#fatherly snape
squid1442 · 5 months
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I love their dynamic so much🧎
Just a quick severitus sketch to boost my mood lmao
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purple-iris · 9 months
There is love, it doesn’t have a place to rest
… but it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulder - Never love an anchor, The Crane Wives
Where Harry’s memories of that faithful Halloween night in Godric’s Hollow reveal much more to him when the Dementors get too close. He hears his mother’s screams, but not just, and he just can’t figure out who is crying in his memories…
AU where somewhere in Harry’s subconscious is the memory of Severus weeping over Lily’s body, and where in his grief, Severus couldn’t help but to pick up and comfort the weeping, injured child with Lily’s eyes. But what will happen when Lupin directs him to Dumbledore's pensieve to sooth his running mind?
Im writing a one shot during winter break, hopsefully I will finish it before my uni class resume in January
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polartyrant · 5 months
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Cat-ified Harry and Severus Snape!! >:0
I just wanted to draw Snape and Harry, especially with Snape being protective over little Harry.... I just like the idea of Snape being fatherly to Harry. Mom said its MY TURN WITH THE AUs!!
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
Hi it's me again sorry to spam your inbox. I had PoA in the background while working and it just hit me: how was Remus immediately so good at teaching? As far as we know, he never was a teacher before. He worked little odd jobs to survive that he barely kept for a few months. Yet, he starts at Hogwarts and immediately his first lesson is a success. The students love him so much to the point they still talk about him books later, actively defend him (in front of Snape and Umbridge), to the point that Hermione, who figured out he was a werewolf, decided to trust him and defended him as well.
How did this happen? It also didn't seem like Remus wanted to teach so much, it even sounded like he was coerced into it by Dumbledore who tracked him down. Yet, he came prepared, with his neat little suitcase he carefully repaired and sewed together, he even stamped "Professor R.J Lupin" on it (ACTUALLY CANON OMG). He even received praise from Madam Pomfrey "So we've finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies?". He was PREPARED. He gave hands on lessons (there is a whole paragraph in the beginning of Chapter 8 describing how good his lessons are), a fun practical exam, he always deflected conflicts (regarding Malfoy's snarky remarks and rage baits), he immediately spots Neville as anxious and puts him forward in the first class to give him a little confidence boost (literally the first professor to ever praise Neville), he had a subtle but funny humour (I'm referring to the time Harry had tea in his office "I've only got teabags, I'm afraid -- but I daresay you've had enough of tea leaves?"). The CUTEST THING is him giving Harry a set of very nice, useful books for Christmas in OotP along with Sirius. Like, how thoughtful???
We often refer to him as "grey" but to me he seems more polarized. Like he is ALL or NOTHING. Fatherly yet cold, caring yet distant, supportive yet absent. Tbh sometimes I just wanna grab his shoulders and give him a shake. How does one spot a student like Neville so easily, boosts him up, and then just goes and does exactly what Neville is doing (cowarding away, throwing self-confidence out the window).
He makes me so mad. I love him so much. Sorry I didn't mean for this to turn into such a rant (expect another msg on Remus' interactions with Severus in a near future).
no this isn't spam this is delicious yum yum yum I've thought for awhile that I wanna go through Remus and Severus' teaching methods. I'm reading POA right now, a chapter a night or so to my boyfriend (He was 'a bit too old' for HP when it came out, so he's enjoying it now) So I'm paying attention lol
Whether Remus didn't want to teach and Albus had to beg him - or teaching did appeal to him but he thought as a werewolf it would just never be a possibility... he really took to it, didn't he? His suitcase AAHHHH how can one man be SO FUCKING CUTE
I think it's down to being a good mix of skills for him:
He manipulates people to like him. He makes himself pleasant, helpful, positive, charming... that's a good quality for a teacher! To be able to control a whole class of kids takes some sort of manipulation - and Remus is already practiced. He is good at reading people, who they are and what they need... His best quality as a teacher is the fact he can connect to his students emotionally - a rare quality for Hogswarts staff.
That and he just seems to like the kids. He is a bit of a kid himself at heart - while also enjoying being a mentor. Being nurturing. Impressing them. Learning all their names. Showing off his skills. Helping them. Making class fun and engaging. A practical as their first lesson: where he shows them they are capable of handling even their worst fears...
DADA is a good subject for him - he is a strong spellcaster (can cast a patronus effortlessly), Was a spy amongst dark creatures and Death Eaters in the first war - and has a father that specialized in the field. Lyall studied boggarts, poltergeists and dementors - what does Remus do on his very first few days...? Scare off a dementor, show off against a poltergeist - and teach the kids how to deal with a boggart. Just like his own dad. Probably where he knows the chocolate remedy from too, imo Also was the dementor there for him because it could sense he was a werewolf?
Snape mentions later that Lupin lacks organization, is 'hardly over-taxing' the class teaching them first year stuff - that the class is very behind. He might be exaggerating because he hates Lupin (though why say anything at all...?) - but Snape is a good teacher. Not perfect, but despite demanding a high bar for his NEWTs classes they are always well populated. He is good at his job. If he says Lupin is disorganized, behind and focusing on the easy stuff, I believe him at least partially. Maybe his standards are just too high, made worse by hating Lupin and being desperate in the one class he might have with the third years to get them warned about werewolves.
But if those are Lupin's only failings in his first year...? Lupin's a natural at teaching. He is just a bit behind and disorganized - when he spends multiple days a month disabled. And he excels at the area Snape struggles most in: Being able to alter how he teaches to support struggling students. Considering the fact the classes last two teachers were a very distracted Quirrell (underrated character) and an incompetent Lockheart - teaching first year stuff and going easy is probably the best option. He has assessed the level of the class and matched it.
Calling Lupin all-or-nothing is... pretty apt, really. I often think of him as lukewarm, but you're right: It's not that he mingles around half-doing things. he does shit 100% or he is gone. Teacher, 'mentor', Order member, spy, partner... all either done brilliantly - or he is someone Albus needs to track down.
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
Magnum Opus or Great Work: Alchemical Codes in "Harry Potter"
"I've never wanted to be a witch, but an alchemist, now that's a different matter. To invent this wizard world, I've learned a ridiculous amount about alchemy." JKR. By the way, it seems JKR never became an alchemist because you can't be that evil an alchemist, Joanne. Something went wrong.
The first part about Lily and James
Voldemort – an occult alchemist, Lucifer. Snape – a Seeker who chose the wrong Path. Dumbledore – Keeper of the Tower. Hermione – Hermes Trismegistus. Harry, Hermione and Ron – the three principles for creating the Philosopher's Stone.
Alchemy is the universal path of spiritual transformation. In a literal sense, universal, this code is practically everywhere–from ancient myths and the Bible to the philosophy of Nietzsche (though in his understanding) and Jung's books. Harry Potter himself is a complete alchemist's path, but there's also a well-displayed second path–the path of the occult alchemist.
True alchemy tells us that God is in everything, like a seed present in every person. Through alchemical transformation, a person can be reborn – and become golden, divine, immortal.
Many famous people were fascinated by these ideas – from Newton to Goethe, from Walter to Mozart. Yes, Walter and Mozart were freemasons, but freemasonry is built on the Magnum Opus, it's its foundation. Who has seen the opera The Magic Flute? A completely masonic opera: the surface layer was for the people, and the deeper layer – for the spiritual elite of that time. In this opera, the power of love transforms people and makes them divine. Oh, it seems to resemble Harry Potter, hehe... Harry Potter also has two layers – one as a fairytale about a wizard for teenagers, the other – for those who can "feel" the symbols, even without knowing them.
Each symbol can be interpreted in several ways, that's the complexity of alchemical symbolism. For example, Albus Dumbledore. He symbolizes (in JKR's own words) Spirit ( he's white), and Rubeus Hagrid – Soul (red) – and they're both like two fatherly figures for Harry, distant and warm, judicious and understanding. But all this is at the character level. Dumbledore has other meanings – much more important ones. As I've said before, the symbolic level and the character level are different levels. In interpreting symbols, you don't need to interpret every line, you need to take the context as a whole. Characters operate on one level, symbols – on another.
So, alchemy is an extension of the universal idea – to be reborn, you need to "die." Like Jesus died on the cross, Orpheus on the banks of the River Gebre, and Osiris in the coffin prepared by Typhon, in alchemy, until all the elements (parts of the old personality) die, the work cannot be completed.
The stages of this alchemical process can be traced in the lives of almost all world "heroes" and in the mythology and legends of many cultures. This is a universal code.
“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” John 3:3
Alchemy proclaims that without decomposition, the Great Work cannot be accomplished.
The past Self dies on the cross and in the retorts and becomes black during decomposition. The new Self rises from hell, like a phoenix. The phoenix is a pure alchemical symbol.
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This is the creation of the Philosopher's Stone.
It is symbolically described in "The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz". The book presents an allegorical story divided into "Seven Days" or "Seven Journeys," which tells how its author, Christian Rosenkreutz, was invited to a castle full of wonders to help with the "Chymical Wedding" of the king and queen. Harry also receives a letter in a storm (like Rosenkreutz) and goes to the castle for 7 years, chooses one of the four paths (Gryffindor), and so on.
Alchemists called the creation of the Philosopher's Stone the Great Work – Opus Magnum. This process consisted of three stages: decomposition (nigredo), rebirth (albedo), and final perfection (rubedo). Each of these stages corresponded to a specific colour: black, white and red.
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Nigredo. Albedo. Rubedo.
In Harry Potter, these stages correspond to Sirius Black, Albus (white) Dumbledore, and Rubeus (red) Hagrid. The end of each stage is marked by their death. In the seventh book, it's Hagrid who carries the "dead" Harry.
There is a fundamental difference between "true alchemists" and "occult alchemist."
Tom Riddle is an occult alchemist. For him, the Great Work is also self-creation, but what kind? For him, it is complete mastery of his abilities and his future, and especially the complete liberation of his will.
