comes mainly from the evaporation of sea water and the salty spray of the surf, which results in unique flora and fauna.
Voir les disponibilités Important - À lire L'établissement Sixties Apartment accepte les demandes spéciales. Ajoutez la vôtre à la prochaine étape!
Written way of life. Was very "in" in D in the 90s of the last century. Heat olive oil in a pot. Sweat the diced shallots and garlic with the rice without color. Add white wine and fill up with poultry stock. Century restored, today it is used again for festival performances. The Arles amphitheater, built around 90 AD, is also very well known; Diameter 140 m × 103 m, originally consisting of three floors with 60 arcades each and approx.
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nosvemosenprimerafila · 4 years ago
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Emilia, Pardo y Bazán lanzan el LP "El mal de la juventud"....... El cuarteto de Talavera de la Reina se reafirma como unos buenos hacedores de hits y canciones infalibles. ‘Madriz Central’, ‘La herida’, ‘No Logo’ y ‘El paso honroso’ son buenos ejemplos. ‘El mal de la juventud’ nos presenta a uno de los letristas más personales y cronista de una generación como es Sergio Sanguino. Según la propia banda: "`El mal de la juventud´ es nuestro primer disco y representa una reconciliación con nuestros comienzos como banda bastarda que buscaba en la música una herramienta para salir del tedio que inundaba por aquel entonces, una vida en estado de latencia. El hecho de recopilar canciones que ya teníamos grabadas tiene que ver con la necesidad de sentarnos a la mesa con nuestras criaturas: la irónica, la que trataba de ser un himno, la del amor perdido, la guitarrera, la electrónica, el hit, la del verano, la que nunca nos gustó del todo, la que nos gustaba desde el primer día y todas las que hemos ido publicando con la misma dosis de ilusión que de incertidumbre. Incluir temas no publicados nos resultaba igualmente necesario; canciones que se han ido gestando durante estos años de festivales, conciertos en pequeños locales y el turbio presente pandémico. El disco lo cierra "El Mal de La Juventud" (título de una obra de teatro de Ferdinand Bruckner), que fue una de nuestras primeras composiciones, donde sin saber hacia dónde caminábamos guiados por una búsqueda confesional de la tragedia cotidiana". PRIMERAS FECHAS DE PRESENTACIÓN 29/05 Sesión Vermú / Buitrago del Lozoya (+Juárez) 30/05 Sesión Vermú / Pelayos de la Presa (+Juárez) 05/06 Maravillas Club / Madrid (+Viaje a Sidney) 12/06 Picnic Interestelar / Sevilla (+La La Love You +Ginebras) Continúa en www nosvemosenprimerafila com #emiliapardoybazan #talaveradelareina #indie #emergentes #pop #rock #powerrock #banda #musica #disco (en Talavera de la Reina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYQC1TDZ4h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sherifawadmeetingvenus · 4 years ago
Adérito Lopes
por Sherif Awad
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Bom dia www.SherifAwad-FilmCritic.com
Sou Adérito Lopes, ator português..
A minha família (que eu tenha conhecimento, pelo menos num passado recente) não tinha qualquer tipo de relação com o teatro, nem com as artes performativas em geral. Dentro das artes, havia apenas alguma ligação à música por parte da família do meu avô materno João António Borges antecessores e sucessores. O meu avô que era um apaixonado por bandas filarmónicas e sinfónicas. Ele, os irmãos e alguns sobrinhos, chegaram a tocar em bandas deste género, o meu filho e seu bisneto, Guilherme Cardoso da Costa Borges Lopes, herdou o gosto musical dedicando-se ao estudo de piano e de cravo.
A minha experiência com a música foi muito fugaz e passageira, com algumas lições de guitarra dedilhada, mas que rapidamente foram deslocadas para a expressão dramática. Não há nada de muito original nisto, ao que parece é uma primeira abordagem recorrente dos meus colegas de profissão da minha geração. 
