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nariaein · 7 months ago
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cuntyqueerleondraisaitl · 2 years ago
Creating a Chase MD pilot because I want to
This is created with unlimited recources, budget, and cast
Show opens as normal, a person we've never seen before bursts into flames and is rushed to the hospital
After the intro we open on Foreman's office, as Chase walks in and starts sifting through the cases
It is immediately apparent that they are doomed to repeat the narrative, as this first Chase/Foreman scene is filled with parallels to the first House/Cuddy scene. Most notably that Foreman is pushing Chase to up his clinic hours.
It is obvious that they are now very close friends
New team is comprised of one man and one woman, and there is talk about the need to hire a third fellow after the last one left
"Why do we need three fellows?" "It's how we've always done it, ever since I started working here"
The main b-plot for this episode is Chase interviewing people. Showing his House-ness and anti-House-ness. as the episode progresses. Getting some season 4 cameos in there, before he eventually gives up
Chase and Foreman have lunch together in that gay little cafeteria and have a major Hilson moment.
This is where Choreman enters some level of canon to those brave enough to believe. Maybe a little hand touch
So many Australian jokes. In this episode only, then people mostly drop them
As they start working on the case, the two fellows discuss their opinions of Chase in the weekly group therapy session in the MRI room. They seem to overall like him but have some complaints.
It is clear they know of House, and some vague details, but not much
Some Choreman jokes, but not in a homophobic way.
The patient is slowly getting worse, and it seems that they will not be able to save them
Chase has his little house eureka moment and decides to MRI a banana or something equally as insane and they crack it
We have our little ending montage, and we see foreman and chase smiling and laughing as they have a drink. Again very gay. The episode fades to black, this could easily be the end, but it's not.
The team is sitting around the room talking about a new case, until Foreman bursts in, looking excited, holding his phone, and asks if the position for a new fellow is still open
He whispers something in Chase's ear and hands him the phone his face lights up
"The job is yours if you want it... alright see you then"
He turns to the team and says "None of you have triskaidekaphobia right?"
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flowerofthewave-rb · 4 months ago
For the bit of this lets assume that Pariston and Ging are currently also on a boat, but one that is normal sized, so there's not a lot of space to avoid each other and take a breather.
Would you rather: be forced to take an active part in the succession war OR be forced to spend the same amt of time in an enclosed boat space with Pariston with nothing around you but the ocean?
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brat-pack-it-up-boys · 4 months ago
The outsiders west side story au
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yanderederee · 1 year ago
I want a yandere too. I want someone to love me even with my flaws, bc I tend to lose focus and I do things last min and I'm neurodivegent and I feel like most of my yanderes (especially baji) wouldn't judge me or see my as weird.
Just wanted to pit this out there bc I saw your tags on my last asks and I wanted to respond to that and ig start a discussion or suggestion?
I hope u accept.
For a while now, I’ve been shifting this ask through my head to conjure a proper response …
For starters, I forgot Yandere was part of the prompt I started writing; so I see this as headcanon in Baji’s actions/reactions in types of situation. I could write a whole separate indulgence piece on how yandere!Baji would develop past this:)
I find myself taking a realistic approach to it all. At first/in youth, I don’t think Baji has enough maturity to really understand other people’s neurological/psychological struggles. He’ll understand there’s some tension in those aspects, but I feel that Baji would be quick to frustrate.
Baji doesn’t understand why you’re suddenly giving him the cold shoulder, when in reality you’ve found yourself non-verbal. It wasn’t that fucking hard to place a food order?
Let Baji be dramatic at first. Let him pick apart what’s actually happening.
Once he sees the way you struggle and try to muster the courage to ask for a refill of your drink, he’s in awe with how relieved and proud of yourself you are after managing the small task.
He’d probably seem pissed off and go quiet himself, but it’s cause Baji is mulling the idea over in his head how you can’t to feel that way.
“What gets you so nervous about being in public anyway?” Baji asks blatantly.
You felt this question at the tip of his tongue all day, and while his actions were putting you more on edge, you noticed little details.
You would notice how his tone is lower, not scowling or rolling his eyes at you anymore. You could tell he felt guilty for his immaturity, after his own actions and choice of words.
Just, the way you were so quick to put up your defenses confused him.
“There’s a lot of … unknowns, I guess.. it doesn’t really make sense to me either, Keisuke… I just— my body reacts like I’m doing something, wrong. Like, I’m inconveniencing everyone around me. If I wasn’t standing here, If I wasn’t taking up someone else’s time, other people’s lives would be more… convenient.”
You could tell you were barely getting anywhere with him, but he was trying to understand. So you kept trying to help him understand.
