#fauxbert can do one!
bobbie-robron · 24 days
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thelovetheystole · 1 month
Another thing, i know the show is terrible with pacing stories, but it does seem we are rushing very fast into whereever we're going.
They've already bantered, hooked up, fought, and now Aaron is seemingly jealous of other guys on the app. (Whilst also kind of confirming he's still pining after Robert.)
Fauxbert has already managed to offend and apologize to Sarah and is now fine with spending time with Harry, all in less than two weeks.
They've put him to work (on the farm, no less) and we've already heard people say Jack wouid be proud!
It's actually warp speed you guys.
Are they telling a short story with a set ending or do they have a certain point in the plot they need to be at for when something someone else happens?
Ok, that's enough 🤡🤡🤡 for one day. I apologize, but this speculating is giving me life right now. I can always be disappointed later...
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scrapyardboyfriends · 27 days
29 August 2024
[Outside the Woolpack with Fauxbert, Nate and Aaron]
*Fauxbert and Nate banter* - no one cares
*Aaron walks up*
AARON: *Jokes about knitting* Remember that one time Robert said I should take up knitting because it would be therapeutic? #TheGoodOldDays
PLOT: Pay attention Aaron….the sexual tension is simmering some more. 
AARON: Is it though? I still don’t know why I like this guy. #404MotivationNotFound
FAUXBERT: *Banters about books to show off* What do you think Aaron? 
AARON: *Confused Face* Uhh….I only read NME Magazines and about cars so uhh… #RobertKnewThis
NATE: *Impressed Face* You’re so smart Fauxbert, you should enter the Pub Quiz Night. Right…with that, I’ll leave you to your Plot. Gotta go start reliving my own greatest hits because I’m almost out of here! 
PLOT: Ask him out to the Quiz Night Aaron…
AARON: But that was my thing with Robert. We won and everything. Plus, I don’t do dates. 
FAUXBERT: Only angry one night stands?
AARON: Sorry, mate, I was having a conversation with this terrible Plot we’re in, not you. Besides, you don’t know anything about me. #RobertKnewEverything
FAUXBERT: *Eyes Emoji Face* You’d be surprised… #DoesThisMeanSomething
PLOT: *Checks Notes* Unclear Sir!
[The Cafe with Aaron, Mack and Moira]
AARON: *Contemplating Why This Plot Is So Bad Face*
MACK: *Enters* Hey, want food. Bacon Butties cheer you up. You look rough mate. Plot getting you down? You look like you want to punch someone. *sits down* *Gives Aaron a cute little kick* *More Chemistry Than Fauxron Alert* 
AARON: Yeah. The Plot really wants me to be into him but, try as I might, I still can’t figure out why. Motivation is so hard to find. 
MACK: Tell me about it. I apparently hate the guy, which, I mean, fair…but also I have no real reason to. Ah well, at least I’m pretty. 
AARON: *Frown Of Agreement* 
MACK: But anyway, I’m here anytime you want to vent about your Plot. 
AARON: Cheers mate, I’m gonna try and ignore it as long as possible. 
*Moira Enters*
MOIRA: Mack! Get back to your Plot! It’s time for your monthly *at death’s door* moment. 
MACK: *Sighs* Fine. #ThankGodHottenGeneralWorksMiracles Gotta go deal with a Bull and a Fauxbert….
AARON: Which would you say is worse?
MACK: They’re both as bad as each other. Neither one can show an emotion. #TheSecondComingOfThePlank
*Blah Blah Blah* #FauxbertsCarIsFixed #TimeToLeave #BullshitAtTheFarm #TheresMoreSexualTensionBetweenMackandFauxbert 
[Outside Keeper’s With Victoria, Aaron and Fauxbert]
VICTORIA: Hey Aaron, been a while. What have you been doing?
AARON: Besides your brother? Not much. #IWishIWasDoingRobert 
VICTORIA: Want to catch up over lunch? 
AARON: *Knows This Is A Plot Thing Face* What’s the catch? 
*Fauxbert’s van appears*
VICTORIA: Well…my brother is going to be there. 
