rjalker · 1 year
Im still pissed off thab boyh Fnor ane Canyh perfrcyly rrcovetrd from that byllshit withouy a sibyle prohlem. Yhey whpylr h4 r4ae. Just 1000% d3ad.
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akariarda · 2 months
RETURN OF THE ENEMY (Ninjago fan season between season4 and 5 with Sensei G.)
Episode 2-surprises
Skylor has a dream that should help them defeat Chen, but no one knows how.Misako and Garmadon have problems with Clouse.
Skylor was dreaming. How did she know she was dreaming?
In front of her was her old home, and at the window stood a silhouette she hadn't seen in a long time.
A silhouette she missed dearly. Hair as red as hers.
Former master of amber.
"Mom!" Skylor said, full of tears, and she rushed into her mother's embrace.
"Oh, my dear, you are already a big girl," Skylor's mother said, hugging her tightly.
"Why are you here, Mom?" Skylor asked, pulling back a little from her. "And how?"
"When the need is great, impossible things become possible, my dear," Skylor's mother said. "Your father..."
"Do you know what he is planning now?" Skylor asked angrily.
"I can't tell you much..." Skylor's mother shook her head sadly. "But remember your roots."
"My roots?"
"Yes, where you came from, where I came from..."
"What exactly should I remember, Mom?" Skylor asked, feeling disheartened.
"Let me show you." Skylor's mother smiled, and suddenly the whole dream turned around.
Suddenly, images from her childhood came to her, then images she did not recognize...
Chivary's bastard...
They were images etched into her memory.
"What is happening here?" Clouse stormed in angrily. Fortunately, he didn't look like he knew anything.
Garmadon squeezed Misako's hand as a sign not to say anything. The less they talked to Clouse, the better.
"Hmm..." Clouse thought as he paced around the cabin.
"Aha!" he said when he looked at the large screen. "So that's how it is..."
"Master Clouse?" The guard confusedly addressed Clouse, who was fuming with anger.
"You contacted your little Samurai X, didn't you?" Clouse asked as he turned towards Garmadon and Misako.
They glared back at him defiantly.
"Immediately go to Garmadon’s monastery," Clouse commanded the guards through the screen. "And capture the girl."
"Do you think Nya will manage to escape?" Misako whispered worriedly to Garmadon.
"It depends on how close the guards are..." Garmadon frowned.
"Oh, they're very close, don't worry, Sensei Garmadon," Clouse cruelly smirked.
"He's getting crazier ..." Misako noted, which made Garmadon smirk a little.
But fortunately for her, she didn't know Clouse well. She hoped she wouldn’t have to get to know him.
Although it seemed she would...
"And now for your punishment." Clouse turned toward them. "My Master wants both of you. But he wants her less, and it’s more important that she dies. Tie her up and throw her into the sea!"
"No!" Garmadon shouted and slammed his back against the mast.
He couldn’t allow that.
"Why not, though?" Clouse laughed amusedly. "Does a lying husband who never listens suddenly care?"
Misako blushed at this. She immediately regretted saying that to Nya; the camera must have recorded it.
"Shut up," Misako interrupted him.
"I’m afraid you’ll be the one who will soon be eternally silent." Clouse said, calling the guards over. "Tie her up and throw her into the sea."
"But Master Clouse..." One guard nervously scratched behind his ear. "She's already tied up..."
"Fools, untie her and tie her hands and feet again!"
"Yes, Master!" The guards shouted and began to untie the ropes that bound Misako and Garmadon to the mast.
As they untied and captured Misako, Garmadon managed to break free.
"Fools!" Clouse facepalmed.
"Guard..." he began to say, but Garmadon hit him with a box.
"Enough!" Misako managed to kick one of the guards, while Garmadon put a barrel over another's head.
"Guards!" Clouse yelled after he regained some awareness.
"Hurry!" Garmadon shouted and grabbed Misako by the hand.
When they entered the nearest storage room, Garmadon locked the door and leaned against it.
