#fengqing fic recs
cecropiacrown · 14 days
Fengqing Fic Recs!!!
I have been in a writing slump recently and have been doing a lot of reading instead—so here are some fics I've thoroughly enjoyed this past week! <3
A Little Late by kakera (t, 12k words - modern au)
Xie Lian sets Mu Qing up on a blind date and things go much better than expected.
This one is so sweet I've just had it open in my tabs for literal days. Super soft fengqing and some implied smut but mainly just some really lovely first-date shenanigans.
Scarier Than the Undertaker, We Are Meeting Our Matchmaker by foxfeast (e, 23.6k words - canon compliant)
While investigating bizarre happenings in his territory, Mu Qing finds himself trapped in a domain that strips him of his spiritual energy and his robes—and there's only one way to get out: sex.
This one has it all: (stealth) trans Mu Qing; requited unrequited love; tender love and sweet devotion; some of the softest fengqing interactions I've ever read; and gentle—passionate—sex. I basically wrote a book review in comment form, that's how much I loved this one.
If I Were You I'd Know Your Mind by kakera (m, 8.6k - canon compliant)
While on a joint mission, Mu Qing and Feng Xin encounter an attack that causes them to switch bodies—but the biggest problem on their hands is Feng Xin's closely guarded romantic feelings for his long-time rival.
Oh, the absolute situations these two end up in...
We've got even more requited unrequited love here as well as some sexual content, but nothing too explicit. Imagine a soft, head-over-heels in love Feng Xin and your typical snarky Mu Qing but they've switched bodies. It's as fantastic as it sounds.
Before it's over by luckymoonly (e, 3.6k words - omegaverse)
Nan Feng and Fu Yao were on a joint mission in the mortal realm and have opted to stay at an inn—this, of course, is exactly when Fu Yao's heat decides to come.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing star as their deputy alter-egos in this one and the dynamic between them is just magnificent. This was a lovely pwp and the desire between the two of them was so rich I was squirming in my seat!
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nanah1989 · 3 months
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Mending fanart 1: Fengqing’s “first date”???
Inspired by this fic: Mending by @luckymoonly
Rating: E
Chapters: 44
Status: Completed
Twitter link: Here
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mxtx-ships · 5 months
MXTX fanfictions I recommend!
Afternoon Delight by nuttinonice
It's hard for Wei Wuxian to catch his husband in a bad mood, but when he does, it's his mission to cheer him up again.
As Spring Will Surely Come by silver_sun
Now in their forth year of marriage Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are settled into their life together in the Cloud Recesses, looking forward to a quiet, cozy winter together in the Jingshi. A night hunt at a haunted water mill, old injuries and family illness make it a very difficult winter instead.
This Night Will Pass by Taer01
A night terror that felt all too real, picking at the scab wounds of Lan Wangji's heart in a horrifying way.
Wei Wuxian reassures his husband he is still there.
Does anyone even read work titles? idk what to call this by Nighttdust
"Why did I marry you?" he asks and Wei Wuxian laughs awkwardly and touches his neck and his heart beats fast, fast, fast and his throat dries up and-
"Lan Zhan, what do you mean?"
"Why did I marry you?" Lan Zhan repeats and he sounds so honest, so confused and it breaks Wei Wuxians heart. Again and again and again. Breaks and shatters and comes together again and shatters and again, again, again.
or. After 6 years of marriage Lan Wangji falls out of love with Wei Wuxian
my bones into your bones by butterflylungs
He would pour every bit of his own energy into Lan Zhan’s body if it meant saving him, but that’s the thing: he doesn’t know if it will save him. Still, Wei Wuxian will drain himself dry for the chance, even if it would be very inconvenient if he died before making sure Lan Zhan will be okay.
What was supposed to be a regular night hunt leaves Lan Wangji mysteriously ill and Wei Wuxian scrambling to save his life.
Wife Plots: SQH Approved, SQQ Beloathed by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer)
a sort of bonding experience by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer)
“You’re wrong about many things, I need more than that,” he said flippantly.
Shang Qinghua took on a vaguely offended expression and his mouth opened, as if to retort, before he slowly shut it again after a moment of thought. Shen Qingqiu smirked behind his book.
