#fdc 2019
easterneyenews · 9 months
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lost-decade · 2 months
Very intrigued by Break Point!
Ahh thank you for asking!!
So this is the FE tennis AU that I was supposed to have finished ages ago and have very much not. I wrote out a very detailed outline and tbh I think that's kind of what stalled it (forever wanting the fic to write itself). The actual file is about 8K long and the prologue is done, along with some scenes I skipped ahead to write.
Its (eventual) Max G/James R, starts off at Wimbledon 2019 - the British public are whipped into a frenzy when aging wildcard James Rossiter reaches the semi finals (only to lose to Lucas Di Grassi and then announce his retirement). During the tournament he happens to go to a gay bar in Soho to escape all the fuss and spots a very nervous looking young Max G (who is an up and coming player on the tour) at the same bar, just looking. There's a little moment where they acknowledge a shared secret and then go their separate ways
Skip forward three years and James is now a semi-successful coach, just been fired by Antonio FDC and at a bit of a loose end, when he's hired to be Max's coach. Aaaand then lots of slow burn getting closer, falling in love, Max's tennis improving, mountains of angst
Also features tennis legend André Lotterer, who is now the Davis Cup team captain for Germany
I REALLY want to finish this fic, and I'm confident that I will. Eventually...
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todonumismatica · 1 year
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Cartera oficial euroset Alemania 2019 (5 cecas). 100,00 €. Cartera Oficial 5 Cecas (A,D,F,G y J) - 45 monedas. Serie en euro de las monedas de Alemania 2019. 9 monedas (x5) FDC en cartera oficial. Cada serie contiene las 8 monedas de curso normal, de 1 céntimo a 2 euro y la moneda conmemorativa de 2 €, dedicada a Bundesrat Categoría: Monedas Euroset Alemania. Más información en: https://www.todonumismatica.com/cartera-oficial-euroset-alemania-2019-5-cecas-23390.html
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karen-anti-r-cml · 2 years
January 2023: kevin mccarthy, confederate maga loyalist aka republican after doing a better job than the other guy at begging for the position of Speaker of the House has started making Public Claims against a few things, but the Claims are Misleading, Lacking Any Evidence and/or Plain [lies].
No doubt the claims are his way of trying to prove his loyalty to trump.
mccarthy Claims and CNN Fact Checks:
1st) Nancy Pelosi and The Federal Debt Ceiling:
Claim: To justify his idea that raising the FDC meant Government Spending must be cut. Instead of being sure of himself and taking responsibility for his position, he claimed even Pelosi agreed to a spending cap as part of a deal to lift the debt ceiling under trump.
Fact: His claims are highly misleading. The Pelosi/trump deal in 2019 actually loosened spending caps that were already in place. In other words, while congressional conservatives today want to use a debt ceiling deal to reduce government spending, the Pelosi deal allowed for billions in additional government spending above the pre-existing maximum.
So, the two situations are nothing alike.
2nd) Funding the IRS:
Claim: In various statements mccarthy has boasted of how the 1st bill passed by the new CML/republican majority in the House “repealed 87,000 IRS agents” or “repealed funding for 87,000 new IRS Agents.”
Fact: mccarthy’s claims are false. House CML/republicans passed a bill seeking to eliminate about $71 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act, but the funding won't won't go to eliminating new Agents.”. In addition the House is only the 1st step to repealing. To actually get repeal the Democratic-controlled Senate must pass and President Biden must sign
And, neither are likely to put the bill through. In fact the President has already said he will Veto the bill.
3rd) The FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago:
Claims: The FBI knew 100s of U.S. Government Documents marked Classified and 100s more not marked were at MAL. They could have come and taken all of Documents at anytime without a Warrant.
Facts: His Claim is Not True. The National Archives and after them the DOJ had been asking trump to Return Government Records for more than a Year.
May 2022: The DOJ served trump with a Subpoena to return all documents with any Classification Markings.