Vivia numa quinta no Catujal, concelho de Loures, distrito de Lisboa, poucos habitantes ao redor e as minhas tardes eram preenchidas com a minha irmã, Cristina Borges Lopes em improvisações teatrais. Inventávamos um tema e reuníamos os adereços e os figurinos possíveis. Ficávamos sozinhos com a nossa avó materna, Maria José Cardoso que nos ajudava ao final do dia a arrumar as roupas antigas que retirávamos das gavetas e arcas para fazermos o nosso teatro. Quando a nossa mãe, Maria da Graça Lopes, chegava do seu emprego a nossa avó já tinha tudo guardado para que a nossa progenitora não se zangasse. Anos mais tarde estas brincadeiras performativas repetiram-se com o meu filho, desta vez, eu e a minha irmã, portanto sua tia somos dirigidos por ele nestes experimentos cénicos caseiros. E agora é avó dele, a nossa mãe, a matriarca quem guarda as fatiotas no final das apresentações cénicas familiares.
-As minhas grandes referências televisivas na infância e adolescências, também geracionais, para além dos atores e humoristas mais presentes no nosso ecrã como Armando Cortez, Herman José, Nicolau Breyner, Raul Solnado, entre outros como Marina Mota e Carlos Cunha, Rosa do Canto, Fernando Mendes, Miguel Guilherme, Henrique Viana, e muito outros.
A série de culto portuguesa nos anos 80 era Duarte & Companhia, uma comédia policial da autoria de Rogério Ceitil, com as inolvidáveis interpretações dos atores Rui Mendes; António Assunção; Paula Mora; Luís Vicente; António Rocha; Constantino Guimarães; Guilherme Filipe; Frederico Cheong; Alberto Quaresma; Canto e Castro; Ema Paúl; e Fernanda Coimbra.
Havia um grande fenómeno em Portugal na minha infância que vinha do Brasil e se chamava Roque Santeiro, uma telenovela produzida pela Rede Globo, escrita por Dias Gomes e Aguinaldo Silva. Foi dirigida por Gonzaga Blota, Paulo Ubiratan, Marcos Paulo e Jayme Monjardim. 
Com o José Wilker como o protagonista Roque Santeiro; e um elenco composto por nomes como Regina Duarte, em Porcina da Silva (Viúva Porcina); Lima Duarte, em Francisco Teixeira Malta (Sinhozinho Malta); Lucinha Lins, em Mocinha Abelha; e ainda Yoná Magalhães; Fábio Júnior; Ary Fontoura; Eloísa Mafalda; Luiz Armando Queiroz; Rui Resende; Armando Bógus; Cássia Kis Magro; Lídia Brondi; Paulo Gracindo; Nélia Paula; Amparito Hernandez; Lilian Lemmertz; Ewerton de Castro; Cláudio Cavalcanti; Othon Bastos; Oswaldo Loureiro; Elisângela; Dennis Carvalho; Alexandre Frota; João Carlos Barroso; Arnaud Rodrigues; Nelson Dantas; Wanda Kosmo; Maurício do Valle; Ísis de Oliveira; Cláudia Raia; Patrícia Pillar; Maurício Mattar; Cláudia Costa; Dhu Moraes; Ilva Niño; Tony Tornado; Luiz Magnelli; Lícia Magna; Cristina Galvão; Waldyr Sant'anna; Sandro Solviatti; Ana Luiza Folly; Gabriela Bicalho; e Bruno César. Entre muitos outros atores convidados, elenco de apoio e elenco adicional.
Nas escolas, em casa e na rua, brincávamos aos “Roques Santeiros” (personagem interpretada por José Wilker) e “Robertos Matias” (personagem interpretada por Fábio Júnior), isto os rapazes. As raparigas queriam ser “Porcinas” (personagem interpretada pela Regina Duarte) ou “Mocinha Abelha” a personagem interpretada pela atriz Lucinha Lins que a minha irmã tanto adorava imitar. Eu também gostava muito de desempenhar o emblemático personagem do Lima Duarte, o Sinhozinho Malta. Penso que toda a gente gostava, todos aqueles que tinham o instinto da representação. Não havia possibilidade de revermos os episódios, mas ficavam-nos as cenas na cabeça e mais tarde reproduzíamo-las.