"Ignoring that,” Shang Qinghua finally opted to say, clearing his throat.
Luo Binghe gets himself and his husband in a bit of a predicament when Shen Qingqiu wakes to find him a cat one morning. Luckily, Shang Qinghua is always available for Shen Qingqiu to force help out of when something goes wrong.
(aka Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua team up to make Luo Binghe not a cat again.)
sixty nine SEXY seductive ways to seduce your husband with your ankles (and more)!! by dearly_anonymous
Let Binghe go alone, defenseless, into the claws of the enemy? What if something happened and Luo Binghe fell into the demoness' ample cleavage? What if she, perish the thought, k-kissed Shen Qingqiu's husband?!!
Or, a diplomacy visit gone wrong. Also known as, Shizun Wears a Cheongsam for Airplane Bro Shitty Writing Reasons, the Fanfic.
eyes on me by orphan_account
Shen Qingqiu loves to travel with his sticky husband. The world of Proud Immortals Demon Way was full of wonders and monsters, and unfortunately, the rest of the Original Luo Binghe's many wives.
Luo Binghe pays these women no mind, especially with Shen Qingqiu by his side, but with one, his eyes begin to linger, and Shen Qingqiu takes matters into his own hands.
Shen Qingqiu will seduce his husband, and teach him a lesson.
Luo Binghe, eyes on me!!
5 Ways to make your Shizun pay attention to you! (Do not try at home, it doesn't work) by Shireyaki
Asking Shang Qinghua for dating advice was probably the worst thing Luo Binghe could have done.
Too bad he didn't know it yet.
.....or did it help after all?
(Shizun would say no.)
Hush darling, it's you that I love. by Ramune7655
SQQ's body gets de-aged on a monster hunt, to his distress. To save face, he leaves town with Binghe for a while, and of course, where there is not a sharp, elegant, and imposing adult SQQ beside Binghe, he will inevitably be swarmed with women.... Not a problem. Binghe is loyal, and he has no interest in others anyway. SQQ doesn't mind. That's right; he doesn't care at all....
(When Binghe's jealousy and insecurity accidentally caused SQQ's jealousy)
In Sickness and in Health by TheCaptinofSirius
In which Shen Yuan gets sick. He begins to worry that The System has somehow dragged his illness into this world. Binghe helps put his mind at ease.
End Racism in the OTW -- The Golden Furred Sword Trapper by pallas_rose
Post canon, Luo Binghe plans the perfect date: delicious food, beautiful scenery, and a rare Abyssal monster.
Little did he know that The System was also planning a celebration.
Can Shen Qingqiu avert disaster?
a separate homeward way by Miss_TeaDDK
"Luo Binghe has a dream that takes him to a black, shallow lake. Just as he starts to think he's alone, different versions of his husband start rising from the water and staring at him one by one, each body showing a different cause of death. As he hears these bodies calling for him, he starts having more and more trouble trying to return to the waking world."
When Shen Qingqiu is caught offhandedly expressing a longing for his unknown past, Luo Binghe fears that perhaps his Husband still does not consider him part of the home and future he himself has always dreamt of.
Husband to the Rescue by SheiraScar
Shen Qingqiu was assigned to an emergency mission to Haian city, a city with no cultivator and a huge trauma of demons. However, his-demon-lord-husband insisted on coming along. Ever so weak to his tears, Shen Qingqiu finally agreed. When things took unexpected turn and Luo Binghe was in danger, would Shen Qingqiu come to rescue him?
Lessons in possession by some_hag
But in the night time...
Oh, in the night time his face changes completely. His warmth turns into smoldering hot flames and sweet words are dripping with sin, he’s beautiful and blasphemous in a way that makes Shen Qingqiu’s face burn. (Shen Qingqiu tries not to think about it too often, but it’s just so much, too much, one does not simply push away vivid whole-body memories like that.)
A Vision Dressed In Red by straightforwardly
In which Luo Binghe is really, really hot for how Shen Qingqiu looks in red.
a silly question by azunshi
“Husband, do you love me?”
Sometimes, Luo Binghe needs a little reassurance that his husband loves him so.