Tom is a will, but his will not submissive to the will of God. It's a Luciferian will. The will of a fallen angel who began to oppose his own free will to the influence of Divine Love-Light. Instead, he sought and loved his own power outside Divinity, in himself.
"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven" John Milton, "Paradise Lost"
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Baphomet, or the Sabbatic Goat, drawing by Eliphas Levi, on its hands are inscriptions "Solve et Coagula." This is an alchemical principle. JKR, by the way, also has such a tattoo.
In occultism, it is believed that magic is control of one's will, and a will can control matter. After all, what did his followers choose for their motto? Magic is Might. Harry never defeated Voldemort with such magic. Because he doesn't need it.
What does Tom boast about? Tom boasts that he has mastered the deepest depths of dark magic. He went so far in it as no one before. Dark magic requires an iron will, and Tom achieved incredible heights in it. He even achieved immortality in this material universe, literally cursing his soul! Only Tom doesn't understand that Dumbledore (a true alchemist) is not interested in all this. Because true immortality is not there. True transformation is not there. Because their paths are completely different – Dumbledore is going to the "God and divine immortality," and Tom is going to "material immortality."
In general, fans of occult alchemy, the Left-Hand Path, and Nietzschean philosophy probably consider Tom a much more interesting character because here he is – the king of matter, a man of incredible will and strength who destroys the slave Christian morality and proclaims that God is dead, long live the Übermensch (homo superior)! (Nietzsche would have been proud of him…) By the way, Bellatrix is most likely symbolically – Lilith, Adam's first wife according to Kabbalistic apocrypha, who rebelled against Adam. God created them equal, and Adam wanted to have power over Lilith... In short, Lilith is the first feminist in human history, hehe.
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The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel. Lilith.
In short, Tom Riddle is such an adept of broken alchemy. Where Tom is his own personal will, Harry is Faith and the will of the Spirit. Harry is also very strong-willed, but his will is different, it's not individualistic. It's a will of sacrifice, a will of love, a will of mercy, a will of trust. The main theme of the seventh book is a crisis of faith. And what kind of will does one need to show to continue the quest for Horcruxes and not go for the Deathly Hallows? Simply put, the will of Harry and Tom is completely different.
And Tom will never understand this. He's an individualist. He's a Nietzschean Übermensch. He's reached the limits of human capabilities. But for what? From dust you are and to dust you shall return, Tom...
Severus Snape — a Seaker who chose the wrong Path
And Snape, by the way, initially turns away from Lily (Lily is love of God, represented in the world). Because he's obsessed with becoming dark magic, his ego and desire for secret knowledge and being proud are very great.
Btw, Lily is a mudblood. In the sense that God is not in shining beautiful armor. This is Lucifer's mask – to be pure, to shine, to sparkle. But the real God can be found by seeking, under the feet of the poorest and "dirtiest" person. After all, for God, everyone is equal. It's the Devil who divides.
And pure-bloods, for example, the Blacks, are "false purity." Luciferian purity. Material purity, purity of shining gold. It's division. And where there's division – there's the Devil.
In short, Snape turns away from Lily because this path is difficult, he doesn't understand how to approach her, he already uses dark magic, has a lot of knowledge, and delves into various secrets, and shows what "bad" paths other seekers (the Marauders) take... (The seeker is not my term, it's from the Rosicrucian manifesto, alchemists call themselves seekers) But Lily still refuses to unite Spirit and Soul. And he calls her a "mudblood," insulting her. For Lily, this is a sign that this soul is almost lost. And there's no sincere regret in him when he asks for forgiveness. He asks her to forgive him, but his soul is still on the old Path. Lily isn't angry with him, it's not about anger or offense. Snape's soul is almost lost at this moment, closed to the divine spark and love. After all, for love to enter your heart, you first need to open yourself to it.
Only when Snape sees true face of Tom's "alchemy," in which Tom is ready to kill Love, the divine spark, essentially kill God in the souls of all people, then Snape, as a real Seeker, realizes that he's going the wrong way... And he runs to the main Alchemist, Dumbledore, to ask to preserve this love, this manifestation of God on earth.
But you can't preserve it without preserving the seeker of the right Path in your soul (James) and without preserving the possibility of the emergence of the transformed soul (Harry).
This is a very important moment, not only because you can't kill people in principle. Dumbledore literally tells him that you can't save love of God, the divine spark in your soul, if you kill in yourself the one who reaches out to God (the deer) and if you kill the POSSIBILITY of becoming this new transformed soul (Harry).
For Snape, this becomes a turning point, and he decides to switch sides to true alchemy. Dumbledore asks in return for Snape's soul, but not in the sense that the Devil demands it, he asks for loyalty to the Path. Below I'll explain the symbolism of Dumbledore and what he means in terms of alchemical symbolism (I don’t think he is God).
Snape becomes loyal to Dumbledore. But Lily is killed, as is James. The world, despite the fact that Voldemort temporarily goes into hibernation (and the Savior is alive), plunges into despair. Sirius (as a divine symbol of light) is in captivity, Remus (a symbol of a seeker with a "good but not brave" soul) is somewhere wandering the world, and Harry lives very poorly with the Dursleys... Harry doesn't know any God, and the seeker in him is also "dead". And Voldemort will soon rise again, he's just gathering strength.
Harry's path is the path of returning to God through Mother of God (Theotokos). Because it is Mother of God who is the true Spirit. That's why he meets Lily only at the end of the seventh book, when he's almost completed the alchemical transformation. For Christians, this is heresy, but for alchemists, it's not. The Son and Mother of God are one whole. The Virgin Mary is part of the Trinity, because only through the spiritual unity of the Mother and the Son is the salvation of humanity possible.
And who does he meet her through? Through Snape. Who dedicated his entire life to transforming his Soul, merging it with the Spirit, ultimately coming to God.
He spent his whole life hating James, as a Seeker of a different kind, not like him—Snape always leaned a bit towards Nietzschean stories. And James always hated Dark Magic and all dark things (although this doesn't make the souls of this type much better, they can also be egocentric). Snape teaches Potions, he knows how to bottle up Love, Death and Luck... So much power, so much pride in this...
Recently, I reposted a very interesting post. Snape wanted to recover his soul, because he was guilty of Lily's death. A very beautiful meta, but I see a bit different alchemical meaning. His soul is broken not only because Lily partly died because of him. His soul is broken overall because of the Path he chose - that of an occult alchemist, and he remains a "spy" to the end of his days, playing two roles, constantly "here and there". He dies at the hands of his former master.
Snape takes Lily's letter because he needs Lily's love (like people wear crosses), while there isn't enough understanding of where to go (Dumbledore is already dead)
Snape always yearned for Lily. And Dumbledore asks for us, the readers: "After all this time?" And Snape answers for us "Always." You must love God always. And that is salvation for the soul.
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In general, Snape only understands towards the end that you cannot love Lily without Harry and even James. Only one Path leads to Lily - the same as James’s path. The path of Ego, pride, thirst for power, secret knowledge, occultism, malice, hatred must finally dissolve. Snape fully exposes himself to Harry, although he shouldn't have (he should only pass on information about death), revealing the good (and the bad) that he always hid. His revelation to him speaks of his complete acceptance. He shows him his soul, literally bowing his head to him - here I am, here is my soul, in some things I have no excuse, sometimes I have justification, but I've been seeking God, seeking love all my life.
Will you accept my wounded soul?
This is confession. The realest confession.
And Harry accepts. Of course, Harry accepts. He looks at him with Lily's eyes.
Because no matter how "bad" you are, if you truly love God in your soul, if you truly seek Him, there will always be a place for you in the City of God. Snape is the constantly replayed plot of the Prodigal Son's return.
At this moment, all the "black" in Snape dies – the nigredo. Tears - the white stage, purification – the albedo stage, purification. Blood – naturally, the red stage. The alchemical transformation for Snape is complete.
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(But geniuses from TikTok will still say that Harry shouldn't have named his son Albus Severus, because Snape was baaaad. Ofc he was bad sometimes, that's the point!)
Dumbledore is the embodied Path and Plan
As I mentioned before, Dumbledore asks for Snape's soul in return, but not in the sense that the Devil demands it, he asks for loyalty to the alchemical Path.
Dumbledore, as an alchemist, besides embodying the completion of the albedo stage for Harry with his death, is also the embodied Path. Dumbledore is the highest Guardian of the Tower, who watches over the Paths of others, he is the Man of Spirit, he is the Principle, he is the Master. What is the difference between Dumbledore and Lily? Lily is a more important symbol, she is like pure divine power, God = love, as in what all souls dissolve. Dumbledore, on the other hand, is the Guardian of the Path through which everyone must pass. In short, Lily is the answer to the question "where", and Dumbledore is the "how". And Dumbledore is just a man who also underwent his alchemical transformation and who can also succumb to temptation. But Dumbledore is not GOD, imo. To personify God in a book is too much (even for me, although I’m not religious at all). I don’t like the idea of him being God and... really, where? God is transcendent and pure divine love emanates from Lily that’s why she almost an empty canvas. Dumbledore is a principle. He is the answer to the question "HOW". That's why he asks to believe in him, believe in the ALCHEMICAL PATH AND PLAN. FOLLOW THIS PLAN TO THE END. Ascend the tower, as I once ascended it. After all, he lives up there in the tower. He observes.
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For Snape, Dumbledore is so important because Dumbledore is the Path, a new Path that he did not have. And Dumbledore's death is so important for everyone because now no one points them towards the Path. But they must find this Path within themselves. Because the answers are inside them. You cannot become a true Alchemist if you constantly rely on external help. It's time to see the Path independently.
"You must kill me."
There was a long silence, broken only by an odd clicking noise. Fawkes the phoenix was gnawing a bit of cuttlebone. (HP and DH)
After Dumbledore says that Snape must kill him, there is silence and a very clear symbol - the phoenix and the bone. It's time for their souls to go independently, to eat away all the old to come to rebirth. Meanwhile, they also need to save Draco, who, by "Lucifer's" order, is about to kill the Path (although you can't outplay God's plan...). And then Dumbledore reveals that Harry must die.
