#fav character in epic the musical
orpheus-has-lyreizz · 20 days
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gen z Telemachus
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mari-lair · 1 month
Jay disclosed Eurylochus doesn't have a clear purpose, so he doesn't have an instrument of his own, using the voice of the crew as his instrument/purpose, said crew isn't happy with Odysseus, at all.
Cuts songs like "Cope with that" and even the way they go "Everything changed since Polites," during 'keep your friends close' show tension has been bubbling under the surface ever since people died under Odysseus's command.
Eurylochus does have a voice of his own and it tells us that he cares a lot but he gives up extremely quickly.
In the start of the musical, his first song is literally called "Luck Runs Out", brought to us during a storm he see no hope of defeating, claiming "Captain, we will capsize with thesе waves, our fleet will fail" and "We're taking too much damage to survive!" while everyone is trying to tilt the odds. Even the crew is trying, because they do not offer Eurylochus any backing vocals here, only shouting about the storm.
During Luck Runs Out, the crew song, Eurylochus always uses "We" amd "us" , except in these part, where there are no backing vocals, is just eurylochus:
"Please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do"
"I just don't wanna see another life end You're like the brother I could never do without"
He is worried about himself and the crew but he is deeply worried about Odysseus too. He has far more respect and care for Odysseus than the rest of the crew.
During circe island he was going to admit he opened the wind bag, something the other men under Ody's command clearly wouldn't disclose, cause they have a impersonal relationship with Odysseus.
Speaking of the wind bag, since i'm already rambling, I always interpreted it as a choice for Eury. A choice to trust his captain (who ordered him to always be devout or 'we will all die on this') or his crew (If Eurylochus didn't open the bag another crew member would have, a lot of people were curious about the bag and annoyed Odysseus doesn't want to open it. The crew was not subtle. This was a crew choice.) and Eury chose to trust the crew, not his his friend, just like Odysseus chose not to trust his second in comand, staying awake for days and days instead.
Eury feels guilty for not trusting his captain but Ody still doesn't want to hear him/fully trust him, he dismiss his confession.
Puppeter is the song that highlight Eurylochus diferences from the crew. The crew went in with Circe, Eurylochus stayed outside, more wary or not as tempted, and once he noticed he dodged an incredible danger he chose to run instead of trying to help the man turned into pigs.
When odysseus say he'll stop Circe, I am confident the crew would encourage him, or at the very least, not argue with their captain on this, but Eurylochus is firmly against it, he does not want Odysseus to face this great danger. Is the same feeling of Luck Runs Out, "i can't lose you" but instead of pleading for Odysseus to change his mind, he is firm.
"No we don't
Look at all we've lost and all we've learned
Every single cost is so much more than what we've earned
Think about the men we have left before there are none
Let's just cut our losses, you and I, and let's run"
This is purely Eurylochus, no crew voices to be heard. He loves the crew, but Odysseus is more than his captain, he is an old friend, the most important in the crew. And he needs Ody to run with him.
"I can hear her still, and her voice deceives
What if she can’t be killed?
Will you choose to leave?"
Odysseus admit he doesn't know if Circe is a lost cause, but he still says "I have to try." and Eurylochus took that to heart.
The success on Circe's island seems to have make Eurylochus change his perspective, gaining appreciation for all of Odysseus attempts to keep people alive, even some for the ones that are considered clear failures by the crew. Cause at least Ody tried to not get anyone killed. He failed but he tried.
" When we fought the cyclops, you were quick to hatch a plan!" vs the initial "you relied on wit and people died on it"
The one who starts the direct call back to the lyrics of Luck Runs Out during Mutiny is Perimedes, after stabbing Odysseus.
"How are we supposed to trust you now? Now your time has come, your luck's run out Now, the time has come to shut you down You relied on wit and then we died on it"
This is sang without Eurylochus, who loss to Odysseys after his begging lead to nothing. He is so angry but he genuinely wants to be wrong. He wants to trust his captain.
"Tell me you did not know that would happen
Say you didn't know how that would end
Look me in the eyes and tell me, Captain
That you did not just sacrifice six men?"
Odysseus is doing what Eurylochus taught him, to just "cut our losses and run" but that is unforguivable, because it was never meant to be a lesson. Eurylochus had been lost when he had that belief. Is no wonder he can't argue when Odysseus says he would have done the same. His answer isnt a denial.
"If you want all the power you must carry all the blame!"
And that's when the chanting becomes a consistent part of the song. When Odysseus is reminder that he is the captain, they are not on the same level, his decision is the final one, it put the whole crew in danger.
(There is also one chant of 'eurylochus' when he says "then you have forced my hand" at Odysseus lack of excuse or explanation that feels worth pointing out. As if that is the moment where he and the crew start to share beliefs again)
I fully believe that when Odysseus was stabbed the crew would have let him bleed to death, but Eurylochus was the one who took a stance and bandaged him. He is really angry and he does agree with the crew's need to do something about this, but he doesn't want Odysseus to die, he still has that "You're like the brother I could never do without" stance.