FAUXBERT: *Speaks*
AARON: Nah, I’m out. I can avoid the Plot a little longer. 
PLOT: I’m coming for you though! 
VICTORIA: *To Fauxbert* Be nice. Aaron is one of my best mates and sometimes the Plot even lets me remember that. #PerpetualPlotVictim 
FAUXBERT: *Hostile Face* I’m gonna skip lunch then. #VanLife
#MoreBullshitAtTheFarm #MackFallsOverAGate #TheBullWatchesWithNoEmotion #PlankToTheRescue
[Butler’s Kitchen with Mack, Nate and Aaron]
AARON: Mate! The Plot just told me you were gored by a Bull and left in critical condition. I see it exaggerated again. It does love believing in its own hype. 
PLOT: #Wounded
MACK: Nope…I just fell off a gate but the important thing is that Fauxbert is totally responsible. #FoundMyMotivation 
NATE: We don’t know that though…Moira is having Plot too. That could have been the cause. 
MACK: Nope, this was definitely Fauxbert. I have to keep hating him. It makes some of the fans happy and with all of the Vanity fans that hate my guts, I need the win, okay!
[The Barn with Fauxbert and Aaron]
FAUXBERT: Just can’t stay away can you? Why is that? 
AARON: *Angry Face* Don’t get smart with me!
FAUXBERT: No really, I’m honestly asking. Why do we keep getting pushed together? 
AARON: *Side Eyes The Plot* 
PLOT: *Practices Robert’s ‘Who Me Face’* Look at this sexual tension… #IAmSoGoodAtMyJob You’ve run from me long enough Aaron, it’s time for you both to play along. 
AARON: *Resigned To My Fate But I Don’t Have To Like It Face* You know why I’m here. 
FAUXBERT: *Confused Face* Is this foreplay? 
AARON: No, mate, this is about this Bullshit Mack Plot you’re for some reason a part of so he can keep hating you. 
FAUXBERT: Yeah…I had nothing to do with that. 
AARON: The Plot wants me to think you did though. 
FAUXBERT: I’m not responsible for the Plot spreading misinformation. I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. 
PLOT: *Sits in the corner with popcorn* #IAmSoGoodAtMyJob #SexualTension
FAUXBERT: You know, there are simpler ways of getting my attention. The Plot whispers to me that that is what this is all about. 
*Fauxbert aggressively grabs Aaron and shoves his lips at his face* 
AARON: *Pushes him off* What are you doing? #TheseLipsAreForRobert 
FAUXBERT: Kissing you, like the Plot obviously wants. 
PLOT: *Salivating in the corner*
AARON: I’ve heard of #SomeMadLunge but mate, that wasn’t kissing, that was practically assault and not in the sexy wall shoving kind of way. #CrimesAgainstKissing 
FAUXBERT: I guess I’ll just have to keep practicing. Feel free to stop me. 
AARON: #IWishICould #BoundByContractualPlotObligations 
*More #CrimesAgainstKissing Occur*  
[Outside and Inside the Barn with Victoria, Fauxbert and Aaron]
VICTORIA: Fauxbert! Where are you? We’ve been separated for more than five seconds. I need to know your exact whereabouts and attach myself to you again. *Opens the barn door* OH MY GOD! Seriously???!!! Please tell me this isn’t happening! #WishfulThinking#ThePlotIsSoPredictable
FAUXBERT: Well it’s not happening anymore now that you’re here. #PlotFoiled
VICTORIA: Well, Aaron, congrats on getting the hat trick! 
AARON: Give it a rest Vic! I didn’t ask for this. The Plot made me do it!
VICTORIA: Do you have any idea how messed up this is? - speaking for the fans - 
AARON: Definitely, which is why I’m out of here again. Thanks for the assist. 
FAUXBERT: Come back! The Plot still has ideas…I’m sure Vic will leave us to it. 
AARON: Wow…you’ve definitely not met your sister when she’s in #PlotVictim mode. #LOL #AaronOut
FAUXBERT: *Hostility Mode Activated* My life, my rules. Butt out! 