Tratava-se de facto de uma novela surpreendente que parou o país entre 1986 e 1988, fenómeno semelhante a este em Portugal, mas ao qual eu não assisti (eu nasci em 1980) foi em 1977 com Gabriela, uma telenovela escrita por Walter George Durst, adaptada do romance Gabriela, Cravo e Canela, de Jorge Amado, e dirigida por Walter Avancini e Gonzaga Blota. Protagonizada por Sônia Braga, com Armando Bogus, José Wilker, Nívea Maria, Fúlvio Stefanini, Dina Sfat, Elizabeth Savalla, Marcos Paulo, Eloísa Mafalda e Paulo Gracindo nos papéis principais.
Em 1988, a minha tia materna, Alda Marina Cardoso Borges Costa (também ela uma motivadora e forte presença no meu percurso, sempre a incentivar-me e a incluir-me nos seus projetos de cariz religioso com jovens, nos quais era mentora) levou-me a mim e à minha irmã ao teatro, ao infelizmente extinto Teatro ABC, no progressivamente negligenciado Parque Mayer. Não tínhamos reserva, os teatros no Parque Mayer ainda estavam todos a funcionar, nós íamos ver a Prova dos Novos, com textos de Henrique Santana, Francisco Nicholson, Augusto Fraga e Nuno Nazareth Fernandes, encenação de Maria Helena Matos. O elenco era composto pela Marina Mota, Carlos Cunha, Vera Mónica, Fernando Mendes, Carlos Ivo, José Raposo, Maria João Abreu, Eva Cristina, Gina Espadinha, Isabel Amaro, Cristina Areia, Rute Correia, Olímpia Portela, Fernando Palaío, Teresa Paula e João Paulo. Não conseguimos! Estava esgotado! Vimos um ano depois na televisão. O Parque Mayer era um mar de gente, havia pipocas e algodão doce, ir ali ao teatro era uma verdadeira festa. Aquele dia foi uma correria, havia duas matinés, todas esgotadas, em todos os quatro teatros do Parque Mayer, Teatro Maria Vitória, Teatro Variedades, Teatro Capitólio e o Teatro ABC onde conseguimos arranjar três bilhetes (para mim, para a minha irmã e para a minha tia que nos levou) nas últimas filas e assistimos à peça Pijama para 6, de Marc Cameletti, encenação de Carlos César, com Octávio Matos, Maria Tavares, Luís Matta, Isabel Damatta, António Semedo e Helena Alvarez. Ainda me lembro da sensação de ver o pano abrir, as luzes a acender, o espetáculo a começar, e de pensar – eu também quero estar ali. Eles (atores e atrizes) estão a divertir-se tanto.
Recordo-me também de uma outra ida ao teatro (com o mesmo grupo, eu, a minha tia e a minha irmã que na altura tinha aulas de teatro no 9º ano de escolaridade lecionadas pela atriz Maria Henrique que integrava este elenco) Quem Muda a Fralda à Menina?, de Francisco Ors, com tradução e encenação de Armando Cortez, cenografia de Octávio Clérigo e interpretações de Manuela Maria, Alexandra Pereira, João Baião, Maria Henrique, Maria Rueff, Armando Cortez  e Luís Esparteiro. Foi em 1991 esta produção de Vasco Morgado levada à cena no Teatro Villaret. Mais um encontro com os atores e magia do teatro, lembro-me da Maria Henrique mostrar à minha irmã e aos colegas dela da turma, o palco e os bastidores do Teatro Villaret, eu ia com eles, claro.
