#favour game
“What’cha got there?”
It was the first thing Z asked as soon as you sat down in the booth, and you paused briefly before settling fully into the seat. As much of a non-sequitur as the query was, you weren’t too surprised. After all, you had turned up at a bar with a book thicker than the table between the both of you held under your arm. That would have already been strange enough, were it not for the title.
The demon wrinkled his nose at the shiny Gothic-style lettering embossed on the cover. “The Dark Grimoire: The Art of Demonic Entities and Magickal Forces–? Human, what the fuck is that?”
“What?” You blinked innocently. “Is it wrong to want to find out more about you?”
“There is nothing about me that would turn up in that trashy abomination of a book,” Z hissed at the hardback volume, his tail whipping back and forth in agitated motions. “For hell’s sake, they didn’t even get the sigil right.”
You studied the silver shape on the cover; a complex array of loops, straight lines, and crescent moons all enclosed within a double-ringed circle. You decided to take Z’s word for it, but still pulled the book closer to yourself and out of range of dark claws that had gouged furious grooves into the table’s surface.
“Well, don’t you want to know what humans think about demons?” You pointed out reasonably, to which Z made a face like you’d crammed a lemon into his mouth – rind and all. You tried again. “I wouldn’t mind if you read up on what humans are like. Do you even know anything about us?”
The demon scoffed, puffing out his chest proudly. “Oh please. I have been around since before humanity was a speck on the cosmic horizon. There is nothing about you little beings that is beyond my understanding.”
“Cool. Quick question: how many bones are inside my body?”
“Fuck if I know. At least 10?” Z shrugged, ignoring your unimpressed stare in favour of a sly smirk. “Though it could be 11 if we–”
“Oh, look at that. It’s time to shut up and read!” You interrupted loudly. “No talking during reading time!” You cracked open the book and planted it in front of your face, perfectly obscuring your view of Z who immediately began to whine.
“Oh come on,” he reached over, clearly planning to snatch the book, but you leaned further away. With a sigh, Z folded his arms across the table and sank into a melodramatic malaise. “Seriously, Dove? You’re going to read a trashy, fake book about demons when you’ve got a real, bona-fide infernal entity in the flesh right next to you? I’m hurt. I may never recover.”
“There’s no talking during reading time,” you mumbled again, surprisingly finding yourself more engrossed in the book. Most of what you knew about demons came from pop culture references and video games. Even if most of the book was made up nonsense, you still recognized some of the names.
Z hissed and clicked his teeth. Then he perked up with a grin. “Well, if you find that pile of rancid waste so interesting, then I can’t help but be curious,” he hummed. “Read to me.”
The look you shot Z was skeptical. “Really?” The request was so out of character that you felt the need to ask, to be certain. “You want me…to read aloud to you?”
“That a problem?” He asked, batting his lashes. Or at least you assumed that was what he did. His eyes were almost impossible to see beneath the mop of brown that could charitably be described as a hairstyle. “What can I say, I am an enjoyer of the literary arts.”
“Right,” you drawled. Your every sense told you that this was a trap, a trick of some sort, but how? You were the one who had brought the book, and Z was on the other side of the table. Reluctantly, eying him all the while, you slowly lifted the pages and returned your attention to the words on the paper. “And lo, the Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any – ngh!”
“What was that, Dove?” Z tilted his head, a beatific smile on his lips. Under the table, the tip of his tail slipped into the gap between your underwear and skin and pressed between your legs. It curled teasingly, the flat shape of it sliding further inch by agonizingly slow inch. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Something about being a nerd I guess?”
“Z–!” You tried to sound firm, but a flex of his tail dissolved the rest of whatever you might have said.
The demon clicked their tongue with a smile. “Hm, no I don’t think that’s what comes next, dummy.”
Tears beaded at the corner of your eyes, blurring your vision. Your thighs twitched and shook beneath the bar, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle the whimpers that threatened to pour out. The muffled sound of distant conversations sent a flood of red-hot mortification sweeping over you, and you quickly glanced around the bar to check that no one was watching.
Immediately, Z lunged across the table and grabbed your face, forcing your eyes to meet his. His tail flexed, pumping faster. “Don’t look at them, Dove. This isn’t about them. Keep reading.”
You tried. The book felt heavy in your clumsy hands, body sensitized and aching for release. The words swam before your eyes until, with a muffled gasp, you gave up – soaking your pants and Z’s tail before collapsing face-down on the table.
The demon had the nerve to tut with faux disapproval. “Aw, poor baby,” he hummed condescendingly, relishing your whine as he slowly pulled his tail out from your underwear. Your cheeks went hot at the sight of it, shiny, slick, and dripping with your juices. Z brought the appendage to his lips and – maintaining eye contact all the while – dragged his tongue over it, licking the flared tip clean as if you were a gourmet meal to be savoured.
“Such a messy human,” he teased, sitting back down and placing his chin in his hands. “How unfortunate. I suppose you’ll just have to start all over again.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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The musical episode.
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eightyonefour · 25 days
who of you two will be the first one to be crowned world champion?