[Outside Jacob’s Fold with Charity, Aaron and unconscious Mack]
AARON: What happened? He was fine!
CHARITY: Well he’s obviously not! It’s that time of the month where the Plot puts him in hospital! 
AARON: *Guilty Face* #IHateThisPlot 
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sugdenlovesdingle · 27 days
All they need to do is have Ryan film one episode:
Leaving prison and getting picked up by Vic (who's scared to tell him anything).
Catching his half brother and husband banging, and going off on a particularly cutting and vicious rant at them (Aaron is beyond upset at himself).
Leaving in disgust to go and claim custody of his son, Vic trying to get him to stay but he's had enough (I don't care if they kill off Rebecca & Ross lol).
A nice moment between Robert and Jimmy, Nicola or Vanessa (or all three) to remind The audience that Robert isn't actually the devil incarnate.
1-3 should be enough for Aaron to lose his mind. Especially if Robert goes off grid completely. Lots of Danny crying and tormenting himself, and minimal effort for Ryan until he comes back later on (fully intent on making Aaron regret Fauxbert by ignoring him).
(Bonus if they get Irish Mike back and Fauxbert/Aaron is already over. 😂)
You know I'm always here for an Irish Mike cameo!
But as soon as Aaron sees Robert again, fauxbert and his one expression will be forgotten. Vic can deal with him, Aaron has a husband to win back!
I'd say maybe Irish Mike can take fauxbert off Aaron's hands for him... but I actually liked him and I wouldn't wish that asshole on anyone.
(seriously he has one expression, doesn't move when he kisses Aaron and he's constantly being a dick. yeah you got a good one there Aaron 🙄)
And I'm all for rossbecca getting killed off and Robert actually having friends!
I reckon he and Jai could have been good friends - and Rob wouldn't let him get scammed by Caleb so easily.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 2 months
7 August 2024
[A lay by on a country road that’s not reminiscent of anything we’ve ever seen before…really]
AARON: *Jamming out in the car unaware of the PLOT he’s about to get sucked into* *Sees man in the road* Oh hello PLOT my old friend. I haven’t missed you. I’d been having such a nice time being set dressing. Sigh…*Playing my part reluctantly face* Hey! What are you doing? You’re not about to drag me into some PLOT I don’t want to be a part of are you?
FAUXBERT: *Puts on his best Robert impression* *FAILURE…ABORT…FAILURE* 
PLOT: No no, keep going, this is fine. I’m going to force this to work even if it kills me.
FAUXBERT: Right…here it goes. Hey, I my car broke down and I coincidentally have no signal. I’m sure you have absolutely no experience with kind of situation. 
AARON: *Sigh…face* Ah yes, this is a signal dead zone. Clever play PLOT. *Stares at Fauxbert* *Does that torso look like the one on my PLOT phone?* Hey, the PLOT is sending me to a hotel for a hook up because they still have no idea what to do with me romantically while Robert is in prison *off screen land* and it didn’t work out with the guy I used to bully on account of him getting murdered by a paddle *for the fans* by the latest local serial killer…anyway, you wouldn’t happen to coincidentally be the guy I’m supposed to meet would you? That feels like something the PLOT would do. It loves coincidental meetings and misunderstandings and hates actual character development. 
FAUXBERT: *Casual flirting face* *FAILURE…ABORT…FAILURE*
PLOT: No, it’s fine. No one will notice. 
FAUXBERT: Yes, it was coincidentally me you were supposed to be meeting. Imagine that!
AARON: *Deja vu Face* A broken down car in a lay by…and me…a former mechanic…who has never been in this exact scenario before. Well, I guess I’ll help you fix it. *Fixes van*
AARON: Maybe I would have recognized you if you showed more than your torso…
FAUXBERT: *Winky face* Something wrong with my torso? It was all I was allowed to show so we could have this exact exchange apropos of nothing. 
AARON: *Reluctant flirting face* I guess it’s a nice torso. I’ve seen better. 
FAUXBERT: *Best Robert impression face* *FAILURE…ABORT…FAILURE*
PLOT: *Whispers* keep going….