"I know all of Chen's ships and positions. Misako, climb through the ventilation to the deck and escape in a boat, or..."
"I'm not leaving without you!" Misako shook her head.
"You have to..." Garmadon groaned as he tried to hold the door so Chen's guards wouldn't open it. "I can't let them hurt you, Misako."
His gaze was so vulnerable that Misako just wanted to hug him.
"Nor should I let them hurt you." She said, leaning against the door with him. "We escape together, or no one escapes!"
"Misako..." Garmadon tried to grab her hand.
"Ahh!" Skylor sighed loudly as she felt herself waking from a dream.
"Skylor?" Kai called out to her from the cell opposite hers. "Are you alright?"
"I was just dreaming," Skylor whispered, trying to gather herself so that all the details wouldn't escape her.
"What did you dream about?" Kai asked to start the conversation.
It was eerie and dark in the cold dungeons cells.
Only two distant torches provided any light in a space that stretched on who knows how far.
It was also very uncomfortable with steel chains constraining their hands and feet.
"I saw my mother," Skylor decided to tell him everything. If her mother said it was important, then it was truly important, even though she didn't see the sense in it.
"If you don't want to..." Kai said to her, interpreting her silence as indecision.
"I have to tell you," Skylor sighed. "My mother said it's important. Maybe together we can find a solution."
"A solution for what?" Kai was getting more and more confused.
"For Chen's plan, I suppose," Skylor said and sighed again. "Do you want to hear what my mother showed me?"
Kai nodded silently and then remembered that she probably couldn't see him. "Of course."
"On the other side of the sea..." Skylor began.
"Hey, please don't tell me a legend right now," Kai interrupted her.
"It's not a legend!" Skylor insisted. "Listen. Not so far across the sea lies a kingdom known as the Six Duchies."
"I've heard of that, maybe..." Kai said, puzzled. "But I never heard anything more about it."
"Because they came from far away from the Ninjago. They came from the other side and act like they are not part of our world," Skylor explained.
"That makes sense," Kai admitted.
"From the duchies, Buck, a family known as Farser rules.The people there are tall and dark, with black eyes and dark hair, brave and proud!"
"You speak so passionately about them," Kai began to guess something.
"That’s why you need to listen further!" Skylor said mysteriously.
Soon, Kai found himself immersed in the story.
"Long ago, there was a king named Scherd who ruled there. He had three sons. The first, Chivarlity, abdicated the throne when it was discovered he had fathered an illegitimate child.
A bastard. That was seen as a mortal sin at the time, especially for a future king.
The second son, Verity, fought to save the kingdom during its greatest trouble while his young half-brother Regal attempted to steal the crown from him.
In the end, Verity, with the help of allies, one of whom was Chivarlity's illegitimate child, a daughter, managed to find a way to protect the kingdom from barbarian enemies across the sea.
Verity left his wife pregnant with twins. The older was a son and took over the rule when he grew up enough.
The younger was a daughter; she fell in love with a man..." Skylor said that with a sad and quiet tone.
"Are you okay, Skylor?" Kai asked worriedly.
He would give anything to see her right now.
"She fell in love with a man who probably pretended to love her to gain power and inherit her abilities for their child..."
"Who is such a man?" Kai asked, confused. Although he had an inkling.
"You're done now!" Clouse shouted as his guards broke through.
"Together." Misako reminded Garmadon and looked into his eyes.
Her eyes were always so beautiful and sincere that Garmadon was at peace with the fact that they might fall together.
Misako and Garmadon tried to resist, but it took the guards a little time to overpower Misako and tie her hands.
"Hey!" She shouted and kicked one of them. She looked over and saw Garmadon fighting fiercely on the other side.
"Let me go!" Misako shouted and tried to resist again, but it was in vain since they had tied her legs.
"Tell him to stop fighting!" Clouse yelled at Misako. “He’s hurting the people Master Chen needs!"
"Never." Misako said, looking at Clouse with a glint of determination and courage.