He is lost again. He can't trust his captain, he give up on trying.
But this time, he isn't alone. The crew have given up too. Look at this, they are following his lead.
How much longer must I suffer now? How much longer must I push through doubt? How much longer must I go about My life like this, when people die like this?
How much longer must we suffer now? How much longer must we push through doubt? How much longer must we go about Our lives like this when people die like this? Woah
That's why the "Ody we're never gonna get to make it home. You know it's true" Kills me. Everyone have given up.
The mutiny isn't what Eurylochus wanted. Once the anger pass he is just defeated. He is no captain. He is still loss. He is back to the beginning, he cares about people, he doesn't want to see them die, but he gives up. He is tired he is starving, he can't take it.
He doesn't believe they'll make it home alive, he doesn't want to try.
And yet... He doesn't let Ody die during the mutiny. He cares so much. So when Zeus gives Odysseus the choice to kill himself or the crew, it must really hurt to hear his captain, his friend, chose the crew.
There are no crew chants in Thunder Bringer, not in "captain...?" nor in "...but we will die", that's purely Eurylochus feelings, his friend. In fact, while the crew did obey Ody when he told them to run away from Helios Island, they haven't called him 'captain' since the mutiny, only Eury did.
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goldenlove615 · 2 months
Question to my followers/anyone who sees this: Do you know a thing called, Epic The Musical? Or The Odyssey? If so, favorite song and/or character?
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velvetart0v0 · 3 months
Listening to the new saga of epic and all i have to say is,
Eurylochus is such a DICK
Before he was willing to leave half of the crew in calypso's island TO DIE. The only reason they didnt is cuz odysseus still had some morals in his conscience. He was even questioning odysseus's authority when he himself did nothing to help his "best friend" in making sure no one dies.
But then the moment odysseus showed that he was willing to sacrifice ANYONE just to get home to his wife and kids (honestly valid, especially with how stupid his crew is) HE THEN BETRAYS ODYSSEUS???
Like dude idek what u want from odysseus. Pick a side, ruthless or kind. Not which one benefits u at the moment 🙄🙄
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winterwriterstudios · 28 days
Me: *awake at 3am, trying to sleep*
My brain: Psst!
Me: Ugh. What 3am thoughts are you going to haunt me w/ tonight?
My brain: Remember Epic: The Musical?
Me: Duh.
My brain: Leona as Odysseus.
Me: ?? Why him?? Since when did we care abt him? Why not Jamil?
Me: stfu
Me: ToT
Me: let me sleep, please
Me: T-T who even is that??
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aroacefanartist · 2 years
being shit at recognizing voices is actually a blessing in disguise
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rochichan · 21 days
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Telemachus my favorite shounen anime protagonist (i'm going to yap)
telemachus my favorite shounen anime protagonist
i keep saying it but just love the video game/anime inspiration like as we approach the end of the musical its just so apparent lol
gods game as a tournament for athena i just kept thinking about my hero academia LMAO wolfy did so good presenting the gods in the animatic
i just think of telemachus similar to hinata from haikyu -- like he's just a bundle of joy/sunshine to me hehe
of course i will draw ody angst but wanted to get the fun moments out of the way
i kinda wanna draw an anime style god games poster kinda like a promo art for a show but then too many characters (lazy)
can there be a place where there are official character designs for epic i keep pausing videos for reference
athena/telemachus was one of my fav duos in the Odyssey and this musical just made me love it more
can i just say?????? the fandom is insane like there were COMPLETE ANIMATED SEQUENCES????? in the live??? like artists are crazy
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iron-embers · 4 months
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You Brutal fiends who torment the weak……
You’re atrocious …..
Offensive ……
The reason for my silence! Been working on this since last year, had to hold it due to cons and life changes but I am proud to say he is finished! Besides Kokushibo, Hantengu and his Manifestations are one of my fav upper moon demons! The music was epic, animation sublime, and the character design spectacular! Was just gonna do the clones originally, but realized I couldn’t forget the oil coward that they came from so there he is….
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Hanging in there like his delusional victim complex. Will make these prints and stickers soon so stay tuned!
Art is mine
Hantengu belongs to Demon slayer
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ivoryand-gold · 3 months
Epic The Musical Reaction: Thunder Saga ⛈️⚡️⛈️⚡️⛈️⚡️
SO many thoughts and feelings after the Troy & Cyclops Sagas (Jorge’s Version) and THUNDER SAGA. this is a LONG one, but i’ve put what i can put into words, so here my initial 24 hour-post release reaction! Spoilers galore ahead!
