#feral Orion
I love the way you view Feral Optimus, and so I decided to share some of my brain candy with you. (It's not Friday, but it's close enough). So, imagine Optimus has been turned into a sparkling (by way of ???) and teamed Prime is expecting him to be this quiet, polite little thing. Except he is decidedly Not That. He hides in dark corners, hisses, bites, looks at the kids like they're prey, and he even looks off. His limbs are awkward and gangly, he has fangs and claws, uses his finals and field to emote -along with a range of animalistic sounds- and even the center of his optics are slit like a cat's pupils. However, he's still a cute little thing, and after he finally gets used to everyone, he can be found snuggled up in unsuspecting laps, taking naps on shoulders, purring to show happiness, and even protecting the humans from a mountain lion on one particularly notable occasion. Sure, he tried to eat it afterwards, but Ratchet stopped him in time. Overall, everyone is just confused as to why their dignified leader is such a feral little sparkling. Even Ratchet, who knew Orion after his integration to society didn't know what was happening. He had demonstrated slightly feral behavior throughout their friendship, but the medic had never even considered the reason being anything like this. Needless to say, Optimus had some explaining to do after he turned back, both to the team and the humans.
Hope you enjoyed a little sample of my brain rot and I hope to see more of your work!
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Omg I know I’m super late to this but tysm your kind words mean so much
I love how Orion has essentially just become a feral cat. I am so here for it
I’m just imagining team prime/ratchet carrying Orion around wearing the cybertronian equivalent of animal handling gloves. Tiny feral child my beloved
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thicctails · 1 year
The Wastes of Cybertron
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haha feral Orion content make brain go brrrrr
Anyways, in De spatio inter astra I faintly eluded to Optimus having a rough past that required him to be a bit more feral. This will become far more prevalent once he gets to have Feral Baby in his vicinity for like .5 seconds. In the meantime, have babey Ratchet and his weird stray dog best friend.
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echoblaze5 · 1 year
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Little feral Orion for @i-mean-technically! I’d say this is shortly after Alpha Trion plucked him from the wilderness and he has now hyperfixated on all the datapads he can get his hands on.
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firebunartblog · 2 months
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a rare photo of sparkling Orion being calm. He finished playing and burning off feral energy and is being put to bed
psst, commissions are still open!
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
I swear I would die for a fanfic or writing of Alpha Trion experience with feral bitey Orion who has no respect for his ancient ways or scrolls and like the experience of finding him.
Coming right up my dear anon! I may have messed with your prompt just a little bit. Sorry for how short this is.
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"Orion Pax." Alpha Trion put down his quill with a sigh as he looked over his shoulder. The feral monstrosity was at it yet again.
"Primus below, give me strength." He knew exactly what to expect, but it still prompted him to sigh as he looked at the hole in Orion's crib. He had, yet again, bitten his way through the metal bars and clambered his way to freedom. Alpha Trion would need to get a cyber-hound kennel or get a custom crib made from something far more sturdy than whatever the crib was currently made of.
This was the third crib just this stellar cycle.
"Archivists, be on the lookout for Orion Pax. He has escaped his designated space yet again." He sent the message over the private channel used by the Archives. He could almost feel the collective groan of his students as they put down whatever they were doing to find the wayward sparkling traversing the Archives.
He wandered the halls while rubbing his face in exhaustion. Ever since taking in Pax, there had been no peace in his once restful workspace. Orion cried throughout most of his recharge cycle, and barring that, he was plotting yet another escape attempt. It was draining on body and spark alike. Especially when Orion was found chewing on a record dating back to the early Quintesson era.
"Sir, we've located him?" He perked up at the voice coming across his commlink, but he frowned at the almost questioning tone. Was the archivist not sure?
"You do not sound confident." He remarked simply as he strode in the general direction of the archivist's signal.