Self-Care is Getting Bent over the Desk by your Demon Husband by TARDIStime
Being Qing Jing Peak Lord is a lot of work. However will Shen Qingqiu cope?
Binghe has an idea (or several).
Breaking The System by justkillthetitan
Shen Yuan is kicked back to his original world.
Luo Binghe wants to find his beloved Shizun.
lavender honey by forestsongs
"Binghe was so good to him, he thought. As caring and attentive as always, putting up with Shen Qingqiu’s fussy moods. Sometimes, Shen Qingqiu felt almost bad. Most of the time, it was Binghe touching him first, Binghe using his honeyed words to coax him into bed, Binghe taking place between his opened legs. What did he even get out of it?
It was unfair!"
or; Shen Qingqiu tries to be a good husband.
I can't say no when you look at me like this by Speechless_since_1998
“Shizun, no,” Binghe sighed wearily, while Shen Qingqiu held a demonic beast large enough to crush a child's head with its paw.
“But look at it, Binghe. It's a puppy!” he told him, showing him that horror in black fur and red eyes, which wagged its tail happily.
It must be said that, if he too were an animal, he would be more than happy to be in Shizun's arms. But that wasn't the point.
The demon said, “That is a hell tiger. It's not a puppy."
(In which Shen Qingqiu has a little too much fascination with monsters and the like and Luo Binghe can't resist her husband's puppy eyes.)
Can't Sleep Without Your Warmth Next To Me by HiyoriTomioka
For a while now, Shen Qingqiu had been wondering whether Luo Binghe would have fallen in love with him if he still looked like Shen Yuan, like his original body.
Familiar Stranger by GooseRot
After accidentally killing one of the most powerful criminals in the country in a tragic, ice cream related mishap, Shen Yuan is spirited away by witness protection to a foreign country.
There he meets a sweet stranger who, as the years pass, grows more and more familiar.
Or: Shen Yuan’s would-be assassin becomes his (extremely) overprotective boyfriend.
A Strong Need by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Yuan wakes up horny, and Binghe is aroused and confused. So are all of the other people in the throne room.
Red Robes by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Qingqiu braces himself for his wedding night. The next morning he is treated to warm cuddles with his new husband.
The Termination of Bliss by TheCaptinofSirius
"One word could bring disgrace and the termination of a bliss.”
― Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S
Shen Yuan snaps at Luo Binghe, and finds himself doing the chasing for once.
Still Beautiful to Me by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Yuan was no stranger to body issues. After having his son, they return with a vengeance. Luckily Luo Binghe is there to help put his mind at ease.
Time Well Spent by TheCaptinofSirius (Added In Later)
Shen Yuan is the one hit by a fuck or die plot. He might as well get it over with.
what's your love language? by the_nerd_youre_looking_for (Added In Later)
5 times Shen Qingqiu shows his affection and 1 time he actually uses his damn words
i will wait for you by toaster_mommy
It was just a normal morning.
The night before went the same as usual, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian holding each other as they drifted to sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary.
They braided each other's hair before going to sleep, hopefully to eliminate wasted time in the morning spent brushing each other's hair.
Nothing new, nothing different. Just a normal day. That’s why Hua Cheng spent the majority of his morning watching his husband sleep.
He watched his beloved’s chest rise and fall. He caressed Xie Lian’s pretty face as he slept, thankful his husband was a heavy sleeper when they laid next to one another.
He was so entranced by his husband's beauty he didn’t even notice the absence of a certain piece of cloth over his non-existent eye.
Hua Cheng isn’t as sure of himself as he looks, and truly is just a coward that hides behind an eyepatch.
But his Gege is there to prove him wrong.
Why Worry When You Love Me? by Edward_The_Vampire
Xie Lian thinks about how lang waited so long for him and his devotion starts to feel unworthy. A new god ascends and is upset he is no longer pure and “princely” which makes him feel useless and unworthy of ruling the heavens as well. He forgets the day and ends up having a mental breakdown where Hua Cheng comforts him.
safe by iJoke
xie lian has a nightmare about his first banishment and hua cheng is there to help him through it
Next time, bring a napkin by beesonvenus
Pei Ming has a sudden urge to drink, and he goes to Ghost City to sate it. Something he will regret later on.