"Guards! You can now freely hurt him!" Clouse shouted, to which the guards nodded and began throwing things at Garmadon, who was resisting their attempts to tie him up.
"Garmadon stop!They are hurting you!" Misako shouted worriedly!
Garmadon looked at her. His eyes widened when he saw she was tied up, and he decided to fight harder.
"Stop, please, they will kill you!" Misako cried out desperately.
Tears were clearly close to spilling. Garmadon couldn't stand the tone of her voice, so he stopped resisting and let them tie him up again to the mast.
"You will pay for this, Clouse," he hissed. Misako watched in agony as bruises formed on his face.
"You really hurt yourself..." she said quietly, watching him with nausea in her stomach.
Garmadon opened his mouth to speak, but Clouse interrupted.
"Say goodbye to each other."
"You coward!." Garmadon hissed again and tried to break free. "Drown me if you have that face, she hasn't done anything to you!"
"I'm sorry,Sensei Garmadon," Clouse said gruffly, seemingly completely indifferent. "I already told you that she will more than likely have to die anyway."
"What does Chen say about that?" Garmadon tried to buy time in a panic. "He always likes to play with prisoners."
"Garmadon..." Misako tried to say something, but the guards had already taken her and pushed her towards the deck.
She heard Garmadon desperately pleading, saying he would do anything they wanted, just to spare her.
She looked back to see him one last time. His eyes were wide as he watched her being led along the plank.
She sent him a last goodbye look. She wanted to tell him something, that she loved him and to tell Lloyd...
She didn’t get the chance because the guards already pushed her off the deck.
Afterwards, she felt the cold water enveloping her.
She tried to resist to reach the surface. Fortunately, her bindings were loosely tied, so she managed to kick off a rock nearby.
She made it to the surface and gasped for air. Then pushed off again and gasped.
And so several times, which felt like an eternity.
"No..." Misako tried to scream when she felt her legs slip off the stone and that she was sinking deeper into the sea.
How could she have messed up so badly?
Her lungs filled with water as she kicked her legs to reach the surface.
She was so close, but her vision started to darken, and she felt herself losing control.
Her lungs were burning.
Death was clearly coming for her, and her life flashed before her eyes.
But most vivid of all before her eyes was Garmadon. The man she loved. The one she still loved, him and their son, with the little breath she had left.
She felt the peace that every person feels when the end finally approaches.
Images and life slipped through her fingers as she watched the surface she longed for slowly fade away...
Then a hand grabbed her and pulled her to the life-saving surface.
"He is Chen, my father. And my mother moved to Ninjago because of him and gave birth to me there.She also renounced all her rights to the throne..."
Kai was silent for a few moments." So you are..."
"Yes." Skylor nodded and sighed. "She told me something else."
"What?" Kia listened intently.
"We need to find Chivarly's daughter, his illegitimate child,bastard.She is supposedly dead, but she actually isn't. We will find her."
Skylor struck her fist against her palm.
"As soon as we free ourselves. She will know the answers to many questions about the Farser and will surely be useful."
"And how are we going to find her?" Kai desperately asked. "It could almost be anyone..."
"She resembles the people from the Duchy of Butch, but she has bright eyes.
She should also be a bit older," Skylor said decisively. "And she told me her scars that I need to recognize..."
"If you say so." Kai shrugged.
He did not like the thought of endlessly searching for some daughter of a long-dead prince.
And he had no idea how this would disrupt Chen's plans.
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whitewaterpaper · 5 years
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April månads sedda filmer. Eller filmer och filmer, denna månad snöade jag nästan helt in på teaterföreställningar av olika årgångar... Inga tummar delas ut denna månad då jag håller dem som likvärdiga.
Mary Poppins [US-1964]
Panik på Kliniken [SE-1994]
Kuta och Kör [SE-1992]
Är Du Inte Riktigt Fisk [SE-1986]
Janne “Loffe” Carlsson i högform!
Charleys Tant [SE-2015]
Obeskrivligt ... övertygande ... Claes Malmberg som Charleys Tant!