Uma das coisas mais fascinantes desta profissão é eu mais tarde ter-me cruzado profissionalmente com muitos dos nomes que já aqui referi.
Um espetáculo que também esteve sempre esgotado e que não conseguimos arranjar bilhete, acabando por o assistir mais tarde pela televisão, mas que se tornou para mim também uma referência, foi em 1991, Passa Por Mim no Rossio, de Filipe La Féria, com um gigante elenco do Teatro Nacional D. Maria II composto por António Anjos, Catarina Avelar, Curado Ribeiro, Eunice Muñoz, Fernanda Borsatti, Henriqueta Maya, Igor Sampaio, Irene Isidro, João de Carvalho, João Perry, Lurdes Norberto, Madalena Braga, Manuel Coelho, Maria Amélia Matta, Paula Mora, Ruy de Carvalho, São José Lapa e Varela Silva. E ainda com os convidados Rita Ribeiro, Carlos Quintas, José Jorge Duarte, José Simão, Sílvia Brito, Luís Madureira, Ana Luísa Branco, Gaspar Rodrigues, Lucília São Lourenço, Nuno Pólvora, Ana Luísa e Ana Rita, e ainda Simone de Oliveira com a sua memorável abertura. 
Este espetáculo iria dar o mote a outros espetáculos da autoria e direção de Filipe La Féria (com quem já tive o privilégio de trabalhar) que fizeram parte nos meus/nossos serões televisivos no início dos anos 90 do século XX, como Grande Noite, que revelou a todo o país João Baião, neste espetáculo gravado ao vivo e transmitido pela RTP, na altura ainda a nossa única televisão portuguesa.
Em 1996, com 16 anos, começo a frequentar uma oficina de teatro em Lisboa, na Comuna – Teatro de Pesquisa e a ver espetáculos como o (para mim) inesquecível O Mal da Juventude, de Ferdinand Bruckner, encenação João Mota, com Alfredo Brissos, Álvaro Correia, Carla Chambel, Cristina Cavalinhos, Manuel Couto, Sandra Faleiro e Victor Soares. Eram brilhantes as interpretações, eles pareciam fazer aquilo sério, como na vida, mas não era como na vida, era muito mais interessante. Era teatro.
Não há dúvida! Eu não quero estar ali, eu vou estar ali. E vou estar o mais depressa possível.
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Durante muitos anos o ensino da profissão de ator em Portugal estava limitado apenas a uma escola, ao Conservatório Nacional, fundado em 1836 (por Almeida Garrett, seu maior fomentador) na Rua dos Caetanos em Lisboa (que se encontra em obras desde 2018 e sem fim à vista). O curso de teatro, ramo atores passa a integrar o Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, com a Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. Tratando-se de um curso superior, só com o ensino médio (secundário) concluído é possível integra-lo. 
A profissão começou a ser mais procurada e com a procura começaram a abrir mais cursos e escolas privadas e públicas em Portugal, com mais predominância em Lisboa, a capital. Cursos direcionados para outras idades, nomeadamente adolescentes, como o atelier/oficina Espaços e Expressões da Comuna-Teatro de Pesquisa que eu frequentei entre 1996 e 1999 dirigido por Alfredo Brissos (ator e encenador); Cecília Sousa (atriz); José Pedro Caiado; Paulo Raposo (antropólogo) e Sandra Machado (atriz). Foram aqui os primeiros experimentos do teatro e dos seus exercícios dirigidos por profissionais.