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forcedhesitation · 1 year
huge ew at all the people who erase the bisexuality of the bg3 companions. they aren't "playersexual," they aren't "gay coded" or "lesbian coded," there are MANY instances of them expressing romantic and/or sexual interest in other characters of varying genders. and not just your tav. it's not a suggestion, it's part of who they are no matter who your tav is.
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rennybu · 4 months
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hold me closer, i'm not dead
(any and all pronouns for Favour, pick your poison)
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rockaberryx · 19 days
Solavellan this, solavellan that. Meanwhile I’m over here wondering when BioWare can confirm the acknowledgment of the other inquisition romance options
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vigilskeep · 24 days
i am curious about why this is such a universally pro-bhelen website. i mean i’m right there with you i love that freak but i’m surprised it’s such an unquestioned take, especially when i don’t think the main pro-bhelen talking points online or the consequences you will get in the epilogue slides for selecting either ruler are actually very well spelled-out in game for the new player
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catofoldstones · 9 months
Reading agot chapters of the stark sisters and coming to the conclusion that they hate each other in isolation from their parents’ understanding of them and society’s rigid expectations on them is idiotic as fuck. They are both classic products of their environments, both familial and social, and their feelings of each are heavily informed by these two things. Please take your Sansa and Arya hate each other because they’re antagonists, and are going to come head to head thematically in the later books, and dump it in the trash where it belongs.
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thepenguisalive7 · 11 months
I need some q!philza viewers to understand that’s it’s very valid they might be worried for q!phil’s paranoia. But at the same time it’s not like q!BBH is doing this wily-nily, Cucurucho is trailing behind him to make sure he does the task and doesn’t tell q!phil. Q!BBH wouldn’t normally betray that kind of trust like that but he’s kind of forced to at the moment, even if doesn’t necessarily seem it. So it’d be nice for a little understanding too, because q!BBH is also incredibly paranoid and having Cucurucho around isn’t exactly great for his already declining sanity. Let’s blame the feds instead probably, it’s a bit of a rough situation on both ends.
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juney-blues · 5 months
"Dishonored punishes you for playing the game the fun way by giving you a bad ending" speak for yourself i'm a freak who likes stealth games and i deeply enjoyed the challenge of ghosting every level.
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doggosta · 1 year
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maranull · 8 months
btw, if Marika was the character people tend to think, the deaths of Godwyn and Ranni would have no reason to affect her. she has 7 more children, 5 if you don't count the Omens (which —if I remember right— were normally just killed before she got her own and then all of the sudden exile was on the table as well).
if she was still the ruthless, genocidal warlord she was when creating the Golden Order, why would she care so much about Ranni and Godwyn's deaths? so much that she attempts to tear down everything she has spent eons creating?? if she really doesn't care about her kids, why was that the trigger to directly assault the Greater Will?
sure, evil women and whatnot, but at least actually look at her as a whole. yes, she did all she did and if the ER world was fair she should had gotten way worse than being crucified, and I'd also never say she's a gentle or caring character overall, but there's a pretty important exception to the not caring thing, and that's her kids
their death caused the entire premise of the game, I feel like the love she had for them was a pretty important character trait of hers
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Tis but a flesh wound!
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holy--milk · 2 months
Xie Lian/Any MDZS or SVSSS character for 5 sentence fic 🫣
Luo Binghe could almost believe that the kind stranger who'd fished him out of the icy Luo river, drifting lifelessly down the stream as he passed out from exhaustion after finally clawing his way out of the Endless Abyss, was some sort of divine being.
He had the most beautiful face Luo Binghe had ever seen on anyone in this life, his voice soothing and calming like a balm, and his hands were so soft and gentle as they dressed his wounds that Luo Binghe couldn't help squeezing his eyes shut and getting lost in the fantasy of resting in his mother's safe and loving embrace, back before everything went wrong.
The illusion shattered the moment the man brought a foul-smelling bowl of soup to his lips, gently coaxing him to eat and replenish his strength.
... When Luo Binghe regained his senses two hours later, his body still shaking uncontrollably with the effects of the bizarre concoction that made even his heavenly demon blood freeze and boil in his veins, he turned to gaze at the man and found him spluttering apologies with a mix of shame, embarrassment and anxiety clearly written on his handsome features.
"It's fine, daozhang-gege," Luo Binghe mustered a smile despite his bafflement. "I'll be doing the cooking for the both of us from now on."
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wayhavenmemes · 2 months
This is a very stupid poll but I keep coming across both versions (both with a and an) and I am just curious as to what the majority on this blog does when they have to read or write RO. 😂
Edit to say that there is only one option that makes more sense to me, but I am not going to say which one because I do not want to sway the poll one way or another. Also, I accidentally set the poll for a week. 🫣
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rennybu · 9 months
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eternal wip but please know i am obsessed with her </3 nonbinary great old one warlock patron-spurred magical self-experimentation. you understand. they're a professional don't worry
also v happy to have given myself an excuse to draw the bruising beneath the illithid eye <3 <3 what's one worm or seventeen, anyway. i love magical injury headcanons
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