The Sun Behind My Eyes (And The Mouth On Mine) by starry_stan
Xie Lian gets kidnapped. When he thinks it can't get any worse, he's put in a situation that sends his mind straight back to being buried alive for 100 years. Luckily, he has a husband that would burn the world to save him, and save him he does.
The Exploits of a Prince, and His Forbidden Love Affair by debwriting
Prince Xie Lian and Royal Guard Hua Cheng have known each other since they were young. Though the two were raised in entirely different worlds, their connection deepens as they grow older. Until eventually, a simple crush transforms into an all-consuming love affair.
Watch the two lovers as they navigate their forbidden romance, and a war that threatens to sever them apart.
Unfold My Desire by nuttinonice
When a new god ascends, he's shocked to find that the pure and virginal Dianxia he once worshipped is now the very much sexually active husband of a demonic ghost king. Xie Lian deals with the fall out of being shamed for the sexual confidence he's worked so hard to build.
Alternatively, Xie Lian struggles to kickstart his slut era.
transfer my tragedy by nobirdstofly
Hua Cheng has had centuries to worship him, to show his devotion, but to see it reflected in Xie Lian’s eyes is staggering. Like this, Xie Lian is a barely leashed guard dog. A beast that smiles up at Hua Cheng with all the love in the three realms and blood in his teeth.
Xie Lian will do anything to protect Hua Cheng, and Hua Cheng can't help but be into that.
like sailors swimming in the sound of it, dashed to pieces by namelessflower
"Don't ever leave me again," Xie Lian whispers against Hua Cheng's lips, fists clenched in Hua Cheng's robe, voice quivering.
“I will never leave you,” Hua Cheng answers fiercely, with the ardent devotion of a lover, the unyielding conviction of a believer. “I will never, ever leave your side again, Dianxia, I swear it. Believe me.”
After Xie Lian has a nightmare about losing Hua Cheng for good, Hua Cheng holds him until he is able to fall asleep again.
Can’t Be Alone by Gigglemite
Hua Cheng has a bad morning. Xie Lian is more than willing to spend all day in bed cuddling his husband until he feels like he can get up.
nobody else but me by nikkiRA (Added in Later)
Often, if people were to stare, it would be at Hua Cheng (Xie Lian couldn't blame anyone for it—he understood). But today, perhaps amplified by the high quality clothes he was wearing, Xie Lian's beauty was shining through for everyone to see. And everyone did see; whether Xie Lian had noticed or not, people were staring.
Hua Cheng had certainly noticed.
come back to me by miska_kuura. (Added in Later)
When Hua Cheng catches a cold, Xie Lian is naturally worried and determined to take care of his husband. This time, however, it turns out some fever dreams can end up being a nightmare for both of them.
i feel you reflecting me by tiredjunkbag (Added In Later)
A hand slips up his neck to grasp roughly at his chin, tilting his head. “Look at yourself” Hua Cheng mouths into his shoulder. Xie Lian squirms, freezing in place. He can’t. It’s embarrassing, he won’t look, he-
he really wants to see.
Or: hualian try out a new bed.
There are mirrors.
Poison and Flame by DAY_DREAM
Buried feelings are brought to light when Mu Qing gets injured by a mysterious creature. Can love find its way through a vicious curse? Will it get burned by a flame of awakening desire?
Make Me Forget Myself by Gigglemite
“Tell me,” Feng Xin urged, the worry in his gut only building in intensity the longer he stares at such an emotionally raw Mu Qing. “Tell me what you need.”
Mu Qing’s eyes only opened wider at those words, more tears welling up. He couldn’t speak, he could barely even move from the position he had lodged himself into before going stock still.
“Mu Qing,” Feng Xin had to forcefully swallow down the words that almost spilled off the tip of his tongue. Saying, ‘I would give you anything you ask for’, probably would not go over too well in this situation. “What happened?”
“Am I unloveable?”
I've Got You by xiaaa101 (Added in Later)
Feng Xin was shaking. Violently shaking as he stood there, in Mt Tonglu watching the scene unfold. Xie Lian was to his right, being held back by Hua Cheng, his mouth open, screaming and screaming. But Feng Xin couldn't hear. His sound had become muffled, his eyes glued on what he saw before him. Mu Qing.