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the ensemble is *chef’s kiss*
i love how gentle Jay’s voice is when he’s singing “penelope” and “telemachus”
the battle clashing is so good!!
overall Luke’s voice is a little softer and feels less thunderous than og so i wonder if that was to contrast thunder bringer? not a complaint just an interesting choice!
don’t love the change to “i don’t think you’re ready” but the rest of zeus’ part is gorgeous
he sounds like a kid pleading, making thunder bringer even sadder when he does it again later 😭😭😭
instrumental has a chokehold on me and Jay’s vocals are so smooth
“the view” drop is a lovely choice
😭😭😭 “who’s fighting for his life” 😭😭😭
od’s first “im just a man” being so soft and now in comparison to eurylochus’ version is devastating
i like how Jay’s voice starts soft and builds power as he’s shaking the guilt of the infant in order to lead his men again
Armando is just so solid. truly the most consistent and solid vocals, which is perfect for the purpose his character serves in the first act of the story
i love every once in a while Jorge makes a surprising pronunciation choice that just tickles me
there were a few specific lines i was worried would lose their magic but “you and i’ll go ahead” still sounds perfect
again, ensemble is eatinggg
Steven stuck out so much to me for some reason. more so when i listened on my tv, but still a bit on my phone as well. the mixing on him feels a little off compared to everyone else to my ear, which is odd compared to the bell-like perfect clarity the stolen version has. this isn’t a diss to Steven, he has a beautiful voice and is the perfect polites which may be why this production difference sticks out more than any one else’s. idk maybe i’m tripping but it feels like he lost some of the innocence in his voice as a result 🥺
i wonder if the lotus eaters sound a little deeper to distinguish them from the winions
i love the “nom nom nom,” “scary cave,” and “that way” 😂😂😂
Teagan is so solid it’s unreal, athena songs can’t help but be bops and aside from the “villain god songs” are my favs
thought it was “you lied to me,” not “enlighten me” until yesterday 😅
ik after the ts master’s heist that re-recorded masters have to be distinguishable for legal reasons, but it’s so interesting what and how choices were made here, such as polyphemus’ voice change
“watch out” and the mixing leading into Survive is perfection
the fighting is excellent
the harmonizing is stunning
the deaths are even more brutal 😭😭
ik he squished polites but polyphemus is so pitiful and they are in his house, you could never make me hate him in this version 🥺 (in hades 2 yeah fuck that guy lolol)
eurylochus screaming is very good
Jay’s vocals are DELICIOUS!! this song might be the biggest improvement for him.
the crew sounds more reverential and mournful while od grows in anger throughout which i like how that builds into the name reveal
GAH od’s no and athena’s no are both more terrifying now that they exchanged energy
background vocals during the build to his name reveal seem much more pronounced, which is interesting but i love it
“hey cyclops” really feels like the culmination of all the anger in this songs and then we get hit with the new “odysseus”
platonic breakup song of my dreams 😩😩😩
oooh that growl on “waste” is everything
her disappointment is a little sadder in this one
nailed it, kept the magic, i have nothing but love for this song
Jorge’s vocals are so much clearer throughout and his acting is so much more nuanced! I didn’t have any criticism for the original version before, but having them to compare now makes me really appreciate his growth and depth of understanding of the character arc Ody’s on in the new ones.
the mixing is so smooth and I LOVE the new vocals for the ensemble
such a glow up on the cover art!!!
every song was either an improvement or just as good, but i need more time with open arms to decipher my full feelings on that one
i’m really glad Jorge did this.
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i didn’t consider Jorge had lied about the sirens not being included until the end, so at first i thought it was a dream or something, but realized the heavy production meant some god/monster fuckery + the repeated trying to get him in the water + use of Penelope’s voice it became apparent to me just in time for the turn.
this song is so cute and ridiculous
the tonal dissonance was jarring but then on additional passes it’s so perfect to express how out of place what’s happening is. it’s confusing because it’s wrong
Anna’s delivery of “of course” and “oh no” are so playful, i love that he found an creative way to include more penelope
shy my ass lolol that was around when it clicked
also since they’re sirens, this is what he wants to hear most which is sad to think about if this is how he desires their marriage to be when he returns 😓. no matter of love or support can fix all the pain and guilt he’ll carry the rest of his life, but that hope is all he has
i love that “my real wife knows” is gonna probably mirror penelope saying something like “my real husband would know” in the ithaca saga
the layering of voices in the chorus
12 years or so is SO funny
i’d be scared so shitless
“nah you wouldn’t have spared me” and “let them drown” delivery
the crew’s turn from “we” to “he” then od singing “kill them all” before the following 3 songs is UNHINGED
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i was most excited for this song going in and was NOT disappointed!
scylla vocals in the backdrop to eurylochus’ confession feels reminiscent of puppeteer after his attempted confession with circe layered over. this time odysseus makes a different choice 😭
not much to say > i’ve got a secret > i opened the windbag > *silence* > light up 6 torches no words just ????????
