#feminist submissions
blackpilljesus · 4 months
As more women decide to not have children or reproduce, a popular talking point is that maIes will rape and kill us all for refusing them. For starters, this says it all about how everyone is fully aware of maIe evil & female oppression. If it was a tiny minority of maIes that are abusive as many pretend, then this wouldn't be the kneejerk response. The idea that maIes will protect us or not hurt us if we comply is a trap. They will hurt women & girls no matter what we do. This is said to shift the blame of their actions from them to women.
One crucial thing to understand is that maIes already mass rape and kill women & girls even when women partner + reproduce with them. Subconsciously we know this given the measures we take to navigate this world. Most times women are killed it's by maIes they know, in many cases it occurs when women want to leave or have left but it also occurs when women are in relationships because if maIes cant find a reason to hurt women they'll create one. They'll accuse women of cheating, bc food wasnt cooked properly, bc she got pregnant, etc. Speaking of which, murder is one of the leading causes of death for pregnant women & its typically done by their partner. MaIes rape women just after they've given birth. It can take months to years for womens bodies to heal but doctors say "6 weeks" as its unexpected that maIes will "wait" longer than that. So obeying doesnt stop maIe violence, it's just an excuse to justify their terrorism. There is no reforming the system nor is there getting by peacefully so long as we do what maIes want because their intention is destruction no matter what. MaIes lied & claimed women will be protected but it's slavery. MaIes dont protect women and neither does the system so dont buy their threat.
There are several cases where maIes have raped & killed women despite having a partner and children. Wayne couzens had a wife & kids yet still raped & killed Sarah Everard, lewis haines killed Lily Sullivan despite having a wife and child. The toybox killer, and ted bundy had partners yet they still raped & killed other women. Many maIes who rape prostituted women have wives & kids at home. This takes me to my next point: terrorists are never content. It doesnt matter how much you give bc all they want to do is take. They want to constantly reaffirm their beliefs, security, and entitlement to the world so they'll keep causing havoc no matter how much you obey. There's a reason why developed nations do not pay ransoms nor do they negotiate with terrorists in many cases because when you give into these peoples demands they do not go away. It may keep them at bay for a bit but they will only return with bigger demands and will be willing to cause more harm and damage. The same thing applies to maIes & their terrorism. Giving in wont stop their violence or change them. At first short term they're kept at bay (if theres other women they abuse in their vicinity) but long term it wont work. Women have loved, served, fucked, provided labour, reproduced with, and birthed maIes for millenias. Women have given everything to maIes and what did they get in return? More violence, more demands, more destruction we're all familiar with this. No amount of submission has changed maIes for the better.
What's actually dangerous is women trusting + living around maIes, we're expected to just rely on how they wont hurt women but believe me maIes gain a power trip from the strength differences between the sexes. Even if they dont actively hurt women, the threat lingering in the air alone is a power they enjoy. So dont be paralysed with fear or think our refusal to interact with maIes is a cause for their violence. I wont deny that it's scary but this isn't just about us. It's about the future, the world our offspring are coming to. Assuming maIes get everything they want, it'll never be enough they'll keep plundering for more so at some point we need to put our foot down regardless of the cost.
I want to conclude this by recommending reading this post. The key point is
Opting out is for the select few who want to do nothing with heterosexual nonsense even if the price of doing so is death because partaking in their drivel is death, physical and spiritual, and if they really did care about distancing themselves from it all that much they would know that death is the least you will be willing to put up with.
I've noticed that most women who bring up the possibility of maIe retaliation are still seeking relationships with maIes in their lives so this seems more like another excuse in the end. The concern for maIe retaliation is real, especially among newer separatists, 4B, wgtow etc but the seasoned ones realise it doesnt matter and if deəth is what it takes to not be associated with maIes and their systems then so be it. Hell even the average woman would take another option or death if they were pre-faced with a situation where they have to be around maIes but there's no other woman to occupy them. You might wonder what the point is as the outlook is bleak; which is what the final part of this series of posts regarding the popularity of single childfree women is about - legacy & steering life with purpose.
Part 1
Part 2
This post is part 3.