What did Mu Qing go through during the Xianle Trio separation?... What if White No-Face had come after Mu Qing?...
I Think I'd Die For You by dianxiasbussy (Added in Later)
Feng Xin and Mu Qing live in hiding and live like every moment might be their last. They kiss in the rain because it’s cliche. They fuck in the back of their car because it’s convenient, and most importantly they tell each other “I love you” every day in case they might not get to say it ever again.
bigger than the whole sky by sequinhaze (Added In Later)
“This is where I buried our daughter,” Mu Qing whispers.
Feng Xin’s entire world comes to a halt right then and there.
The Labor of Love Produces the Sweetest Fruits by foxfeast (Added In Later)
In the decades that had passed since the fall of White No-Face, Mu Qing had learned three things about Feng Xin:
One: Feng Xin was, apparently, in love with Mu Qing.
Two: Feng Xin was, apparently, very sexually frustrated.
Three: Feng Xin was, apparently, not interested in having sex with Mu Qing.
Thirteen years ago, Feng Xin confessed his love to Mu Qing. Thirteen years later, and they still hadn’t had sex. Mu Qing can only come to one conclusion:
Feng Xin is not sexually attracted to him.
Mu Qing’s solution? Seduce his partner.
love me even when it's terrible by luminvies (Added In Later)
“I’ve had a whole lot of experience of you being a fucking annoyance. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have stuck around for this long. Lucky for you," he leans back, bops Mu Qing's nose, and revels in the way his eyes go cross-eyed, "I've loved you for so long I don't know how else to feel."
In which Mu Qing is Feng Xin's favorite.
Can you tell who my favorite is??? I'm new to reading fanfiction of these characters so please give me recommendations as well!!
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Can I see hualesbians. Please. They are everything to me I��ve read every fic in the tag and if they lose I need some consolation
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so i cheated on these and did them in procreate !!!! cause!!
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impatiencegyu · 7 months
Note: Feng Xin is older than Xie Lian here (15 and 9 years old respectively).
"Mama, where are you taking us?" Xie Lian wrapped his arms around his mother's waist, looking up at her with a big smile. "Did you bring me a new gift? Or is it for Xin-gege?"
"Patience, A-Lian," The Queen laughed, ruffling his hair as she turned to look at Feng Xin. "You're quiet today. Is there something wrong?"
"N-no, your highness," Feng Xin stuttered. There really wasn't anything wrong, but for some reason, he had been feeling weird since morning. And he couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
"Where are we going, your highness?" He asked. They were entering a part of the palace he and Xie Lian had been forbidden from entering before, and he was a bit nervous. What did she even do in here?
"I have a surprise for the both of you," She smiled, opening a door and standing to the side. "Go on in, children."
Xie Lian jumped inside, and Feng Xin followed, looking around. The room was...nothing special. Most of the walls were bare, and there was a small table a few feet from the door with stuff that artists use? Paints, brushes, knives, and all that. And in the very centre stood what looked like a statue, veiled in a rich red fabric.
"Mama!" Xie Lian exclaimed, "Did you make this?"
"Yes, A-Lian," The Queen walked towards the statue with an amused laugh, and waved them over. "Come on, don't you want to see it?"
The weird feeling built inside Feng Xin. He felt like he couldn't breathe. It was as if the fabric concealed something that could influence him for the rest of his life.
What is wrong with me?
The statue was almost the same size as him, and as he watched the Queen of Xianle lean down to reveal the veil, his heart started beating really fast. Involuntarily, his hand went to his chest, and he took a deep breath just as the statue was revealed.
What. The. Hell.
Feng Xin's breath stuttered, and he had to double over, coughing. Not because it was ugly, or disgusting. No, no, never.
The statue was of a boy of his age, all long hair and sharp eyes, with a beautiful smile as he held his saber out in a graceful position, as if it was challenging him to come fight. It was unlike anything Feng Xin had ever seen — no wonder the Queen looked so proud of her work.
It was the most beautiful thing Feng Xin had ever seen in his entire life.
