#fantasy system
erissdoesart · 25 days
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Game au! Philza got a bit traumatised... And then very op!
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orionis13 · 5 months
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This moment brought to you by ice feast
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sublime82 · 10 months
Gates Dungeons oh my
the Hero Chronicler
Gates:   Gates are the first of the mysterious phenomena that inhabit our world that appeared. Not much is actually truly understood about them, However the main theory is that they are actually worm holes that connect our world to another. However they are unstable and due to the nature of the Gate once the core of the gate is destroyed the gate will close. 
Gate Access: Gates are only able to be entered by heroes, Heroes can only access gates that correspond to their own level. This is because gates are covered by an invisible magical barrier that can only be breached by a magical power equal or greater than it.  
electronics inside:  Due to the Magical Barrier, no communication devices can be used inside the gate that also includes items like cameras or gps, due to the magical energy frying the electronic device.
Gate Level: All Gates radiate Mana Energy of a certain level the stronger the Gate Core inside the gate the higher the level, and the higher the level the more dangerous the gate is.
Liminal plane: Inside of the gate resides a pocket dimension that acts as a tethering point between our world. Its appearance varies depending on the gate. This interior world is a melting pot of our world and the other world.
Gate Items: Due to the unstable nature no entity or item that came from inside the gate can be removed from the gate.
Other world: it is unknown if all the gates are connected to the same world or Dimension or if there are multiple different worlds.
The Core: The Core of a gate usually is tied to the most powerful entity inside the Gate, and killing the entity or Boss Monster will cause the closure of the gate causing the gate to be closed and disappear from our world and sending all who are inside the gate to be instantaneously sent back to earth.
Gate Break: this is a Phenomenon that is akin to a natural disaster, its caused by the build up of Mana that can no longer be contained within the Gate causing it rip open the the gate and allowing the inhabitants to come pouring out into our world.Once a Gate Break happens it is then impossible to close it again. Once the gate break happens the dimensional energies will terra form the nearby area, creating a Dungeon.
Dungeons:  Dungeons are the permeate fusion between our worlds. Dungeons terraform the surrounding area to what the inside of the interior world looked like.
Dungeons Access: Unlike with gates due to the fact dungeons no longer have their magical barrier that separated our world from the interior plane dungeons can be accessed by anyone including non heroes, this also means that the inhabitants inside the dungeons can leave at any time. This causes them to need to be cordoned off and strictly monitored and purged.
Artifact: Due to the permanent nature of dungeons you can actually take items out of the dungeons. These items include monster crystals, magic items and even gold. All Items from the dungeon are controlled by the Hero association  all items must be deposited to the Guild. The magic artifacts will be kept by the Hero by the right of conquest. 
The Guild: each Dungeon is managed by the hero association who will then appoint a qualified guild. A guild is in charge of clean up and customs; they make sure that no unauthorized person enters the Dungeon. They also manage the items that come out of the dungeons to make sure no unauthorized items come out. Such as monster parts. Items such as Dungeon Gold and Monster crystals are deposited to the bank of the guild under the hunters account. 
Dungeon Diving: Unlike with Gates the inside of a dungeon you are able to use electronic devices, This has led to the creation of a new Sporting event called Dungeon diving where a party will stream or video themselves diving into the dungeon.
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glittersploots · 4 months
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heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned
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rebelsafoot · 5 months
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this trend Also could have worked for foreman, cameron and chase
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nosnexus · 4 months
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This started as me wanting to draw Bucky as a paladin of Cassandra and got out of hand from there.
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tertiadecimapostolus · 6 months
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White Crane and Black Lotus
«If you were to compare your partner to an animal, what would they be?”
Without needing to think, Luo Binghe said, “A white crane.”
“I can’t think of an animal,” said Shen Qingqiu. “But I do have a plant. A black lotus.»
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Bits about Familiars (Bonus Fleki's Familiar Trip)
(From the Adventurer's Bible Glossary) Summoning Spells There are three types of summoning spell. One controls existing spirits or Monsters, while another turns plants and animals into monsters and controls them. The third uses foodstuffs and the caster's hair to create familiars from scratch. Maizuru's Technique of using patterns and curses to summon the hag and bull demon shikigami is a type of summoning Spell.