Em 1998 integro o curso de Interpretação/Teatro, da EPTC – Escola Profissional de Teatro de Cascais, onde foram meus professores Ana Clara Justino; António Marques; Águeda Sena; Carlos Avilez; Carlos Carranca; Clara Joana; Cristina Benedita; Fernando Serafim; Francisco D'Orey; José Manuel Costa Reis; João Vasco; Maria João da Rocha Afonso; Mestre Eugénio Roque; Mestre Georges Stobbaerts; Tito Lívio; entre outros. Passei aqui três intensos anos da minha formação e foi a descoberta do metódo. E foi após concluir esta formação, comecei a exercer profissionalmente a profissão de ator no TEC – Teatro Experimental de Cascais, a convite dos seus diretores Carlos Avilez e João Vasco, estreio-me num espetáculo de Carlos Pessoa, Tríptico TEC, numa coprodução com o Teatro da Garagem, em 2001. Uma bela nostálgica experiencia teatral onde fui tão bem recebido ao teatro profissional e onde dividi o palco com Ana Palma, Fernanda Neves, Flávia Gusmão, João Vasco, Luís Barros, Luíz Rizo, Santos Manuel, Sérgio Silva e Teresa Côrte-Real.
Passei por outras formações dirigidas por Águeda Sena, Alfredo Brissos, Filipe Crawford, Guillermo Heras, João Mota, Natália Luíza e Vladislav Pazi.
Sinto frequentemente necessidade de me renovar e de recomeçar, sempre que faço uma formação sinto-me a renascer.
Trabalhei no teatro em Portugal sob a direção de no Teatro sob a direção de nomes, como: Águeda Sena; Carlos Avilez; Carlos J. Pessoa; Castro Guedes; Elsa Branco; Fernando Jorge Lopes; Filipe La Féria; Guillermo Heras; Hélder Costa; João Lourenço; Joaquim Benite; José Martins; Maria do Céu Guerra; Rita Lello e Rui Luís Brás.
Em 2011 na ESTC – Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (antigo Conservatório Nacional), para integrei o mestrado em Teatro/Artes Performativas. As aulas foram dirigidas pelos docentes: Armando Nascimento Rosa; Carlos J. Pessoa; Elsa Braga; Luca Aprea; Maria Repas Gonçalves; Sara Belo; Stephan Jürgens; entre outros.
Conclui em 2018 o doutoramento em Comunicação, Cultura e Artes – Especialização: Teatro, pela Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais - Universidade do Algarve, orientada pela Professora Doutora Adriana Freire Nogueira e Professor Doutor Armando Nascimento Rosa, com a tese: «Uma Interpretação de Pessoa: manual de um ator».
Para mim a formação é importante, é importante aprender e praticar aquilo fazemos com profissionais mais experientes, ou com experiencias diferentes das nossas.
Aquilo que sabemos fazer, muita gente o faz. E dessa muita gente, muitos são aqueles que o sabem fazer melhor que nós. Então, vamos lá aprender mais alguma coisinha.
-Aos poucos os portugueses têm vindo a afirmarem-se pelo mundo. É muito interessante e motivo de orgulho para nós e para o público em geral ver atores e músicos a fazerem sucesso no estrangeiro. 
Eu nunca ambicionei fazer carreira no estrangeiro, apesar das poucas ofertas e da instabilidade da profissão ator em Portugal sempre quis continuar aqui. Sou muito apegado às pessoas e aos lugares. As minhas referências profissionais estão por aqui e pelo Brasil por onde me apresentei diversas vezes em tournées com espetáculos de teatro da companhia de teatro A Barraca com a qual colaboro como ator há mais de uma década. Gosto de ir ao Brasil, gosto do trabalho que se faz por lá, mas também gosto de voltar. A minha família está maioritariamente em Portugal, por isso, por teimosia, por opção, não tenciono mudar de país. Aqui me fizeram, aqui me vão aguentar durante mais uns (espero que) longos anos neste século XXI.
-O meu grande desafio atualmente é o ensino. Uma área que comecei a explorar na década passada depois de concluir o grau mestre e prosseguir para o doutoramento. Lecionar jovens que sentem apetência pela representação em teatro é sem dúvida o meu atual e maior desafio. Sem dúvida um exercício de grande responsabilidade e amor, que me preenche e renova todos os dias.