DROWN - CHOKE - BLEED is so crunchy i want to mix it into my granola
the monstrous scylla belting is EVERYTHING and left me wanting so much more, so i guess i just have to repeat this song forever (but if Jay wants to release a Scylla extended cut i would be the #1 supporter)
“we are the same you and i” after his transformation into the monster is the stuff music is made for
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luck runs out reprisal with the strings is gonna be the end of me
“crazy and mad”
he said gaslight me PLSSSS
eurylochus losing his mind with the loss of his faith in od will leave me in shambles for the foreseeable future
“I CANT” 😬😬😬
electric guitar is guitarringggg
there is no price he won’t pay- the moment of clarity for the crew
yeah od why did you think they’d still trust you lol
im still not over the fact that burr and hamilton switching it up at the end is what sealed their fates and i imagine the same will remain true of ody and eury repeating that devastating irony
i wasn’t sure who would win the duel or if they’d keep the cows in, so as soon as i heard that cow i was like it’s over they’re so cooked they can’t conceive of how bad this is gonna be. helios don’t play about those cows (even though i’m inclined to think Jorge is switching it to be apollo for the sake of simplicity for epic which would also explain why apollo’s part of god games is still unknown even though his part is first)
wind god/sun god is so special to me
eurylochus isn’t himself anymore, odysseus was his hope
“please don’t tell me you’re about to do what i think you’ll do”
“ODY-“ brb screaming crying throwing up
“im just a man” 😭
he didn’t even get to enjoy a final meal, they died for nothing and it’s so damn sad
the acting in this may be the best in the entire musical
“captain?” 🥺😭 his hunger is so great and his spirit is so broken
“WHO DO YOU THINK HE’LL SEND???” is so desperate and well delivered
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the thunder and chanting and electric guitar and percussion and LUKE’S VOICE and-
the lyrical implications are so appropriately horrible but the beat is seductive and his voice is so powerful and it slides and shoots like lightning strikes or thunder rumbling might- culminating into a banger that captures the king of the gods’ essence perfectly. he is divine judgment and i would say that he abuses that but he doesn’t even see it that way. you implicitly can’t refuse his power, you never had the option and it’s terrifying and so damn zeus.
i truly have no notes that aren’t appreciation and awe. i won’t declare so definitively out of awareness that recency bias is in play, but this may best ruthlessness as my favorite.
odysseus will hate rain and the ocean for the rest of his life, they mean one of the big 3 is coming to fuck up his whole life 😅😅😅
“tell me” and “enlighten me” have me so giddy, he’s enjoying himself so much lol
so many GORGEOUS line deliveries in this whole song. this entire song is GORGEOUS line deliveries. one of my favs is how “choose” and “you or your crew” is said like a gentle interlude for the showier singing but is the most devastating part. the climax is in the quiet for this song
“please don’t make me do this” callback is lethal. odysseus never would’ve made another choice but the way they respectively play out and how he feels about them are brutal.
“let me take the suffering from you” he’s drawing from the siren’s version of penelope to convince himself he can live with the guilt. he uses her as an excuse time and time again to do the worst things, so much so that that’s how he sees her now. he’s desperate for her to be that because how else can he face himself? the one time he looked inward he saw a monster, no wonder he always has to look to/for her.
“i have to see her”
“but we’ll die”
“i know”
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they sound like scared children and i’m NOT OKAY. eurylochus gave everything for 12 years and odysseus told him he would do ANYTHING to save eury specifically when he risked his life for the pig-ified crew and not only was that not true, he ultimately chose to let him and 35 other men die in a final betrayal after withering his hope, faith, and mind. odysseus is devastated and racked with guilt but it was never a choice. he merely sees himself more honestly now, not the hero he saw in the mirror at the start of the journey, or even back on aeaea.
ik it’s the chorus but also it’s just like zeus to make it about himself again as he decimates these men. his all-powerful divine judgement is his right and stands as his thesis, as ruthlessness for mercy of self does for poseidon.
it sounds like a lullaby at the end like it does in THATI and Just a Man. innocence has died for the final time, there’s nothing good in him left to sacrifice. all he has is the hope that what’s left can still be loved and accepted by penelope because his love of self is gone. yet all that remains is selfishness. he’s calcified into himself, and this makes me hungry to re-read his character study in Circe by Madeline Miller because they do the same thing: Epic reveals this truth through his own perception of himself while Circe does it through the memories of those who loved him and most desperately wanted to the lies he believed about himself to be true.
i will NEVER hate eurylochus. he was top 3 before, but after this saga he is definitively my favorite character. were there devastating consequences to his actions? i mean yeah but also odysseus expected unconditional faith after making the original decision that put them in danger in the first place. his grief and/or pride (depending on how you interpret epic’s depiction of od) and ignoring eury/athena is what put them all in poseidon’s sights. he was clever, yes, but what did that ultimately amount to? it makes all the sense in the world that eurylochus lost faith in his cleverness when he saw the consequences and then just when od earned back his trust, he sacrificed 6 of their men without even trying to be clever. it’s all tragic and if you’re withholding criticism for od but can’t hold nuance for eury then we are having very different experiences, idk what to tell you lol.
danger motifffff
i hope the crew haunts od’s ass so we can hear them again, but either way what an expertly executed ending for those characters and that chapter of odysseus’ life. brava.