Arnbergs korsettfabrik [SE-2000]
AB Dun och Bolster [SE-1989]
Kärlek & Lavemang [SE-2002]
Omaka par [SE-1994]
Låt oss se annat än fredriksdal i kväll... som Eva Rydberg på Lisebergsteatern... Plus fantastiska Laila Westersund!
Rabalder i Ramlösa [SE-2009]
Den stora premiären [SE-2009]
Soldat Fabian Bom [SE-2017]
Klassisk Poppe på Stefan & Kristers “Vallarna”.
Kitty i Spökhuset / Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase [US-2019]
Missa heller inte att spana in vad @kulturdasset tittat på denna månad.
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themusicsweetly · 5 years
Outlander Season 5 NYC Premiere @ 92Y
Outlander Panel
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The panel was after the episode was shown, so there are definite spoilery things that I won’t be sharing. But overall it was a GREAT panel! Caitriona + Sam were their effervescent selves, aided even more by some whisky (and I think by some pre-gaming as well xD). 
I posted a whole bunch of videos on my Twitter feed HERE. I’ll post a select few on here too!
I also livetweeted during the event (when either Diana or R*k was talking... Sorry not at all sorry) so you can find that on my timeline as well, but here are the highlights:
- Caitriona + Sam talked a lot about being producers. Caitriona said they’ve always, in some way, had input and ideas for the season / episodes, but now their seat at the table is official. Sam says it’s a fitting role for them because they are “the consistency”. Sam says of Caitriona as a producer: “I think your influence will be felt.”
- Sam said he feels the writing is better than in the previous season, especially the overall arc of the season. Caitriona mentioned that it brought back the feel of Season 1.
- Diana needs a filter. Full stop.
- Caitriona talks about Claire having a “balance” this season, even though she and Sam both agree “it doesn’t last”. She talks about Claire’s medical passion and alluded to the various penicillin storylines!
- Sam: “In relation to Claire, she’s leading him and he’s learning a lot from her.”
- Caitriona says Sam’s work in the ep where he wears a red coat is some of his best work.
- Caitriona + Sam talking about the kid on set was HILARIOUS.
- “He’s still my toy boy.” — Caitriona Balfe about Jamie
- Tobias was busy with The Crown so there will be NO Fr*nk cameo HALLELUJAH.
- Cheer!SamCait is the SamCait everyone never knew the needed
- I will never tire of hearing how much Caitriona + Sam giggle together on set. Never. Ever.
Outlander Screening
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I'll start off by saying this: overall, this premiere has left me feeling positive about the rest of the season. There were things that I didn't like and thought we could have definitely done without. But there were also bits that, for this particular episode, I expected and also expect it to have a different vibe going forward. Overall there was a lot of what I wanted to see, a lot of what I wanted to hear, and felt like the concerns of Season 4 were... definitely not fixed with this one ep, but on the way to seeing that those concerns were heard.
Below is my attempt a spoiler free review of the Season 5 premiere! But just in case...
Outlander 5x01 - “The Fiery Cross”
First off, all those early reviews so far saying Sam killed it in this episode? Spot on. Anything I say about the remarkable scene he was in at the end would be very spoilery, but safe to say he really was fantastic and this definitely was his episode.
This ep started off really surprising me simply because there were a TON of small humorous moments, which I feel is a new vibe for Outlander. And not just in the first 5 minutes that has already been released, but throughout the episode. Jamie especially had some interesting bits of dry humor.
I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Brianna and R*ger get married in the premiere considering it's been in every single promo to date lol. There was a moment before the ceremony, though, where Claire and Brianna are having a moment alone that I thought was a really, really wonderful culmination of their relationship thus far. And of Claire's journey from the very start of the series to now. The barely constrained emotions from Claire really hit all of that home for me. Jamie and Brianna also have a quiet moment alone together. While this was a very touching scene, there were some parts of it that seemed forced. One line in particular I felt was unearned thus far. I think over the course of this season, we can still earn moments like that and have them feel genuine, but this one felt like it could have waited.