FAUXBERT: Number one rule, always play your strongest hand first. 
AARON: *Oh is this supposed to work on me face?* I guess you’ve got….assets. Any other rules? 
FAUXBERT: Never forgive, never forget. Wow…that seemed like a random thing to say. 
PLOT: *Whispers* Go with it. 
AARON: *Reluctant acceptance face* Well, I guess the PLOT wants us to get on. A certain Ryan Hawley won’t return their phone calls. Smart lucky bastard. Okay…I fixed your car enough to get you to a local garage that my uncle happens to own that I used to work at. 
FAUXBERT: Lucky thing, me swiping right on you I guess. Aren’t coincidences great?
AARON: No, I don’t think so, but let’s get this over with. I don’t normally talk this much on my hook ups. I’m usually just waiting to be called an idiot (affectionately) and then I’m in the mood. 
FAUXBERT: *Forced flirting face* Oh good, I was wondering when you’d shut up. *Awkward forced kiss* *Waits expectantly*
PLOT: Now slam him against the car Aaron. You’re well practiced at that move!
AARON: But…that’s a Robert thing. 
PLOT: Yeah yeah but Ryan wouldn’t call us back so this is the next best thing. It’s…Fate!
AARON: Is it though? 
PLOT: Just pretend he said “because you know why we’re both still here”
AARON: *Caught in an amateur dramatics performance of the Robron story face* Sigh…fine. *Aggressively shoves Fauxbert against the van and kisses him with forced “passion”* 
*Fade to black and other scenes* - for the fans…no one wants to see that.
[Back of Fauxbert’s car]
AARON: *I guess we just hooked up on the side of the road face* So…give me your life story so I know who I just slept with. 
FAUXBERT: Oh, no can do mate. That’s classified. You’re going to be PLOT ignorant until at least tomorrow. 
AARON: *Concerned face* Damn, really? I hate when that happens. It never means anything good for me. I wonder who you’ll turn out to be? *Looks around* *oooh face…not that kind* So this is going to be a Robert thing huh? 
FAUXBERT: Still not at liberty to say. 
AARON: *Resigned face* We have zero chemistry but uh…round two? 
FAUXBERT: Sure…but uh…get out of the van for a second so I can drive off with your stuff. We’ll need a PLOT reason to see each other again. 
AARON: *Angry at the PLOT face* For fuck’s sake. Couldn’t I just meet a nice normal person and build a solid relationship with him instead of this nonsense? Ryan…CALL THEM BACK! 
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sugdenlovesdingle · 13 days
I keep flailing between wanting Robert to come back either:
cocky,confident and a complete fucking nightmare (petty crime lord that actually gets away with stuff). That's the Robert that Aaron fell in love with, even if he is an entertaining to watch a dick.
....or coming back a complete broken shell that borderline needs to spend time in a mental health facility to recover. Not just a bit upset, full on traumatised. Aaron's got a protective streak a mile wide after all.
How do you want him to come back?
He'll be all cocky and the nightmare we (and Aaron) know and love on the outside and pretend everything is fine. "yeah I was in prison for 5 years, no biggie. I'm back now and here to take back what's mine!" and he'll kick will out of the haulage firm (because he's useless anyway) and calls all of his old clients like "Surprise bitch"
but then when he's alone back at Vic's or when he thinks nobody is looking, the mask slips and he's a mess and roughly .03 seconds away from a full on breakdown.
And of course Aaron sees confident cocky Robert and is reminded of the Robert he fell in love with - and still loves. But he also knows Rob better than anyone and he can see through the confident asshole act, and he can tell Rob is not coping as well as he wants everyone to think he is. And he finds him in the cemetery one day where he's putting flowers on his mums' graves and when Aaron asks him how he's really doing, he lasts maybe 5 seconds before basically just collapsing - and Aaron is there to catch him.
fauxbert who?
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sugdenlovesdingle · 20 days
am i the only one thinking that john is like, some kind of distraction from the real story that'll happen later on which is mack and aaron affair? am i delulu??