-O teatro em Portugal é um sobrevivente, um parente pobre. Não tem o apoio das grandes empresas. São poucos os investidores desta área. Assim o teatro tem vindo a transformar-se num hobby, há uma minoria de atores que consegue viver exclusivamente do teatro. Os atores para subsistirem em Portugal desdobram-se em múltiplos trabalhos, umas vezes na sua área, como dobragens, televisão, cinema, publicidade, etc. Outras vezes nem por isso...
Os financiamentos são apenas governamentais, cada vez mais curtos e com critérios discutíveis, não chegam para todos os grupos, acabando por muitos se extinguirem, outros mal chegam a nascer ficando-se pelas primeiras produções.
Os grupos financiados são muito fechados não fazem audições, não estão disponíveis para trabalhar com atores que não conhecem, elencos cada vez mais reduzidos motivado pelo financiamento cada vez menor. Os jovens atores têm uma grande luta para obterem a primeira oportunidade profissional com um grupo veterano, pois quando os grupos fazem a candidatura para o financiamento estadual já têm que apresentar os nomes dos atores nos projetos aos quais estão a pedir apoio. Assim fica muito difícil de começar, e desenvolver uma carreira no teatro em Portugal. Então, para sobreviverem a esta profissão precária os nossos atores que começam pela paixão do teatro, tentam criar os seus próprios projetos, muitas vezes sem usufruírem de qualquer tipo de receita, apenas por amor e teimosia e desenvolvem outras atividades para obterem um rendimento.
-Não me tenho movimentado pelo dinheiro. Tento realizar o máximo de projetos, mas nunca deixei nenhum a meio para investir noutro mais rentável ou mesmo mais interessante. Tenho sido fiel aos meus compromissos profissionais.Prezo a deontologia profissional. Definitivamente, o dinheiro não é tudo.
-Sou Professor Coordenador do curso profissional de Interpretação - Ator/Atriz no IDS - Escola Profissional em Lisboa.Brevemente estarei em cena com Ivanov de Anton Tchekhov, numa encenação de Maria do Céu Guerra.E com mais umas passagens pelo meio audiovisual, através da televisão, cinema, streeming, e a vida.
agência: theboard.pt/atores/aderito-lopes
facebook: fb.com/aderito.lopes
instagram: instagram.com/aderitolopesoficial
linkedin:    linkedin.com/in/aderitoborgeslopes
source https://www.sherifawad-filmcritic.com/2021/02/aderito-lopes.html
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helaodinsdottirr · 5 years ago
Le Tour de France des Léonides: La Provence
The French authorities have set up a hiking trail with around 40 stations that commemorates this time. After the First World War, many painters and writers from all over Europe settled here and nearby, including Aldous Huxley and Julius Meier-Graefe with his partner Anne-Marie Epstein, who received the first German emigrants. In the years after the National Socialist takeover of power in Germany, many German emigrants click this site . Since then, the city has been an important center of exile. The most famous exiles included Bertolt Brecht, Ferdinand Bruckner, Franz Theodor Csokor, Albert Drach, Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger, Bruno Frank, Walter Hasenclever, Franz and Helen Hessel, Alfred Kantorowicz, Hermann Kesten, Egon Erwin Kisch, Arthur Koestler, Annette Kolb, Golo Mann, Heinrich Mann, Klaus Mann, Thomas Mann, Ludwig Marcuse, Erwin Piscator, Anton RäderscheidtJoseph Roth, Franz Werfel and Alma Mahler-Werfel, Arnold Zweig, Stefan Zweig.