There was a particular line from the book that made an appearance in this episode, that was used in a VERY different context than intended. I think that it made for a nice small moment, especially considering who was in that particular shot, but it also took me by surprise. And makes me wonder about the condensing of TFC.
I think all the side characters had really great opportunities this episode to shine in their own way. Fergus x Marsali were fantastic and this just confirmed that I would LOVE to see more of them. Even Wee Germain stole some scenes without even trying! I can see why Caitriona called Robbie, the boy who plays Germain, the "MVP" of the season xD And of course, Jocasta and Murtagh... I'll leave it at that for them...
I feel like in this ep — even when she was not front-and-center — Claire was the backbone of a lot of the emotional moments. I always love seeing Caitriona's emotional range, which I think she did well here bouncing from funny to tender to serious concern. That said, I sincerely hope that we get bigger moments with and for her in the coming episodes.
Jamie x Claire. What can I say, I loved every single moment with them. I mean, obviously ALL of their scenes make an ep for me, but there was one that was SO impactful, needing zero words and just their emotions splashed across their faces. This scene got a HUGE cheer from the audience. It's always moments like these that really showcase the depth of their chemistry, when they're able to relay a lifetime of meaning in one single look.
Other Jamie x Claire things I loved: Grandda + Granny Frasers! Amorous Frasers! Fun and flirty, Frasers! Quiet, worried Frasers! Nostalgic Frasers! And YES: Seckay Times Frasers! They had some really great beats, despite this episode centering around another couple's wedding. I'd say that there were even times that Jamie x Claire were PURPOSEFULLY pushed to the forefront as if to say, "These two. These two are why we're here in the first place." There was even a moment I felt that the moment would have been expected to focus on MacBree, but we saw classic Jamie x Claire instead. While there was a moment of intermixing of the two couples' moments that did feel a bit... strange... I think for the most part I enjoyed the play off of each other.
Other moments that I really loved: - Jamie x Fergus moment. I could use more of these moments, please and thank you! And give us so many Claire x Fergus moments, too!!! I need those Milord x Milady x Fergus moments like WHOA. - Sassy mouthed children. 'Nuff said. - Soldier!JAMMF - Protective Da!Jamie - Claire in her surgery!!! - Jamie commenting on Claire in her surgery and a moment of SCIENCE talk! - THE MUSIC!! There were some great call back pieces of music. Very noticeable ones from Season 2 and Season 4 which I thought worked brilliantly. And hearing the new theme song played in surround sound like that? CHILLS. - Caitriona + Sam’s names look SO good up there alongside their “Producer” title 💜💜💜
There were also things I could have done without. One in particular that I feel most strongly about is a scene that appears in the recap and then again in more detail in a flashback. One or the other would have been far more than enough, and even then I don't think it was completely necessary. It does make me worried about upcoming storylines and graphicness, but I'm hoping our newest Producers will have helped shape that to a great extent.
Watching this episode and hearing the passionate way Caitriona + Sam talked about it and the season as a whole (as well as shading Season 4 in their own way) really makes me excited to see the rest of this season. I think we'll have really strong stories, greatly drawn characters, and two amazing actors leading the way. Cannot wait for you all to experience it as well!
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blackandwhitemotley · 5 years
He [Burrich] drew up his own stool and looked at me. ‘This Molly. I’ve seen her then, in the washer-courts with Lacey? Carries her head proud? Red glint to her coat?’ ‘Her hair.’ I corrected him grudgingly. ‘Nice wide hips. She’ll bear easily,’ he said with approval.