Sources and recommended reading for more info on Familiars: Adventurer's Bible | ch 48 - Familiar | ch 76 - Lord of the Dungeon II | ch 79 - Parasites | Familiars Monster Tidbits
The summary of my understanding is that
Summoned creatures can be considered Familiars, same with the ones that are created by the summoner examples are Holm's Undyne/Gnome, Fleki's crow, Pattadol's Fairy, Marcille's Familiars
They are able to control some familiars by creating a mental connection to them, so they may be able to access the Familiars sense's with the downside that they are also damaged the same way the Familiar is examples: Marcille's Familiars, Fleki comatose state, Thistle's eye's of the magician, the canaries getting sick from Laios' Party.
Seems like a dangerous type of magic use, for the caster especially in the case of controlling them themselves, so no wonder they need proper qualification.
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entroart · 6 months
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Cat HRT - First Appointment Inspired by Dragon HRT (@ayviedoesthings), Fish HRT (@welldrawnfish), Bat HRT (@kaylasartwork) and Puppy HRT (@nyxisart)
After some time I decided to just do it, I wanted to give my spin into this to see how things would work as a system (since is already complicated to just be trans hehe...)
Anyway yeah I just wanted to do it and I needed quite a lot encouragement
Next Cat HRT
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itsguysnightitsironic · 4 months
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Vulture dimension? More like, *goes into a rage* *goes into a rage* *goes into a rage* *goes into a ra-
This video clip will be big evil next season I think
All I know of Fantasy High is fan compilations while being in a feverish state that made me see people in the shadows, and I think I don't need to know anything else.
Peak experience.
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burntoutdaydreamer · 2 months
Worldbuilding and Magic Systems: Things to Consider
Have a magic system in mind for your fantasy world? Here's a list of things to consider to help you tie this system into the rest of your worldbuilding, so that it feels more believable and realistic.
What is the source of magic? Is it natural or man-made? Can humans use magic or is it a force of nature that only animals or other races can use?
Does magic originate from inside a person or does it require external items to use? If it comes from items, can the items be made? How long does it take to make the items?
Does the magic cost anything- money, stamina, health, etc.?
Can a person be cut off from being able to use magic? If so, how?
How common is magic in your world? Is it so common that everyone has seen it or is it a subject of myths and rumors?
How long have the people in your world known about magic? Has it always been there or is it a new discovery?
How much does the average person know about magic? How much do experts know? What do people not understand about this magic? Are there any common misconceptions? Myths?
Is magic revered or feared? Or if it's common, is it taken for granted? Are there any taboos surrounding magic?
How many types of magic are there? Are some more common than others?
Are there dedicated schools of thought surrounding the study of magic? Is it taught about in schools? If so, is it taught to children or only at the college (or equivalent) level?
Who can use magic? Who can't? Is it something that only the rich and powerful can use? Why? Or do genetics determine who can use it? Wealth?
Are there any physical limitations that might restrict who can use magic? For instance, maybe old or sickly people can't use magic because it requires a lot of physical effort. Does your society provide accommodations for people who can't use magic? Is a lack of magic ability considered a disability?
Does education level determine capacity for magic?
How easy is it to gain access to magic? How easy is it to learn about magic?
How powerful or useful is magic for different parts of society? Military? Medicine? Entertainment? Art? Childcare? Government? Communication? Business?
How does magic affect the politics of your world? How does it shape the economy? Are there feuds over the use of magic? Do powerful groups in your world have an incentive to limit the use and accessibility of magic? Why?
What happens when people no longer have access to magic? Does this cripple their ability to go through their daily lives? How?
Mix, match, and cross-reference these with other elements of your worldbuilding to form a believable magic system that lives and breaths just as the rest of your world does. For every answer you give to the questions above, consider and build upon the implications of what that might mean for your world. A worldbuilder's best skill is the ability to ask "How will this affect ___?" So make sure you're always considering the ripple effects of each element you add to your world.
Happy worldbuilding y'all!