I'd take Mack/Aaron affair over Aaron/fauxbert whateverthisis.
That scene with Charity teasing him about being jealous of fauxbert because he gets in the way of his "bromance" with Aaron and then that random I love you was a little odd - and him kind of acting like a jealous lover saying Aaron can do better (he's right!)
And at least Mack and Aaron have chemistry and Lawrence and Danny are actually friends off screen too (I saw a video of Lawrence reading Albert a bedtime story the other day)
I've said it before and I'll say it again - if Ryan won't come back (yet!) Mack/Aaron is the next best thing.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 months
To be honest I don't ever need to Danny to even try lmprove his kisses because I always felt that Ryan was always the one doing all the work.
Also I still remember the last time he spoke about robron how he saw them as friends living together or some shit.. The show only allowed Robron to show intimacy in the affair and in the big mess reveal so part of me is always mad about that and feel like yes it was the show fault but also DM never wanted to do more. So for me is okay that he is this bad and I know he can't do better. 🤣
Ryan was never afraid of kissing guys and it's such a shame they never gave Robert a good boyfriend before the 2nd reunion.
Also Anon who fooled us abck in january or so. Come out I still need to talk to you....
Danny has absolutely 0 problems kissing guys on tv. He might have done back when he first was on the show and Aaron was with Jackson, but he's come a long way. Ryan did not do all the work - if Danny hadn't been on board, Ryan could have been the greatest actor the world has ever known and it still wouldn't have looked good (see Danny and Oliver)
And robron not allowed to show intimacy after the affair? Have you forgotten about the pub kiss belt grab? The "we kept jimmy waiting a long time" portacabin sex? The fucking on money they stole? The TWO weddings? The morning after they destroyed a hotel room together? the "you're nightmare" "you love it" sofa snuggle?
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And as for the robron are best friends thing everyone is always getting their knickers in a twist over - if your partner isn't *also* your best friend... what are you even doing together? They actually liked each other, they were in love, they wanted to spend time together hanging out with their son in the playground or catching up on the village gossip in the pub - not just ripping each other's clothes off and fucking on every available surface.
And i've said it before and I'll say it again, i would have liked it if they'd let Robert actually date Irish Mike for a while (just like Aaron with doctor boring) but not because Aaron was a bad boyfriend or anything. just for some good ol' soapy drama.
Danny can (and has!!) absolutely do better than whatever the hell that kiss with fauxbert was.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 months
Why Ryan rich Hawley doens't need a work to live on? Once again the rich running my poor life 😭😂
I feel like even if he needed that money as Miller does he wouldn't comeback either. I saw some part of the show and shit is a bigger.
Can not believe this was the show that was had a ssw16 when they made me care about characters outside my soap ship.
Wtf happend they can not blame covid anymore these storylines and characters suck so much.
If they were good they could have put Mack eith Aaron because even when I hate to see it. They do have some chemistry to work on.
I think Danny does alright with his side hustles these days. And he made a nice bit of cash with I'm A Celeb... but yeah Ryan and Daisy both seem to come from money- unfortunately for us.
And yeah the show has gone downhill so badly the past few years. Every semi interesting story gets dragged out to oblivion until even the biggest supporters are sick of it, and couples/characters that have actual chemistry get 0 scenes together (Aaron and Mack, Mary and Suzy), while the worst pairings possible get aaaalll the attention and screentime (Kim and Will, chaddy). And every big 'life changing' stunt has maybe a 2 episode aftermath and all injured characters are fine within a week.
Sam got impaled during ssw22 (I think) and he wore a sling for one episode I think, Samson fell down a cliff in a storm, broke his leg, and was out in the elements for days - only had a cast on his leg for a while.