Details on TERMINATOR Dossier de Presse Press Book SCHWARZENEGGER synopsis
The letters are therefore les lettres de "mon moulin", so that, seen polysem (see 30), the result is "Lettres de mon moulin" by Alphonse Daudet. I spoke of Petrarch above (36). The famous poet lived from 1337 to 1349 in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse near Avignon and wrote a large part of his Canzoniere there. I therefore recommend visiting Avignon better outside of peak travel times. In addition, we neither went on the bridge nor visited the Papal Palace, because on the one hand we had a hungry and therefore whining friend with us and on the other hand we found the admission prices quite high, so that we would only have been pushed as a result of the crowds. We should shell out € 13 per person for the Papal Palace and € 7 again for the bridge. That is why we have decided to visit Avignon outside of holiday times and then take a lot of time for everything. From 1769 to 1793 the house was occupied by Madame du Barry, the mistress of Louis XV. The character of Rainier Wolfcastle, who mainly appears in action films, in the American series The Simpsons is based on Schwarzenegger. In 2003, California elected him governor, crowning an American storybook career. Christian Lettmayr, 53, comes from Austria and has headed the Competitiveness and Economic Reform Unit of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry at the European Commission since 2001. The problem of exporting substantial quantities of Austrian wine containing diethylene glycol (antifreeze) to the Community has been brought up to the Commission because of the rapid food information system.
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CommentYes, oopsy, the pictures of the château d'If are beautiful. And, as I know, you've been to this facility before, unlike me, who got stuck in Marseille's Vieux Port. I came to him via the Canebière, the well-known, 1 km long road that leads directly to the port. Common to both names is the Greek νίκη [níːkɛː] “victory”. On the one hand, the Nike company hopes to help athletes win, possibly to make them Olympic athletes. On the other hand, in the 4th century BC The Phoceans from the area around Marseille the Ligurians and founded Nikaïa (also Nicaea), the "victorious".
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piousboy · 5 years ago
Lyrics of Jul
On April 26, 1336, out of curiosity, voluntarily and "only out of desire", Francesco Petrarca reached the summit of Mont Ventoux, the "windy mountain", together with his brother and two other companions. Because he also experienced nature, satisfaction and "excitement of the heart" during this hike, he is referred to as the "father of mountain climbers" and the 26th
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Avant Gtr lyrics by Jul
These sentences are from external sources and can sometimes contain errors. bab.la is not responsible for this content. Here you can read more about it. Interestingly, even though we killed them all the time, we never managed to stop the wing beat in the air. The result is a victory for those who want to stop and reject the European process.
Quiz Who is not a German rapper?
I would like to contribute a picture on this subject with a distinctive color contrast. "Strictly speaking, there is no 'lavender at all, but around 30 different species of the Lavandula genus worldwide. Two of them grow in Provence in particular. Lavandula angustifolia (lavande) and Lavandula latifolia (lavandin). It is something like that Mercedes among the lavender species Commentary, I know the solution from another time, but I could never have guessed it myself. As I said, the price in BEF was not a quantity indicator for me at the time. In addition to sketches, drawings and a watercolor, his work on this motif produced four important oil paintings. After an early sketch that van Gogh had sent to his friend Émile Bernard (JH 1370 in B2), he had started a (probably first) painting, which, however, failed and was only preserved as a fragment. It only shows the lovers, a topic that the artist (probably last) took up again in a reed drawing of the bridge. Thank you, Isabelle, for your impressive contribution to the Provencal flora. After the First World War, many painters and writers from all over Europe settled here and nearby, including Aldous Huxley and Julius Meier-Graefe with his partner Anne-Marie Epstein, who received the first German emigrants. In the years after the National Socialist takeover of power in Germany, many German emigrants stayed in the small Mediterranean town. Since then, the city has been an important center of exile. The most famous exiles included Bertolt click this site Brecht, Ferdinand Bruckner, Franz Theodor Csokor, Albert Drach, Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger, Bruno Frank, Walter Hasenclever, Franz and Helen Hessel, Alfred Kantorowicz, Hermann Kesten, Egon Erwin Kisch, Arthur Koestler, Annette Kolb, Golo Mann, Heinrich Mann, Klaus Mann , Thomas Mann, Ludwig Marcuse, Erwin Piscator, Anton RäderscheidtJoseph Roth, Franz Werfel and Alma Mahler-Werfel, Arnold Zweig, Stefan Zweig. She didn't want to knock us off and didn't want to earn anything from his friends. They were sometimes very clumsy and the whole thing was a tough, quite bloody massacre in which the animals could only be sorry. The Arles Amphitheater, around 90 AD, is also very well known. Let us go ahead as the European Parliament, we must do something to prevent smoking death. To prevent this slipping, strict standards and a genuine community preference are required. expand_more And nobody in this house, I think, wants to stop them. expand_more Click Windows XP, click Start, click Turn Off, and then click Turn Off again. expand_more Companies that are not covered by the system have to shut down plants or even shut down parts of their operations.