This shocks Snape. Like any alchemist on the Path. How so, to die? After all, we all do everything to become closer to God, to immortality, and you say – just die? What kind of Path is this?
"I thought…all these years…that we were protecting him for her. For Lily.”
After all, we were protecting Harry for Lily, because as I've already said, only through the spiritual unity of the Mother and the Son is the salvation of humanity possible. Snape is protecting the son for the mother, and Dumbledore wants to kill him? For what?
Simply put, Snape doesn't understand that no one can save Harry until he dies and is reborn. It's painful, but all heroes go through this path for rebirth.
Dumbledore knows that there is a "seed" of "evil" in Harry, as in any of us. After the fall, we all carry Luciferian part within us. This is the last thing that must die in Harry, and he himself must die for it.
No one promised that the path of the alchemist would be easy. It's understandable why not everyone loves Dumbledore, he seems too cold and manipulative, but there is no other way for Harry on the symbolic level.
The Great Work
There are three stages of the Great Work: decomposition (nigredo), purification (albedo) and ultimate perfection (rubedo). These stages for Harry culminate in the deaths of Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, and his own death, where he is carried out of the forest by Rubeus Hagrid.
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And the result of his alchemical work should be Rebis — essentially the alchemical philosopher's stone, an androgynous being. In the collection of dialogues attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, God is depicted as androgynous. (Hermes Trismegistus is essentially the one who created the corpus of Hermetic texts).
Rebis is the unity of opposites. Day and night, Man and Woman, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. All is one. There is no division. The wholeness of God. After the fall, we are all divided. And after the alchemical transformation, we can finally become whole and find ourselves and God.
In the form of merged men and women, sometimes depicted as the Virgin Mary and Christ, because They are one whole. As I have already said, for many alchemists, the Virgin Mary is part of the Trinity because only through the spiritual unity of the Mother and the Son was the redemption of original sin made possible. As I have already said, although Harry suffers more for James (his father turned out not to be as ideal as he thought), Lily is the main symbol in "Harry Potter".
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The Nigredo stage literally means "blackness" - it signifies complete breakdown, decay, descent into the underworld, the trance of grief. It's a descent into the deepest fears, disbelief, denial, loss of self, anger, aggression. And through this - a return to the prima materia. This is what happens to Harry, "The Order of the Phoenix" is a very dark and depressing book, and with Sirius's death, this stage for Harry is completed. Sirius himself also undergoes transformations, but about this in the next part. The nigredo stage, during which a person's ego dissolves, is agonizing but necessary for further development. After the "I" meets its "shadow" and disintegrates into parts, it will need to be purified and recreated.
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Albedo ("whiteness") symbolizes purification, transition to another world, change of life priorities, awakening, enlightenment. In alchemy, the transition from nigredo to albedo is achieved through the process of washing. The whole sixth book is misty, "white", "wet". "Washing" (albutio, baptisma) directly leads to whiteness (albedo). Purification. It's also silver, a lunar state. In Harry Potter, there is a character named Luna, which means moon in Latin. In different parts of the books, Luna also symbolizes this stage. With Dumbledore's death this stage for Harry completed.
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Rubedo ("redness") - the final stage of the alchemical Great Work. The alchemist must establish a kind of sacrificial relationship with his inner essence. At the final stage, the so-called "alchemical marriage" takes place: the marriage of the Red King and the White Queen - Soul and Spirit. Harry (soul) and Lily (spirit) are united. With Hagrid carrying Harry this stage for Harry completed.
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Bu the way, the Golden Snitch is an alchemical symbol also.
Firstly, Harry's position is called the Seeker. Alchemists also called themselves that. Secondly, the winged disc is a very ancient symbol, meaning the sun (God) and immortality.
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The Snitch reveals to him the Resurrection Stone, and Harry "encounters" his main symbols, but the main one is Lily. It is her he asks not to leave him.
Harry's death here is read by everyone as the well-known plot of Christ's crucifixion. The path to this death is also a reference to the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane before the Crucifixion. After all, Harry also wanted to end up somewhere, but Hogwarts is his home, and he accepts his fate.
My Father! all things are possible for Thee: take this cup of suffering away from me: and yet not what I desire, but what Thou desirest. Mark 14:36
He wanted to be stopped, to be dragged back, to be sent back home... But he was home.
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Lily's Eyes
To be honest, I can assume that her green eyes was chosen at random. But what if they weren't? Her green eyes may seem illogical, as this is the colour of the snake, the colour of Slytherin, the colour of evil. But this is the occult Luciferian snake, the erroneous snake. Originally, green also dates back to Hermes Trismegistus – the god who gave the knowledge of alchemy. The most famous of the old hermetic-alchemical texts is inscribed on the "Emerald Tablet". According to legend, this document was left by Hermes Trismegistus on a plate of emerald in an Egyptian temple.
"The Emerald Tablet" is very important for alchemists." According to legend, a large emerald fell to the earth from Lucifer's head when he was cast out of heaven. From the same emerald that fell from the crown of the fallen Lucifer, angels made the Holy Grail (which is also the philosopher's stone, and the Snitch...). Emerald is a sacred green stone, and the heavenly divine world - the homeland of the emerald - a precious stone in which information about the heavenly homeland is encoded.
There is also the Ouroboros - a snake that devours its own tail - a symbol of infinity and immortality.
And the Snitch, which is a reflection of Hermes Trismegistus' staff (which has two battling snakes - two opposites, Spirit and Soul, Good and Evil and so on, and Hermes establishes unity between them with his staff).
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Occultists, of course, interpret these symbols in their own way.
Hermione is Hermes Trismegistus. Mercury. Ron — Sulphur. Harry— Salt.
Hermione (Ἑρμιόνη [hermi. ónɛː]) is a feminine given name derived from the Greek messenger god Hermes. As I said, Hermes Trismegistus is the main figure of Hermetic teaching, he is also the one who predicted the coming of the Savior (traditional Christianity should not be confused with Gnostic teachings, the Church has always been against Gnosticism). In addition, Hermes is Mercury, and that is knowledge. Hermes Trismegistus shares "secret knowledge" with the world, which forms the basis of many Gnostic directions - from alchemy to Kabbalah.
Hermione is a little alchemist, she shares knowledge. It is Hermione who insists on complete trust in Dumbledore, it is Hermione who often leads Harry in the right direction when Dumbledore is not around. It is through Dumbledore and Hermione that "moral lessons" are often sounded, which often seem completely out of place. Like when Dumbledore says that James would forgive Peter. At that moment, I always want to say, "Are you out of your mind?!" although I understand that it is described on a symbolic, not personal level.
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Mercury (Hermione), Sulphur (Ron), and Salt (Harry) were necessary in the alchemical transformation and were the main components. To create the philosopher's stone, all three elements had to be combined, and Harry is next to them throughout all the books.
Both Hermione and Ron are equally important in Harry's development.
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Mercury is the more fluid primary principle, more rational, the feminine principle, while Sulphur is dynamic, expansive, unstable, acidic, unifying, masculine, paternal, and fiery principle. Sulphur is emotional, it is desire and passionate impulse that motivates life. Sulphur is desire. And according to Jung's reflections, it can also be foul and dangerous. Complete transmutation depends on the correct application of this variable principle. Sulphur must be of quality for transmutation to occur. And Ron achieves this quality.
Also, in mystical alchemy, Sulphur is crystallized inspiration of Mercury (Mercury).
Mercury and Sulphur are simultaneously antagonists, like the male and female elements, but at the same time Sulphur is crystallized Mercury.
So I have always been and will always be for Romione! Hehe. They were made for each other!
And as for Salt - that's Harry. It's the body. Sometimes it is called earth and body, salt is the essential body (corpus).
Alchemists say that salt was the first substance created by fire, emanating from God. In salt, all creation is concentrated, in salt the beginning and the end of all things.
Salt is associated with the ultimate elevation of matter - with matter that has acquired consciousness, achieved through the unity of opposites, including the unity of fire and water, the unity of what is above and what is below. Salt is the ultimate Philosopher's Stone, representing transcendence and ultimate knowledge.
Thus, salt symbolizes consciousness (thoughts, feelings, material, etc.), which must be elevated through alchemical processes of dissolution and recrystallization. Well, that's Harry himself.
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Just love this stupid moment
Well, that's it, I think I've said everything, and from the next part, we can move on to the Marauders themselves :D
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darkenedreaper · 1 year
The Pain of Patronus [3]
Pairing: Professor Severus Snape x Female!Professor Reader
Warnings: Mentions of deaths, bloody description
Summary: After finding Snape after Nagini's attack, you go to great extents to get him help. When he recovers, you've changed. And to find more information Dumbledore makes a decision, one you're unhappy with.
A/N: I changed the story plot because Deathly Hallows traumatised me. Enjoy.
Part 1 Part 2
"Where is she?", the voice of the love of your life finally spoke. You didn't have much time to treasure his voice as Albus spoke, "You'll see her soon Severus".
You stood outside the hospital wing that occupied the few people. You knew what Albus was about to do. He was about to show Snape and the others your happiest and worst memories in order to find any missing information. You hated the idea, and you didn't hide your opinion from Dumbledore when he discussed it with you. He tried to soothe you with his reasoning and his fatherly figure, but he knew you'd stand your ground. You watched with shaky and fast breath from around the corner as Dumbledore was now holding an object that had the appearance of a crystal ball. Harry, Hagrid, McGonagall and even Snapes eyes glistened and glittered as Albus whispered a spell, slowly levitating the crystal ball that held you worst moments. It lifted itself up into the air and popped like a giant bubble, it was like the movie began. Minerva had told Severus what he'd be seeing and hearing, the attack on him committed by Nagini. He tried to shake it off, tried to shake off the nerves and the tears that were building up inside of him as he realised he's been forced to sit and watch your most painful moments. You watched the ball with a careful eye and when it burst you shut your eyes tight.