"Well, we have found him, but he's... in the ceiling?" That was not a good sign. Alpha Trion all but sprinted until he found the archivist and a few others crowded around the base of a huge pillar. It held up the fifth archival level and extended more than sixty feet into the air. Looking up, Alpha Trion wanted to bang his helm against the nearest wall.
"Do we get a ladder?" The question hung in the air as Orion Pax clung to the very top of the pillar, his little clawed digits digging into the metal as he chewed on a datapad. Why he climbed up the pillar and why he was eating a datapad was beyond Alpha Trion. He stopped bothering to ask questions after a certain point.
"Yes, get the ladder." Alpha Trion sighed and died a little inside as, before he knew it, he was teetering precariously on a ladder with the aid of more than a few archivists as he reached out to grab his ward. The feral sparkling purposefully kept scooting around the pillar to avoid his grasp, growing as he did so. Alpha Trion had half the mind to shoot him with a dart gun just to make him loosen up. However, he was not fond of the idea of actually hurting the little monster.
A half groon and more than a few scratches later, Alpha Trion held his screeching ward by the leg upside down as he carefully worked back down the ladder. The archivists vented in relief and one was quick to grab an energon crystal for the screaming sparkling to chew on. The moment Alpha Trion put it in his intake, Orion's optics cycled down and he contented himself by crunching his way through the crystal.
It was a momentary break from what was likely to be a long few cycles of chasing Orion down while a new crib was made.
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smodypers · 1 year
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angelxd-3303 · 4 months
Surprise, I'm not dead!✨
Have some Dad Alpha Trion and baby Pax:
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I based Alpha's color palette off of his G1 version, btw. He loves his feral baby boi.
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Mmkay, so we’re all familiar with the “Alpha Trion rescues feral sparkling OP” and then he’s gotta deal with this tiny little undomesticated bastard who won’t stop chewing on furniture, BUT... how about “Alpha Trion rescues feral Cybertronian equivalent to late-teens/early-twenties OP.” And this just makes everything 10x funnier because instead of needing to domesticate a hissy sparkling you need to domesticate a grown-ass adult who can now legally drink but prefers to eat the table legs and any random animals he finds lying around. Trying to control a feral cat vs trying to control a feral cat the size of a Great Dane.
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Okay, so weird TFP thought, if Energon comes from the crystal mines and aquifers of Cybertron...
Does this mean that modern Cybertronians, especially those from the city-states, are essentially vegan/vegetarian?
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Alpha Trion had to use a spray bottle upon the newly christened Orion Pax on what is and isn't acceptable to consume...
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marinlanthorn · 4 months
Consider this.
An world where Optimus Prime is sick with the cyberblunic flu in that episode, but where he sometimes calls out for people- plot twist, no on can understand him because he is delusional and delirium is making his thoughts all slow and sluggish and he slips to his most basic of languages, the first tongue he spoke and its essentially his feral tongue. And the people who he calls out for? Alpha Trion who is the closet he got to a parent, Bumblebee because that's his son, Ratchet his oldest friend, Megatronous his other half, Elita his love and his team-his friends, his family.
This is where Team Prime learns about his past of being an feral child on the streets. This where they find out who he was before he was taken in by Alpha Trion. After that the team would notice other things, like how he sometimes prowls around, how he lets out small noises that indicate his mood. How he purposely stiffens when he is uncomfortable and unsure. How he seems comfortable around nature, how his smile has signs of fangs in them. How protective he can be.
Just these small things that make Optimus who he is.
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Man, there are just some things in life you just can’t make up. A few weeks after my little encounter, I went back to the docks to take a walk with my dog. We did our typical routine; walk for a little bit, grab a snack, and then go sit by the edge of the dock to watch the water. Thing was, as I was about to sit down, something jumped out of the water at me; turns out whatever it was that I had saved a few weeks ago was still here-It was also surprisingly friendly. It chirped and poked at me for a little while and then disappeared back into the water. I actually went back the next day and had the same thing happen; it seemed to like me. Maybe because I got it out of the net?