— Royal Assassin (Robin Hobb)
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dailyfarser · 4 years
Хохлатая чернеть на бездонном озере
В Серебряном бору замечено рекордное количество хохлатой чернети на озере Бездонном Хохлатая чернеть нечасто встречается в водоемах Москвы — она занесена в Красную книгу. Ее довольно легко определить по контрастной окраске самца — его перья черно-белые, а самки обычно бурого или коричневого цвета, причем у обеих особей ярко желтые глаза. Эти утки мельче своих соседей… from WordPress https://ift.tt/36XnJJ9 via IFTTT
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janxhopper-archive · 7 years
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a starser moodboard: 001
Maybe home is just two arms wrapped around you when you're at your worst.
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martamontell · 4 years
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Hi friends! I'm trying to sell books. I have these in English so I'd like to share them here on tumblr. It's the first trilogy of Fitz and the Fool (Farser trilogy) of Robin Hobb. Good condition and I think it's the first edition. I know that shipping costs are expensive, but I sell all of them with shipping costs included at 50 euros. ( I'll include gifts, prints. But I want that these books find a home <3 ) If you are interested send me a private! Thank youu <333 !!!!
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italian-grandma · 4 years
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🇮🇹Sfogliette Farser Classico • • • #relax#snack#patata#chips#Italia#italianfoodbox#food#box#Italy#Nana#salate#salt#cereals#oil#pizza#bbq#zenzero#ginger#classic (presso Enoteca ScaccoBacco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuTid2HBvU/?igshid=1f5aoz7eoziqo
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kastoriafm · 4 years
Οι μεγαλύτεροι φαρσέρ της Ελλάδας, τα πρώτα trolls της χώρας
Ποιος θυμάται τον Φουσέκη, το Λέντη και τους Πατρινούς; Δεν είναι τυχαίο που όλες οι φάρσες έχουν πάνω από μισό εκατομμύριο προβολές η κάθε μία, ενώ έχουν περάσει σχεδόν 20 χρόνια. Ο Φουσέκης, ήταν ένας φαρσέρ της εποχής που μαζί με κάποιους ακόμα (Λέντης, Πατρινοί) έγραψαν ιστορία με τις τηλεφωνικές πλάκες. Ο Φουσέκης ήταν πιο προσεκτικός […]
The post Οι μεγαλύτεροι φαρσέρ της Ελλάδας, τα πρώτα trolls της χώρας appeared first on Kastoria Fm 9.15.
from Kastoria Fm 9.15 https://kastoriafm.gr/oi-megalyteroi-farser-tis-elladas-ta-prota-trolls-tis-choras/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=oi-megalyteroi-farser-tis-elladas-ta-prota-trolls-tis-choras
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wearefromnorth-blog · 5 years
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EN RÅVARE, FLERE MULIGHEDER! 🎃 Efteråret er højsæson for græskar! Græskar er en kaloriefattig råvare, og de er fyldt med gode vitaminer. De indeholder op mod 95% vand og fyldt med A- og B-vitaminer og masser af mineralet kalium. Der er kun 20 kalorier i 100 gram græskar, så mad med græskar er velegnet, specielt når du gerne vil spare på kalorierne! Brug græskarkødet med eller uden skræl, kog det, bag deb, farser, blend - græskar kan bruges til godt og vel ALT - i supper, i brød og kager! Vi giver dig bl.a. gode tips til hvad du kan bruge dem til Fit’N’Food - eksempletvis denne sensommer varme hokkaidosuppe med saltet græskarkerner! 🧡 www.wearefromnorth.com Klik på link i bio 📲 @wearefromnorth #wearefromnorth #fitnfood #sundtoggodt #vægttabsmotivation #mitvægttab #kostvejledning #personligudvikling #sundtliv #kostplan #nemmad #bootcampfitness #vægttabsinspiration #bootcamps #deldinmad #aftensmad #sundmad #sundlivsstil #livsstilsændring (her: Torvehallerne KBH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3drl-wHJeo/?igshid=1ctc3h0a5dxl9
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"We'll Meet in the Middle, Then Fall" Series: Where I Live
© Scott Farser Photography prints.scottfraserphotography.com
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whitewaterpaper · 4 years
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Inga farser denna månad, men väl ett par disney-filmer och några Asylum-fynd!