You and the young boy were sat by water, making daffodil chains... well daffodil chains with old, dead, and withered daffodil heads and stems. You spoke quietly to the young boy, "You'll stay with me forever won't you?", "Always", Severus replied with a smalls smile on his face. As soon as you made the chains you decided to fly them over to one another. From afar another young girls eyes with ginger hair saw the face that belonged to the boy with the black hair and eyes. She decided to skip over to the Severus and... and the girl next to him. Whilst you and Severus were still messing with the ones you had both made, your attention and his was yanked away when the girl shouted his name whilst skipping up the hill to him. You watched the interaction between Lily and Severus; he handed her an old and dead daffodil chain he took back from you, and she gave him a bright and colourful daisy chain, she even put it around his wrist.
It was a few months later now and somehow Severus and Lily had grown even closer, and so had Lily and James. It was wrong and you knew it was. She was either leading one or both of them on or playing a cruel game with Severus just so James would bully him even more. You were sat opposite Severus and Lily, well you were sat next to him but she asked if she could have your seat. You couldn't say no to her she was too polite, and he was infatuated with her. So you sat opposite the wo students with your head resting on a closed fist as you mindlessly flicked through a book 'revising'. It wasn't long before you were left in the library by yourself as Lily had offered Severus to view the stars outside, to which he accepted her offer, didn't give you a second thought, and left. The memory showed you, a teenager, sat on the library table now after hours with an open book and staring off into space.
It was drawing to the end of the year, you and Severus hadn't spoken for weeks. You assumed he learnt his lesson with Lily as her and James walked Hogwarts grounds holding hands. You had gotten so lonely and withdrawn from your classes, eating, even reality; that Mr Filch and even Mrs Norris began to feel pity for you. As everyone was leaving Hogwarts for the final time as a student you wished to see Severus, and you did. Just the back of him. As he walked further and further away from you until you couldn't see him anymore.
You'd been working at Hogwarts for a few years now and Dumbledore had ordered you to become a Deatheater, for his own benefit. You soon discovered that Voldemort was going after Lily and James Potter, and you knew you had to do something. If Lily died it would kill Severus, even if they didn't talk for all of this time. So you were standing with Albus in your younger years of teaching begging him but not before he asked, "Why do you need the protection of Lily Potter so badly?", you ignored him and said, "Albus please, I beg you, hide them. Hide them all. Keep them safe I beg of you", to which he replied; "And what will you give to me in return Y/n?". "Anything", you quickly replied. You agreed to spend your life serving Albus and Hogwarts whilst being tied to Voldemort as a Deatheater. Snape and yourself had no idea you practically had the same double-sided job. Even at the Dark Lords meetings, you never once spoke, took your mask off. You never even moved. You found out the boys parents had been killed and that Severus found out and wept at the news, and of course at the sight he walked into at Godrics Hollow; you forced Dumbledore to tell you. "You promised me you would keep her safe!" "You came to the wrong person to give protection Y/n, I'm sorry". Of course during that difficult time period, you and Snape somehow grew further apart got more miserable and moody, and more vicious with the comments at one another.
Things at Hogwarts were getting tense, Potter was having more trouble with his sleeping, his visions and head pains of Voldemort, Hogwarts was being attacked by Demontors for what seemed like every 5 minutes.
You speedily walked to corner and question Albus. You had just finished a spell on Dumbledores hand that would keep the physical sight and damage of the spell hidden, but not for long. "How long do you think it will hold off?", he asked. "Not long, a year a least". You said with finality before dropping his hand and moving to walk away, "Don't ignore me Y/n". You halted, waiting to see what he wanted to say. "We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered Severus to murder me. But should he fail... I should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you. You must be the one to kill me Y/n". The memories showed your view of Dumbledore falling to his death. You slowly hung your head and shut your eyes, you didn't show or express any emotion hut inside you were crumbling, you were shutting down, the thought of killing Albus with everything else going on; it seemed impossible. "It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely". You sighed and opened your eyes again letting him continue. "There will come a time when Harry Potter must be told something, but you must wait until Lord Voldemort is at his most vulnerable". You lifted your head up when you heard the boys name and because of the history you were immediately concerned for his safety and so you replied, "Must be told what?" Albus took a deep breath and started to move closer to you, "On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godrics Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them... the curse re-bounded. When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only living thing it could find... Harry himself"> Dumbledore stalked his way closer to you, "There's a reason Harry can speak with snakes, there's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemorts mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him". You had braced yourself now and straightened yourself up, "So when the time comes, the boy must die?" You questioned with severity, "Yes. Yes. He must die", Dumbledore replied with his head down.
The memory was now showing Albus, Minerva, Harry, Hagrid and Snape the moment you fell to the nearest wall, where your emotions came crashing down, as Snape lying in the hospital bed, saw himself lying half dead against the Boating House glass with blood spattered all over it. He saw your breakdown as you were rushing over to him and he felt himself welling up.
The memories now took them back to the office where you were clearly displeased, angry and upset at Dumbledore. You were concerned for Harrys safety and Severus' wellbeing, "You've kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment?... You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter." You voiced, strongly with anger clear. Albus quickly turned his head to you, seemingly shocked as you despised the boy, "Don't tell me now, that you've grown to care for the boy?". Your face dropped and you knew you had to spill your secret. In quick motion you took out your wand and cast a pratronum, "Expecto Patronum...". From your wand, a raven that had beautiful markings glided softly and eloquently throughout Dumbledores office, you both tracked it"
As they were watching the memory, Snape was crying, the tears were rolling down his cheeks and he didn't once bother to wipe them. Harry was upset, Hagrid and Dumbledore had their heads down. Minerva was wiping her nose until she made a noise and pointed at the memory. Your Patronum flew out of the memory and flew around the hospital wing and as it got nearer to the window it flew around Severus' head before flying out. He shut his eyes tight for a second, fully aware that your Patronus was his. He was the thing you love most.
As the raven finished its gliding around the room, Albus turned to you, shocked and he turned to completely face you as everything seemed to click in his head, "Severus". The memory suddenly flashed to you holding Severus' lifeless body with his cloak securely wrapped around him to keep him warm. The blood off the both of you was washed away by the torrential rain and your cries and screams were drowned out by the thunder. Back in the office, you put your head down as the tears began to roll down your cheeks. "After all this time?", he questioned and the pity and guilt was evident in his voice. "Always", you replied strongly.
Severus was silently sobbing, he put his hand over his eyes, not wanting anyone to see him cry. His tears had fell down his neck and wet the bandages that sat around his neck, covering the healing wounds from the snake. His arm brushed the bandages and he was instantly remined of the pain he went through, the pain you went through. He was reminded of how soothed and at ease he felt when you came to his rescue, when you stared into each others eyes, in the Boating House and each time at the dinner hall table. He finally knew the truth, he saw it. You risked your life every day to save Harry Potter because he was Lilys son, and you knew how much Lily meant to Snape. There was guilt, remorse, sadness, love, and anger at himself tingling throughout his still weak body. He knew what he had to do. And he told himself he was going to do it. Even if he had to crawl on his belly to the ends of the earth... he promised himself he would see you, and tell you how much he loved you, how you were his world, his everything.
Part 4 coming soon
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snail-pot · 2 months
So. I don't know bout you guys, but I get excited when I reach these "bookmark milestones" (ex. I've bookmarked 200 fics, I've bookmarked 300 fics, etc etc). ANYWAY, I was thinking, to celebrate my 400th bookmark, why not make a list of Harry Potter fics I've bookmarked throughout my time on Ao3?
Gen: [AKA General Relationships, Little to No Romance]
"riding up the wrong path" by ashen_key [Lily Luna Potter, Character Study, Oneshot]
When Lily is eighteen, she cuts her hair and joins the army. The British Army. The British Muggle Army. Despite what the gossip papers say, she leaves her wand at home. She's not a complete idiot. – – Oh, right. Maybe take a few steps back.
"The Statute of Secrecy" by Shairanna [Muggle POV, Muggles, Crack Treated Seriously, Oneshot]
They were, of course, just Muggles, and as such had no idea that magic was real, and that wizards and witches lived hidden among them. Or so the witches and wizards thought.
"The Time That Wood Didn't Play" by HPfanatic12 [Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Humor, Oneshot]
Due to an injury, Oliver has to stay off the field for a bit and Lee Jordan offers him the opportunity to be the quidditch commentator. Professor McGonagall allows it Only to discover that Wood is much worse than Jordan ever was
"In Which Lucy Despises Sundays" by HPfanatic12 [Lucy Weasley, Percy Weasley, Next Gen, Family Issues]
Lucy didn't like Sundays all that much And it all has to do with how people treat her dad
"Home Alone: The Battle of Hogwarts" by Kosaji [Crossover, Kevin McCallister, Crack Treated Seriously, Multi-chapter, Completed]
Based off this prompt from writing-prompt.tumblr.com: Harry, Hermione, and Ron are killed interrupted early in their search for Horcruxes. Voldemort orders a full invasion of Hogwarts to find the remaining ones. In a panic, Hogwarts is evacuated. One student slept through the evacuation order: 4th year American transfer student Kevin McCallister.
"'Hope' is a Thing With Feathers" by PeachyKeener [Percy Weasley, Weasley Family, Family Issues, No Bashing, Oneshot]
A coward in the eyes of his family he may be but if he had the chance to save even one life he would take it. What Percy Weasley did during the war, in brief moments, and the reconciliation of his family.