Chas and Liam - have actual chemistry, could be interesting. Nope Liam has to have a *thing* with Ella and chas gets cancer
Mack and Aaron - crazy chemistry from day 1, Mack flirting with everyone - nope Mack is straight and the good hardworking husband to charity, aaron gets to date the guy he used to bully, and fauxbert
Mary and Suzy - interesting dynamic, lots of potential, lesbian may-december relationship. Nope - gotta push Suzy onto Vanessa again and Mary gets to be miserable.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 months
Hi! Thanks for answering my ask. I was just going over Emmerdale's track record of dealing with off-screen Robert since 2019 in my head. And I was thinking, they might be gearing up for Robert gives his blessings or something to JS and Aaron (in a desperate bid to make this work). They have tried it in the past. Vic will eventually come to know and she might tell Robert. Maybe Emmerdale will "throw Robron fans a bone" and do a special episode of Aaron agonising or JS and Aaron talking about Robert (can't say which is worse) but eventually Aaron will decide to "move on" with JS. And this time it will be more solid coz it's not a random family, it's the Sugdens. It's like the Prince of The Netherlands marrying the Prince of Denmark or something.
I am not saying this to upset anyone or be nasty. I genuinely think Emmerdale have this idea that they are "resolving" the Robron issue and building up a "very interesting" SL.
I personally think they are mad for thinking this, but based on their track record - Ethan pouring cold water over Robert's appeal chances, Aaron hooks up with him, Ben was quite literally the opposite of Robert and apparently Aaron was very much in love with him...and then Aaron read Robert's letter in the special episode with Cain and I can't remember why, but decided not to contact him! I think Emmerdale are trying to "close" the Robron chapter more than finding a match for Aaron. And in their opinion this one works for whatever reasons. That is why they don't care about the chemistry between Aaron and John. It is supposed to be awkward and torturous so that "Aaron can finally get it out of the system". Not sure it will work tbh, but I can at least see what they are trying to do. OR do you think I am giving them too much credit and wayyy off the mark? Because the other part of my brain keeps saying there is no reason for this John to be a Sugden unless they are bringing Robert back.
I honestly have no idea what they're doing with fauxbert anymore. The whole Aaron at the layby thing was SO predictable - everyone called it from the moment we found out they were making the new sugden gay.
BUT last night when *gasp* we found out Aaron's hook up is a Sugden - and Robert's half brother at that, fauxbert seemed to be more interested in getting the hell out of there than hooking up with aaron again. And Aaron himself didn't even seem to be interested even before he found out who he was. And by the end it seemed he'd more likely made an enemy out of fauxbert than a potential partner.
It's so obvious they're going for a robron 2.0... but the question is WHY. If they wanted the audience to take any potential love interest for aaron seriously, you'd think they'd stay well away from anything that even hints at robron. But instead they go "remember robron?? remember when they kissed at this layby?? here we have a new character who is very much like early robron Robert... and he's gay! And oh yeah he's also Robert's half brother! And we're shoving him at Aaron! In the same layby where he first kissed Robert!" They keep reminding the audience of robron and Robert and constantly show and tell us that a) Aaron is not over Robert, and B) probably never truly will be, and c) no-one else comes close!
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 days
40s are the best!! Especially early 40s! 👊 You suddenly stop giving a f*ck about everyone else's opinions. There is literally no other way to describe it other than you start to get comfortable in your own skin ...just when the skin begins to sag...😆😆😈😈😆😆
Anyway, I meant Ryan's 40th birthday. I am hoping that is kind of his plan. He left just after his 34th birthday- so he gave himself a full five years to explore and try different things. At 40, he can return to a more relaxed schedule at Emmerdale while the new generation takes centre stage and he can take breaks to go off and do other stuff- like Danny.
Emily Head is HOT! And very beautiful!! And Robert and Rebecca did make a very beautiful Seb who will most likely have very expensive tastes!! 🤣
Can you imagine a seven year old Seb swanning into David's shop and demanding a coriander and hummus sandwich - I would love THAT to be Aaron's first encounter with Seb in the village.
Danny would smash the scene- standing rooted to the spot, tearing up, and then quickly hiding his tears, pretending to not be bothered.