June 3, 2022: The FBI Agents and DOJ were invited by trump's tean to MAL to accept the Return of the Documents Subpoenaed. When they arrived a Trump lawyer “explicitly prohibited government personnel from opening or looking inside any of the boxes remaining in the storage room,” The trump lawyer signed Certifying for trump all of the Documents Were Returned... That Was Not True.
August 8, 2022: After getting the Search Warrant for MAL FBI Agents completed their job.
After the Search
August 2022: The DOJ submitted Court Filing Stating: “The FBI, in a matter of hours, recovered twice as many documents with classification markings as the ‘diligent search’ the former president’s counsel and other representatives had weeks to perform calls into serious question the representations made in the June 3 Certification and casts doubt on the extent of cooperation in this matter.”
4th) President Biden and His Stance On Gas Stoves:
Claims: January 12, 2023: mccarthy wrote in a New York Post article “While President Joe Biden wants to control the kind of stove Americans can cook on, House Republicans are certainly cooking with gas.” He repeated the claim on Twitter the next morning.
Facts: January 9, 2023: Richard Trumka Jr., A Biden Appointee to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, told Bloomberg gas stoves pose a “hidden hazard,” as they emit air pollutant and "Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”
What Trumka said is not even close to new information, we've known for many, many years gas usage in the home is dangerous and all options must be looked at. So far they've continued to find ways to make the stoves safer and they will probably continue to.
January 11, 2023: The day before mccarthy’s lies were published by the New York Post,
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said: “The president does not support banning gas stoves. And the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves.”
Alexander Hoehn-Saric, Chairman for CPSC said in a statement: “I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so.” Rather, he said, the commission is researching gas emissions in stoves, “exploring new ways to address health risks,” and strengthening voluntary safety standards – and will this spring ask the public “to provide us with information about gas stove emissions and potential solutions for reducing any associated risks.”
February 1, 2023 Not even the Commission has not shown support for a ban on gas stoves or for any particular new regulations on gas stoves.
5th) Rep. Adam Schiff and the Ukraine Whistleblower
Claims: January 12, 2023: mccarthy, trying to defend his plan to bar Adam Schiff from sitting on the House Intelligence Committee said, among other things he thought Schiff had handled the 1st trump Impeachment badly and said: “Adam Schiff openly lied to the American public. He told you he had proof. He told you he didn’t know the anonymous whistleblower.”
It's worth noting Schiff Chaired the House Intelligence Committee during the Democratic Majority from early 2019 to the beginning of 2023, mccarthy
2019: The anonymous whistleblower came forward with allegations, which were subsequently corroborated about trump's attempt to use the power of his office to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, because he was scared of Biden winning the 2020 Presidential Election.
Thankfully President Biden Won!
Facts: There is no evidence Schiff lied when he said he didn’t know the anonymous whistleblower.
Schiff said in a statement to CNN: “Kevin McCarthy continues to falsely assert I know the Ukraine whistleblower. Let me be clear – I have never met the whistleblower and the only thing I know about their identity is what I have read in press. McCarthy’s real objection is we proved the whistleblower’s claim to be true and impeached Donald Trump for withholding millions from Ukraine to extort its help with his campaign.”
mccarthy: just another lying confederated maga loyalist with no moral compass
"Fact check: McCarthy’s false, misleading and evidence-free claims since becoming House speaker"
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conan-osiris · 5 years
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March 3, 2020
Today marks the first anniversary of Conan winning Festival da Canção 2019 and the second anniversary of his first live performance as a singer in Galleria ZDB in Lisbon. Unfortunately things didn’t end up as I had hoped in Eurovision, but it was not the end of the road. In december, at Coliseu dos Recreios, Conan gave us one of his greatest concerts to date and he started 2020 with the song Vinte Vinte, a collaboration with fado singer Ana Moura and dj and producer Branko.It has also been hinted that new songs are in the works and maybe a new album? So far it’s just speculation, but I’m still here waiting for what the future will bring.