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solraneth-archive · 3 years ago
And then on the other hand I read Ferdinand Bruckner’s Elisabeth von England in which Philip literally throws a tantrum in the church, blasphemies and accuses God of taking England’s side
I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before but one of the funniest things in Don Carlos to me is how because Schiller didn’t give a fuck about anachronisms he included the destruction of the Armada in the play but made it seem like it was no big deal
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I added this note to the latest chapter of my Supercorp fic given the circumstances... here it is. <<Hey kids, Sparky here. So, this is a short chapter focused on our favorite secretary. It was actually meant to be part of a larger chapter, but given the shit show we just witnessed at ComicCon –you all know what I'm talking about– I wanted to give you guys something, anything. Since the rest of the chapter is not perfectly edited yet, I apologize in advance for just giving you this short one, but it's sweet and I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 9, titled "Of Gods and Monsters" will be published next weekend (for real), featuring Kara, Lena, the twins, Lillian and a few other resident villains. That said, I also wanted to post something to reassure you that in the light of the mess we just witnessed this weekend, I for one will be going stronger with this fandom, at least on my tiny, humble part with this fic. I'll keep on posting, I'll keep on updating, whenever real life allows me, I'm not leaving this story unfinished. Don't get me wrong, I completely support and understand those of you that want nothing to do with the show or cast after that mess. I've been writing and reading fanfiction since I was 13 years old. It got me through some dark moments in my life where you could not find any media content with representation. I started out with Xena, I learned English mostly because of fanfiction, and it did make me a better writer and a better artist overall. I went on to study Performing Arts. I've published two original novels, I've directed plays written by Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Ferdinand Bruckner, several adaptations of Virginia Woolf's novels... I work in the technology field now but I founded my own indie theatre company. We celebrate Pride in our workplace every year. I am getting married next month to my girlfriend of six years and our families and friends are going to join us to celebrate. I am telling you this because if you're a LGTBQ+ person suffering because of what a part of the Supergirl cast did at ComicCon you need to know it does get fucking BETTER and there are people in the world waiting with open arms to love you and cherish you and you have to know you are valid. Specially if you're young. Life is hard and you'll encounter lots of assholes, yes, but you have to know your points of view are valid and you are meant for great things in this world. I've battled my whole life with clinical depression, I've been on therapy over the years, I'm on medication right now and still, it is all worth it. Being out and proud and alive is worth it. Take comfort in fics, movies, shows, music, art, make your own content, whatever you want! I for one take comfort in Katie McGrath's validation and kindness. I take comfort on my own strength and my resolution to keep on living my life the way it feels natural for me. As Charlie Chaplin put it in the closing scene of The Great Dictator, we should make this life a wonderful adventure, let us all unite. My Tumblr is always open if you need to talk: @jennysparksandtheauthority Love. Always.>>
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sunset-supergirl · 5 years ago
Happy birthday Ferdinand Leitner
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complianceconsultant · 6 years ago
Bruckner Ferdinand (clone of EEA authorised firm)
Bruckner Ferdinand (clone of EEA authorised firm)
Fraudsters are using the details of firms we authorise to try to convince people that they work for a genuine, authorised firm. Find out more about this ‘clone firm’. 
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