30,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2007) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
Vanligtvis så är Asylum snäppet efter filmerna man mockbustar. Här lyckas man iaf vara något mer underhållande än Disney-filmen från 50-talet vi såg förra månaden.
Avalon High (2010) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
Modern highschool-omtolkning av Arthur-legenden. Inte fantastisk men okej.
Devil's Gate (2017) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
📜 Missa inte mitt omdöme.
Enola Holmes (2020) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ] 
👍 Helt okej mysteriefilm vars kontrovers snarare är att Sherlock Holmes har känslor och framstår som en rätt sympatisk figur.
Forbidden World (1982) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ] 
👎 🛑 Roger Corman gör en Alien-rippoff men i den här inte särskilt bra. Ni vet ... när man dubbelkollar och trippelkollar om det är en dålig porrfilm man snubblat över...
Heja Satan! ¤ Hail Satan! (2019) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]  
🆓 📺 SVT Play ända fram till 30 sep 2023
👍 Kul dokumentär om en annorlunda gräsrotsrörelse.
Kim Possible (2019) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
👎 🛑 Har inte sett förlagan, men den här klockar inte ens in på okej.
King of the Lost World (2005) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ] 
👎 2005 mockbustade Asylum Peter Jacksons “King Kong”-remake. Och det inte särskilt bra.
Mördartomaterna anfaller ¤ Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
🔁 En film som man snarare vill tycka gott om än finner något större nöje i att se den. Egentligen. En film man inser en bit in att man redan sett. Har nog aldrig orkat engagera mig i uppföljarna.
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals (2020) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
För en europé som bor i en monarki så blir den här bitvis svårköpt. Men kan ändå kvala in som sevärd om man vill ha något lätt-tittat.
Tider Skola Komma ¤ Things to Come (1936) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
Någonstans nämndes det att man efter kriget byggde en vit framtid, troligtvis för det underliga beslutet att flytta in under jorden. Och nog är framtiden i filmen vit ... på ett inte helt positivt vis. Synd på en annars så pass gedigen film.
Åklagarens Vittne ¤ Witness for the Prosecution (1957) [ Vodeville | PlayPilot ]
🆓 📺 Kan ses gratis (med bibliotekskort) via Cineasterna.
👍 Helt okej advokat-mysteriefilm.
Inte för att någon frågat -- men jag kan inte begripa varför Tumblr inte fixar att punktlistorna visas korrekt. :grr:
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themusicsweetly · 6 years
41. Outlander (Starz)
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The adventure epic is one of the most visually appealing shows on television, but it's the romance beautifully delivered by Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan as Claire and Jamie Fraser that lands the show on this list. Their undeniable chemistry, tested over seemingly insurmountable obstacles, keeps us coming back for more.
I’d say undeniable chemistry and beautiful romance is 🎯🎯🎯😍😍😍
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breakingnewslive-gr · 7 years
Συνελήφθη ο φαρσέρ που κατέβασε το παντελόνι του στη σκηνή της Eurovision (φωτο)
Διαβάστε σχετικά για Συνελήφθη από τις ουκρανικές αρχές ο φαρσέρ που αναστάτωσε τον διαγωνισμό τραγουδιού της Eurovision κατεβάζοντας το παντελόνι στη σκηνή, κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωντανής μετάδοσης του τελικού. Την ανακοίνωση της σύλληψης έκανε ο ίδιος ο http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/synelhf8h-o-farser-poy-katebase-to-panteloni-toy-sth-skhnh-ths-eurovision-fwto?uid=195092&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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dailyfarser · 4 years
Не надо нас травить!
К сожалению, как смена времён года или дня и ночи — стали привычными отравления реки Пахра. Мы уже писали на эту тему, но из года в год ситуация повторяется. Какая-то нечисть по-прежнему сбрасывает нечистоты в реку. В реке гибнет рыба, моллюски, раки (а кое кто из них, между прочем, — краснокнижные). Не будем забывать, что… from WordPress https://ift.tt/2MnD1O9 via IFTTT
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