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this may be the best saga. again- recency bias- but it’s certainly going to be one of the best when all is said and done. THANK YOU JAY. THANK YOU ARMANDO. THANK YOU ANNA. THANK YOU LUKE. THANK YOU KJ.
so far my ranking is reverse track order
i hope we get the wisdom saga sooner than later because i’m greedy for good art lol but i’d wait however long Jay needs for another saga as well executed as this one
10/10 acting, 10/10 singing, 10/10 production. so much heart, skill, and talent has been put into this project and i’m really happy to be on this journey of appreciating and analyzing it with y’all in real time ☺️
i’m most looking forward to calypso and penelope as characters, but god games, get in the water, and hold them down as songs in each of the remaining sagas. (also my boy hephaestus)
if you made it this far, holy shit thank you. if you have money to spare please sponsor a family on Operation Olive Branch, also stream songs with proceeds being raised for liberation (such as Revolutin’ by Amira Unplugged), and Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Tigray, West Papúa, Haití, Hawaii, Armenia, Uyghur, and Turtle Island til it’s backwards! None of us are free until we’re all free.
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Talking about Odysseus after disappearing for months
Ah greek mythos tumblr, one of my first tumblr stomping grounds. Alright ima make this short and sweet on my current thoughts on Odysseus
Ancient greek Odysseus is such a fun character and one of my fav ancient greek heroes that I've studied so hard I know things about him by heart. However it's hard to outwardly enjoy his character with the public as ppl either take things heavily out of context because they don't know ancient Greek and translations suck, and they read stuff about him also heavily taken out of context by those same ppl that paint him as an asshole, abusive, aggressive, womanizer who cheated, which none of these are true, and the asshole part is only half true as it could be seen as an asshole by our standards but back then he was genuinely a good sane guy with the hubris the size of an ox and heavily undiagnosed adhd. Or they see Odysseus as one character which a lot of ppl, even ppl who love his character, do so they claim everything the character has ever done to being one person, both good and bad, when that is furtherest from the truth.
In reality Odysseus is not one single person and never has been. Homer did not create his character, he created an adapted and revised version of his character that many have created before he came along and many have created after him. Even non Greeks created stories about him. The story about Odysseus leaving that one guy on the island? Yeah never actually happened in greek terms, in reality Odysseus wasn't actually there in the story at all and didn't do or say much of anything other than "🕴" the whole time, yet because of that one story ppl blame him for being the main cause of it anyway. Odysseus has never been and never will be one person, you basically find a variation of him that you like and enjoy it and add bits from other stories to it and boom there ya go, enjoy it. That's how it works and always has worked for centuries.
And Odysseus is being brought back and rewritten all over again in our modern era via Epic the musical by taking a character that was created beforehand and adapting and revising said character, just like homer once did, and so did the others before them. And in the future ppl may question the morals of said musical and make another Odysseus to fit their modern time. It's an endless cycle that will repeat itself forever.
If you were to ask me who my favorite Odysseus is? The Odysseus in EPIC the musical while adding a few bits of the Iliad here and there (hoping he makes an Iliad musical one day), it's the one I grew most attached to and love as an adaption. Ancient Odysseus is an amazing one but Modern Odysseus is my personal favorite.
So enjoy your variation of Odysseus and have fun with it as long as you stay respectful to the greek culture and it's original source (aka don't make Odysseus a horrible man and his two rapists girlbosses and label him a cheater, that shit AIN'T flying around here. Period.)
And I hope you all have an amazing day and night! ^^
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cleabellanov · 2 months
Music in the Loki series (2)
History is now
This song is written in the key of F minor. You know what other track is in the F key? The Green Theme, only in major. What I'm saying here is that "History is now" takes the main theme of the show and transforms it so that its initial tones remain the same, but through different lenses.
At the beginning of the show the Green Theme has all rights to be in major - but now, after everything Loki's been through? It makes sense that History is Now is in F minor. You can actually hear, at 0:40, how a variation of the Green Theme is playing but with grave, low notes and orchestra on the background, giving the epic feel of "this actually is the end."
If you haven't listened to that track yet, please do. It's awesome. That being said
It's so heavy and emotional because of the scene it corresponds with: Loki's ascension to the throne, his sacrifice, the denouement of this part of the story and the beginning of another: Loki as the God of Stories.