“L-like even now… if I hadn’t dragged you out to hang out with me today, your time could have been better spent. Mikey and Draken invited you out right? But you declined on my behalf..” you smiled, but that same tinge of guilt hit hard.
“Yeah, doing the same lame shit I’ve done for the last week, no creative pass times with those bone heads sometimes,” he laughed. “You don’t think I’m having fun now?” Baji asked.
“Well, it can be hard to tell,” you chuckled back, weary of meeting his gaze. “I can’t really tell if I’m being entertaining enough, or when people get tired of my needless input. I’m.. kinda slow, I guess, I lose focus on what’s happening sometimes and suddenly I’m not on the same page as everyone anymore. But, like, with everything.”
“Does that make sense?” You sighed, heart palpitating in suspense.
It felt good to vent out all the things that made you anxious, especially when you can’t tell why most of the time. Maybe in time, it would.
Baji cycled through your words, silently.
“I… think so.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
“That part of you’s kinda, what I like about you, though?”
Your eyes twitched, and with an unbelieving look, you eye him cautiously.
“Like yesterday, when you spaced out while Chifuyu and I were arguing about Gekijyo, you suddenly jumped right in with a whole other thing from left field. It was hilarious, but I just remember thinking, ‘who the hell thinks of stuff like that?!’ In-in a good way… you’re pretty smart, yaknow. I really respect the way you handle yourself when you’re caught off guard.”
“Honestly, it doesn’t make sense to me, how you go through live so cautiously and worried all the time. But you make smart analysis out of situations that seem unwindable, and,” Baji held out his hand, and carefully pulled a stray hair from your face.
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“I just can’t help but like you. You’re funny, and encouraging. When you’re comfortable, you shine. I see so much passion in you, and can’t help wanting to fuel that part of you.”
Baji gently pressed his palm against your cheek.
Sure, little things could sweep you up in thought, distracting you to the point of frustration. So long as he could keep quipping back and forth, laughing, and watching you smile so genuinely— Baji imagined he could take on some of those struggles of your behalf. Maybe, with just a little weight lifted off your conscious, he could watch you grow and eventually take them on with ease, with a smile.
Over time, Baji would pick up on any stims you had, if you had any.
Started picking up on signs that something was becoming too hard for you to handle, or perhaps comprehend.
He learned your mannerisms, and how to talk out down from any panics you may undergo.
Baji takes it upon himself to learn about the people he cherishes.
He doesn’t drop people because they’re too hard to deal with. Baji doesn’t break off ties, especially when he can tell you’re working through struggles. Physical and psychological.
Baji Keisuke would eventually become surprising attentive, but mostly only with his partner.
He doesn’t walk on egg shells around them, but he will reconsider if he’s acting too harshly.
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candlesnuff404 · 2 years ago
Undersea headcannon! (based on exomems)
1. Instead of saying ‘hi’ Tritons bow, and each bow has a different meaning!!
Left: hand to collar bone/between the collar bones means you’re greeting a religious figure (deities, leviathans, and also Gillian) chest means you’re very close (romantic, platonic, familial etc.) wrist to navel/bellybutton means you’re greeting a superior
right: arm right angle means your relationship is casual, arm outstretched means you’re very devoted, and arm behind your back means your relationship is purely business
Eyes: looking up means you either love or hate them (depends on context lmao), closed means you trust them very strongly, looking down is usually for superiors and formal contexts. It can also mean you’re afraid of them.
(When Caspian and Gillian met Caspian had a hand in between his collarbones and one outstretched (which is called a goddess bow or moon bow) and he was either looking up or had them closed (we can’t remember) and Gillian was caught off guard, so he kinda floundered and put a wrist to his naval and an arm behind his back (called the naval bow, the one he’s used the most) which also left Caspian a lil confused-
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just-eyris-things · 2 years ago
Let's say... your Commander has died. Maybe once. Maybe multiple times. How are they doing?
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lolathestoryteller · 9 months ago
I hate Jily.
Sorry but not really.
I mean, obviously, I disagree…my content literally screams I love Jily!
But, you are absolutely entitled to your own opinion, I just…don’t really know why you’d state what you stated (without any elaboration) to somebody like me who, as said, adores Jily.
What I’d love to know, though, is who somebody who “hates Jily” ships James or Lily with instead, and more importantly why? — feel free to answer me, Anon, because I am honestly curious.
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shallowseeker · 1 year ago
Talk to me about the best/worst Samgirl rep.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year ago
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scarletfish · 1 year ago
fellow character playlist obsessors: which blorbo does your top song of the year correspond to?