"Ron Weasley, Dad of the Gryffindor Tower" by likes_koolaid [Ron Weasley, Gryffindor Boys, Fatherly Advice, Oneshot]
5 times Ron acted like a dad. Aka 5 times the boys in the dorm (minus Ron) didn't have fathers
"Consanguinity" by StygiasCanes [Percy Weasley, Weasley Family, Angst, Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Multi-chapter, Ongoing]
The Second Wizarding War ends, but Percy is nowhere to be found. Six months later, a traumatized Percy is rescued from a Death Eater hideout. How do the Weasleys put their family back together when Percy never had the chance to redeem himself at the final battle, and will they be able to help Percy recover?
"You're Not Supposed to be Here?" by pretty_scary_vampire [Muggle Shenanigans, Crack Treated Seriously]
Muggles can't see Hogwarts in all its glory. Instead, they see smoking, crumbling ruins that they avoid at all costs in fear of being crushed to death. What happens when a young woman decides that she's going to explore Hogwarts? Chaos, an annoyed Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall being ignored, and never ending giggling, that's what.
Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood: [Romance]
"Oliver's Obsession" by orphan_account [Teen]
The Gryffindor Quidditch team is fed up with Oliver constantly pestering them. They decide to do something about it.
"Still think he's the weakest" by Hhhhhheeeeeelloo1 [Not Rated]
Based on that b99 scene where Jake jumps into Terry’s arms when he was holding coffee. You know the one. But with Percy and Oliver.
"Strip poker (and other dangers" by SquaresAreNotCircles [Teen]
“Strip poker?” Oliver offered with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, just as the compartment door slid open. “Er,” Percy said. Or: Oliver and his best friend are bored, Percy has incredible timing and everybody keeps their clothes on.
"The Hottest Weasley" by orphan_account [Teen]
A notice appears in the Gryffindor common room, asking a very important question: Who Is The Hottest Weasley?
"Preparing" by orphan_account [Teen]
The Gryffindor quidditch team prepare their captain for one of the most important events of his life.
"It's the truth" by SquaresAreNotCircles [Teen]
Fred and George refuse to believe Percy has a girlfriend. Oliver seems to know more. It's all very mysterious, until it isn't.
"good old-fashioned loverboy" by aeoneskova [Teen]
Due to a slight mix-up in calculations, Percy Weasley ends up sharing his dorm with only one other person. Unfortunately, that person just so happens to be the complete opposite of Percy himself. In order to avoid the inevitability of strangling Oliver Wood by seventh year, Percy moves their beds to opposite sides of the dorm. However, over their years at school, circumstances gradually bring them closer together. or; Percy Weasley being irritated for 7 years straight. Ironically, it’s very gay.
"In Which Fred and George Weasley Go Through the 5 Stages of Grief Because their Brother is Dating Their Quidditch Captain" by apollospec [Teen]
"At least he has great abs" by Irisen [Teen]
There's nothing quite like waking up to your mother texting you a picture of your soulmate's abs.
"Burn Across the Sky" by MoonytheMarauder1 (beforethemoon) [Teen]
Suddenly, Oliver stopped speaking. His brown eyes had locked onto something on the other end of the Quidditch Pitch, and a grin overtook his features—completely unlike the serious scowl that had been sitting there before. Wide-eyed with shock, the Gryffindor Quidditch team turned as one to find the source of Oliver's distraction. The only thing that could have caused it, however, was the person walking briskly past the stands, a stack of books in his arms and a worn Gryffindor scarf wrapped snugly around his neck: Percy Weasley. Harry turned around just in time to watch Fred, George, and Ron's jaws drop as one. The three Weasleys glanced from their captain to their brother, then back again. Fred was the first to speak. "You're shitting me," he breathed. o.o.o Or, When Oliver Wood stops talking about Quidditch to stare at Percy Weasley, Ron, Fred, and George know something is up.
"The Exploding Charm" by perilouspursuits [Teen]
It's funny the things that come back to hurt and help you. In the end Percy chooses a side and it doesn't take long for him to know he's chosen right.
Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas: [ROMANCE]
"It's Tough to Have a Crush" by obliviateme [Teen]
Dean Thomas has had a crush on Seamus Finnigan since second year. Four years later, Seamus kisses him on the way back from a Hogsmeade trip. A week after that, they still haven't spoken about it. Dean struggles to bring up his feelings, and he's not sure if Seamus will let him down about this.
"The Perfect Vows" by KillianJones32 [Gen]
“You’re okay with writing our own vows right?” Dean had asked him over three months ago. Dean had looked at him with those big brown eyes and wide grin and really how was Seamus supposed to say no? But now the time had actually come to writing those vows and Seamus was struggling, quite a bit actually.
"Painting Seamus" by KillianJones32 [Teen]
Dean is an artist who hasn’t submitted anything for his portfolio in weeks and he ends up doing a painting of his roommate Seamus who he's had a crush on for over a year.
"Breakfast in Company" by Anemone_nemerosa [Teen]
Prompt: I run a bed & breakfast and you showed up for your reservation alone. Do you understand what the purpose of a b&b is? It's a bright and sunny day mid-October when Dean meets the most peculiar person to ever enter his life.
"Doodles" by fandomgalore [Gen]
Dean likes to doodle to keep his hands occupied. Over the years, his doodling subject range narrows down to one.
"(Star)Gazing at You" by Three Guesses (Thr3eGuess3s) [Gen]
It's Christmas and all Seamus wants to do is get Dean alone under the mistletoe, but Hogwarts and it's mysteries may just get in the way of that. (Yes, btw, I am indeed aware that I'm posting a Christmas fic in July don't @ me)
"A Slight Pyromaniac's Guide to Love and Potions Class" by Anonymous [Gen]
Seamus Finnigan is Potions partners with Dean Thomas. They're making Amortentia. What an inconvenient time to be in love with your best friend. // Inspired by a tiktok by @mariuslee! It's where I got the dialogue for the actual Amortentia scene from, and it inspired me to write this whole fic in the first place!
"Write on Me" by orphan_account [Gen]
At the age of 17 everyone gets a tattoo of their soulmates name in their hand writing. Or the one where Dean won't tell Seamus who his soulmate is until Seamus's birthday.
"ní bhíonn toit gan tine" by fallthroughtimelikeme [Explicit]
Dean is staying over in Séamus's house for part of the summer holidays. Stormy nights, cuddling in bed, awkwardness, and sex ensues.
"Lost Bed, Found Love" by NearlyHeadlessNicci [Explicit]
A Prank War amongst the Gryffindor Eighth Year Boys gets slightly out of hand. Dean ends up suffering some undeserved consequences, but does he really suffer?
"Hiding Scrawl, Licking Freckles, and Other Average Wizard Things" by tamerofdarkstars [Gen]
Someone out there is obsessed with his freckles, and damn it, Seamus Finnigan wants to know who. - Uselessly fluffy Soulmate AU where the thoughts of your soulmate inscribe themselves on your skin in an shifting magic tattoo
"The Truth in Black and White" by brokenbottleaurora [Teen]
Seamus and Dean are already best mates- but could they be soulmates? After the first 6th year potions class, the answer is clear. Pure Deamus fluff. Not canon compliant (shifted timeline).
"watch the stars burst into light" by anonymous_koala [Gen]
After Dean's 18th birthday, he's finally able to communicate with his soulmate. Who are they? Will he ever get to meet them? A soulmates can see everything written on the other's skin AU.
Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood: [ROMANCE]
"darling, the mess is half the fun" by slyther_ing [Teen]
In retrospect, the twins probably could've gotten their answer by just asking Oliver whether he and Flint were a thing - but when have they done anything the easy way? (In which the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams attempt to get their captains together, and Marcus' reputation suffers.)
"Your feet above the ground" by Phantomato [Explicit]
And if he’d attended potions, and couldn’t remember anything, and was now groggy and prone in front of multiple professors in the Hogwarts infirmary, that could only mean one thing: potions accident.
"Come a little closer" by MInnie0503 [Teen]
Marcus Flint gets engaged. Oliver Wood starts a fight. They both end up with ten shared detentions and it all goes tits up from there. Or: How many detentions does it take for two boys to admit they like each other?
"The Inked Snitch" by your_token_trophy_wife [Teen]
While Oliver’s quidditch days may be over, his quidditch supply shop is near perfection. Perhaps he’s a little lonely and a tad sheltered too, but Oliver would much rather keep to himself than have his heart broken. That’s not too much to ask for is it? Though when a magical tattoo shop opens up next door, Oliver’s in for a lot of surprises, including bad flirting, third-wheeling and the return of an old rival. Alternatively: A shop!AU where both shopkeepers are hopeless at flirting, great at drawing conclusions and absolutely inept at talking about their feelings.
"Adversary" by RoemaencePartnaerr [Teen]
Oliver was pretty sure he had shaken hands with every other person in the school, yet he still hadn't met his soulmate.
"chalk this one up as a win" by tamerofdarkstars [Teen]
Oliver Wood wakes up in the Hospital Wing a week after his first Quidditch game ever with a head injury and his soulmate's thoughts wound around his left wrist. Frankly, he's more concerned about missing the Quidditch game.
"rolling with the punches" by sadie18 (orphan_account) [Gen]
no matter what- the era, the age, the universe, muggle or wizard- oliver wood was always there - alternatively, marcus has a long dream, he wakes up in a different reality every day, and he just can't get away from oliver wood note: the plot isn't apparent from the very beginning, so stick with it please! it clicks into place
"you're good at quidditch" by ramathorne [Not Rated; FANART]
A 4 page comic interpretation of a scene from chalk this one up as a win. slightly unfinished. still made with love.
"Does it smell like bleach to you?" by Surperb [Teen]
Oliver Wood overhears a private conversation while cleaning the broom shed.
"what my hands were made for" by hexiewrites [Teen]
There had been a small silver Quaffle inked into the skin on Oliver’s right hipbone since before he knew how to walk. His mother had gasped delightedly the day it had appeared, shimmering onto his skin as if by magic.