It is (I think) written in D minor (another minor key corresponding with an end). It begins with a bass note setting the scene and a few electronic notes carefully making their way as the music build up. It's a perfect introspection to Loki's feelings; it starts out as a thundering realization, but with every step he makes he knows it's the right thing to do for the people he loves and for everyone else.
At 1:40, the violas step in with a flowing variation of the main theme, once again keeping the core being of the character (the notes), but now entirely transformed (the tempo, the instruments used, the key signature).
Then, after a perfect moment of silence at at 2:16, the beat basically drops: we can hear a whole orchestra playing and a choir on the background. This is how the heroic sacrifice sounds like, and all the struggle of holding all of time and space in your palms, like Loki does.
After that epic section, the notes literally start ascending at the same time Loki does (about 4:00), resolving harmoniously with the note at 4:06. That, by the way, sounded really familiar. Again, I found a connection to Lokius (yes I'm making everything about that track, I listened to it way too much) - this part from Ascension corresponds with the lokius end at 2:37, you just have to listen closely.
But Ascension doesn't have a definite end - the pianissimo notes at the end still hinting at something more, a little hope for Loki to have on that throne.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's absolutely crazy about this :))
Anyways I'll be right back with my favs: Purpose is Glorious and Lokius
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sherlock-c0rn · 18 days
fav epic the musical character GO
AH OH UHM . . . I'm not really sure if I have a favorite !!! Haven't thought about it enough, but I thought the Circe saga was BANGER.
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the-golden-comet · 29 days
✨Writeblr Interview✨
Thank you for tagging me @nczaversnick and @foyle-writes-things ! Appreciate the heck out of y’all 💛✨
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels for sure, to read and to write! ✨
What genre do you prefer reading?
Same ones as I write—BL Romantasies, high fantasies, low fantasies, adult fiction, Slice of Life, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Fluff/Smut 💫✨
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Little of column A, little of column B. I think a healthy balance between the two makes for some great planned (and unplanned) adventures! 💛✨
What music do you listen to while writing?
So funny thing….I don’t listen to music when I write. But, my favorite writing white noise is gameplay of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dead by Daylight, or Friday the 13th without commentary, played at a very low volume. Something about a revving chainsaw sparks my motivation to write (or maybe it’s fear? 🤔)
Favorite books/movies?
Anything Disney +mutuals’s stories ✨
Any current WIPs?
So far finishing up YWIMC before I move on to something big….👀✨I have a lot of stories on the back-burner and am focusing on one at a time 💛
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
Very comfortable gray-knit turtleneck or hoodie, comfy pants, stylin’ shoes, and my bag of holding (numerous things. Backpack I carry around that has all my daily necessities ✨)
Create a character description of yourself:
Okay picture Link from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Got it? Okay. Make him gay. Give him some cartilage piercings. Maybe a few eye bags due to the insomnia. There you go. ✨
Oh also make him chaotic good. Because the world needs more kindness, and I will give the world more kindness. The world does not have a choice in the matter. 🌏💫✨
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Considering what I write? Absolutely not.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Depends on the character and the narrative. I like happy endings, but sometimes a character must die. 🤷‍♂️
Coffee or Tea while writing?
While I write? Water. While I wake up? Coffee. While I get ready for bed? Tea.
Slow or fast writer?
Fast writer, slow motivator. Once I get on a groove I can usually go on 5-6 hour writing binges at a time. I just have to get there first with all of my projects….🫠✨
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
Myself mainly, and my friends and mutuals secondly. I’ve been writing for myself since I started making fanfictions as a teenager, so I’ll never NOT make stories for myself. Gaining a supportive community on writeblr has given me an extra boost of motivation, because now I feel like I’m writing for myself AND for my friends and mutuals ✨
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
The person that somehow finds themself in harrowing situations only to stumble my way out of the problem through sheer coincidence and bullshit. Or a bard. Probably a bard. Maybe both of these things 🤔✨
Most fav book cliche:
Two dumb idiots (/positive) go on an epic quest and learn about each other in the meanwhile. (See: The Emperor’s New Groove)
Least favorite cliche:
One-trick pony characters that lack depth, or exist just to check off a box.
Favorite scene to write?
Anything involving the two main protags.
Reason for writing?