Anyway, Emily had so much potential. I wanted Rebecca to be a full on vamp. The one whose schemes are discovered but she slithers away. Like she admits to Aaron that she abused Robert but there is nothing he can do about it (remember her iconic - can't blame a girl either to Robert) And Robron being an iconic couple, living their best life while Fauxbert Rebecca and others in the village would be much more satisfying!
lol i'll take your word for it about the 40s
and yes to seb having expensive taste! Though maybe the first time aaron sees him again should be in the cafe - just so we don't have to deal with tracy's shrieking!
that would be a deserved soap award for a change!
Though i kinda want Kim Tate to take Rob under her wing when he comes back (WHEN, Hawley, i said WHEN). She got rid of will so she's got plenty of room in her mansion for Rob. And I think I read somewhere she used to be friends with Sarah? So she can take him under her wing and look out for him as a favour to an old friend. She can make him her second in command for her businesses and together they can destroy will because he's annoying.
meanwhile Aaron is doing his best to cope co-parenting seb with robert, and fauxbert is still 😐 about it
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 days
😂😂thank you for indulging my insanity! You are very kind! 😘 I totally take your point about Seb's age. But good things come in small packages! So, little Seb can have little tantrums. Like maybe instead of flaunting his car, he will flaunt his fancy pencil box at school. In fact, it will make the storyline even cuter. Also, Aaron having to deal with his son who is older than Henry and Eve but much younger than when Liv came to them will put him in unchartered parenting territory. It is not diapers and unicorns but neither is it drugs, alcohol and boys! It is pencil boxes, birthday party invites, instagrammable lunches and maybe night terrors that no one bothered to inform Aaron about. I am telling you, seriously, it could work!! Besides, John getting frustrated with Aaron while Aaron is worried about Seb will be glorious television. Because it will be a repeat of Robert and Aaron when Liv came to stay (which will keep Emmerdale happy- since they want to repeat every. single. robron. sl. with fauxbert) but it will be different because Robert took Liv in as his own, but John, like Alex might treat Robert's legacy as a threat or cost of doing business. And I cannot stand the idea of John and Aaron playing happy families raising Robert's kid, so he HAS TO GO. That is just one too many shade of wrong...even for emmerdale.
To your anon- yes Rebecca's charm- it was the most inoffensive word I could come up with for Seb's mother. And fyi- according to wikipedia, Hermit Hawley turned 39 on 21 Sept 2024.
Hey, I'm here for anything that involves fauxbert fucking off and Seb coming home!
I'd kill for single dad to a seven year old with an attitude story for Aaron! Can you imagine him having to deal with Seb's social calendar? Playdates, birthday parties, PARENT APP GROUPS! Making sure he's fed and clothed, keeping track of doctor/dentist/hairdresser appointments AND deal with Vic and Chas telling him how to raise a kid and pulling on him to be a FAMILY. And on top of all of that he still has a business to run too.
As for Rebecca... on a completely shallow note - Emily Head is pretty hot. And Rebecca as a character had SO MUCH potential but well... we know how that went.
And yes Hermit Hawley turned 39 today (technically yesterday) but Robert was born in 1986 so his 40th is two years away.
(but lets not talk about that anymore because guess who was also born in 1986 🙈)
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sugdenlovesdingle · 12 days
The phone was Will's, Dawn gave it back to him when she visited.
But on the Nate thing, I really hope John is up to something and did something to him. Nothing against Nate other than the fact he was boring, but might make John's character a bit more interesting to watch if he's secretly a crazed serial killer lol. And maybe he can kill off a few annoying characters as well and then Robert can come and save his husband
right right - i remember now. i tend to kind of zone out when will is on screen.
But yes i just need there to be more to this story - for nate and fauxbert.
i mean nate got a little goodbye with frankie and then just fucked off? and then doesn't answer anyone's calls? Not even Tracy who would only call him if there was something with Frankie/if Frankie wanted to talk to him - so why wouldn't he answer?
and john immediately telling everyone nate was gone/had left just makes me 👀
I mean what are they doing with him? is he the nice (former?) army medic who saved the day and bangs Aaron or is there something ~sinister~ about him with the dog tags/Aiden Moore thing, having heard of Robert, not wanting anything to do with vic one minute and being the scary big brother the next??
we're due a good serial killer story really. I have A List!
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