OTHER FICS: [The ones that don't really fit into a specific category, but I love and appreciate them regardless]
"Ottery St. Catchpole" by Erisah_Mae [Teen]
Tumblr Prompt from accio shitpost: "i wanna see a muggle who goes stealth among wizards purely by having a ridiculous aesthetic" A muggle moves to Ottery St Catchpole a few months after the Battle of Hogwarts, and there's a slight misunderstanding.
"A Touch of Mystery" by Edie_K [Teen]
At their weekly lunch, the Weasley brothers learn some surprising new information and the balance of power shifts. Canon compliant, set two years after DH.
"A Crown of Lilac Fingertips" by wickersnap [Teen, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley]
When they’d shaken hands on the train and Harry had pulled back with a bright, grass green imprint on his hand, he had gasped, excited, and asked Ron what it was. At thirteen years old green becomes lilac, and at fourteen lilac becomes red. At seventeen it's both, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
"The Sign" by Hang_In_There_Baby_Crookshanks [Gen, Justin Finch-Fletchley/Ernie Macmillan]
Justin Finch-Fletchley thinks he has zero chance of being asked out for Valentine's Day. Is he about to be pleasantly surprised? Or will the irritating muggle song that he seems to be the only one able to hear drive him crazy first?
"why not both" by varnes [Mature, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Viktor Krum]
“Small baby,” Krum diagnosed, sounding delighted by this. “World too big, yes? Wants back in small, warm place, yes?” Ron realized that he was holding his breath. He glanced over at Hermione, who was looking at Krum like she was definitely, absolutely going to leave Ron for him, and honestly, at this moment, Ron felt that was fair. Ron was going to leave himself for Krum. Ron was going to rob all the banks in the world to get Viktor Krum back his money as long as it meant he’d keep their beautiful, perfect, angelic monster of a screaming baby quiet. “I want to be in a small, warm place,” Hermione muttered, and then squeaked a little realizing she’d said it out loud. Rose giggled. “Shidole,” she whispered, looking pleased and interested, smacking at Krum’s chest. “Rose, don’t call our guests shitholes,” Hermione scolded, and then said, “Viktor, you can stay as long as you like.” - Or: The Ron/Hermione/Krum fic that absolutely nobody was hankering for in the year of our Lord 2020.
"can take the sting (if you heal my bruises)" by oliverwvvd [Teen, Cormac McLaggen/Ron Weasley, Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood]
Prompted by peachpety for Quidditch Fest 2021. I hope this fulfils what you hoped for to some degree! Cormac McLaggen and Oliver Wood hold the record for the two Keepers in the Quidditch league with the most injuries to date respectively. Oliver plays it risky and ends up in the hands of an exasperated Marcus Flint, ex-Montrose Magpies player turned Healer. Cormac, on the other hand, has a persistent crush on Ron that everyone knows about...except for Ron, who is oblivious, right up until the moment that he isn't. [Original prompt/request: Person A plays professional Quidditch and is prone to injury. All the more reason to see the team physician, his secret crush. Person B is the exasperated team physician at his wit's end with the only player for whom he pines. UST OUT THE WAZOO & happy endings, please.]
"Petunia Evans, a Retelling" by HouseElfMagic [Teen]
Petunia remembered magic. Being young and making things happen--strange things, impossible things--and then the pain when that man took it all away, locked it inside her. She doesn't get it back until Lily's started Hogwarts already and by then she's old enough to decide she wants to keep her own magic a secret. She didn't know that this would ultimately lead her on a quest to raise her nephew and defeat an evil megalomaniac calling himself Voldemort. But, well, here she is. She will do whatever it takes to keep her nephew safe. And hey, if she gets a pseudo father, rescues a convict, makes friends, becomes an almost permanent babysitter to two additional children, and writes books along the way, then that's a definite bonus.
"Like a Dream" by orphan_account [Teen, Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley]
Ron's life had been in a routine for so long. He did his job as an Auror even though he didn't love it, he lived alone but decided he was okay with it, and he ignored that his soulmate was a person who felt more like a fantasy than a reality.
"Loopholes" by orphan_account [Gen, Fred Weasley/Lee Jordan]
To prank his well despised DADA professor, Umbridge, after she put up a decree that prohibits boys from being too close to girls, George Weasley ingeniously finds a loophole and eventually gets his twin brother and his best friend to fake date. Which, however, wasn't going to last long in the first place, especially due to Lee's annoying crush on Fred.
"the art of bending rules" by orphan_account [Gen, Fred Weasley/Lee Jordan]
Umbridge thinks the only way to control the rebels at Hogwarts is to put up rules — and more rules, and then a few more rules after that. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t understand is that there is nothing most rebels are better at than bending the rules. It’s an art to perfect, as Fred says.
Happy reading! Don't be afraid to ask for recs and I'll do my best to answer them :))
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cherry-pop-elf · 9 months
Father Figure Snape To Fred And George Weasley Snippets
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Snape originally hated the twins, with a passion. Seeing nothing but James in them. These pair of students who wanted to cause chaos and destruction. That goofed around, were Casanovas, and over all a burden to him
But as time went on, he started to see alot more Lilly in them. He noticed them be there for the younger kids. Making rules on who to prank and who to not prank. They even apologized when a joke went too far. They had a moral code, and a clear passion for potions. They weren’t James, and they weren’t Lily either. They were their own beings, and he admired it
He had to keep up his scary aesthetic, for a number of reasons, so he tried to hide his fatherly affection from public eye. But he would slip up, now and again. And it was REALLY noticeable during Umbridges time. Given she was out for blood at the twins
Rumor has it that he was the one to even unlock the closet that had their brooms in, when she took them away from the twins, so that they could make their grand escape from school. There is no proof, besides some strange slashes at the lock on the closet. As if someone made multiple slashes.
Don’t lie. Molly is a good mom, but was verbally abusive. Especially at the twins. One of his ways to show his fatherly affection was that no matter what, he never raised his voice at them. Even when in class. When he had to yell, he made sure to make it clear it was either at a certain person or the class as a whole. So the twins didn’t have to be scared
When Snape passed on, that’s when the twins could be open about his affection. Knowing he wouldn’t be at risk of any punishment for it. They named him after muggle candy they make even, to let him have pride in his muggle blood. Along with other cute things. Like named his favorite flavor after him. Much like how they sold muggle things, in honor of their dad, they would even make mini potion kits for the honor of Snape
Snape 100% would talk to the twins about muggle things, and it was mentally healing for him. These two red heads that were so fascinated by muggle things, and ready to hear him about it. He’s able to see hope for the first time in a long while. To heal. To have some pride in his muggle blood, and comfort in the fact he had these pranksters genuinely be super invested
He even went as far as to be involved in pranks with the twins. Especially at Umbridge. It was healing to be part of the making of pranks, and even didn’t mind when the twins pranked him. Because the twins respected his trauma, and never did anything super extreme. Like they normally would. Silly things, like muggle pranks. Like invisible ink, and rather harmless jokes. Snape never got hurt by them, and it was comforting to know he could be treated normal like that. Normal, and with out pain
Snape so taught them how to perform muggle pranks, and no wizard was able to escape them. Given it’s a muggle thing, so they had no way to know what to expect. Made Snape hold pride in his half blood
Snape is able to be a little more sane, all because of the twins, and he makes sure that it’s known when he passes. That the twins are in his will, and inherited his things. Spinners End would end up becoming like a muggle summer home. That it’s now a home for joy, for the next bundle of Weasley kids, compared to pain that his family had. There was love in that house
It becomes a good safe haven, for George, when he needs to process Fred’s death. Which is very important for him. Somewhere different, but still familiar at the same time. Just away from it all. Somewhere safe, and in the muggle world. Away from anything that reminded him of Fred, but still a comfort of someone familiar. The man that helped raise them
Snape, in general, was a dad to all the Slytherin’s. Duh. So it catches the dorm off guard at seeing the twins inside now and again. When a party isn’t being thrown
Father figure Snape to Fred and George is my blood fuel. Thank you. One of the few students to ever get perfect grades in potion class, while still being goofballs
Probably one of the last few things Snape did, before the Dumbledore Moment was go to the Weasley Shop. To tell them in person he was proud, and maybe even show support in buying something. The twins, unaware, that these were the final acts of a dying man
George would also tell Daniel how much he reminded him of Snape, and that it wasn’t a bad thing. Happily sharing with him those special moments with the newest potion master to be
Snape was there for the moments Molly couldn’t, and uh. Yeah. That’s the post. Fight me. Father Snape
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lupinmoonlight · 5 months
prof! lupin is everything and I’m addicted
I'm so obsessed with him it's unhealthy. I have a folder on my phone with 800+ edits of Remus.
I've also been re-reading the books recently (last time was back in 2017) and the man is SO FATHERLY!?!
In PoA when Harry faints on the train and Remus excuses himself...he doesn't go to speak with the driver...he goes to SEND AN OWL TO MCGONAGALL TO TELL HER HARRY FAINTED so when Harry arrives at school he gets swarmed by Poppy and McGonagall.
In OOTP he literally writes a letter to Mr and Mrs. Dursley to let them know that Harry was going with him and to not worry about him. He leads the entire mission to bring Harry safely to Grimmauld place. He stands up to Molly to tell her they all care about Harry. He tries to calm everyone down and starts serving dinner, telling Molly it looks delicious. He comforts Molly when she sees her boggart by PETTING HER ON THE HEAD GENTLY!?!?! He lectures Harry about letting Snape help him in Occlumency. He accompanies the trio to visit Arthur at St-Mungo's during Christmas!?!?! He goes over to sit with a werewolf to make him feel less alone and more human!?!?!
This man makes my heart melt every single day. I'm in a constant battle with myself, wondering if I want him to be my dad or my husband.
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lostdrarryfics · 3 months
Heyyy, so I read this fic in around January of '22; in the fic harry is raised by wolfstar and they're a very loving family and all
The only scene ik of is when in second year harry breaks his arm during G v/s S quiditch match and lockhart tries to fix it but instead turns it boneless; snape is furious and shouts at him in front of everyone, turns out its because he doesn't wanna "subject himself to remus lupin's fatherly warth unduly". Harry thinks that snape is mistaken cuz clearly its sirius you should be worried about, but later its actually remus who loses it (not in front of harry ofc). Snape is good in this fic, not really close to wolfstar but respects them.