My own personal enjoyment, and to share my crazy mind with the world for entertainment and create joy and inspiration to a community of genius minds (You. I’m talking about you. Yeah, YOU. Keep writing, keep inspiring, and keep on keeping on) 💖✨
Thank you again! I’m going to tag (no pressure): @tragedycoded , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @sableglass , @words-after-midnight , @saturnine-saturneight , @marlowethelibrarian , @davycoquette , @lychhiker-writes , @glasshouses-and-stones , @aintgonnatakethis , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @theink-stainedfolk , @the-letterbox-archives , @ominous-feychild , @mysticstarlightduck , @finickyfelix , @autism-purgatory , @moltenwrites , @rivenantiqnerd , @thecomfywriter , @somethingclevermahogony , @authorcoledipalo , @houseplantblank , +open tag ✨
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capsizedskeleton · 1 month
epic the musical live review over a few days ft. getting high during storm saga
TROY SAGA thunder bringer was one of the first songs i heard so going to the horse and the infant and hearing don't make me do this please don't make me do this!!! i didn't know that was a callback reminds me of pathologic is great and here's why, where hbomberguy points out child murder is such a taboo and it's that game's opener (depending on the character) here it's the musical's opener fffuck okay ruthlessness was also one of the first songs i heard so "600 men under my command" after i know it will become at least 43 then 0 is hghhhhh. esp when they're similar melodies, the first time the number is mentioned in full speed ahead
CYCLOPS SAGA so i watched a few animatics of these as well before troy saga just bc mmm animatics and oh recontextualized w the last two songs of the saga thats. hm. IIIIII AM YOUR DARKEST MOMENT all the uses of die with the last sound stretched out emphasizing the eye sound oough remember them. remember us. remember me OOHHH ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THAT. ARE YOU SURE
STORM got up to the first few animatics i ended up watching. by now i might be able to categorize the animators? gigi as Action, Cinema, wolfy as a few lines seeming delicate and shape so solidly, nealillustrator as the GOAT (ok im biased they've only got thunder bringer but it's really good and i know them from bnha animatics ok), ximena as line. color. solid expression fav things from various ruthlessness animatics: poseidon being a shadow horse with front-facing eyes, a spiky merman but tentacles on bottom, literally water that could form into different things, only his hair being water, a horse, a guy, the stageplay version, everyone having different amounts of frames and different styles, like every!! time i watch an animatic i spot a new good take, beauty in everryy style, all the goregous water animation, capturing odysseus, submerging him, putting him in a whirlpool. that man is now a truly soggy cat am i insane or is there wind blowing in the last verse of that. after what have you done. maybe ive just had shit earbuds before. brutal
i got caught up in listening to done for even though that was skipping ahead. i am going to eat gigi's animatic whole. the corresponding basslines for each character how ody's replaces circe's?? now watching there are other ways. the two together as a beautiful story in 6 minutes is amazing
CIRCE normal now i like done for and there are other ways a lot more than puppeteer. this seems to be a pattern in which songs i like in each saga eury's bit leading up to "a woman" reallyyyyy sounds like hamilton wouldn't you like beat drop??? done for and there are other ways are fucking brilliant they're a whole story like i said before. ill say it again. absolutely entrancing. love the take that circe's about to kill ody before he rejects her and starts going on about his wife. also the transition after "that prophet is dead" bungggg and then the backing track hghh i am going to eat the melodic motifs i am going to swallow the chords whole AAAAGHHH
underworld again. weaker start, but oooh full speed ahead a bit of a reprise moment there and ody's mom i did not expect that. left for too long wandered too far gods REPRISE OF I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE HELLOOOO halfway into no longer you and OOOOOHHHH FUCK this shit HITS despite everything it's NOT you
NO MONSTER THE SLIP INTO CORRUPTION gigi i would die for you and this sequence. you know the one
THUNDER suffering is so good (normal sentence) i love the back and forth the you know im too shy the tone change at the lair of scylla listened to different beast on the train (first time listening to a song w/o animatic at first) and oooh the switch up!!!! we're in it now! DIFFERENT BEAST NOW HE'S A DIFFERENT BEAAST NOWWWWWW scylla.... oho the harmony. mutiny ok the opening i fw but why tf is eurylochus upset about the six men sacrifice when he was the one who suggested with circe that they just leave the men behind. also luck runs out callback i love my reprises why is helios lowk brushed over like i wouldve expected odysseus or eurylochus to talk about heyyy dont anger the gods like we did before thunder bringer slay. we already know. the bumping beat from the horse and the infant we knowwww. it's a little funny mutiny is RIGHT before thunder bringer like. hey crew you just stabbed him you should be a little less surprised he chooses to sacrifice yall. not even chosen. not even zeus was surprised by odysseus' immediate reaction
talked to a few friends while making this, wrote the sentence "i can feel the old greek mythology elementary/middle school neurons firing up again" because i CAN feel them god and it's also like watching musical animatics after school except im not 13 and deeply lonely this time. decided to write a fic of what happens between each saga and in a bit of wondering for that decided to look up the actual story of the odyssey (shmoop is not perfect but it is decent) and wow that's a lot of changes made from the original that contribute to a well-characterized musical! god it's such a good time. is this what dracula daily people felt like, reliving an old (relative to present) story and relishing in the Themes?
