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ymiruv · 6 years ago
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Charged With shenanigans on the horizon Come sun, hail, or shower It’s important to be prepared All devices at full power. So, everything is charging To be ready for some fun In place and doing their jobs As I set out with the sun. Greg Noble 10 January 2019 #drivebypoetry #poem #poetry #garmin #prepared #charge #shenanigans #fenix5 #fenix5x https://www.instagram.com/p/Bscq9X-lTAs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14md59ykfixlm
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vikipassionatelife · 3 years ago
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#Peace on #earth will come to stay when we live #Christmas every day! #garmin #GarminMalaysia #garminmy #beatyesterdaymy #fenix5 #fenix #asicsnimbus #running #runningshoes #Nimbus22 (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX436d1JI2l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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keij-station · 7 years ago
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stass-ve · 7 years ago
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здесь мог быть ещё один предмет, но раздолбай и слабак ;) #grut #goldenultra #trail #trailrunning #running #sport #iamgrut #wearegrut #suzdal #salomon #suunto #garmin #fenix5 #suuntorun #suuntoru #suuntorun #nike #грут #трейлраннинг #трейл #бег #спорт #яестьгрут #суздаль (at Suzdal, Russia)
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dante2568 · 7 years ago
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#homewardbound - most of the time I don’t use the @garminfitness overview function of the route I’ve done very often. But occasionally, it’s nice just to confirm you are going in right direction to lead you back to base!! ↗️ #garmin #fenix #garminfenix5 #fenix5 #cannock #cannockchase #cycling #adventure #loseyourself #explorer #turnright #garminfenix #sportswatch #fitness (at Cannock Chase)
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2spry · 7 years ago
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Do you heel strike? I see all these pictures on insta, billboards, advertising on the internet, commercials, etc. where runners have their foot WAY too far out infront of them, leg fully extended, and heel first. OUCH!!! I used to do that and I was chronically injured. Did you know that 50-65% of runners get injured every year? That is way too high. We need to lower that significantly. It took me at least a year to change my running form, but it was the BEST decision I could have made. I have been running injury free for quite some time now. My ideas on running may not be the popular thing, but I have seen so many awesome things happen with just a few tweaks to therapy clients running biomechanics. It isn't a quick fix and takes time and dedication. Where do you start? Well everyone is different. And I cannot give an all around recipe without seeing your gait pattern and braking it down. However, you can start by shortening your stride and keeping your feet under your body/base of support. Use a metronome set at 180bpm and make sure your feet hit at each beet. Video yourself. If you are over reaching there could be range of motion limitations. Make sure you are mobilizing and working on flexibility. Start there and see what happens. We want to run injury free for a lifetime so if it takes you a year, so what. It is so worth it! I'll try and get some more drills up to help reinforce the motor learning pattern. Have a great day!!! #POWERYOURPASSION #optoutside #forceofnature #jaybirdcrew #beatyesterday #laceupandexplore #havenolimits #runnergirl #gopro #goprooftheday #gopromoff #irun4ultra #lasthorse #ultratraining #instarunners #goaldigger #inspiringwomenrunners #runlikeagirl #fenix5 #goprorunning #divasrunning #physiogirl #runshots #gofarfeelgood #monitorthebeat #movebetternaturally #throughourlenses @roadrunnersports @topoathletic @garminfitness @jaybirdsport @injinji @runnersworldmag
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dmcjeff7 · 5 years ago
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Heart rate ❤️ #Fenix5 watch (at La Marsa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UFktbjR0b/?igshid=uc7vb4s5kl0g
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kure-84 · 5 years ago
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1月のランニング走行距離。#strava #ガーミン #fenix5 #iPhone #イエローカラー #yellow https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BLAxclVF2/?igshid=wdwwoj65v4cm
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rockerlocker1776 · 5 years ago
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Another rugged band going out to another rugged customer for a Garmin Fenix series. All bands are hand made to order with styles and color combinations 100% custom picked out by the customer. Get a band and design it your way! Never have a sweaty, stiff, dried out, cracked watch band again. Make it rugged with Rocker Locker paracord watch bands. www.rockerlocker1776.com @rockerlocker1776 #rockerlocker1776 #sincitygraphix702 #maddy_ar #ofcbatz #littlerachguns #txreemarie #paracord #paracordporn #paracordsurvivalbracelet #garmin #fenix6xpro #fenix5xplus #fenix5 #fenix6 #gunnyband #gunnyhex https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BaB4GgL1t/?igshid=1py7xpadz7yim
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jasonmkd · 6 years ago
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Trying to outrun the rain with my dude #JacksonKoa and some new gear @on_running #cloudflow @garmin #fenix5 (at Dublin, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqKA-QjD3N/?igshid=fqlntheb9q8u
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fortuning · 6 years ago
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« En sport, tout demande de la détermination. Les trois D : Détermination, Disponibilité, Discipline ; et la réussite est à portée de main. » P.Roth #ocr #barjo @wodabox #ring #stars #garmin #fenix5 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1E5t4gwCJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=51evfk8tei
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sensitiveucs · 6 years ago
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ถือซ่ะว่าเป็นของขวัญวันเกิดย้อนหลังเน๊อะ ^^ #ไอ้ภูธร เป็นคนมีเวลาแล้วน่ะ #นากาไม่ได้ยืมเพื่อนมา #Garmin #Fenix5 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwY_clmBVFx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dqbcvgxe3h1g
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tedtsai · 6 years ago
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就算繁忙工作時,不拿手機,訊息一樣不遺漏。 看來,普遍開始流行的智能腕錶,確實是收藏腕錶之餘的一個好幫手。 #garmin #FENIX5 #GPS #watchpassion #智能工具錶 #tedtsai #watchcastleoftime(在 Watch Castle of Time / Office) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGp39Bl-Ue/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xpzyvvl3oxxn
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dmcjeff7 · 5 years ago
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A lot of steps today #fenix5 (at Zeil Kitchen Frankfurt) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Mphukjydi/?igshid=v7bnh8up24uu
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paoloortol4n1 · 6 years ago
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#ciampino #roma #volaciampino #volaciampino2019 #paoloortol4n1 #gara #race #10k #corsa #run #atletica #runner #runners #trilife #underarmour #rudyproject #nike #garmin #fenix5 #hokaoneone (presso Ciampino) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpEFZTjpZ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qhhnmtdjgwcd
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rockerlocker1776 · 6 years ago
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Prepare yourself for the next adventure with Garmin wearable GPS rugged products. Get your music, maps, phone calls, texts, and activity logs right on your wrist during your run or on your hike, NO CELL OR WIFI needed. Or radio your hunting party in the woods while trading your positions on each others GPS. Garmin smart watches and handheld GPS has you covered and we have GARMINS for you, ROCKER LOCKER is an Authorized Garmin Dealer. Fenix 5 watches starting at $389.99!!! #sincitygraphix702 #workmanstipples #garminfishhunt #rockerlocker1776 #gpswatch #fenix5 #itsalongshot_rachel #area51funrun https://www.instagram.com/p/B0uvTzpgQlg/?igshid=dce4d2zilf4n
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