It's a multichapter au fic on ao3; that's all I remember. Please help me find it, thank you.
We believe you are looking for Nearly by gonattsaga (434k, NR)
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Opposites Attract - Pt. 4
Snape's POV
Snape had never really considered himself the fatherly type. Even in the days when he still entertained the possibility of marriage, the idea of raising a child never appealed to him. Snape knew he was too selfish and easily vexed to be a suitable parent. He was, as much as he hated to admit it, too much like his worthless bastard of a father in that regard.
And yet, as he watched Y/N grow closer to the Weasley boy, a sort of protective paternal instinct rose up within him. He just couldn't see how this situation could end well, and he wasn't about to sit idly by and watch Y/N throw away a promising future for the likes of Fred Weasley.
Y/N wrapped her cloak tighter around her as she descended the stairs to the dungeon. She should've layered up more before coming down here, she thought with a huff. One would think that with the combined magic of the headmaster and all the teachers, something could be done about these damned drafts in the hallways. But, no such luck. Maybe it was some sort of character building nonsense or some other similar bullshit. With a long sigh, she rounded the last set of stairs, trying to exhale all her frustration before her meeting with Professor Snape.
Of all days, Fred picked this one to be an absolute shit. He'd been waiting for her just outside the door of her Ancient Runes class. "Hey, love," he leaned down for a kiss. "I thought maybe we could take a walk before dinner. It's starting to snow."
Y/N smiled. "I'd love to," she replied. "But I've got my meeting with Snape in about fifteen minutes."
"Oh," Fred muttered, looking a away.
"I'll try to cut it short," she reached out, placing her hand on his arm. "I really would love to take a walk with you."
"I don't know why you're going at all," he spat.
The vehemence in his voice caused Y/N to step back. "We've talked about this before. I want to be a Potions Master and, like it or not, Snape is my mentor. Besides, even if I canceled, I still have to return his book."
"Oh yeah, his precious little book from his precious little collection," he mocked.
Y/N stared at him in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's that my girlfriend is choosing to go play teacher's pet instead of spending the afternoon with me."
Her gaze hardened as any sympathy she had flew out the window. "Never mind," Y/N spat back. "Forget me trying to get out early. If you're going to insult me for actually taking school seriously and pursuing my passion then you can fuck right off!" And with that, she turned on her heel and stomped away.
Fred's POV
Regret slammed into him as soon as she disappeared around the corner. This was not how things were supposed to go.
All he wanted was to spend some time with Y/N and forget about his shitty afternoon.
His day had started out great. But then, he and George got into an argument over the best way to tackle the problem they were having with their newest invention. They didn't argue often, and today's disagreement wasn't really that bad. They'd actually already worked things out. But it didn’t matter. Their arguments always left Fred feeling a little out of sorts and sad. It wasn't something he'd ever admitted to anyone, least of all himself.
Usually, to clear his head, he'd go for a walk. But now, with Y/N in his life, he sought her out instead, craving her gentle, calming presence. The world never felt more right than when she was by his side.
Except he'd fucked up. He'd forgotten she had her monthly meeting with Snape today, and it was the final blow. So, of course, he had to act like a selfish prick.
Godric, I'm such an fucking idiot.
Fred kicked at a loose stone on the floor, debating what to do next. His gut told him not to run after her, that'd only make things worse. She needed to cool down first. But afterward, that should be better. Shouldn't it? Of course, it would be better, he reasoned. Following the path Y/N had just taken, Fred decided he'd wait for her at the top of the stairs leading down to the dungeon, and when she got out, he'd apologize and make things right again.
Snape's POV
Snape raised an eyebrow as he watched Y/N stomp into his office, slamming the door shut behind her and dropping her backpack on the floor with a loud thud.
"Something troubling you?" He asked with a bemused air.
"What?" Y/N looked surprised, as if she'd just realized he was sitting there. "No, no - I'm fine."
Snape eyed her a few seconds before speaking again. "Very well," he said and leaned forward to replace the book she'd borrowed with a new one. He was pretty certain she wasn't, as she put it, fine, and wondered if her foul mood had something to do with the Weasley boy. He decided to broach that very subject after their book discussion.
"Shall we begin?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and pulled out her list of questions.
Throughout their conversation, he watched Y/N carefully. Assessing her behavior. He noted that she'd kept her mind on track despite being obviously upset.
Excellent discipline, Snape thought. That should make the next discussion more productive.
"Before you go, Miss Y/L N, I would like to speak to you about your future as it pertains to your career path," he began.
Y/N stopped packing up her backpack and looked up at him. "Of course, professor." She sat back down, folding her hands neatly in her lap.
"You still wish to become a Potions Master, yes?" He asked.
"Yes, of course."
"Good," he stood and paced the room. "As you are well aware, Potions requires steadfast study and a disciplined mind. It is important to stay focused. Trivial social distractions can lower the quality of your work."
Y/N gave him a puzzled look. "Trivial social distractions? Forgive me, sir, if I've misunderstood. But it sounds like you're saying I should have no life outside of my potion studies."
"Far from it, Miss Y/L/N," Snape returned to his seat. "But you should be select with who you devote your free time to. Surround yourself with people of like mind who understand and support your endeavors rather than those who seek to pull you away from your objective."
Y/N remained silent for a few long moments. Snape could almost hear the gears turning in her head. "I - I understand, professor," she said finally.
"Very good," Snape replied. "Now, go and enjoy the rest of your day."
Y/N simply nodded and hurried out of his office.
Snape leaned back with a self-satisfied grin, convinced that his message had hit home.
Y/N hurried out of Snape's office, holding back the tears that threatened to spill over. How could she have been so stupid? Letting herself get pulled in by a pretty face. The professor was right. She needed to surround herself with people who supported her. She thought Fred did, but she was wrong. He'd shown his true colors today.
Confused and still angry, Y/N failed to notice the figure leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs.
"Y/N!" A voice called after her.
"Fred?" She turned around, surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize," he began, but then saw her wet, red-rimmed eyes. "You're crying, love. What happened? Did Snape say something to upset you?"
Y/N rolled her eyes. Was Fred really that dense? Or was he too junvenile to take responsibility for his own behavior?
"No, Fred. It wasn't Snape that upset me," she sneered. "But he did open my eyes."
"Opened your eyes," Fred's eyebrows scrunched together. "What the hell does that mean?"
"It means I've been a fool, thinking you actually cared about me or anything that's important to me."
"What? How could you think that? I do care," Fred entreated. "That's why I'm here. Because I care so much."
"For now," Y/N scoffed. "But what happens the next time you want me to take a walk and I need to focus on my studies?"
She started to walk away, but he stepped in front of her. "Y/N, baby, please. Just listen," he begged. "I was upset and stupid, and it won't happen again."
"I know it won't." Y/N's gaze went as cold as ice. "Because we're done, Fred Weasley. This relationship is over."
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smilingformoney · 1 year
Does Snape stress over raising the twins since he doesn’t have experience raising babies like Sephy? Or does he have fatherly/parental instincts?
he is reading every parenting book he can get his hands on
if even the slightest thing concerns him he’s getting worried and Sephy has to assure him that it’s perfectly normal for babies to have a soft spot in their skull etc
he brews as many potions as he can think of that they might need, with reduced strength to make them safe for babies
the first few nights after they’re born, he doesn’t sleep. he wouldn’t anyway because of the crying, but he doesn’t even try, he’s watching them like a hawk - partly out of “they are so cute and I love them so much I don’t want to tear my eyes away” and partly out of “if I look away for one second they might somehow fall out of their cots”
meanwhile if Sephy doesn’t sleep at least eight hours a night he’s shoving sleeping draughts at her because “you just gave birth, you need to rest!”
basically he’s overprotective father and doting husband to the max
meanwhile Abbie’s like “damn now I’m glad you didn’t raise me as a baby, I’d be terrified if I woke up and you were staring at me from the end of my bed”
but despite all of his worrying he’s a natural with them — just as with Abbie, he turns out to be a good caregiver if he loves the children he’s caring for
(thanks anon now I wanna write a one shot of Sephy waking up and finding Sev wide awake guarding watching the girls sleep 🥺)
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moonsnightowl · 1 year
Anyway Sirius Orion Black deserved a love interest! Everyone else did! Even Snape with his impossible love to Lily! All except for the poor guy who first was rejected by his family then lost his friends whom he considered his found new family, spent 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit and lived all this time with an unbearable feeling of guilt!
You'd think that was all but no! To complete the misery, he got killed no more than two years after his escape from prison even before getting his name cleared💔 It's awfully unfair to make him go through all this without a love interest or any happy moments except for the few fatherly ones he had with Harry
@hudson-bay-girl 🥺
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Aaand we’re back.
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If I had a penny for every time jkr self owns in these books I’d have the same amount of gold as Harry does on the bank.
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It’s not your dad but now I’m wondering why Lily and Snape were discussing dementors of all things.
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Uncle moons to the rescue!!!
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I wanna talk a bit abou queercoding. The stereotypical JKR written way (look this man has aids and he can’t get a job) but nevertheless. Shall I?
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But first this. Because I love uncle moony.
Anyway, this chapter is about exposure. You meet other members of the order of the phoenix who might be relevant, and Harry gets important information from Tonks, Moody and Remus. Let’s focus on the men. Moody and Remus are almost opposite to each other in how they talk to Harry.
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While Moody is harsh and impatient and cares very little about Harry’s feelings, Remus is being soft, sweet, very kind and understanding towards Harry. He answers his questions kindly, he cheers Harry on (look at how many people care about you, honey!).