the horse and the infant
survive, remember them
done for
no longer you (the OPPOSITE of that undertale quote)
different beast, thunder bringer
excited for wisdom saga !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bambiilooloo · 2 months
hi hello hang on you can't just CASUALLY MENTION a headcanon i've been turning around in my head for days now but was too anxious to share with anyone because i figured i was the only target audience for it and then expect me to NOT lose my mind in sheer delight and joy over it. this is about the "Eurylochus and Ctimene are both aspec" thing.
also i love your art style!! and you have excellent taste in media, in the span of ONE day you have posted art of two of my most beloved characters of all time (Webby from ducktales and Eurylochus from epic) so that's incredibly cool. i saw the Ctimene and Eurylochus art first, thought "oh that's awesome", scrolled further down my dash and saw the ducktales art, thought "oh that's awesome" and didn't even make the connection that both were by you until almost half an hour later!
also i saw your mlp epic AU and now i have to ask you…what are your thoughts on a ducktales epic AU? in my humble opinion, Della Duck as Odysseus would be iconic, but idk about how anything else would work, except that Dewey singing the first part of Legendary as Telemachus would change my life forever.
anyways, hope you're doing fantastic and having a great day!! :)
hi!! i had drawings planned for this post but they got corrupted. my laptop hates me fsr.
thank u sm for kind words omg. this ask made me really happy. dt17 is my fav show and epic is my fav musical so i love making art for both of them :D
about the ace hc, i didn't think anyone would else would care about it either actually but i'm so glad u agree omg!! i'm acespec and i love eury being ace. i think ppl agree on it cuz of him in the circe saga but i've always seen him as ace. he just is i can't explain it. he is. and both him and mene being ace is smth very special to me omg. also having eury as ur beloved epic character is so based.
also u are a genius for the della and dewey as ody and telemachus is iconic. but can i also suggest
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and i think instead of circe's island, it should be della and selene :D
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al-of-the-stars · 3 months
Helloo there!
I have seen your andrealphus post and i think that their your favourite thing to write (my favourite to read as well) soo i thought to come here and ask for a request just in case you wanna write it.
Sooo i was thinking a scenario where andrealphus takes reader to join him in a royal ball. Reader is a bit nervous to be in a room full of royals since she is in the lower class but andrealphus adores her and defends her against he's sister (since she's sooo disgusted by the "poor"). Maybe end the scenario with an epic ball dance where he kisses her Infront of everyone. :]
Do as you love, I'm sending this JUST in case you like it. Have a wonderful dey!!!
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A/n: Yup! You guessed correctly, Andrealphus is my fav to write. He's just my favorite character in general I can't wait to see him more in the show (my guess is that he will appear in Mastermind) but anyways, I hope you enjoy!
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The quiet whispers of the ballroom rang in your head like an everlasting scream. You don't belong here, you know you don't. Your confidence was shattered on the floor, broken to a million pieces. The only thing keeping you from crying your eyes out and running away was the hand softly holding yours. The reassurance of your boyfriend, Andrealphus, motivated you to keep going. Just one hour and you can leave. You thought it would have been easier but the eyes that followed your every move had you shaking. You felt numb, like a bug that knew it was about to be squashed, stressed yet inching closer and closer to an inevitable end. An all too familiar goetia seemed to spot you and began walking towards you.
“Andrealphus, you're still with that… thing? I assumed you got rid of this pest long ago!” Stella said, pointing towards you. You just wanted to melt into the floor and disappear. So many thoughts rushed thru your head until they were soon cut off by a smooth, silky voice.
“Stella, for the last time, I love them. I'm not just going to leave them, I would absolutely never think of it! Come back when you learn to treat them with the respect they deserve, and until then, you can kindly fuck off,” He flipped her off before leading you away. You were still processing the scene you had just witnessed. You knew he loved you, he gave you no reason to doubt him in the slightest, but you were still shocked that he stood up for you like that. Despite everything he had done to prove his love and loyalty, a part of you in the back of your mind was still skeptical. You didn't feel like you deserved him.
“You… you defended me?”
“Of course I did,” Andrealphus said, confused. He looked at you like you were crazy for thinking he wouldn't, like protecting you was second nature. Just then, the slow music started to play, the soft melodies of a piano and violin and some other instruments you couldn't quite put a name to washed over the ballroom as couples started to dance. Andrealphus turned to you with a smile on his face and held his hand out for you to grab.
“Shall we, my dear?” you gently placed your hand in his and he began to lead you into a slow, elegant dance. You smiled sweetly at him and, as if he read your mind, he placed a loving kiss on your lips. Heads turned in your direction but you didn't care. All that mattered to you was that he loved you and you loved him. Stella fumed in her seat and nearly shattered the wine glass she was holding but for once, you couldn't be bothered to pay any regard to what she thought.
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