Happy anniversary!
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arabela25 · 5 years
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Conan Osiris's first rehearsal for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019, with the song Telemóveis (Portugal)
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Global Warming by Blick Calle Via Flickr: Walnut Street near 17th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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heyzombae · 6 years
Of all the entries for Festival da Canção, this one is by far my favorite. Would love to see Portugal pick it for Eurovision!
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
(system community anon) honestly thank you, you just resonated with a lot of things i’ve felt since i figured out i’ve had DID but didn’t have the words to say or was kind of too scared to tbh. i started accepting my DID in later 2019, and started interacting with the online system community at a distance, and then when the pandemic hit i felt really isolated and stressed so i started seeking more friendships and connections with other systems but never really found them tbh. and honestly my opinion of why this is suddenly such a huge thing is primarily due to DID youtubers, particularly dissociaDID if you were also unfortunate enough to witness that whole situation go down. i think it’s youtube in particular because youtubers are sort of the big fandom (for lack of a better word) for a lot of teenagers rn, and the way the algorithm works on there in combination with clickbait can become a dumpster fire of misinfo very quickly. and then this spreads to system tik tok etc etc. but going further back i do think the release of split also has something to do with all of the sudden hypervisibility because that movie i think marked a huge uproar among DIDOSDD systems (rightfully) so there was more of a push for accurate information and representation, but then it’s kind of like the wrong voices were uplifted for the wrong reasons. and then ofc i think this was all exacerbated by the pandemic. sorry to drop another novel in your inbox lmao but i completely agree honestly. i just wish the system community would realize that anyone trying to spread scientific information about DIDOSDD is completely pro-psych or, like, a fakeclaimer or r/fakedisordercringe user or something like that.
yeah, dissociaDID in particular definitely has a hand in everything, for sure. her newest videos just make me recoil.
shockingly though, people like fragmentedpsyche, multiplicity & me, the entropy system if you remember them, etc, have been pretty good resources on DID. but dissociaDID just got the most popular, with her makeup and clickbait and constant milking of all kinds of drama. i used to be a fan of hers back in the day, actually, before shit hit the fan. still wouldn't recommend her even back then, though. she was always spreading misinformation.
yeah, things like tiktok, split, twitter, the pandemic, confusing teenager feelings, etc, all came together to create the perfect storm of massive amounts of DID misinformation.
and yeah--i'm not an FDC user for correcting misinfo or using clinical sources. FDC is a massive proponent of misinformation on DID, lol. i go there to correct misinformation on DID, and then i get downvoted even when i provide sources, lmao.
but sooo many people are just, like, not receptive at all to corrections on misinformation.
i'm so tired, man 😭
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Brazil stagnant in tech investments and innovation
The South American country is at the bottom of a ranking that analyzes competitiveness across the public and private sectors.
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Brazil has appeared at the bottom of a competitiveness ranking in aspects such as investment in technology and innovation. At the 59th position out of 63 countries analyzed, the country has only surpassed South Africa, Mongolia, Argentina, and Venezuela.
The analysis by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in partnership with Brazilian business school Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) has seen Brazil dropping two positions in relation to last year's ranking. The drop relates to negative performance in areas such as infrastructure, availability of skilled labor, and legal security.
The ranking uses 333 variables that inform the pillars of economic performance, government, and business efficiency, as well as infrastructure. The evaluation also utilizes macroeconomic indicators and qualitative data from 5.500 executives interviewed in all the countries covered in the study. In Brazil, FDC interviewed 134 business leaders. 
Brazil is in the same position it held in the IDC ranking in 2019. 
Continue reading.
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bowloflentils · 3 years
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I see a lot of people online wonder: “Why did Nintendo suddenly decide to remake Famicom Detective Club of all things?”
Well, I don’t know for sure but my pet theory is that it had something to do with this question from Nintendo’s 79th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019. Someone basically expressed their love for the Famicom Detective Club series at the meeting and asked Miyamoto and company if Nintendo still had the ability to make adventure games like they used to.