Either way, I’ve been going to the docks daily for some time now, and me and the thing have grown pretty comfortable with each other. I’ve taken to calling it Orion, after Orion the hunter, because it likes to bring me fish and other foodstuff that it catches (it’s also pretty good at it too; I saw it catch a seagull mid flight the other day). I’ve learned (and theorized) a few things about it so far:
- I think it’s male (this one has no proof I just kinda have a feeling)
- it seems to be a juvenile of some sort; it’s extremely playful and acts like a toddler
- it has fins similar to a manta ray
- it can catch sharks. Don’t ask me how I know.
- he seems to be alone; no parents, no pod (if that’s even a thing), no friends.
- he really doesn’t like nets, go figure.
- he likes to be rubbed between the eyes
- he picks up on behaviors really fast. I stuck my tongue out at him once and he’s started doing it every time I visit him. I got a picture of it earlier and taped to the top of the page. Honestly, this adds to my theory that he’s a juvenile. It’s also just extremely cute.
I kind of like being around him honestly; it’s a nice break from the monotony of everyday life. I wonder what else I’ll learn about him…
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firebunnylover · 2 years
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Oh god it’s been so long since I did anything for transformers and shared it...
I did some feral sparkling Orion, trying to figure out how his anatomy would work.
I’m certain Alpha Trion stayed up solar cycles to catch him.
Also small note that I am taking sketch commissions, info here
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sirius black headcanon
one of my greatest headcanons is that when sirius fell through the veil he just broke the fourth wall. he still went to the afterlife or whatever from the insane strain the veil had on his magic, but he knows about jkr (fuck her) and all that shit, like deadpool.
and he has a whole mental breakdown, because, y’know, finding that your whole life is a lie isn’t the best thing ever, but then he eventually comes to terms with it
and when the rest of the marauders die or whatever and unintentionally make a reference to something sirius just stares at the fuckin camera like it’s the office
like when harry eventually names his kid albus severus sirius is like “what the fuck, jkr? what kind of crack fic is this?” and the rest of the marauders are like “sirius, are you alright-”
he also finds fanfics immensely entertaining. idk how he gets his hands on them but he does anyways because it’s the marauders thing to do
(his search history is filled with wolfstar)
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thescribblings · 18 days
Hmm, it's been a while since i posted Semi-Feral Polaroids nonsense..
We're all doomed.. @so-called-yokai's bird found a hoodie and has entered gremlin mode
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This was more of a sketch than a finished art piece, but it has the right vibes lmfao
That is all
Have nice day
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firebunartblog · 1 year
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A fast doodle of sparkling Orion hiding after decimating a toy.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Could we get some commentary on the feral Orion Pax au?
Feral Orion Pax
Feral Orion Pax has a very limited canon for me. I mean, there are some things that remain the same regardless when I write him, but his timeline is everywhere for me. I will make anything happen with him and there are like three au's within the au. However I will say the feral Orion vibes tend to hit whenever I feel like leaving the bots in various states of shocked horror. A savage little critter doing savage critter things is simply amusing to me.
Tidbit about feral Orion. He's is not in fact a fool. He is ridiculously cunning, but before he learned to settle in civilization, he was very much overwhelmed by everything. However when in a place where he wasn't bombarded with information and potential threats, his intelligence showed itself. There is a reason he remained within the Archives for so long. They were quiet, safe, and controlled. The perfect environment for Orion to absorb the necessary data to begin integrating into society.
So while society saw him as the lovely Archivist Pax, Alpha Trion's personal student, the other archivists knew him as he really was. Aka: Orion Pax was a menace to society only barely kept controlled by the threat of his political situation and Alpha Trion's short leash. More than a few lunches have gone missing and whenever an animal has gotten into the archives, it is always Orion who drops to all fours and climbs wherever the critter to hiding to grab it.
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