"It's so pretty, Mama! Who is he?" Xie Lian asked, eyes wide.
"We don't have a name yet, dear," The Queen responded, smiling softly. "Do you have anything in mind?"
"I'll think, Mama," Xie Lian put his hand to chin, clearly brainstorming names.
Suddenly, a name rose up out of nowhere in Feng Xin's mind. Nothing else had place there except for that name, and he was so surprised at this realization (that was now flowing through his entire being like pure, fluid gold), that he accidentally said it out loud.
"Mu Qing."
The Queen and Xie Lian turned to look at him, surprised, before the former asked, "What did you say, A-Xin?"
"Mu Qing," He repeated, not taking his eyes off the statue even for a moment. "Mu Qing."
"That's a beautiful name!" The Queen clasped her hands together, and turned to Xie Lian, "What do you say, darling?"
"Yes, yes, it's pretty!" Xie Lian giggled, "Mama, Mama, A-Lian wants to draw Mu Qing!"
"You do? Ah, there's no paper left here. Come on, let's go get some?"
"Yes, Mama!" Xie Lian laughed as his mother ushered him out of the room. Just as they reached the door, she turned.
Feng Xin was still standing there.
"We'll be right back, alright A-Xin?"
He nodded, and they left to the Queen's room to get paper.
The weird feeling was dissipating now. All he felt was a powerful awe, a magnetic pull towards the statue. Towards Mu Qing. He reached out a hand to touch, then snapped it away.
What's wrong with me? It's just a statue! He thought, an irrational frustration building up in him.
Then why hesitate, something in his heart murmured. It's just a statue.
Feng Xin reached out, and pressed his palm to the statue's cheek. Mu Qing's smile was in his palm now, his sharp eyes looking into his, and it felt so real. It was almost as if he were a real person.
Feng Xin took a deep breath, and whispered, "If only you were real." He pulled his hand away, and turned around to leave.
Then, he froze.
A warm hand had wrapped around his wrist.
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grungiiuvu · 3 months
omg i just read the „London Calling” since you recommended it and respectfully holy guacamoly, it was so good, no wonder it’s your favourite, i especially enjoyed it since i visited london for the first time like a month ago AND THE PRIDE of knowing what they’re talking about was enough to let my ego rise, thanks so much for recommending this it was awesome please drop more im a starving man in the middle of the desert with 50 fengqing bookmarks and over 200 read fics abt them
YES!! LONDON CALLING IS SO GOOD!! I fully understand the pride of understanding what's going on lol - I'm actually English, so being able to read and comprehend something without having to remember Americanisms was so fun lol. The most accurate London I've ever seen in fanfic and that earns it a soft spot in my heart. Also, it's just so cute!
Some other recs I have are:
This fic, which is another modern au get-together, and one of the first fics I read for fengqing :) it's a 24k oneshot and SOOOO good!!
There's this one!! which is just.... these fools <3 it's a 6k oneshot and very funny :)
AND THIS ONE!!! its so sweet, i absolutely love modern au childhood best friends Xianle Trio, and this one is very similar to a massive au my friend @astrowaffles and I have going on, so it makes me smile :))
And, for Cheap Villain fans, here's another fengqing transmigration fic!! It's really good :D
And what kind of fic writer would I be if i didn't plug in a oneshot of my own?
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It turns out my foggy memory of every single one of my absolute favorite tgcf fanfics is actually ONE, (1), uno monster of a one shot that’s almost 50k words.
Here’s the link.
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sophia-sol · 5 months
Time for monthly recs again!!! a delicious selection for you from the month of April. This post is my tgcf recs:
flew like a moth to you, by Euphorion
- space au featuring ling wen/yushi huang, HELLO
- yushi huang's deliberate mysteriousness, and the way she uses it to flirt and get the upper hand with ling wen!
- ling wen enjoying having something to research that's for FUN instead of for work!
- the interesting development of the setting, and ways the characters and backstories have been tweaked to fit!