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bacchuschucklefuck · 17 days
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space sweepers but they're delivery people and are at no point on screen through the entire movie
#fantasy high#riz gukgak#kristen applebees#gorgug thistlespring#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#figueroth faeth#the bad kids#half tempted to say these names are forum handles they use so much it pretty much became their professional names lol#I keep them teenagers bc its funnier that way#no real lore I just like drawing this. but I do think abt how theyre all weirdos too also bc thats funny to me#riz is a huge conspiracyhead who does everything by hands. he has a casio fx-570 in mint condition. nobody knows how he's maintaining it#he is nonetheless Really Good at his job. which somewhat tracks bc it's a job that requires keeping up with interstation conflicts#and new policies and an obsessive amount of planning. but he is Too Good at it. and also he dresses like that#kristen has the atomic engine that theoretically lets her unmake and remake matters with her mind. but it consumes a huge amount#of energy so it's mostly useless. she's still a cult survivor also#gorgug lives his entire life on a ship with his parents who quit a cushy deal maintaining a space station bc he wouldn't be allowed on#the low gravity let him grow very tall but also his oxygen saturation is pretty bad so he's got breathing support#fig is a robot who just found out she's a robot like two months ago. she's been assuming everyone's a robot like her and she's been feeling#very betrayed by her mom lying about that part. she's on a body mod spree which is rough bc system-specific parts are expensive#and so is adapting random parts to her system#fabian's still a pirate captain's son. can't say anything that'd be able to get the vibes across clearer than that#adaine went to tech/business school. she put her monthly allowance towards an ecoterrorist group in her academy which turned out to be an o#and she's currently wanted by UTS. more than fabian. which makes him slightly mad#she's also acquired a passion for low-tech weaponry on the way. she likes ice picks and cleavers#I think up all of this for no reason except that once again the idea of all these people being 1/teens and 2/on the same ship to be posties#is hilarious to me. esp. if they were in a forum group chat beforehand
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vebokki · 22 days
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what if uhhh mage shen qingqiu and earnest knight binghe whose devotion sqq ends up winning after saving his life? what then?
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sublime82 · 10 months
Part 2: NAU- North American Union - Heroes Association
The Hero Chronicler
Hero Association: After the Emergence of Dungeons and Heroes the world government would go on to create the Hero Association as a means to Monitor and Control both the gates and heroes.
NAU- North American Union: after the End Day event in 2012  in which half of all life on earth disappeared the Hero Association of the USA created a merger with all other Hero Association on the North and Central America Continent, as a means to monitor the massive amount of land and to maintain its position as a Superpower in the world.
The NAU acts as a separate governing body and is considered its own country with its own laws to govern over the dungeon and heroes; they have no say over the laws of the regular people and only govern the dungeons and heroes.
As a perk of being a hero of the NAU you are considered a fully recognized citizen of all the countries apart of the NAU with full protected rights.
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pizzacastella · 4 months
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lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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I think Brennan did something interesting with the Porter and Gorgug scene in the last episode. Porter is by all appearances a competent Barbarian teacher. He understands the role of Rage and its mechanical combat benefits, and he even recognizes how Gorgug uses Rage to protect those he cares about. But he doesn't understand how multiclassing into a caster fits into that framework.
And it's true! In 5e you can't cast or concentrate on spells in a Rage. But-- Artificers work a little different than other casters! Alchemist Elixirs and Arcane Cannons aren't technically spells. Arcane Armor just works. And so does the Steel Defender.
Of any caster I think the Artificer is probably the best-suited to multiclass Barbarian because their key subclass features are largely not spells. But it also runs into the problem of requiring multiple high stats. Barbarians already want high STR and CON, and Artificers need INT for their spells and spell saves.
And so there's this narrative tension here. Brennan the DM obviously wants to let his player have fun with the character build-- embracing the creative artificer side of himself is a great character moment for Gorgug, bearer of the tin flower. Someone who has always channeled Rage to protect those he cares about but who has also been called to create and preserve beauty.
And yet mechanically, it's a difficult build. We didn't see Gorgug cast anything in the Night Yorb battle, as far as I recall? And in-universe, classes are a formally recognized thing that require approval. But Gorgug can't be the kind of Barbarian that Porter wants him to be. So he has to show that he can be a different kind of Barbarian-- one whose magic integrates and synergizes with his Rage rather than opposing it.
We see Gorgug still insecure about his homunculus and about the solar lasso, even though these are objectively impressive feats. So it's not a skill issue but an internal conflict-- it's only once Gorgug reconciles and synthesizes his magic with his Barbarian side that the in-world powers that be will recognize him for all of who he is.
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