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[ID: an excerpt of text edited blackout poetry style. It reads "feminism includes trans women n fights for trans men too"]
feminism includes trans women n fights for trans men too
Submitted by @awnowimsad
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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while i agree with the message, i find the style of delivery questionable. Arlington, TX
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hadesoftheladies · 6 months
one thing the barbie discourse really highlighted for me was how men equate having humanity as being dominant, hence, whenever women are dominant and men subordinate, men insist that men are being persecuted, hurt, or oppressed.
that's why they think that matriarchy would be violent. that's why they're so offended and vitriolic when women dare to assert themselves in any way (or denounce femininity and subjugation). to be a human man is to be dominant. there can be no other definition. so if a man isn't dominant then he is suffering and his humanity is under attack.
women cannot suffer in subordination because that's what being a woman is. so if women are beaten, raped, humiliated, barred from education, women cannot feel injustice because to be woman is to be inhuman. like animals, we do not recognize or feel things like suffering. we do not crave things like dignity. so men haven't done anything wrong by subjugating us. not really. they can't do anything wrong because we don't have a developed sense of morality, so their morality cannot be applied or meaningful to us.
but what men fear isn't women dominating them, they fear men dominating them. because they know what dominance does to a man. it may complete him, but it also makes him dangerous to his competitors. that, and their entire world is male-centric. so when they view women in power, they view them not as women, but as women becoming men.
that's why barbies ignoring kens is egregious and the idea of matriarchy frightening. they cannot imagine it outside patriarchal and masculinist culture. they cannot believe that a woman would not want to rape or kill or pillage once in power. human, after all, means male, so if a woman became human, it would have to mean she thought, acted, dressed and behaved as men did.
they are too afraid to admit to what that would mean about themselves. if the woman, the animal, can feel and have a moral sense, if they can understand and experience suffering, then the humanity of the man is in question because as someone with a supposed moral sense and enlightenment, he has been the one oppressing them, cruelly cutting them down without thought (that is mind). he is the inhuman one. now the man must question god, he must question his integrity and sense of innocence and identity, he must begin to wonder if he or any man is truly even redeemable.
and then they'd have to face guilt. and with that guilt torment. and with that torment, they would see that the only way to begin to live with themselves is rebel against the system, side with women, and that would mean marking himself as woman, as animal, to other men.
as viable for the slaughter
for if he is rejecting dominance, he is rejecting male humanity, divinity and authority, he is forfeiting his right to be treated as human by other men.
and not many men in history have ever been willing or brave enough to do that. so instead, they insist that animals are bloody and violent and mindless (despite the fact that there are no animal-created human farms) and that women would be just as bad, just as wicked, once they had power, once they became human.
in other words, once they became men.
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riotgrrrlpress · 2 months
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Please contribute to the next 2 issues of SlutCake Zine! # 19 has NO THEME. Send ANYTHING! Essays,art,comics,photography, poetry, interviews, reviews-anything goes!
# 20 is an interview issue. If you want to be interviewed or want to interview someone, please email me! Please submit to one or both of these zines!!! Thanks! ♥️
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Roxy: one thing abt me is if a pretty girl says something I immediatly change my mind.
Jane: Well, maybe you should have some principles.
Roxy: ur right may b I should ;)
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hard--headed--woman · 9 months
You are one of my favorite blogs. I'd like to know if you could recommend any média féministe/radfem en français? Whether it's other tumblrs, igs or sites.
Désolée, j'allais répondre mais j'ai publié accidentellement ! Premièrement merci beaucoup ! <3
Sur tumblr, je peux te conseiller @merecot , @wild-wombytch , @femsolid et je sais qu'il y en a plein d'autres mais sur le coup c'est tout ce qui me vient. Les filles si vous voyez d'autres pseudos vous pouvez les mettre en commentaires ?
Elles sont géniales donc hésite pas à t'abonner si ce n'est pas déjà fait !
(D'ailleurs @merecot a un post avec un Google doc rempli de livres féministes en français si ça t'intéresse !)
Je sais qu'il y a des sites comme TRADFEM et RadCaen dédiés au féminisme radical. Encore une fois si d'autres d'entre vous ont des idées n'hésitez pas à les commenter !
Merci encore <3
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femsinisms · 1 year
Submissions are Open!