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nariaein · 7 months ago
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nevermeyers · 10 months ago
Honestly, this is my biggest fear. Ever since this chapter went out I never stopped thinking about it
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Megumi dying would be my last straw :') and Yuuji's, since his story began with him
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lalalaugenbrot · 2 years ago
*ich weiß realistisch betrachtet keiner, weil sie beide zwei superkriminalistische Spürnasen sind 🤡, aber sie sind auch beide traurig & verzweifelt und ein bisschen dumm (aber natürlich nicht blöd)
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lorillee · 4 months ago
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rexomi · 2 months ago
Something something. Making Solas a liar in Veilguard actively brings back a problem they fixed working on Inquisition.
On December 20 2019 VGS posted an interview with Trick Weekes about their work on Solas. This whole sentence is a link so its large enough for mobile but also disclaimer this is before they changed their name so deadname warning.
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Here's a transcription I found here which is where i took the screenshots above. Since I know not everyone has 40 minutes to listen to an online radio interview.
I however highlighted the main point since most of you are not reading the screenshots anyway but skimming through. Rant under Read-more. Also bc i try to not be too negative on people's dashs but also i wanna ramble some more.
"But he lied a lot more. And it really weakened his character."
You can tell this happened during the game. Solas lies only once within Inquisition. He says something he can't be vague about and you push him so he lies, badly. He usually tells the truth vaguely. Typically Solas lies no more than Blackwall.
I fully believe that if in Inquisition your inquisitor figured out that Solas was Fen’harel and asked him bluntly to his face he'd confess. He might even be impressed. But why would you ever start to think that. No one assumes that their coworker is actually Poseidon regardless of how much they love the beach and ocean.
He hides in your expectations.
You can't ask him about being an ancient elf or being Fen'harel of myth because those aren't very probable. They're astronomically low to be truth within that universe. And outside, no one finished DA2 and went i wonder if one of our next companions is the Dread Wolf. Sera said, impossible things can't be surprises. He doesn't have to lie so when the truth comes out it's becomes obvious on a second playthrough.
They then actively bring back a problem they fixed in Inquisitions development. That they were open about fixing. That having a character that outright lies to you makes you have no intention of even hearing out the character. It retroactively undercuts Inquisition bc i see people trying to find Solas' lies in it when they aren't going to find any beyond the court intrigue.
It undercuts any lore we do get from Solas bc people dismiss it outright as being a lie from Mr "I abhor blood magic". I feel like shaking people's shoulders like no, dont do it.
They retconned him guys i have proof from 2019.
And its like if you hate Solas is this even satisfying? Like that's not Solas. His motivations are gone (that's a whole other post) and so is his core personality trait. It's like they went here's the Dreadwolf but during the ten years they replaced the smug asshole who was insufferably right with a 20 yo senior chihuahua that doesnt have any teeth.
My favorite villains are those that tell the truth. Because nothing hurts more than the truth. Can you imagine if he told you the truth. If he told you horrible things that you dismissed as lies to only be true. Wouldn't Varric’s death have more weight if he told you Varric was dead only for you - for everyone - to see him in the Lighthouse. If it was a spirit who took his shape to help you or even because it saw something worth reflecting in your memories.
So you dismiss him until it's revealed near the end oh he was telling the truth and you have an oh shit maybe he was right about other things but its too late to try and stop any of the truths he told you which could be from allies/companions betraying to stuff about Ghilan'nain and Elgarnan.
Like the only way to redeem Solas was to listen to him and by going out of your way to address problems he sees and you can find the alternative to tearing down the Veil by a series a little puzzle pieces throughout the game.
Have it be he will only listen to you if you listen to him. That he'll reject your other solution bc why the hell would he trust you if you couldnt extend the same.
Like Solas couldve been a great villian and he should've been great for both the haters and those that liked him. Not only the romance but for those who became his friend. Like i keep coming back to if i hated Solas would i be satisfied with Veilguard.
And the answer is no because that isnt Solas.
Tricking him has no weight bc he's an idiot in Veilguard like not even in the ending bc doesn't notice you switch the dagger around like right in front of him but none of his actions make sense. Ppl have mentioned the regret prison makes no sense for Elgarnan and Ghilan'nain bc they don't have regrets.
Attacking Solas has no weight because he literally needs the shit kicked out of him by a dragon for it to even begin to work. They literally need him to be at deaths door before its realistic that Rook could take him in a fight.
Redeem has no weight bc of the massive retcons to his motivations. They had to retcon the post credits scene bc even if Flemythal went hey i don't want you to do this Dai Solas wouldve went okay but that doesnt solve my other problems with the veil including the corruption of spirits and the fact its in literal shambles so i guess is still coming down.
I'm just disappointed. By the end of Trespasser they had a great villian and they just tossed it to the side and reverted him and people are arguing about a character who's sole defining trait in Veilguard is a problem they solved before Inquisition launched.
Basically we can sum it up with a screenshot.
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