#felt mice
lovelycatdraws · 2 years
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Little Lesbian Mouse Family
Found the two well dressed ladies at two estate sales and I knew they needed daughters
Mice from left to right:
Gladys, Veronica, Maizey, Gertrude
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notonlymice · 1 month
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the range of lizard emotions
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nightly-nightcat · 2 months
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day 47 - worlds saddest wettest most miserable beast
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carcasstohounds · 6 months
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will solace, little loimios, friend to mice
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melnathea · 7 months
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Needlefelted winter mice! ❄️🐁🤍
Now to find some new homes for them~
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poodlepincushion · 3 months
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They will be wed in holy moustrimony! These two captured my heart and each others, what a fun project they were!
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majormeilani · 5 months
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it's slut behavior for a man to be comfortable when he goes to bed (joke)
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A little felt mouse nibbling on some cheese 🧀🐭! I handmade this mouse by needle felting carded wool felt together.
Find more crafts on my Etsy store 😊✨️!
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thekenobee · 3 months
Coming back to Ireland tomorrow!!
It's always great to see my lil brother and my two baby boys 🐱 but the longer I stay in Poland the more my parents behave as they did in the ol days.
What can I say, Ireland is a truly breathtaking place and I cherish the freedom and various possibilities that my university provides me, finally I can say that I study and rejoice in doing so. Not to mention that there are so many friendly and kind people there, strangers who would simply smile at you in the streets- not a chance seeing that phenomenon in Poland.
However, it's not perfect - my room is freezing most of the time, and whenever the temperature is below zero, I can see my breath in my room! But what really gets my goat is that even the laundry room is warmer than mine and I KNOW that my hosts are simply saving up. Their solution was to provide me with more blankets, so you know.. And what goes with that is the MOULD
Apart from that everything is SOOOO expensive and I don't need to mention that polish currency is approximately 4,5 times weaker/less than euro *sobs hard*
Hopefully I'll find a better place to stay next semester BC YES, I'll be staying in Dublin to finish my BA there<3
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shannonallaround · 1 year
i would love to see your interpretation of what Oswald would look like in Kingdom Hearts!!!
Ok this is a fun ask :D
So I actually designed a KH Oswald WAY back in 2014 during my deviantart days. Here's a redraw just for you (with a redesigned keyblade!) and the original below!
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gummybugg · 6 months
find the word tag!
tagged by @digitalsatyr23 here! havent done this tag in a bit, but i have more writing now so its not so difficult to find new words :'D
rules: find the words in your writing and paste a sample here
my words to find: wrong, find, dream, and cloud
(Wasn't sure if this post warrents a content warning, but it does reference suicidal ideation, dissociation, and kidnapping, so be aware.)
(from my dormant wip the mice come out at night - morgana's pov/diary entry)
I was supposed to have died that day, I found myself thinking. But this thought wasn't out of scorn or hatred for the times I had made since then, it was a matter of fact. I didn't get what I had been promised, yet this time I wasn't so sure what I had expected at the time. Morgana then and now were two cherries separated at the stem. Our concept of what we thought we needed mirrored, the reflection a jarring contrast. "You must have the wrong guy," I found myself saying, cutting through my rampant thoughts. I highly doubted there was anything Vincent could be capable of lying to us about. Even if he decided to tell the others and not me, I was at least 99% certain Juniper would have spilled it by now.
(from my wip crater city - melony's pov)
Darcy looked down at his hands and the tears that fell into them. "I'm crying." He said, as if baffled by the phenomenon. His voice grew more distant, attempting to fade seamlessly into the background noise. "Look what you've made me do." "Darcy..." I began. "It feels warm and achy. But something is there. It's times like these that make me feel real. Feel human." "Darcy, you are human." "At this moment, I am. In the next few seconds, I won't be anymore. I hate it when emotions fade out of existence..." He sat at my desk with his face buried in his hands. It was customary for when his "mind checked out," as he used to say. "Your emotions don't go away. They're just hiding." He looked up at me with hollow eyes and a slack jaw. But they weren’t hollow because they were empty; they were hollow because they had yet to return. "They're just playing a game of hide and seek.” He grunted in agitated confusion. I sighed, picking up where I left off in the clutter. “Right now, sadness is 'it' and it's having a hard time finding the others. Hmm, I'd wager that anger is hiding in a prickly blackberry bush. Fear isn't always smart, so it's hiding clear-as-day behind a tree. Happiness is relaxing way up high in a tree..." I stood on my toes to prop the last textbook at the top of the shelf. The ridiculous analogy made Darcy chuckle. "It seems it found laughter first," I stuck out my tongue. Darcy came over to help, except my balance was a bit off and the book may have accidentally slipped from my fingers. It knocked him on the head before hitting the floor with a deafening belly flop. Instead of complaining about his head, his eyes lingered on the fallen book for a few extra seconds.
Uhhhh none i think
(from my wip crater city - blair's pov)
I slapped the dented trunk of the sedan shut. The trunk was a briefcase from the show Steal or No Steal, and I was the pretty lady in red. But the look on Elijah’s face told me he was not fully convinced that this was the deal of a lifetime. He was starting to get on my nerves. He didn't know how to appreciate an offer of such high demand. It was honestly insulting. However, my TV show escapade was short-lived once I realized that he wasn’t going to let up. He was really upset, wasn't he? I could see it in his vacant stare: his soul had left his body. He took a step back, hands hovering cluelessly at his sides. “Uh, Elijah? What’s wrong, man?” I leaned against the creaky trunk, which snapped further shut, almost forfeiting my balance. It really needed more bungee cords, come to think if it. “This…this isn’t even one of the guys that harassed me.” “Come again?” Elijah was such a joker. “Blair…” The abstraction of my friend clutched my shoulders, causing the damp fabric to press into my skin. His hollow eyes sat constricted in their sockets, white about to burst in urgency. “It’s just some guy with green hair…” “Yeah, and…?” I raised a brow. Of course, he had green hair. What was he going on about? I saw a man with the same colored hair as one of the guys Elijah described, then I…wait, where did I even find this guy? I don’t even remember his face. And it would really be embarrassing to double-check by popping open the trunk. Had I really…? I searched the swirling green clouds for an answer. Then Elijah called my name and my wandering eyes found their way back to his.
gently tagging @asterhaze @ditzybitzyspider @forthesanityofsome @frostedlemonwriter @new-royston-cursebreakers and anyone else
rules: find the words in your writing and paste a sample here
your words to find: pull, back, away, and whenever
crater city mayhem taglist (dm to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23 @talesfromtheunknowable
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stupidhany · 1 year
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They’re literally married
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silenthilllz · 8 months
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Le mouse
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prolibytherium · 5 months
I have spent much of my life at war with various rodents
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melnathea · 9 months
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I am making the cutest little felt mice for winter
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poodlepincushion · 5 months
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Wonderful Miss Mouse coming in from a long day at work ready to rest her feet!
With little wire legs and a tail this needle felted gal can hold herself up and sports an adorable vintage doll blouse
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