- 4k words in length
these are the streets of favour, by bloodletter
- a fanfic about ling wen and pei ming, written for mxtx remix as a remix of my ling wen fic
- SHRIEKING. FLAILING. CLAWING AT MY FACE IN DELIGHT. I am so honoured that my fic could inspire this piece of absolute perfection
- the dynamics between Ling Wen and Pei Ming throughout are soooooo good. the affection and the insults combined, the way selfishness is manifested differently in each of them and the way it does and doesn't affect their connection
- ling wen nonsexually domming pei ming!
- the vibes of three tumours are so perfectly rancid!
- and the unofficial junior official chats!
- the way heaven in general thinks about ling wen's takeover!
- I'm just. blown away. this fic is EVERYTHING to me.
- 2k words in length
joy thief this human heart, by tshirt
- hello impeccable gothic vibes beefleaf
- also, doing great things with gender. also, contains MUFFING. (thank u Fucking Trans Women for teaching me about muffing)
- this is so beefleaf. I love them both so much <3
- 2k words in length
A Lose-Lose Situation, by eggfish
- omggg this is exactly the kind of dynamics I love to see between Feng Xin and Mu Qing during the Xianle era
- fx and xl are so SWEET together and fx and mq are so....united in their mutual disdain for each other and how they're connected with each other
- and how sex with each other doesn't actually change any part of that for fengqing; they have a good time having hatesex, they still hate each other, they're connected forever via their hatred for each other and their mutual love of xl, and their mutual inability to understand /how/ the other approaches their love for xl
- it's just so good!!!!
- 3k words in length
Only The Sword Remaining, by biasto_bias
- a compellingly painful fic about xie lian testing the limits of wu ming's devotion, leading to a sexual encounter that neither of them feel great about
- it's so very them for that period in their history: xie lian trying to push wu ming away because he thinks wu ming is better off elsewhere but doing it by being horrible to him, and wu ming feeling an awful mix of self-loathing and heady excitement for getting to be touched this way by dianxia
- 1k words in length
- thanks to roland for the rec that brought this fic to my attention!
talking to strangers, by bloodletter
- beefleaf prior to the black water arc
- sqx and her bff ming-xiong go to a party together! sqx explains to the hostess why ming-xiong is such a good friend, and it's definitely not about sex!
- they absolutely do have really good sex sometimes though. including at this party.
- the dynamics between sqx and hx are soooo good
- and ditto sqx having a great time being a beautiful woman at multiple after-parties, after the mid-autumn banquet
- what a delightful little gem of a fic
- 2k words in length
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luckymoonly · 5 months
🏹Weekly Fengqing fic rec🗡
☆The Hardest Truth, rated T, 6k, by kakera @unfortunatelycake
Summary: Feng Xin is on a date. He's determined to make it work this time, because he can't have what he really wants. Women are the only way he knows, so why shouldn't this work?He almost believes it, until the arrival of Mu Qing throws everything he thought into question.
☆ day seven-"if we both want to fit, we'll need to cuddle", rated G, 1.2k, by good_vs_evo @el-writes-things
Summary: and there was only one bed...fengqing miiiight like each other. a little bit.
☆How to lose 800 years of cultivation, rated E, 24.6k by Princeliest
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are together. Any fulfilling and well-rounded romantic relationship is one that involves s. Ergo, Mu Qing and Feng Xin should have s. The only problem with that is that Mu Qing's cultivation is dependent on vows of celibacy that he took 800 years ago. Thankfully, he's never actually been interested in s himself, so as long as Feng Xin doesn't touch him too much, they can do whatever Feng Xin wants. It should be fine. It should be fine.
☆ In my head (i didn't think you'd understand me), rated T, 1.5k, by swyllh
Summary: Mu Qing can't believe his luck.
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idontexistforcontext · 10 months
I personally believe that there should be more fics where feng xin just gets obliterated. Like someone stab him, twist the knife, make him hold the knife, anything like that. He’s my blorbo there should be more content where he’s just angsting away for eternity or something. Emotional pain, physical pain, whatever - make him burn, and maybe drag mu qing down with him
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nanah1989 · 3 months
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Mending fanart 4: 🙄 (you know what happens next)
Read the complete story here: Mending by @luckymoonly
Disclaimer: I am NOT a comic artist. I am just inspired. Know the difference.