Miyamoto went on to explain why making these types of games is difficult in the modern market but I really feel like this question got something moving at Nintendo. This question made the rounds on various game sites back when it was first asked and I won’t be surprised if MAGES (the developer of the remakes) approached Nintendo about remaking FDC after hearing about the question or if Nintendo themselves began looking for a way to revisit the series somehow because of it. The meeting was held in June 2019 and then the remakes were announced in September so I feel like there must be some connection.
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escunited · 6 years
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Portugal: Our reviews of the Festival da Cançao entries - Semi-Final 1
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des-dabbles · 5 years
End of the Year 2019
I’ve seen multiple versions of this and well... I like to talk, so below the cut is some of my favorite things from my blog this year. 
So I thought I’d look back at each month and what jumped out at me. So many deal with my favorite couples and sims. And yes, there are other ss and edits I might like more than the ones I show here, it’s the overall feeling behind each one.  
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The one that started this all. Poppy Wilder, founder to my FDC. It wouldn’t be right to do a Top 2019 and not feature her. Her descendants would go on and found some of my favorite couples. 
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My first OTP, Trudy and Trey. It was this moment that I would fall in love with them and start this wild and crazy ride that was Gen 2. 
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April was tough to choose. This was the month when Trudy and Trey played through their relationship. But this moment. It’s one of my favorites. I was so proud of myself. Setting it up. Just how it would be revealed that Trey was her online friend. 
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Four of my favorite sims all in one photo. It was tough playing my games these last few days of Trudy and Trey’s life. I know I’m a big crybaby, but I was not ready to say goodbye to them. And plus, we have the beginning of the Jay and (female) Ari team. My most favorite family relationship to play.  
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I couldn’t pick just one for June. This was such a big month for me. I introduced Hope and her BC, not knowing how much my life was gonna change. And then there is Jay and Kholby, my next OTP. I gushed about them earlier and I will probably always be ready to gush about them. On the other side of that coin is Omar and Ari. Gen 4 would not have been the same without these four sims. 
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I mean, there were a thousand different photos I could have chosen, but the important thing to remember is this when (male) Ari stole Hope’s heart and the Tuhoro family began.
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There is something about wedding photos. Some of my absolute favorite posts have involved my sims wedding shoots. I think Hope and Ari was my favorite (sorry other OTP’s). The two of them in white against the beautiful Sulani backdrop. They way they always look at each other. 💖
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My first true story. Everything else was heavily inspired by gameplay, but this was me creating something based on how I envisioned the sims. And I mentioned it earlier, but these two are such a perfect pair together. 
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The very first photo I shared of these boys. Need I say more?
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Chase!!! My gorgeous, goofy boy. I still love him. 
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This month was tough. I haven’t been very active and I apologize for that. Time just flew away. And so I offer my two favorite things I did this month. The Tuhoro clan. I say it all the time, but holy cow how this family has grown. And how my love for them grows every day. And then Ez and Mari. I love you, Becca, for entrusting them to me. And when I chose that quote to go with my edits, I didn’t know that you were truly writing the end to them. I was still praying on a Christmas miracle.  
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conan-osiris · 5 years
Get to Know Telemóveis
As the rehearsals are about to start it is time to get to know what “Telemóveis” are about. I must confess that I find that “Telemóveis” has a big disadvantage in eurovision, the lyrics are hard to translate to other languages, the words “saudade” (missing, yearning or longing for someone/something; nostalgia) and “chibaria” (blabing; snitching) are hard to translate, but in the other hand, when “Telemóveis” was released it became the most popular song of festival da canção 2019 and nobody understood what it was about, it took around 2 weeks to a consensus to form, so maybe in may 14 (and hopefully may 18) it will not matter what the message is as long people like the music and the staging. But if you are curious the general consensus is that “Telemóveis” is a music about mourning.