Theme: "Deconstructing the Objectification of Women's Bodies: Exploring the Harmful Impacts of Consumption from a Radical Feminist Lens"
Women's bodies have been consumed and objectified in various forms throughout history, from the use of women's bodies in advertising to the depiction of female bodies in art. This consumption has been normalized in our society and is often seen as harmless or even empowering. However, from a radical feminist perspective, the consumption of women's bodies perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces gender inequality. For our first magazine we ask for essays, articles, reviews, and creative pieces that explore the ways in which women's bodies are consumed, the harm it causes, and why it's crucial to challenge and resist this phenomenon from a radical feminist perspective.
Submissions Open 5/5/2023 (May 5th 2023) and will be accepted on a rolling basis until 9/2/2023 (September 2nd, 2023) 
Emails, Pen names, and other identifying information will not be kept on file after the review and acceptance period is over. 
Submit Here
For each artwork or illustration, please include a 25-to-50-word image description.
All images should have an image quality of at least 300 DPI
Use double quotation marks for quotations. Use single quotation marks for technical or specialized terms when first introduced, quotations within quotations, and for titles of articles, essays, chapters, poems, songs, etc.
No bibliography is needed.
DO NOT put Pen Name or other identifying information on written submissions. 
Keep Written submissions between 3-5 pages (single spaced) or under 10 pages (double spaced)
Citations in Footnotes
For web pages and articles:
First Name Last Name, ‘Title of item,’ Website Name, Full Date of Publication, URL.
For books:
First Name Last Name, Title of Item (Place of Publication: Publisher, Date), Page Number(s).
For journal articles:
First Name Last Name, ‘Title of Item,’ Journal Title, Volume.Issue Number, Date, Page Number(s).
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itsawritblr · 3 months
10 Feminist Magazines & Websites that Pay Writers.
For those of you who are feminists and writers looking to submit material.
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thehighlordishere · 9 months
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
Call me King or user
Welcome to my blog. I also take request and submissions. You may ask for anything of the following; requests, submissions, someone to talk to, a question, advice, etc.
Request are open, preferably state which gender you would prefer to be used, or I will just use gender neutral , not taking any spicy requests right now, ask away your wants.
Rules under here with master list
-mainly write for fantasy books aka Sarah J but I do repb some anime stuff
-I will write for any gender x gender
-I am cool with poly relationships (please say if separate or not when asking for multiple)
-romantic, platonic, and open to yan, but most likely won’t do dark yan, depends on request
-platonic x under 18! Only, no romantic with adults and minors
-Minors are free to read here but be cautious
-I mainly write for male reader or gn! Reader, i can write fem
-No smut but suggestive is fine
-no incest, dark characters, no grape from the characters, etc. however you can request comfort for these scenarios besides incest
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (and prompts)I mainly just write acotar but I will reblog other works with credit that I like
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hard--headed--woman · 9 months
the straights are SO MAD that you said the ones who don’t wanna have sex aren’t LGB or “queer”.
also why is “you don’t want me to exist!!!!” their go-to response for “you don’t belong in our community because you do not fit the basic requirements”? Do they think they only exist if they are a part of our community and without it they have no personality?
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Horuss: 8=D < I am the knight of feminism.
Horuss: 8=D < I slay dragons that call women "bitches".
Horuss: 8=D < I only save women when they want to be saved by a man.
Horuss: 8=D < I fight for the queen of Jadebloods, who is a MILF, and almost as beautiful as her son.
Horuss: 8=D < My loyal steed, Fuckboy, is also a feminist.
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Y’allllll folks are starting to send zine pages in and they are making me so emotional. 🥲 So grateful. So moved. So excited for zine #2. 🥰
The deadline has been extended to 3/1/23, so YOU HAVE TIME! Break out your magazines & get to craftin’! 💘
Send your zine pages to [email protected] with the subject ZINE 2 SUBMISSION for a chance to be in the next @biblebeltqueers collection. 🌈
#zine #zinemaking #biblebeltqueers
Shout out to @smootitooti for the background - a page in our first zine! 💖
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subconsciousmysteries · 8 months
Nothing feels quite as good as rubbing love in the face of men who don't deserve it.
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radunderground · 1 year
Radfem Safe Space discord Server!!
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