You can (rightfully) tell me that men can be soft and caring and not be gay, but Rowling does not write her adult men like this, not even those taking on the role of a parent. Vernon only praises Dudley for being manly. Arthur is very respectful towards his sons, (he’s yet to interact with Gina as of right now), but he does not interact with any of them in a cooing manner. Sirius is very fatherly towards Harry last book, but he does not coo him. Not even at the end, in the infirmary after Cedric is dead and he saw the ghosts of his parents. He is physically present, and makes sure Harry knows that he can be counted on, but that’s the extent of it.
In her world, that role falls always onto the mother figures, like Petunia and Molly. And yet, despite Tonks being present in the scene to take on that role, Remus is the one doing it. The first and only male character that takes on a role she very clearly sees as that of a woman is very very significant.
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Also making Remus’ behavior more evident is the contrast to moody. This man just asked for a glass of water, pulled his eye out and stuck it in there, super excited to make it perfectly funcional before they can go back into what he assumes will be a battle to protect Harry.
Remus otoh is patiently explaining that flying is what would make Harry safer, praising him for his flying skills, and gently telling him to go pack without telling him to hurry, despite being worried about that.
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By the time Harry comes back down, all the wizards that came to escort him are scattered around the house, interacting with muggle objects. All except for Tonks (who was helping him pack) and Remus, who thought best to write a letter for the Dursleys instead of simply taking their nephew, despite them being awful people.
Wanna know who did that previous book? And refrained from talking badly about them in front of Harry? That’s right. Molly Weasley.
So there you have it. JKR is not subtle. Her writing a single male character in the way she writes her women is very evidently implying he’s feminine (aka gay). I was shocked at how openly she’s doing it on this book and very curious to see how it holds up in the meantime.
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dufferpuffer · 16 days
Dude, I need someone to simp over David Thewlis with and I have no one to go to. I have a feeling I know your opinion about David Thewlis as Remus Lupin (and I think it's a positive one? correct me if I'm wrong, I know some people don't think he did the character justice).
To be honest, I don't think the movies did his character justice, but I think David Thewlis was THE cast for him. The movies made him too soft, too gentle, too perfect. Book Remus is a lot more polarized than that. For every soft quality, he has a YIKES counterpart that is never shown in the movies. The only time we truly see this "yikes" counterpart is the Shrieking Shack scene when he smirks menacingly at Sirius and you think he's a villain. David pulled that off really good. I saw the movie before reading the book (I was a young kid at that time and PoA was too much to read for me) and I felt cheated, I suddenly didn't think I could trust him anymore.
The thing David Thewlis pulled off best, imo, is the fatherly quality of Remus. I know, Remus is a pathetic man with an avoidant personality, but we can't deny he is fatherly. And I feel that, no matter what movie I watch with David in it, the fatherly vibes just radiate from him. In a way I am glad it is like that in the movies because I use PoA as a coping mechanism in life. Stressed? PoA. Sad? PoA. Crisis? PoA. David absolutely nailed the comfy professor aura. Everything about him in PoA is inviting, it draws you in. His voice, his smile, the way he carries himself, his quiet strength. Who could've done it better? I love him.
Enjoy this young David Thewlis edit that I'm obsessed with. Cheers my tumblr friend <3
David Threwlis is a fucking GEM and the PERFECT pick for the character in every aspect, yes. I can't think of how anyone could actually think otherwise. He looks perfect and acts perfect.
To the point where I would actually be happy if he played Remus AGAIN for the TV series or whatever - even though he looks so much older. Play up the fact he looks 'older than his age' or do some makeup, I dunno, I don't care. I would be alright with it.
I don't think any of the movies do anyone justice, TBH - ignoring the fact that of course things will have to be trimmed and simplified. I think most people agree though that the way they chose to do so was destructive and missed the point of the overarching story.
OotP and HBP were enjoyable as individual movies - but cut out so, so much that it damages the series as a whole. OotP especially should have been two movies, to REALLY get to know the Order Members, the adult world harry desperately wants to enter - revisit Lupin and Sirius, get attached to the real Moody - set up Tonks... maybe end the first one with Dumbledore leaving...?
But some actors pulled through wonderfully with the limited time they were given to portray their role, Alan Rickman of course being one - and I think David Threwlis is an underrated other. He did fucking BEAUTIFULLY and it made up for imo a half-assed performance from Gary Oldman as Sirius. He has perfect aesthetic and his fatherly moments with Harry were gorgeous... but most of the time he felt like his heart wasn't in it.
Remus, in the movies, HAD to be soft... but always carry a touch of coldness. A comfortable room but the heater isn't on. A cup of tea but you're asked to leave right after. Gentle eyes that pierce. Slightly odd expressions that feel kind, but also... off. He nailed that. Absolutely. That softness that makes you want to cozy up close, but a constant distance that makes you wonder why. Also the mustache was absolute genius. If only they gave him greys...
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THIS LOOK? Underrated. SO MUCH PACKED INTO IT. Displeasure, surprise, 'oh shit im in danger' - but then forced innocence, a bit of weariness, a cheeky idea...
How he came out of the darkness, too - Snape specifically calling Lupin to show him the map was meaningful in the books, but Remus walking out of the pitch black was symbolic in the movies. It was a decent change. THIS is when I felt a 'Hm...' about Remus. (I saw it as an adult though, first time last year. I had no idea I'd love him so much.)
I LOVVEEEE going on and on about Remus being a wet tissue paper - because he is so often mischaracterized in so many different ways... but he IS good. He IS strong, compassionate, wise, clever... Fatherly. He will put himself aside to comfort someone in need. He just can't do that for himself. He will punish himself for the things he is gentle with in others.
"His voice, his smile, the way he carries himself, his quiet strength. Who could've done it better? I love him." YEAHYEAHYEAH David can pack layers of depth into every movement he makes. His little head bobbles, the ways his eyes pin on something and stare, his control of exactly how he smiles... ITS SO GOOD AHH
Normally a link to tiktok earns an instant vaporization but you get a pass aight I wont kill you God he's so wonky looking, look at him, he is delightful, I am going to spread him on toast with my vegemite
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cannibalcoyote · 2 years
*Imagines that aren’t linked means that they aren’t published yet*
Original Stories:
Senseless Reality
Die Hard(Movies):
Simon Gruber Pt.1: A Stranger
Simon Gruber Pt.2: A Savior
Simon Gruber: Escape
Simon/Hans Gruber Pt.1: Alone
Simon Gruber Pt.2: I Will Protect You
Simon Gruber: Am I Worth Anything?
Simon Gruber: Vengeance
Simon Gruber: Lost
Simon Gruber: Fear
DH3 Cast: Anxiety
Star Trek:
Christopher Pike: You Saved Me
Christopher Pike: Arguments
Seven of Nine: Effigy
War Games(1983):
Dr. Stephen Falken: Enough Games
Dr. Stephen Falken: Living in the Past
David Lightman: Escape
David Bowie/Characters:
David Bowie: Sun Rays to Rainy Days
David Bowie: The Actress
David Bowie: Kid Sister
David Bowie: Confrontations
David Bowie: Determination
David Bowie: Don't Go
David Bowie: Security
Jack Celliers: Beautiful Eyes
Jack Celliers: Sadie
Jack Celliers: Alive
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Jareth: Quelled Fear
Jareth: Twin Souls
Jareth: Lost Child
Jareth: Lost Queen
Jareth: Back Away
Mick Ronson:
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Hannibal Lecter Pt.1: Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter Pt.2:Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter: New Patient
Hannibal Lecter: Protector
Alfred Pennyworth: Alone
The Elder Maximoff(Series)
Beastars- Pina: Leave My Lioness Alone
Beastars- L/Rouis: Scars
SpyxFamily- Loid Forger: Ease Up Old Man
TLOK- Kuvira: Safe
TLOK- Kuvira: A Friendly Face
TLOK- Kuvira: Prison Break
TLOK- Kuvira: Freedom
TLOK- Kuvira: An Uncertain Future
TLOK- Kuvira: Fury
TLOK- Kuvira: Ambush
TLOK- Kuvira: Sisters
TLOK- Kuvira: Bandits
TLOK- Kuvira: The Abused
TLOK- Kuvira: Fear
TLOK- Kuvira: Regret
TLOK- Kuvira: Sergeant
TLOK- Kuvira: Gone Astray
TLOK- Kuvira: Critical
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Family
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Lost
Black Butler- Sebastian Michaelis: Reaper
The Lion King:
Scar: What Did I Do?
Scar: Betrayal
Scar's Adopted Brother(Series)
Munkustrap: The Beast He Made
Munkustrap: Why?
Alec Hardy: A Messed Up Situation
Alec Hardy: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
Unraveled (Series)
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape: Siblings
Doctor Who- 10th Doctor: Reunited
Doctor Who- 11th Doctor: I Didn't Mean To
Johnny Depp:
Johnny Depp: Bodyguard Bestfriend
Tom Hanson: Where is Y/N?
Sweeney Todd: Feeling Fatherly
John Dillinger: I Loved You
Jack Sparrow: Too Far
George Jung: Dangerous Affair
House MD:
Gregory House: Consequences
Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce: Decisions
Margaret ‘Hot Lips’Houlihan: Friends
NCIS/Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner: Found Out
Aaron Hotchner: First and Last Phone Call
BAU: Team Member to Murderer
Jethro Gibbs: The Dangers of Pride
Peaky Blinders:
Thomas Shelby: The Blind Woman
The Dressmaker:
Tilly Dunnage: I'll Be Here
LOTR/The Hobbit:
Thranduil: Why Did You Run?
Thranduil: Abandoned
Thranduil: Nin Naur
Woodland Princess (Series)
House of the Dragon:
Daemon Targaryen: Daughter
Daemon Targaryen: Bastard
Daemon Targaryen: Unexpected
Daemon Targaryen/Matt Smith: Two Face
Aemond Targaryen: Blood Debt
Hazbin Hotel:
In progress
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