Twitter: Here
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nexadarling · 5 months
Heaven Official's Blessing
TGCF fans come get y'alls juice! There's some absolutely bitching fics in this fandom. Hope you enjoy!
Mind the ratings, read the tags, and have fun
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Breathe by Heartbeat_Ghost - Fengqing, T, Mer AU
Bare My Soul A Thousand Times by capyshota - Hualian, E, Pacific Rim AU
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rose-tinted-vision · 1 year
Rose's favourite fics
(part 2, in no particular order.)
Link Click (时光代理人)
11th Hour by miyasjacket (one of my favourites!!)
falling in love at the photo shop by BigDangoFamily (another favourite! Warning: Rated E)
stay till morning by brettyandeddy
superposition by jan
Coming back to life (isn't what he expected at all) by animegoil
The hardest thing about love (is noodles) by NoomiShroomy
Bungou Stray Dogs
Fukuzawa & Ranpo (10/10 dadzawa content)
Lost and Found by chiffonades
Train-ing Arc by absolutely_mendouksai (one of my faves!!)
Just Another Term by Scarlet_Nin
TachiTani (I don't know their ship name orz)
stray god by cherrior
The King's Avatar (全职高手)
Living Together by TheDefenestrator
Means of Transportation by Lynne_Monstr
Five Times Yu Wenzhou Gets Stuff Thrown At His Head and the One Time He (Finally) Catches Something by Lynne_Monstr
The Twelve Days of YeLan by LurkingCrow
Smile at the Sunset by Shadaras
Loki series
I absolutely recommend dinosuns for Lokius fics
The Time-Killers by dinosuns (series)
True Hollywood Romance by chamel
Hope by Aliendolin
if you want it to heal (it takes time) by markofalover
we'll meet in vertigo by markofalover
Heaven's Official Blessing (天官赐福)
forsythia by curiositykilled (Yin Yu & Hua Cheng)
take a piece of my heart and make it all your own by ruilian
honeyed petals, on my tongue by citruspromenade
Blow All My Friendships, To Sit in Hell With You by weigingslongestflutesolo
higher places by rightdowntothebone
A bit of fragrance
Never so safe as I am with you by enjambament
In the space between them by enjambament
The Greedyhearts by weatherfront
I Know You (and you know me) by IAmANonnieMouse
What's a Little Contract hit between Friends? by laceymcbain
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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fanart of @missveryvery’s a biography of the male favorite <33
my favorite fengqing fic!
he’s wearing an ancient chinese cat collar :) it’s thematic :)
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taihua · 2 days
I'm interested in what your favorite fengqing fics by other creators are ^^
I hate to say it, but I don't really read a lot of fic these days, and when I do it's usually fandom-blind as I look at how other authors have implemented a specific trope or tag. I do have some recommendations in my AO3 bookmarks, though, and I can generally recommend other fics by the authors in there!
... but if I had to pick an ultimate favorite, I'd say it's a perfect piece to fit by @idrilka. I'm a little biased because it was an exchange fic and therefore it was perfectly tailored to the tropes I requested so obviously I'd love it for that reason alone, but it's also such a fun setting/premise that I don't see very often for TGCF fandom and the characterization is so well done! \o/
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franollie · 4 months
🪰 for the fic rec ask meme!
🪰 Recommend a fic that makes you sad (in the best way!!)! Some great angst and/or hurt/comfort!
love someone, never tell them by extraelsior
His thoughts are interrupted by a crash at the door, Xie Lian falling through a hastily drawn distance shortening array, clutching a set of papers like his life depends on it. Maybe it does, Xie Lian has always had the unlucky trait of trouble following his every step. “Feng Xin,” Xie Lian says, breathless, “Feng Xin, Mu Qing left us letters.” “What-” He starts, Xie Lian pushes past him, laying the papers on the table. “Mu Qing he- he left us letters, Feng Xin.” He smiles, something happy and uncontrollable and full of longing, “they go all the way back to Xianle, Feng Xin, Feng Xin he left us letters.” or, Mu Qing dies, Feng Xin and Xie Lian are left to pick up the pieces.
this fic shattered me. very hurt/no comfort. highly recommend 👍🏻
Ask game
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