The song starts with Conan trying to understand if he will die of saudade (longing/missing someone) or if he is the one that will kill it:     Eu parti o telemóvel / A tentar ligar para o céu / Pa’ saber se mato a saudade/ Ou quem morre sou eu”
    I broke the cellphone / Trying to call heaven / To know if i will kill this longing/ Or if I will die instead
It continues with him confused and admitting that he doesn’t know. The rest of the song seems to reference the stages of grief.
    E e a vida ligar / Se a vida mandar mensagem / Se ela não parar / E tu não tiveres coragem de atender / Tu já sabes o que vai acontecer     Eu vou descer da minha escada / Vou estragar o telemóvel
    And if life calls / If life sends a text / If it doesn’t stop /And you don’t have the guts to pick up / You already know what will happen     I will go down my stairs / I will ruin the cellphone
Denial,Anger and Bargaining: In this verses Conan starts denning that the person died, believing that they just doesn’t “have the courage” to answer, he bargains with anger, if that person doesn’t pick up he will break the phone.
    E se eu partir o telemóvel / Eu só parto aquilo que é meu / Tou para ver se a saudade morre / Vai na volta, quem morre sou eu
    And what if i break the cellphone? / I will only break what’s mine / I’m waiting to see if this longing dies / Maybe, I’ll turn out that I’ll die instead
Depression. The threats of later verses where empty and Conan sinks into sadness, seemingly giving up and he repeats the question that he made at the beginning of the song:
    E quem mata quem mata / Eu nem sei / A chibaria nunca viu nascer ninguém
    Who kills who kills? / I don’t even know / Snitches don’t see anyone being born
The hardest verse to translate - A chibaria nunca viu nascer ninguém / Snitches don’t see anyone being born - should be translated to “Snitches get stitches”, but in the end it means that nobody will answer his questions, nobody will tell him if it is him or the longing that will die first. This also symbolizes the realization that only he can answer that question.
    Eu partia telemóveis / Mas eu nunca mais parto o meu / Eu sei que a saudade tá morta / Quem mandou a flecha fui eu
    I used to break cellphones / But I’ll never break mine again / I know this longing is dead / The one who sent the arrow was me
Acceptance. Conan reaches the end of the music knowing that he is the one with the answers to his pain and sadness and only he as the power to shoot the arrow and kill (overcome) his longing.
Sidenote 1: Another popular consensus is that the song isn’t only about dead persons it could be about dead relationships, being it romantic ones or only friendships, people that were part of you life a long time ago but that went separate ways. With that in mind the song keeps it’s meaning, about him getting over the end of that relationship, but it could also mean a rebirth, him killing the longing could be seen as him sending a text (maybe a 🌹?) and reconnecting with that person
Sidenote 2: Another popular way to read the song involves changing the word cellphones with hearts, making the song about someone that keeps searching and looking to love someone in a way to deal with the pain of being alone. This way the song isn’t about morning, but about learning to love and respect yourself, learning to be alone and to stop being in a relationship as a coping mechanism
Conan did stated in many interview that the song is about morning, supporting the main theories that it is about dead relatives and that it is about dead relationships, but he also stated that he doesn’t believe that those should be the only interpretations and that any interpretation that people give to the song is valid. Maybe for someone the song are about tamagotchis, maybe for another it is about the nostalgia you feel when you think about your childhood, maybe for another person it is about that australian man that shoot a person in the cellphone, maybe for someone the lyrics doesn’t matter and you just want to dance to the beat. So let me finish asking, what does it means to you?
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Back of DTLR
Back of DTLR by Blick Calle Via Flickr: Cherry Street near 5th Reading, Pennsylvania
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July 2019 #fdc #standpipe and #testheader Photo by #thegreenbuck #firehydrant #fireplug #hydrant #streetphotography #flakphoto #firehydrantsofinstagram #firehydrantsofusa #pennsylvania #philly (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AGd9SBMsq/?igshid=exli5h4xu0v9
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